mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 07:21:00 +00:00
- sectnum removal step
This commit is contained in:
13 changed files with 96 additions and 69 deletions
@ -345,6 +345,23 @@ inline int pushmove(vec3_t *const vect, sectortype**const sect, int32_t const wa
return res;
inline void alignceilslope(sectortype* dasect, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z)
alignceilslope(sector.IndexOf(dasect), x, y, z);
inline void alignflorslope(sectortype* dasect, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z)
alignflorslope(sector.IndexOf(dasect), x, y, z);
inline void updatesectorneighbor(int32_t const x, int32_t const y, sectortype* * const sect, int32_t maxDistance = MAXUPDATESECTORDIST)
int sectno = *sect? sector.IndexOf(*sect) : -1;
updatesectorneighbor(x, y, §no, maxDistance);
*sect = sectno < 0? nullptr : §or[sectno];
inline int findwallbetweensectors(sectortype* sect1, sectortype* sect2)
@ -4185,7 +4185,7 @@ void handle_se19(DDukeActor *actor, int BIGFORCE)
else //Not hit yet
auto hitter = fi.ifhitsectors(actor->s->sectnum);
auto hitter = fi.ifhitsectors(actor->sector());
if (hitter)
FTA(8, &ps[myconnectindex]);
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ void hitradius_d(DDukeActor* actor, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int h
int d = dist(actor, act2);
if (spri2->picnum == APLAYER) spri2->z += gs.playerheight;
if (d < r && cansee(spri2->x, spri2->y, spri2->z - (8 << 8), spri2->sectnum, spri->x, spri->y, spri->z - (12 << 8), spri->sectnum))
if (d < r && cansee(spri2->x, spri2->y, spri2->z - (8 << 8), spri2->sector(), spri->x, spri->y, spri->z - (12 << 8), spri->sector()))
act2->ang = getangle(spri2->x - spri->x, spri2->y - spri->y);
@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ void movefta_d(void)
int x, px, py, sx, sy;
int p;
int psect, ssect;
sectortype* psect, *ssect;
int j;
DukeStatIterator iti(STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR);
@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ void movefta_d(void)
auto s = act->s;
p = findplayer(act, &x);
ssect = psect = s->sectnum;
ssect = psect = s->sector();
auto pa = ps[p].GetActor();
if (pa->s->extra > 0)
@ -716,14 +716,14 @@ void movefta_d(void)
px = ps[p].oposx + 64 - (krand() & 127);
py = ps[p].oposy + 64 - (krand() & 127);
updatesector(px, py, &psect);
if (psect == -1)
if (psect == nullptr)
sx = s->x + 64 - (krand() & 127);
sy = s->y + 64 - (krand() & 127);
updatesector(px, py, &ssect);
if (ssect == -1)
if (ssect == nullptr)
@ -789,12 +789,12 @@ void movefta_d(void)
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_d(int sectnum)
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_d(sectortype* sect)
DukeStatIterator it(STAT_MISC);
while (auto a1 = it.Next())
if (a1->s->picnum == EXPLOSION2 && sectnum == a1->s->sectnum)
if (a1->s->picnum == EXPLOSION2 && sect == a1->s->sector())
return a1;
return nullptr;
@ -1103,11 +1103,11 @@ static void movetripbomb(DDukeActor *actor)
s->z -= (3 << 8);
// Laser fix from EDuke32.
