diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/Android.mk b/polymer/eduke32/Android.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..56152406e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/Android.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#      http://www.apache.crg/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
+include $(CLEAR_VARS)
+LOCAL_MODULE    := duke
+LOCAL_CFLAGS := -fPIC -Wimplicit -Wdeclaration-after-statement -O2 -funswitch-loops -fomit-frame-pointer -DNDEBUG -DUSING_LTO -flto -fno-stack-protector   -W  -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wpointer-arith -Wextra  -funsigned-char -fno-strict-aliasing -DNO_GCC_BUILTINS -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fjump-tables -Wno-unused-result  -Wno-char-subscripts -DUSE_LIBPNG   -pthread -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo -I/usr/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/include/gio-unix-2.0/ -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/include/pixman-1    -DHAVE_INTTYPES  -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -DRENDERTYPESDL=1 -Wno-strict-overflow -DUSE_OPENGL  -Wno-attributes
+#Needed my jaudiolib
+LOCAL_LDLIBS += -llog
+LOCAL_CFLAGS += -march=armv7-a -mfloat-abi=softfp
+LOCAL_LDLIBS += -Wl,--fix-cortex-a8
+LOCAL_C_INCLUDES :=  $(LOCAL_PATH)/source $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/jmact $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/jaudiolib/include $(LOCAL_PATH)/source/enet/include  $(LOCAL_PATH)/build/include $(TOP_DIR)/SDL2/include  $(TOP_DIR)/SDL2_mixer $(IDTECH_DIR)/libpng   $(IDTECH_DIR)/TinyXML $(IDTECH_DIR)/TouchControls $(IDTECH_DIR)/ 
+	source/android/android-jni.cpp \
+	source/android/in_android.c
+	build/src/a-c.c \
+	build/src/baselayer.c \
+	build/src/cache1d.c \
+	build/src/compat.c \
+	build/src/crc32.c \
+	build/src/defs.c \
+	build/src/engine.c \
+	build/src/polymost.c \
+	build/src/texcache.c \
+	build/src/dxtfilter.c \
+	build/src/hightile.c \
+	build/src/textfont.c \
+	build/src/smalltextfont.c \
+	build/src/kplib.c \
+	build/src/lz4.c \
+	build/src/osd.c \
+	build/src/pragmas.c \
+	build/src/scriptfile.c \
+	build/src/mutex.c
+GL_SRC = \
+ 	build/src/mdsprite.c \
+ 	build/src/glbuild_android.c \
+SDL_SRC = \
+	build/src/sdlayer.c \
+JMACT_SRC=source/jmact/file_lib.c \
+	source/jmact//control.c \
+	source/jmact//keyboard.c \
+	source/jmact//mouse.c \
+	source/jmact//joystick.c \
+	source/jmact//mathutil.c \
+	source/jmact//scriplib.c \
+	source/jmact//animlib.c
+GAME_SRC=source/game.c \
+	source/actors.c \
+	source/anim.c \
+	source/common.c \
+	source/config.c \
+	source/demo.c \
+	source/gamedef.c \
+	source/gameexec.c \
+	source/gamevars.c \
+	source/global.c \
+	source/input.c \
+	source/menus.c \
+	source/namesdyn.c \
+	source/net.c \
+	source/player.c \
+	source/premap.c \
+	source/savegame.c \
+	source/sector.c \
+	source/rts.c \
+	source/osdfuncs.c \
+	source/osdcmds.c \
+	source/grpscan.c \
+	source/sounds.c \
+	source/soundsdyn.c \
+  	source/sdlmusic.c \
+ JAUDIO_SRC=source/jaudiolib/src/drivers.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//fx_man.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//multivoc.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//mix.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//mixst.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//pitch.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//formats.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//vorbis.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//flac.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//xa.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//driver_nosound.c \
+	source/jaudiolib/src//driver_sdl.c
+ ENET_SRC=source/enet/src/callbacks.c \
+	source/enet/src/host.c \
+	source/enet/src/list.c \
+	source/enet/src/packet.c \
+	source/enet/src/peer.c \
+	source/enet/src/protocol.c \
+	source/enet/src/compress.c \
+    source/enet/src/unix.c
+LOCAL_LDLIBS := -lGLESv1_CM -ldl -llog -lOpenSLES -lz
+LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES :=  nanogl  SDL2_net libjpeg libpng
+LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES := touchcontrols openal SDL2 SDL2_mixer SDL2_image
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj b/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj
index efbd574a1..fbb293de1 100644
--- a/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj
@@ -282,6 +282,8 @@
     <ClInclude Include="build\src\engine_priv.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="source\actors.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="source\actors_inline.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="source\android.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="source\android\in_android.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="source\anim.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="source\animvpx.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="source\common_game.h" />
@@ -392,6 +394,8 @@
     <ClCompile Include="build\src\winlayer.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="source\actors.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="source\actors_inline.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="source\android\android-jni.cpp" />
+    <ClCompile Include="source\android\in_android.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="source\anim.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="source\animvpx.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="source\astub.c" />
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj.filters b/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj.filters
index 0524265d5..b40b9531f 100644
--- a/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj.filters
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/eduke32.vcxproj.filters
@@ -67,6 +67,12 @@
     <Filter Include="eduke32\source\lunatic\lua">
+    <Filter Include="eduke32\headers\android">
+      <UniqueIdentifier>{52ce6149-4982-41a4-9adf-c7a9468421fd}</UniqueIdentifier>
+    </Filter>
+    <Filter Include="eduke32\source\android">
+      <UniqueIdentifier>{d3b67b4f-6b78-43e0-88ab-f081b977499a}</UniqueIdentifier>
+    </Filter>
     <ClInclude Include="build\include\a.h">
@@ -417,6 +423,12 @@
     <ClInclude Include="source\lunatic\lunatic_m32.h">
+    <ClInclude Include="source\android\in_android.h">
+      <Filter>eduke32\headers\android</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
+    <ClInclude Include="source\android.h">
+      <Filter>eduke32\headers</Filter>
+    </ClInclude>
     <ClCompile Include="build\src\a-c.c">
@@ -734,6 +746,12 @@
     <ClCompile Include="source\lunatic\lunatic_m32.c">
+    <ClCompile Include="source\android\android-jni.cpp">
+      <Filter>eduke32\source\android</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
+    <ClCompile Include="source\android\in_android.c">
+      <Filter>eduke32\source\android</Filter>
+    </ClCompile>
     <None Include="Makefile.msvc">
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/android.h b/polymer/eduke32/source/android.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbbbb66e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/android.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Copyright (C) 2010 EDuke32 developers and contributors
+This file is part of EDuke32.
+EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
+as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
+#ifndef __android_h__
+#define __android_h__
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+#include "compat.h"
+#include "control.h"
+extern int   android_screen_width;
+extern int   android_screen_height;
+extern void  CONTROL_Android_ClearButton(int32_t whichbutton);
+extern void  CONTROL_Android_PollDevices(ControlInfo *info);
+extern void  setLastWeapon(int w);
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/android/android-jni.cpp b/polymer/eduke32/source/android/android-jni.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f00e81d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/android/android-jni.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+ *
+ * Designed by Emile Belanger
+ *
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <jni.h>
+#include <android/log.h>
+#include "SDL_scancode.h"
+#include "TouchControlsContainer.h"
+extern "C"
+//This is a new function I put into SDL2, file SDL_androidgl.c
+extern void SDL_SetSwapBufferCallBack(void (*pt2Func)(void));
+#include "in_android.h"
+#include "../GL/gl.h"
+#include "../GL/nano_gl.h"
+#ifndef LOGI
+#define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"DUKE", __VA_ARGS__))
+#define LOGW(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "DUKE", __VA_ARGS__))
+#define LOGE(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR,"DUKE", __VA_ARGS__))
+#define REND_SOFT  0
+#define REND_GL    1
+static int curRenderer;
+int android_screen_width;
+int android_screen_height;
+#define KEY_QUICK_CMD    0x1005
+#define KEY_SHOW_KBRD    0x1008
+#define KEY_SHOW_INVEN    0x1009
+#define KEY_QUICK_SAVE    0x100A
+#define KEY_QUICK_LOAD    0x100B
+#define KEY_SNIPER        0x100C
+#define KEY_QUICK_KEY1    0x1011
+#define KEY_QUICK_KEY2    0x1012
+#define KEY_QUICK_KEY3    0x1013
+#define KEY_QUICK_KEY4    0x1014
+float gameControlsAlpha = 0.5;
+bool showWeaponCycle = false;
+bool turnMouseMode = true;
+bool invertLook = false;
+bool precisionShoot = false;
+bool showSticks = true;
+bool hideTouchControls = true;
+bool shooting = false;
+bool sniperMode = false;
+static int controlsCreated = 0;
+touchcontrols::TouchControlsContainer controlsContainer;
+touchcontrols::TouchControls *tcMenuMain=0;
+touchcontrols::TouchControls *tcGameMain=0;
+touchcontrols::TouchControls *tcGameWeapons=0;
+touchcontrols::TouchControls *tcAutomap=0;
+touchcontrols::TouchControls *tcInventory=0;
+touchcontrols::TouchControls *tcGameLook=0; //Just used for whole screen look mode
+touchcontrols::TouchJoy *touchJoyLeft;
+touchcontrols::TouchJoy *touchJoyRight;
+touchcontrols::WheelSelect *weaponWheel;
+extern JNIEnv* env_;
+void openGLStart()
+	if (curRenderer == REND_GL)
+	{
+		glPushMatrix();
+		glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+		glLoadIdentity();
+		glOrthof (0, android_screen_width, android_screen_height, 0, 0, 1);
+		//glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+		//glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+		//LOGI("openGLStart");
+		glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+		glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+		glDisable(GL_FOG);
+		glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+		glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+		glColor4f(1,1,1,1);
+		glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
+		glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+		glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+		glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+		nanoPushState();
+	}
+	else //software mode
+	{
+		glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
+		glDisableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY);
+		glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
+		glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY );
+		glEnable (GL_BLEND);
+		glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
+		glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
+		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+	}
+void openGLEnd()
+	if (curRenderer == REND_GL)
+	{
+		//glPopMatrix();
+		nanoPopState();
+		glPopMatrix();
+	}
+	else// Software mode
+	{
+		glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+	}
+void gameSettingsButton(int state)
+	//LOGTOUCH("gameSettingsButton %d",state);
+	if (state == 1)
+	{
+		jclass helloWorldClass;
+		jmethodID mainMethod;
+		helloWorldClass = env_->FindClass("com/beloko/duke/QuakeTouchControlsSettings");
+		mainMethod = env_->GetStaticMethodID(helloWorldClass, "showSettings", "()V");
+		env_->CallStaticVoidMethod(helloWorldClass, mainMethod);
+	}
+void showCustomCommands()
+	jclass helloWorldClass;
+	jmethodID mainMethod;
+	helloWorldClass = env_->FindClass("com/beloko/duke/QuakeCustomCommands");
+	mainMethod = env_->GetStaticMethodID(helloWorldClass, "showCommands", "()V");
+	env_->CallStaticVoidMethod(helloWorldClass, mainMethod);
+void toggleKeyboard()
+	LOGI("toggleKeyboard");
+	jclass helloWorldClass;
+	jmethodID mainMethod;
+	helloWorldClass = env_->FindClass("com/beloko/duke/ShowKeyboard");
