mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
- use EventObject as storage in EVENT.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 141 additions and 88 deletions
@ -742,9 +742,7 @@ void callbackCondition(DBloodActor* actor, int)
TRCONDITION const* pCond = &gCondition[pXSprite->sysData1];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pCond->length; i++) {
EVENT evn;
evn.type = pCond->obj[i].type;
evn.actor = pCond->obj[i].actor;
evn.index_ = pCond->obj[i].index_;
evn.target.fromElements(pCond->obj[i].type, pCond->obj[i].index_, pCond->obj[i].actor);
evn.cmd = pCond->obj[i].cmd;
evn.funcID = kCallbackCondition;
useCondition(actor, evn);
@ -40,6 +40,15 @@ unsigned short bucketHead[kMaxID + 1];
static int bucketCount;
static std::multiset<EVENT> queue;
FString EventObject::description() const
if (isActor()) return FStringf("actor %d", ActorP->GetIndex()); // do not add a read barrier here!
if (isSector()) return FStringf("sector %d", int(index >> 8));
if (isWall()) return FStringf("wall %d", int(index >> 8));
return FString("invalid object");
@ -318,18 +327,22 @@ void evInit()
static bool evGetSourceState(int type, int nIndex, DBloodActor* actor)
static bool evGetSourceState(const EventObject& eob)
switch (type)
if (eob.isSector())
return sector[nIndex].hasX() && sector[nIndex].xs().state != 0;
case SS_WALL:
return wall[nIndex].hasX() && wall[nIndex].xw().state != 0;
if (actor->hasX())
auto pSect = eob.sector();
return pSect->hasX() && pSect->xs().state != 0;
else if (eob.isWall())
auto pWall = eob.wall();
return pWall->hasX() && pWall->xw().state != 0;
else if (eob.isActor())
auto actor = eob.actor();
if (actor && actor->hasX())
return actor->x().state != 0;
@ -343,29 +356,27 @@ static bool evGetSourceState(int type, int nIndex, DBloodActor* actor)
void evSend(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, int rxId, COMMAND_ID command)
void evSend(const EventObject& eob, int rxId, COMMAND_ID command)
switch (command) {
case kCmdState:
command = evGetSourceState(nType, nIndex, actor) ? kCmdOn : kCmdOff;
command = evGetSourceState(eob) ? kCmdOn : kCmdOff;
case kCmdNotState:
command = evGetSourceState(nType, nIndex, actor) ? kCmdOff : kCmdOn;
command = evGetSourceState(eob) ? kCmdOff : kCmdOn;
EVENT event;
event.actor = actor;
event.index_ = nIndex;
event.type = nType;
event.target = eob;
event.cmd = command;
switch (rxId) {
case kChannelTextOver:
if (command >= kCmdNumberic) trTextOver(command - kCmdNumberic);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid TextOver command by xobject #%d (object type %d)", nIndex, nType);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid TextOver command by %s", eob.description().GetChars());
case kChannelLevelExitNormal:
@ -377,16 +388,20 @@ void evSend(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, int rxId, COMMAND_ID comm
// finished level and load custom level ¹ via numbered command.
case kChannelModernEndLevelCustom:
if (command >= kCmdNumberic) levelEndLevelCustom(command - kCmdNumberic);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid Level-Exit# command by xobject #%d (object type %d)", nIndex, nType);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid Level-Exit# command by %s", eob.description().GetChars());
case kChannelSetTotalSecrets:
if (command >= kCmdNumberic) gSecretMgr.SetCount(command - kCmdNumberic);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid Total-Secrets command by xobject #%d (object type %d)", nIndex, nType);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid Total-Secrets command by %s", eob.description().GetChars());
case kChannelSecretFound:
if (actor != nullptr) nIndex = actor->GetIndex(); // the hint system needs the sprite index.
if (SECRET_Trigger(nIndex + 65536 * nType)) // if the hint system knows this secret it's a retrigger - skip that.
int nIndex = -1;
if (eob.isActor() && eob.actor()) nIndex = eob.actor()->GetIndex() + 3 * 65536; // the hint system needs the sprite index.