int const oldSectNum = s->sectnum;
int curSectNum = s->sectnum;
auto const oldSect = s->sector();
auto curSect = s->sector();
updatesectorneighbor(s->x, s->y, &curSectNum, 2048);
changeactorsect(actor, curSectNum);
updatesectorneighbor(s->x, s->y, &curSect, 2048);
changeactorsect(actor, curSect);
DDukeActor* hit;
x = hitasprite(actor, &hit);
@ -1137,15 +1137,15 @@ static void movetripbomb(DDukeActor *actor)
s->x += bcos(actor->temp_data[5], -4);
s->y += bsin(actor->temp_data[5], -4);
updatesectorneighbor(s->x, s->y, &curSectNum, 2048);
updatesectorneighbor(s->x, s->y, &curSect, 2048);
if (curSectNum == -1)
if (curSect == nullptr)
changeactorsect(actor, curSectNum);
changeactorsect(actor, curSect);
// this is a hack to work around the LASERLINE sprite's art tile offset
changeactorsect(spawned, curSectNum);
changeactorsect(spawned, curSect);
@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@ static void movetripbomb(DDukeActor *actor)
s->x = actor->temp_data[3]; s->y = actor->temp_data[4];
s->z += (3 << 8);
changeactorsect(actor, oldSectNum);
changeactorsect(actor, oldSect);
actor->temp_data[3] = 0;
if (hit && lTripBombControl & TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE)
@ -3037,16 +3037,16 @@ DETONATEB:
void moveactors_d(void)
int x;
int sect, p;
int p;
unsigned int k;
DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTOR);
while (auto act = it.Next())
auto s = act->s;
sect = s->sectnum;
auto sectp = s->sector();
if (s->xrepeat == 0 || !validSectorIndex(sect))
if (s->xrepeat == 0 || sectp == nullptr)
@ -3772,7 +3772,7 @@ void moveeffectors_d(void) //STATNUM 3
auto sc = act->sector();
if (sc->wallnum != 4) continue;
auto wal = sc->firstWall() + 2;
alignflorslope(act->s->sectnum, wal->x, wal->y, wal->nextSector()->floorz);
alignflorslope(act->s->sector(), wal->x, wal->y, wal->nextSector()->floorz);
@ -252,9 +252,9 @@ void hitradius_r(DDukeActor* actor, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int h
int x1 = (((wal.x + wal.point2Wall()->x) >> 1) + spri->x) >> 1;
int y1 = (((wal.y + wal.point2Wall()->y) >> 1) + spri->y) >> 1;
int sect;
auto sect = wal.sectorp();
updatesector(x1, y1, §);
if (sect >= 0 && cansee(x1, y1, spri->z, sect, spri->x, spri->y, spri->z, spri->sectnum))
if (sect != nullptr && cansee(x1, y1, spri->z, sect, spri->x, spri->y, spri->z, spri->sector()))
fi.checkhitwall(actor, &wal, wal.x, wal.y, spri->z, spri->picnum);
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ void hitradius_r(DDukeActor* actor, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int h
if (spri2->cstat & 257)
if (dist(actor, act2) < r)
if (badguy(act2) && !cansee(spri2->x, spri2->y, spri2->z + q, spri2->sectnum, spri->x, spri->y, spri->z + q, spri->sectnum))
if (badguy(act2) && !cansee(spri2->x, spri2->y, spri2->z + q, spri2->sector(), spri->x, spri->y, spri->z + q, spri->sector()))
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ void hitradius_r(DDukeActor* actor, int r, int hp1, int hp2, int hp3, int h
int d = dist(actor, act2);
if (spri2->picnum == APLAYER) spri2->z += gs.playerheight;
if (d < r && cansee(spri2->x, spri2->y, spri2->z - (8 << 8), spri2->sectnum, spri->x, spri->y, spri->z - (12 << 8), spri->sectnum))
if (d < r && cansee(spri2->x, spri2->y, spri2->z - (8 << 8), spri2->sector(), spri->x, spri->y, spri->z - (12 << 8), spri->sector()))
if ((isRRRA()) && spri2->picnum == MINION && spri2->pal == 19)
@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ void movefta_r(void)
int x, px, py, sx, sy;
int j, p;
int psect, ssect;
sectortype* psect, *ssect;
DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR);
while(auto act = it.Next())
@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ void movefta_r(void)
p = findplayer(act, &x);
j = 0;
ssect = psect = s->sectnum;
ssect = psect = s->sector();
if (ps[p].GetActor()->s->extra > 0)
@ -533,14 +533,14 @@ void movefta_r(void)
px = ps[p].oposx + 64 - (krand() & 127);
py = ps[p].oposy + 64 - (krand() & 127);
updatesector(px, py, &psect);
if (psect == -1)
if (psect == nullptr)
sx = s->x + 64 - (krand() & 127);
sy = s->y + 64 - (krand() & 127);
updatesector(px, py, &ssect);
if (ssect == -1)
