
6383 lines
239 KiB
Raw Normal View History

"POLYMOST" code written by Ken Silverman
Ken Silverman's official web site: http://www.advsys.net/ken
When 3D Realms released the Duke Nukem 3D source code, I thought somebody would do a OpenGL or
Direct3D port. Well, after a few months passed, I saw no sign of somebody working on a true
hardware-accelerated port of Build, just people saying it wasn't possible. Eventually, I realized
the only way this was going to happen was for me to do it myself. First, I needed to port Build to
Windows. I could have done it myself, but instead I thought I'd ask my Australian buddy, Jonathon
Fowler, if he would upgrade his Windows port to my favorite compiler (MSVC) - which he did. Once
that was done, I was ready to start the "POLYMOST" project.
This source file is basically a complete rewrite of the entire rendering part of the Build engine.
There are small pieces in ENGINE.C to activate this code, and other minor hacks in other source
files, but most of it is in here. If you're looking for polymost-related code in the other source
files, you should find most of them by searching for either "polymost" or "rendmode". Speaking of
rendmode, there are now 4 rendering modes in Build:
rendmode 0: The original code I wrote from 1993-1997
rendmode 1: Solid-color rendering: my debug code before I did texture mapping
rendmode 2: Software rendering before I started the OpenGL code (Note: this is just a quick
hack to make testing easier - it's not optimized to my usual standards!)
rendmode 3: The OpenGL code
The original Build engine did hidden surface removal by using a vertical span buffer on the tops
and bottoms of walls. This worked nice back in the day, but it it's not suitable for a polygon
engine. So I decided to write a brand new hidden surface removal algorithm - using the same idea
as the original Build - but one that worked with vectors instead of already rasterized data.
Brief history:
06/20/2000: I release Build Source code
04/01/2003: 3D Realms releases Duke Nukem 3D source code
10/04/2003: Jonathon Fowler gets his Windows port working in Visual C
10/04/2003: I start writing POLYMOST.BAS, a new hidden surface removal algorithm for Build that
works on a polygon level instead of spans.
10/16/2003: Ported POLYMOST.BAS to C inside JonoF KenBuild's ENGINE.C; later this code was split
out of ENGINE.C and put in this file, POLYMOST.C.
12/10/2003: Started OpenGL code for POLYMOST (rendmode 3)
12/23/2003: 1st public release
01/01/2004: 2nd public release: fixed stray lines, status bar, mirrors, sky, and lots of other bugs.
Todo list (in approximate chronological order):
High priority:
* BOTH: Do accurate software sorting/chopping for sprites: drawing in wrong order is bad :/
* BOTH: Fix hall of mirrors near "zenith". Call polymost_drawrooms twice?
* OPENGL: drawmapview()
Low priority:
* SOFT6D: Do back-face culling of sprites during up/down/tilt transformation (top of drawpoly)
* SOFT6D: Fix depth shading: use saturation&LUT
* SOFT6D: Optimize using hyperbolic mapping (similar to KUBE algo)
* SOFT6D: Slab6-style voxel sprites. How to accelerate? :/
* OPENGL: KENBUILD: Write flipping code for floor mirrors
* BOTH: KENBUILD: Parallaxing sky modes 1&2
* BOTH: Masked/1-way walls don't clip correctly to sectors of intersecting ceiling/floor slopes
* BOTH: Editart x-center is not working correctly with Duke's camera/turret sprites
* BOTH: Get rid of horizontal line above Duke full-screen status bar
* BOTH: Combine ceilings/floors into a single triangle strip (should lower poly count by 2x)
* BOTH: Optimize/clean up texture-map setup equations
int animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar);
int rendmode=0;
int usemodels=1, usehightile=1;
#include <math.h> //<-important!
typedef struct { float x, cy[2], fy[2]; int n, p, tag, ctag, ftag; } vsptyp;
#define VSPMAX 4096 //<- careful!
static vsptyp vsp[VSPMAX];
static int vcnt, gtag;
static double dxb1[MAXWALLSB], dxb2[MAXWALLSB];
#define SCISDIST 1.0 //1.0: Close plane clipping distance
#define USEZBUFFER 1 //1:use zbuffer (slow, nice sprite rendering), 0:no zbuffer (fast, bad sprite rendering)
#define LINTERPSIZ 4 //log2 of interpolation size. 4:pretty fast&acceptable quality, 0:best quality/slow!
#define DEPTHDEBUG 0 //1:render distance instead of texture, for debugging only!, 0:default
#define FOGSCALE 0.0000640
#define PI 3.14159265358979323
float shadescale = 1.050;
static double gyxscale, gxyaspect, gviewxrange, ghalfx, grhalfxdown10, grhalfxdown10x, ghoriz;
static double gcosang, gsinang, gcosang2, gsinang2;
static double gchang, gshang, gctang, gstang, gvisibility;
float gtang = 0.0;
double guo, gux, guy; //Screen-based texture mapping parameters
double gvo, gvx, gvy;
double gdo, gdx, gdy;
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
int zbufysiz = 0, zbufbpl = 0, *zbufoff = 0;
intptr_t zbufmem = 0;
static int srepeat = 0, trepeat = 0;
int glredbluemode = 0;
static int lastglredbluemode = 0, redblueclearcnt = 0;
static struct glfiltermodes
char *name;
int min,mag;
} glfiltermodes[] =
#define numglfiltermodes (sizeof(glfiltermodes)/sizeof(glfiltermodes[0]))
int glanisotropy = 1; // 0 = maximum supported by card
int glusetexcompr = 1;
int gltexfiltermode = 2; // GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST
int glusetexcache = 0;
int glusetexcachecompression = 1;
int glmultisample = 0, glnvmultisamplehint = 0;
int gltexmaxsize = 0; // 0 means autodetection on first run
int gltexmiplevel = 0; // discards this many mipmap levels
static int lastglpolygonmode = 0; //FUK
int glpolygonmode = 0; // 0:GL_FILL,1:GL_LINE,2:GL_POINT //FUK
int glwidescreen = 0;
int glprojectionhacks = 1;
static GLuint polymosttext = 0;
extern char nofog;
// Those THREE globals control the drawing of fullbright tiles
static int fullbrightloadingpass = 0;
static int fullbrightdrawingpass = 0;
static int shadeforfullbrightpass;
// Depth peeling control
int r_depthpeeling = 0; // cvar toggling general depth peeling usage
int r_peelscount = 5; // cvar controlling the number of peeling layers
int r_curpeel = -1; // cvar controlling the display of independant peeling layers
static float curpolygonoffset; // internal polygon offset stack for drawing flat sprites to avoid depth fighting
static int peelcompiling = 0; // internal control var to disable blending when compiling the peeling display list
static int newpeelscount = 0; // temporary var for peels count changing during the game
// Depth peeling data
static GLuint ztexture[3]; // secondary Z-buffers identifier
static GLuint *peels; // peels identifiers
static GLuint *peelfbos; // peels FBOs identifiers
static GLuint peelprogram[2]; // ARBfp peeling fragment program
// Detail mapping cvar
int r_detailmapping = 1;
// Glow mapping cvar
int r_glowmapping = 1;
// Vertex Array model drawing cvar
int r_vertexarrays = 1;
// Vertex Buffer Objects model drawing cvars
int r_vbos = 0;
int r_vbocount = 64;
// model animation smoothing cvar
int r_animsmoothing = 1;
// polymost ART sky control
int r_parallaxskyclamping = 1;
int r_parallaxskypanning = 0;
// line of sight checks before mddraw()
int r_cullobstructedmodels = 0;
#define CULL_DELAY 5
#define CULL_OFFSET 384
// fullbright cvar
int r_fullbrights = 1;
static float fogresult, fogcol[4];
// making this a macro should speed things up at the expense of code size
#define fogcalc(shade, vis, pal) \
{ \
fogresult = (float)gvisibility*(vis+16+(shade<0?(-shade*shade)*0.125f:(shade*shade)*0.125f)); \
if (vis > 239) fogresult = (float)gvisibility*((vis-240+(shade<0?(-shade*shade)*0.125f:(shade*shade)*0.125f))/(klabs(vis-256))); \
fogresult = min(max(fogresult, 0.01f),10.f); \
fogcol[0] = (float)palookupfog[pal].r / 63.f; \
fogcol[1] = (float)palookupfog[pal].g / 63.f; \
fogcol[2] = (float)palookupfog[pal].b / 63.f; \
fogcol[3] = 0; \
#if defined(USE_MSC_PRAGMAS)
static inline void ftol(float f, int *a)
mov eax, a
fld f
fistp dword ptr [eax]
static inline void dtol(double d, int *a)
mov eax, a
fld d
fistp dword ptr [eax]
#elif defined(USE_WATCOM_PRAGMAS)
#pragma aux ftol =\
"fistp dword ptr [eax]",\
parm [eax 8087]
#pragma aux dtol =\
"fistp dword ptr [eax]",\
parm [eax 8087]
#elif defined(USE_GCC_PRAGMAS)
static inline void ftol(float f, int *a)
__asm__ __volatile__(
#if 0 //(__GNUC__ >= 3)
"flds %1; fistpl %0;"
"flds %1; fistpl (%0);"
: "=r"(a) : "m"(f) : "memory","cc");
static inline void dtol(double d, int *a)
__asm__ __volatile__(
#if 0 //(__GNUC__ >= 3)
"fldl %1; fistpl %0;"
"fldl %1; fistpl (%0);"
: "=r"(a) : "m"(d) : "memory","cc");
static inline void ftol(float f, int *a)
*a = (int)f;
static inline void dtol(double d, int *a)
*a = (int)d;
static inline int imod(int a, int b)
if (a >= 0) return(a%b);
void drawline2d(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, char col)
float f, dx, dy, fxres, fyres;
int e, inc, x, y;
unsigned int up16;
dx = x1-x0; dy = y1-y0; if ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0)) return;
fxres = (float)xdimen; fyres = (float)ydimen;
if (x0 >= fxres) { if (x1 >= fxres) return; y0 += (fxres-x0)*dy/dx; x0 = fxres; }
else if (x0 < 0) { if (x1 < 0) return; y0 += (0-x0)*dy/dx; x0 = 0; }
if (x1 >= fxres) { y1 += (fxres-x1)*dy/dx; x1 = fxres; }
else if (x1 < 0) { y1 += (0-x1)*dy/dx; x1 = 0; }
if (y0 >= fyres) { if (y1 >= fyres) return; x0 += (fyres-y0)*dx/dy; y0 = fyres; }
else if (y0 < 0) { if (y1 < 0) return; x0 += (0-y0)*dx/dy; y0 = 0; }
if (y1 >= fyres) { x1 += (fyres-y1)*dx/dy; y1 = fyres; }
else if (y1 < 0) { x1 += (0-y1)*dx/dy; y1 = 0; }
if (fabs(dx) > fabs(dy))
if (x0 > x1) { f = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = f; f = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = f; }
y = (int)(y0*65536.f)+32768;
inc = (int)(dy/dx*65536.f+.5f);
x = (int)(x0+.5); if (x < 0) { y -= inc*x; x = 0; } //if for safety
e = (int)(x1+.5); if (e > xdimen) e = xdimen; //if for safety
up16 = (ydimen<<16);
for (;x<e;x++,y+=inc) if ((unsigned int)y < up16) *(char *)(ylookup[y>>16]+x+frameoffset) = col;
if (y0 > y1) { f = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = f; f = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = f; }
x = (int)(x0*65536.f)+32768;
inc = (int)(dx/dy*65536.f+.5f);
y = (int)(y0+.5); if (y < 0) { x -= inc*y; y = 0; } //if for safety
e = (int)(y1+.5); if (e > ydimen) e = ydimen; //if for safety
up16 = (xdimen<<16);
for (;y<e;y++,x+=inc) if ((unsigned int)x < up16) *(char *)(ylookup[y]+(x>>16)+frameoffset) = col;
typedef struct { unsigned char r, g, b, a; } coltype;
static void uploadtexture(int doalloc, int xsiz, int ysiz, int intexfmt, int texfmt, coltype *pic, int tsizx, int tsizy, int dameth);
#include "md4.h"
#define USELZF
#ifdef USELZF
# include "lzf.h"
# include "lzwnew.h"
static char TEXCACHEDIR[] = "texcache";
typedef struct
char magic[8]; // 'Polymost'
int xdim, ydim; // of image, unpadded
int flags; // 1 = !2^x, 2 = has alpha, 4 = lzw compressed
} texcacheheader;
typedef struct
int size;
int format;
int xdim, ydim; // of mipmap (possibly padded)
int border, depth;
} texcachepicture;
int dxtfilter(int fil, texcachepicture *pict, char *pic, void *midbuf, char *packbuf, unsigned int miplen);
int dedxtfilter(int fil, texcachepicture *pict, char *pic, void *midbuf, char *packbuf, int ispacked);
static inline void phex(unsigned char v, char *s);
void writexcache(char *fn, int len, int dameth, char effect, texcacheheader *head);
int mdtims, omdtims;
float alphahackarray[MAXTILES];
#include "mdsprite.c"
//TEXTURE MANAGEMENT: treats same texture with different .PAL as a separate texture. This makes the
// max number of virtual textures very large (MAXTILES*256). Instead of allocating a handle for
// every virtual texture, I use a cache where indexing is managed through a hash table.
// moved into polymost.h
/*typedef struct pthtyp_t
struct pthtyp_t *next;
GLuint glpic;
short picnum;
char palnum;
char effects;
char flags; // 1 = clamped (dameth&4), 2 = hightile, 4 = skybox face, 8 = hasalpha, 16 = hasfullbright, 128 = invalidated
char skyface;
hicreplctyp *hicr;
unsigned short sizx, sizy;
float scalex, scaley;
struct pthtyp_t *wofb; // without fullbright
struct pthtyp_t *ofb; // only fullbright
} pthtyp;*/
static pthtyp *gltexcachead[GLTEXCACHEADSIZ];
int drawingskybox = 0;
pthtyp *pichead;
int gloadtile_art(int,int,int,pthtyp*,int);
int gloadtile_hi(int,int,int,hicreplctyp*,int,pthtyp*,int,char);
static int hicprecaching = 0;
pthtyp * gltexcache(int dapicnum, int dapalnum, int dameth)
int i, j;
hicreplctyp *si;
pthtyp *pth, *pth2;
j = (dapicnum&(GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1));
if (usehightile) si = hicfindsubst(dapicnum,dapalnum,drawingskybox);
else si = NULL;
if (!si)
if (drawingskybox) return NULL;
goto tryart;
/* if palette > 0 && replacement found
* no effects are applied to the texture
* else if palette > 0 && no replacement found
* effects are applied to the palette 0 texture if it exists
pichead=gltexcachead[j]; // for palmaps
// load a replacement
for (pth=pichead; pth; pth=pth->next)
if (pth->picnum == dapicnum &&
pth->palnum == si->palnum &&
(si->palnum>0 ? 1 : (pth->effects == hictinting[dapalnum].f)) &&
(pth->flags & (1+2+4)) == (((dameth&4)>>2)+2+((drawingskybox>0)<<2)) &&
(drawingskybox>0 ? (pth->skyface == drawingskybox) : 1)
if (pth->flags & 128)
pth->flags &= ~128;
if (gloadtile_hi(dapicnum,dapalnum,drawingskybox,si,dameth,pth,0,
(si->palnum>0) ? 0 : hictinting[dapalnum].f)) // reload tile
if (drawingskybox) return NULL;
goto tryart; // failed, so try for ART
pth = (pthtyp *)calloc(1,sizeof(pthtyp));
if (!pth) return NULL;
// possibly fetch an already loaded multitexture :_)
for (i = (GLTEXCACHEADSIZ - 1); i >= 0; i--)
for (pth2=gltexcachead[i]; pth2; pth2=pth2->next)
if ((pth2->hicr) && (pth2->hicr->filename) && (Bstrcasecmp(pth2->hicr->filename, si->filename) == 0))
memcpy(pth, pth2, sizeof(pthtyp));
pth->picnum = dapicnum;
pth->flags = ((dameth&4)>>2) + 2 + ((drawingskybox>0)<<2);
if (pth2->flags & 8) pth->flags |= 8; //hasalpha
pth->hicr = si;
pth->next = gltexcachead[j];
gltexcachead[j] = pth;
if (gloadtile_hi(dapicnum,dapalnum,drawingskybox,si,dameth,pth,1, (si->palnum>0) ? 0 : hictinting[dapalnum].f))
if (drawingskybox) return NULL;
goto tryart; // failed, so try for ART
pth->palnum = si->palnum;
pth->next = gltexcachead[j];
gltexcachead[j] = pth;
if (hicprecaching) return NULL;
// load from art
for (pth=gltexcachead[j]; pth; pth=pth->next)
if (pth->picnum == dapicnum &&
pth->palnum == dapalnum &&
(pth->flags & (1+2)) == ((dameth&4)>>2)
if (pth->flags & 128)
pth->flags &= ~128;
if (gloadtile_art(dapicnum,dapalnum,dameth,pth,0)) return NULL; //reload tile (for animations)
pth = (pthtyp *)calloc(1,sizeof(pthtyp));
if (!pth) return NULL;
if (gloadtile_art(dapicnum,dapalnum,dameth,pth,1))
return NULL;
pth->next = gltexcachead[j];
gltexcachead[j] = pth;
int gltexmayhavealpha(int dapicnum, int dapalnum)
int j = (dapicnum&(GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1));
pthtyp *pth;
for (pth=gltexcachead[j]; pth; pth=pth->next)
if ((pth->picnum == dapicnum) && (pth->palnum == dapalnum))
return((pth->flags&8) != 0);
void gltexinvalidate(int dapicnum, int dapalnum, int dameth)
int j;
pthtyp *pth;
j = (dapicnum&(GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1));
for (pth=gltexcachead[j]; pth; pth=pth->next)
if (pth->picnum == dapicnum && pth->palnum == dapalnum && (pth->flags & 1) == ((dameth&4)>>2))
pth->flags |= 128;
if (pth->flags & 16)
pth->ofb->flags |= 128;
//Make all textures "dirty" so they reload, but not re-allocate
//This should be much faster than polymost_glreset()
//Use this for palette effects ... but not ones that change every frame!
void gltexinvalidateall()
int j;
pthtyp *pth;
for (j=GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1;j>=0;j--)
for (pth=gltexcachead[j];pth;pth=pth->next)
pth->flags |= 128;
if (pth->flags & 16)
pth->ofb->flags |= 128;
void gltexinvalidate8()
int j;
pthtyp *pth;
for (j=GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1;j>=0;j--)
for (pth=gltexcachead[j];pth;pth=pth->next)
if (pth->hicr == NULL)
pth->flags |= 128;
if (pth->flags & 16)
pth->ofb->flags |= 128;
void gltexapplyprops(void)
int i;
pthtyp *pth;
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
if (glanisotropy <= 0 || glanisotropy > glinfo.maxanisotropy) glanisotropy = (int)glinfo.maxanisotropy;
if (gltexfiltermode < 0) gltexfiltermode = 0;
else if (gltexfiltermode >= (int)numglfiltermodes) gltexfiltermode = numglfiltermodes-1;
for (i=GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1;i>=0;i--)
for (pth=gltexcachead[i];pth;pth=pth->next)
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
if (r_fullbrights && pth->flags & 16)
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
int j;
mdskinmap_t *sk;
md2model *m;
for (i=0;i<nextmodelid;i++)
m = (md2model *)models[i];
if (m->mdnum < 2) continue;
for (j=0;j<m->numskins*(HICEFFECTMASK+1);j++)
if (!m->texid[j]) continue;
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
for (sk=m->skinmap;sk;sk=sk->next)
for (j=0;j<(HICEFFECTMASK+1);j++)
if (!sk->texid[j]) continue;
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
static float glox1, gloy1, glox2, gloy2;
//Use this for both initialization and uninitialization of OpenGL.
static int gltexcacnum = -1;
void polymost_glreset()
int i;
pthtyp *pth, *next;
//Reset if this is -1 (meaning 1st texture call ever), or > 0 (textures in memory)
if (gltexcacnum < 0)
gltexcacnum = 0;
//Hack for polymost_dorotatesprite calls before 1st polymost_drawrooms()
gcosang = gcosang2 = ((double)16384)/262144.0;
gsinang = gsinang2 = ((double) 0)/262144.0;
for (i=GLTEXCACHEADSIZ-1; i>=0; i--)
for (pth=gltexcachead[i]; pth;)
next = pth->next;
if (pth->flags & 16) // fullbright textures
if (pth->palmap)
//_initprintf("Kill #%d\n",pth->palmap);
pth = next;
gltexcachead[i] = NULL;
if (polymosttext) bglDeleteTextures(1,&polymosttext);
glox1 = -1;
// Depth peeling cleanup
if (peels)
bglDeleteProgramsARB(2, peelprogram);
bglDeleteFramebuffersEXT(r_peelscount + 1, peelfbos);
bglDeleteTextures(r_peelscount + 1, peels);
bglDeleteTextures(3, ztexture);
peels = NULL;
// one-time initialization of OpenGL for polymost
void polymost_glinit()
GLfloat col[4];
int i;
char notpeeledprogramstring[] =
"OPTION ARB_fog_exp2;\n"
"OPTION ARB_fragment_program_shadow;\n"
"TEMP texsample;\n"
"TEMP depthresult;\n"
"TEX depthresult, fragment.position, texture[1], SHADOWRECT;\n"
"ADD depthresult.a, depthresult.a, -0.5;\n"
"KIL depthresult.a;\n"
"TEX texsample, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n"
"MUL result.color, fragment.color, texsample;\n"
char peeledprogramstring[] =
"OPTION ARB_fog_exp2;\n"
"OPTION ARB_fragment_program_shadow;\n"
"TEMP texsample;\n"
"TEMP depthresult;\n"
"TEX depthresult, fragment.position, texture[2], SHADOWRECT;\n"
"ADD depthresult.a, depthresult.a, -0.5;\n"
"KIL depthresult.a;\n"
"TEX depthresult, fragment.position, texture[1], SHADOWRECT;\n"
"ADD depthresult.a, depthresult.a, -0.5;\n"
"KIL depthresult.a;\n"
"TEX texsample, fragment.texcoord[0], texture[0], 2D;\n"
"MUL result.color, fragment.color, texsample;\n"
#if 1
if (!Bstrcmp(glinfo.vendor, "ATI Technologies Inc."))
initprintf("polymost_glinit(): ATI detected, GL_FOG_HINT = GL_DONT_CARE\n");
bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,1.0); //must be > 0, default is 1
/* bglFogf(GL_FOG_START,0.0); //default is 0
bglFogf(GL_FOG_END,1.0); //default is 1 */
col[0] = 0; col[1] = 0; col[2] = 0; col[3] = 0; //range:0 to 1
bglFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR,col); //default is 0,0,0,0
if (glmultisample > 0 && glinfo.multisample)
if (glinfo.nvmultisamplehint)
if (r_depthpeeling && (!glinfo.arbfp || !glinfo.depthtex || !glinfo.shadow || !glinfo.fbos || !glinfo.rect || !glinfo.multitex))
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support depth peeling. Disabling...\n");
r_depthpeeling = 0;
if (r_detailmapping && (!glinfo.multitex || !glinfo.envcombine))
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support detail mapping. Disabling...\n");
r_detailmapping = 0;
if (r_glowmapping && (!glinfo.multitex || !glinfo.envcombine))
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support glow mapping. Disabling...\n");
r_glowmapping = 0;
if (r_vbos && (!glinfo.vbos))
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support Vertex Buffer Objects. Disabling...\n");
r_vbos = 0;
//depth peeling initialization
if (r_depthpeeling)
if (newpeelscount)
r_peelscount = newpeelscount;
newpeelscount = 0;
// create the secondary Z-buffers and the Z-backbuffer
bglGenTextures(3, ztexture);
i = 0;
while (i < 3)
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, ztexture[i]);
bglCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, 0, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, 0, 0, xdim, ydim, 0);
if (i < 2)
// create the various peeling layers as well as the FBOs to render to them
peels = malloc((r_peelscount + 1) * sizeof(GLuint));
bglGenTextures(r_peelscount + 1, peels);
peelfbos = malloc((r_peelscount + 1) * sizeof(GLuint));
bglGenFramebuffersEXT(r_peelscount + 1, peelfbos);
i = 0;
while (i <= r_peelscount)
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, peels[i]);
bglCopyTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, 0, GL_RGBA, 0, 0, xdim, ydim, 0);
bglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, peelfbos[i]);
if (i == r_peelscount) // bakcbuffer
else if (i < (r_peelscount - 1))
OSD_Printf("FBO #%d initialization failed.\n", i);
bglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0);
// create the peeling fragment programs
bglGenProgramsARB(2, peelprogram);
bglBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, peelprogram[0]);
bglProgramStringARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB, strlen(notpeeledprogramstring), notpeeledprogramstring);
bglBindProgramARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, peelprogram[1]);
bglProgramStringARB(GL_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM_ARB, GL_PROGRAM_FORMAT_ASCII_ARB, strlen(peeledprogramstring), peeledprogramstring);
void resizeglcheck()
float m[4][4];
int fovcorrect;
if (glredbluemode < lastglredbluemode)
glox1 = -1;
else if (glredbluemode != lastglredbluemode)
redblueclearcnt = 0;
lastglredbluemode = glredbluemode;
if (lastglpolygonmode != glpolygonmode)
lastglpolygonmode = glpolygonmode;
switch (glpolygonmode)
case 0:
bglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL); break;
case 1:
bglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE); break;
case 2:
bglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_POINT); break;
if (glpolygonmode) //FUK
if ((glox1 != windowx1) || (gloy1 != windowy1) || (glox2 != windowx2) || (gloy2 != windowy2))
glox1 = windowx1; gloy1 = windowy1;
glox2 = windowx2; gloy2 = windowy2;
fovcorrect = glprojectionhacks?(glwidescreen?0:(((windowx2-windowx1+1) * 1.2) - (windowx2-windowx1+1))):0;
bglViewport(windowx1 - (fovcorrect / 2), yres-(windowy2+1),windowx2-windowx1+1 + fovcorrect, windowy2-windowy1+1);
m[0][0] = (float)ydimen / (glprojectionhacks?1.2:1); m[0][2] = 1.0;
m[1][1] = (float)xdimen; m[1][2] = 1.0;
m[2][2] = 1.0; m[2][3] = (float)ydimen / (glprojectionhacks?1.2:1);
m[3][2] =-1.0;
if (!nofog) bglEnable(GL_FOG);
void fixtransparency(coltype *dapic, int daxsiz, int daysiz, int daxsiz2, int daysiz2, int dameth)
coltype *wpptr;
int j, x, y, r, g, b, dox, doy, naxsiz2;
dox = daxsiz2-1; doy = daysiz2-1;
if (dameth&4) { dox = min(dox,daxsiz); doy = min(doy,daysiz); }
else { daxsiz = daxsiz2; daysiz = daysiz2; } //Make repeating textures duplicate top/left parts
daxsiz--; daysiz--; naxsiz2 = -daxsiz2; //Hacks for optimization inside loop
//Set transparent pixels to average color of neighboring opaque pixels
//Doing this makes bilinear filtering look much better for masked textures (I.E. sprites)
for (y=doy;y>=0;y--)
wpptr = &dapic[y*daxsiz2+dox];
for (x=dox;x>=0;x--,wpptr--)
if (wpptr->a) continue;
r = g = b = j = 0;
if ((x> 0) && (wpptr[ -1].a)) { r += (int)wpptr[ -1].r; g += (int)wpptr[ -1].g; b += (int)wpptr[ -1].b; j++; }
if ((x<daxsiz) && (wpptr[ +1].a)) { r += (int)wpptr[ +1].r; g += (int)wpptr[ +1].g; b += (int)wpptr[ +1].b; j++; }
if ((y> 0) && (wpptr[naxsiz2].a)) { r += (int)wpptr[naxsiz2].r; g += (int)wpptr[naxsiz2].g; b += (int)wpptr[naxsiz2].b; j++; }
if ((y<daysiz) && (wpptr[daxsiz2].a)) { r += (int)wpptr[daxsiz2].r; g += (int)wpptr[daxsiz2].g; b += (int)wpptr[daxsiz2].b; j++; }
switch (j)
case 1:
wpptr->r = r ; wpptr->g = g ; wpptr->b = b ; break;
case 2:
wpptr->r = ((r + 1)>>1); wpptr->g = ((g + 1)>>1); wpptr->b = ((b + 1)>>1); break;
case 3:
wpptr->r = ((r*85+128)>>8); wpptr->g = ((g*85+128)>>8); wpptr->b = ((b*85+128)>>8); break;
case 4:
wpptr->r = ((r + 2)>>2); wpptr->g = ((g + 2)>>2); wpptr->b = ((b + 2)>>2); break;
static void uploadtexture(int doalloc, int xsiz, int ysiz, int intexfmt, int texfmt, coltype *pic, int tsizx, int tsizy, int dameth)
coltype *wpptr, *rpptr;
int x2, y2, j, js=0, x3, y3, y, x, r, g, b, a, k;
if (gltexmaxsize <= 0)
GLint i = 0;
bglGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &i);
if (!i) gltexmaxsize = 6; // 2^6 = 64 == default GL max texture size
gltexmaxsize = 0;
for (; i>1; i>>=1) gltexmaxsize++;
js = max(0,min(gltexmaxsize-1,gltexmiplevel));
gltexmiplevel = js;
while ((xsiz>>js) > (1<<gltexmaxsize) || (ysiz>>js) > (1<<gltexmaxsize)) js++;
OSD_Printf("Uploading %dx%d %s as %s\n", xsiz,ysiz,
if (js == 0)
if (doalloc&1)
bglTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,intexfmt,xsiz,ysiz,0,texfmt,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pic); //loading 1st time
bglTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,0,0,xsiz,ysiz,texfmt,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pic); //overwrite old texture
#if 0
gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_RGBA8,xsiz,ysiz,texfmt,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pic); //Needs C++ to link?
