mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 01:32:11 +00:00
Exhumed: Improve player input.
- Input velocity now consistent irrespective of frame rate. - Angle and horizon calculated at frame rate. - Replace usage of F16() macro with fix16_from_int() in GetInterruptKeys(). Note: Known issues with look up/down keys that is to be repaired.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 158 additions and 168 deletions
@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ enum gametokens
int exhumed_globalflags;
PlayerInput localInput;
static int parsedefinitions_game(scriptfile *, int);
@ -794,18 +795,6 @@ void I_Error(const char *fmt, ...)
throw std::runtime_error(buf);
void faketimerhandler()
if ((totalclock < ototalclock + 1) || bInMove)
ototalclock = ototalclock + 1;
if (!((int)ototalclock&3) && moveframes < 4)
void timerhandler()
@ -1549,7 +1538,6 @@ static void GameDisplay(void)
// End Section B
if (levelnum == kMap20)
@ -2309,18 +2297,31 @@ GAMELOOP:
static bool frameJustDrawn;
bInMove = kTrue;
if (!bPause && totalclock >= tclocks + 4 && !GUICapture)
if (!frameJustDrawn)
frameJustDrawn = false;
if (GUICapture || bPause)
totalclock = tclocks + 4;
while ((totalclock - ototalclock) >= 1 || !bInMove)
ototalclock = ototalclock + 1;
if (!((int)ototalclock&3) && moveframes < 4)
nPlayerDAng = fix16_sadd(nPlayerDAng, localInput.nAngle);
inita &= kAngleMask;
lPlayerXVel += localInput.yVel * Cos(inita) + localInput.xVel * Sin(inita);
lPlayerYVel += localInput.yVel * Sin(inita) - localInput.xVel * Cos(inita);
lPlayerXVel -= (lPlayerXVel >> 5) + (lPlayerXVel >> 6);
lPlayerYVel -= (lPlayerYVel >> 5) + (lPlayerYVel >> 6);
sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].xVel = lPlayerXVel;
sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].yVel = lPlayerYVel;
@ -2335,27 +2336,22 @@ GAMELOOP:
sPlayerInput[nLocalPlayer].horizon = nVertPan[nLocalPlayer];
while (levelnew < 0 && totalclock >= tclocks + 4)
// timerUpdate();
tclocks += 4;
// timerUpdate();
} while (levelnew < 0 && totalclock >= tclocks + 4);
} while (0);
else if (GUICapture || bPause)
totalclock = tclocks + 4;
bInMove = kFalse;
if (G_FPSLimit())
frameJustDrawn = true;
if (!bInDemo)
@ -161,6 +161,9 @@ void PlayerInterruptKeys()
localInput = {};
PlayerInput input {};
if (PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].nHealth == 0)
lPlayerYVel = 0;
@ -175,44 +178,50 @@ void PlayerInterruptKeys()
int const keyMove = playerRunning ? 12 : 6;
constexpr int const analogTurnAmount = 12;
constexpr int const analogExtent = 32767; // KEEPINSYNC sdlayer.cpp
int fvel = 0, svel = 0;
fix16_t q16avel = 0, q16horz = 0;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
static int strafeyaw;
svel = -(info.mousex + strafeyaw) >> 6;
input.xVel = -(info.mousex + strafeyaw) >> 6;
strafeyaw = (info.mousex + strafeyaw) % 64;
svel -= info.dyaw * keyMove / analogExtent;
input.xVel -= info.dyaw * keyMove / analogExtent;
q16avel = fix16_div(fix16_from_int(info.mousex), F16(32));
q16avel += fix16_from_int(info.dyaw) / analogExtent * (analogTurnAmount << 1);
input.nAngle = fix16_sadd(input.nAngle, fix16_sdiv(fix16_from_int(info.mousex), fix16_from_int(32)));
input.nAngle = fix16_sadd(input.nAngle, fix16_from_int(info.dyaw / analogExtent * (analogTurnAmount << 1)));
g_MyAimMode = in_mousemode || buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Mouse_Aiming);
if (g_MyAimMode)
q16horz = fix16_div(fix16_from_int(info.mousey), F16(64));
input.horizon = fix16_sadd(input.horizon, fix16_sdiv(fix16_from_int(info.mousey), fix16_from_int(64)));
fvel = -(info.mousey >> 6);
input.yVel = -(info.mousey >> 6);
if (!in_mouseflip) q16horz = -q16horz;
if (!in_mouseflip) input.horizon = -input.horizon;
q16horz -= fix16_from_int(info.dpitch) / analogExtent * analogTurnAmount;
svel -= info.dx * keyMove / analogExtent;
fvel -= info.dz * keyMove / analogExtent;
input.horizon = fix16_ssub(input.horizon, fix16_from_int(info.dpitch * analogTurnAmount / analogExtent));
input.xVel -= info.dx * keyMove / analogExtent;
input.yVel -= info.dz * keyMove / analogExtent;
static double lastInputTicks;
auto const currentHiTicks = timerGetHiTicks();
double const elapsedInputTicks = currentHiTicks - lastInputTicks;
lastInputTicks = currentHiTicks;
auto scaleAdjustmentToInterval = [=](double x) { return x * 120 / (1000.0 / elapsedInputTicks); };
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe))
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Left))
svel -= -keyMove;
input.xVel -= -keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Turn_Right))
svel -= keyMove;
input.xVel -= keyMove;
@ -249,42 +258,130 @@ void PlayerInterruptKeys()
//if ((counter++) % 4 == 0) // what was this for???
