mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 157 additions and 162 deletions
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ typedef struct {
} playerspawn_t;
typedef struct {
typedef struct STATUSBARTYPE {
int16_t got_access, last_extra, inv_amount[GET_MAX], curr_weapon, holoduke_on;
int16_t last_weapon, weapon_pos, kickback_pic;
int16_t ammo_amount[MAX_WEAPONS], frag[MAXPLAYERS];
@ -201,7 +201,6 @@ typedef struct player_struct {
int32_t truefz, truecz, player_par;
int32_t randomflamex, exitx, exity;
int32_t runspeed;
int32_t autostep, autostep_sbw;
uint32_t interface_toggle_flag;
uint16_t max_actors_killed, actors_killed;
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms
int which_palookup = 9;
@ -497,5 +498,158 @@ void resetprestat(int snum,int g)
void resetpspritevars(int g)
short i, j, nexti, circ;
int firstx, firsty;
spritetype* s;
char aimmode[MAXPLAYERS], autoaim[MAXPLAYERS];
EGS(ps[0].cursectnum, ps[0].posx, ps[0].posy, ps[0].posz,
TILE_APLAYER, 0, 0, 0, ps[0].getang(), 0, 0, 0, 10);
if (ud.recstat != 2) for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
aimmode[i] = ps[i].aim_mode;
autoaim[i] = ps[i].auto_aim;
if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop == 1 && ud.last_level >= 0)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS; j++)
tsbar[i].ammo_amount[j] = ps[i].ammo_amount[j];
tsbar[i].gotweapon.Set(j, ps[i].gotweapon[j]);
tsbar[i].shield_amount = ps[i].shield_amount;
tsbar[i].curr_weapon = ps[i].curr_weapon;
tsbar[i].inven_icon = ps[i].inven_icon;
tsbar[i].firstaid_amount = ps[i].firstaid_amount;
tsbar[i].steroids_amount = ps[i].steroids_amount;
tsbar[i].holoduke_amount = ps[i].holoduke_amount;
tsbar[i].jetpack_amount = ps[i].jetpack_amount;
tsbar[i].heat_amount = ps[i].heat_amount;
tsbar[i].scuba_amount = ps[i].scuba_amount;
tsbar[i].boot_amount = ps[i].boot_amount;
for (i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
memcpy(&ps[i], &ps[0], sizeof(ps[0]));
if (ud.recstat != 2) for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++)
ps[i].aim_mode = aimmode[i];
ps[i].auto_aim = autoaim[i];
if (ud.multimode > 1 && ud.coop == 1 && ud.last_level >= 0)
for (j = 0; j < MAX_WEAPONS; j++)
ps[i].ammo_amount[j] = tsbar[i].ammo_amount[j];
ps[i].gotweapon.Set(j, tsbar[i].gotweapon[j]);
ps[i].shield_amount = tsbar[i].shield_amount;
ps[i].curr_weapon = tsbar[i].curr_weapon;
ps[i].inven_icon = tsbar[i].inven_icon;
ps[i].firstaid_amount = tsbar[i].firstaid_amount;
ps[i].steroids_amount = tsbar[i].steroids_amount;
ps[i].holoduke_amount = tsbar[i].holoduke_amount;
ps[i].jetpack_amount = tsbar[i].jetpack_amount;
ps[i].heat_amount = tsbar[i].heat_amount;
ps[i].scuba_amount = tsbar[i].scuba_amount;
ps[i].boot_amount = tsbar[i].boot_amount;
numplayersprites = 0;
circ = 2048 / ud.multimode;
which_palookup = 9;
j = connecthead;
i = headspritestat[10]; // 10 == players...
while (i >= 0)
nexti = nextspritestat[i];
s = &sprite[i];
if (numplayersprites == MAXPLAYERS)
I_Error("Too many player sprites (max 16.)");
if (numplayersprites == 0)
firstx = ps[0].posx;
firsty = ps[0].posy;
po[numplayersprites].ox = s->x;
po[numplayersprites].oy = s->y;
po[numplayersprites].oz = s->z;
po[numplayersprites].oa = s->ang;
po[numplayersprites].os = s->sectnum;
if (j >= 0)
s->owner = i;
s->shade = 0;
s->xrepeat = isRR() ? 24 : 42;
s->yrepeat = isRR() ? 17 : 36;
s->cstat = 1 + 256;
s->xoffset = 0;
s->clipdist = 64;
if ((g & MODE_EOL) != MODE_EOL || ps[j].last_extra == 0)
ps[j].last_extra = max_player_health;
s->extra = max_player_health;
else s->extra = ps[j].last_extra;
s->yvel = j;
if (ud.last_level == -1)
if (s->pal == 0)
s->pal = ps[j].palookup = which_palookup;
//ud.user_pals[j] = which_palookup;
if (which_palookup == 17) which_palookup = 9;
else /*ud.user_pals[j] =*/ ps[j].palookup = s->pal;
s->pal = ps[j].palookup = g_player[j].pcolor;// ud.user_pals[j];
ps[j].i = i;
ps[j].frag_ps = j;
hittype[i].owner = i;
hittype[i].bposx = ps[j].bobposx = ps[j].oposx = ps[j].posx = s->x;
hittype[i].bposy = ps[j].bobposy = ps[j].oposy = ps[j].posy = s->y;
hittype[i].bposz = ps[j].oposz = ps[j].posz = s->z;
updatesector(s->x, s->y, &ps[j].cursectnum);
j = connectpoint2[j];
else deletesprite(i);
i = nexti;