#elif 1
x2 = xsiz; y2 = ysiz;
for (j=1;(x2 > 1) || (y2 > 1);j++)
//x3 = ((x2+1)>>1); y3 = ((y2+1)>>1);
x3 = max(1, x2 >> 1); y3 = max(1, y2 >> 1); // this came from the GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two spec
for (y=0;y<y3;y++)
wpptr = &pic[y*x3]; rpptr = &pic[(y<<1)*x2];
for (x=0;x<x3;x++,wpptr++,rpptr+=2)
r = g = b = a = k = 0;
if (rpptr[0].a) { r += (int)rpptr[0].r; g += (int)rpptr[0].g; b += (int)rpptr[0].b; a += (int)rpptr[0].a; k++; }
if ((x+x+1 < x2) && (rpptr[1].a)) { r += (int)rpptr[1].r; g += (int)rpptr[1].g; b += (int)rpptr[1].b; a += (int)rpptr[1].a; k++; }
if (y+y+1 < y2)
if ((rpptr[x2].a)) { r += (int)rpptr[x2 ].r; g += (int)rpptr[x2 ].g; b += (int)rpptr[x2 ].b; a += (int)rpptr[x2 ].a; k++; }
if ((x+x+1 < x2) && (rpptr[x2+1].a)) { r += (int)rpptr[x2+1].r; g += (int)rpptr[x2+1].g; b += (int)rpptr[x2+1].b; a += (int)rpptr[x2+1].a; k++; }
switch (k)
case 0:
case 1:
wpptr->r = r; wpptr->g = g; wpptr->b = b; wpptr->a = a; break;
case 2:
wpptr->r = ((r+1)>>1); wpptr->g = ((g+1)>>1); wpptr->b = ((b+1)>>1); wpptr->a = ((a+1)>>1); break;
case 3:
wpptr->r = ((r*85+128)>>8); wpptr->g = ((g*85+128)>>8); wpptr->b = ((b*85+128)>>8); wpptr->a = ((a*85+128)>>8); break;
case 4:
wpptr->r = ((r+2)>>2); wpptr->g = ((g+2)>>2); wpptr->b = ((b+2)>>2); wpptr->a = ((a+2)>>2); break;
//if (wpptr->a) wpptr->a = 255;
if (tsizx >= 0) fixtransparency(pic,(tsizx+(1<<j)-1)>>j,(tsizy+(1<<j)-1)>>j,x3,y3,dameth);
if (j >= js)
if (doalloc&1)
bglTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,j-js,intexfmt,x3,y3,0,texfmt,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pic); //loading 1st time
bglTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D,j-js,0,0,x3,y3,texfmt,GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,pic); //overwrite old texture
x2 = x3; y2 = y3;
int gloadtile_art(int dapic, int dapal, int dameth, pthtyp *pth, int doalloc)
coltype *pic, *wpptr;
int x, y, x2, y2, xsiz, ysiz, dacol, tsizx, tsizy;
char hasalpha = 0, hasfullbright = 0;
tsizx = tilesizx[dapic];
tsizy = tilesizy[dapic];
if (!glinfo.texnpot)
for (xsiz=1;xsiz<tsizx;xsiz+=xsiz);
for (ysiz=1;ysiz<tsizy;ysiz+=ysiz);
if ((tsizx|tsizy) == 0)
xsiz = ysiz = 1;
xsiz = tsizx;
ysiz = tsizy;
pic = (coltype *)malloc(xsiz*ysiz*sizeof(coltype));
if (!pic) return 1;
if (!waloff[dapic])
//Force invalid textures to draw something - an almost purely transparency texture
//This allows the Z-buffer to be updated for mirrors (which are invalidated textures)
pic[0].r = pic[0].g = pic[0].b = 0; pic[0].a = 1;
tsizx = tsizy = 1; hasalpha = 1;
for (y=0;y<ysiz;y++)
if (y < tsizy) y2 = y; else y2 = y-tsizy;
wpptr = &pic[y*xsiz];
for (x=0;x<xsiz;x++,wpptr++)
if ((dameth&4) && ((x >= tsizx) || (y >= tsizy))) //Clamp texture
{ wpptr->r = wpptr->g = wpptr->b = wpptr->a = 0; continue; }
if (x < tsizx) x2 = x; else x2 = x-tsizx;
dacol = (int)(*(unsigned char *)(waloff[dapic]+x2*tsizy+y2));
if (!fullbrightloadingpass)
// regular texture
if ((dacol > 239) && (dacol != 255))
hasfullbright = 1;
wpptr->a = 255;
else if (fullbrightloadingpass == 1)
// texture with only fullbright areas
if (dacol < 240) // regular colors
wpptr->a = 0; hasalpha = 1;
else // fullbright
wpptr->a = 255;
if (dacol != 255)
dacol = (int)((unsigned char)palookup[dapal][dacol]);
wpptr->a = 0; hasalpha = 1;
if (gammabrightness)
wpptr->r = curpalette[dacol].r;
wpptr->g = curpalette[dacol].g;
wpptr->b = curpalette[dacol].b;
wpptr->r = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[dacol].r ];
wpptr->g = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[dacol].g ];
wpptr->b = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[dacol].b ];
if (doalloc) bglGenTextures(1,(GLuint*)&pth->glpic); //# of textures (make OpenGL allocate structure)
if (gltexfiltermode < 0) gltexfiltermode = 0;
else if (gltexfiltermode >= (int)numglfiltermodes) gltexfiltermode = numglfiltermodes-1;
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
if (glanisotropy <= 0 || glanisotropy > glinfo.maxanisotropy) glanisotropy = (int)glinfo.maxanisotropy;
if (!(dameth&4))
//For sprite textures, clamping looks better than wrapping
if (pic) free(pic);
pth->picnum = dapic;
pth->palnum = dapal;
pth->effects = 0;
pth->flags = ((dameth&4)>>2) | (hasalpha<<3) | (hasfullbright<<4);
pth->hicr = NULL;
if ((hasfullbright) && (!fullbrightloadingpass))
// load the ONLY texture that'll be assembled with the regular one to make the final texture with fullbright pixels
fullbrightloadingpass = 1;
pth->ofb = (pthtyp *)calloc(1,sizeof(pthtyp));
if (!pth->ofb) return 1;
if (gloadtile_art(dapic, dapal, dameth, pth->ofb, 1)) return 1;
fullbrightloadingpass = 0;
return 0;
// JONOF'S COMPRESSED TEXTURE CACHE STUFF ---------------------------------------------------
static inline void phex(unsigned char v, char *s)
int x;
x = v>>4;
s[0] = x<10 ? (x+'0') : (x-10+'a');
x = v&15;
s[1] = x<10 ? (x+'0') : (x-10+'a');
int trytexcache(char *fn, int len, int dameth, char effect, texcacheheader *head)
int fil, fp;
char cachefn[BMAX_PATH], *cp;
unsigned char mdsum[16];
if (!glinfo.texcompr || !glusetexcompr || !glusetexcache) return -1;
if (!bglCompressedTexImage2DARB || !bglGetCompressedTexImageARB)
// lacking the necessary extensions to do this
initprintf("Warning: the GL driver lacks necessary functions to use caching\n");
glusetexcache = 0;
return -1;
md4once((unsigned char *)fn, strlen(fn), mdsum);
for (cp = cachefn, fp = 0; (*cp = TEXCACHEDIR[fp]); cp++,fp++);
*(cp++) = '/';
for (fp = 0; fp < 16; phex(mdsum[fp++], cp), cp+=2);
sprintf(cp, "-%x-%x%x", len, dameth, effect);
fil = kopen4load(cachefn, 0);
if (fil < 0) return -1;
/* initprintf("Loading cached tex: %s\n", cachefn); */
if (kread(fil, head, sizeof(texcacheheader)) < (int)sizeof(texcacheheader)) goto failure;
if (memcmp(head->magic, "Polymost", 8)) goto failure;
head->xdim = B_LITTLE32(head->xdim);
head->ydim = B_LITTLE32(head->ydim);
head->flags = B_LITTLE32(head->flags);
if (gltexmaxsize && (head->xdim > (1<<gltexmaxsize) || head->ydim > (1<<gltexmaxsize))) goto failure;
if (!glinfo.texnpot && (head->flags & 1)) goto failure;
return fil;
return -1;
void writexcache(char *fn, int len, int dameth, char effect, texcacheheader *head)
int fil=-1, fp;
char cachefn[BMAX_PATH], *cp;
unsigned char mdsum[16];
texcachepicture pict;
char *pic = NULL, *packbuf = NULL;
void *midbuf = NULL;
unsigned int alloclen=0, level, miplen;
unsigned int padx=0, pady=0;
GLuint gi;
if (!glinfo.texcompr || !glusetexcompr || !glusetexcache) {initprintf("\n");return;}
if (!bglCompressedTexImage2DARB || !bglGetCompressedTexImageARB)
// lacking the necessary extensions to do this
initprintf("Warning: the GL driver lacks necessary functions to use caching\n");
glusetexcache = 0;
struct stat st;
if (stat(TEXCACHEDIR, &st) < 0)
if (errno == ENOENT) // path doesn't exist
// try to create the cache directory
if (Bmkdir(TEXCACHEDIR, S_IRWXU) < 0)
initprintf("Failed to create texture cache directory %s\n", TEXCACHEDIR);
glusetexcache = 0;
else initprintf("Created texture cache directory %s\n", TEXCACHEDIR);
// another type of failure
glusetexcache = 0;
else if ((st.st_mode & S_IFDIR) != S_IFDIR)
// cache directory isn't a directory
glusetexcache = 0;
gi = GL_FALSE;
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, (GLint *)&gi);
if (gi != GL_TRUE) return;
md4once((unsigned char *)fn, strlen(fn), mdsum);
for (cp = cachefn, fp = 0; (*cp = TEXCACHEDIR[fp]); cp++,fp++);
*(cp++) = '/';
for (fp = 0; fp < 16; phex(mdsum[fp++], cp), cp+=2);
sprintf(cp, "-%x-%x%x", len, dameth, effect);
initprintf("Writing cached tex: %s\n", cachefn);
if (fil < 0) return;
memcpy(head->magic, "Polymost", 8); // sizes are set by caller
if (glusetexcachecompression) head->flags |= 4;
head->xdim = B_LITTLE32(head->xdim);
head->ydim = B_LITTLE32(head->ydim);
head->flags = B_LITTLE32(head->flags);
if (Bwrite(fil, head, sizeof(texcacheheader)) != sizeof(texcacheheader)) goto failure;
for (level = 0; level==0 || (padx > 1 || pady > 1); level++)
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_ARB, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
if (gi != GL_TRUE) goto failure; // an uncompressed mipmap
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
pict.format = B_LITTLE32(gi);
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_WIDTH, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
padx = gi; pict.xdim = B_LITTLE32(gi);
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_HEIGHT, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
pady = gi; pict.ydim = B_LITTLE32(gi);
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_BORDER, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
pict.border = B_LITTLE32(gi);
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_DEPTH, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
pict.depth = B_LITTLE32(gi);
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_COMPRESSED_IMAGE_SIZE_ARB, (GLint *)&gi);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
miplen = (int)gi; pict.size = B_LITTLE32(gi);
if (alloclen < miplen)
void *picc = realloc(pic, miplen);
if (!picc) goto failure; else pic = picc;
alloclen = miplen;
picc = realloc(packbuf, alloclen+16);
if (!picc) goto failure; else packbuf = picc;
picc = realloc(midbuf, miplen);
if (!picc) goto failure; else midbuf = picc;
bglGetCompressedTexImageARB(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, pic);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
if (Bwrite(fil, &pict, sizeof(texcachepicture)) != sizeof(texcachepicture)) goto failure;
if (dxtfilter(fil, &pict, pic, midbuf, packbuf, miplen)) goto failure;
if (fil>=0) Bclose(fil);
if (midbuf) free(midbuf);
if (pic) free(pic);
if (packbuf) free(packbuf);
int gloadtile_cached(int fil, texcacheheader *head, int *doalloc, pthtyp *pth,int dapalnum)
int level, r;
texcachepicture pict;
char *pic = NULL, *packbuf = NULL;
void *midbuf = NULL;
int alloclen=0;
if (*doalloc&1)
bglGenTextures(1,(GLuint*)&pth->glpic); //# of textures (make OpenGL allocate structure)
*doalloc |= 2; // prevents bglGenTextures being called again if we fail in here
pth->sizx = head->xdim;
pth->sizy = head->ydim;
// load the mipmaps
for (level = 0; level==0 || (pict.xdim > 1 || pict.ydim > 1); level++)
r = kread(fil, &pict, sizeof(texcachepicture));
if (r < (int)sizeof(texcachepicture)) goto failure;
pict.size = B_LITTLE32(pict.size);
pict.format = B_LITTLE32(pict.format);
pict.xdim = B_LITTLE32(pict.xdim);
pict.ydim = B_LITTLE32(pict.ydim);
pict.border = B_LITTLE32(pict.border);
pict.depth = B_LITTLE32(pict.depth);
if (alloclen < pict.size)
void *picc = realloc(pic, pict.size);
if (!picc) goto failure; else pic = picc;
alloclen = pict.size;
picc = realloc(packbuf, alloclen+16);
if (!picc) goto failure; else packbuf = picc;
picc = realloc(midbuf, pict.size);
if (!picc) goto failure; else midbuf = picc;
if (dedxtfilter(fil, &pict, pic, midbuf, packbuf, (head->flags&4)==4)) goto failure;
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
GLint format;
bglGetTexLevelParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, level, GL_TEXTURE_INTERNAL_FORMAT, &format);
if (bglGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR) goto failure;
format = B_LITTLE32(format);
if (pict.format != format)
initprintf("invalid texture cache file format %d %d\n",pict.format, format);
goto failure;
if (midbuf) free(midbuf);
if (pic) free(pic);
if (packbuf) free(packbuf);
return 0;
if (midbuf) free(midbuf);
if (pic) free(pic);
if (packbuf) free(packbuf);
return -1;
// --------------------------------------------------- JONOF'S COMPRESSED TEXTURE CACHE STUFF
static void applypalmapsT(char *pic, int sizx, int sizy, int dapic,int dapalnum, int dameth)
int stage;
pthtyp *pichead1=pichead;
for (stage=0;stage<MAXPALCONV;stage++)
int pal1=0,pal2=dapalnum;
pthtyp *pth;
if (!pal1)return;
//_initprintf("Pal: %d\n",pal1);
if (hicfindsubst(dapic, pal1, 0))
gltexcache(dapic, pal1, dameth);
for (pth=pichead1; pth; pth=pth->next)
if (pth->palnum ==pal1&&pth->palmap)break;
if (!pth||pth->size!=sizx*sizy)continue;
int gloadtile_hi(int dapic,int dapalnum, int facen, hicreplctyp *hicr, int dameth, pthtyp *pth, int doalloc, char effect)
coltype *pic = NULL, *rpptr;
int j, x, y, xsiz=0, ysiz=0, tsizx, tsizy;
int r, g, b;
char *picfil = NULL, *fn, hasalpha = 255;
int picfillen, texfmt = GL_RGBA, intexfmt = GL_RGBA, filh;
int cachefil = -1;
texcacheheader cachead;
if (!hicr) return -1;
if (facen > 0)
if (!hicr->skybox) return -1;
if (facen > 6) return -1;
if (!hicr->skybox->face[facen-1]) return -1;
fn = hicr->skybox->face[facen-1];
if (!hicr->filename) return -1;
fn = hicr->filename;
if ((filh = kopen4load(fn, 0)) < 0)
initprintf("hightile: %s (pic %d) not found\n", fn, dapic);
if (facen > 0)
hicr->skybox->ignore = 1;
hicr->ignore = 1;
return -1;
picfillen = kfilelength(filh);
kclose(filh); // FIXME: shouldn't have to do this. bug in cache1d.c
cachefil = trytexcache(fn, picfillen+(dapalnum<<8), dameth, effect, &cachead);
if (cachefil >= 0 && !gloadtile_cached(cachefil, &cachead, &doalloc, pth, dapalnum))
tsizx = cachead.xdim;
tsizy = cachead.ydim;
hasalpha = (cachead.flags & 2) ? 0 : 255;
//kclose(filh); // FIXME: uncomment when cache1d.c is fixed
// cachefil >= 0, so it won't be rewritten
if (cachefil >= 0) kclose(cachefil);
cachefil = -1; // the compressed version will be saved to disk
if ((filh = kopen4load(fn, 0)) < 0) return -1;
picfil = (char *)malloc(picfillen); if (!picfil) { kclose(filh); return 1; }
kread(filh, picfil, picfillen);
// tsizx/y = replacement texture's natural size
// xsiz/y = 2^x size of replacement
if (tsizx == 0 || tsizy == 0) { free(picfil); return -1; }
pth->sizx = tsizx;
pth->sizy = tsizy;
if (!glinfo.texnpot)
for (xsiz=1;xsiz<tsizx;xsiz+=xsiz);
for (ysiz=1;ysiz<tsizy;ysiz+=ysiz);
xsiz = tsizx;
ysiz = tsizy;
pic = (coltype *)calloc(xsiz,ysiz*sizeof(coltype)); if (!pic) { free(picfil); return 1; }
if (kprender(picfil,picfillen,(intptr_t)pic,xsiz*sizeof(coltype),xsiz,ysiz,0,0)) { free(picfil); free(pic); return -2; }
applypalmapsT((char *)pic,tsizx,tsizy,dapic,dapalnum,dameth);
for (y=0,j=0;y<tsizy;y++,j+=xsiz)
coltype tcol;
char *cptr = &britable[gammabrightness ? 0 : curbrightness][0];
rpptr = &pic[j];
for (x=0;x<tsizx;x++)
tcol.b = cptr[rpptr[x].b];
tcol.g = cptr[rpptr[x].g];
tcol.r = cptr[rpptr[x].r];
tcol.a = rpptr[x].a; hasalpha &= rpptr[x].a;
if (effect & 1)
// greyscale
tcol.b = max(tcol.b, max(tcol.g, tcol.r));
tcol.g = tcol.r = tcol.b;
if (effect & 2)
// invert
tcol.b = 255-tcol.b;
tcol.g = 255-tcol.g;
tcol.r = 255-tcol.r;
if (effect & 4)
// colorize
tcol.b = min((int)((tcol.b)*r)/64,255);
tcol.g = min((int)((tcol.g)*g)/64,255);
tcol.r = min((int)((tcol.r)*b)/64,255);
rpptr[x].b = tcol.b;
rpptr[x].g = tcol.g;
rpptr[x].r = tcol.r;
rpptr[x].a = tcol.a;
if ((!(dameth&4)) || (facen)) //Duplicate texture pixels (wrapping tricks for non power of 2 texture sizes)
if (xsiz > tsizx) //Copy left to right
int *lptr = (int *)pic;
for (y=0;y<tsizy;y++,lptr+=xsiz)
if (ysiz > tsizy) //Copy top to bottom
if (!glinfo.bgra)
for (j=xsiz*ysiz-1;j>=0;j--)
swapchar(&pic[j].r, &pic[j].b);
else texfmt = GL_BGRA;
free(picfil); picfil = 0;
if (glinfo.texcompr && glusetexcompr && !(hicr->flags & 1))
intexfmt = (hasalpha == 255) ? GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_ARB : GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_ARB;
else if (hasalpha == 255) intexfmt = GL_RGB;
if ((doalloc&3)==1) bglGenTextures(1,(GLuint*)&pth->glpic); //# of textures (make OpenGL allocate structure)
if (dapalnum>=SPECPAL&&dapalnum<=REDPAL)
//_initprintf("%cLoaded palamp %d(%dx%d)",pth->palmap?'+':'-',dapalnum,xsiz,ysiz);
if (!pth->palmap)
// precalculate scaling parameters for replacement
if (facen > 0)
pth->scalex = ((float)tsizx) / 64.0;
pth->scaley = ((float)tsizy) / 64.0;
pth->scalex = ((float)tsizx) / ((float)tilesizx[dapic]);
pth->scaley = ((float)tsizy) / ((float)tilesizy[dapic]);
if (gltexfiltermode < 0) gltexfiltermode = 0;
else if (gltexfiltermode >= (int)numglfiltermodes) gltexfiltermode = numglfiltermodes-1;
if (glinfo.maxanisotropy > 1.0)
if (glanisotropy <= 0 || glanisotropy > glinfo.maxanisotropy) glanisotropy = (int)glinfo.maxanisotropy;
if (!(dameth&4))
//For sprite textures, clamping looks better than wrapping
if (pic) free(pic);
pth->picnum = dapic;
pth->effects = effect;
pth->flags = ((dameth&4)>>2) + 2 + ((facen>0)<<2); if (hasalpha != 255) pth->flags |= 8;
pth->skyface = facen;
pth->hicr = hicr;
if (cachefil < 0)
// save off the compressed version
cachead.xdim = tsizx;
cachead.ydim = tsizy;
x = 0;
for (j=0;j<31;j++)
if (xsiz == pow2long[j]) { x |= 1; }
if (ysiz == pow2long[j]) { x |= 2; }
cachead.flags = (x!=3) | (hasalpha != 255 ? 2 : 0);
initprintf("No cached tex for tile %d pal %d. ",dapic,dapalnum);
writexcache(fn, picfillen+(dapalnum<<8), dameth, effect, &cachead);
return 0;
//(dpx,dpy) specifies an n-sided polygon. The polygon must be a convex clockwise loop.