if (ssect == nullptr)
@ -622,12 +622,13 @@ void movefta_r(void)
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_r(int sectnum)
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_r(sectortype* sect)
DukeStatIterator it(STAT_MISC);
while (auto a1 = it.Next())
if (a1->s->picnum == EXPLOSION2 || (a1->s->picnum == EXPLOSION3 && sectnum == a1->s->sectnum))
if (a1->s->picnum == EXPLOSION2 || (a1->s->picnum == EXPLOSION3 && sect == a1->s->sector()))
return a1;
return nullptr;
@ -2487,7 +2488,7 @@ void rr_specialstats()
ps[p].bobposy = ps[p].oposy = ps[p].pos.y = act2->s->y;
ps[p].oposz = ps[p].pos.z = act2->s->z - (36 << 8);
auto pact = ps[p].GetActor();
changeactorsect(pact, act2->s->sectnum);
changeactorsect(pact, act2->sector());
S_PlayActorSound(70, act2);
@ -3659,7 +3660,7 @@ void moveeffectors_r(void) //STATNUM 3
auto sc = act->sector();
if (sc->wallnum != 4) continue;
auto wal = sc->firstWall() + 2;
alignflorslope(act->s->sectnum, wal->x, wal->y, wal->nextSector()->floorz);
alignflorslope(act->sector(), wal->x, wal->y, wal->nextSector()->floorz);
@ -4105,10 +4106,9 @@ void fall_r(DDukeActor* ac, int g_p)
void destroyit(DDukeActor *actor)
int lotag = 0, hitag = 0;
int sectnum;
DDukeActor* spr = nullptr;
DukeSectIterator it1(actor->s->sectnum);
DukeSectIterator it1(actor->sector());
while (auto a2 = it1.Next())
if (a2->s->picnum == RRTILE63)
@ -4138,7 +4138,7 @@ void destroyit(DDukeActor *actor)
if (spr && spr->s->sector() != it_sect)
if (lotag == a2->s->lotag)
sectnum = spr->s->sectnum;
auto sect = spr->s->sector();
auto destsect = spr->sector();
auto srcsect = it_sect;
@ -4183,7 +4183,7 @@ void destroyit(DDukeActor *actor)
destsect->extra = srcsect->extra;
while (auto a2 = it1.Next())
switch (a2->s->picnum)
@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void animatesprites_d(spritetype* tsprite, int& spritesortcnt, int x, int y, int
t->y = interpolatedvalue(omyy, myy, smoothratio);
t->z = interpolatedvalue(omyz, myz, smoothratio) + PHEIGHT_DUKE;
t->ang = interpolatedangle(omyang, myang, smoothratio).asbuild();
t->sectnum = mycursectnum;
t->sector = mycursectnum;
@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ void animatesprites_r(spritetype* tsprite, int& spritesortcnt, int x, int y, int
t->y = interpolatedvalue(omyy, myy, smoothratio);
t->z = interpolatedvalue(omyz, myz, smoothratio) + PHEIGHT_RR;
t->ang = interpolatedangle(omyang, myang, smoothratio).asbuild();
t->sectnum = mycursectnum;
t->sector = mycursectnum;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ void ballreturn(DDukeActor *ball)
DukeStatIterator it(STAT_BOWLING);
while (auto act = it.Next())
if (act->s->picnum == RRTILE281 && ball->s->sectnum == act->s->sectnum)
if (act->s->picnum == RRTILE281 && ball->s->sector() == act->s->sector())
DukeStatIterator it2(STAT_BOWLING);
while (auto act2 = it2.Next())
@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ void lotsofpaper_d(DDukeActor* s, int n);
void lotsoffeathers_r(DDukeActor* s, int n);
void guts_d(DDukeActor* s, int gtype, int n, int p);
void guts_r(DDukeActor* s, int gtype, int n, int p);
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_d(int sectnum);
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_r(int sectnum);
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_d(sectortype* sectnum);
DDukeActor* ifhitsectors_r(sectortype* sectnum);
int ifhitbyweapon_r(DDukeActor* sn);
int ifhitbyweapon_d(DDukeActor* sn);
void fall_d(DDukeActor* i, int g_p);
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ struct Dispatcher
void (*lotsofmail)(DDukeActor *s, int n);
void (*lotsofpaper)(DDukeActor *s, int n);
void (*guts)(DDukeActor* s, int gtype, int n, int p);
DDukeActor* (*ifhitsectors)(int sectnum);
DDukeActor* (*ifhitsectors)(sectortype* sectnum);
int (*ifhitbyweapon)(DDukeActor* sectnum);
void (*fall)(DDukeActor* actor, int g_p);
bool (*spawnweapondebris)(int picnum, int dnum);
@ -245,5 +245,18 @@ inline void neartag(int32_t xs, int32_t ys, int32_t zs, int sectnum, int ange,
*neartagwall = ntwal == -1? nullptr : &wall[ntwal];
inline void neartag(int32_t xs, int32_t ys, int32_t zs, sectortype* sect, int ange,