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void addtorch(int i);
void addlightning(int i);
static int32_t g_whichPalForPlayer = 9;
extern int which_palookup;
static uint8_t precachehightile[2][MAXTILES>>3];
static int32_t g_precacheCount;
@ -917,165 +917,7 @@ end_vol4a:
display_mirror = 0;
static void resetpspritevars(char gameMode)
int16_t i, j; //circ;
uint8_t aimmode[MAXPLAYERS],autoaim[MAXPLAYERS],weaponswitch[MAXPLAYERS];
DukeStatus_t tsbar[MAXPLAYERS];
if (g_player[0].ps->cursectnum >= 0) // < 0 may happen if we start a map in void space (e.g. testing it)
if (ud.recstat != 2)
aimmode[i] = g_player[i].ps->aim_mode;
autoaim[i] = g_player[i].ps->auto_aim;
weaponswitch[i] = g_player[i].ps->weaponswitch;
if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_PRESERVEINVENTORYDEATH) && ud.last_level >= 0)
for (j=0; j<MAX_WEAPONS; j++)
tsbar[i].ammo_amount[j] = g_player[i].ps->ammo_amount[j];
tsbar[i].gotweapon = g_player[i].ps->gotweapon;
Bmemcpy(tsbar[i].inv_amount, g_player[i].ps->inv_amount, sizeof(tsbar[i].inv_amount));
tsbar[i].curr_weapon = g_player[i].ps->curr_weapon;
tsbar[i].inven_icon = g_player[i].ps->inven_icon;
if (i) Bmemcpy(g_player[i].ps,g_player[0].ps,sizeof(DukePlayer_t));
if (ud.recstat != 2)
g_player[i].ps->aim_mode = aimmode[i];
g_player[i].ps->auto_aim = autoaim[i];
g_player[i].ps->weaponswitch = weaponswitch[i];
if ((g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop]&GAMETYPE_PRESERVEINVENTORYDEATH) && ud.last_level >= 0)
for (j=0; j<MAX_WEAPONS; j++)
g_player[i].ps->ammo_amount[j] = tsbar[i].ammo_amount[j];
g_player[i].ps->gotweapon = tsbar[i].gotweapon;
g_player[i].ps->curr_weapon = tsbar[i].curr_weapon;
g_player[i].ps->inven_icon = tsbar[i].inven_icon;
Bmemcpy(g_player[i].ps->inv_amount, tsbar[i].inv_amount, sizeof(tsbar[i].inv_amount));
numplayersprites = 0;
// circ = 2048/ud.multimode;
g_whichPalForPlayer = 9;
j = 0;
i = headspritestat[STAT_PLAYER];
while (i >= 0)
const int32_t nexti = nextspritestat[i];
spritetype *const s = &sprite[i];
if (numplayersprites == MAXPLAYERS)
G_GameExit("\nToo many player sprites (max 16.)");
g_playerSpawnPoints[numplayersprites].pos.x = s->x;
g_playerSpawnPoints[numplayersprites].pos.y = s->y;
g_playerSpawnPoints[numplayersprites].pos.z = s->z;
g_playerSpawnPoints[numplayersprites].ang = s->ang;
g_playerSpawnPoints[numplayersprites].sect = s->sectnum;
s->owner = i;
s->shade = 0;
s->xrepeat = RR ? 24 : 42;
s->yrepeat = RR ? 17 : 36;
//s->xrepeat = 42;
//s->yrepeat = 36;
if (!g_fakeMultiMode)
s->cstat = j < numplayers ? 1+256 : 32768;
s->cstat = j < ud.multimode ? 1+256 : 32768;
s->xoffset = 0;
s->clipdist = 64;
if (j < g_mostConcurrentPlayers)
if ((gameMode&MODE_EOL) != MODE_EOL || g_player[j].ps->last_extra == 0)
g_player[j].ps->last_extra = max_player_health;
s->extra = max_player_health;
g_player[j].ps->runspeed = dukefriction;
else s->extra = g_player[j].ps->last_extra;
s->yvel = j;
if (!g_player[j].pcolor && (g_netServer || ud.multimode > 1) && !(g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_TDM))
if (s->pal == 0)
int32_t k = 0;
for (; k<ud.multimode; k++)
if (g_whichPalForPlayer == g_player[k].ps->palookup)
if (g_whichPalForPlayer >= 17)
g_whichPalForPlayer = 9;
g_player[j].pcolor = s->pal = g_player[j].ps->palookup = g_whichPalForPlayer++;
if (g_whichPalForPlayer >= 17)
g_whichPalForPlayer = 9;
else g_player[j].pcolor = g_player[j].ps->palookup = s->pal;
int32_t k = g_player[j].pcolor;
if (g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop] & GAMETYPE_TDM)
k = G_GetTeamPalette(g_player[j].pteam);
g_player[j].ps->team = g_player[j].pteam;
s->pal = g_player[j].ps->palookup = k;
g_player[j].ps->i = i;
g_player[j].ps->frag_ps = j;
actor[i].owner = i;
g_player[j].ps->autostep = (20L<<8);
g_player[j].ps->autostep_sbw = (4L<<8);
actor[i].bpos.x = g_player[j].ps->bobpos.x = g_player[j].ps->opos.x = g_player[j].ps->pos.x = s->x;
actor[i].bpos.y = g_player[j].ps->bobpos.y = g_player[j].ps->opos.y = g_player[j].ps->pos.y = s->y;
actor[i].bpos.z = g_player[j].ps->opos.z = g_player[j].ps->pos.z = s->z;
g_player[j].ps->oq16ang = g_player[j].ps->q16ang = fix16_from_int(s->ang);
else A_DeleteSprite(i);
i = nexti;
void resetpspritevars(int gameMode);
static inline void clearfrags(void)
Reference in a new issue