// n must be <= 8 (assume clipping can double number of vertices)
//method: 0:solid, 1:masked(255 is transparent), 2:transluscent #1, 3:transluscent #2
// +4 means it's a sprite, so wraparound isn't needed
static int pow2xsplit = 0, skyclamphack = 0;
void drawpoly(double *dpx, double *dpy, int n, int method)
#define PI 3.14159265358979323
double ngdx = 0.0, ngdy = 0.0, ngdo = 0.0, ngux = 0.0, nguy = 0.0, nguo = 0.0;
double ngvx = 0.0, ngvy = 0.0, ngvo = 0.0, dp, up, vp, rdp, du0 = 0.0, du1 = 0.0, dui, duj;
double ngdx2, ngux2, ngvx2;
double f, r, ox, oy, oz, ox2, oy2, oz2, dd[16], uu[16], vv[16], px[16], py[16], uoffs;
int i, j, k, x, y, z, nn, ix0, ix1, mini, maxi, tsizx, tsizy, tsizxm1 = 0, tsizym1 = 0, ltsizy = 0;
int xx, yy, xi, d0, u0, v0, d1, u1, v1, xmodnice = 0, ymulnice = 0, dorot;
char dacol = 0, *walptr, *palptr = NULL, *vidp, *vide;
pthtyp *pth, *detailpth, *glowpth;
int texunits = GL_TEXTURE0_ARB;
// backup of the n for possible redrawing of fullbright
int n_ = n, method_ = method;
if (method == -1) return;
if (n == 3)
if ((dpx[0]-dpx[1])*(dpy[2]-dpy[1]) >= (dpx[2]-dpx[1])*(dpy[0]-dpy[1])) return; //for triangle
f = 0; //f is area of polygon / 2
for (i=n-2,j=n-1,k=0;k<n;i=j,j=k,k++) f += (dpx[i]-dpx[k])*dpy[j];
if (f <= 0) return;
//Load texture (globalpicnum)
if ((unsigned int)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES) globalpicnum = 0;
tsizx = tilesizx[globalpicnum];
tsizy = tilesizy[globalpicnum];
if (palookup[globalpal] == NULL)
globalpal = 0;
if (!waloff[globalpicnum])
if (!waloff[globalpicnum])
if (rendmode < 3) return;
tsizx = tsizy = 1; method = 1; //Hack to update Z-buffer for invalid mirror textures
walptr = (char *)waloff[globalpicnum];
j = 0; dorot = ((gchang != 1.0) || (gctang != 1.0));
if (dorot)
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
ox = dpx[i]-ghalfx;
oy = dpy[i]-ghoriz;
oz = ghalfx;
//Up/down rotation
ox2 = ox;
oy2 = oy*gchang - oz*gshang;
oz2 = oy*gshang + oz*gchang;
//Tilt rotation
ox = ox2*gctang - oy2*gstang;
oy = ox2*gstang + oy2*gctang;
oz = oz2;
if ((oz < SCISDIST) && (rendmode < 3)) return; //annoying hack to avoid bugs in software rendering
r = ghalfx / oz;
dd[j] = (dpx[i]*gdx + dpy[i]*gdy + gdo)*r;
uu[j] = (dpx[i]*gux + dpy[i]*guy + guo)*r;
vv[j] = (dpx[i]*gvx + dpy[i]*gvy + gvo)*r;
px[j] = ox*r + ghalfx;
py[j] = oy*r + ghoriz;
if ((!j) || (px[j] != px[j-1]) || (py[j] != py[j-1])) j++;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
px[j] = dpx[i];
py[j] = dpy[i];
if ((!j) || (px[j] != px[j-1]) || (py[j] != py[j-1])) j++;
while ((j >= 3) && (px[j-1] == px[0]) && (py[j-1] == py[0])) j--;
if (j < 3) return;
n = j;
if (rendmode >= 3)
float hackscx, hackscy;
if (skyclamphack) method |= 4;
pth = gltexcache(globalpicnum,globalpal,method&(~3));
if (r_fullbrights && pth->flags & 16)
if (indrawroomsandmasks)
if (!fullbrightdrawingpass)
fullbrightdrawingpass = 1;
else if (fullbrightdrawingpass == 2)
pth = pth->ofb;
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pth ? pth->glpic : 0);
if (srepeat)
if (trepeat)
// texture scale by parkar request
if (pth && pth->hicr && ((pth->hicr->xscale != 1.0f) || (pth->hicr->yscale != 1.0f)) && !drawingskybox)
bglScalef(pth->hicr->xscale, pth->hicr->yscale, 1.0f);
// detail texture
detailpth = NULL;
if (r_detailmapping && usehightile && !r_depthpeeling && !drawingskybox &&
hicfindsubst(globalpicnum, DETAILPAL, 0))
detailpth = gltexcache(globalpicnum, DETAILPAL, method&(~3));
if (detailpth && (detailpth->hicr->palnum == DETAILPAL))
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, detailpth ? detailpth->glpic : 0);
f = detailpth ? detailpth->hicr->xscale : 1.0;
if (pth && pth->hicr && ((pth->hicr->xscale != 1.0f) || (pth->hicr->yscale != 1.0f)))
bglScalef(pth->hicr->xscale, pth->hicr->yscale, 1.0f);
if (detailpth && detailpth->hicr && ((detailpth->hicr->xscale != 1.0f) || (detailpth->hicr->yscale != 1.0f)))
bglScalef(detailpth->hicr->xscale, detailpth->hicr->yscale, 1.0f);
// glow texture
glowpth = NULL;
if (r_glowmapping && usehightile && !r_depthpeeling && !drawingskybox &&
hicfindsubst(globalpicnum, GLOWPAL, 0))
glowpth = gltexcache(globalpicnum, GLOWPAL, method&(~3));
if (glowpth && (glowpth->hicr->palnum == GLOWPAL))
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, glowpth ? glowpth->glpic : 0);
if (pth && (pth->flags & 2))
hackscx = pth->scalex;
hackscy = pth->scaley;
tsizx = pth->sizx;
tsizy = pth->sizy;
else { hackscx = 1.0; hackscy = 1.0; }
if (!glinfo.texnpot)
for (xx=1;xx<tsizx;xx+=xx); ox2 = (double)1.0/(double)xx;
for (yy=1;yy<tsizy;yy+=yy); oy2 = (double)1.0/(double)yy;
xx = tsizx; ox2 = (double)1.0/(double)xx;
yy = tsizy; oy2 = (double)1.0/(double)yy;
if ((!(method&3)) && (!fullbrightdrawingpass))
if (!peelcompiling)
float al = 0.0; // PLAG : default alphacut was 0.32 before goodalpha
if (pth && pth->hicr && pth->hicr->alphacut >= 0.0) al = pth->hicr->alphacut;
if (alphahackarray[globalpicnum])
if (!waloff[globalpicnum]) al = 0.0; // invalid textures ignore the alpha cutoff settings
if (!peelcompiling)
if (!dorot)
for (i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
dd[i] = px[i]*gdx + py[i]*gdy + gdo;
uu[i] = px[i]*gux + py[i]*guy + guo;
vv[i] = px[i]*gvx + py[i]*gvy + gvo;
float pc[4];
f = ((float)(numpalookups-min(max(globalshade * shadescale,0),numpalookups)))/((float)numpalookups);
pc[0] = pc[1] = pc[2] = f;
switch (method&3)
case 0:
pc[3] = 1.0; break;
case 1:
pc[3] = 1.0; break;
case 2:
pc[3] = 0.66; break;
case 3:
pc[3] = 0.33; break;
// tinting happens only to hightile textures, and only if the texture we're
// rendering isn't for the same palette as what we asked for
if (!(hictinting[globalpal].f&4))
if (pth && (pth->flags & 2))
if (pth->palnum != globalpal)
// apply tinting for replaced textures
pc[0] *= (float)hictinting[globalpal].r / 255.0;
pc[1] *= (float)hictinting[globalpal].g / 255.0;
pc[2] *= (float)hictinting[globalpal].b / 255.0;
if (hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS-1].r != 255 || hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS-1].g != 255 || hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS-1].b != 255)
pc[0] *= (float)hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS-1].r / 255.0;
pc[1] *= (float)hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS-1].g / 255.0;
pc[2] *= (float)hictinting[MAXPALOOKUPS-1].b / 255.0;
//Hack for walls&masked walls which use textures that are not a power of 2
if ((pow2xsplit) && (tsizx != xx))
if (!dorot)
ngdx = gdx; ngdy = gdy; ngdo = gdo+(ngdx+ngdy)*.5;
ngux = gux; nguy = guy; nguo = guo+(ngux+nguy)*.5;
ngvx = gvx; ngvy = gvy; ngvo = gvo+(ngvx+ngvy)*.5;
ox = py[1]-py[2]; oy = py[2]-py[0]; oz = py[0]-py[1];
r = 1.0 / (ox*px[0] + oy*px[1] + oz*px[2]);
ngdx = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
ngux = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
ngvx = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
ox = px[2]-px[1]; oy = px[0]-px[2]; oz = px[1]-px[0];
ngdy = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
nguy = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
ngvy = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
ox = px[0]-.5; oy = py[0]-.5; //.5 centers texture nicely
ngdo = dd[0] - ox*ngdx - oy*ngdy;
nguo = uu[0] - ox*ngux - oy*nguy;
ngvo = vv[0] - ox*ngvx - oy*ngvy;
ngux *= hackscx; nguy *= hackscx; nguo *= hackscx;
ngvx *= hackscy; ngvy *= hackscy; ngvo *= hackscy;
uoffs = ((double)(xx-tsizx)*.5);
ngux -= ngdx*uoffs;
nguy -= ngdy*uoffs;
nguo -= ngdo*uoffs;
//Find min&max u coordinates (du0...du1)
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
ox = px[i]; oy = py[i];
f = (ox*ngux + oy*nguy + nguo) / (ox*ngdx + oy*ngdy + ngdo);
if (!i) { du0 = du1 = f; continue; }
if (f < du0) du0 = f;
else if (f > du1) du1 = f;
f = 1.0/(double)tsizx;
ix0 = (int)floor(du0*f);
ix1 = (int)floor(du1*f);
for (;ix0<=ix1;ix0++)
du0 = (double)((ix0)*tsizx); // + uoffs;
du1 = (double)((ix0+1)*tsizx); // + uoffs;
i = 0; nn = 0;
duj = (px[i]*ngux + py[i]*nguy + nguo) / (px[i]*ngdx + py[i]*ngdy + ngdo);
j = i+1; if (j == n) j = 0;
dui = duj; duj = (px[j]*ngux + py[j]*nguy + nguo) / (px[j]*ngdx + py[j]*ngdy + ngdo);
if ((du0 <= dui) && (dui <= du1)) { uu[nn] = px[i]; vv[nn] = py[i]; nn++; }
if (duj <= dui)
if ((du1 < duj) != (du1 < dui))
//ox*(ngux-ngdx*du1) + oy*(nguy-ngdy*du1) + (nguo-ngdo*du1) = 0
//(px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i] = ox
//(py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i] = oy
///Solve for f
//((px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i])*(ngux-ngdx*du1) +
//((py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i])*(nguy-ngdy*du1) + (nguo-ngdo*du1) = 0
f = -(px[i] *(ngux-ngdx*du1) + py[i] *(nguy-ngdy*du1) + (nguo-ngdo*du1)) /
((px[j]-px[i])*(ngux-ngdx*du1) + (py[j]-py[i])*(nguy-ngdy*du1));
uu[nn] = (px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i];
vv[nn] = (py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i]; nn++;
if ((du0 < duj) != (du0 < dui))
f = -(px[i] *(ngux-ngdx*du0) + py[i] *(nguy-ngdy*du0) + (nguo-ngdo*du0)) /
((px[j]-px[i])*(ngux-ngdx*du0) + (py[j]-py[i])*(nguy-ngdy*du0));
uu[nn] = (px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i];
vv[nn] = (py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i]; nn++;
if ((du0 < duj) != (du0 < dui))
f = -(px[i] *(ngux-ngdx*du0) + py[i] *(nguy-ngdy*du0) + (nguo-ngdo*du0)) /
((px[j]-px[i])*(ngux-ngdx*du0) + (py[j]-py[i])*(nguy-ngdy*du0));
uu[nn] = (px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i];
vv[nn] = (py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i]; nn++;
if ((du1 < duj) != (du1 < dui))
f = -(px[i] *(ngux-ngdx*du1) + py[i] *(nguy-ngdy*du1) + (nguo-ngdo*du1)) /
((px[j]-px[i])*(ngux-ngdx*du1) + (py[j]-py[i])*(nguy-ngdy*du1));
uu[nn] = (px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i];
vv[nn] = (py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i]; nn++;
i = j;
while (i);
if (nn < 3) continue;
for (i=0;i<nn;i++)
ox = uu[i]; oy = vv[i];
dp = ox*ngdx + oy*ngdy + ngdo;
up = ox*ngux + oy*nguy + nguo;
vp = ox*ngvx + oy*ngvy + ngvo;
r = 1.0/dp;
if (texunits > GL_TEXTURE0_ARB)
while (j <= texunits)
bglMultiTexCoord2dARB(j++, (up*r-du0+uoffs)*ox2,vp*r*oy2);
ox2 *= hackscx; oy2 *= hackscy;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
r = 1.0/dd[i];
if (texunits > GL_TEXTURE0_ARB)
while (j <= texunits)
bglMultiTexCoord2dARB(j++, uu[i]*r*ox2,vv[i]*r*oy2);
while (texunits >= GL_TEXTURE0_ARB)
if (texunits > GL_TEXTURE0_ARB)
if (srepeat)
if (trepeat)
if (fullbrightdrawingpass == 1) // tile has fullbright colors ?
fullbrightdrawingpass = 2;
shadeforfullbrightpass = globalshade; // save the current shade
globalshade = -128; // fullbright
drawpoly(dpx, dpy, n_, method_); // draw them afterwards, then. :)
globalshade = shadeforfullbrightpass;
fullbrightdrawingpass = 0;
if (rendmode == 2)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
if ((!zbufmem) || (zbufbpl != bytesperline) || (zbufysiz != ydim))
zbufbpl = bytesperline;
zbufysiz = ydim;
zbufmem = (intptr_t)realloc((void *)zbufmem,zbufbpl*zbufysiz*4);
zbufoff = (int *)(zbufmem-(frameplace<<2));
if ((!transluc)) method = (method&~3)+1; //In case translucent table doesn't exist
if (!dorot)
ngdx = gdx; ngdy = gdy; ngdo = gdo+(ngdx+ngdy)*.5;
ngux = gux; nguy = guy; nguo = guo+(ngux+nguy)*.5;
ngvx = gvx; ngvy = gvy; ngvo = gvo+(ngvx+ngvy)*.5;
//General equations:
//dd[i] = (px[i]*gdx + py[i]*gdy + gdo)
//uu[i] = (px[i]*gux + py[i]*guy + guo)/dd[i]
//vv[i] = (px[i]*gvx + py[i]*gvy + gvo)/dd[i]
//px[0]*gdx + py[0]*gdy + 1*gdo = dd[0]
//px[1]*gdx + py[1]*gdy + 1*gdo = dd[1]
//px[2]*gdx + py[2]*gdy + 1*gdo = dd[2]
//px[0]*gux + py[0]*guy + 1*guo = uu[0]*dd[0] (uu[i] premultiplied by dd[i] above)
//px[1]*gux + py[1]*guy + 1*guo = uu[1]*dd[1]
//px[2]*gux + py[2]*guy + 1*guo = uu[2]*dd[2]
//px[0]*gvx + py[0]*gvy + 1*gvo = vv[0]*dd[0] (vv[i] premultiplied by dd[i] above)
//px[1]*gvx + py[1]*gvy + 1*gvo = vv[1]*dd[1]
//px[2]*gvx + py[2]*gvy + 1*gvo = vv[2]*dd[2]
ox = py[1]-py[2]; oy = py[2]-py[0]; oz = py[0]-py[1];
r = 1.0 / (ox*px[0] + oy*px[1] + oz*px[2]);
ngdx = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
ngux = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
ngvx = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
ox = px[2]-px[1]; oy = px[0]-px[2]; oz = px[1]-px[0];
ngdy = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
nguy = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
ngvy = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
ox = px[0]-.5; oy = py[0]-.5; //.5 centers texture nicely
ngdo = dd[0] - ox*ngdx - oy*ngdy;
nguo = uu[0] - ox*ngux - oy*nguy;
ngvo = vv[0] - ox*ngvx - oy*ngvy;
palptr = &palookup[globalpal][min(max(globalshade,0),numpalookups-1)<<8]; //<-need to make shade not static!
tsizxm1 = tsizx-1; xmodnice = (!(tsizxm1&tsizx));
tsizym1 = tsizy-1; ymulnice = (!(tsizym1&tsizy));
if ((method&4) && (!xmodnice)) //Sprites don't need a mod on texture coordinates
{ xmodnice = 1; for (tsizxm1=1;tsizxm1<tsizx;tsizxm1=(tsizxm1<<1)+1); }
if (!ymulnice) { for (tsizym1=1;tsizym1+1<tsizy;tsizym1=(tsizym1<<1)+1); }
ltsizy = (picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4);
dacol = palookup[0][(int)(*(char *)(waloff[globalpicnum]))+(min(max(globalshade,0),numpalookups-1)<<8)];
if (grhalfxdown10x < 0) //Hack for mirrors
for (i=((n-1)>>1);i>=0;i--)
r = px[i]; px[i] = ((double)xdimen)-px[n-1-i]; px[n-1-i] = ((double)xdimen)-r;
r = py[i]; py[i] = py[n-1-i]; py[n-1-i] = r;
ngdo += ((double)xdimen)*ngdx; ngdx = -ngdx;
nguo += ((double)xdimen)*ngux; ngux = -ngux;
ngvo += ((double)xdimen)*ngvx; ngvx = -ngvx;
ngdx2 = ngdx*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
ngux2 = ngux*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
ngvx2 = ngvx*(1<<LINTERPSIZ);
mini = (py[0] >= py[1]); maxi = 1-mini;
for (z=2;z<n;z++)
if (py[z] < py[mini]) mini = z;
if (py[z] > py[maxi]) maxi = z;
i = maxi; dtol(py[i],&yy); if (yy > ydimen) yy = ydimen;
j = i+1; if (j == n) j = 0;
dtol(py[j],&y); if (y < 0) y = 0;
if (y < yy)
f = (px[j]-px[i])/(py[j]-py[i]); dtol(f*16384.0,&xi);
dtol((((double)yy-.5-py[j])*f + px[j])*16384.0+8192.0,&x);
for (;yy>y;yy--,x-=xi) lastx[yy-1] = (x>>14);
i = j;
while (i != mini);
j = i+1; if (j == n) j = 0;
dtol(py[j],&yy); if (yy > ydimen) yy = ydimen;
if (y < yy)
f = (px[j]-px[i])/(py[j]-py[i]); dtol(f*16384.0,&xi);
dtol((((double)y+.5-py[j])*f + px[j])*16384.0+8192.0,&x);
for (;y<yy;y++,x+=xi)
ix0 = lastx[y]; if (ix0 < 0) ix0 = 0;
ix1 = (x>>14); if (ix1 > xdimen) ix1 = xdimen;
if (ix0 < ix1)
if (rendmode == 1)
memset((void *)(ylookup[y]+ix0+frameoffset),dacol,ix1-ix0);
vidp = (char *)(ylookup[y]+frameoffset+ix0);
dp = ngdx*(double)ix0 + ngdy*(double)y + ngdo;
up = ngux*(double)ix0 + nguy*(double)y + nguo;
vp = ngvx*(double)ix0 + ngvy*(double)y + ngvo;
rdp = 65536.0/dp; dp += ngdx2;
dtol(up*rdp,&u0); up += ngux2;
dtol(vp*rdp,&v0); vp += ngvx2;
rdp = 65536.0/dp;
switch (method&3)
case 0:
if (xmodnice&ymulnice) //both u&v texture sizes are powers of 2 :)
for (xx=ix0;xx<ix1;xx+=(1<<LINTERPSIZ))
dtol(rdp,&d1); dp += ngdx2; d1 = ((d1-d0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(up*rdp,&u1); up += ngux2; u1 = ((u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(vp*rdp,&v1); vp += ngvx2; v1 = ((v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
rdp = 65536.0/dp; vide = &vidp[min(ix1-xx,1<<LINTERPSIZ)];
while (vidp < vide)
#if (DEPTHDEBUG == 0)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp] = d0+16384; //+ hack so wall&floor sprites don't disappear
vidp[0] = palptr[walptr[(((u0>>16)&tsizxm1)<<ltsizy) + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)]]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)];
vidp[0] = ((d0>>16)&255);
d0 += d1; u0 += u1; v0 += v1; vidp++;
for (xx=ix0;xx<ix1;xx+=(1<<LINTERPSIZ))
dtol(rdp,&d1); dp += ngdx2; d1 = ((d1-d0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(up*rdp,&u1); up += ngux2; u1 = ((u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(vp*rdp,&v1); vp += ngvx2; v1 = ((v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
rdp = 65536.0/dp; vide = &vidp[min(ix1-xx,1<<LINTERPSIZ)];
while (vidp < vide)
#if (DEPTHDEBUG == 0)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp] = d0;
vidp[0] = palptr[walptr[imod(u0>>16,tsizx)*tsizy + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)]]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)];
vidp[0] = ((d0>>16)&255);
d0 += d1; u0 += u1; v0 += v1; vidp++;
case 1:
if (xmodnice) //both u&v texture sizes are powers of 2 :)
for (xx=ix0;xx<ix1;xx+=(1<<LINTERPSIZ))
dtol(rdp,&d1); dp += ngdx2; d1 = ((d1-d0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(up*rdp,&u1); up += ngux2; u1 = ((u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(vp*rdp,&v1); vp += ngvx2; v1 = ((v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
rdp = 65536.0/dp; vide = &vidp[min(ix1-xx,1<<LINTERPSIZ)];
while (vidp < vide)
dacol = walptr[(((u0>>16)&tsizxm1)*tsizy) + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)];
#if (DEPTHDEBUG == 0)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
if ((dacol != 255) && (d0 <= zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp]))
zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp] = d0;
vidp[0] = palptr[((int)dacol)]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)];
if (dacol != 255) vidp[0] = palptr[((int)dacol)]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)];
if ((dacol != 255) && (vidp[0] > (d0>>16))) vidp[0] = ((d0>>16)&255);
d0 += d1; u0 += u1; v0 += v1; vidp++;
for (xx=ix0;xx<ix1;xx+=(1<<LINTERPSIZ))
dtol(rdp,&d1); dp += ngdx2; d1 = ((d1-d0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(up*rdp,&u1); up += ngux2; u1 = ((u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(vp*rdp,&v1); vp += ngvx2; v1 = ((v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
rdp = 65536.0/dp; vide = &vidp[min(ix1-xx,1<<LINTERPSIZ)];
while (vidp < vide)
dacol = walptr[imod(u0>>16,tsizx)*tsizy + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)];
#if (DEPTHDEBUG == 0)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
if ((dacol != 255) && (d0 <= zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp]))
zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp] = d0;
vidp[0] = palptr[((int)dacol)]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)];
if (dacol != 255) vidp[0] = palptr[((int)dacol)]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)];
if ((dacol != 255) && (vidp[0] > (d0>>16))) vidp[0] = ((d0>>16)&255);
d0 += d1; u0 += u1; v0 += v1; vidp++;
case 2: //Transluscence #1
for (xx=ix0;xx<ix1;xx+=(1<<LINTERPSIZ))
dtol(rdp,&d1); dp += ngdx2; d1 = ((d1-d0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(up*rdp,&u1); up += ngux2; u1 = ((u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(vp*rdp,&v1); vp += ngvx2; v1 = ((v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
rdp = 65536.0/dp; vide = &vidp[min(ix1-xx,1<<LINTERPSIZ)];
while (vidp < vide)
dacol = walptr[imod(u0>>16,tsizx)*tsizy + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)];
//dacol = walptr[(((u0>>16)&tsizxm1)<<ltsizy) + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)];
#if (DEPTHDEBUG == 0)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
if ((dacol != 255) && (d0 <= zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp]))
zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp] = d0;
vidp[0] = transluc[(((int)vidp[0])<<8)+((int)palptr[((int)dacol)])]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)])];
if (dacol != 255)
vidp[0] = transluc[(((int)vidp[0])<<8)+((int)palptr[((int)dacol)])]; //+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)])];
if ((dacol != 255) && (vidp[0] > (d0>>16))) vidp[0] = ((d0>>16)&255);
d0 += d1; u0 += u1; v0 += v1; vidp++;
case 3: //Transluscence #2
for (xx=ix0;xx<ix1;xx+=(1<<LINTERPSIZ))
dtol(rdp,&d1); dp += ngdx2; d1 = ((d1-d0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(up*rdp,&u1); up += ngux2; u1 = ((u1-u0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
dtol(vp*rdp,&v1); vp += ngvx2; v1 = ((v1-v0)>>LINTERPSIZ);
rdp = 65536.0/dp; vide = &vidp[min(ix1-xx,1<<LINTERPSIZ)];
while (vidp < vide)
dacol = walptr[imod(u0>>16,tsizx)*tsizy + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)];
//dacol = walptr[(((u0>>16)&tsizxm1)<<ltsizy) + ((v0>>16)&tsizym1)];
#if (DEPTHDEBUG == 0)
#if (USEZBUFFER != 0)
if ((dacol != 255) && (d0 <= zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp]))
zbufoff[(intptr_t)vidp] = d0;
vidp[0] = transluc[((int)vidp[0])+(((int)palptr[((int)dacol)/*+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)*/])<<8)];
if (dacol != 255)
vidp[0] = transluc[((int)vidp[0])+(((int)palptr[((int)dacol)/*+((d0>>13)&0x3f00)*/])<<8)];
if ((dacol != 255) && (vidp[0] > (d0>>16))) vidp[0] = ((d0>>16)&255);
d0 += d1; u0 += u1; v0 += v1; vidp++;
i = j;
while (i != maxi);
if (rendmode == 1)
if (method&3) //Only draw border around sprites/maskwalls
for (i=0,j=n-1;i<n;j=i,i++) drawline2d(px[i],py[i],px[j],py[j],31); //hopefully color index 31 is white
//ox = 0; oy = 0;
//for(i=0;i<n;i++) { ox += px[i]; oy += py[i]; }
//ox /= (double)n; oy /= (double)n;
//for(i=0,j=n-1;i<n;j=i,i++) drawline2d(px[i]+(ox-px[i])*.125,py[i]+(oy-py[i])*.125,px[j]+(ox-px[j])*.125,py[j]+(oy-py[j])*.125,31);
/*Init viewport boundary (must be 4 point convex loop):
// (px[0],py[0]).----.(px[1],py[1])
// / \
// / \
// (px[3],py[3]).--------------.(px[2],py[2])
void initmosts(double *px, double *py, int n)
int i, j, k, imin;
vcnt = 1; //0 is dummy solid node
if (n < 3) return;
imin = (px[1] < px[0]);
for (i=n-1;i>=2;i--) if (px[i] < px[imin]) imin = i;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[imin];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[imin];
i = imin+1; if (i >= n) i = 0;
j = imin-1; if (j < 0) j = n-1;
if (px[i] < px[j])
if ((vcnt > 1) && (px[i] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x)) vcnt--;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[i];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = py[i];
k = j+1; if (k >= n) k = 0;
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = (px[i]-px[k])*(py[j]-py[k])/(px[j]-px[k]) + py[k];
i++; if (i >= n) i = 0;
else if (px[j] < px[i])
if ((vcnt > 1) && (px[j] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x)) vcnt--;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[j];
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[j];
k = i-1; if (k < 0) k = n-1;
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = (px[j]-px[k])*(py[i]-py[k])/(px[i]-px[k]) + py[k];
j--; if (j < 0) j = n-1;
if ((vcnt > 1) && (px[i] <= vsp[vcnt-1].x)) vcnt--;
vsp[vcnt].x = px[i];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = py[i];
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[j];
i++; if (i >= n) i = 0; if (i == j) break;
j--; if (j < 0) j = n-1;
while (i != j);
if (px[i] > vsp[vcnt-1].x)
vsp[vcnt].x = px[i];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = py[i];
for (i=0;i<vcnt;i++)
vsp[i].cy[1] = vsp[i+1].cy[0]; vsp[i].ctag = i;
vsp[i].fy[1] = vsp[i+1].fy[0]; vsp[i].ftag = i;
vsp[i].n = i+1; vsp[i].p = i-1;
vsp[vcnt-1].n = 0; vsp[0].p = vcnt-1;
gtag = vcnt;
//VSPMAX-1 is dummy empty node
for (i=vcnt;i<VSPMAX;i++) { vsp[i].n = i+1; vsp[i].p = i-1; }
vsp[VSPMAX-1].n = vcnt; vsp[vcnt].p = VSPMAX-1;
void vsdel(int i)
int pi, ni;
//Delete i
pi = vsp[i].p;
ni = vsp[i].n;
vsp[ni].p = pi;
vsp[pi].n = ni;
//Add i to empty list
vsp[i].n = vsp[VSPMAX-1].n;
vsp[i].p = VSPMAX-1;
vsp[vsp[VSPMAX-1].n].p = i;
vsp[VSPMAX-1].n = i;
int vsinsaft(int i)
int r;
//i = next element from empty list
r = vsp[VSPMAX-1].n;
vsp[vsp[r].n].p = VSPMAX-1;
vsp[VSPMAX-1].n = vsp[r].n;
vsp[r] = vsp[i]; //copy i to r
//insert r after i
vsp[r].p = i; vsp[r].n = vsp[i].n;
vsp[vsp[i].n].p = r; vsp[i].n = r;
int testvisiblemost(float x0, float x1)
int i, newi;
for (i=vsp[0].n;i;i=newi)
newi = vsp[i].n;
if ((x0 < vsp[newi].x) && (vsp[i].x < x1) && (vsp[i].ctag >= 0)) return(1);
static int domostpolymethod = 0;
void domost(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
double dpx[4], dpy[4];
float d, f, n, t, slop, dx, dx0, dx1, nx, nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1;
float spx[4], spy[4], cy[2], cv[2];
int i, j, k, z, ni, vcnt = 0, scnt, newi, dir, spt[4];
if (x0 < x1)
dir = 1; //clip dmost (floor)
y0 -= .01; y1 -= .01;
if (x0 == x1) return;
f = x0; x0 = x1; x1 = f;
f = y0; y0 = y1; y1 = f;
dir = 0; //clip umost (ceiling)
//y0 += .01; y1 += .01; //necessary?