else if (eob.isSector()) nIndex = eob.rawindex() + 6 * 65536;
else if (eob.isWall()) nIndex = eob.rawindex();
if (SECRET_Trigger(nIndex)) // if the hint system knows this secret it's a retrigger - skip that.
if (command >= kCmdNumberic)
@ -396,9 +411,10 @@ void evSend(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, int rxId, COMMAND_ID comm
viewSetMessage(GStrings(FStringf("TXTB_SECRET%d", Random(2))), 0, MESSAGE_PRIORITY_SECRET);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid Trigger-Secret command by xobject #%d (object type %d)", nIndex, nType);
else viewSetSystemMessage("Invalid Trigger-Secret command by %s", eob.description().GetChars());
case kChannelRemoteBomb0:
case kChannelRemoteBomb1:
case kChannelRemoteBomb2:
@ -469,7 +485,9 @@ void evSend(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, int rxId, COMMAND_ID comm
for (int i = bucketHead[rxId]; i < bucketHead[rxId + 1]; i++)
if (!event.isObject(rxBucket[i].type, rxBucket[i].actor, rxBucket[i].rxindex))
EventObject eo;
eo.fromElements(rxBucket[i].type, rxBucket[i].rxindex, rxBucket[i].actor);
if (!event.event_isObject(eo))
switch (rxBucket[i].type)
@ -501,45 +519,45 @@ void evSend(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, int rxId, COMMAND_ID comm
void evPost_(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, unsigned int nDelta, COMMAND_ID command)
void evPost_(const EventObject& eob, unsigned int nDelta, COMMAND_ID command)
assert(command != kCmdCallback);
if (command == kCmdState) command = evGetSourceState(nType, nIndex, actor) ? kCmdOn : kCmdOff;
else if (command == kCmdNotState) command = evGetSourceState(nType, nIndex, actor) ? kCmdOff : kCmdOn;
EVENT evn = {actor, nIndex, (int8_t)nType, (int8_t)command, 0, PlayClock + (int)nDelta };
if (command == kCmdState) command = evGetSourceState(eob) ? kCmdOn : kCmdOff;
else if (command == kCmdNotState) command = evGetSourceState(eob) ? kCmdOff : kCmdOn;
EVENT evn = {eob, (int8_t)command, 0, PlayClock + (int)nDelta };
void evPost_(DBloodActor* actor, int nIndex, int nType, unsigned int nDelta, CALLBACK_ID callback)
void evPost_(const EventObject& eob, unsigned int nDelta, CALLBACK_ID callback)
EVENT evn = {actor, nIndex, (int8_t)nType, kCmdCallback, (int16_t)callback, PlayClock + (int)nDelta };
EVENT evn = {eob, kCmdCallback, (int16_t)callback, PlayClock + (int)nDelta };
void evPostActor(DBloodActor* actor, unsigned int nDelta, COMMAND_ID command)
evPost_(actor, 0, SS_SPRITE, nDelta, command);
evPost_(EventObject(actor), nDelta, command);
void evPostActor(DBloodActor* actor, unsigned int nDelta, CALLBACK_ID callback)
evPost_(actor, 0, SS_SPRITE, nDelta, callback);
evPost_(EventObject(actor), nDelta, callback);
void evPostSector(sectortype* sect, unsigned int nDelta, COMMAND_ID command)
evPost_(nullptr, sectnum(sect), SS_SECTOR, nDelta, command);
evPost_(EventObject(sect), nDelta, command);
void evPostSector(sectortype* sect, unsigned int nDelta, CALLBACK_ID callback)
evPost_(nullptr, sectnum(sect), SS_SECTOR, nDelta, callback);
evPost_(EventObject(sect), nDelta, callback);
void evPostWall(walltype* wal, unsigned int nDelta, COMMAND_ID command)
evPost_(nullptr, wallnum(wal), SS_WALL, nDelta, command);
evPost_(EventObject(wal), nDelta, command);
@ -549,63 +567,63 @@ void evPostWall(walltype* wal, unsigned int nDelta, COMMAND_ID command)
void evKill_(DBloodActor* actor, int index, int type)
