mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 20:42:11 +00:00
- floatified actFireVector.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 48 additions and 56 deletions
@ -6639,13 +6639,15 @@ bool actCanSplatWall(walltype* pWall)
void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy, int dz, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType)
void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, double offset, double zoffset, DVector3 dv, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType)
DVector3 dv(dx * inttoworld, dy * inttoworld, dz * inttoworld);
// this function expects a vector with unit length in XY. Let's not depend on all callers doing it.
dv /= dv.XY().Length();
assert(vectorType >= 0 && vectorType < kVectorMax);
const VECTORDATA* pVectorData = &gVectorData[vectorType];
int nRange = pVectorData->maxDist;
int hit = VectorScan(shooter, offset * inttoworld, zoffset * zinttoworld, dv, nRange * inttoworld, 1);
double nRange = pVectorData->maxDist * inttoworld;
// The vector for hitscan must be longer than what we got here as long as it works with integers.
int hit = VectorScan(shooter, offset, zoffset, dv * 1024, nRange, 1);
if (hit == 3)
auto hitactor = gHitInfo.actor();
@ -6661,12 +6663,10 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
int x = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().X - MulScale(dx, 16, 14);
int y = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().Y - MulScale(dy, 16, 14);
int z = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().Z - MulScale(dz, 256, 14);
auto pos = gHitInfo.hitpos - dv;
auto pSector = gHitInfo.hitSector;
uint8_t nSurf = kSurfNone;
if (nRange == 0 || approxDist(gHitInfo.hitpos.XY() - shooter->spr.pos.XY()) < nRange)
if (nRange == 0 || (gHitInfo.hitpos.XY() - shooter->spr.pos.XY()).Length() < nRange)
switch (hit)
@ -6692,18 +6692,17 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
nSurf = surfType[pWall->picnum];
if (actCanSplatWall(pWall))
int xx = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().X - MulScale(dx, 16, 14);
int yy = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().Y - MulScale(dy, 16, 14);
int zz = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().Z - MulScale(dz, 256, 14);
auto ppos = gHitInfo.hitpos - dv;
int nnSurf = surfType[pWall->picnum];
assert(nnSurf < kSurfMax);
if (pVectorData->surfHit[nnSurf].fx1 >= 0)
auto pFX = gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nnSurf].fx1, pSector, xx, yy, zz, 0);
auto pFX = gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nnSurf].fx1, pSector, ppos, 0);
if (pFX)
pFX->set_int_ang((GetWallAngle(pWall) + 512) & 2047);
pFX->spr.angle = pWall->normalAngle();
pFX->spr.cstat2 |= CSTAT2_SPRITE_DECAL;
@ -6724,9 +6723,7 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
auto actor = gHitInfo.actor();
nSurf = surfType[actor->spr.picnum];
x -= MulScale(dx, 112, 14);
y -= MulScale(dy, 112, 14);
z -= MulScale(dz, 112 << 4, 14);
pos -= 7 * dv;
int shift = 4;
if (vectorType == kVectorTine && !actor->IsPlayerActor()) shift = 3;
@ -6735,13 +6732,11 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
if (actor->spr.statnum == kStatThing)
int t = thingInfo[actor->spr.type - kThingBase].mass;
if (t > 0 && pVectorData->impulse)
int mass = thingInfo[actor->spr.type - kThingBase].mass;
if (mass > 0 && pVectorData->impulse)
int t2 = DivScale(pVectorData->impulse, t, 8);
actor->add_int_bvel_x(MulScale(dx, t2, 16));
actor->add_int_bvel_y(MulScale(dy, t2, 16));
actor->add_int_bvel_z(MulScale(dz, t2, 16));
double thrust = double(pVectorData->impulse) / (mass * 1024);
actor->vel += dv * thrust;
if (pVectorData->burnTime)
@ -6751,7 +6746,7 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
if (actor->spr.statnum == kStatDude && actor->hasX())
int t = getDudeInfo(actor->spr.type)->mass;
int mass = getDudeInfo(actor->spr.type)->mass;
if (actor->IsDudeActor())
@ -6760,18 +6755,16 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
case kDudeModernCustom:
case kDudeModernCustomBurning:
t = getSpriteMassBySize(actor);
mass = getSpriteMassBySize(actor);
if (t > 0 && pVectorData->impulse)
if (mass > 0 && pVectorData->impulse)
int t2 = DivScale(pVectorData->impulse, t, 8);
actor->add_int_bvel_x(MulScale(dx, t2, 16));
actor->add_int_bvel_y(MulScale(dy, t2, 16));
actor->add_int_bvel_z(MulScale(dz, t2, 16));
double thrust = double(pVectorData->impulse) / (mass * 1024);
actor->vel += dv * thrust;
if (pVectorData->burnTime)
@ -6781,10 +6774,10 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
if (Chance(pVectorData->fxChance))
int tt = gVectorData[19].maxDist;
dx += Random3(4000);
dy += Random3(4000);
dz += Random3(4000);
if (HitScan(actor, gHitInfo.hitpos.Z, dx, dy, dz, CLIPMASK1, tt) == 0)
dv.X += FixedToFloat<14>(Random3(4000)); // random messiness...