slop = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0);
for (i=vsp[0].n;i;i=newi)
newi = vsp[i].n; nx0 = vsp[i].x; nx1 = vsp[newi].x;
if ((x0 >= nx1) || (nx0 >= x1) || (vsp[i].ctag <= 0)) continue;
dx = nx1-nx0;
cy[0] = vsp[i].cy[0]; cv[0] = vsp[i].cy[1]-cy[0];
cy[1] = vsp[i].fy[0]; cv[1] = vsp[i].fy[1]-cy[1];
scnt = 0;
//Test if left edge requires split (x0,y0) (nx0,cy(0)),<dx,cv(0)>
if ((x0 > nx0) && (x0 < nx1))
t = (x0-nx0)*cv[dir] - (y0-cy[dir])*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t < 0)) || ((dir) && (t > 0)))
{ spx[scnt] = x0; spy[scnt] = y0; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
//Test for intersection on umost (j == 0) and dmost (j == 1)
for (j=0;j<2;j++)
d = (y0-y1)*dx - (x0-x1)*cv[j];
n = (y0-cy[j])*dx - (x0-nx0)*cv[j];
if ((fabs(n) <= fabs(d)) && (d*n >= 0) && (d != 0))
t = n/d; nx = (x1-x0)*t + x0;
if ((nx > nx0) && (nx < nx1))
spx[scnt] = nx; spy[scnt] = (y1-y0)*t + y0;
spt[scnt] = j; scnt++;
//Nice hack to avoid full sort later :)
if ((scnt >= 2) && (spx[scnt-1] < spx[scnt-2]))
f = spx[scnt-1]; spx[scnt-1] = spx[scnt-2]; spx[scnt-2] = f;
f = spy[scnt-1]; spy[scnt-1] = spy[scnt-2]; spy[scnt-2] = f;
j = spt[scnt-1]; spt[scnt-1] = spt[scnt-2]; spt[scnt-2] = j;
//Test if right edge requires split
if ((x1 > nx0) && (x1 < nx1))
t = (x1-nx0)*cv[dir] - (y1-cy[dir])*dx;
if (((!dir) && (t < 0)) || ((dir) && (t > 0)))
{ spx[scnt] = x1; spy[scnt] = y1; spt[scnt] = -1; scnt++; }
vsp[i].tag = vsp[newi].tag = -1;
for (z=0;z<=scnt;z++,i=vcnt)
if (z < scnt)
vcnt = vsinsaft(i);
t = (spx[z]-nx0)/dx;
vsp[i].cy[1] = t*cv[0] + cy[0];
vsp[i].fy[1] = t*cv[1] + cy[1];
vsp[vcnt].x = spx[z];
vsp[vcnt].cy[0] = vsp[i].cy[1];
vsp[vcnt].fy[0] = vsp[i].fy[1];
vsp[vcnt].tag = spt[z];
ni = vsp[i].n; if (!ni) continue; //this 'if' fixes many bugs!
dx0 = vsp[i].x; if (x0 > dx0) continue;
dx1 = vsp[ni].x; if (x1 < dx1) continue;
ny0 = (dx0-x0)*slop + y0;
ny1 = (dx1-x0)*slop + y0;
// dx0 dx1
// ~ ~
// t0+=0 t1+=0
// vsp[i].cy[0] vsp[i].cy[1]
// t0+=1 t1+=3
// vsp[i].fy[0] vsp[i].fy[1]
// t0+=2 t1+=6
// ny0 ? ny1 ?
k = 1+3;
if ((vsp[i].tag == 0) || (ny0 <= vsp[i].cy[0]+.01)) k--;
if ((vsp[i].tag == 1) || (ny0 >= vsp[i].fy[0]-.01)) k++;
if ((vsp[ni].tag == 0) || (ny1 <= vsp[i].cy[1]+.01)) k -= 3;
if ((vsp[ni].tag == 1) || (ny1 >= vsp[i].fy[1]-.01)) k += 3;
if (!dir)
switch (k)
case 1:
case 2:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = vsp[i].cy[0];
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = vsp[i].cy[1];
dpx[2] = dx0; dpy[2] = ny0; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,3,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].cy[0] = ny0; vsp[i].ctag = gtag; break;
case 3:
case 6:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = vsp[i].cy[0];
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = vsp[i].cy[1];
dpx[2] = dx1; dpy[2] = ny1; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,3,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].cy[1] = ny1; vsp[i].ctag = gtag; break;
case 4:
case 5:
case 7:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = vsp[i].cy[0];
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = vsp[i].cy[1];
dpx[2] = dx1; dpy[2] = ny1;
dpx[3] = dx0; dpy[3] = ny0; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,4,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].cy[0] = ny0; vsp[i].cy[1] = ny1; vsp[i].ctag = gtag; break;
case 8:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = vsp[i].cy[0];
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = vsp[i].cy[1];
dpx[2] = dx1; dpy[2] = vsp[i].fy[1];
dpx[3] = dx0; dpy[3] = vsp[i].fy[0]; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,4,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1; break;
switch (k)
case 7:
case 6:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = ny0;
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = vsp[i].fy[1];
dpx[2] = dx0; dpy[2] = vsp[i].fy[0]; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,3,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].fy[0] = ny0; vsp[i].ftag = gtag; break;
case 5:
case 2:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = vsp[i].fy[0];
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = ny1;
dpx[2] = dx1; dpy[2] = vsp[i].fy[1]; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,3,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].fy[1] = ny1; vsp[i].ftag = gtag; break;
case 4:
case 3:
case 1:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = ny0;
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = ny1;
dpx[2] = dx1; dpy[2] = vsp[i].fy[1];
dpx[3] = dx0; dpy[3] = vsp[i].fy[0]; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,4,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].fy[0] = ny0; vsp[i].fy[1] = ny1; vsp[i].ftag = gtag; break;
case 0:
dpx[0] = dx0; dpy[0] = vsp[i].cy[0];
dpx[1] = dx1; dpy[1] = vsp[i].cy[1];
dpx[2] = dx1; dpy[2] = vsp[i].fy[1];
dpx[3] = dx0; dpy[3] = vsp[i].fy[0]; drawpoly(dpx,dpy,4,domostpolymethod);
vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1; break;
//Combine neighboring vertical strips with matching collinear top&bottom edges
//This prevents x-splits from propagating through the entire scan
i = vsp[0].n;
while (i)
ni = vsp[i].n;
if ((vsp[i].cy[0] >= vsp[i].fy[0]) && (vsp[i].cy[1] >= vsp[i].fy[1])) { vsp[i].ctag = vsp[i].ftag = -1; }
if ((vsp[i].ctag == vsp[ni].ctag) && (vsp[i].ftag == vsp[ni].ftag))
{ vsp[i].cy[1] = vsp[ni].cy[1]; vsp[i].fy[1] = vsp[ni].fy[1]; vsdel(ni); }
else i = ni;
static void polymost_scansector(int sectnum);
static void polymost_drawalls(int bunch)
sectortype *sec, *nextsec;
walltype *wal, *wal2, *nwal;
double ox, oy, oz, ox2, oy2, px[3], py[3], dd[3], uu[3], vv[3];
double fx, fy, x0, x1, cy0, cy1, fy0, fy1, xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, ryp0, ryp1, nx0, ny0, nx1, ny1;
double t, r, t0, t1, ocy0, ocy1, ofy0, ofy1, oxp0, oyp0, ft[4];
double oguo, ogux, oguy;
int i, x, y, z, cz, fz, wallnum, sectnum, nextsectnum;
int ypan,yoffs; // for panning correction
sectnum = thesector[bunchfirst[bunch]]; sec = &sector[sectnum];
#if 0 // USE_OPENGL
if (!nofog)
if (rendmode >= 3)
float col[4];
col[0] = (float)palookupfog[sec->floorpal].r / 63.f;
col[1] = (float)palookupfog[sec->floorpal].g / 63.f;
col[2] = (float)palookupfog[sec->floorpal].b / 63.f;
col[3] = 0;
// bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,gvisibility*((float)((unsigned char)(sec->visibility<240?sec->visibility+16:sec->visibility-239))));
for (z=bunchfirst[bunch];z>=0;z=p2[z])
wallnum = thewall[z]; wal = &wall[wallnum]; wal2 = &wall[wal->point2];
nextsectnum = wal->nextsector; nextsec = &sector[nextsectnum];
//Offset&Rotate 3D coordinates to screen 3D space
x = wal->x-globalposx; y = wal->y-globalposy;
xp0 = (double)y*gcosang - (double)x*gsinang;
yp0 = (double)x*gcosang2 + (double)y*gsinang2;
x = wal2->x-globalposx; y = wal2->y-globalposy;
xp1 = (double)y*gcosang - (double)x*gsinang;
yp1 = (double)x*gcosang2 + (double)y*gsinang2;
oxp0 = xp0; oyp0 = yp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (yp0 < SCISDIST)
if (yp1 < SCISDIST) continue;
t0 = (SCISDIST-yp0)/(yp1-yp0); xp0 = (xp1-xp0)*t0+xp0; yp0 = SCISDIST;
nx0 = (wal2->x-wal->x)*t0+wal->x;
ny0 = (wal2->y-wal->y)*t0+wal->y;
else { t0 = 0.f; nx0 = wal->x; ny0 = wal->y; }
if (yp1 < SCISDIST)
t1 = (SCISDIST-oyp0)/(yp1-oyp0); xp1 = (xp1-oxp0)*t1+oxp0; yp1 = SCISDIST;
nx1 = (wal2->x-wal->x)*t1+wal->x;
ny1 = (wal2->y-wal->y)*t1+wal->y;
else { t1 = 1.f; nx1 = wal2->x; ny1 = wal2->y; }
ryp0 = 1.f/yp0; ryp1 = 1.f/yp1;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
x0 = ghalfx*xp0*ryp0 + ghalfx;
x1 = ghalfx*xp1*ryp1 + ghalfx;
if (x1 <= x0) continue;
ryp0 *= gyxscale; ryp1 *= gyxscale;
cy0 = ((float)(cz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
fy0 = ((float)(fz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
cy1 = ((float)(cz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
fy1 = ((float)(fz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
globalpicnum = sec->floorpicnum; globalshade = sec->floorshade; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)sec->floorpal);
globalorientation = sec->floorstat;
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,sectnum);
if (!(globalorientation&1))
//(singlobalang/-16384*(sx-ghalfx) + 0*(sy-ghoriz) + (cosviewingrangeglobalang/16384)*ghalfx)*d + globalposx = u*16
//(cosglobalang/ 16384*(sx-ghalfx) + 0*(sy-ghoriz) + (sinviewingrangeglobalang/16384)*ghalfx)*d + globalposy = v*16
//( 0*(sx-ghalfx) + 1*(sy-ghoriz) + ( 0)*ghalfx)*d + globalposz/16 = (sec->floorz/16)
if (!(globalorientation&64))
{ ft[0] = globalposx; ft[1] = globalposy; ft[2] = cosglobalang; ft[3] = singlobalang; }
//relative alignment
fx = (double)(wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].x-wall[sec->wallptr].x);
fy = (double)(wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].y-wall[sec->wallptr].y);
r = 1.0/sqrt(fx*fx+fy*fy); fx *= r; fy *= r;
ft[2] = cosglobalang*fx + singlobalang*fy;
ft[3] = singlobalang*fx - cosglobalang*fy;
ft[0] = ((double)(globalposx-wall[sec->wallptr].x))*fx + ((double)(globalposy-wall[sec->wallptr].y))*fy;
ft[1] = ((double)(globalposy-wall[sec->wallptr].y))*fx - ((double)(globalposx-wall[sec->wallptr].x))*fy;
if (!(globalorientation&4)) globalorientation ^= 32; else globalorientation ^= 16;
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect; if (!(globalorientation&2)) gdy /= (double)(sec->floorz-globalposz);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
if (globalorientation&8) { ft[0] /= 8; ft[1] /= -8; ft[2] /= 2097152; ft[3] /= 2097152; }
else { ft[0] /= 16; ft[1] /= -16; ft[2] /= 4194304; ft[3] /= 4194304; }
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]+gvx)*ghalfx;
//Texture flipping
if (globalorientation&4)
r = gux; gux = gvx; gvx = r;
r = guy; guy = gvy; gvy = r;
r = guo; guo = gvo; gvo = r;
if (globalorientation&16) { gux = -gux; guy = -guy; guo = -guo; }
if (globalorientation&32) { gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; }
//Texture panning
fx = (float)sec->floorxpanning*((float)(1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15)))/256.0;
fy = (float)sec->floorypanning*((float)(1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)))/256.0;
if ((globalorientation&(2+64)) == (2+64)) //Hack for panning for slopes w/ relative alignment
r = (float)sec->floorheinum / 4096.0; r = 1.0/sqrt(r*r+1);
if (!(globalorientation&4)) fy *= r; else fx *= r;
guy += gdy*fx; guo += gdo*fx;
gvy += gdy*fy; gvo += gdo*fy;
if (globalorientation&2) //slopes
px[0] = x0; py[0] = ryp0 + ghoriz;
px[1] = x1; py[1] = ryp1 + ghoriz;
//Pick some point guaranteed to be not collinear to the 1st two points
ox = nx0 + (ny1-ny0);
oy = ny0 + (nx0-nx1);
ox2 = (double)(oy-globalposy)*gcosang - (double)(ox-globalposx)*gsinang;
oy2 = (double)(ox-globalposx)*gcosang2 + (double)(oy-globalposy)*gsinang2;
oy2 = 1.0/oy2;
px[2] = ghalfx*ox2*oy2 + ghalfx; oy2 *= gyxscale;
py[2] = oy2 + ghoriz;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
dd[i] = px[i]*gdx + py[i]*gdy + gdo;
uu[i] = px[i]*gux + py[i]*guy + guo;
vv[i] = px[i]*gvx + py[i]*gvy + gvo;
py[0] = fy0;
py[1] = fy1;
py[2] = (getflorzofslope(sectnum,(int)ox,(int)oy)-globalposz)*oy2 + ghoriz;
ox = py[1]-py[2]; oy = py[2]-py[0]; oz = py[0]-py[1];
r = 1.0 / (ox*px[0] + oy*px[1] + oz*px[2]);
gdx = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
gux = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
gvx = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
ox = px[2]-px[1]; oy = px[0]-px[2]; oz = px[1]-px[0];
gdy = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
guy = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
gvy = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
gdo = dd[0] - px[0]*gdx - py[0]*gdy;
guo = uu[0] - px[0]*gux - py[0]*guy;
gvo = vv[0] - px[0]*gvx - py[0]*gvy;
if (globalorientation&64) //Hack for relative alignment on slopes
r = (float)sec->floorheinum / 4096.0;
r = sqrt(r*r+1);
if (!(globalorientation&4)) { gvx *= r; gvy *= r; gvo *= r; }
else { gux *= r; guy *= r; guo *= r; }
domostpolymethod = (globalorientation>>7)&3;
if (globalposz >= getflorzofslope(sectnum,globalposx,globalposy)) domostpolymethod = -1; //Back-face culling
if (!nofog)
pow2xsplit = 0; domost(x0,fy0,x1,fy1); //flor
domostpolymethod = 0;
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].floorstat&1)))
//Parallaxing sky... hacked for Ken's mountain texture; paper-sky only :/
if (rendmode >= 3)
/* if (!nofog) {
//r = ((float)globalpisibility)*((float)((unsigned char)(sec->visibility<240?sec->visibility+16:sec->visibility-239)))*FOGSCALE;
//r *= ((double)xdimscale*(double)viewingrange*gdo) / (65536.0*65536.0);
} */
if (!nofog)
bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,fogresult * 0.005);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
for (i=(1<<pskybits)-1;i>0;i--)
if (pskyoff[i] != pskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
if (bpp == 8 || !usehightile || !hicfindsubst(globalpicnum,globalpal,1))
dd[0] = (float)xdimen*.0000001; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
t = (double)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<pskybits);
vv[1] = dd[0]*((double)xdimscale*(double)viewingrange)/(65536.0*65536.0);
vv[0] = dd[0]*((double)((tilesizy[globalpicnum]>>1)+parallaxyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesizy[globalpicnum]) i += i;
vv[0] += dd[0]*((double)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->floorypanning:0))*((double)i)/256.0;
//Hack to draw black rectangle below sky when looking down...
gdx = 0; gdy = gxyaspect / 262144.0; gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
gux = 0; guy = 0; guo = 0;
gvx = 0; gvy = (double)(tilesizy[globalpicnum]-1)*gdy; gvo = (double)(tilesizy[globalpicnum-1])*gdo;
oy = (((double)tilesizy[globalpicnum])*dd[0]-vv[0])/vv[1];
if ((oy > fy0) && (oy > fy1)) domost(x0,oy,x1,oy);
else if ((oy > fy0) != (oy > fy1))
// fy0 fy1
// \ /
//oy---------- oy----------
// \ /
// fy1 fy0
ox = (oy-fy0)*(x1-x0)/(fy1-fy0) + x0;
if (oy > fy0) { domost(x0,oy,ox,oy); domost(ox,oy,x1,fy1); }
else { domost(x0,fy0,ox,oy); domost(ox,oy,x1,oy); }
else domost(x0,fy0,x1,fy1);
gdx = 0; gdy = 0; gdo = dd[0];
gux = gdo*(t*((double)xdimscale)*((double)yxaspect)*((double)viewingrange))/(16384.0*65536.0*65536.0*5.0*1024.0);
guy = 0; //guo calculated later
gvx = 0; gvy = vv[1]; gvo = vv[0];
i = globalpicnum; r = (fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
oy = ((double)viewingrange)/(ghalfx*256.0); oz = 1/oy;
y = ((((int)((x0-ghalfx)*oy))+globalang)>>(11-pskybits));
fx = x0;
globalpicnum = pskyoff[y&((1<<pskybits)-1)]+i;
guo = gdo*(t*((double)(globalang-(y<<(11-pskybits))))/2048.0 + (double)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->floorxpanning:0)) - gux*ghalfx;
ox = fx; fx = ((double)((y<<(11-pskybits))-globalang))*oz+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; i = -1; }
pow2xsplit = 0; domost(ox,(ox-x0)*r+fy0,fx,(fx-x0)*r+fy0); //flor
while (i >= 0);
else //NOTE: code copied from ceiling code... lots of duplicated stuff :/
//Skybox code for parallax ceiling!
double _xp0, _yp0, _xp1, _yp1, _oxp0, _oyp0, _t0, _t1, _nx0, _ny0, _nx1, _ny1;
double _ryp0, _ryp1, _x0, _x1, _cy0, _fy0, _cy1, _fy1, _ox0, _ox1;
double nfy0, nfy1;
int skywalx[4] = {-512,512,512,-512}, skywaly[4] = {-512,-512,512,512};
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 1;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
x = skywalx[i&3]; y = skywaly[i&3];
_xp0 = (double)y*gcosang - (double)x*gsinang;
_yp0 = (double)x*gcosang2 + (double)y*gsinang2;
x = skywalx[(i+1)&3]; y = skywaly[(i+1)&3];
_xp1 = (double)y*gcosang - (double)x*gsinang;
_yp1 = (double)x*gcosang2 + (double)y*gsinang2;
_oxp0 = _xp0; _oyp0 = _yp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (_yp0 < SCISDIST)
if (_yp1 < SCISDIST) continue;
_t0 = (SCISDIST-_yp0)/(_yp1-_yp0); _xp0 = (_xp1-_xp0)*_t0+_xp0; _yp0 = SCISDIST;
_nx0 = (skywalx[(i+1)&3]-skywalx[i&3])*_t0+skywalx[i&3];
_ny0 = (skywaly[(i+1)&3]-skywaly[i&3])*_t0+skywaly[i&3];
else { _t0 = 0.f; _nx0 = skywalx[i&3]; _ny0 = skywaly[i&3]; }
if (_yp1 < SCISDIST)
_t1 = (SCISDIST-_oyp0)/(_yp1-_oyp0); _xp1 = (_xp1-_oxp0)*_t1+_oxp0; _yp1 = SCISDIST;
_nx1 = (skywalx[(i+1)&3]-skywalx[i&3])*_t1+skywalx[i&3];
_ny1 = (skywaly[(i+1)&3]-skywaly[i&3])*_t1+skywaly[i&3];
else { _t1 = 1.f; _nx1 = skywalx[(i+1)&3]; _ny1 = skywaly[(i+1)&3]; }
_ryp0 = 1.f/_yp0; _ryp1 = 1.f/_yp1;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
_x0 = ghalfx*_xp0*_ryp0 + ghalfx;
_x1 = ghalfx*_xp1*_ryp1 + ghalfx;
if (_x1 <= _x0) continue;
if ((_x0 >= x1) || (x0 >= _x1)) continue;
_ryp0 *= gyxscale; _ryp1 *= gyxscale;
_cy0 = -8192.f*_ryp0 + ghoriz;
_fy0 = 8192.f*_ryp0 + ghoriz;
_cy1 = -8192.f*_ryp1 + ghoriz;
_fy1 = 8192.f*_ryp1 + ghoriz;
_ox0 = _x0; _ox1 = _x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=_x1
nfy0 = fy0; nfy1 = fy1;
if (_x0 < x0)
t = (x0-_x0)/(_x1-_x0);
_cy0 += (_cy1-_cy0)*t;
_fy0 += (_fy1-_fy0)*t;
_x0 = x0;
else if (_x0 > x0) nfy0 += (_x0-x0)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
if (_x1 > x1)
t = (x1-_x1)/(_x1-_x0);
_cy1 += (_cy1-_cy0)*t;
_fy1 += (_fy1-_fy0)*t;
_x1 = x1;
else if (_x1 < x1) nfy1 += (_x1-x1)*(fy1-fy0)/(x1-x0);
// (skybox floor)
// (skybox wall)
// (skybox ceiling)
//ceiling of skybox
ft[0] = 512/16; ft[1] = 512/-16;
ft[2] = ((float)cosglobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
ft[3] = ((float)singlobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect*(1.f/4194304.f);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]+gvx)*ghalfx;
gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; //y-flip skybox floor
drawingskybox = 6; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
if ((_fy0 > nfy0) && (_fy1 > nfy1)) domost(_x0,_fy0,_x1,_fy1);
else if ((_fy0 > nfy0) != (_fy1 > nfy1))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_cy0)-(_x1,_cy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
//ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t
//oy = _cy0 + (_cy1-_cy0)*t
//oy = nfy0 + (nfy1-nfy0)*t
t = (_fy0-nfy0)/(nfy1-nfy0-_fy1+_fy0);
ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t;
oy = _fy0 + (_fy1-_fy0)*t;
if (nfy0 > _fy0) { domost(_x0,nfy0,ox,oy); domost(ox,oy,_x1,_fy1); }
else { domost(_x0,_fy0,ox,oy); domost(ox,oy,_x1,nfy1); }
else domost(_x0,nfy0,_x1,nfy1);
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
gdx = (_ryp0-_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) / (_ox0-_ox1);
gdy = 0;
gdo = _ryp0*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) - gdx*_ox0;
gux = (_t0*_ryp0 - _t1*_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) / (_ox0-_ox1);
guo = _t0*_ryp0*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) - gux*_ox0;
guy = 0;
_t0 = -8192.0*_ryp0 + ghoriz;
_t1 = -8192.0*_ryp1 + ghoriz;
t = ((gdx*_ox0 + gdo)*8.f) / ((_ox1-_ox0) * _ryp0 * 2048.f);
gvx = (_t0-_t1)*t;
gvy = (_ox1-_ox0)*t;
gvo = -gvx*_ox0 - gvy*_t0;
if ((_cy0 > nfy0) && (_cy1 > nfy1)) domost(_x0,_cy0,_x1,_cy1);
else if ((_cy0 > nfy0) != (_cy1 > nfy1))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,nfy0)-(_x1,nfy1)
//ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t
//oy = _fy0 + (_fy1-_fy0)*t
//oy = nfy0 + (nfy1-nfy0)*t
t = (_cy0-nfy0)/(nfy1-nfy0-_cy1+_cy0);
ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t;
oy = _cy0 + (_cy1-_cy0)*t;
if (nfy0 > _cy0) { domost(_x0,nfy0,ox,oy); domost(ox,oy,_x1,_cy1); }
else { domost(_x0,_cy0,ox,oy); domost(ox,oy,_x1,nfy1); }
else domost(_x0,nfy0,_x1,nfy1);
//Floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 5; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
ft[0] = 512/16; ft[1] = -512/-16;
ft[2] = ((float)cosglobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
ft[3] = ((float)singlobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect*(-1.f/4194304.f);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]+gvx)*ghalfx;
skyclamphack = 0;
drawingskybox = 0;
if (rendmode >= 3)
skyclamphack = 0;
if (!nofog)
//bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,gvisibility*((float)((unsigned char)(sec->visibility<240?sec->visibility+16:sec->visibility-239))));
globalpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum; globalshade = sec->ceilingshade; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)sec->ceilingpal);
globalorientation = sec->ceilingstat;
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,sectnum);
if (!(globalorientation&1))
if (!(globalorientation&64))
{ ft[0] = globalposx; ft[1] = globalposy; ft[2] = cosglobalang; ft[3] = singlobalang; }
//relative alignment
fx = (double)(wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].x-wall[sec->wallptr].x);
fy = (double)(wall[wall[sec->wallptr].point2].y-wall[sec->wallptr].y);
r = 1.0/sqrt(fx*fx+fy*fy); fx *= r; fy *= r;
ft[2] = cosglobalang*fx + singlobalang*fy;
ft[3] = singlobalang*fx - cosglobalang*fy;
ft[0] = ((double)(globalposx-wall[sec->wallptr].x))*fx + ((double)(globalposy-wall[sec->wallptr].y))*fy;
ft[1] = ((double)(globalposy-wall[sec->wallptr].y))*fx - ((double)(globalposx-wall[sec->wallptr].x))*fy;
if (!(globalorientation&4)) globalorientation ^= 32; else globalorientation ^= 16;
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect;
if (!(globalorientation&2)) gdy /= (double)(sec->ceilingz-globalposz);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
if (globalorientation&8) { ft[0] /= 8; ft[1] /= -8; ft[2] /= 2097152; ft[3] /= 2097152; }
else { ft[0] /= 16; ft[1] /= -16; ft[2] /= 4194304; ft[3] /= 4194304; }
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]+gvx)*ghalfx;
//Texture flipping
if (globalorientation&4)
r = gux; gux = gvx; gvx = r;
r = guy; guy = gvy; gvy = r;
r = guo; guo = gvo; gvo = r;
if (globalorientation&16) { gux = -gux; guy = -guy; guo = -guo; }
if (globalorientation&32) { gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; }
//Texture panning
fx = (float)sec->ceilingxpanning*((float)(1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15)))/256.0;
fy = (float)sec->ceilingypanning*((float)(1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)))/256.0;
if ((globalorientation&(2+64)) == (2+64)) //Hack for panning for slopes w/ relative alignment
r = (float)sec->ceilingheinum / 4096.0; r = 1.0/sqrt(r*r+1);
if (!(globalorientation&4)) fy *= r; else fx *= r;
guy += gdy*fx; guo += gdo*fx;
gvy += gdy*fy; gvo += gdo*fy;
if (globalorientation&2) //slopes
px[0] = x0; py[0] = ryp0 + ghoriz;
px[1] = x1; py[1] = ryp1 + ghoriz;
//Pick some point guaranteed to be not collinear to the 1st two points
ox = nx0 + (ny1-ny0);
oy = ny0 + (nx0-nx1);
ox2 = (double)(oy-globalposy)*gcosang - (double)(ox-globalposx)*gsinang ;
oy2 = (double)(ox-globalposx)*gcosang2 + (double)(oy-globalposy)*gsinang2;
oy2 = 1.0/oy2;
px[2] = ghalfx*ox2*oy2 + ghalfx; oy2 *= gyxscale;
py[2] = oy2 + ghoriz;
for (i=0;i<3;i++)
dd[i] = px[i]*gdx + py[i]*gdy + gdo;
uu[i] = px[i]*gux + py[i]*guy + guo;
vv[i] = px[i]*gvx + py[i]*gvy + gvo;
py[0] = cy0;
py[1] = cy1;
py[2] = (getceilzofslope(sectnum,(int)ox,(int)oy)-globalposz)*oy2 + ghoriz;
ox = py[1]-py[2]; oy = py[2]-py[0]; oz = py[0]-py[1];
r = 1.0 / (ox*px[0] + oy*px[1] + oz*px[2]);
gdx = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
gux = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
gvx = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
ox = px[2]-px[1]; oy = px[0]-px[2]; oz = px[1]-px[0];
gdy = (ox*dd[0] + oy*dd[1] + oz*dd[2])*r;
guy = (ox*uu[0] + oy*uu[1] + oz*uu[2])*r;
gvy = (ox*vv[0] + oy*vv[1] + oz*vv[2])*r;
gdo = dd[0] - px[0]*gdx - py[0]*gdy;
guo = uu[0] - px[0]*gux - py[0]*guy;
gvo = vv[0] - px[0]*gvx - py[0]*gvy;
if (globalorientation&64) //Hack for relative alignment on slopes
r = (float)sec->ceilingheinum / 4096.0;
r = sqrt(r*r+1);
if (!(globalorientation&4)) { gvx *= r; gvy *= r; gvo *= r; }
else { gux *= r; guy *= r; guo *= r; }
domostpolymethod = (globalorientation>>7)&3;
if (globalposz <= getceilzofslope(sectnum,globalposx,globalposy)) domostpolymethod = -1; //Back-face culling
if (!nofog)
pow2xsplit = 0; domost(x1,cy1,x0,cy0); //ceil
domostpolymethod = 0;
else if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (!(sector[nextsectnum].ceilingstat&1)))
if (rendmode >= 3)
/* if (!nofog) {
//r = ((float)globalpisibility)*((float)((unsigned char)(sec->visibility<240?sec->visibility+16:sec->visibility-239)))*FOGSCALE;
//r *= ((double)xdimscale*(double)viewingrange*gdo) / (65536.0*65536.0);
if (!nofog)
bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,fogresult * 0.005);
//Use clamping for tiled sky textures
for (i=(1<<pskybits)-1;i>0;i--)
if (pskyoff[i] != pskyoff[i-1])
{ skyclamphack = r_parallaxskyclamping; break; }
//Parallaxing sky...
