mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
Lunatic translator: slight code reorganization to prevent too many local vars.
git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@3391 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 141 additions and 128 deletions
@ -472,7 +472,10 @@ local function do_include_file(dirname, filename)
g_filename = oldfilename
local function cmd_include(filename)
-- Table of various outer command handling functions.
local Cmd = {}
function Cmd.include(filename)
do_include_file(g_directory, filename)
@ -499,7 +502,7 @@ local function reset_gamedata()
g_data.music = {}
local function cmd_definelevelname(vol, lev, fn, ptstr, dtstr, levname)
function Cmd.definelevelname(vol, lev, fn, ptstr, dtstr, levname)
if (vol < 0 or vol >= conl.MAXVOLUMES) then
errprintf("volume number exceeds maximum volume count.")
@ -540,7 +543,7 @@ local function defineXname(what, ffiCfuncname, X, name)
return name
local function cmd_defineskillname(skillnum, name)
function Cmd.defineskillname(skillnum, name)
if (skillnum < 0 or skillnum >= conl.MAXSKILLS) then
errprintf("skill number is negative or exceeds maximum skill count.")
@ -550,7 +553,7 @@ local function cmd_defineskillname(skillnum, name)
g_data.skillname[skillnum] = name
local function cmd_definevolumename(vol, name)
function Cmd.definevolumename(vol, name)
if (vol < 0 or vol >= conl.MAXVOLUMES) then
errprintf("volume number is negative or exceeds maximum volume count.")
@ -565,7 +568,7 @@ local function stripws(str)
return str:match("^%s*(.*)%s*$")
local function cmd_definequote(qnum, quotestr)
function Cmd.definequote(qnum, quotestr)
-- have the INT_MAX limit simply for some sanity
if (not (qnum >= 0 and <= 0x7fffffff)) then
@ -591,7 +594,7 @@ local function cmd_definequote(qnum, quotestr)
g_data.quote[qnum] = quotestr
local function cmd_gamestartup(...)
function Cmd.gamestartup(...)
local args = {...}
if (#args ~= 26 and #args ~= 30) then
@ -611,7 +614,7 @@ local function cmd_gamestartup(...)
g_data.startup = args -- TODO: sanity-check them
local function cmd_definesound(sndnum, fn, ...)
function Cmd.definesound(sndnum, fn, ...)
if (not (sndnum >= 0 and sndnum < conl.MAXSOUNDS)) then
errprintf("sound number is negative or exceeds sound limit of %d", conl.MAXSOUNDS-1)
@ -627,7 +630,7 @@ local function cmd_definesound(sndnum, fn, ...)
g_data.sound[sndnum] = { fn=fn, params=params }
local function cmd_music(volnum, ...)
function Cmd.music(volnum, ...)
if (not (volnum >= 0 and volnum < conl.MAXVOLUMES+1)) then
errprintf("volume number is negative or exceeds MAXVOLUMES=%d", conl.MAXVOLUMES)
@ -656,7 +659,7 @@ end
local function cmd_gamevar(identifier, initval, flags)
function Cmd.gamevar(identifier, initval, flags)
local invalid_code = "local _INVALIDGV"
if (bit.band(flags, bit.bnot(GVFLAG.PERX_MASK)) ~= 0) then
@ -742,54 +745,62 @@ local alphanum = alpha + Range("09")
--- Basic lexical elements ("tokens"). See the final grammar ("Grammar") for
--- their definitions.
local t_maybe_minus = (Pat("-") * sp0)^-1;
local t_number = Var("t_number")
-- Valid identifier names are disjunct from keywords!
