mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
- all remaining ->sectnum in nnexts.cpp.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 52 additions and 45 deletions
@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ void nnExtInitModernStuff()
pXSprite->Proximity = false;
// very quick fix for floor sprites with Touch trigger flag if their Z is equals sector floorz / ceilgz
if (pSprite->sectnum >= 0 && pXSprite->Touch && (pSprite->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR)) {
if (pSprite->insector() && pXSprite->Touch && (pSprite->cstat & CSTAT_SPRITE_ALIGNMENT_FLOOR)) {
if (pSprite->z == pSprite->sector()->floorz) pSprite->z--;
else if (pSprite->z == pSprite->sector()->ceilingz) pSprite->z++;
@ -1030,12 +1030,12 @@ DBloodActor* randomSpawnDude(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* origin, int
static void windGenDoVerticalWind(int factor, int nSector)
static void windGenDoVerticalWind(int factor, sectortype* pSector)
int val, maxZ = 0, zdiff; bool maxZfound = false;
// find maxz marker first
BloodSectIterator it(nSector);
BloodSectIterator it(pSector);
while (auto actor = it.Next())
auto sp = &actor->s();
@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@ static void windGenDoVerticalWind(int factor, int nSector)
while (auto actor = it.Next())
auto pSpr = &actor->s();
@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
XSECTOR* pXSector = &pSector->xs();
if ((!pXSector->locked) && (fWindAlways || pXSector->windAlways || pXSector->busy))
windGenDoVerticalWind(pXWind->sysData2, sectnum(pSector));
windGenDoVerticalWind(pXWind->sysData2, pSector);
DBloodActor* pXRedir = nullptr; // check redirected TX buckets
@ -1166,17 +1166,17 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
XSECTOR* pXSector = &pSector->xs();
if ((!pXSector->locked) && (fWindAlways || pXSector->windAlways || pXSector->busy))
windGenDoVerticalWind(pXWind->sysData2, sectnum(pSector));
windGenDoVerticalWind(pXWind->sysData2, pSector);
else if (validSectorIndex(pWind->sectnum))
else if (pWind->insector())
sectortype* pSect = pWind->sector();
XSECTOR* pXSector = (pSect->hasX()) ? &pSect->xs() : nullptr;
if ((fWindAlways) || (pXSector && !pXSector->locked && (pXSector->windAlways || pXSector->busy)))
windGenDoVerticalWind(pXWind->sysData2, pWind->sectnum);
windGenDoVerticalWind(pXWind->sysData2, pWind->sector());
@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
int x = pSightSpr->x;
int y = pSightSpr->y;
int z = pSightSpr->z;
int sectnum = pSightSpr->sectnum;
auto pSightSect = pSightSpr->sector();
int ztop2, zbot2;
for (int a = connecthead; a >= 0; a = connectpoint2[a])
@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
spritetype* pPlaySprite = pPlayer->pSprite;
GetSpriteExtents(pPlaySprite, &ztop2, &zbot2);
if (cansee(x, y, z, sectnum, pPlaySprite->x, pPlaySprite->y, ztop2, pPlaySprite->sectnum))
if (cansee(x, y, z, pSightSect, pPlaySprite->x, pPlaySprite->y, ztop2, pPlaySprite->sector()))
if (pXSightSpr->Sight)
@ -1331,7 +1331,7 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
if (pXSector != nullptr)
if ((uwater = pXSector->Underwater) != 0) airVel <<= 6;
if (pXSector->panVel != 0 && getflorzofslope(pDebris->sectnum, pDebris->x, pDebris->y) <= bottom)
if (pXSector->panVel != 0 && getflorzofslopeptr(pDebris->sector(), pDebris->x, pDebris->y) <= bottom)
int angle = pXSector->panAngle; int speed = 0;
if (pXSector->panAlways || pXSector->state || pXSector->busy)
@ -3019,7 +3019,7 @@ void useTeleportTarget(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* actor)
clampSprite(actor, 0x01);
if (pSource->flags & kModernTypeFlag1) // force telefrag
TeleFrag(actor, pSource->sectnum);
TeleFrag(actor, pSource->sector());
if (pSprite->flags & kPhysGravity)
pSprite->flags |= kPhysFalling;
@ -3032,14 +3032,14 @@ void useTeleportTarget(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* actor)
if (pXSector->Underwater)
auto aLink = getLowerLink(pSource->sectnum);
auto aLink = pSource->sector()->lowerLink;
spritetype* pLink = nullptr;
if (aLink)
// must be sure we found exact same upper link
for (int i = 0; i < numsectors; i++)
for(auto& sec : sectors())
auto aUpper = getUpperLink(i);
auto aUpper = sec.upperLink;
if (aUpper == nullptr || aUpper->x().data1 != aLink->x().data1) continue;
pLink = &aLink->s();
@ -3167,7 +3167,7 @@ void useEffectGen(DBloodActor* sourceactor, DBloodActor* actor)
case 3:
case 4:
if (!validSectorIndex(pSprite->sectnum)) pos = top;
if (!pSprite->insector()) pos = top;
else pos = (pXSource->data4 == 3) ? pSprite->sector()->floorz : pSprite->sector()->ceilingz;
@ -3586,7 +3586,7 @@ void useSeqSpawnerGen(DBloodActor* sourceactor, int objType, sectortype* pSector
auto pSprite = &iactor->s();
if (pXSource->data2 <= 0) seqKill(iactor);
else if (validSectorIndex(pSprite->sectnum))
else if (pSprite->insector())
if (pXSource->data3 > 0)
@ -3611,7 +3611,7 @@ void useSeqSpawnerGen(DBloodActor* sourceactor, int objType, sectortype* pSector
case 5:
case 6:
if (!validSectorIndex(pSprite->sectnum)) pSpawned->z = top;
if (!pSprite->insector()) pSpawned->z = top;
else pSpawned->z = (pXSource->data3 == 5) ? spawned->sector()->floorz : spawned->sector()->ceilingz;
@ -4285,7 +4285,7 @@ bool condCheckDude(DBloodActor* aCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH)
case 3:
case 4:
var = cansee(pSpr->x, pSpr->y, pSpr->z, pSpr->sectnum, pTrgt->x, pTrgt->y, pTrgt->z - eyeAboveZ, pTrgt->sectnum);
var = cansee(pSpr->x, pSpr->y, pSpr->z, pSpr->sector(), pTrgt->x, pTrgt->y, pTrgt->z - eyeAboveZ, pTrgt->sector());
if (cond == 4 && var > 0)
var = ((1024 + getangle(dx, dy) - pSpr->ang) & 2047) - 1024;
@ -4426,7 +4426,7 @@ bool condCheckSprite(DBloodActor* aCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH)
else if (PUSH) condPush(aCond, objActor->GetOwner());
return true;
case 20: // stays in a sector?
if (!validSectorIndex(pSpr->sectnum)) return false;
if (!pSpr->insector()) return false;
else if (PUSH) condPush(aCond, pSpr->sector());
return true;
case 25:
@ -5604,7 +5604,7 @@ bool modernTypeOperateSprite(DBloodActor* actor, const EVENT& event)
case kCmdRepeat:
if (pXSprite->txID > 0) modernTypeSendCommand(actor, pXSprite->txID, (COMMAND_ID)pXSprite->command);
else if (pXSprite->data1 == 0 && validSectorIndex(pSprite->sectnum)) useSpriteDamager(actor, OBJ_SECTOR, pSprite->sector(), nullptr);
else if (pXSprite->data1 == 0 && pSprite->insector()) useSpriteDamager(actor, OBJ_SECTOR, pSprite->sector(), nullptr);
else if (pXSprite->data1 >= 666 && pXSprite->data1 < 669) useSpriteDamager(actor, -1, nullptr, nullptr);
@ -6648,14 +6648,14 @@ void useSlopeChanger(DBloodActor* sourceactor, int objType, sectortype* pSect, D
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
if (!validSectorIndex(pSpr->sectnum)) break;
if (!pSpr->insector()) break;
switch (pXSource->data4)
case 1: sprite2sectorSlope(objActor, pSpr->sector(), 0, flag2); break;
case 2: sprite2sectorSlope(objActor, pSpr->sector(), 1, flag2); break;
case 3:
if (getflorzofslope(pSpr->sectnum, pSpr->x, pSpr->y) - kSlopeDist <= pSpr->z) sprite2sectorSlope(objActor, pSpr->sector(), 0, flag2);
if (getceilzofslope(pSpr->sectnum, pSpr->x, pSpr->y) + kSlopeDist >= pSpr->z) sprite2sectorSlope(objActor, pSpr->sector(), 1, flag2);
if (getflorzofslopeptr(pSpr->sector(), pSpr->x, pSpr->y) - kSlopeDist <= pSpr->z) sprite2sectorSlope(objActor, pSpr->sector(), 0, flag2);
if (getceilzofslopeptr(pSpr->sector(), pSpr->x, pSpr->y) + kSlopeDist >= pSpr->z) sprite2sectorSlope(objActor, pSpr->sector(), 1, flag2);
@ -7521,7 +7521,8 @@ bool setDataValueOfObject(int objType, sectortype* sect, walltype* wal, DBloodAc
bool nnExtCanMove(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* target, int nAngle, int nRange)
auto pSprite = &actor->s();
int x = pSprite->x, y = pSprite->y, z = pSprite->z, nSector = pSprite->sectnum;
int x = pSprite->x, y = pSprite->y, z = pSprite->z;
auto pSector = pSprite->sector();
HitScan(actor, z, Cos(nAngle) >> 16, Sin(nAngle) >> 16, 0, CLIPMASK0, nRange);
int nDist = approxDist(x - gHitInfo.hitx, y - gHitInfo.hity);
if (target != nullptr && nDist - (pSprite->clipdist << 2) < nRange)
@ -7529,13 +7530,13 @@ bool nnExtCanMove(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* target, int nAngle, int nRang
x += MulScale(nRange, Cos(nAngle), 30);
y += MulScale(nRange, Sin(nAngle), 30);
if (!FindSector(x, y, z, &nSector))
if (!FindSector(x, y, z, &pSector))
return false;
if (sector[nSector].hasX()) {
if (pSector->hasX()) {
XSECTOR* pXSector = §or[nSector].xs();
return !((sector[nSector].type == kSectorDamage || pXSector->damageType > 0) && pXSector->state && !nnExtIsImmune(actor, pXSector->damageType, 16));
XSECTOR* pXSector = &pSector->xs();
return !((pSector->type == kSectorDamage || pXSector->damageType > 0) && pXSector->state && !nnExtIsImmune(actor, pXSector->damageType, 16));
@ -8149,11 +8150,15 @@ void aiPatrolAlarmFull(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* targetactor, bool chain)
int eaz2 = (getDudeInfo(pSprite->type)->eyeHeight * pSprite->yrepeat) << 2;
int x2 = pSprite->x, y2 = pSprite->y, z2 = pSprite->z - eaz2, sect2 = pSprite->sectnum;
int x2 = pSprite->x, y2 = pSprite->y, z2 = pSprite->z - eaz2;
auto pSect2 = pSprite->sector();
int tzt, tzb;
GetActorExtents(targetactor, &tzt, &tzb);
int x3 = pTarget->x, y3 = pTarget->y, z3 = tzt, sect3 = pTarget->sectnum;
int x3 = pTarget->x, y3 = pTarget->y, z3 = tzt;
auto pSect3 = pTarget->sector();
BloodStatIterator it(kStatDude);
while (auto dudeactor = it.Next())
@ -8167,7 +8172,9 @@ void aiPatrolAlarmFull(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* targetactor, bool chain)
int eaz1 = (getDudeInfo(pDude->type)->eyeHeight * pDude->yrepeat) << 2;
int x1 = pDude->x, y1 = pDude->y, z1 = pDude->z - eaz1, sect1 = pDude->sectnum;
int x1 = pDude->x, y1 = pDude->y, z1 = pDude->z - eaz1;
auto pSect1 = pDude->sector();
int nDist1 = approxDist(x1 - x2, y1 - y2);
int nDist2 = approxDist(x1 - x3, y1 - y3);
@ -8175,7 +8182,7 @@ void aiPatrolAlarmFull(DBloodActor* actor, DBloodActor* targetactor, bool chain)
int sdist = (pXDude->dudeGuard) ? 0 : getDudeInfo(pDude->type)->seeDist / 2;
if (//(nDist1 < hdist || nDist2 < hdist) ||
((nDist1 < sdist && cansee(x1, y1, z1, sect1, x2, y2, z2, sect2)) || (nDist2 < sdist && cansee(x1, y1, z1, sect1, x3, y3, z3, sect3)))) {
((nDist1 < sdist && cansee(x1, y1, z1, pSect1, x2, y2, z2, pSect2)) || (nDist2 < sdist && cansee(x1, y1, z1, pSect1, x3, y3, z3, pSect3)))) {
if (aiInPatrolState(pXDude->aiState)) aiPatrolStop(dudeactor, dudeactor->GetTarget());
if (dudeactor->GetTarget() && dudeactor->GetTarget() == actor->GetTarget())
@ -8326,7 +8333,7 @@ DBloodActor* aiPatrolSearchTargets(DBloodActor* actor)
soundEngine->EnumerateChannels([&](FSoundChan* chan)
int sndx = 0, sndy = 0;
int searchsect = -1;
sectortype* searchsect = nullptr;
if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Actor)
auto emitter = (spritetype*)chan->Source;
@ -8339,8 +8346,8 @@ DBloodActor* aiPatrolSearchTargets(DBloodActor* actor)
if (pSpr != emitter && emitterActor->GetOwner() != actor)
if (!validSectorIndex(emitter->sectnum)) return false;
searchsect = emitter->sectnum;
if (!emitter->insector()) return false;
searchsect = emitter->sector();
else if (chan->SourceType == SOURCE_Unattached)
@ -8348,9 +8355,9 @@ DBloodActor* aiPatrolSearchTargets(DBloodActor* actor)
if (chan->UserData < 0 || chan->UserData >= numsectors) return false; // not a vaild sector sound.
sndx = int(chan->Point[0] * 16);
sndy = int(chan->Point[1] * -16);
searchsect = chan->UserData;
searchsect = §or[chan->UserData];
if (searchsect == -1) return false;
if (searchsect == nullptr) return false;
int nDist = approxDist(sndx - pSprite->x, sndy - pSprite->y);
if (nDist > hearDist) return false;
@ -8492,7 +8499,7 @@ DBloodActor* aiPatrolSearchTargets(DBloodActor* actor)
else if (pSpr->sectnum != pSteal->sectnum)
else if (pSpr->sector() != pSteal->sector())
if (crouch && pPlayer->posture == kPostureStand)
@ -8507,7 +8514,7 @@ DBloodActor* aiPatrolSearchTargets(DBloodActor* actor)
else if (pSprite->sectnum != pSteal->sectnum)
else if (pSpr->sector() != pSteal->sector())
@ -9136,7 +9143,7 @@ void clampSprite(DBloodActor* actor, int which)
auto pSprite = &actor->s();
int zTop, zBot;
if (validSectorIndex(pSprite->sectnum))
if (pSprite->insector())
GetSpriteExtents(pSprite, &zTop, &zBot);
if (which & 0x01)
@ -1402,9 +1402,9 @@ bool SectorContainsDudes(int nSector)
return 0;
void TeleFrag(DBloodActor* killer, int nSector)
void TeleFrag(DBloodActor* killer, sectortype* pSector)
BloodSectIterator it(nSector);
BloodSectIterator it(pSector);
while (auto victim = it.Next())
spritetype *pSprite = &victim->s();
@ -1440,7 +1440,7 @@ void OperateTeleport(unsigned int nSector, XSECTOR *pXSector)
if (!(gGameOptions.uNetGameFlags & 2))
TeleFrag(pXSector->actordata, pDest->sectnum);
TeleFrag(pXSector->actordata, pDest->sector());
pSprite->x = pDest->x;
pSprite->y = pDest->y;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void trTextOver(int nId);
bool SetSpriteState(DBloodActor* actor, int nState);
bool SetWallState(walltype* pWall, int nState);
bool SetSectorState(int nSector, XSECTOR* pXSector, int nState);
void TeleFrag(DBloodActor* killer, int nSector);
void TeleFrag(DBloodActor* killer, sectortype* pSector);
void SectorStartSound(sectortype* pSector, int nState);
void SectorEndSound(sectortype* pSector, int nState);
Reference in a new issue