if (bpp == 8 || !usehightile || !hicfindsubst(globalpicnum,globalpal,1))
//Render for parallaxtype == 0 / paper-sky
dd[0] = (float)xdimen*.0000001; //Adjust sky depth based on screen size!
t = (double)((1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]&15))<<pskybits);
vv[1] = dd[0]*((double)xdimscale*(double)viewingrange)/(65536.0*65536.0);
vv[0] = dd[0]*((double)((tilesizy[globalpicnum]>>1)+parallaxyoffs)) - vv[1]*ghoriz;
i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i != tilesizy[globalpicnum]) i += i;
vv[0] += dd[0]*((double)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->ceilingypanning:0))*((double)i)/256.0;
//Hack to draw black rectangle below sky when looking down...
gdx = 0; gdy = gxyaspect / -262144.0; gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
gux = 0; guy = 0; guo = 0;
gvx = 0; gvy = 0; gvo = 0;
oy = -vv[0]/vv[1];
if ((oy < cy0) && (oy < cy1)) domost(x1,oy,x0,oy);
else if ((oy < cy0) != (oy < cy1))
{ /* cy1 cy0
// / \
//oy---------- oy---------
// / \
// cy0 cy1
ox = (oy-cy0)*(x1-x0)/(cy1-cy0) + x0;
if (oy < cy0) { domost(ox,oy,x0,oy); domost(x1,cy1,ox,oy); }
else { domost(ox,oy,x0,cy0); domost(x1,oy,ox,oy); }
else domost(x1,cy1,x0,cy0);
gdx = 0; gdy = 0; gdo = dd[0];
gux = gdo*(t*((double)xdimscale)*((double)yxaspect)*((double)viewingrange))/(16384.0*65536.0*65536.0*5.0*1024.0);
guy = 0; //guo calculated later
gvx = 0; gvy = vv[1]; gvo = vv[0];
i = globalpicnum; r = (cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0); //slope of line
oy = ((double)viewingrange)/(ghalfx*256.0); oz = 1/oy;
y = ((((int)((x0-ghalfx)*oy))+globalang)>>(11-pskybits));
fx = x0;
globalpicnum = pskyoff[y&((1<<pskybits)-1)]+i;
guo = gdo*(t*((double)(globalang-(y<<(11-pskybits))))/2048.0 + (double)((r_parallaxskypanning)?sec->ceilingxpanning:0)) - gux*ghalfx;
ox = fx; fx = ((double)((y<<(11-pskybits))-globalang))*oz+ghalfx;
if (fx > x1) { fx = x1; i = -1; }
pow2xsplit = 0; domost(fx,(fx-x0)*r+cy0,ox,(ox-x0)*r+cy0); //ceil
while (i >= 0);
//Skybox code for parallax ceiling!
double _xp0, _yp0, _xp1, _yp1, _oxp0, _oyp0, _t0, _t1, _nx0, _ny0, _nx1, _ny1;
double _ryp0, _ryp1, _x0, _x1, _cy0, _fy0, _cy1, _fy1, _ox0, _ox1;
double ncy0, ncy1;
int skywalx[4] = {-512,512,512,-512}, skywaly[4] = {-512,-512,512,512};
pow2xsplit = 0;
skyclamphack = 1;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
x = skywalx[i&3]; y = skywaly[i&3];
_xp0 = (double)y*gcosang - (double)x*gsinang;
_yp0 = (double)x*gcosang2 + (double)y*gsinang2;
x = skywalx[(i+1)&3]; y = skywaly[(i+1)&3];
_xp1 = (double)y*gcosang - (double)x*gsinang;
_yp1 = (double)x*gcosang2 + (double)y*gsinang2;
_oxp0 = _xp0; _oyp0 = _yp0;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
if (_yp0 < SCISDIST)
if (_yp1 < SCISDIST) continue;
_t0 = (SCISDIST-_yp0)/(_yp1-_yp0); _xp0 = (_xp1-_xp0)*_t0+_xp0; _yp0 = SCISDIST;
_nx0 = (skywalx[(i+1)&3]-skywalx[i&3])*_t0+skywalx[i&3];
_ny0 = (skywaly[(i+1)&3]-skywaly[i&3])*_t0+skywaly[i&3];
else { _t0 = 0.f; _nx0 = skywalx[i&3]; _ny0 = skywaly[i&3]; }
if (_yp1 < SCISDIST)
_t1 = (SCISDIST-_oyp0)/(_yp1-_oyp0); _xp1 = (_xp1-_oxp0)*_t1+_oxp0; _yp1 = SCISDIST;
_nx1 = (skywalx[(i+1)&3]-skywalx[i&3])*_t1+skywalx[i&3];
_ny1 = (skywaly[(i+1)&3]-skywaly[i&3])*_t1+skywaly[i&3];
else { _t1 = 1.f; _nx1 = skywalx[(i+1)&3]; _ny1 = skywaly[(i+1)&3]; }
_ryp0 = 1.f/_yp0; _ryp1 = 1.f/_yp1;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
_x0 = ghalfx*_xp0*_ryp0 + ghalfx;
_x1 = ghalfx*_xp1*_ryp1 + ghalfx;
if (_x1 <= _x0) continue;
if ((_x0 >= x1) || (x0 >= _x1)) continue;
_ryp0 *= gyxscale; _ryp1 *= gyxscale;
_cy0 = -8192.f*_ryp0 + ghoriz;
_fy0 = 8192.f*_ryp0 + ghoriz;
_cy1 = -8192.f*_ryp1 + ghoriz;
_fy1 = 8192.f*_ryp1 + ghoriz;
_ox0 = _x0; _ox1 = _x1;
//Make sure: x0<=_x0<_x1<=_x1
ncy0 = cy0; ncy1 = cy1;
if (_x0 < x0)
t = (x0-_x0)/(_x1-_x0);
_cy0 += (_cy1-_cy0)*t;
_fy0 += (_fy1-_fy0)*t;
_x0 = x0;
else if (_x0 > x0) ncy0 += (_x0-x0)*(cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0);
if (_x1 > x1)
t = (x1-_x1)/(_x1-_x0);
_cy1 += (_cy1-_cy0)*t;
_fy1 += (_fy1-_fy0)*t;
_x1 = x1;
else if (_x1 < x1) ncy1 += (_x1-x1)*(cy1-cy0)/(x1-x0);
// (skybox ceiling)
// (skybox wall)
// (skybox floor)
//ceiling of skybox
drawingskybox = 5; //ceiling/5th texture/index 4 of skybox
ft[0] = 512/16; ft[1] = -512/-16;
ft[2] = ((float)cosglobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
ft[3] = ((float)singlobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect*-(1.f/4194304.f);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]+gvx)*ghalfx;
if ((_cy0 < ncy0) && (_cy1 < ncy1)) domost(_x1,_cy1,_x0,_cy0);
else if ((_cy0 < ncy0) != (_cy1 < ncy1))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_cy0)-(_x1,_cy1)
// (_x0,ncy0)-(_x1,ncy1)
//ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t
//oy = _cy0 + (_cy1-_cy0)*t
//oy = ncy0 + (ncy1-ncy0)*t
t = (_cy0-ncy0)/(ncy1-ncy0-_cy1+_cy0);
ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t;
oy = _cy0 + (_cy1-_cy0)*t;
if (ncy0 < _cy0) { domost(ox,oy,_x0,ncy0); domost(_x1,_cy1,ox,oy); }
else { domost(ox,oy,_x0,_cy0); domost(_x1,ncy1,ox,oy); }
else domost(_x1,ncy1,_x0,ncy0);
//wall of skybox
drawingskybox = i+1; //i+1th texture/index i of skybox
gdx = (_ryp0-_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) / (_ox0-_ox1);
gdy = 0;
gdo = _ryp0*gxyaspect*(1.f/512.f) - gdx*_ox0;
gux = (_t0*_ryp0 - _t1*_ryp1)*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) / (_ox0-_ox1);
guo = _t0*_ryp0*gxyaspect*(64.f/512.f) - gux*_ox0;
guy = 0;
_t0 = -8192.0*_ryp0 + ghoriz;
_t1 = -8192.0*_ryp1 + ghoriz;
t = ((gdx*_ox0 + gdo)*8.f) / ((_ox1-_ox0) * _ryp0 * 2048.f);
gvx = (_t0-_t1)*t;
gvy = (_ox1-_ox0)*t;
gvo = -gvx*_ox0 - gvy*_t0;
if ((_fy0 < ncy0) && (_fy1 < ncy1)) domost(_x1,_fy1,_x0,_fy0);
else if ((_fy0 < ncy0) != (_fy1 < ncy1))
//(ox,oy) is intersection of: (_x0,_fy0)-(_x1,_fy1)
// (_x0,ncy0)-(_x1,ncy1)
//ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t
//oy = _fy0 + (_fy1-_fy0)*t
//oy = ncy0 + (ncy1-ncy0)*t
t = (_fy0-ncy0)/(ncy1-ncy0-_fy1+_fy0);
ox = _x0 + (_x1-_x0)*t;
oy = _fy0 + (_fy1-_fy0)*t;
if (ncy0 < _fy0) { domost(ox,oy,_x0,ncy0); domost(_x1,_fy1,ox,oy); }
else { domost(ox,oy,_x0,_fy0); domost(_x1,ncy1,ox,oy); }
else domost(_x1,ncy1,_x0,ncy0);
//Floor of skybox
drawingskybox = 6; //floor/6th texture/index 5 of skybox
ft[0] = 512/16; ft[1] = 512/-16;
ft[2] = ((float)cosglobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
ft[3] = ((float)singlobalang)*(1.f/2147483648.f);
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect*(1.f/4194304.f);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/-65536.0;
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]+gvx)*ghalfx;
gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; //y-flip skybox floor
skyclamphack = 0;
drawingskybox = 0;
if (rendmode >= 3)
skyclamphack = 0;
if (!nofog)
//bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY,gvisibility*((float)((unsigned char)(sec->visibility<240?sec->visibility+16:sec->visibility-239))));
//(x0,cy0) == (u= 0,v=0,d=)
//(x1,cy0) == (u=wal->xrepeat*8,v=0)
//(x0,fy0) == (u= 0,v=v)
// u = (gux*sx + guy*sy + guo) / (gdx*sx + gdy*sy + gdo)
// v = (gvx*sx + gvy*sy + gvo) / (gdx*sx + gdy*sy + gdo)
// 0 = (gux*x0 + guy*cy0 + guo) / (gdx*x0 + gdy*cy0 + gdo)
//wal->xrepeat*8 = (gux*x1 + guy*cy0 + guo) / (gdx*x1 + gdy*cy0 + gdo)
// 0 = (gvx*x0 + gvy*cy0 + gvo) / (gdx*x0 + gdy*cy0 + gdo)
// v = (gvx*x0 + gvy*fy0 + gvo) / (gdx*x0 + gdy*fy0 + gdo)
//sx = x0, u = t0*wal->xrepeat*8, d = yp0;
//sx = x1, u = t1*wal->xrepeat*8, d = yp1;
//d = gdx*sx + gdo
//u = (gux*sx + guo) / (gdx*sx + gdo)
//yp0 = gdx*x0 + gdo
//yp1 = gdx*x1 + gdo
//t0*wal->xrepeat*8 = (gux*x0 + guo) / (gdx*x0 + gdo)
//t1*wal->xrepeat*8 = (gux*x1 + guo) / (gdx*x1 + gdo)
//gdx*x0 + gdo = yp0
//gdx*x1 + gdo = yp1
gdx = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
gdy = 0;
gdo = ryp0*gxyaspect - gdx*x0;
//gux*x0 + guo = t0*wal->xrepeat*8*yp0
//gux*x1 + guo = t1*wal->xrepeat*8*yp1
gux = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f / (x0-x1);
guo = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f - gux*x0;
guo += (float)wal->xpanning*gdo;
gux += (float)wal->xpanning*gdx;
guy = 0;
//Derivation for u:
// (gvx*x0 + gvy*cy0 + gvo) / (gdx*x0 + gdy*cy0 + gdo) = 0
// (gvx*x1 + gvy*cy1 + gvo) / (gdx*x1 + gdy*cy1 + gdo) = 0
// (gvx*x0 + gvy*fy0 + gvo) / (gdx*x0 + gdy*fy0 + gdo) = v
// (gvx*x1 + gvy*fy1 + gvo) / (gdx*x1 + gdy*fy1 + gdo) = v
// (gvx*x0 + gvy*cy0 + gvo*1) = 0
// (gvx*x1 + gvy*cy1 + gvo*1) = 0
// (gvx*x0 + gvy*fy0 + gvo*1) = t
ogux = gux; oguy = guy; oguo = guo;
if (nextsectnum >= 0)
ocy0 = ((float)(cz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
ofy0 = ((float)(fz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
ocy1 = ((float)(cz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
ofy1 = ((float)(fz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
if ((wal->cstat&48) == 16) maskwall[maskwallcnt++] = z;
if (((cy0 < ocy0) || (cy1 < ocy1)) && (!((sec->ceilingstat&sector[nextsectnum].ceilingstat)&1)))
globalpicnum = wal->picnum; globalshade = wal->shade; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)wal->pal);
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,wallnum+16384);
if (!(wal->cstat&4)) i = sector[nextsectnum].ceilingz; else i = sec->ceilingz;
t0 = ((float)(i-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
t1 = ((float)(i-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
t = ((gdx*x0 + gdo) * (float)wal->yrepeat) / ((x1-x0) * ryp0 * 2048.f);
i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i < tilesizy[globalpicnum]) i <<= 1;
ypan = wal->ypanning;
if (wal->cstat&4)
if (ypan>256-yoffs)
// not hacked yet
fy = (float)ypan * ((float)i) / 256.0;
gvx = (t0-t1)*t;
gvy = (x1-x0)*t;
gvo = -gvx*x0 - gvy*t0 + fy*gdo; gvx += fy*gdx; gvy += fy*gdy;
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpanning*2);
gux = gdx*t - gux;
guy = gdy*t - guy;
guo = gdo*t - guo;
if (wal->cstat&256) { gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; } //yflip
if (!nofog)
pow2xsplit = 1; domost(x1,ocy1,x0,ocy0);
if (wal->cstat&8) { gux = ogux; guy = oguy; guo = oguo; }
if (((ofy0 < fy0) || (ofy1 < fy1)) && (!((sec->floorstat&sector[nextsectnum].floorstat)&1)))
if (!(wal->cstat&2)) nwal = wal;
nwal = &wall[wal->nextwall];
guo += (float)(nwal->xpanning-wal->xpanning)*gdo;
gux += (float)(nwal->xpanning-wal->xpanning)*gdx;
guy += (float)(nwal->xpanning-wal->xpanning)*gdy;
globalpicnum = nwal->picnum; globalshade = nwal->shade; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)nwal->pal);
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,wallnum+16384);
if (!(nwal->cstat&4)) i = sector[nextsectnum].floorz; else i = sec->ceilingz;
t0 = ((float)(i-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
t1 = ((float)(i-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
t = ((gdx*x0 + gdo) * (float)wal->yrepeat) / ((x1-x0) * ryp0 * 2048.f);
i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i < tilesizy[globalpicnum]) i <<= 1;
ypan = nwal->ypanning;
if (!(nwal->cstat&4))
if (ypan>256-yoffs)
// Still need a hack, depending on the wall(height,ypanning,yrepeat,tilesizy)
// it should do "ypan-=yoffs" or "ypan+=yoffs" or [nothing].
// Example: the film projector in the E1L1.map needs "ypan-=yoffs"
fy = (float)ypan * ((float)i) / 256.0;
gvx = (t0-t1)*t;
gvy = (x1-x0)*t;
gvo = -gvx*x0 - gvy*t0 + fy*gdo; gvx += fy*gdx; gvy += fy*gdy;
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + nwal->xpanning*2);
gux = gdx*t - gux;
guy = gdy*t - guy;
guo = gdo*t - guo;
if (nwal->cstat&256) { gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; } //yflip
if (!nofog)
pow2xsplit = 1; domost(x0,ofy0,x1,ofy1);
if (wal->cstat&(2+8)) { guo = oguo; gux = ogux; guy = oguy; }
if ((nextsectnum < 0) || (wal->cstat&32)) //White/1-way wall
if (nextsectnum < 0) globalpicnum = wal->picnum; else globalpicnum = wal->overpicnum;
globalshade = wal->shade; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)wal->pal);
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,wallnum+16384);
if (nextsectnum >= 0) { if (!(wal->cstat&4)) i = nextsec->ceilingz; else i = sec->ceilingz; }
else { if (!(wal->cstat&4)) i = sec->ceilingz; else i = sec->floorz; }
t0 = ((float)(i-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
t1 = ((float)(i-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
t = ((gdx*x0 + gdo) * (float)wal->yrepeat) / ((x1-x0) * ryp0 * 2048.f);
i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i < tilesizy[globalpicnum]) i <<= 1;
ypan = wal->ypanning;
if (!(wal->cstat&4))
if (ypan>256-yoffs)
// not hacked yet
fy = (float)ypan * ((float)i) / 256.0;
gvx = (t0-t1)*t;
gvy = (x1-x0)*t;
gvo = -gvx*x0 - gvy*t0 + fy*gdo; gvx += fy*gdx; gvy += fy*gdy;
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpanning*2);
gux = gdx*t - gux;
guy = gdy*t - guy;
guo = gdo*t - guo;
if (wal->cstat&256) { gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; } //yflip
if (!nofog)
pow2xsplit = 1; domost(x0,-10000,x1,-10000);
if (nextsectnum >= 0)
if ((!(gotsector[nextsectnum>>3]&pow2char[nextsectnum&7])) && (testvisiblemost(x0,x1)))
static int wallfront(int, int);
static int polymost_bunchfront(int b1, int b2)
double x1b1, x1b2, x2b1, x2b2;
int b1f, b2f, i;
b1f = bunchfirst[b1]; x1b1 = dxb1[b1f]; x2b2 = dxb2[bunchlast[b2]]; if (x1b1 >= x2b2) return(-1);
b2f = bunchfirst[b2]; x1b2 = dxb1[b2f]; x2b1 = dxb2[bunchlast[b1]]; if (x1b2 >= x2b1) return(-1);
if (x1b1 >= x1b2)
for (i=b2f;dxb2[i]<=x1b1;i=p2[i]);
for (i=b1f;dxb2[i]<=x1b2;i=p2[i]);
static void polymost_scansector(int sectnum)
double d, xp1, yp1, xp2, yp2;
walltype *wal, *wal2;
spritetype *spr;
int z, zz, startwall, endwall, numscansbefore, scanfirst, bunchfrst, nextsectnum;
int xs, ys, x1, y1, x2, y2;
if (sectnum < 0) return;
if (automapping) show2dsector[sectnum>>3] |= pow2char[sectnum&7];
sectorborder[0] = sectnum, sectorbordercnt = 1;
sectnum = sectorborder[--sectorbordercnt];
for (z=headspritesect[sectnum];z>=0;z=nextspritesect[z])
spr = &sprite[z];
if ((((spr->cstat&0x8000) == 0) || (showinvisibility)) &&
(spr->xrepeat > 0) && (spr->yrepeat > 0) &&
(spritesortcnt < MAXSPRITESONSCREEN))
xs = spr->x-globalposx; ys = spr->y-globalposy;
if ((spr->cstat&48) || (xs*gcosang+ys*gsinang > 0))
spriteext[z].tspr = (spritetype *)&tsprite[spritesortcnt];
tsprite[spritesortcnt++].owner = z;
gotsector[sectnum>>3] |= pow2char[sectnum&7];
bunchfrst = numbunches;
numscansbefore = numscans;
startwall = sector[sectnum].wallptr; endwall = sector[sectnum].wallnum+startwall;
scanfirst = numscans;
xp2 = 0; yp2 = 0;
for (z=startwall,wal=&wall[z];z<endwall;z++,wal++)
wal2 = &wall[wal->point2];
x1 = wal->x-globalposx; y1 = wal->y-globalposy;
x2 = wal2->x-globalposx; y2 = wal2->y-globalposy;
nextsectnum = wal->nextsector; //Scan close sectors
if ((nextsectnum >= 0) && (!(wal->cstat&32)) && (!(gotsector[nextsectnum>>3]&pow2char[nextsectnum&7])))
d = (double)x1*(double)y2 - (double)x2*(double)y1; xp1 = (double)(x2-x1); yp1 = (double)(y2-y1);
if (d*d <= (xp1*xp1 + yp1*yp1)*(SCISDIST*SCISDIST*260.0))
sectorborder[sectorbordercnt++] = nextsectnum;
if ((z == startwall) || (wall[z-1].point2 != z))
xp1 = ((double)y1*(double)cosglobalang - (double)x1*(double)singlobalang)/64.0;
yp1 = ((double)x1*(double)cosviewingrangeglobalang + (double)y1*(double)sinviewingrangeglobalang)/64.0;
else { xp1 = xp2; yp1 = yp2; }
xp2 = ((double)y2*(double)cosglobalang - (double)x2*(double)singlobalang)/64.0;
yp2 = ((double)x2*(double)cosviewingrangeglobalang + (double)y2*(double)sinviewingrangeglobalang)/64.0;
if ((yp1 >= SCISDIST) || (yp2 >= SCISDIST))
if ((double)xp1*(double)yp2 < (double)xp2*(double)yp1) //if wall is facing you...
if (yp1 >= SCISDIST)
dxb1[numscans] = (double)xp1*ghalfx/(double)yp1 + ghalfx;
else dxb1[numscans] = -1e32;
if (yp2 >= SCISDIST)
dxb2[numscans] = (double)xp2*ghalfx/(double)yp2 + ghalfx;
else dxb2[numscans] = 1e32;
if (dxb1[numscans] < dxb2[numscans])
{ thesector[numscans] = sectnum; thewall[numscans] = z; p2[numscans] = numscans+1; numscans++; }
if ((wall[z].point2 < z) && (scanfirst < numscans))
{ p2[numscans-1] = scanfirst; scanfirst = numscans; }
for (z=numscansbefore;z<numscans;z++)
if ((wall[thewall[z]].point2 != thewall[p2[z]]) || (dxb2[z] > dxb1[p2[z]]))
{ bunchfirst[numbunches++] = p2[z]; p2[z] = -1; }
for (z=bunchfrst;z<numbunches;z++)
for (zz=bunchfirst[z];p2[zz]>=0;zz=p2[zz]);
bunchlast[z] = zz;
while (sectorbordercnt > 0);
void polymost_drawrooms()
int i, j, n, n2, closest;
double ox, oy, oz, ox2, oy2, oz2, r, px[6], py[6], pz[6], px2[6], py2[6], pz2[6], sx[6], sy[6];
if (!rendmode) return;
frameoffset = frameplace + windowy1*bytesperline + windowx1;
if (rendmode >= 3)
//bglPolygonOffset(1,1); //Supposed to make sprites pasted on walls or floors not disappear
bglDepthRange(0.00001,1.0); //<- this is more widely supported than glPolygonOffset
//Enable this for OpenGL red-blue glasses mode :)
if (glredbluemode)
static int grbfcnt = 0; grbfcnt++;
if (redblueclearcnt < numpages) { redblueclearcnt++; bglColorMask(1,1,1,1); bglClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); }
if (grbfcnt&1)
globalposx += singlobalang/1024;
globalposy -= cosglobalang/1024;
globalposx -= singlobalang/1024;
globalposy += cosglobalang/1024;
if (r_depthpeeling)
bglBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, peelfbos[r_peelscount]);
bglViewport(0, 0, xdim, ydim);
//Polymost supports true look up/down :) Here, we convert horizon to angle.