-- XXX: CON is more permissive with identifier name characters:
local t_identifier = Var("t_identifier")
-- This one matches keywords, too:
local t_identifier_all = Var("t_identifier_all")
local t_define = Var("t_define")
local t_move = Var("t_move")
local t_ai = Var("t_ai")
local t_action = Var("t_action")
-- NOTE: no chance to whitespace and double quotes in filenames:
local t_filename = lpeg.C((anychar-Set(" \t\r\n\""))^1)
local t_newline_term_str = match_until(anychar, newline)
local tok =
maybe_minus = (Pat("-") * sp0)^-1,
number = Var("t_number"),
-- new-style inline arrays and structures:
local t_arrayexp = Var("t_arrayexp")
-- Valid identifier names are disjunct from keywords!,
-- XXX: CON is more permissive with identifier name characters:,
identifier = Var("t_identifier"),
-- This one matches keywords, too:,
identifier_all = Var("t_identifier_all"),
define = Var("t_define"),
move = Var("t_move"),
ai = Var("t_ai"),
action = Var("t_action"),
local t_rvar = Var("t_rvar")
local t_wvar = Var("t_wvar")
-- NOTE: no chance to whitespace and double quotes in filenames:,
filename = lpeg.C((anychar-Set(" \t\r\n\""))^1),
newline_term_str = match_until(anychar, newline),
-- new-style inline arrays and structures:,
arrayexp = Var("t_arrayexp"),
rvar = Var("t_rvar"),
wvar = Var("t_wvar"),
-- for definelevelname,
time = lpeg.C(alphanum*alphanum^-1*":"*alphanum*alphanum^-1),
---- helper patterns / pattern constructing functions
local maybe_quoted_filename = ('"' * t_filename * '"' + t_filename)
local maybe_quoted_filename = ('"' * tok.filename * '"' + tok.filename)
-- empty string is handled too; we must not eat the newline then!
local newline_term_string = (#newline + EOF)*lpeg.Cc("")
+ (whitespace-newline)^1 * lpeg.C(t_newline_term_str)
+ (whitespace-newline)^1 * lpeg.C(tok.newline_term_str)
-- (sp1 * t_define) repeated exactly n times
-- (sp1 * tok.define) repeated exactly n times
local function n_defines(n) -- works well only for small n
local pat = Pat(true)
for i=1,n do
pat = sp1 * t_define * pat
pat = sp1 * tok.define * pat
return pat
local D, R, W, I, AC, MV, AI = -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7
local TOKEN_PATTERN = { [D]=t_define, [R]=t_rvar, [W]=t_wvar, [I]=t_identifier,
[AC]=t_action, [MV]=t_move, [AI]=t_ai }
local TOKEN_PATTERN = { [D]=tok.define, [R]=tok.rvar, [W]=tok.wvar, [I]=tok.identifier,
[AC]=tok.action, [MV]=tok.move, [AI]=tok.ai }
-- Generic command pattern, types given by varargs.
-- The command name to be matched is attached later.
-- Example:
-- "command" writtenvar readvar def def: gencmd(W,R,D,D)
-- --> sp1 * t_wvar * sp1 * t_rvar * sp1 * t_define * sp1 * t_define
-- --> sp1 * tok.wvar * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * tok.define
-- "command_with_no_args": gencmd()
-- --> Pat(true)
local function cmd(...)
@ -804,22 +815,20 @@ local function cmd(...)
local t_time = lpeg.C(alphanum*alphanum^-1*":"*alphanum*alphanum^-1) -- for definelevelname
-- The command names will be attached to the front of the patterns later!
--== Top level CON commands ==--
-- XXX: many of these are also allowed inside actors/states/events in CON.
local Co = {
local Couter = {
--- 1. Preprocessor
include = sp1 * maybe_quoted_filename / cmd_include,
include = sp1 * maybe_quoted_filename / Cmd.include,
includedefault = cmd(),
define = cmd(I,D) / do_define_label,
--- 2. Defines and Meta-Settings
dynamicremap = cmd(),
setcfgname = sp1 * t_filename,
setdefname = sp1 * t_filename,
setcfgname = sp1 * tok.filename,
setdefname = sp1 * tok.filename,
setgamename = newline_term_string,
precache = cmd(D,D,D),
@ -830,21 +839,21 @@ local Co = {
definecheat = newline_term_string, -- XXX: actually tricker syntax (TS)
definegamefuncname = newline_term_string, -- XXX: TS?