+	mainMethod = env_->GetStaticMethodID(helloWorldClass, "toggleKeyboard", "()V");
+	env_->CallStaticVoidMethod(helloWorldClass, mainMethod);
+//Because there is no Frame(), we need to check back to java each frame to see if the app hase paused
+static jclass NativeLibClass = 0;
+static jmethodID checkPauseMethod = 0;
+void swapBuffers()
+	if (NativeLibClass == 0)
+	{
+		NativeLibClass = env_->FindClass("com/beloko/duke/engine/NativeLib");
+		checkPauseMethod = env_->GetStaticMethodID(NativeLibClass, "swapBuffers", "()V");
+	}
+	env_->CallStaticVoidMethod(NativeLibClass, checkPauseMethod);
+void gameButton(int state,int code)
+	if (code == gamefunc_Fire)
+	{
+		shooting = state;
+		PortableAction(state, code);
+	}
+	if (code == KEY_SNIPER)
+	{
+		sniperMode = state;
+	}
+	else if  (code == KEY_SHOW_KBRD)
+	{
+		if (state)
+			toggleKeyboard();
+		PortableKeyEvent(state, SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE,0);
+	}
+	else if  (code == KEY_QUICK_CMD){
+		if (state == 1)
+			showCustomCommands();
+	}
+	else if  (code == KEY_SHOW_INVEN){
+		if (state == 1)
+		{
+			if (!tcInventory->isEnabled())
+			{
+				tcInventory->setEnabled(true);
+				tcInventory->fade(0,5);
+				//disable weapon wheel so it does not show, enabled again after inventory cleared
+				tcGameWeapons->setEnabled(false);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				tcInventory->setEnabled(false);
+				tcGameWeapons->setEnabled(true);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (code == KEY_QUICK_SAVE){
+		PortableKeyEvent(state, SDL_SCANCODE_F6,0);
+	}
+	else if (code == KEY_QUICK_LOAD){
+		PortableKeyEvent(state, SDL_SCANCODE_F9,0);
+	}
+	else
+		PortableAction(state, code);
+void automapButton(int state,int code)
+	PortableAction(state,code);
+void inventoryButton(int state,int code)
+	PortableAction(state,code);
+	if (state == 0)
+	{
+		tcGameWeapons->setEnabled(true);
+		tcInventory->setEnabled(false);
+	}
+void menuButton(int state,int code)
+	PortableKeyEvent(state, code,code);
+static int weaponWheelVisible = false;
+void weaponWheelSelected(int enabled)
+	if (enabled)
+	{
+		for (int n=0;n<10;n++)
+		{
+			weaponWheel->setSegmentEnabled(n,(PortableGetWeapons() >> n) & 0x1);
+		}
+		tcGameWeapons->fade(0,5); //fade in
+		weaponWheelVisible = true;
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		tcGameWeapons->fade(1,5);
+		weaponWheelVisible = false;
+	}
+void weaponWheelChosen(int segment)
+	LOGI("weaponWheel %d",segment);
+	if (segment != -1)
+	{
+		PortableAction(1, gamefunc_Weapon_1 + segment);
+		PortableAction(0, gamefunc_Weapon_1 + segment);
+	}
+	else //Nothing was selected
+	{
+		if (getLastWeapon() != -1)
+		{
+			PortableAction(1, gamefunc_Weapon_1 + getLastWeapon());
+			PortableAction(0, gamefunc_Weapon_1 + getLastWeapon());
+		}
+	}
+int left_double_action;
+int right_double_action;
+void left_double_tap(int state)
+	//LOGTOUCH("L double %d",state);
+	if (left_double_action)
+		PortableAction(state,left_double_action);
+void right_double_tap(int state)
+	//LOGTOUCH("R double %d",state);
+	if (right_double_action)
+		PortableAction(state,right_double_action);
+//To be set by android
+float strafe_sens,forward_sens;
+float pitch_sens,yaw_sens;
+void left_stick(float joy_x, float joy_y,float mouse_x, float mouse_y)
+	joy_x *=10;
+	float strafe = joy_x*joy_x;
+	//float strafe = joy_x;
+	if (joy_x < 0)
+		strafe *= -1;
+	PortableMove(joy_y * 15 * forward_sens,-strafe * strafe_sens);
+extern int crouchToggleState; //Set in anroid_in.c
+void right_stick(float joy_x, float joy_y,float mouse_x, float mouse_y)
+	//LOGI(" mouse x = %f",mouse_x);
+	int invert = invertLook?-1:1;
+	float scale = ((shooting && precisionShoot) || crouchToggleState)?0.3:1;
+	PortableLookPitch(LOOK_MODE_MOUSE,-mouse_y  * pitch_sens * invert * scale);
+	if (turnMouseMode)
+		PortableLookYaw(LOOK_MODE_MOUSE,mouse_x*2*yaw_sens * scale);
+	else
+		PortableLookYaw(LOOK_MODE_JOYSTICK,joy_x*6*yaw_sens * scale);
+void mouseMove(int action,float x, float y,float dx, float dy)
+	LOGI(" mouse dx = %f",dx);
+	if (weaponWheelVisible)
+		return;
+	/*
+	if (abs(dx) < 0.001)
+	{
+		dx * 0.1;
+	}
+	 */
+	int invert = invertLook?-1:1;
+	float scale;
+	if (sniperMode)
+		scale = 0.2;
+	else
+		scale = ((shooting && precisionShoot) || crouchToggleState)?0.2:1;
+	PortableLookPitch(LOOK_MODE_MOUSE,-dy  * pitch_sens * invert * scale);
+	PortableLookYaw(LOOK_MODE_MOUSE,dx*2*yaw_sens * scale);
+void setHideSticks(bool v)
+	if (touchJoyLeft) touchJoyLeft->setHideGraphics(v);
+	if (touchJoyRight) touchJoyRight->setHideGraphics(v);
+void touchSettingsButton(int state)
+	//We wanna pause the game when doign settings
+	if (state && !isPaused())
+	{
+		PortableKeyEvent(1,SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE,0);
+		PortableKeyEvent(0,SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE,0);
+	}
+	else if (!state && isPaused())
+	{
+		PortableKeyEvent(1,SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE,0);
+		PortableKeyEvent(0,SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE,0);
+	}
+void initControls(int width, int height,const char * graphics_path,const char *settings_file)