//gchang&gshang are cos&sin of this angle (respectively)
gyxscale = ((double)xdimenscale)/131072.0;
gxyaspect = ((double)xyaspect*(double)viewingrange)*(5.0/(65536.0*262144.0));
gviewxrange = ((double)viewingrange)*((double)xdimen)/(32768.0*1024.0);
gcosang = ((double)cosglobalang)/262144.0;
gsinang = ((double)singlobalang)/262144.0;
gcosang2 = gcosang*((double)viewingrange)/65536.0;
gsinang2 = gsinang*((double)viewingrange)/65536.0;
ghalfx = (double)halfxdimen; grhalfxdown10 = 1.0/(((double)ghalfx)*1024);
ghoriz = (double)globalhoriz;
gvisibility = ((float)globalvisibility)*FOGSCALE;
//global cos/sin height angle
r = (double)((ydimen>>1)-ghoriz);
gshang = r/sqrt(r*r+ghalfx*ghalfx);
gchang = sqrt(1.0-gshang*gshang);
ghoriz = (double)(ydimen>>1);
//global cos/sin tilt angle
gctang = cos(gtang);
gstang = sin(gtang);
if (fabs(gstang) < .001) //This hack avoids nasty precision bugs in domost()
{ gstang = 0; if (gctang > 0) gctang = 1.0; else gctang = -1.0; }
if (inpreparemirror)
gstang = -gstang;
//Generate viewport trapezoid (for handling screen up/down)
px[0] = px[3] = 0-1; px[1] = px[2] = windowx2+1-windowx1+2;
py[0] = py[1] = 0-1; py[2] = py[3] = windowy2+1-windowy1+2; n = 4;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
ox = px[i]-ghalfx; oy = py[i]-ghoriz; oz = ghalfx;
//Tilt rotation (backwards)
ox2 = ox*gctang + oy*gstang;
oy2 = oy*gctang - ox*gstang;
oz2 = oz;
//Up/down rotation (backwards)
px[i] = ox2;
py[i] = oy2*gchang + oz2*gshang;
pz[i] = oz2*gchang - oy2*gshang;
//Clip to SCISDIST plane
n2 = 0;
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
j = i+1; if (j >= n) j = 0;
if (pz[i] >= SCISDIST) { px2[n2] = px[i]; py2[n2] = py[i]; pz2[n2] = pz[i]; n2++; }
if ((pz[i] >= SCISDIST) != (pz[j] >= SCISDIST))
r = (SCISDIST-pz[i])/(pz[j]-pz[i]);
px2[n2] = (px[j]-px[i])*r + px[i];
py2[n2] = (py[j]-py[i])*r + py[i];
pz2[n2] = SCISDIST; n2++;
if (n2 < 3) { enddrawing(); return; }
for (i=0;i<n2;i++)
r = ghalfx / pz2[i];
sx[i] = px2[i]*r + ghalfx;
sy[i] = py2[i]*r + ghoriz;
if (searchit == 2)
short hitsect, hitwall, hitsprite;
int vx, vy, vz, hitx, hity, hitz;
int cz, fz;
ox2 = (searchx-ghalfx)/1.2; oy2 = (searchy-ghoriz)/ 1.2; oz2 = ghalfx;
//Tilt rotation
ox = ox2*gctang + oy2*gstang;
oy = oy2*gctang - ox2*gstang;
oz = oz2;
//Up/down rotation
ox2 = oz*gchang - oy*gshang;
oy2 = ox;
oz2 = oy*gchang + oz*gshang;
//Standard Left/right rotation
vx = (int)(ox2*((float)cosglobalang) - oy2*((float)singlobalang));
vy = (int)(ox2*((float)singlobalang) + oy2*((float)cosglobalang));
vz = (int)(oz2*16384.0);
hitallsprites = 1;
hitscan(globalposx,globalposy,globalposz,globalcursectnum, //Start position
hitallsprites = 0;
searchsector = hitsect;
if (hitz<cz) searchstat = 1;else
if (hitz>fz) searchstat = 2;else
if (hitwall >= 0)
searchwall = hitwall; searchstat = 0;
if (wall[hitwall].nextwall >= 0)
int cz, fz;
if (hitz > fz)
if (wall[hitwall].cstat&2) //'2' bottoms of walls
searchwall = wall[hitwall].nextwall;
else if ((hitz > cz) && (wall[hitwall].cstat&(16+32))) //masking or 1-way
searchstat = 4;
else if (hitsprite >= 0) { searchwall = hitsprite; searchstat = 3; }
int cz, fz;
if ((hitz<<1) < cz+fz) searchstat = 1; else searchstat = 2;
//if (vz < 0) searchstat = 1; else searchstat = 2; //Won't work for slopes :/
searchit = 0;
numscans = numbunches = 0;
if (globalcursectnum >= MAXSECTORS)
globalcursectnum -= MAXSECTORS;
i = globalcursectnum;
if (globalcursectnum < 0) globalcursectnum = i;
if (inpreparemirror)
grhalfxdown10x = -grhalfxdown10;
inpreparemirror = 0;
bunchfirst[0] = bunchfirst[numbunches];
bunchlast[0] = bunchlast[numbunches];
grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10;
while (numbunches > 0)
memset(tempbuf,0,numbunches+3); tempbuf[0] = 1;
closest = 0; //Almost works, but not quite :(
for (i=1;i<numbunches;i++)
j = polymost_bunchfront(i,closest); if (j < 0) continue;
tempbuf[i] = 1;
if (!j) { tempbuf[closest] = 1; closest = i; }
for (i=0;i<numbunches;i++) //Double-check
if (tempbuf[i]) continue;
j = polymost_bunchfront(i,closest); if (j < 0) continue;
tempbuf[i] = 1;
if (!j) { tempbuf[closest] = 1; closest = i; i = 0; }
bunchfirst[closest] = bunchfirst[numbunches];
bunchlast[closest] = bunchlast[numbunches];
if (rendmode >= 3)
bglDepthRange(0.0,0.99999); //<- this is more widely supported than glPolygonOffset
void polymost_drawmaskwall(int damaskwallcnt)
double dpx[8], dpy[8], dpx2[8], dpy2[8];
float fy, x0, x1, sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1, xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, oxp0, oyp0, ryp0, ryp1;
float r, t, t0, t1, csy[4], fsy[4];
int i, j, n, n2, z, sectnum, z1, z2, cz[4], fz[4], method;
sectortype *sec, *nsec;
walltype *wal, *wal2;
z = maskwall[damaskwallcnt];
wal = &wall[thewall[z]]; wal2 = &wall[wal->point2];
sectnum = thesector[z]; sec = &sector[sectnum];
nsec = &sector[wal->nextsector];
z1 = max(nsec->ceilingz,sec->ceilingz);
z2 = min(nsec->floorz,sec->floorz);
globalpicnum = wal->overpicnum; if ((unsigned int)globalpicnum >= MAXTILES) globalpicnum = 0;
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,(short)thewall[z]+16384);
globalshade = (int)wal->shade;
globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)wal->pal);
globalorientation = (int)wal->cstat;
if (r_depthpeeling)
if ((((wal->cstat&128) || (gltexmayhavealpha(globalpicnum,globalpal)))) && !peelcompiling)
return; // discard translucent sprite if drawing the backbuffer when doing depth peeling
if (!(((wal->cstat&128) || (gltexmayhavealpha(globalpicnum,globalpal)))) && peelcompiling)
return; // discard opaque sprite when composing the depth peels
sx0 = (float)(wal->x-globalposx); sx1 = (float)(wal2->x-globalposx);
sy0 = (float)(wal->y-globalposy); sy1 = (float)(wal2->y-globalposy);
yp0 = sx0*gcosang2 + sy0*gsinang2;
yp1 = sx1*gcosang2 + sy1*gsinang2;
if ((yp0 < SCISDIST) && (yp1 < SCISDIST)) return;
xp0 = sy0*gcosang - sx0*gsinang;
xp1 = sy1*gcosang - sx1*gsinang;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
oxp0 = xp0; oyp0 = yp0;
if (yp0 < SCISDIST) { t0 = (SCISDIST-yp0)/(yp1-yp0); xp0 = (xp1-xp0)*t0+xp0; yp0 = SCISDIST; }
else t0 = 0.f;
if (yp1 < SCISDIST) { t1 = (SCISDIST-oyp0)/(yp1-oyp0); xp1 = (xp1-oxp0)*t1+oxp0; yp1 = SCISDIST; }
else { t1 = 1.f; }
ryp0 = 1.f/yp0; ryp1 = 1.f/yp1;
//Generate screen coordinates for front side of wall
x0 = ghalfx*xp0*ryp0 + ghalfx;
x1 = ghalfx*xp1*ryp1 + ghalfx;
if (x1 <= x0) return;
ryp0 *= gyxscale; ryp1 *= gyxscale;
gdx = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (x0-x1);
gdy = 0;
gdo = ryp0*gxyaspect - gdx*x0;
//gux*x0 + guo = t0*wal->xrepeat*8*yp0
//gux*x1 + guo = t1*wal->xrepeat*8*yp1
gux = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f / (x0-x1);
guo = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*(float)wal->xrepeat*8.f - gux*x0;
guo += (float)wal->xpanning*gdo;
gux += (float)wal->xpanning*gdx;
guy = 0;
if (!(wal->cstat&4)) i = z1; else i = z2;
i -= globalposz;
t0 = ((float)i)*ryp0 + ghoriz;
t1 = ((float)i)*ryp1 + ghoriz;
t = ((gdx*x0 + gdo) * (float)wal->yrepeat) / ((x1-x0) * ryp0 * 2048.f);
i = (1<<(picsiz[globalpicnum]>>4)); if (i < tilesizy[globalpicnum]) i <<= 1;
fy = (float)wal->ypanning * ((float)i) / 256.0;
gvx = (t0-t1)*t;
gvy = (x1-x0)*t;
gvo = -gvx*x0 - gvy*t0 + fy*gdo; gvx += fy*gdx; gvy += fy*gdy;
if (wal->cstat&8) //xflip
t = (float)(wal->xrepeat*8 + wal->xpanning*2);
gux = gdx*t - gux;
guy = gdy*t - guy;
guo = gdo*t - guo;
if (wal->cstat&256) { gvx = -gvx; gvy = -gvy; gvo = -gvo; } //yflip
method = 1; pow2xsplit = 1;
if (wal->cstat&128) { if (!(wal->cstat&512)) method = 2; else method = 3; }
if (!nofog)
if (rendmode >= 3)
for (i=0;i<2;i++)
csy[i] = ((float)(cz[i]-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
fsy[i] = ((float)(fz[i]-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
csy[i+2] = ((float)(cz[i+2]-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
fsy[i+2] = ((float)(fz[i+2]-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
//Clip 2 quadrilaterals
// /csy3
// / |
// csy0------/----csy2
// | /xxxxxxx|
// | /xxxxxxxxx|
// csy1/xxxxxxxxxxx|
// |xxxxxxxxxxx/fsy3
// |xxxxxxxxx/ |
// |xxxxxxx/ |
// fsy0----/------fsy2
// | /
// fsy1/
dpx[0] = x0; dpy[0] = csy[1];
dpx[1] = x1; dpy[1] = csy[3];
dpx[2] = x1; dpy[2] = fsy[3];
dpx[3] = x0; dpy[3] = fsy[1];
n = 4;
//Clip to (x0,csy[0])-(x1,csy[2])
n2 = 0; t1 = -((dpx[0]-x0)*(csy[2]-csy[0]) - (dpy[0]-csy[0])*(x1-x0));
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
j = i+1; if (j >= n) j = 0;
t0 = t1; t1 = -((dpx[j]-x0)*(csy[2]-csy[0]) - (dpy[j]-csy[0])*(x1-x0));
if (t0 >= 0) { dpx2[n2] = dpx[i]; dpy2[n2] = dpy[i]; n2++; }
if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0))
r = t0/(t0-t1);
dpx2[n2] = (dpx[j]-dpx[i])*r + dpx[i];
dpy2[n2] = (dpy[j]-dpy[i])*r + dpy[i];
if (n2 < 3) return;
//Clip to (x1,fsy[2])-(x0,fsy[0])
n = 0; t1 = -((dpx2[0]-x1)*(fsy[0]-fsy[2]) - (dpy2[0]-fsy[2])*(x0-x1));
for (i=0;i<n2;i++)
j = i+1; if (j >= n2) j = 0;
t0 = t1; t1 = -((dpx2[j]-x1)*(fsy[0]-fsy[2]) - (dpy2[j]-fsy[2])*(x0-x1));
if (t0 >= 0) { dpx[n] = dpx2[i]; dpy[n] = dpy2[i]; n++; }
if ((t0 >= 0) != (t1 >= 0))
r = t0/(t0-t1);
dpx[n] = (dpx2[j]-dpx2[i])*r + dpx2[i];
dpy[n] = (dpy2[j]-dpy2[i])*r + dpy2[i];
if (n < 3) return;
// int lastcullcheck[MAXSPRITES];
char cullmodel[MAXSPRITES];
int polymost_checkcoordinates(int x, int y, spritetype *tspr)
short datempsectnum = tspr->sectnum;
int i;
if (datempsectnum == -1)
return 0;
/* if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x+x, tspr->y+y, sector[datempsectnum].floorz, datempsectnum))
return 1;
if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x+x, tspr->y+y, sector[datempsectnum].ceilingz, datempsectnum))
return 1; */
if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x+x, tspr->y+y, tspr->z, datempsectnum))
return 1;
for (i=4;i>-1;i--)
if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x+x, tspr->y+y, tspr->z-((tilesizy[tspr->picnum]*tspr->yrepeat)*i)-512, datempsectnum))
return 1;
/* if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x+x, tspr->y+y, tspr->z+((tilesizy[tspr->picnum]*tspr->yrepeat)*i), datempsectnum))
return 1; */
return 0;
void polymost_drawsprite(int snum)
double px[6], py[6];
float f, c, s, fx, fy, sx0, sy0, sx1, xp0, yp0, xp1, yp1, oxp0, oyp0, ryp0, ryp1, ft[4];
float x0, y0, x1, y1, sc0, sf0, sc1, sf1, px2[6], py2[6], xv, yv, t0, t1;
int i, j, spritenum, xoff=0, yoff=0, method, npoints;
spritetype *tspr;
int posx,posy;
int oldsizx, oldsizy;
int tsizx, tsizy;
tspr = tspriteptr[snum];
if (tspr->owner < 0 || tspr->picnum < 0) return;
globalpicnum = tspr->picnum;
globalshade = tspr->shade;
globalpal = tspr->pal;
globalorientation = tspr->cstat;
spritenum = tspr->owner;
if ((globalorientation&48) != 48) // only non-voxel sprites should do this
int flag;
if (picanm[globalpicnum]&192) globalpicnum += animateoffs(globalpicnum,spritenum+32768);
flag = usehightile&&h_xsize[globalpicnum];
xoff = (int)tspr->xoffset;
yoff = (int)tspr->yoffset;
xoff += (signed char)((flag)?(h_xoffs[globalpicnum]):((picanm[globalpicnum]>>8)&255));
yoff += (signed char)((flag)?(h_yoffs[globalpicnum]):((picanm[globalpicnum]>>16)&255));
method = 1+4;
if (tspr->cstat&2) { if (!(tspr->cstat&512)) method = 2+4; else method = 3+4; }
if (r_depthpeeling)
if ((((tspr->cstat&2) || (gltexmayhavealpha(globalpicnum,tspr->pal)))) && !peelcompiling)
return; // discard translucent sprite if drawing the backbuffer when doing depth peeling
if (!(((tspr->cstat&2) || (gltexmayhavealpha(globalpicnum,tspr->pal)))) && peelcompiling)
return; // discard opaque sprite when composing the depth peels
if (!nofog && rendmode >= 3)
while (rendmode >= 3 && !(spriteext[tspr->owner].flags&SPREXT_NOTMD))
if (usemodels && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum,tspr->pal)].modelid >= 0 && tile2model[Ptile2tile(tspr->picnum,tspr->pal)].framenum >= 0)
if (tspr->owner < 0 || tspr->owner >= MAXSPRITES || tspr->statnum == TSPR_MIRROR)
if (mddraw(tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if (r_cullobstructedmodels)
do // this is so gay
if (/*totalclock < lastcullcheck[tspr->owner] ||*/ tspr->statnum == TSPR_TEMP)
cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 1;
/* if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, sector[globalcursectnum].ceilingz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x, tspr->y, tspr->z, tspr->sectnum))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x, tspr->y, tspr->z-((tilesizy[tspr->picnum]*tspr->yrepeat)<<2),tspr->sectnum))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; } */
if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x, tspr->y, tspr->z,tspr->sectnum))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
/* if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, globalposz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x, tspr->y, globalposz,tspr->sectnum))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; } */
/* if (cansee(globalposx, globalposy, sector[globalcursectnum].floorz, globalcursectnum,
tspr->x, tspr->y, tspr->z, tspr->sectnum))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; } */
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(0, 0, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(-i, 0, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(-i, -i, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(0, -i, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(i, 0, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(i, i, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(0, i, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(-i, i, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
if (polymost_checkcoordinates(i, -i, tspr))
{ cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0; break; }
while (1);
/* if (totalclock >= lastcullcheck[tspr->owner])
lastcullcheck[tspr->owner] = totalclock + CULL_DELAY; */
else cullmodel[tspr->owner] = 0;
if (cullmodel[tspr->owner]) break;
if (mddraw(tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if (usevoxels && (tspr->cstat&48)!=48 && tiletovox[tspr->picnum] >= 0 && voxmodels[ tiletovox[tspr->picnum] ])
if (voxdraw(voxmodels[ tiletovox[tspr->picnum] ], tspr)) return;
break; // else, render as flat sprite
if ((tspr->cstat&48)==48 && voxmodels[ tspr->picnum ])
voxdraw(voxmodels[ tspr->picnum ], tspr);
if (((tspr->cstat&2) || (gltexmayhavealpha(tspr->picnum,tspr->pal))))
curpolygonoffset += 0.01f;
bglPolygonOffset(-curpolygonoffset, -curpolygonoffset);
if (spriteext[tspr->owner].flags&SPREXT_AWAY1)
else if (spriteext[tspr->owner].flags&SPREXT_AWAY2)
if (usehightile&&h_xsize[globalpicnum])
switch ((globalorientation>>4)&3)
case 0: //Face sprite
//Project 3D to 2D
sx0 = (float)(tspr->x-globalposx);
sy0 = (float)(tspr->y-globalposy);
xp0 = sy0*gcosang - sx0*gsinang;
yp0 = sx0*gcosang2 + sy0*gsinang2;
if (yp0 <= SCISDIST) return;
ryp0 = 1/yp0;
sx0 = ghalfx*xp0*ryp0 + ghalfx;
sy0 = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz))*gyxscale*ryp0 + ghoriz;
f = ryp0*(float)xdimen/160.0;
fx = ((float)tspr->xrepeat)*f;
fy = ((float)tspr->yrepeat)*f*((float)yxaspect/65536.0);
sx0 -= fx*(float)xoff; if (tsizx&1) sx0 += fx*.5;
sy0 -= fy*(float)yoff;
fx *= ((float)tsizx);
fy *= ((float)tsizy);
px[0] = px[3] = sx0-fx*.5; px[1] = px[2] = sx0+fx*.5;
if (!(globalorientation&128)) { py[0] = py[1] = sy0-fy; py[2] = py[3] = sy0; }
else { py[0] = py[1] = sy0-fy*.5; py[2] = py[3] = sy0+fy*.5; }
gdx = gdy = guy = gvx = 0; gdo = ryp0*gviewxrange;
if (!(globalorientation&4))
{ gux = (float)tsizx*gdo/(px[1]-px[0]+.002); guo = -gux*(px[0]-.001); }
else { gux = (float)tsizx*gdo/(px[0]-px[1]-.002); guo = -gux*(px[1]+.001); }
if (!(globalorientation&8))
{ gvy = (float)tsizy*gdo/(py[3]-py[0]+.002); gvo = -gvy*(py[0]-.001); }
else { gvy = (float)tsizy*gdo/(py[0]-py[3]-.002); gvo = -gvy*(py[3]+.001); }
// sprite panning
guy -= gdy*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)/255.f)*tsizx;
guo -= gdo*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)/255.f)*tsizx;
gvy -= gdy*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
gvo -= gdo*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
//Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing and not sloped
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat&3))
sy0 = ((float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz-globalposz))*gyxscale*ryp0 + ghoriz;
if (py[0] < sy0) py[0] = py[1] = sy0;
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat&3))
sy0 = ((float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz-globalposz))*gyxscale*ryp0 + ghoriz;
if (py[2] > sy0) py[2] = py[3] = sy0;
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
srepeat = 1;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
trepeat = 1;
tilesizx[globalpicnum] = tsizx;
tilesizy[globalpicnum] = tsizy;
pow2xsplit = 0; drawpoly(px,py,4,method);
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
srepeat = 0;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
trepeat = 0;
case 1: //Wall sprite
//Project 3D to 2D
if (globalorientation&4) xoff = -xoff;
if (globalorientation&8) yoff = -yoff;
xv = (float)tspr->xrepeat * (float)sintable[(tspr->ang)&2047] / 65536.0;
yv = (float)tspr->xrepeat * (float)sintable[(tspr->ang+1536)&2047] / 65536.0;
f = (float)(tsizx>>1) + (float)xoff;
x0 = (float)(posx-globalposx) - xv*f; x1 = xv*(float)tsizx + x0;
y0 = (float)(posy-globalposy) - yv*f; y1 = yv*(float)tsizx + y0;
yp0 = x0*gcosang2 + y0*gsinang2;
yp1 = x1*gcosang2 + y1*gsinang2;
if ((yp0 <= SCISDIST) && (yp1 <= SCISDIST)) return;
xp0 = y0*gcosang - x0*gsinang;
xp1 = y1*gcosang - x1*gsinang;
//Clip to close parallel-screen plane
oxp0 = xp0; oyp0 = yp0;
if (yp0 < SCISDIST) { t0 = (SCISDIST-yp0)/(yp1-yp0); xp0 = (xp1-xp0)*t0+xp0; yp0 = SCISDIST; }
else { t0 = 0.f; }
if (yp1 < SCISDIST) { t1 = (SCISDIST-oyp0)/(yp1-oyp0); xp1 = (xp1-oxp0)*t1+oxp0; yp1 = SCISDIST; }
else { t1 = 1.f; }
f = ((float)tspr->yrepeat) * (float)tsizy * 4;
ryp0 = 1.0/yp0;
ryp1 = 1.0/yp1;
sx0 = ghalfx*xp0*ryp0 + ghalfx;
sx1 = ghalfx*xp1*ryp1 + ghalfx;
ryp0 *= gyxscale;
ryp1 *= gyxscale;
tspr->z -= ((yoff*tspr->yrepeat)<<2);
if (globalorientation&128)
tspr->z += ((tsizy*tspr->yrepeat)<<1);
if (tsizy&1) tspr->z += (tspr->yrepeat<<1); //Odd yspans
sc0 = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz-f))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
sc1 = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz-f))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