definegametype = n_defines(2) * newline_term_string,
definelevelname = n_defines(2) * sp1 * t_filename * sp1 * t_time * sp1 * t_time *
newline_term_string / cmd_definelevelname,
defineskillname = sp1 * t_define * newline_term_string / cmd_defineskillname,
definevolumename = sp1 * t_define * newline_term_string / cmd_definevolumename,
definelevelname = n_defines(2) * sp1 * tok.filename * sp1 * tok.time * sp1 * tok.time *
newline_term_string / Cmd.definelevelname,
defineskillname = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.defineskillname,
definevolumename = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.definevolumename,
definequote = sp1 * t_define * newline_term_string / cmd_definequote,
definequote = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string / Cmd.definequote,
defineprojectile = cmd(D,D,D),
definesound = sp1 * t_define * sp1 * maybe_quoted_filename * n_defines(5) / cmd_definesound,
definesound = sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * maybe_quoted_filename * n_defines(5) / Cmd.definesound,
-- NOTE: gamevar.ogg and the like is OK, too
music = sp1 * t_define * match_until(sp1 * t_filename, sp1 * conl.keyword * sp1) / cmd_music,
music = sp1 * tok.define * match_until(sp1 * tok.filename, sp1 * conl.keyword * sp1) / Cmd.music,
--- 3. Game Settings
-- gamestartup has 26/30 fixed defines, depending on 1.3D/1.5 version:
gamestartup = (sp1 * t_define)^26 / cmd_gamestartup,
gamestartup = (sp1 * tok.define)^26 / Cmd.gamestartup,
spritenopal = cmd(D),
spritenoshade = cmd(D),
spritenvg = cmd(D),
@ -853,20 +862,20 @@ local Co = {
spriteflags = cmd(D,D), -- also see inner
--- 4. Game Variables / Arrays
gamevar = cmd(I,D,D) / cmd_gamevar,
gamevar = cmd(I,D,D) / Cmd.gamevar,
gamearray = cmd(I,D),
--- 5. Top level commands that are also run-time commands
move = sp1 * t_identifier * (sp1 * t_define)^-2 / -- hvel, vvel
move = sp1 * tok.identifier * (sp1 * tok.define)^-2 / -- hvel, vvel
function(...) do_define_composite(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end,
-- startframe, numframes, viewtype, incval, delay:
action = sp1 * t_identifier * (sp1 * t_define)^-5 /
action = sp1 * tok.identifier * (sp1 * tok.define)^-5 /
function(...) do_define_composite(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end,
-- action, move, flags...:
ai = sp1 * t_identifier * (sp1 * t_action *
(sp1 * t_move * (sp1 * t_define)^0)^-1
ai = sp1 * tok.identifier * (sp1 * tok.action *
(sp1 * tok.move * (sp1 * tok.define)^0)^-1
)^-1 /
function(...) do_define_composite(LABEL.AI, ...) end,
@ -885,7 +894,7 @@ local varvarop = cmd(W,R)
-- ifvarl actorvar[sprite[THISACTOR].owner].burning 0
-- is kinda breaking the classic "no array nesting" rules
-- (if there ever were any) but making our life harder else.
local arraypat = sp0 * "[" * sp0 * t_rvar * sp0 * "]"
local arraypat = sp0 * "[" * sp0 * tok.rvar * sp0 * "]"
-- Have to bite the bullet here and list actor/player members with second parameters,
-- even though it's ugly to make it part of the syntax. Also, stuff like
@ -893,60 +902,64 @@ local arraypat = sp0 * "[" * sp0 * t_rvar * sp0 * "]"
-- will be wrongly accepted at the parsing stage because we don't discriminate between
-- actor and player (but it will be rejected later).
local parm2memberpat = (Pat("htg_t") + "loogiex" + "loogiey" + "ammo_amount" +
"weaprecs" + "gotweapon" + "pals" + "max_ammo_amount") * sp1 * t_rvar
"weaprecs" + "gotweapon" + "pals" + "max_ammo_amount") * sp1 * tok.rvar
-- The member name must match keywords, too (_all), because e.g. cstat is a member
-- of sprite[].