+	touchcontrols::GLScaleWidth = (float)width;
+	touchcontrols::GLScaleHeight = (float)height;
+	LOGI("initControls %d x %d,x path = %s, settings = %s",width,height,graphics_path,settings_file);
+	if (!controlsCreated)
+	{
+		LOGI("creating controls");
+		touchcontrols::setGraphicsBasePath(graphics_path);
+		controlsContainer.openGL_start.connect( sigc::ptr_fun(&openGLStart));
+		controlsContainer.openGL_end.connect( sigc::ptr_fun(&openGLEnd));
+		controlsContainer.signal_settings.connect( sigc::ptr_fun(&touchSettingsButton));
+		tcMenuMain = new touchcontrols::TouchControls("menu",true,false);
+		tcGameMain = new touchcontrols::TouchControls("game",false,true,1,true);
+		tcGameWeapons = new touchcontrols::TouchControls("weapons",false,true,1,false);
+		tcAutomap  = new touchcontrols::TouchControls("automap",false,true,1,false);
+		tcInventory = new touchcontrols::TouchControls("inventory",false,true,1,false);
+		tcGameLook = new touchcontrols::TouchControls("mouse",true,false);
+		controlsContainer.dukeHack = 1;
+		tcGameMain->signal_settingsButton.connect(  sigc::ptr_fun(&gameSettingsButton) );
+		//Menu
+		tcMenuMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("down_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(20,13,23,16),"arrow_down",SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN,true)); //Repeating buttons
+		tcMenuMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("up_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(20,10,23,13),"arrow_up",SDL_SCANCODE_UP,true));
+		tcMenuMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("left_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(17,13,20,16),"arrow_left",SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT,true));
+		tcMenuMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("right_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(23,13,26,16),"arrow_right",SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT,true));
+		tcMenuMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("enter",touchcontrols::RectF(0,12,4,16),"enter",SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN));
+		tcMenuMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("esc",touchcontrols::RectF(0,9,4,12),"esc",SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE));
+		tcMenuMain->signal_button.connect(  sigc::ptr_fun(&menuButton) );
+		tcMenuMain->setAlpha(0.5);
+		tcInventory->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("jetpack", touchcontrols::RectF(4,3,7,6),"jetpack",gamefunc_Jetpack));
+		tcInventory->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("medkit",  touchcontrols::RectF(7,3,10,6),"medkit",gamefunc_MedKit));
+		tcInventory->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("nightv",  touchcontrols::RectF(4,6,7,9),"nightvision",gamefunc_NightVision));
+		tcInventory->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("holoduke",touchcontrols::RectF(7,6,10,9),"holoduke",gamefunc_Holo_Duke));
+		tcInventory->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("steroids",touchcontrols::RectF(4,9,7,12),"steroids",gamefunc_Steroids));
+		tcMenuMain->setAlpha(1);
+		tcInventory->signal_button.connect(  sigc::ptr_fun(&inventoryButton));
+		/*
+		//Automap
+		tcAutomap->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("down_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(2,14,4,16),"arrow_down",PORT_ACT_MAP_DOWN));
+		tcAutomap->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("up_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(2,10,4,12),"arrow_up",PORT_ACT_MAP_UP));
+		tcAutomap->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("left_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(0,12,2,14),"arrow_left",PORT_ACT_MAP_LEFT));
+		tcAutomap->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("right_arrow",touchcontrols::RectF(4,12,6,14),"arrow_right",PORT_ACT_MAP_RIGHT));
+		tcAutomap->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("zoom_in",touchcontrols::RectF(4,10,6,12),"zoom_in",PORT_ACT_MAP_ZOOM_IN));
+		tcAutomap->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("zoom_out",touchcontrols::RectF(4,14,6,16),"zoom_out",PORT_ACT_MAP_ZOOM_OUT));
+		tcAutomap->signal_button.connect(  sigc::ptr_fun(&automapButton) );
+		tcAutomap->setAlpha(0.5);
+		 */
+		//Game
+		tcGameMain->setAlpha(gameControlsAlpha);
+		controlsContainer.editButtonAlpha = gameControlsAlpha;
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("use",touchcontrols::RectF(23,4,26,7),"use",gamefunc_Open));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("attack",touchcontrols::RectF(20,7,23,10),"fire2",gamefunc_Fire));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("jump",touchcontrols::RectF(23,7,26,10),"jump",gamefunc_Jump));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("crouch",touchcontrols::RectF(24,14,26,16),"crouch",gamefunc_Crouch));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("kick",touchcontrols::RectF(20,4,23,7),"boot",gamefunc_Quick_Kick));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("quick_save",touchcontrols::RectF(24,0,26,2),"save",KEY_QUICK_SAVE));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("quick_load",touchcontrols::RectF(20,0,22,2),"load",KEY_QUICK_LOAD));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("map",touchcontrols::RectF(4,0,6,2),"map",gamefunc_Map));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("keyboard",touchcontrols::RectF(8,0,10,2),"keyboard",KEY_SHOW_KBRD));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("show_inventory",touchcontrols::RectF(0,0,2,3),"inv",KEY_SHOW_INVEN));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("next_weapon",touchcontrols::RectF(0,3,3,5),"next_weap",gamefunc_Next_Weapon));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("prev_weapon",touchcontrols::RectF(0,7,3,9),"prev_weap",gamefunc_Previous_Weapon));