dv.Y += FixedToFloat<14>(Random3(4000));
dv.Z += FixedToFloat<14>(Random3(4000));
if (HitScan(actor, gHitInfo.hitpos.Z, dv, CLIPMASK1, tt) == 0)
if (approxDist(gHitInfo.hitpos.XY() - actor->spr.pos.XY()) <= tt)
@ -6792,22 +6785,21 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
auto pSector1 = gHitInfo.hitSector;
if (actCanSplatWall(pWall))
int xx = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().X - MulScale(dx, 16, 14);
int yy = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().Y - MulScale(dy, 16, 14);
int zz = gHitInfo.int_hitpos().Z - MulScale(dz, 16 << 4, 14);
auto ppos = gHitInfo.hitpos - dv;
int nnSurf = surfType[pWall->picnum];
const VECTORDATA* pVectorData1 = &gVectorData[19];
FX_ID t2 = pVectorData1->surfHit[nnSurf].fx2;
FX_ID t3 = pVectorData1->surfHit[nnSurf].fx3;
DBloodActor* pFX = nullptr;
if (t2 > FX_NONE && (t3 == FX_NONE || Chance(0x4000))) pFX = gFX.fxSpawnActor(t2, pSector1, xx, yy, zz, 0);
else if (t3 > FX_NONE) pFX = gFX.fxSpawnActor(t3, pSector1, xx, yy, zz, 0);
if (t2 > FX_NONE && (t3 == FX_NONE || Chance(0x4000))) pFX = gFX.fxSpawnActor(t2, pSector1, ppos, 0);
else if (t3 > FX_NONE) pFX = gFX.fxSpawnActor(t3, pSector1, ppos, 0);
if (pFX)
pFX->vel.Z = FixedToFloat(0x2222);
pFX->set_int_ang((GetWallAngle(pWall) + 512) & 2047);
pFX->spr.angle = pWall->normalAngle();
pFX->spr.cstat2 |= CSTAT2_SPRITE_DECAL;
@ -6824,12 +6816,11 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
if (actor->hasX())
if (actor->xspr.physAttr & kPhysDebrisVector) {
int impulse = DivScale(pVectorData->impulse, max(actor->spriteMass.mass, 10), 6);
actor->add_int_bvel_x(MulScale(dx, impulse, 16));
actor->add_int_bvel_y(MulScale(dy, impulse, 16));
actor->add_int_bvel_z(MulScale(dz, impulse, 16));
if (actor->xspr.physAttr & kPhysDebrisVector)
int mass = max(actor->spriteMass.mass, 10);
double thrust = double(pVectorData->impulse) / (mass * 4096);
actor->vel += dv * thrust;
if (pVectorData->burnTime != 0) {
if (!actor->xspr.burnTime) evPostActor(actor, 0, kCallbackFXFlameLick);
@ -6841,13 +6832,8 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
actDamageSprite(shooter, actor, pVectorData->dmgType, pVectorData->dmg << 4);
actor->spr.statnum = kStatDecoration; // return statnum property back
@ -6861,14 +6847,14 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
if (pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx2 >= 0) {
auto pFX2 = gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx2, pSector, x, y, z, 0);
auto pFX2 = gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx2, pSector, pos, 0);
if (pFX2 && gModernMap)
if (pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx3 >= 0) {
auto pFX3 = gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx3, pSector, x, y, z, 0);
auto pFX3 = gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx3, pSector, pos, 0);
if (pFX3 && gModernMap)
@ -6876,13 +6862,13 @@ void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, int offset, int zoffset, int dx, int dy
if (pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx2 >= 0)
gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx2, pSector, x, y, z, 0);
gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx2, pSector, pos, 0);
if (pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx3 >= 0)
gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx3, pSector, x, y, z, 0);
gFX.fxSpawnActor(pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fx3, pSector, pos, 0);
if (pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fxSnd >= 0)
sfxPlay3DSound(x, y, z, pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fxSnd, pSector);
sfxPlay3DSound(pos, pVectorData->surfHit[nSurf].fxSnd, pSector);
@ -233,7 +233,13 @@ void actBurnSprite(DBloodActor* pSource, DBloodActor* pTarget, int nTime);
int actGetRespawnTime(DBloodActor *pSprite);
bool actCheckRespawn(DBloodActor *pSprite);
void actFireVector(DBloodActor *pShooter, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType);
void actFireVector(DBloodActor* shooter, double offset, double zoffset, DVector3 dv, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType);
inline void actFireVector(DBloodActor* pShooter, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType)
// Yay, yet another fixed point format... :(
actFireVector(pShooter, a2 * inttoworld, a3 * zinttoworld, DVector3(FixedToFloat<14>(a4), FixedToFloat<14>(a5), FixedToFloat<14>(a6)), vectorType);
inline void actFireVectorf(DBloodActor *pShooter, int a2, double a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, VECTOR_TYPE vectorType)
actFireVector(pShooter, a2, a3 * zworldtoint, a4, a5, a6, vectorType);
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