local memberpat = sp0 * "." * sp0 * (parm2memberpat + t_identifier_all)
local memberpat = sp0 * "." * sp0 * (parm2memberpat + tok.identifier_all)
local getstructcmd = -- get<structname>[<idx>].<member> (<parm2>)? <<var>>
-- existence of a second parameter is determined later
-- This is wrong, (sp1 id)? will match (sp1 wvar) if there's no 2nd param:
-- arraypat * memberpat * (sp1 * t_identifier)^-1 * sp1 * t_wvar
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * (t_rvar * sp1 * t_wvar + t_wvar)
-- arraypat * memberpat * (sp1 * tok.identifier)^-1 * sp1 * tok.wvar
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * (tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.wvar + tok.wvar)
local setstructcmd = -- set<structname>[<idx>].<member> (<parm2>)? <var>
-- existence of a second parameter is determined later
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * (t_rvar * sp1 * t_rvar + t_rvar)
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * (tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.rvar + tok.rvar)
local getperxvarcmd = -- get<actor/player>var[<idx>].<member> <<var>>
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * t_wvar
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * tok.wvar
local setperxvarcmd = -- set<actor/player>var[<idx>].<member> <var>
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * t_rvar
arraypat * memberpat * sp1 * tok.rvar
local function ACS(s) return "actor[_aci]"..s end
local function SPS(s) return "sprite[_aci]"..s end
local function PLS(s) return "player[_pli]"..s end
local function handle_palfrom(...)
local v = {...}
return format(PLS":_palfrom(%d,%d,%d,%d)",
v[1] or 0, v[2] or 0, v[3] or 0, v[4] or 0)
-- Various inner command handling functions.
local handle =
palfrom = function(...)
local v = {...}
return format(PLS":_palfrom(%d,%d,%d,%d)",
v[1] or 0, v[2] or 0, v[3] or 0, v[4] or 0)
local function handle_move(mv, ...)
local flags = {...}
return format(ACS":set_move(%s,%d)", mv, (flags[1] and bit.bor(...)) or 0)
move = function(mv, ...)
local flags = {...}
return format(ACS":set_move(%s,%d)", mv, (flags[1] and bit.bor(...)) or 0)
local function handle_debug(val)
return format("print('%s:%d: debug %d')", g_filename, getlinecol(g_lastkwpos), val)
debug = function(val)
return format("print('%s:%d: debug %d')", g_filename, getlinecol(g_lastkwpos), val)
local function handle_state(statename)
if (g_funcname[statename]==nil) then
errprintf("state `%s' not found.", statename)
return "_NULLSTATE()"
return format("%s(_aci,_pli,_dist)", g_funcname[statename])
state = function(statename)
if (g_funcname[statename]==nil) then
errprintf("state `%s' not found.", statename)
return "_NULLSTATE()"
return format("%s(_aci,_pli,_dist)", g_funcname[statename])
-- NOTE about prefixes: most is handled by all_alt_pattern(), however commands
-- that have no arguments and that are prefixes of other commands MUST be
-- suffixed with a "* #sp1" pattern.