+		//tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("sniper",touchcontrols::RectF(0,5,3,7),"sniper",KEY_SNIPER));
+		//quick actions binds
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("quick_key_1",touchcontrols::RectF(4,3,6,5),"quick_key_1",KEY_QUICK_KEY1,false,true));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("quick_key_2",touchcontrols::RectF(6,3,8,5),"quick_key_2",KEY_QUICK_KEY2,false,true));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("quick_key_3",touchcontrols::RectF(8,3,10,5),"quick_key_3",KEY_QUICK_KEY3,false,true));
+		tcGameMain->addControl(new touchcontrols::Button("quick_key_4",touchcontrols::RectF(10,3,12,5),"quick_key_4",KEY_QUICK_KEY4,false,true));
+		//Left stick
+		touchJoyLeft = new touchcontrols::TouchJoy("stick",touchcontrols::RectF(0,7,8,16),"strafe_arrow");
+		tcGameMain->addControl(touchJoyLeft);
+		touchJoyLeft->signal_move.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&left_stick) );
+		touchJoyLeft->signal_double_tap.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&left_double_tap) );
+		//Right stick
+		touchJoyRight = new touchcontrols::TouchJoy("touch",touchcontrols::RectF(17,7,26,16),"look_arrow");
+		tcGameMain->addControl(touchJoyRight);
+		touchJoyRight->signal_move.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&right_stick) );
+		touchJoyRight->signal_double_tap.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&right_double_tap) );
+		touchJoyRight->setEnabled(false);
+		tcGameMain->signal_button.connect(  sigc::ptr_fun(&gameButton) );
+		//Mouse look for whole screen
+		touchcontrols::Mouse *mouse = new touchcontrols::Mouse("mouse",touchcontrols::RectF(3,0,26,16),"");
+		mouse->signal_action.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&mouseMove));
+		mouse->signal_double_tap.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&right_double_tap) );
+		mouse->setHideGraphics(true);
+		tcGameLook->addControl(mouse);
+		//Weapons
+		weaponWheel = new touchcontrols::WheelSelect("weapon_wheel",touchcontrols::RectF(7,2,19,14),"weapon_wheel",10);
+		weaponWheel->signal_selected.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&weaponWheelChosen) );
+		weaponWheel->signal_enabled.connect(sigc::ptr_fun(&weaponWheelSelected));
+		tcGameWeapons->addControl(weaponWheel);
+		tcGameWeapons->setAlpha(0.9);
+		controlsContainer.addControlGroup(tcMenuMain);
+		controlsContainer.addControlGroup(tcInventory);//Need to be above tcGameMain incase buttons over stick
+		controlsContainer.addControlGroup(tcGameMain);
+		controlsContainer.addControlGroup(tcGameWeapons);
+		//controlsContainer.addControlGroup(tcAutomap);
+		controlsContainer.addControlGroup(tcGameLook);
+		controlsCreated = 1;
+		tcGameMain->setXMLFile((std::string)graphics_path +  "/game.xml");
+		tcGameWeapons->setXMLFile((std::string)graphics_path +  "/weapons.xml");
+		tcAutomap->setXMLFile((std::string)graphics_path +  "/automap.xml");
+		tcInventory->setXMLFile((std::string)graphics_path +  "/inventory.xml");
+	}
+	else
+		LOGI("NOT creating controls");
+	//controlsContainer.initGL();
+int loadedGLImages=0;
+int inMenuLast = 1;
+int inAutomapLast = 0;
+void frameControls()
+	//LOGI("frameControls");
+	//We need to do this here now because duke loads a new gl context
+	if (!loadedGLImages)
+	{
+		touchJoyRight->setEnabled(false);
+		controlsContainer.initGL();
+		loadedGLImages = 1;
+	}
+	//LOGI("frameControls");
+	if (PortableIsSoftwareMode())
+		curRenderer = REND_SOFT;
+	else
+		curRenderer = REND_GL;
+	int inMenuNew = PortableInMenu();
+	if (inMenuLast != inMenuNew)
+	{
+		inMenuLast = inMenuNew;
+		if (!inMenuNew)
+		{
+			tcGameMain->setEnabled(true);
+			tcGameWeapons->setEnabled(true);
+			tcGameWeapons->fade(1,5);
+			tcMenuMain->setEnabled(false);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			tcGameMain->setEnabled(false);
+			tcGameWeapons->setEnabled(false);
+			tcMenuMain->setEnabled(true);
+		}
+	}
+	int inAutomapNew =  PortableInAutomap() && !inMenuLast; //Dont show if menu comes up
+	if (inAutomapLast != inAutomapNew)
+	{
+		inAutomapLast = inAutomapNew;
+		if (inAutomapNew)
+		{
+			tcAutomap->animateIn(5);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			tcAutomap->animateOut(5);
+		}
+	}
+	setHideSticks(!showSticks);
+	controlsContainer.draw();
+void setTouchSettings(float alpha,float strafe,float fwd,float pitch,float yaw,int other)
+	gameControlsAlpha = alpha;