q16avel += fix16_from_int(turn*2);
input.nAngle = fix16_sadd(input.nAngle, fix16_from_float(scaleAdjustmentToInterval(turn * 2)));
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Left))
svel += keyMove;
input.xVel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Strafe_Right))
svel += -keyMove;
input.xVel += -keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Forward))
fvel += keyMove;
input.yVel += keyMove;
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Move_Backward))
fvel += -keyMove;
input.yVel += -keyMove;
fvel = clamp(fvel, -12, 12);
svel = clamp(svel, -12, 12);
localInput.yVel = clamp(localInput.yVel + input.yVel, -12, 12);
localInput.xVel = clamp(localInput.xVel + input.xVel, -12, 12);
localInput.nAngle = fix16_sadd(localInput.nAngle, input.nAngle);
nPlayerDAng += q16avel;
inita &= kAngleMask;
lPlayerXVel += fvel * Cos(inita) + svel * Sin(inita);
lPlayerYVel += fvel * Sin(inita) - svel * Cos(inita);
lPlayerXVel -= (lPlayerXVel >> 5) + (lPlayerXVel >> 6);
lPlayerYVel -= (lPlayerYVel >> 5) + (lPlayerYVel >> 6);
PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16angle = fix16_sadd(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16angle, input.nAngle) & 0x7FFFFFF;
PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16horiz = fix16_clamp(fix16_sadd(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16horiz, input.horizon), fix16_from_int(0), fix16_from_int(184));
// A horiz diff of 128 equal 45 degrees,
// so we convert horiz to 1024 angle units
float horizAngle = atan2f(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] - F16(92), F16(128)) * (512.f / fPI) + fix16_to_float(q16horz);
float horizAngle = atan2f(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] - fix16_from_int(92), fix16_from_int(128)) * (512.f / fPI) + scaleAdjustmentToInterval(fix16_to_float(input.horizon));
horizAngle = clamp(horizAngle, -255.f, 255.f);
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_clamp(F16(92) + Blrintf(F16(128) * tanf(horizAngle * (fPI / 512.f))), F16(0), F16(184));
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_clamp(fix16_from_int(92) + Blrintf(fix16_from_int(128) * tanf(horizAngle * (fPI / 512.f))), fix16_from_int(0), fix16_from_int(184));
// TODO - tidy / consolidate repeating blocks of code here?
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Up))
bLockPan = kFalse;
if (nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] < fix16_from_int(180)) {
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_sadd(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer], fix16_from_float(scaleAdjustmentToInterval(4)));
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = nVertPan[nLocalPlayer];
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Down))
bLockPan = kFalse;
if (nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] > fix16_from_int(4)) {
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_ssub(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer], fix16_from_float(scaleAdjustmentToInterval(4)));
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = nVertPan[nLocalPlayer];
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Straight))
bLockPan = kFalse;
bPlayerPan = kFalse;
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_from_int(92);
nDestVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_from_int(92);
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Aim_Up))
bLockPan = kTrue;
if (nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] < fix16_from_int(180)) {
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_sadd(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer], fix16_from_float(scaleAdjustmentToInterval(4)));
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = nVertPan[nLocalPlayer];
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Aim_Down))
bLockPan = kTrue;
if (nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] > fix16_from_int(4)) {
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_ssub(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer], fix16_from_float(scaleAdjustmentToInterval(4)));
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = nVertPan[nLocalPlayer];
// loc_1C048:
if (totalvel[nLocalPlayer] > 20) {
bPlayerPan = kFalse;
if (g_MyAimMode)
bLockPan = kTrue;
// loc_1C05E
fix16_t ecx = fix16_ssub(nDestVertPan[nLocalPlayer], PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16horiz);
if (g_MyAimMode)
ecx = 0;
if (ecx)
if (ecx / 4 == 0)
if (ecx >= 0) {
ecx = 1;
ecx = -1;
ecx /= 4;
if (ecx > fix16_from_int(4))
ecx = fix16_from_int(4);
else if (ecx < -fix16_from_int(4))
ecx = -fix16_from_int(4);
nVertPan[nLocalPlayer] = fix16_sadd(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer], ecx);
PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16horiz = fix16_clamp(nVertPan[nLocalPlayer], fix16_from_int(0), fix16_from_int(184));
void RestoreSavePoint(int nPlayer, int *x, int *y, int *z, short *nSector, short *nAngle)
@ -1080,8 +1177,6 @@ void FuncPlayer(int a, int nDamage, int nRun)
// loc_1A494:
PlayerList[nPlayer].q16angle = (PlayerList[nPlayer].q16angle + sPlayerInput[nPlayer].nAngle) & 0x7FFFFFF;
PlayerList[nPlayer].q16horiz = sPlayerInput[nPlayer].horizon;
sprite[nPlayerSprite].ang = fix16_to_int(PlayerList[nPlayer].q16angle);
// sprite[nPlayerSprite].zvel is modified within Gravity()
@ -2845,103 +2940,6 @@ loc_1BD2E:
PlayerList[nPlayer].nAction = nActionB;
PlayerList[nPlayer].field_2 = 0;
if (nPlayer == nLocalPlayer)
// TODO - tidy / consolidate repeating blocks of code here?