local Ci = {
local Cinner = {
-- these can appear anywhere in the script
["break"] = cmd()
/ "do return end",
@ -954,7 +967,7 @@ local Ci = {
/ "_con.longjmp()",
state = cmd(I)
/ handle_state,
/ handle.state,
--- 1. get*, set*
getactor = getstructcmd,
@ -967,7 +980,7 @@ local Ci = {
-- NOTE: {get,set}userdef is the only struct that can be accessed without
-- an "array part", e.g. H266MOD has "setuserdef .weaponswitch 0" (space
-- between keyword and "." is mandatory)
getuserdef = (arraypat + sp1) * memberpat * sp1 * (t_rvar * sp1 * t_wvar + t_wvar),
getuserdef = (arraypat + sp1) * memberpat * sp1 * (tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.wvar + tok.wvar),
-- getuserdef = getstructcmd,
getwall = getstructcmd,
@ -981,7 +994,7 @@ local Ci = {
setsector = setstructcmd,
setthisprojectile = setstructcmd,
settspr = setstructcmd,
setuserdef = (arraypat + sp1) * memberpat * sp1 * (t_rvar * sp1 * t_wvar + t_rvar),
setuserdef = (arraypat + sp1) * memberpat * sp1 * (tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.wvar + tok.rvar),
-- setuserdef = setstructcmd,
setwall = setstructcmd,
@ -1028,8 +1041,8 @@ local Ci = {
/ ACS":set_action(%1)",
ai = cmd(AI)
/ ACS":set_ai(%1)",
move = sp1 * t_move * (sp1 * t_define)^0
/ handle_move,
move = sp1 * tok.move * (sp1 * tok.define)^0
/ handle.move,
cactor = cmd(D)
/ SPS":set_picnum(%1)",
@ -1108,7 +1121,7 @@ local Ci = {
angoff = cmd(D)
/ "spritext[_aci].angoff=%1",
debug = cmd(D)
/ handle_debug,
/ handle.debug,
endofgame = cmd(D)
/ "_con._endofgame(_pli,%1)",
eqspawn = cmd(D),
@ -1198,7 +1211,7 @@ local Ci = {
findnearactor = cmd(D,D,W),
-- quotes
qsprintf = sp1 * t_rvar * sp1 * t_rvar * (sp1 * t_rvar)^-32,
qsprintf = sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.rvar * (sp1 * tok.rvar)^-32,
qgetsysstr = cmd(R,R),
qstrcat = cmd(R,R),
qstrcpy = cmd(R,R),
@ -1207,8 +1220,8 @@ local Ci = {
qsubstr = cmd(R,R),
-- array stuff
copy = sp1 * t_identifier * arraypat * sp1 * t_identifier * arraypat * sp1 * t_rvar,
setarray = sp1 * t_identifier * arraypat * sp1 * t_rvar,
copy = sp1 * tok.identifier * arraypat * sp1 * tok.identifier * arraypat * sp1 * tok.rvar,
setarray = sp1 * tok.identifier * arraypat * sp1 * tok.rvar,
activatebysector = cmd(R,R),
addlogvar = cmd(R),
@ -1243,8 +1256,8 @@ local Ci = {
neartag = cmd(R,R,R,R,R,W,W,W,W,R,R),
operateactivators = cmd(R,R),
operatesectors = cmd(R,R),
palfrom = (sp1 * t_define)^-4
/ handle_palfrom,
palfrom = (sp1 * tok.define)^-4
/ handle.palfrom,
operate = cmd() * #sp1
/ "_con._operate(_aci)",
@ -1264,7 +1277,7 @@ local Ci = {
readarrayfromfile = cmd(I,D),
writearraytofile = cmd(I,D),
redefinequote = sp1 * t_define * newline_term_string
redefinequote = sp1 * tok.define * newline_term_string
/ function(qnum, qstr) return format("_con._definequote(%d,%q)", qnum, stripws(qstr)) end,
resizearray = cmd(I,R),
getarraysize = cmd(I,W),
@ -1381,7 +1394,7 @@ local Cif = {
ifactorsound = cmd(R,R),
ifp = (sp1 * t_define)^1
ifp = (sp1 * tok.define)^1
/ function (...) return format("_con._ifp(%d,_pli,_aci)", bit.bor(...)) end,
ifsquished = cmd()
/ "false", -- TODO
@ -1522,7 +1535,7 @@ local function Ident(idname) return TraceFunc(idname, "id", false) end
local function Stmt(cmdpat) return TraceFunc(cmdpat, "st", false) end
--local function Temp(kwname) return TraceFunc(kwname, "temp", true) end
--Ci["myosx"] = Temp(Ci["myosx"])
--Cinner["myosx"] = Temp(Cinner["myosx"])
----==== Translator continued ====----
local function after_inner_cmd_Cmt(subj, pos, ...)