+	if (tcGameMain)
+	{
+		tcGameMain->setAlpha(gameControlsAlpha);
+		controlsContainer.editButtonAlpha = gameControlsAlpha;
+	}
+	showWeaponCycle = other & 0x1?true:false;
+	turnMouseMode   = other & 0x2?true:false;
+	invertLook      = other & 0x4?true:false;
+	precisionShoot  = other & 0x8?true:false;
+	showSticks      = other & 0x1000?true:false;
+	hideTouchControls = other & 0x80000000?true:false;
+	switch ((other>>4) & 0xF)
+	{
+	case 1:
+		left_double_action = gamefunc_Fire;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		left_double_action = gamefunc_Jump;
+		break;
+	default:
+		left_double_action = 0;
+	}
+	switch ((other>>8) & 0xF)
+	{
+	case 1:
+		right_double_action = gamefunc_Fire;
+		break;
+	case 2:
+		right_double_action = gamefunc_Jump;
+		break;
+	default:
+		right_double_action = 0;
+	}
+	strafe_sens = strafe;
+	forward_sens = fwd;
+	pitch_sens = pitch;
+	yaw_sens = yaw;
+int quit_now = 0;
+#define EXPORT_ME __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
+JNIEnv* env_;
+int argc=1;
+const char * argv[32];
+std::string graphicpath;
+std::string doom_path;
+const char * getDoomPath()
+	return doom_path.c_str();
+Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_init( JNIEnv* env,
+		jobject thiz,jstring graphics_dir,jint mem_mb,jobjectArray argsArray,jint renderer,jstring doom_path_ )
+	env_ = env;
+	curRenderer = renderer;
+	//curRenderer = REND_SOFT;
+	curRenderer = REND_GL;
+	argv[0] = "eduke32";
+	int argCount = (env)->GetArrayLength( argsArray);
+	LOGI("argCount = %d",argCount);
+	for (int i=0; i<argCount; i++) {
+		jstring string = (jstring) (env)->GetObjectArrayElement( argsArray, i);
+		argv[argc] = (char *)(env)->GetStringUTFChars( string, 0);
+		LOGI("arg = %s",argv[argc]);
+		argc++;
+	}
+	doom_path = (char *)(env)->GetStringUTFChars( doom_path_, 0);
+	//Change working dir, save games etc
+	chdir(getDoomPath());
+	putenv("TIMIDITY_CFG=../timidity.cfg");
+	LOGI("doom_path = %s",getDoomPath());
+	//argv[0] = "vavoom";
+	//argv[1] = "-basedir";
+	//argv[2] = "/sdcard/Beloko/Quake/FULL";
+	//args[3] = "-doom";
+	const char * p = env->GetStringUTFChars(graphics_dir,NULL);
+	graphicpath =  std::string(p);
+	initControls(android_screen_width,-android_screen_height,graphicpath.c_str(),(graphicpath + "/touch_controls.xml").c_str());
+	//initControls(2,-2,graphicpath.c_str(),(graphicpath + "/prdoom.xml").c_str());
+	/*
+	if (renderer != REND_SOFT)
+		SDL_SetSwapBufferCallBack(frameControls);
+	if (renderer == REND_SOFT)// In soft mode SDL calls swap buffer, disable so it does not flicker
+		SDL_SwapBufferPerformsSwap(false);
+	 */
+	SDL_SetSwapBufferCallBack(frameControls);
+	//Now doen in java to keep context etc
+	//SDL_SwapBufferPerformsSwap(false);
+	PortableInit(argc,argv);
+	return 0;
+Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_frame( JNIEnv* env,
+		jobject thiz )
+	LOGI("Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_frame");
+	PortableFrame();
+	frameControls();
+	return 0;
+__attribute__((visibility("default"))) jint JNI_OnLoad(JavaVM* vm, void* reserved)
+	LOGI("JNI_OnLoad");
+	return JNI_VERSION_1_4;
+Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_keypress(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jint down, jint keycode, jint unicode)
+	LOGI("keypress %d",keycode);
+	if (controlsContainer.isEditing())
+	{
+		if (down && (keycode == SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE ))
+			controlsContainer.finishEditing();
+	}
+	else
+		PortableKeyEvent(down,keycode,unicode);
+Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_touchEvent(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jint action, jint pid, jfloat x, jfloat y)
+	controlsContainer.processPointer(action,pid,x,y);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_doAction(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jint state, jint action)
+	//gamepadButtonPressed();
+	if (hideTouchControls)
+		if (tcGameMain->isEnabled())
+			tcGameMain->animateOut(30);
+	LOGI("doAction %d %d",state,action);
+	PortableAction(state,action);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_analogFwd(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jfloat v)
+	PortableMoveFwd(v);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_analogSide(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jfloat v)
+	PortableMoveSide(v);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_analogPitch(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jint mode,jfloat v)
+	PortableLookPitch(mode, v);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_analogYaw(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jint mode,jfloat v)
+	PortableLookYaw(mode, v);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_setTouchSettings(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jfloat alpha,jfloat strafe,jfloat fwd,jfloat pitch,jfloat yaw,int other)
+	setTouchSettings(alpha,strafe,fwd,pitch,yaw,other);
+void EXPORT_ME Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_resetTouchSettings(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj)
+	controlsContainer.resetDefaults();
+std::string quickCommandString;
+Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_quickCommand(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj,
+		jstring command)
+	const char * p = env->GetStringUTFChars(command,NULL);
+	quickCommandString =  std::string(p) + "\n";
+	env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(command, p);
+	PortableCommand(quickCommandString.c_str());
+Java_com_beloko_duke_engine_NativeLib_setScreenSize( JNIEnv* env,
+		jobject thiz, jint width, jint height)
+	android_screen_width = width;
+	android_screen_height = height;
+#include "SDL_main.h"
+extern void SDL_Android_Init(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls);
+void Java_org_libsdl_app_SDLActivity_nativeInit(JNIEnv* env, jclass cls)
+	/* This interface could expand with ABI negotiation, calbacks, etc. */
+	SDL_Android_Init(env, cls);
+	SDL_SetMainReady();
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/android/in_android.c b/polymer/eduke32/source/android/in_android.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a26a5ff0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/android/in_android.c
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+#include "sdl_inc.h"
+#include "baselayer.h"
+#include "keys.h"
+#include "duke3d.h"
+#include "common_game.h"
+#include "osd.h"
+#include "player.h"
+#include "jmact/keyboard.h"
+#include "jmact/control.h"
+#include "../src/video/android/SDL_androidkeyboard.h"
+#include "in_android.h"
+#include <android/log.h>
+#define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"DUKE", __VA_ARGS__))
+extern int SDL_SendKeyboardKey(Uint8 state, SDL_Scancode scancode);
+extern int SDL_SendKeyboardText(const char *text);
+char sdl_text[2];
+int PortableKeyEvent(int state, int code,int unicode){
+	LOGI("PortableKeyEvent %d %d %d",state,code,unicode);
+	/*
+	if (state)
+		 Android_OnKeyDown(code);
+	else
+		 Android_OnKeyUp(code);
+	return;
+	 */
+	if (state)
+		SDL_SendKeyboardKey(SDL_PRESSED, code);
+	else
+		SDL_SendKeyboardKey(SDL_RELEASED, code);
+	if (code == 42)
+		unicode = 42;
+	if (state)
+	{
+		//if (unicode < 128)
+		{
+			sdl_text[0] = unicode;
+			sdl_text[1] = 0;
+			int posted = SDL_SendKeyboardText((const char*)sdl_text);
+			LOGI("posted = %d",posted);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+int crouchToggleState=0;
+#define BUTTONSET(x,value) (CONTROL_ButtonState |= ((uint64_t)value<<((uint64_t)(x))))
+#define BUTTONCLEAR(x) (CONTROL_ButtonState &= ~((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(x))))
+uint64_t functionSticky = 0; //To let at least one tick
+uint64_t functionHeld = 0;
+void changeActionState(int state, int action)
+	if (state)
+	{
+		//BUTTONSET(action,1);
+		functionSticky  |= ((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(action)));
+		functionHeld    |= ((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(action)));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		//BUTTONCLEAR(action);
+		functionHeld  &= ~((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(action)));
+	}
+void PortableAction(int state, int action)
+	LOGI("PortableAction action = %d, state = %d",action,state);
+	//Special toggle for crouch, NOT when using jetpack or in water
+	if (!g_player[myconnectindex].ps->jetpack_on &&
+			g_player[myconnectindex].ps->on_ground &&
+			(sector[g_player[myconnectindex].ps->cursectnum].lotag != 2))// This means underwater!
+	{
+		if (action == gamefunc_Crouch)
+		{
+			if (state)
+			{
+				crouchToggleState =!crouchToggleState;
+			}
+			state = crouchToggleState;
+		}
+	}
+	//Check if jumping while crouched
+	if (action == gamefunc_Jump)
+	{
+		if (crouchToggleState)
+		{
+			crouchToggleState = 0;
+			changeActionState(0,gamefunc_Crouch);
+		}
+	}
+	changeActionState(state,action);
+	LOGI("PortableAction state = 0x%016llX",CONTROL_ButtonState);
+// =================== FORWARD and SIDE MOVMENT ==============
+float forwardmove, sidemove; //Joystick mode
+void PortableMoveFwd(float fwd)
+	if (fwd > 1)
+		fwd = 1;
+	else if (fwd < -1)
+		fwd = -1;
+	forwardmove = fwd;
+void PortableMoveSide(float strafe)
+	if (strafe > 1)
+		strafe = 1;
+	else if (strafe < -1)
+		strafe = -1;
+	sidemove = strafe;
+void PortableMove(float fwd, float strafe)
+	PortableMoveFwd(fwd);
+	PortableMoveSide(strafe);
+//Look up and down
+int look_pitch_mode;
+float look_pitch_mouse,look_pitch_abs,look_pitch_joy;
+void PortableLookPitch(int mode, float pitch)
+	//LOGI("PortableLookPitch %d %f",mode, pitch);
+	look_pitch_mode = mode;
+	switch(mode)
+	{
+		look_pitch_mouse += pitch;
+		break;
+		look_pitch_abs = pitch;
+		break;
+		look_pitch_joy = pitch;
+		break;
+	}
+//left right
+int look_yaw_mode;
+float look_yaw_mouse,look_yaw_joy;
+void PortableLookYaw(int mode, float yaw)
+	look_yaw_mode = mode;
+	switch(mode)
+	{
+		look_yaw_mouse += yaw;
+		break;
+		look_yaw_joy = yaw;
+		break;
+	}
+void PortableCommand(const char * cmd){}
+extern int32_t main(int32_t argc, char *argv[]);
+void PortableInit(int argc,const char ** argv){
+	main(argc,argv);
+void PortableFrame(){
+int PortableInMenu(){
+	return  ( (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & MODE_MENU) || !(g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & MODE_GAME))?1:0;