sectortype** neartagsector, walltype** neartagwall, DDukeActor** neartagsprite,
int32_t* neartaghitdist, int32_t neartagrange, uint8_t tagsearch)
int16_t nts;
int16_t ntsec, ntwal;
::neartag(xs, ys, zs, sectnum(sect), ange, &ntsec, &ntwal, &nts, neartaghitdist, neartagrange, tagsearch);
*neartagsprite = nts == -1 ? nullptr : &hittype[nts];
*neartagsector = ntsec == -1 ? nullptr : §or[ntsec];
*neartagwall = ntwal == -1 ? nullptr : &wall[ntwal];
@ -1437,7 +1437,7 @@ static bool ifcansee(DDukeActor* actor, int pnum)
if (ps[pnum].holoduke_on != nullptr && !isRR())
tosee = ps[pnum].holoduke_on;
j = cansee(spr->x, spr->y, spr->z - (krand() & ((32 << 8) - 1)), spr->sectnum, tosee->s->x, tosee->s->y, tosee->s->z, tosee->s->sectnum);
j = cansee(spr->x, spr->y, spr->z - (krand() & ((32 << 8) - 1)), spr->sector(), tosee->s->x, tosee->s->y, tosee->s->z, tosee->sector());
if (j == 0)
@ -1449,7 +1449,7 @@ static bool ifcansee(DDukeActor* actor, int pnum)
else tosee = ps[pnum].GetActor(); // holoduke not on. look for player
// can they see player, (or player's holoduke)
j = cansee(spr->x, spr->y, spr->z - (krand() & ((47 << 8))), spr->sectnum, tosee->s->x, tosee->s->y, tosee->s->z - ((isRR()? 28 : 24) << 8), tosee->s->sectnum);
j = cansee(spr->x, spr->y, spr->z - (krand() & ((47 << 8))), spr->sector(), tosee->s->x, tosee->s->y, tosee->s->z - ((isRR()? 28 : 24) << 8), tosee->sector());
if (j == 0)
@ -1501,12 +1501,12 @@ int ParseState::parse(void)
parseifelse(ifcanshoottarget(g_ac, g_p, g_x));
case concmd_ifcanseetarget:
j = cansee(g_sp->x, g_sp->y, g_sp->z - ((krand() & 41) << 8), g_sp->sectnum, ps[g_p].pos.x, ps[g_p].pos.y, ps[g_p].pos.z/*-((krand()&41)<<8)*/, ps[g_p].GetActor()->s->sectnum);
j = cansee(g_sp->x, g_sp->y, g_sp->z - ((krand() & 41) << 8), g_sp->sector(), ps[g_p].pos.x, ps[g_p].pos.y, ps[g_p].pos.z/*-((krand()&41)<<8)*/, ps[g_p].GetActor()->sector());
if (j) g_ac->timetosleep = SLEEPTIME;
case concmd_ifnocover:
j = cansee(g_sp->x, g_sp->y, g_sp->z, g_sp->sectnum, ps[g_p].pos.x, ps[g_p].pos.y, ps[g_p].pos.z, ps[g_p].GetActor()->s->sectnum);
j = cansee(g_sp->x, g_sp->y, g_sp->z, g_sp->sector(), ps[g_p].pos.x, ps[g_p].pos.y, ps[g_p].pos.z, ps[g_p].GetActor()->sector());
if (j) g_ac->timetosleep = SLEEPTIME;
@ -2469,7 +2469,7 @@ int ParseState::parse(void)
walltype* neartagwall;
DDukeActor* neartagsprite;
int32_t neartaghitdist;
neartag(g_sp->x, g_sp->y, g_sp->z - (32 << 8), g_sp->sectnum, g_sp->ang, §p, &neartagwall, &neartagsprite, &neartaghitdist, 768L, 1);
neartag(g_sp->x, g_sp->y, g_sp->z - (32 << 8), g_sp->sector(), g_sp->ang, §p, &neartagwall, &neartagsprite, &neartaghitdist, 768L, 1);
if (sectp)
if (isanearoperator(sectp->lotag))
@ -2776,7 +2776,7 @@ int ParseState::parse(void)
case concmd_pstomp:
if( ps[g_p].knee_incs == 0 && ps[g_p].GetActor()->s->xrepeat >= (isRR()? 9: 40) )
if( cansee(g_sp->x,g_sp->y,g_sp->z-(4<<8),g_sp->sectnum,ps[g_p].pos.x,ps[g_p].pos.y,ps[g_p].pos.z+(16<<8),ps[g_p].GetActor()->s->sectnum) )
if( cansee(g_sp->x,g_sp->y,g_sp->z-(4<<8),g_sp->sector(),ps[g_p].pos.x,ps[g_p].pos.y,ps[g_p].pos.z+(16<<8),ps[g_p].GetActor()->s->sector()) )
ps[g_p].knee_incs = 1;
if(ps[g_p].weapon_pos == 0)
@ -2786,23 +2786,21 @@ int ParseState::parse(void)
case concmd_ifawayfromwall:
int s1;
s1 = g_sp->sectnum;
auto s1 = g_sp->sector();
j = 0;
updatesector(g_sp->x + 108, g_sp->y + 108, &s1);
if (s1 == g_sp->sectnum)
if (s1 == g_sp->sector())
updatesector(g_sp->x - 108, g_sp->y - 108, &s1);
if (s1 == g_sp->sectnum)
if (s1 == g_sp->sector())
updatesector(g_sp->x + 108, g_sp->y - 108, &s1);
if (s1 == g_sp->sectnum)
if (s1 == g_sp->sector())
updatesector(g_sp->x - 108, g_sp->y + 108, &s1);
if (s1 == g_sp->sectnum)
if (s1 == g_sp->sector())
j = 1;
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ int hits(DDukeActor* actor)
if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) zoff = isRR() ? PHEIGHT_RR : PHEIGHT_DUKE;
else zoff = 0;
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sector(), bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
return (FindDistance2D(sx - sp->x, sy - sp->y));
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ int hitasprite(DDukeActor* actor, DDukeActor** hitsp)