@ -1576,8 +1589,8 @@ local function attachnames(kwtab, matchtimefunc)
attachnames(Co, after_cmd_Cmt)
attachnames(Ci, after_inner_cmd_Cmt)
attachnames(Couter, after_cmd_Cmt)
attachnames(Cinner, after_inner_cmd_Cmt)
attachnames(Cif, after_if_cmd_Cmt)
@ -1618,7 +1631,7 @@ local function warn_on_lonely_else(pos)
pwarnprintf(pos, "found `else' with no `if'")
local con_inner_command = all_alt_pattern(Ci)
local con_inner_command = all_alt_pattern(Cinner)
local con_if_begs = all_alt_pattern(Cif)
local lone_else = (POS() * "else" * sp1)/warn_on_lonely_else
@ -1629,34 +1642,34 @@ local stmt_list_or_eps = lpeg.Ct((stmt_list * sp1)^-1)
local stmt_list_nosp_or_eps = (stmt_list * (sp1 * stmt_list)^0)^-1
-- common to actor and useractor: <name/tilenum> [<strength> [<action> [<move> [<flags>... ]]]]
local common_actor_end = sp1 * lpeg.Ct(t_define *
(sp1 * t_define *
(sp1 * t_action *
(sp1 * t_move *
(sp1 * t_define)^0
local common_actor_end = sp1 * lpeg.Ct(tok.define *
(sp1 * tok.define *
(sp1 * tok.action *
(sp1 * tok.move *
(sp1 * tok.define)^0
* sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "enda"
--== block delimiters (no recursion) ==--
local Cb = {
local Cblock = {
-- actor (...)
actor = lpeg.Cc(nil) * common_actor_end / on_actor_end,
-- useractor <actortype> (...)
useractor = sp1 * t_define * common_actor_end / on_actor_end,
useractor = sp1 * tok.define * common_actor_end / on_actor_end,
-- eventloadactor <name/tilenum>
eventloadactor = lpeg.Cc(nil) * sp1 * lpeg.Ct(t_define)
eventloadactor = lpeg.Cc(nil) * sp1 * lpeg.Ct(tok.define)
* sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "enda" / on_actor_end,
onevent = sp1 * t_define * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "endevent"
onevent = sp1 * tok.define * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "endevent"
/ on_event_end,
state = sp1 * (t_identifier/on_state_begin) * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "ends"
state = sp1 * (tok.identifier/on_state_begin) * sp1 * stmt_list_or_eps * "ends"
/ on_state_end,
attachnames(Cb, after_cmd_Cmt)
attachnames(Cblock, after_cmd_Cmt)
local t_good_identifier = Range("AZ", "az", "__") * Range("AZ", "az", "__", "09")^0
@ -1668,7 +1681,7 @@ local t_good_identifier = Range("AZ", "az", "__") * Range("AZ", "az", "__", "09"
-- there's no ambiguity with unary minus. (Commands must be separated by spaces
-- in CON, so a trailing "-" is "OK", too.)
-- This is broken in itself, so we ought to make a compatibility/modern CON switch.
local t_broken_identifier = BadIdent(-((t_number + t_good_identifier) * (sp1 + Set("[]:"))) *
local t_broken_identifier = BadIdent(-((tok.number + t_good_identifier) * (sp1 + Set("[]:"))) *
(alphanum + Set(BAD_ID_CHARS0)) * (alphanum + Set(BAD_ID_CHARS1))^0)
-- These two tables hold code to be inserted at a later point: either at
@ -1728,7 +1741,7 @@ local Grammar = Pat{
-- A translation unit is a (possibly empty) sequence of outer CON
-- commands, separated by at least one whitespace which may be
-- omitted at the EOF.
sp0 * (all_alt_pattern(Co, Cb) * sp1)^0,
sp0 * (all_alt_pattern(Couter, Cblock) * sp1)^0,
-- Some often-used terminals follow. These appear here because we're
-- hitting a limit with LPeg else.