void evKill_(const EventObject& eob)
for (auto ev = queue.begin(); ev != queue.end();)
if (ev->isObject(type, actor, index)) ev = queue.erase(ev);
if (ev->event_isObject(eob)) ev = queue.erase(ev);
else ev++;
void evKill_(DBloodActor* actor, int index, int type, CALLBACK_ID cb)
void evKill_(const EventObject& eob, CALLBACK_ID cb)
for (auto ev = queue.begin(); ev != queue.end();)
if (ev->isObject(type, actor, index) && ev->funcID == cb) ev = queue.erase(ev);
if (ev->event_isObject(eob) && ev->funcID == cb) ev = queue.erase(ev);
else ev++;
void evKillActor(DBloodActor* actor)
evKill_(actor, 0, SS_SPRITE);
void evKillActor(DBloodActor* actor, CALLBACK_ID cb)
evKill_(actor, 0, SS_SPRITE, cb);
void evKillWall(walltype* wal)
evKill_(nullptr, wallnum(wal), SS_WALL);
void evKillSector(sectortype* sec)
evKill_(nullptr, sectnum(sec), SS_SECTOR);
// these have no target.
void evSendGame(int rxId, COMMAND_ID command)
evSend(nullptr, 0, 0, rxId, command);
evSend(EventObject(nullptr), rxId, command);
void evSendActor(DBloodActor* actor, int rxId, COMMAND_ID command)
evSend(actor, 0, SS_SPRITE, rxId, command);
evSend(EventObject(actor), rxId, command);
void evSendSector(sectortype* sect, int rxId, COMMAND_ID command)
evSend(nullptr, sectnum(sect), SS_SECTOR, rxId, command);
evSend(EventObject(sect), rxId, command);
void evSendWall(walltype* wal, int rxId, COMMAND_ID command)
evSend(nullptr, wallnum(wal), SS_WALL, rxId, command);
evSend(EventObject(wal), rxId, command);
@ -620,34 +638,27 @@ void evProcess(unsigned int time)
EVENT event = *queue.begin();
if (event.type == SS_SPRITE)
if (event.target.isActor())
// Don't call events on destroyed actors. Seems to happen occasionally.
if (!event.actor || event.actor->s().statnum == kStatFree) continue;
if (!event.target.actor() || event.target.actor()->s().statnum == kStatFree) continue;
if (event.cmd == kCmdCallback)
assert(event.funcID < kCallbackMax);
assert(gCallback[event.funcID] != nullptr);
gCallback[event.funcID](event.actor, event.index_);
if (event.target.isActor()) gCallback[event.funcID](event.target.actor(), -1);
else if (event.target.isSector()) gCallback[event.funcID](nullptr, sectnum(event.target.sector()));
// no case for walls defined here.
switch (event.type)
trMessageSector(event.index_, event);
case SS_WALL:
trMessageWall(event.index_, event);
trMessageSprite(event.actor, event);
if (event.target.isActor()) trMessageSprite(event.target.actor(), event);
else if (event.target.isSector()) trMessageSector(sectnum(event.target.sector()), event);
else if (event.target.isWall()) trMessageWall(wallnum(event.target.wall()), event);
@ -656,14 +667,47 @@ void evProcess(unsigned int time)
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, EventObject& w, EventObject* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
int type = w.isActor() ? 0 : w.isSector() ? 1 : 2;
arc("type", type);
switch (type)
case 0:
DBloodActor* a = arc.isWriting()? w.actor() : nullptr;
arc("actor", a);
if (arc.isReading()) w = a;
case 1:
auto s = arc.isWriting()? w.sector() : nullptr;
arc("sector", s);
if (arc.isReading()) w = s;
case 2:
auto s = arc.isWriting()? w.wall() : nullptr;
arc("wall", s);
if (arc.isReading()) w = s;
return arc;
FSerializer& Serialize(FSerializer& arc, const char* keyname, EVENT& w, EVENT* def)
if (arc.BeginObject(keyname))
arc("type", w.type);
if (w.type != SS_SPRITE) arc("index", w.index_);
else arc("index", w.actor);