+unsigned int PortableGetWeapons()
+	return g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gotweapon;
+int PortableInAutomap()
+	return 0;
+int PortableShowKeyboard(){
+	return 0;
+int PortableIsSoftwareMode()
+	if (getrendermode() >= REND_POLYMOST)
+		return 0;
+	else
+		return 1;
+static int lastWeapon = -1;
+int getLastWeapon(){
+	return lastWeapon;
+extern user_defs ud;
+int isPaused()
+	return ud.pause_on;
+///This stuff is called from the game/engine
+void setLastWeapon(int w)
+	LOGI("setLastWeapon %d",w);
+	lastWeapon = w;
+void CONTROL_Android_ClearButton(int32_t whichbutton)
+	BUTTONCLEAR(whichbutton);
+	functionHeld  &= ~((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(whichbutton)));
+void  CONTROL_Android_PollDevices(ControlInfo *info)
+	//LOGI("CONTROL_Android_PollDevices %f %f",forwardmove,sidemove);
+	info->dz   = -forwardmove * 5000;
+	info->dx   = sidemove * 200;
+	switch(look_pitch_mode)
+	{
+		info->dpitch = look_pitch_mouse * 100000;
+		look_pitch_mouse = 0;
+		break;
+		//cl.viewangles[0] = look_pitch_abs * 80;
+		break;
+		info->dpitch = look_pitch_joy * 2000;
+		break;
+	}
+	switch(look_yaw_mode)
+	{
+		info->dyaw = -look_yaw_mouse * 80000;
+		look_yaw_mouse = 0;
+		break;
+		info->dyaw = -look_yaw_joy * 4000;
+		break;
+	}
+	CONTROL_ButtonState = 0;
+	CONTROL_ButtonState |= functionSticky;
+	CONTROL_ButtonState |= functionHeld;
+	functionSticky = 0;
+	//LOGI("poll state = 0x%016llX",CONTROL_ButtonState);
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/android/in_android.h b/polymer/eduke32/source/android/in_android.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be8eb44b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/android/in_android.h
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#include "function.h"
+#define LOOK_MODE_MOUSE    0
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+int PortableKeyEvent(int state, int code, int unicode);
+void PortableAction(int state, int action);
+void PortableMove(float fwd, float strafe);
+void PortableMoveFwd(float fwd);
+void PortableMoveSide(float strafe);
+void PortableLookPitch(int mode, float pitch);
+void PortableLookYaw(int mode, float pitch);
+void PortableCommand(const char * cmd);
+void PortableInit(int argc,const char ** argv);
+void PortableFrame();
+int PortableInMenu();
+int PortableShowKeyboard();
+int PortableInAutomap();
+unsigned int PortableGetWeapons();
+int getLastWeapon();
+int isPaused();
+//check mode, so touch graphcics can adapt
+int PortableIsSoftwareMode();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/config.c b/polymer/eduke32/source/config.c
index 660d32580..fd8a2ebee 100644
--- a/polymer/eduke32/source/config.c
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/config.c
@@ -174,9 +174,16 @@ void CONFIG_SetDefaults(void)
     int32_t i;
     ud.config.scripthandle = -1;
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+    ud.config.ScreenWidth = android_screen_width;
+    ud.config.ScreenHeight = android_screen_height;
     ud.config.ScreenWidth = 1024;
     ud.config.ScreenHeight = 768;
     ud.config.ScreenMode = 0;
 #ifdef USE_OPENGL
     ud.config.ScreenBPP = 32;
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/jmact/control.c b/polymer/eduke32/source/jmact/control.c
index 13f588dc6..e2794146c 100644
--- a/polymer/eduke32/source/jmact/control.c
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/jmact/control.c
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
 #include "osd.h"
 #include "pragmas.h"
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+#include "android.h"
 int32_t CONTROL_JoyPresent = FALSE;
 int32_t CONTROL_JoystickEnabled = FALSE;
 int32_t CONTROL_MousePresent = FALSE;
@@ -606,6 +610,10 @@ static void CONTROL_PollDevices(ControlInfo *info)
     memset(info, 0, sizeof(ControlInfo));
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+    CONTROL_Android_PollDevices(info);
     if (CONTROL_MouseEnabled)
         int32_t i = MAXMOUSEAXES-1;
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/player.c b/polymer/eduke32/source/player.c
index c22e39fcc..2413a0f6b 100644
--- a/polymer/eduke32/source/player.c
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/player.c
@@ -3241,6 +3241,10 @@ static void P_ChangeWeapon(DukePlayer_t *p, int32_t weapon)
     if (p->holster_weapon)
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+        setLastWeapon(p->last_weapon);
         p->weapon_pos = WEAPON_POS_RAISE;
         p->holster_weapon = 0;
         p->last_weapon = -1;
diff --git a/polymer/eduke32/source/sdlmusic.c b/polymer/eduke32/source/sdlmusic.c
index 6503c2cf9..8199d3122 100644
--- a/polymer/eduke32/source/sdlmusic.c
+++ b/polymer/eduke32/source/sdlmusic.c
@@ -56,7 +56,13 @@ static char **external_midi_argv;
 static pid_t external_midi_pid=-1;
 static int8_t external_midi_restart=0;
+#ifdef __ANDROID__ //TODO fix
+static char *external_midi_tempfn = "/sdcard/eduke32-music.mid";
 static char *external_midi_tempfn = "/tmp/eduke32-music.mid";
 static int32_t external_midi = 0;
 int32_t MUSIC_ErrorCode = MUSIC_Ok;