@ -1738,7 +1751,7 @@ local Grammar = Pat{
whitespace = Set(" \t\r\26") + newline + Set("(),;") + comment + linecomment,
t_number = POS() * lpeg.C(
t_maybe_minus * ((Pat("0x") + "0X") * Range("09", "af", "AF")^1 * Pat("h")^-1
tok.maybe_minus * ((Pat("0x") + "0X") * Range("09", "af", "AF")^1 * Pat("h")^-1
+ Range("09")^1)
) / parse_number,
@ -1751,35 +1764,35 @@ local Grammar = Pat{
-- getactor[THISACTOR].x x
-- getactor [THISACTOR].y y
-- This is in need of cleanup!
t_identifier = -NotKeyw(conl.keyword * (sp1 + "[")) * lpeg.C(t_identifier_all),
t_define = (POS() * lpeg.C(t_maybe_minus) * t_identifier / lookup_defined_label) + t_number,
t_identifier = -NotKeyw(conl.keyword * (sp1 + "[")) * lpeg.C(tok.identifier_all),
t_define = (POS() * lpeg.C(tok.maybe_minus) * tok.identifier / lookup_defined_label) + tok.number,
-- Defines and constants can take the place of vars that are only read.
-- XXX: now, when t_rvar fails, the t_define failure message is printed.
t_rvar = t_arrayexp + lpeg.Cmt(t_identifier, maybe_gamevar_Cmt) + t_define,
-- XXX: now, when tok.rvar fails, the tok.define failure message is printed.
t_rvar = tok.arrayexp + lpeg.Cmt(tok.identifier, maybe_gamevar_Cmt) + tok.define,
-- not so with written-to vars:
t_wvar = t_arrayexp + (t_identifier/lookup_gamevar),
t_wvar = tok.arrayexp + (tok.identifier/lookup_gamevar),
t_move =
POS()*t_identifier / function(...) return lookup_composite(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end +
POS()*t_number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end,
POS()*tok.identifier / function(...) return lookup_composite(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end +
POS()*tok.number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.MOVE, ...) end,
t_ai =
POS()*t_identifier / function(...) return lookup_composite(LABEL.AI, ...) end +
POS()*t_number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.AI, ...) end,
POS()*tok.identifier / function(...) return lookup_composite(LABEL.AI, ...) end +
POS()*tok.number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.AI, ...) end,
t_action =
POS()*t_identifier / function(...) return lookup_composite(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end +
POS()*t_number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end,
POS()*tok.identifier / function(...) return lookup_composite(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end +
POS()*tok.number / function(...) return check_composite_literal(LABEL.ACTION, ...) end,
t_arrayexp = t_identifier * arraypat * memberpat^-1,
t_arrayexp = tok.identifier * arraypat * memberpat^-1,
switch_stmt = Keyw("switch") * sp1 * t_rvar *
switch_stmt = Keyw("switch") * sp1 * tok.rvar *
(Var("case_block") + Var("default_block"))^0 * sp1 * "endswitch",
-- NOTE: some old DNWMD has "case: PIGCOP". I don't think I'll allow that.
case_block = (sp1 * Keyw("case") * sp1 * t_define/"XXX_CASE" * (sp0*":")^-1)^1 * sp1 *
case_block = (sp1 * Keyw("case") * sp1 * tok.define/"XXX_CASE" * (sp0*":")^-1)^1 * sp1 *
stmt_list_nosp_or_eps, -- * "break",
default_block = sp1 * Keyw("default") * (sp0*":"*sp0 + sp1) * stmt_list_nosp_or_eps, -- * "break",
@ -1798,8 +1811,8 @@ local Grammar = Pat{
* (Pat("")/end_if_else_fn),
-- TODO?: SST TC has "state ... else ends"
while_stmt = Keyw("whilevarvarn") * sp1 * t_rvar * sp1 * t_rvar * sp1 * Var("single_stmt")
+ Keyw("whilevarn") * sp1 * t_rvar * sp1 * t_define/"WHILE_XXX" * sp1 * Var("single_stmt"),
while_stmt = Keyw("whilevarvarn") * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * Var("single_stmt")
+ Keyw("whilevarn") * sp1 * tok.rvar * sp1 * tok.define/"WHILE_XXX" * sp1 * Var("single_stmt"),
stmt_common = Keyw("{") * sp1 * "}" -- space separation of commands in CON is for a reason!
+ Keyw("{") * sp1 * stmt_list * sp1 * "}"
Reference in a new issue