if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Up))
bLockPan = kFalse;
if (nVertPan[nPlayer] < F16(180)) {
nVertPan[nPlayer] += F16(4);
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nPlayer] = nVertPan[nPlayer];
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Down))
bLockPan = kFalse;
if (nVertPan[nPlayer] > F16(4)) {
nVertPan[nPlayer] -= F16(4);
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nPlayer] = nVertPan[nPlayer];
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Look_Straight))
bLockPan = kFalse;
bPlayerPan = kFalse;
nVertPan[nPlayer] = F16(92);
nDestVertPan[nPlayer] = F16(92);
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Aim_Up))
bLockPan = kTrue;
if (nVertPan[nPlayer] < F16(180)) {
nVertPan[nPlayer] += F16(4);
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nPlayer] = nVertPan[nPlayer];
else if (buttonMap.ButtonDown(gamefunc_Aim_Down))
bLockPan = kTrue;
if (nVertPan[nPlayer] > F16(4)) {
nVertPan[nPlayer] -= F16(4);
bPlayerPan = kTrue;
nDestVertPan[nPlayer] = nVertPan[nPlayer];
// loc_1C048:
if (totalvel[nPlayer] > 20) {
bPlayerPan = kFalse;
if (g_MyAimMode)
bLockPan = kTrue;
// loc_1C05E
fix16_t ecx = nDestVertPan[nPlayer] - nVertPan[nPlayer];
if (g_MyAimMode)
ecx = 0;
if (ecx)
if (ecx / 4 == 0)
if (ecx >= 0) {
ecx = 1;
ecx = -1;
ecx /= 4;
if (ecx > F16(4))
ecx = F16(4);
else if (ecx < -F16(4))
ecx = -F16(4);
nVertPan[nPlayer] += ecx;
else // else, player's health is less than 0
@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ void ClearSpaceBar(short nPlayer);
void GetLocalInput();
extern PlayerInput sPlayerInput[];
extern PlayerInput localInput;
extern int nNetMoves;
@ -334,11 +334,6 @@ static inline int interpolate16(int a, int b, int smooth)
return a + mulscale16(b - a, smooth);
static inline fix16_t q16angle_interpolate16(fix16_t a, fix16_t b, int smooth)
return a + mulscale16(((b+F16(1024)-a)&0x7FFFFFF)-F16(1024), smooth);
void DrawView(int smoothRatio, bool sceneonly)
int playerX;
@ -396,7 +391,7 @@ void DrawView(int smoothRatio, bool sceneonly)
playerZ = interpolate16(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].opos.z, sprite[nPlayerSprite].z, smoothRatio)
+ interpolate16(oeyelevel[nLocalPlayer], eyelevel[nLocalPlayer], smoothRatio);
nSector = nPlayerViewSect[nLocalPlayer];
nAngle = q16angle_interpolate16(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16oangle, PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16angle, smoothRatio);
nAngle = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16angle;
if (!bCamera)
@ -420,7 +415,7 @@ void DrawView(int smoothRatio, bool sceneonly)
int floorZ = sector[sprite[nPlayerSprite].sectnum].floorz;
// pan = nVertPan[nLocalPlayer];
pan = interpolate16(PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16ohoriz, PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16horiz, smoothRatio);
pan = PlayerList[nLocalPlayer].q16horiz;
if (viewz > floorZ)
viewz = floorZ;
Reference in a new issue