sf0 = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
sf1 = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
gdx = (ryp0-ryp1)*gxyaspect / (sx0-sx1);
gdy = 0;
gdo = ryp0*gxyaspect - gdx*sx0;
//Original equations:
//(gux*sx0 + guo)/(gdx*sx1 + gdo) = tsizx*t0
//(gux*sx1 + guo)/(gdx*sx1 + gdo) = tsizx*t1
// gvx*sx0 + gvy*sc0 + gvo = 0
// gvy*sx1 + gvy*sc1 + gvo = 0
//(gvx*sx0 + gvy*sf0 + gvo)/(gdx*sx0 + gdo) = tsizy
//(gvx*sx1 + gvy*sf1 + gvo)/(gdx*sx1 + gdo) = tsizy
//gux*sx0 + guo = t0*tsizx*yp0
//gux*sx1 + guo = t1*tsizx*yp1
if (globalorientation&4) { t0 = 1.f-t0; t1 = 1.f-t1; }
//sprite panning
t0 -= ((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)/255.f);
t1 -= ((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)/255.f);
gux = (t0*ryp0 - t1*ryp1)*gxyaspect*(float)tsizx / (sx0-sx1);
guy = 0;
guo = t0*ryp0*gxyaspect*(float)tsizx - gux*sx0;
//gvx*sx0 + gvy*sc0 + gvo = 0
//gvx*sx1 + gvy*sc1 + gvo = 0
//gvx*sx0 + gvy*sf0 + gvo = tsizy*(gdx*sx0 + gdo)
f = ((float)tsizy)*(gdx*sx0 + gdo) / ((sx0-sx1)*(sc0-sf0));
if (!(globalorientation&8))
gvx = (sc0-sc1)*f;
gvy = (sx1-sx0)*f;
gvo = -gvx*sx0 - gvy*sc0;
gvx = (sf1-sf0)*f;
gvy = (sx0-sx1)*f;
gvo = -gvx*sx0 - gvy*sf0;
// sprite panning
gvx -= gdx*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
gvy -= gdy*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
gvo -= gdo*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
//Clip sprites to ceilings/floors when no parallaxing
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingstat&1))
f = ((float)tspr->yrepeat) * (float)tsizy * 4;
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz > tspr->z-f)
sc0 = ((float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
sc1 = ((float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].ceilingz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
if (!(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorstat&1))
if (sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz < tspr->z)
sf0 = ((float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz-globalposz))*ryp0 + ghoriz;
sf1 = ((float)(sector[tspr->sectnum].floorz-globalposz))*ryp1 + ghoriz;
if (sx0 > sx1)
if (globalorientation&64) return; //1-sided sprite
f = sx0; sx0 = sx1; sx1 = f;
f = sc0; sc0 = sc1; sc1 = f;
f = sf0; sf0 = sf1; sf1 = f;
px[0] = sx0; py[0] = sc0;
px[1] = sx1; py[1] = sc1;
px[2] = sx1; py[2] = sf1;
px[3] = sx0; py[3] = sf0;
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
srepeat = 1;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
trepeat = 1;
tilesizx[globalpicnum] = tsizx;
tilesizy[globalpicnum] = tsizy;
pow2xsplit = 0; drawpoly(px,py,4,method);
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
srepeat = 0;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
trepeat = 0;
case 2: //Floor sprite
if ((globalorientation&64) != 0)
if ((globalposz > tspr->z) == (!(globalorientation&8)))
if ((globalorientation&4) > 0) xoff = -xoff;
if ((globalorientation&8) > 0) yoff = -yoff;
i = (tspr->ang&2047);
c = sintable[(i+512)&2047]/65536.0;
s = sintable[i]/65536.0;
x0 = ((tsizx>>1)-xoff)*tspr->xrepeat;
y0 = ((tsizy>>1)-yoff)*tspr->yrepeat;
x1 = ((tsizx>>1)+xoff)*tspr->xrepeat;
y1 = ((tsizy>>1)+yoff)*tspr->yrepeat;
//Project 3D to 2D
for (j=0;j<4;j++)
sx0 = (float)(tspr->x-globalposx);
sy0 = (float)(tspr->y-globalposy);
if ((j+0)&2) { sy0 -= s*y0; sx0 -= c*y0; }
else { sy0 += s*y1; sx0 += c*y1; }
if ((j+1)&2) { sx0 -= s*x0; sy0 += c*x0; }
else { sx0 += s*x1; sy0 -= c*x1; }
px[j] = sy0*gcosang - sx0*gsinang;
py[j] = sx0*gcosang2 + sy0*gsinang2;
if (tspr->z < globalposz) //if floor sprite is above you, reverse order of points
f = px[0]; px[0] = px[1]; px[1] = f;
f = py[0]; py[0] = py[1]; py[1] = f;
f = px[2]; px[2] = px[3]; px[3] = f;
f = py[2]; py[2] = py[3]; py[3] = f;
//Clip to SCISDIST plane
npoints = 0;
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
j = ((i+1)&3);
if (py[i] >= SCISDIST) { px2[npoints] = px[i]; py2[npoints] = py[i]; npoints++; }
if ((py[i] >= SCISDIST) != (py[j] >= SCISDIST))
f = (SCISDIST-py[i])/(py[j]-py[i]);
px2[npoints] = (px[j]-px[i])*f + px[i];
py2[npoints] = (py[j]-py[i])*f + py[i]; npoints++;
if (npoints < 3) return;
//Project rotated 3D points to screen
f = ((float)(tspr->z-globalposz))*gyxscale;
for (j=0;j<npoints;j++)
ryp0 = 1/py2[j];
px[j] = ghalfx*px2[j]*ryp0 + ghalfx;
py[j] = f*ryp0 + ghoriz;
//gd? Copied from floor rendering code
gdx = 0;
gdy = gxyaspect / (double)(tspr->z-globalposz);
gdo = -ghoriz*gdy;
//copied&modified from relative alignment
xv = (float)tspr->x + s*x1 + c*y1; fx = (double)-(x0+x1)*s;
yv = (float)tspr->y + s*y1 - c*x1; fy = (double)+(x0+x1)*c;
f = 1.0/sqrt(fx*fx+fy*fy); fx *= f; fy *= f;
ft[2] = singlobalang*fy + cosglobalang*fx;
ft[3] = singlobalang*fx - cosglobalang*fy;
ft[0] = ((double)(globalposy-yv))*fy + ((double)(globalposx-xv))*fx;
ft[1] = ((double)(globalposx-xv))*fy - ((double)(globalposy-yv))*fx;
gux = (double)ft[3]*((double)viewingrange)/(-65536.0*262144.0);
gvx = (double)ft[2]*((double)viewingrange)/(-65536.0*262144.0);
guy = (double)ft[0]*gdy; gvy = (double)ft[1]*gdy;
guo = (double)ft[0]*gdo; gvo = (double)ft[1]*gdo;
guo += (double)(ft[2]/262144.0-gux)*ghalfx;
gvo -= (double)(ft[3]/262144.0+gvx)*ghalfx;
f = 4.0/(float)tspr->xrepeat; gux *= f; guy *= f; guo *= f;
f =-4.0/(float)tspr->yrepeat; gvx *= f; gvy *= f; gvo *= f;
if (globalorientation&4)
gux = ((float)tsizx)*gdx - gux;
guy = ((float)tsizx)*gdy - guy;
guo = ((float)tsizx)*gdo - guo;
// sprite panning
guy -= gdy*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)/255.f)*tsizx;
guo -= gdo*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)/255.f)*tsizx;
gvy -= gdy*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
gvo -= gdo*((float)(spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)/255.f)*tsizy;
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
srepeat = 1;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
trepeat = 1;
tilesizx[globalpicnum] = tsizx;
tilesizy[globalpicnum] = tsizy;
pow2xsplit = 0; drawpoly(px,py,npoints,method);
if (spriteext[spritenum].xpanning)
srepeat = 0;
if (spriteext[spritenum].ypanning)
trepeat = 0;
case 3: //Voxel sprite
//sx,sy center of sprite; screen coods*65536
//z zoom*65536. > is zoomed in
//a angle (0 is default)
//dastat&1 1:translucence
//dastat&2 1:auto-scale mode (use 320*200 coordinates)
//dastat&4 1:y-flip
//dastat&8 1:don't clip to startumost/startdmost
//dastat&16 1:force point passed to be top-left corner, 0:Editart center
//dastat&32 1:reverse translucence
//dastat&64 1:non-masked, 0:masked
//dastat&128 1:draw all pages (permanent)
//cx1,... clip window (actual screen coords)
void polymost_dorotatesprite(int sx, int sy, int z, short a, short picnum,
signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2, int uniqid)
static int onumframes = 0;
int n, nn, x, zz, xoff, yoff, xsiz, ysiz, method;
int ogpicnum, ogshade, ogpal, ofoffset, oxdimen, oydimen, oldviewingrange;
double ogxyaspect;
double ogchang, ogshang, ogctang, ogstang, oghalfx, oghoriz, fx, fy, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2;
double ogrhalfxdown10, ogrhalfxdown10x;
double d, cosang, sinang, cosang2, sinang2, px[8], py[8], px2[8], py2[8];
float m[4][4];
if (rendmode >= 3 && usemodels && hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].angadd)
if ((tile2model[Ptile2tile(picnum,dapalnum)].modelid >= 0) && (tile2model[Ptile2tile(picnum,dapalnum)].framenum >= 0))
spritetype tspr;
if (hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].flags&1) return; //"HIDE" is specified in DEF
ogchang = gchang; gchang = 1.0;
ogshang = gshang; gshang = 0.0; d = (double)z/(65536.0*16384.0);
ogctang = gctang; gctang = (double)sintable[(a+512)&2047]*d;
ogstang = gstang; gstang = (double)sintable[a&2047]*d;
ogshade = globalshade; globalshade = dashade;
ogpal = globalpal; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)dapalnum);
ogxyaspect = gxyaspect; gxyaspect = 1.0;
oldviewingrange = viewingrange; viewingrange = 65536;
x1 = hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].xadd;
y1 = hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].yadd;
z1 = hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].zadd;
if (!(hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].flags&2)) //"NOBOB" is specified in DEF
fx = ((double)sx)*(1.0/65536.0);
fy = ((double)sy)*(1.0/65536.0);
if (dastat&16)
xsiz = tilesizx[picnum]; ysiz = tilesizy[picnum];
xoff = (int)((signed char)((picanm[picnum]>>8)&255))+(xsiz>>1);
yoff = (int)((signed char)((picanm[picnum]>>16)&255))+(ysiz>>1);
d = (double)z/(65536.0*16384.0);
cosang2 = cosang = (double)sintable[(a+512)&2047]*d;
sinang2 = sinang = (double)sintable[a&2047]*d;
if ((dastat&2) || (!(dastat&8))) //Don't aspect unscaled perms
{ d = (double)xyaspect/65536.0; cosang2 *= d; sinang2 *= d; }
fx += -(double)xoff*cosang2+ (double)yoff*sinang2;
fy += -(double)xoff*sinang - (double)yoff*cosang;
if (!(dastat&2))
x1 += fx/((double)(xdim<<15))-1.0; //-1: left of screen, +1: right of screen
y1 += fy/((double)(ydim<<15))-1.0; //-1: top of screen, +1: bottom of screen
x1 += fx/160.0-1.0; //-1: left of screen, +1: right of screen
y1 += fy/100.0-1.0; //-1: top of screen, +1: bottom of screen
tspr.ang = hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].angadd+globalang;
tspr.xrepeat = tspr.yrepeat = 32;
if (dastat&4) { x1 = -x1; y1 = -y1; }
tspr.x = (int)(((double)gcosang*z1 - (double)gsinang*x1)*16384.0 + globalposx);
tspr.y = (int)(((double)gsinang*z1 + (double)gcosang*x1)*16384.0 + globalposy);
tspr.z = (int)(globalposz + y1*16384.0*0.8);
tspr.picnum = picnum;
tspr.shade = dashade;
tspr.pal = dapalnum;
tspr.owner = uniqid+MAXSPRITES;
globalorientation = (dastat&1)+((dastat&32)<<4)+((dastat&4)<<1);
if ((dastat&10) == 2)
glox1 = -1; //Force fullscreen (glox1=-1 forces it to restore)
if ((dastat&10) == 2)
float ratioratio = (float)xdim/ydim;
m[0][0] = (float)ydimen*(ratioratio >= 1.6?1.2:1); m[0][2] = 1.0;
m[1][1] = (float)xdimen; m[1][2] = 1.0;
m[2][2] = 1.0; m[2][3] = (float)ydimen*(ratioratio >= 1.6?1.2:1);
m[3][2] =-1.0;
else { m[0][0] = m[2][3] = 1.0; m[1][1] = ((float)xdim)/((float)ydim); m[2][2] = 1.0001; m[3][2] = 1-m[2][2]; }
if (hudmem[(dastat&4)>>2][picnum].flags&8) //NODEPTH flag
if (onumframes != numframes)
onumframes = numframes;
#if 0
if (!nofog)
i = klabs(tspr.shade);
if (!nofog) bglDisable(GL_FOG);
if (!nofog) bglEnable(GL_FOG);
viewingrange = oldviewingrange;
gxyaspect = ogxyaspect;
globalshade = ogshade;
globalpal = ogpal;
gchang = ogchang;
gshang = ogshang;
gctang = ogctang;
gstang = ogstang;
ogpicnum = globalpicnum; globalpicnum = picnum;
ogshade = globalshade; globalshade = dashade;
ogpal = globalpal; globalpal = (int)((unsigned char)dapalnum);
oghalfx = ghalfx; ghalfx = (double)(xdim>>1);
ogrhalfxdown10 = grhalfxdown10; grhalfxdown10 = 1.0/(((double)ghalfx)*1024);
ogrhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10x; grhalfxdown10x = grhalfxdown10;
oghoriz = ghoriz; ghoriz = (double)(ydim>>1);
ofoffset = frameoffset; frameoffset = frameplace;
oxdimen = xdimen; xdimen = xdim;
oydimen = ydimen; ydimen = ydim;
ogchang = gchang; gchang = 1.0;
ogshang = gshang; gshang = 0.0;
ogctang = gctang; gctang = 1.0;
ogstang = gstang; gstang = 0.0;
if (rendmode >= 3)
bglViewport(0,0,xdim,ydim); glox1 = -1; //Force fullscreen (glox1=-1 forces it to restore)
m[0][0] = m[2][3] = 1.0; m[1][1] = ((float)xdim)/((float)ydim); m[2][2] = 1.0001; m[3][2] = 1-m[2][2];
bglPushMatrix(); bglLoadMatrixf(&m[0][0]);
method = 0;
if (!(dastat&64))
method = 1;
if (dastat&1) { if (!(dastat&32)) method = 2; else method = 3; }
method |= 4; //Use OpenGL clamping - dorotatesprite never repeats
xsiz = tilesizx[globalpicnum]; ysiz = tilesizy[globalpicnum];
if (dastat&16) { xoff = 0; yoff = 0; }
xoff = (int)((signed char)((picanm[globalpicnum]>>8)&255))+(xsiz>>1);
yoff = (int)((signed char)((picanm[globalpicnum]>>16)&255))+(ysiz>>1);
if (dastat&4) yoff = ysiz-yoff;
if (dastat&2) //Auto window size scaling
if (!(dastat&8))
x = xdimenscale; //= scale(xdimen,yxaspect,320);
sx = ((cx1+cx2+2)<<15)+scale(sx-(320<<15),oxdimen,320);
sy = ((cy1+cy2+2)<<15)+mulscale16(sy-(200<<15),x);
//If not clipping to startmosts, & auto-scaling on, as a
//hard-coded bonus, scale to full screen instead
x = scale(xdim,yxaspect,320);
sx = (xdim<<15)+32768+scale(sx-(320<<15),xdim,320);
sy = (ydim<<15)+32768+mulscale16(sy-(200<<15),x);
z = mulscale16(z,x);
d = (double)z/(65536.0*16384.0);
cosang2 = cosang = (double)sintable[(a+512)&2047]*d;
sinang2 = sinang = (double)sintable[a&2047]*d;
if ((dastat&2) || (!(dastat&8))) //Don't aspect unscaled perms
{ d = (double)xyaspect/65536.0; cosang2 *= d; sinang2 *= d; }
px[0] = (double)sx/65536.0 - (double)xoff*cosang2+ (double)yoff*sinang2;
py[0] = (double)sy/65536.0 - (double)xoff*sinang - (double)yoff*cosang;
px[1] = px[0] + (double)xsiz*cosang2;
py[1] = py[0] + (double)xsiz*sinang;
px[3] = px[0] - (double)ysiz*sinang2;
py[3] = py[0] + (double)ysiz*cosang;
px[2] = px[1]+px[3]-px[0];
py[2] = py[1]+py[3]-py[0];
n = 4;
gdx = 0; gdy = 0; gdo = 1.0;
//px[0]*gux + py[0]*guy + guo = 0
//px[1]*gux + py[1]*guy + guo = xsiz-.0001
//px[3]*gux + py[3]*guy + guo = 0
d = 1.0/(px[0]*(py[1]-py[3]) + px[1]*(py[3]-py[0]) + px[3]*(py[0]-py[1]));
gux = (py[3]-py[0])*((double)xsiz-.0001)*d;
guy = (px[0]-px[3])*((double)xsiz-.0001)*d;
guo = 0 - px[0]*gux - py[0]*guy;
if (!(dastat&4))
//px[0]*gvx + py[0]*gvy + gvo = 0
//px[1]*gvx + py[1]*gvy + gvo = 0
//px[3]*gvx + py[3]*gvy + gvo = ysiz-.0001
gvx = (py[0]-py[1])*((double)ysiz-.0001)*d;
gvy = (px[1]-px[0])*((double)ysiz-.0001)*d;
gvo = 0 - px[0]*gvx - py[0]*gvy;
//px[0]*gvx + py[0]*gvy + gvo = ysiz-.0001
//px[1]*gvx + py[1]*gvy + gvo = ysiz-.0001
//px[3]*gvx + py[3]*gvy + gvo = 0
gvx = (py[1]-py[0])*((double)ysiz-.0001)*d;
gvy = (px[0]-px[1])*((double)ysiz-.0001)*d;
gvo = (double)ysiz-.0001 - px[0]*gvx - py[0]*gvy;
cx2++; cy2++;
//Clippoly4 (converted from int to double)
nn = z = 0;
zz = z+1; if (zz == n) zz = 0;
x1 = px[z]; x2 = px[zz]-x1; if ((cx1 <= x1) && (x1 <= cx2)) { px2[nn] = x1; py2[nn] = py[z]; nn++; }
if (x2 <= 0) fx = cx2; else fx = cx1; d = fx-x1;
if ((d < x2) != (d < 0)) { px2[nn] = fx; py2[nn] = (py[zz]-py[z])*d/x2 + py[z]; nn++; }
if (x2 <= 0) fx = cx1; else fx = cx2; d = fx-x1;
if ((d < x2) != (d < 0)) { px2[nn] = fx; py2[nn] = (py[zz]-py[z])*d/x2 + py[z]; nn++; }
z = zz;
while (z);
if (nn >= 3)
n = z = 0;
zz = z+1; if (zz == nn) zz = 0;
y1 = py2[z]; y2 = py2[zz]-y1; if ((cy1 <= y1) && (y1 <= cy2)) { py[n] = y1; px[n] = px2[z]; n++; }
if (y2 <= 0) fy = cy2; else fy = cy1; d = fy-y1;
if ((d < y2) != (d < 0)) { py[n] = fy; px[n] = (px2[zz]-px2[z])*d/y2 + px2[z]; n++; }
if (y2 <= 0) fy = cy1; else fy = cy2; d = fy-y1;
if ((d < y2) != (d < 0)) { py[n] = fy; px[n] = (px2[zz]-px2[z])*d/y2 + px2[z]; n++; }
z = zz;
while (z);
if (!nofog) bglDisable(GL_FOG);
pow2xsplit = 0; drawpoly(px,py,n,method);
if (!nofog) bglEnable(GL_FOG);
if (rendmode >= 3)
bglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); bglPopMatrix();
globalpicnum = ogpicnum;
globalshade = ogshade;
globalpal = ogpal;
ghalfx = oghalfx;
grhalfxdown10 = ogrhalfxdown10;
grhalfxdown10x = ogrhalfxdown10x;
ghoriz = oghoriz;
frameoffset = ofoffset;
xdimen = oxdimen;
ydimen = oydimen;
gchang = ogchang;
gshang = ogshang;
gctang = ogctang;
gstang = ogstang;
static float trapextx[2];
static void drawtrap(float x0, float x1, float y0, float x2, float x3, float y1)
float px[4], py[4];
int i, n;
if (y0 == y1) return;
px[0] = x0; py[0] = y0; py[2] = y1;
if (x0 == x1) { px[1] = x3; py[1] = y1; px[2] = x2; n = 3; }
else if (x2 == x3) { px[1] = x1; py[1] = y0; px[2] = x3; n = 3; }
else { px[1] = x1; py[1] = y0; px[2] = x3; px[3] = x2; py[3] = y1; n = 4; }
for (i=0;i<n;i++)
px[i] = min(max(px[i],trapextx[0]),trapextx[1]);
bglTexCoord2f(px[i]*gux + py[i]*guy + guo,
px[i]*gvx + py[i]*gvy + gvo);
static void tessectrap(float *px, float *py, int *point2, int numpoints)
float x0, x1, m0, m1;
int i, j, k, z, i0, i1, i2, i3, npoints, gap, numrst;
static int allocpoints = 0, *slist = 0, *npoint2 = 0;
typedef struct { float x, y, xi; int i; } raster;
static raster *rst = 0;
if (numpoints+16 > allocpoints) //16 for safety
allocpoints = numpoints+16;
rst = (raster*)realloc(rst,allocpoints*sizeof(raster));
slist = (int*)realloc(slist,allocpoints*sizeof(int));
npoint2 = (int*)realloc(npoint2,allocpoints*sizeof(int));
//Remove unnecessary collinear points:
for (i=0;i<numpoints;i++) npoint2[i] = point2[i];
npoints = numpoints; z = 0;
for (i=0;i<numpoints;i++)
j = npoint2[i]; if ((point2[i] < i) && (i < numpoints-1)) z = 3;
if (j < 0) continue;
k = npoint2[j];
m0 = (px[j]-px[i])*(py[k]-py[j]);
m1 = (py[j]-py[i])*(px[k]-px[j]);
if (m0 < m1) { z |= 1; continue; }
if (m0 > m1) { z |= 2; continue; }
npoint2[i] = k; npoint2[j] = -1; npoints--; i--; //collinear
if (!z) return;
trapextx[0] = trapextx[1] = px[0];
for (i=j=0;i<numpoints;i++)
if (npoint2[i] < 0) continue;
if (px[i] < trapextx[0]) trapextx[0] = px[i];
if (px[i] > trapextx[1]) trapextx[1] = px[i];
slist[j++] = i;
if (z != 3) //Simple polygon... early out
for (i=0;i<npoints;i++)
j = slist[i];
bglTexCoord2f(px[j]*gux + py[j]*guy + guo,
px[j]*gvx + py[j]*gvy + gvo);
//Sort points by y's
for (gap=(npoints>>1);gap;gap>>=1)
for (i=0;i<npoints-gap;i++)
for (j=i;j>=0;j-=gap)
if (py[npoint2[slist[j]]] <= py[npoint2[slist[j+gap]]]) break;
k = slist[j]; slist[j] = slist[j+gap]; slist[j+gap] = k;
numrst = 0;
for (z=0;z<npoints;z++)
i0 = slist[z]; i1 = npoint2[i0]; if (py[i0] == py[i1]) continue;
i2 = i1; i3 = npoint2[i1];
if (py[i1] == py[i3]) { i2 = i3; i3 = npoint2[i3]; }
//i0 i3
// \ /
// i1--i2
// / \ ~
//i0 i3
if ((py[i1] < py[i0]) && (py[i2] < py[i3])) //Insert raster
for (i=numrst;i>0;i--)
if (rst[i-1].xi*(py[i1]-rst[i-1].y) + rst[i-1].x < px[i1]) break;
rst[i+1] = rst[i-1];
numrst += 2;
if (i&1) //split inside area
j = i-1;
x0 = (py[i1] - rst[j ].y)*rst[j ].xi + rst[j ].x;
x1 = (py[i1] - rst[j+1].y)*rst[j+1].xi + rst[j+1].x;
rst[j ].x = x0; rst[j ].y = py[i1];
rst[j+3].x = x1; rst[j+3].y = py[i1];
m0 = (px[i0]-px[i1]) / (py[i0]-py[i1]);
m1 = (px[i3]-px[i2]) / (py[i3]-py[i2]);
j = ((px[i1] > px[i2]) || ((i1 == i2) && (m0 >= m1))) + i;
k = (i<<1)+1 - j;
rst[j].i = i0; rst[j].xi = m0; rst[j].x = px[i1]; rst[j].y = py[i1];
rst[k].i = i3; rst[k].xi = m1; rst[k].x = px[i2]; rst[k].y = py[i2];
//NOTE:don't count backwards!