arc("command", w.cmd)
arc("target", w.target)
("command", w.cmd)
("func", w.funcID)
("prio", w.priority)
@ -40,10 +40,12 @@ class EventObject
uint64_t index;
EventObject() = default;
EventObject(DBloodActor* actor_) { ActorP = actor_; assert(isActor()); /* GC:WriteBarrier(actor);*/ }
EventObject(sectortype *sect) { index = (sectnum(sect) << 8) | Sector; }
EventObject(walltype* wall) { index = (wallnum(wall) << 8) | Wall; }
explicit EventObject(std::nullptr_t) { index = -1; }
explicit EventObject(DBloodActor* actor_) { ActorP = actor_; assert(isActor()); /* GC:WriteBarrier(actor);*/ }
explicit EventObject(sectortype *sect) { index = (sectnum(sect) << 8) | Sector; }
explicit EventObject(walltype* wall) { index = (wallnum(wall) << 8) | Wall; }
EventObject& operator=(DBloodActor* actor_) { ActorP = actor_; assert(isActor()); /* GC:WriteBarrier(actor);*/ return *this; }
EventObject& operator=(sectortype *sect) { index = (sectnum(sect) << 8) | Sector; return *this; }
@ -56,6 +58,21 @@ class EventObject
DBloodActor* actor() const { assert(isActor()); return /*GC::ReadBarrier*/(ActorP); }
sectortype* sector() const { assert(isSector()); return &::sector[index >> 8]; }
walltype* wall() const { assert(isWall()); return &::wall[index >> 8]; }
int rawindex() const { return index >> 8; }
bool operator==(const EventObject& other) const { return index == other.index; }
bool operator!=(const EventObject& other) const { return index != other.index; }
FString description() const;
// refactoring helper
[[deprecated]] void fromElements(int type, int index, DBloodActor* act)
if (type == 0) *this = &::wall[index];
else if (type == 6) *this = &::sector[index];
else if (type == 3) *this = act;
else assert(false);
@ -182,9 +199,7 @@ inline bool channelRangeIsFine(int channel) {
struct EVENT
DBloodActor* actor;
int index_;
int8_t type;
EventObject target;
int8_t cmd;
int16_t funcID;
int priority;
@ -194,42 +209,42 @@ struct EVENT
return priority < other.priority;
bool isObject(int type, DBloodActor* actor, int index) const
bool event_isObject(const EventObject& obj) const
return (this->type == type && (this->type != SS_SPRITE ? (this->index_ == index) : (this->actor == actor)));
return (this->target == obj);
bool isActor() const
return type == SS_SPRITE;
return target.isActor();
bool isSector() const
return type == SS_SECTOR;
return target.isSector();
bool isWall() const
return type == SS_WALL;
return target.isWall();
DBloodActor* getActor() const
return actor;
return target.actor();
sectortype* getSector() const
return §or[index_];
return target.sector();
walltype* getWall() const
return &wall[index_];
return target.wall();
@ -1115,10 +1115,8 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
if (pXCond->data1 >= kCondGameBase && pXCond->data1 < kCondGameMax)
EVENT evn;
evn.index_ = 0;
evn.actor = pCond->actor;
evn.target = pCond->actor;
evn.cmd = (int8_t)pXCond->command;
evn.type = OBJ_SPRITE;
evn.funcID = kCallbackMax;
useCondition(pCond->actor, evn);
@ -1128,10 +1126,8 @@ void nnExtProcessSuperSprites()
for (unsigned k = 0; k < pCond->length; k++)
EVENT evn;
evn.actor = pCond->obj[k].actor;
evn.index_ = pCond->obj[k].index_;
evn.target.fromElements(pCond->obj[k].type, pCond->obj[k].index_, pCond->obj[k].actor);
evn.cmd = pCond->obj[k].cmd;
evn.type = pCond->obj[k].type;
evn.funcID = kCallbackMax;
useCondition(pCond->actor, evn);
Reference in a new issue