else if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) zoff = (39 << 8);
else zoff = 0;
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, nullptr, &wal, hitsp, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sector(), bcos(sp->ang), bsin(sp->ang), 0, nullptr, &wal, hitsp, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1);
if (wal != nullptr && (wal->cstat & 16) && badguy(actor))
return((1 << 30));
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ DDukeActor* aim(DDukeActor* actor, int aang)
a = (abs(Scale(sp->z - s->z, 10, sdist) - ps[s->yvel].horizon.sum().asbuild()) < 100);
else a = 1;
cans = cansee(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - (32 << 8) + gs.actorinfo[sp->picnum].aimoffset, sp->sectnum, s->x, s->y, s->z - (32 << 8), s->sectnum);
cans = cansee(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - (32 << 8) + gs.actorinfo[sp->picnum].aimoffset, sp->sector(), s->x, s->y, s->z - (32 << 8), s->sector());
if (a && cans)
@ -485,13 +485,12 @@ void footprints(int snum)
auto p = &ps[snum];
auto actor = p->GetActor();
auto s = actor->s;
auto psect = s->sectnum;
if (p->footprintcount > 0 && p->on_ground)
if ((p->cursector->floorstat & 2) != 2)
int j = -1;
DukeSectIterator it(psect);
DukeSectIterator it(s->sector());
while (auto act = it.Next())
if (act->s->picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS || act->s->picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS2 || act->s->picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS3 || act->s->picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS4)
@ -992,7 +991,7 @@ int haskey(sectortype* sectp, int snum)
void shootbloodsplat(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, int atwith, int BIGFORCE, int OOZFILTER, int NEWBEAST)
spritetype* const s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
auto sectp = s->sector();
int zvel;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
sectortype* hitsectp;
@ -1005,7 +1004,7 @@ void shootbloodsplat(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, i
zvel = 1024 - (krand() & 2047);
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sectp,
bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsectp, &wal, &d, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static void shootflamethrowerflame(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int
static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
auto s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
auto sectp = s->sector();
int zvel;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
DDukeActor* hitsprt;
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
sa = getangle(pactor->s->x - sx, pactor->s->y - sy);
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sectp,
bsin(sa), zvel << 6,
&hitsectp, &hitwallp, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ static void shootknee(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, int atwith)
auto s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
auto sectp = s->sector();
int zvel = 0;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
DDukeActor* hitact;
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ static void shootweapon(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa
s->cstat &= ~257;
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sect,
hitscan(sx, sy, sz, sectp,
zvel << 6, &hitsectp, &hitwallp, &hitact, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ static void shootrpg(DDukeActor *actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa, i
static void shootlaser(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
spritetype* const s = actor->s;
int sect = s->sectnum;
auto sectp = s->sector();
int zvel;
int j;
int hitx, hity, hitz;
@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ static void shootlaser(DDukeActor* actor, int p, int sx, int sy, int sz, int sa)
zvel = -ps[p].horizon.sum().asq16() >> 11;
else zvel = 0;
hitscan(sx, sy, sz - ps[p].pyoff, sect,
hitscan(sx, sy, sz - ps[p].pyoff, sectp,
zvel << 6, &hitsectp, &wal, &hitsprt, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1);
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