if (i1 == i2) { for (i=0;i<numrst;i++) if (rst[i].i == i1) break; }
else { for (i=0;i<numrst;i++) if ((rst[i].i == i1) || (rst[i].i == i2)) break; }
j = i&~1;
if ((py[i1] > py[i0]) && (py[i2] > py[i3])) //Delete raster
for (;j<=i+1;j+=2)
x0 = (py[i1] - rst[j ].y)*rst[j ].xi + rst[j ].x;
if ((i == j) && (i1 == i2)) x1 = x0; else x1 = (py[i1] - rst[j+1].y)*rst[j+1].xi + rst[j+1].x;
rst[j ].x = x0; rst[j ].y = py[i1];
rst[j+1].x = x1; rst[j+1].y = py[i1];
numrst -= 2; for (;i<numrst;i++) rst[i] = rst[i+2];
x0 = (py[i1] - rst[j ].y)*rst[j ].xi + rst[j ].x;
x1 = (py[i1] - rst[j+1].y)*rst[j+1].xi + rst[j+1].x;
rst[j ].x = x0; rst[j ].y = py[i1];
rst[j+1].x = x1; rst[j+1].y = py[i1];
if (py[i0] < py[i3]) { rst[i].x = px[i2]; rst[i].y = py[i2]; rst[i].i = i3; }
else { rst[i].x = px[i1]; rst[i].y = py[i1]; rst[i].i = i0; }
rst[i].xi = (px[rst[i].i] - rst[i].x) / (py[rst[i].i] - py[i1]);
void polymost_fillpolygon(int npoints)
pthtyp *pth;
float f,a=0.0;
int i;
globalx1 = mulscale16(globalx1,xyaspect);
globaly2 = mulscale16(globaly2,xyaspect);
gux = ((double)asm1)*(1.0/4294967296.0);
gvx = ((double)asm2)*(1.0/4294967296.0);
guy = ((double)globalx1)*(1.0/4294967296.0);
gvy = ((double)globaly2)*(-1.0/4294967296.0);
guo = (((double)xdim)*gux + ((double)ydim)*guy)*-.5 + ((double)globalposx)*(1.0/4294967296.0);
gvo = (((double)xdim)*gvx + ((double)ydim)*gvy)*-.5 - ((double)globalposy)*(1.0/4294967296.0);
//Convert int to float (in-place)
for (i=npoints-1;i>=0;i--)
((float *)rx1)[i] = ((float)rx1[i])/4096.0;
((float *)ry1)[i] = ((float)ry1[i])/4096.0;
if (gloy1 != -1) setpolymost2dview(); //disables blending, texturing, and depth testing
pth = gltexcache(globalpicnum,globalpal,0);
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pth ? pth->glpic : 0);
f = ((float)(numpalookups-min(max(globalshade * shadescale,0),numpalookups)))/((float)numpalookups);
switch ((globalorientation>>7)&3)
case 0:
case 1:
a = 1.0; bglDisable(GL_BLEND); break;
case 2:
a = 0.66; bglEnable(GL_BLEND); break;
case 3:
a = 0.33; bglEnable(GL_BLEND); break;
tessectrap((float *)rx1,(float *)ry1,xb1,npoints);
int polymost_drawtilescreen(int tilex, int tiley, int wallnum, int dimen, int tilezoom)
float xdime, ydime, xdimepad, ydimepad, scx, scy, ratio = 1.0;
int i;
pthtyp *pth;
if ((rendmode < 3) || (qsetmode != 200)) return(-1);
if (!glinfo.texnpot)
i = (1<<(picsiz[wallnum]&15)); if (i < tilesizx[wallnum]) i += i; xdimepad = (float)i;
i = (1<<(picsiz[wallnum]>>4)); if (i < tilesizy[wallnum]) i += i; ydimepad = (float)i;
xdimepad = (float)tilesizx[wallnum];
ydimepad = (float)tilesizy[wallnum];
xdime = (float)tilesizx[wallnum]; xdimepad = xdime/xdimepad;
ydime = (float)tilesizy[wallnum]; ydimepad = ydime/ydimepad;
if ((xdime <= dimen) && (ydime <= dimen))
scx = xdime;
scy = ydime;
scx = (float)dimen;
scy = (float)dimen;
if (xdime < ydime) scx *= xdime/ydime; else scy *= ydime/xdime;
pth = gltexcache(wallnum,0,4);
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D,pth ? pth->glpic : 0);
if (tilezoom)
if (scx > scy) ratio = dimen/scx;
else ratio = dimen/scy;
if (!pth || (pth->flags & 8))
if (gammabrightness)
bglColor4f((float)britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[255].r ] / 255.0,
(float)britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[255].g ] / 255.0,
(float)britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[255].b ] / 255.0,
bglVertex2f((float)tilex ,(float)tiley);
bglVertex2f((float)tilex ,(float)tiley+(scy*ratio));
bglTexCoord2f(0, 0); bglVertex2f((float)tilex ,(float)tiley);
bglTexCoord2f(xdimepad, 0); bglVertex2f((float)tilex+(scx*ratio),(float)tiley);
bglTexCoord2f(xdimepad,ydimepad); bglVertex2f((float)tilex+(scx*ratio),(float)tiley+(scy*ratio));
bglTexCoord2f(0,ydimepad); bglVertex2f((float)tilex ,(float)tiley+(scy*ratio));
return -1;
int polymost_printext256(int xpos, int ypos, short col, short backcol, char *name, char fontsize)
#ifndef USE_OPENGL
return -1;
GLfloat tx, ty, txc, tyc;
int c;
palette_t p,b;
if (gammabrightness)
p = curpalette[col];
b = curpalette[backcol];
p.r = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[col].r ];
p.g = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[col].g ];
p.b = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[col].b ];
b.r = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[backcol].r ];
b.g = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[backcol].g ];
b.b = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[backcol].b ];
if ((rendmode < 3) || (qsetmode != 200)) return(-1);
if (!polymosttext)
// construct a 256x128 8-bit alpha-only texture for the font glyph matrix
unsigned char *tbuf, *cptr, *tptr;
int h,i,j;
if (!polymosttext) return -1;
tbuf = (unsigned char *)Bmalloc(256*128);
if (!tbuf)
polymosttext = 0;
return -1;
Bmemset(tbuf, 0, 256*128);
cptr = (unsigned char*)textfont;
for (h=0;h<256;h++)
tptr = tbuf + (h%32)*8 + (h/32)*256*8;
for (i=0;i<8;i++)
for (j=0;j<8;j++)
if (cptr[h*8+i] & pow2char[7-j]) tptr[j] = 255;
tptr += 256;
cptr = (unsigned char*)smalltextfont;
for (h=0;h<256;h++)
tptr = tbuf + 256*64 + (h%32)*8 + (h/32)*256*8;
for (i=1;i<7;i++)
for (j=2;j<6;j++)
if (cptr[h*8+i] & pow2char[7-j]) tptr[j-2] = 255;
tptr += 256;
bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, polymosttext);
else bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, polymosttext);
setpolymost2dview(); // disables blending, texturing, and depth testing
bglDepthMask(GL_FALSE); // disable writing to the z-buffer
if (backcol >= 0)
c = Bstrlen(name);
txc = fontsize ? (4.0/256.0) : (8.0/256.0);
tyc = fontsize ? (6.0/128.0) : (8.0/128.0);
for (c=0; name[c]; c++)
if (name[c] == '^' && isdigit(name[c+1]))
char smallbuf[8];
int bi=0;
while (isdigit(name[c+1]) && bi<8)
if (col)col = atol(smallbuf);
if (gammabrightness)
p = curpalette[col];
p.r = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[col].r ];
p.g = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[col].g ];
p.b = britable[curbrightness][ curpalette[col].b ];
tx = (float)(name[c]%32)/32.0;
ty = (float)((name[c]/32) + (fontsize*8))/16.0;
bglTexCoord2f(tx,ty); bglVertex2i(xpos,ypos);
bglTexCoord2f(tx+txc,ty); bglVertex2i(xpos+(8>>fontsize),ypos);
bglTexCoord2f(tx+txc,ty+tyc); bglVertex2i(xpos+(8>>fontsize),ypos+(fontsize?6:8));
bglTexCoord2f(tx,ty+tyc); bglVertex2i(xpos,ypos+(fontsize?6:8));
xpos += (8>>fontsize);
bglDepthMask(GL_TRUE); // re-enable writing to the z-buffer
return 0;
// Console commands by JBF
static int gltexturemode(const osdfuncparm_t *parm)
int m;
const char *p;
if (parm->numparms != 1)
OSD_Printf("Current texturing mode is %s\n", glfiltermodes[gltexfiltermode].name);
OSD_Printf(" Vaild modes are:\n");
for (m = 0; m < (int)numglfiltermodes; m++)
OSD_Printf(" %d - %s\n",m,glfiltermodes[m].name);
return OSDCMD_OK;
m = Bstrtoul(parm->parms[0], (char **)&p, 10);
if (p == parm->parms[0])
// string
for (m = 0; m < (int)numglfiltermodes; m++)
if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->parms[0], glfiltermodes[m].name)) break;
if (m == numglfiltermodes) m = gltexfiltermode; // no change
if (m < 0) m = 0;
else if (m >= (int)numglfiltermodes) m = numglfiltermodes - 1;
if (m != gltexfiltermode)
gltexfiltermode = m;
OSD_Printf("Texture filtering mode changed to %s\n", glfiltermodes[gltexfiltermode].name);
return OSDCMD_OK;
static int gltextureanisotropy(const osdfuncparm_t *parm)
int l;
const char *p;
if (parm->numparms != 1)
OSD_Printf("Current texture anisotropy is %d\n", glanisotropy);
OSD_Printf(" Maximum is %d\n", (int)glinfo.maxanisotropy);
return OSDCMD_OK;
l = Bstrtoul(parm->parms[0], (char **)&p, 10);
if (l < 0 || l > (int)glinfo.maxanisotropy) l = 0;
if (l != gltexfiltermode)
glanisotropy = l;
OSD_Printf("Texture anisotropy changed to %d\n", glanisotropy);
return OSDCMD_OK;
static int osdcmd_polymostvars(const osdfuncparm_t *parm)
int showval = (parm->numparms < 1), val = 0;
if (!showval) val = atoi(parm->parms[0]);
if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_models"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_models is %d\n", usemodels); }
else usemodels = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_hightile"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_hightile is %d\n", usehightile); }
else usehightile = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_texcompr"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_texcompr is %d\n", glusetexcompr); }
else glusetexcompr = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_redbluemode"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_redbluemode is %d\n", glredbluemode); }
else glredbluemode = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_texturemaxsize"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_texturemaxsize is %d\n", gltexmaxsize); }
else gltexmaxsize = val;
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_texturemiplevel"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_texturemiplevel is %d\n", gltexmiplevel); }
else gltexmiplevel = val;
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_depthpeeling"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_depthpeeling is %d\n", r_depthpeeling); }
if (!glinfo.arbfp || !glinfo.depthtex || !glinfo.shadow || !glinfo.fbos || !glinfo.rect)
OSD_Printf("r_depthpeeling: Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support depth peeling.\n");
r_depthpeeling = 0;
return OSDCMD_OK;
r_depthpeeling = (val != 0);
if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdim,ydim,bpp))
OSD_Printf("restartvid: Reset failed...\n");
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_peelscount"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_peelscount is %d\n", r_peelscount); }
else if (val < 1) { OSD_Printf("Value out of range.\n"); }
newpeelscount = val;
if (setgamemode(fullscreen,xdim,ydim,bpp))
OSD_Printf("restartvid: Reset failed...\n");
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_curpeel"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_curpeel is %d\n", r_curpeel); }
else if ((val < -1) || (val >= r_peelscount)) { OSD_Printf("Value out of range.\n"); }
else r_curpeel = val;
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_detailmapping"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_detailmapping is %d\n", r_detailmapping); }
if (!glinfo.multitex || !glinfo.envcombine)
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support detail mapping.\n");
r_detailmapping = 0;
return OSDCMD_OK;
r_detailmapping = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_glowmapping"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_glowmapping is %d\n", r_glowmapping); }
if (!glinfo.multitex || !glinfo.envcombine)
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support glow mapping.\n");
r_glowmapping = 0;
return OSDCMD_OK;
r_glowmapping = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_vertexarrays"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_vertexarrays is %d\n", r_vertexarrays); }
else r_vertexarrays = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_vbos"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_vbos is %d\n", r_vbos); }
if (!glinfo.vbos)
OSD_Printf("Your OpenGL implementation doesn't support Vertex Buffer Objects.\n");
r_vbos = 0;
return OSDCMD_OK;
r_vbos = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_vbocount"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_vbocount is %d\n", r_vbocount); }
else if (val < 1) { OSD_Printf("Value out of range.\n"); }
else r_vbocount = val;
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_animsmoothing"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_animsmoothing is %d\n", r_animsmoothing); }
else r_animsmoothing = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_parallaxskyclamping"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_parallaxskyclamping is %d\n", r_parallaxskyclamping); }
else r_parallaxskyclamping = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_parallaxskypanning"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_parallaxskypanning is %d\n", r_parallaxskypanning); }
else r_parallaxskypanning = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_polygonmode"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_polygonmode is %d\n", glpolygonmode); }
else glpolygonmode = val;
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_texcache"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_texcache is %d\n", glusetexcache); }
else glusetexcache = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_texcachecompression"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_texcachecompression is %d\n", glusetexcachecompression); }
else glusetexcachecompression = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_multisample"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_multisample is %d\n", glmultisample); }
else glmultisample = max(0,val);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_nvmultisamplehint"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_nvmultisamplehint is %d\n", glnvmultisamplehint); }
else glnvmultisamplehint = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_shadescale"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_shadescale is %g\n", shadescale); }
float fval = atof(parm->parms[0]);
shadescale = fval;
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_cullobstructedmodels"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_cullobstructedmodels is %d\n", r_cullobstructedmodels); }
else r_cullobstructedmodels = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_fullbrights"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_fullbrights is %d\n", r_fullbrights); }
else r_fullbrights = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
else if (!Bstrcasecmp(parm->name, "r_swapinterval"))
if (showval) { OSD_Printf("r_swapinterval is %d\n", vsync); }
else vsync = (val != 0);
return OSDCMD_OK;
#if 0
// because I'm lazy
static int dumptexturedefs(const osdfuncparm_t *parm)
hicreplctyp *hr;
int i;
if (!hicfirstinit) return OSDCMD_OK;
initprintf("// Begin Texture Dump\n");
for (i=0;i<MAXTILES;i++)
hr = hicreplc[i];
if (!hr) continue;
initprintf("texture %d {\n", i);
for (; hr; hr = hr->next)
if (!hr->filename) continue;
initprintf(" pal %d { name \"%s\" ", hr->palnum, hr->filename);
if (hr->alphacut >= 0.0) initprintf("alphacut %g ", hr->alphacut);
initprintf("// End Texture Dump\n");
return OSDCMD_OK; // no replacement found
void polymost_initosdfuncs(void)
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_animsmoothing","r_animsmoothing: enable/disable model animation smoothing",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_cullobstructedmodels","r_cullobstructedmodels: enable/disable hack to cull \"obstructed\" models",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_curpeel","r_curpeel: allows to display one depth layer at a time (for development purposes)",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_depthpeeling","r_depthpeeling: enable/disable order-independant transparency",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_detailmapping","r_detailmapping: enable/disable detail mapping",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_fullbrights","r_fullbrights: enable/disable fullbright textures",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_glowmapping","r_glowmapping: enable/disable glow mapping",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_multisample","r_multisample: sets the number of samples used for antialiasing (0 = off)",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_nvmultisamplehint","r_nvmultisamplehint: enable/disable Nvidia multisampling hinting",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_parallaxskyclamping","r_parallaxskyclamping: enable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling sky texture clamping",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_parallaxskypanning","r_parallaxskypanning: enable/disable parallaxed floor/ceiling panning when drawing a parallaxed sky",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_peelscount","r_peelscount: sets the number of depth layers for depth peeling",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_polygonmode","r_polygonmode: debugging feature",osdcmd_polymostvars); //FUK
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_redbluemode","r_redbluemode: enable/disable experimental OpenGL red-blue glasses mode",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_shadescale","r_shadescale: multiplier for lighting",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_swapinterval","r_swapinterval: sets the GL swap interval (VSync)",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_texcachecompression","r_texcachecompression: enable/disable compression of files in the OpenGL compressed texture cache",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_texcache","r_texcache: enable/disable OpenGL compressed texture cache",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_texcompr","r_texcompr: enable/disable OpenGL texture compression",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_textureanisotropy", "r_textureanisotropy: changes the OpenGL texture anisotropy setting", gltextureanisotropy);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_texturemaxsize","r_texturemaxsize: changes the maximum OpenGL texture size limit",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_texturemiplevel","r_texturemiplevel: changes the highest OpenGL mipmap level used",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_texturemode", "r_texturemode: changes the texture filtering settings", gltexturemode);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_vbocount","r_vbocount: sets the number of Vertex Buffer Objects to use when drawing models",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_vbos","r_vbos: enable/disable using Vertex Buffer Objects when drawing models",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_vertexarrays","r_vertexarrays: enable/disable using vertex arrays when drawing models",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_models","r_models: enable/disable model rendering in >8-bit mode",osdcmd_polymostvars);
OSD_RegisterFunction("r_hightile","r_hightile: enable/disable hightile texture rendering in >8-bit mode",osdcmd_polymostvars);
//OSD_RegisterFunction("dumptexturedefs","dumptexturedefs: dumps all texture definitions in the new style",dumptexturedefs);
void polymost_precache(int dapicnum, int dapalnum, int datype)
// dapicnum and dapalnum are like you'd expect
// datype is 0 for a wall/floor/ceiling and 1 for a sprite
// basically this just means walls are repeating
// while sprites are clamped
int mid;
if (rendmode < 3) return;
if ((palookup[dapalnum] == NULL) && (dapalnum < (MAXPALOOKUPS - RESERVEDPALS))) return;//dapalnum = 0;
//OSD_Printf("precached %d %d type %d\n", dapicnum, dapalnum, datype);
hicprecaching = 1;
gltexcache(dapicnum, dapalnum, (datype & 1) << 2);
hicprecaching = 0;
if (datype == 0) return;
mid = md_tilehasmodel(dapicnum,dapalnum);
if (mid < 0 || models[mid]->mdnum < 2) return;
int i,j=0;
if (models[mid]->mdnum == 3)
j = ((md3model *)models[mid])->head.numsurfs;
for (i=0;i<=j;i++)
mdloadskin((md2model*)models[mid], 0, dapalnum, i);
static unsigned short hicosub(unsigned short c)
int r, g, b;
g = ((c>> 5)&63);
r = ((c>>11)-(g>>1))&31;
b = ((c>> 0)-(g>>1))&31;
static unsigned short hicoadd(unsigned short c)
int r, g, b;
g = ((c>> 5)&63);
r = ((c>>11)+(g>>1))&31;
b = ((c>> 0)+(g>>1))&31;
Description of Ken's filter to improve LZW compression of DXT1 format by ~15%: (as tested with the HRP)
To increase LZW patterns, I store each field of the DXT block structure separately.
Here are the 3 DXT fields:
1. __int64 alpha_4x4; //DXT3 only (16 byte structure size when included)
2. short rgb0, rgb1;
3. int index_4x4;
Each field is then stored with its own specialized algorithm.
1. I haven't done much testing with this field - I just copy it raw without any transform for now.
2. For rgb0 and rgb1, I use a "green" filter like this:
g = g;
r = r-g;
b = b-g;
For grayscale, this makes the stream: x,0,0,x,0,0,x,0,0,... instead of x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,...
Q:what was the significance of choosing green? A:largest/most dominant component
Believe it or not, this gave 1% better compression :P
I tried subtracting each componenet with the previous pixel, but strangely it hurt compression.
Oh, the joy of trial & error. :)
3. For index_4x4, I transform the ordering of 2-bit indices in the DXT blocks from this:
0123 0123 0123 ---- ---- ----
4567 4567 4567 ---- ---- ----
89ab 89ab 89ab ---- ---- ----
cdef cdef cdef ---- ---- ----
To this: (I swap x & y axes)
048c 048c 048c |||| |||| ||||
159d 159d 159d |||| |||| ||||
26ae 26ae 26ae |||| |||| ||||
37bf 37bf 37bf |||| |||| ||||
The trick is: going from the bottom of the 4th line to the top of the 5th line
is the exact same jump (geometrically) as from 5th to 6th, etc.. This is not true in the top case.
These silly tricks will increase patterns and therefore make LZW compress better.
I think this improved compression by a few % :)
#if defined(POLYMOST) && defined(USE_OPENGL)
int dxtfilter(int fil, texcachepicture *pict, char *pic, void *midbuf, char *packbuf, unsigned int miplen)
void *writebuf;
unsigned int cleng,j;
if (glusetexcachecompression)
#ifdef USELZF
cleng = lzf_compress(pic, miplen, packbuf, miplen-1);
if (cleng == 0)
// failed to compress
cleng = miplen;
writebuf = pic;
else writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = lzwcompress(pic,miplen,packbuf);
writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = miplen;
writebuf = pic;
if (cleng < 0) return -1; j = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
if (Bwrite(fil, &j, sizeof(unsigned int)) != sizeof(unsigned int)) return -1;
if (Bwrite(fil, writebuf, cleng) != cleng) return -1;
unsigned int j, k, offs, stride, cleng;
char *cptr;
if ((pict->format == B_LITTLE32(GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT)) ||
(pict->format == B_LITTLE32(GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT))) { offs = 0; stride = 8; }
else if ((pict->format == B_LITTLE32(GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT)) ||
(pict->format == B_LITTLE32(GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT))) { offs = 8; stride = 16; }
else { offs = 0; stride = 8; }
if (stride == 16) //If DXT3...
cptr = midbuf;
for (k=0;k<8;k++) *cptr++ = pic[k];
for (j=stride;(unsigned)j<miplen;j+=stride)
for (k=0;k<8;k++) *cptr++ = pic[j+k];
if (glusetexcachecompression)
#ifdef USELZF
j = (miplen/stride)*8;
cleng = lzf_compress(midbuf,j,packbuf,j-1);
if (cleng == 0)
cleng = j;
writebuf = midbuf;
else writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = lzwcompress(midbuf,(miplen/stride)*8,packbuf);
writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = (miplen/stride)*8;
writebuf = midbuf;
j = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
cptr = midbuf;
for (k=0;k<=2;k+=2)
for (j=0;(unsigned)j<miplen;j+=stride)
{ *(short *)cptr = hicosub(*(short *)(&pic[offs+j+k])); cptr += 2; }
if (glusetexcachecompression)
#ifdef USELZF
j = (miplen/stride)*4;
cleng = lzf_compress(midbuf,j,packbuf,j-1);
if (cleng == 0)
cleng = j;
writebuf = midbuf;
else writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = lzwcompress(midbuf,(miplen/stride)*4,packbuf);
writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = (miplen/stride)*4;
writebuf = midbuf;
j = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
cptr = midbuf;
for (j=0;(unsigned)j<miplen;j+=stride)
char *c2 = &pic[j+offs+4];
cptr[0] = ((c2[0]>>0)&3) + (((c2[1]>>0)&3)<<2) + (((c2[2]>>0)&3)<<4) + (((c2[3]>>0)&3)<<6);
cptr[1] = ((c2[0]>>2)&3) + (((c2[1]>>2)&3)<<2) + (((c2[2]>>2)&3)<<4) + (((c2[3]>>2)&3)<<6);
cptr[2] = ((c2[0]>>4)&3) + (((c2[1]>>4)&3)<<2) + (((c2[2]>>4)&3)<<4) + (((c2[3]>>4)&3)<<6);
cptr[3] = ((c2[0]>>6)&3) + (((c2[1]>>6)&3)<<2) + (((c2[2]>>6)&3)<<4) + (((c2[3]>>6)&3)<<6);
cptr += 4;
if (glusetexcachecompression)
#ifdef USELZF
j = (miplen/stride)*4;
cleng = lzf_compress(midbuf,j,packbuf,j-1);
if (cleng == 0)
cleng = j;
writebuf = midbuf;
else writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = lzwcompress(midbuf,(miplen/stride)*4,packbuf);
writebuf = packbuf;
cleng = (miplen/stride)*4;
writebuf = midbuf;
j = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
return 0;
int dedxtfilter(int fil, texcachepicture *pict, char *pic, void *midbuf, char *packbuf, int ispacked)
void *inbuf;
unsigned int cleng;
if (kread(fil, &cleng, sizeof(unsigned int)) != sizeof(unsigned int)) return -1; cleng = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
#ifdef USELZF
if (ispacked && cleng < pict->size) inbuf = packbuf; else inbuf = pic;
if (kread(fil, inbuf, cleng) != cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && cleng < pict->size)
if (lzf_decompress(packbuf, cleng, pic, pict->size) == 0) return -1;
if (ispacked) inbuf = packbuf; else inbuf = pic;
if (kread(fil, inbuf, cleng) != cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && lzwuncompress(packbuf, cleng, pic, pict->size) != pict->size) return -1;
int j, k, offs, stride, cleng;
char *cptr;
if (ispacked) inbuf = packbuf; else inbuf = midbuf;
if ((pict->format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGB_S3TC_DXT1_EXT) ||
(pict->format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT1_EXT)) { offs = 0; stride = 8; }
else if ((pict->format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT3_EXT) ||
(pict->format == GL_COMPRESSED_RGBA_S3TC_DXT5_EXT)) { offs = 8; stride = 16; }
else { offs = 0; stride = 8; }
if (stride == 16) //If DXT3...
if (kread(fil,&cleng,4) < 4) return -1; cleng = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
j = (pict->size/stride)*8;
#ifdef USELZF
if (ispacked && cleng < j) inbuf = packbuf; else inbuf = midbuf;
if (kread(fil,inbuf,cleng) < cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && cleng < j)
if (lzf_decompress(packbuf,cleng,midbuf,j) == 0) return -1;
if (kread(fil,inbuf,cleng) < cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && lzwuncompress(packbuf,cleng,midbuf,j) != j) return -1;
cptr = midbuf;
for (k=0;k<8;k++) pic[k] = *cptr++;
for (j=stride;j<pict->size;j+=stride)
for (k=0;k<8;k++) pic[j+k] = (*cptr++);
if (kread(fil,&cleng,4) < 4) return -1; cleng = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
j = (pict->size/stride)*4;
#ifdef USELZF
if (ispacked && cleng < j) inbuf = packbuf; else inbuf = midbuf;
if (kread(fil,inbuf,cleng) < cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && cleng < j)
if (lzf_decompress(packbuf,cleng,midbuf,j) == 0) return -1;
if (kread(fil,inbuf,cleng) < cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && lzwuncompress(packbuf,cleng,midbuf,j) != j) return -1;
cptr = midbuf;
for (k=0;k<=2;k+=2)
for (j=0;j<pict->size;j+=stride)
*(short *)(&pic[offs+j+k]) = hicoadd(*(short *)cptr);
cptr += 2;
if (kread(fil,&cleng,4) < 4) return -1; cleng = B_LITTLE32(cleng);
j = (pict->size/stride)*4;
#ifdef USELZF
if (ispacked && cleng < j) inbuf = packbuf; else inbuf = midbuf;
if (kread(fil,inbuf,cleng) < cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && cleng < j)
if (lzf_decompress(packbuf,cleng,midbuf,j) == 0) return -1;
if (kread(fil,inbuf,cleng) < cleng) return -1;
if (ispacked && lzwuncompress(packbuf,cleng,midbuf,j) != j) return -1;
cptr = midbuf;
for (j=0;j<pict->size;j+=stride)
pic[j+offs+4] = ((cptr[0]>>0)&3) + (((cptr[1]>>0)&3)<<2) + (((cptr[2]>>0)&3)<<4) + (((cptr[3]>>0)&3)<<6);
pic[j+offs+5] = ((cptr[0]>>2)&3) + (((cptr[1]>>2)&3)<<2) + (((cptr[2]>>2)&3)<<4) + (((cptr[3]>>2)&3)<<6);
pic[j+offs+6] = ((cptr[0]>>4)&3) + (((cptr[1]>>4)&3)<<2) + (((cptr[2]>>4)&3)<<4) + (((cptr[3]>>4)&3)<<6);
pic[j+offs+7] = ((cptr[0]>>6)&3) + (((cptr[1]>>6)&3)<<2) + (((cptr[2]>>6)&3)<<4) + (((cptr[3]>>6)&3)<<6);
cptr += 4;
return 0;
// vim:ts=4:sw=4: