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synced 2025-02-28 22:21:07 +00:00
Revise view background / border drawing code.
New event "EVENT_UPDATESCREENAREA" Use this event to change the size of the game view, similar to when you press + or -. New event "EVENT_DISPLAYBORDER" Set RETURN to change the background tile of the game view, set -1 to disable the background and border. New userdef structures "screenarea_x1", "screenarea_y1", "screenarea_x2", "screenarea_y2" Use these structures to change the boundaries of the view in EVENT_UPDATESCREENAREA. Patch from Fox. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@6518 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 106 additions and 76 deletions
@ -132,6 +132,8 @@ enum GameEvent_t {
#ifdef LUNATIC
@ -147,6 +147,7 @@ typedef struct {
int32_t democams,color,msgdisptime,statusbarmode;
int32_t m_noexits,noexits,autovote,automsg,idplayers;
int32_t team, viewbob, weaponsway, althud, weaponscale, textscale;
int32_t screenarea_x1, screenarea_y1, screenarea_x2, screenarea_y2;
int32_t entered_name,screen_tilting,shadows,fta_on,executions,auto_run;
int32_t coords,showfps,levelstats,m_coop,coop,screen_size,lockout,crosshair;
@ -728,6 +728,8 @@ const char *EventNames[MAXEVENTS] =
#ifdef LUNATIC
@ -1220,6 +1222,10 @@ const memberlabel_t UserdefsLabels[]=
{ "mgametext_tracking", USERDEFS_MGAMETEXT_TRACKING, 0, 0 },
{ "menutext_tracking", USERDEFS_MENUTEXT_TRACKING, 0, 0 },
{ "maxspritesonscreen", USERDEFS_MAXSPRITESONSCREEN, 0, 0 },
{ "screenarea_x1", USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_X1, 0, 0 },
{ "screenarea_y1", USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_Y1, 0, 0 },
{ "screenarea_x2", USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_X2, 0, 0 },
{ "screenarea_y2", USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_Y2, 0, 0 },
{ NULL, -1, 0, 0 } // END OF LIST
@ -526,6 +526,10 @@ enum UserdefsLabel_t
@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ int32_t __fastcall VM_GetUserdef(int32_t labelNum)
case USERDEFS_MGAMETEXT_TRACKING: labelNum = MF_Bluefont.between.x; break;
case USERDEFS_MENUTEXT_TRACKING: labelNum = MF_Redfont.between.x; break;
case USERDEFS_MAXSPRITESONSCREEN: labelNum = maxspritesonscreen; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_X1: labelNum = ud.screenarea_x1; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_Y1: labelNum = ud.screenarea_y1; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_X2: labelNum = ud.screenarea_x2; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_Y2: labelNum = ud.screenarea_y2; break;
default: labelNum = -1; break;
@ -296,6 +300,10 @@ void __fastcall VM_SetUserdef(int32_t const labelNum, int32_t const iSet)
case USERDEFS_MGAMETEXT_TRACKING: MF_BluefontRed.between.x = MF_Bluefont.between.x = iSet; break;
case USERDEFS_MENUTEXT_TRACKING: MF_Redfont.between.x = iSet; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_X1: ud.screenarea_x1 = iSet; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_Y1: ud.screenarea_y1 = iSet; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_X2: ud.screenarea_x2 = iSet; break;
case USERDEFS_SCREENAREA_Y2: ud.screenarea_y2 = iSet; break;
default: break;
@ -569,11 +569,11 @@ void G_UpdateScreenArea(void)
const int32_t ss = max(ud.screen_size-8,0);
const int32_t x1 = scale(ss,xdim,160);
int32_t x1 = scale(ss,xdim,160);
int32_t x2 = xdim-x1;
int32_t y1 = ss;
int32_t y2 = 200;
int32_t y2 = 200-ss;
if (ud.screen_size > 0 && (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_FRAGBAR) && (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1))
@ -582,17 +582,31 @@ void G_UpdateScreenArea(void)
if (i > j) j = i;
if (j >= 1) y1 += 8;
if (j >= 4) y1 += 8;
if (j >= 8) y1 += 8;
if (j >= 12) y1 += 8;
if (j > 0) y1 += 8;
if (j > 4) y1 += 8;
if (j > 8) y1 += 8;
if (j > 12) y1 += 8;
y2 *= 100;
if (ud.screen_size >= 8 && ud.statusbarmode==0)
y2 -= (ss+scale(tilesiz[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR].y,ud.statusbarscale,100));
y2 -= tilesiz[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR].y*ud.statusbarscale;
y1 = scale(y1,ydim,200);
y2 = scale(y2,ydim,200)+(getrendermode() != REND_CLASSIC);
y2 = scale(y2,ydim,200*100);
ud.screenarea_x1 = x1;
ud.screenarea_y1 = y1;
ud.screenarea_x2 = x2;
ud.screenarea_y2 = y2;
VM_OnEvent(EVENT_UPDATESCREENAREA, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i, screenpeek);
x1 = ud.screenarea_x1;
y1 = ud.screenarea_y1;
x2 = ud.screenarea_x2;
y2 = ud.screenarea_y2;
if (g_halveScreenArea)
@ -1021,25 +1021,13 @@ void G_DrawStatusBar(int32_t snum)
void G_DrawBackground(void)
const int32_t dapicnum = BIGHOLE;
int32_t x, y, x1, x2;
int32_t y1=0, y2=ydim;
if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) || ud.recstat == 2)
#if 0
// [JM] Commented out since it breaks fragbar in widescreen and serves no other useful purpose anymore.
if (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FRAGBAR)
if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1)) y1 += scale(ydim, 8, 200);
if (ud.multimode > 4) y1 += scale(ydim, 8, 200);
if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm&MODE_GAME) == 0 && ud.recstat != 2)
const int32_t MENUTILE = MENUSCREEN;//(getrendermode() == REND_CLASSIC ? MENUSCREEN : LOADSCREEN);
const int32_t fstilep = tilesiz[MENUTILE].x>=320 && tilesiz[MENUTILE].y==200;
@ -1067,85 +1055,92 @@ void G_DrawBackground(void)
int32_t const dapicnum = VM_OnEventWithReturn(EVENT_DISPLAYBORDER, g_player[screenpeek].ps->i, screenpeek, BIGHOLE);
// XXX: if dapicnum is not available, this might leave the menu background
// not drawn, leading to "HOM".
if (tilesiz[dapicnum].x == 0 || tilesiz[dapicnum].y == 0)
if ((dapicnum >= 0 && tilesiz[dapicnum].x == 0) || (dapicnum >= 0 && tilesiz[dapicnum].y == 0) ||
(windowxy1.x-1 <= 0 && windowxy2.x >= xdim-1 && windowxy1.y-1 <= 0 && windowxy2.y >= ydim-1) ||
dapicnum < 0)
pus = pub = NUMPAGES;
y2 = scale(ydim, 200-sbarsc(tilesiz[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR].y), 200);
if ((ud.screen_size > 8) || ((g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FRAGBAR) && ud.screen_size >= 4))
if (ud.screen_size > 0 && (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_FRAGBAR) && (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1))
// across top
for (y=0; y<windowxy1.y; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
for (x=0; x<xdim; x+=tilesiz[dapicnum].x)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, y1, xdim-1, windowxy1.y-1);
int32_t i, j = 0;
if (i > j) j = i;
if (j > 0) y1 += 8;
if (j > 4) y1 += 8;
if (j > 8) y1 += 8;
if (j > 12) y1 += 8;
y1 = scale(ydim, y1, 200);
y1 -= ((tilesiz[dapicnum].y / y1) +1) * tilesiz[dapicnum].y;
if (ud.screen_size > 8)
if (windowxy1.y > 0)
for (y=y1; y<windowxy1.y; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
for (x=0; x<xdim; x+=tilesiz[dapicnum].x)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, 0, xdim-1, windowxy1.y-2); // top
if (windowxy1.x > 0 || windowxy2.x < xdim)
// sides
const int32_t rx = windowxy2.x-windowxy2.x%tilesiz[dapicnum].x;
for (y=windowxy1.y-windowxy1.y%tilesiz[dapicnum].y; y<windowxy2.y; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
for (y=y1+windowxy1.y-windowxy1.y%tilesiz[dapicnum].y; y<windowxy2.y; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
for (x=0; x<windowxy1.x || x+rx<xdim; x+=tilesiz[dapicnum].x)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, windowxy1.y, windowxy1.x-1, windowxy2.y-1);
rotatesprite((x+rx)<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, windowxy2.x, windowxy1.y, xdim-1, windowxy2.y-1);
if (windowxy1.x > 0)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, windowxy1.y-1, windowxy1.x-2, windowxy2.y); // left
if (windowxy2.x < xdim)
rotatesprite((x+rx)<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, windowxy2.x+1, windowxy1.y-1, xdim-1, windowxy2.y); // right
// along bottom
for (y=windowxy2.y-(windowxy2.y%tilesiz[dapicnum].y); y<y2; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
if (windowxy2.y < ydim)
for (y=y1+windowxy2.y-(windowxy2.y%tilesiz[dapicnum].y); y<y2; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
for (x=0; x<xdim; x+=tilesiz[dapicnum].x)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, windowxy2.y, xdim-1, y2-1);
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, windowxy2.y+1, xdim-1, ydim-1); // bottom
// draw in the bits to the left and right of the non-fullsize status bar
if (ud.screen_size >= 8 && ud.statusbarmode == 0)
x1 = windowxy1.x-4;
y1 = windowxy1.y-4;
x2 = windowxy2.x+4;
y2 = windowxy2.y+4;
if (windowxy1.x > 0 || windowxy2.x < xdim)
for (y=y1+4; y<y2-4; y+=64)
// when not rendering a game, fullscreen wipe
x2 = (xdim - sbarsc((int32_t) (ydim*1.333333333333333333f))) >> 1;
for (y=y2-y2%tilesiz[dapicnum].y; y<ydim; y+=tilesiz[dapicnum].y)
for (x=0; x<xdim>>1; x+=tilesiz[dapicnum].x)
rotatesprite(x<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, 0, y2, x2, ydim-1);
rotatesprite((xdim-x)<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, dapicnum, 8, 0, 8+16+64, xdim-x2-1, y2, xdim-1, ydim-1);
if (windowxy1.x > 0)
rotatesprite(x1<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // left
if (windowxy2.x < xdim)
rotatesprite((x2+1)<<16, (y+64)<<16, 65536L, 1024, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // right
if (ud.screen_size > 8)
if (windowxy1.y > 0 || windowxy2.y < ydim)
for (x=x1+4; x<x2-4; x+=64)
y = 0;
if (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_FRAGBAR)
if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1)) y += 8;
if (ud.multimode > 4) y += 8;
x1 = max(windowxy1.x-4, 0);
y1 = max(windowxy1.y-4, y);
x2 = min(windowxy2.x+4, xdim-1);
y2 = min(windowxy2.y+4, scale(ydim, 200-sbarsc(tilesiz[BOTTOMSTATUSBAR].y), 200)-1);
for (y=y1+4; y<y2-4; y+=64)
rotatesprite(x1<<16, y<<16, 65536L, 0, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
rotatesprite((x2+1)<<16, (y+64)<<16, 65536L, 1024, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
for (x=x1+4; x<x2-4; x+=64)
rotatesprite((x+64)<<16, y1<<16, 65536L, 512, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
rotatesprite(x<<16, (y2+1)<<16, 65536L, 1536, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
rotatesprite(x1<<16, y1<<16, 65536L, 0, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
rotatesprite((x2+1)<<16, y1<<16, 65536L, 512, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
rotatesprite((x2+1)<<16, (y2+1)<<16, 65536L, 1024, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
rotatesprite(x1<<16, (y2+1)<<16, 65536L, 1536, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2);
if (windowxy1.y > 0)
rotatesprite((x+64)<<16, y1<<16, 65536L, 512, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // top
if (windowxy2.y < ydim)
rotatesprite(x<<16, (y2+1)<<16, 65536L, 1536, VIEWBORDER, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // bottom
if (windowxy1.x > 0 && windowxy1.y > 0)
rotatesprite(x1<<16, y1<<16, 65536L, 0, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // top left
if (windowxy2.x < xdim && windowxy1.y > 0)
rotatesprite((x2+1)<<16, y1<<16, 65536L, 512, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // top right
if (windowxy2.x < xdim && windowxy2.y < ydim)
rotatesprite((x2+1)<<16, (y2+1)<<16, 65536L, 1024, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // bottom right
if (windowxy1.x > 0 && windowxy2.y < ydim)
rotatesprite(x1<<16, (y2+1)<<16, 65536L, 1536, VIEWBORDER+1, 0, 0, 8+16+64, x1, y1, x2, y2); // bottom left
pus = pub = NUMPAGES;
Reference in a new issue