2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
* * v_font . cpp
* * Font management
* *
* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* * Copyright 1998 - 2016 Randy Heit
* * Copyright 2005 - 2019 Christoph Oelckers
* * All rights reserved .
* *
* * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms , with or without
* * modification , are permitted provided that the following conditions
* * are met :
* *
* * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* * notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer .
* * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* * notice , this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* * documentation and / or other materials provided with the distribution .
* * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
* * derived from this software without specific prior written permission .
* *
* * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* *
// HEADER FILES ------------------------------------------------------------
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
# include <math.h>
# include "templates.h"
# include "m_swap.h"
# include "v_font.h"
# include "cmdlib.h"
# include "sc_man.h"
# include "v_text.h"
# include "image.h"
# include "utf8.h"
# include "cache1d.h"
# include "m_png.h"
# include "printf.h"
2019-11-02 11:59:59 +00:00
# include "filesystem.h"
2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
# include "fontinternals.h"
// MACROS ------------------------------------------------------------------
# define DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR PalEntry(223,223,223)
// TYPES -------------------------------------------------------------------
int V_GetColor ( const char * cstr ) ;
// EXTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES --------------------------------------------
// PUBLIC FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ----------------------------------------------
FFont * SmallFont , * SmallFont2 , * BigFont , * BigUpper , * ConFont , * IntermissionFont , * NewConsoleFont , * NewSmallFont , * CurrentConsoleFont , * OriginalSmallFont , * AlternativeSmallFont , * OriginalBigFont ;
// PRIVATE FUNCTION PROTOTYPES ---------------------------------------------
static int TranslationMapCompare ( const void * a , const void * b ) ;
//void UpdateGenericUI(bool cvar);
// EXTERNAL DATA DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------
extern int PrintColors [ ] ;
// PUBLIC DATA DEFINITIONS -------------------------------------------------
FFont * FFont : : FirstFont = nullptr ;
int NumTextColors ;
// PRIVATE DATA DEFINITIONS ------------------------------------------------
TArray < TranslationParm > TranslationParms [ 2 ] ;
TArray < TranslationMap > TranslationLookup ;
TArray < PalEntry > TranslationColors ;
// CODE --------------------------------------------------------------------
FFont * V_GetFont ( const char * name , const char * fontlumpname )
FFont * font = FFont : : FindFont ( name ) ;
if ( font = = nullptr )
auto lumpy = kopenFileReader ( name , 0 ) ;
if ( ! lumpy . isOpen ( ) ) return nullptr ;
uint32_t head ;
lumpy . Read ( & head , 4 ) ;
if ( ( head & MAKE_ID ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 ) ) = = MAKE_ID ( ' F ' , ' O ' , ' N ' , 0 ) | |
head = = MAKE_ID ( 0xE1 , 0xE6 , 0xD5 , 0x1A ) )
FFont * CreateSingleLumpFont ( const char * fontname , const char * lump ) ;
return CreateSingleLumpFont ( name , name ) ;
return font ;
// V_InitCustomFonts
// Initialize a list of custom multipatch fonts
void V_InitCustomFonts ( )
#if 0
FScanner sc ;
FTexture * lumplist [ 256 ] ;
bool notranslate [ 256 ] ;
bool donttranslate ;
FString namebuffer , templatebuf ;
int i ;
int llump , lastlump = 0 ;
int format ;
int start ;
int first ;
int count ;
int spacewidth ;
int kerning ;
char cursor = ' _ ' ;
while ( ( llump = Wads . FindLump ( " FONTDEFS " , & lastlump ) ) ! = - 1 )
sc . OpenLumpNum ( llump ) ;
while ( sc . GetString ( ) )
memset ( lumplist , 0 , sizeof ( lumplist ) ) ;
memset ( notranslate , 0 , sizeof ( notranslate ) ) ;
donttranslate = false ;
namebuffer = sc . String ;
format = 0 ;
start = 33 ;
first = 33 ;
count = 223 ;
spacewidth = - 1 ;
kerning = 0 ;
sc . MustGetStringName ( " { " ) ;
while ( ! sc . CheckString ( " } " ) )
sc . MustGetString ( ) ;
if ( sc . Compare ( " TEMPLATE " ) )
if ( format = = 2 ) goto wrong ;
sc . MustGetString ( ) ;
templatebuf = sc . String ;
format = 1 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " BASE " ) )
if ( format = = 2 ) goto wrong ;
sc . MustGetNumber ( ) ;
start = sc . Number ;
format = 1 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " FIRST " ) )
if ( format = = 2 ) goto wrong ;
sc . MustGetNumber ( ) ;
first = sc . Number ;
format = 1 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " COUNT " ) )
if ( format = = 2 ) goto wrong ;
sc . MustGetNumber ( ) ;
count = sc . Number ;
format = 1 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " CURSOR " ) )
sc . MustGetString ( ) ;
cursor = sc . String [ 0 ] ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " SPACEWIDTH " ) )
if ( format = = 2 ) goto wrong ;
sc . MustGetNumber ( ) ;
spacewidth = sc . Number ;
format = 1 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " DONTTRANSLATE " ) )
donttranslate = true ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " NOTRANSLATION " ) )
if ( format = = 1 ) goto wrong ;
while ( sc . CheckNumber ( ) & & ! sc . Crossed )
if ( sc . Number > = 0 & & sc . Number < 256 )
notranslate [ sc . Number ] = true ;
format = 2 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " KERNING " ) )
sc . MustGetNumber ( ) ;
kerning = sc . Number ;
if ( format = = 1 ) goto wrong ;
FTexture * * p = & lumplist [ * ( unsigned char * ) sc . String ] ;
sc . MustGetString ( ) ;
FTextureID texid = TexMan . CheckForTexture ( sc . String , ETextureType : : MiscPatch ) ;
if ( texid . Exists ( ) )
* p = TexMan . GetTexture ( texid ) ;
else if ( Wads . GetLumpFile ( sc . LumpNum ) > = Wads . GetIwadNum ( ) )
// Print a message only if this isn't in zdoom.pk3
sc . ScriptMessage ( " %s: Unable to find texture in font definition for %s " , sc . String , namebuffer . GetChars ( ) ) ;
format = 2 ;
if ( format = = 1 )
FFont * fnt = new FFont ( namebuffer , templatebuf , nullptr , first , count , start , llump , spacewidth , donttranslate ) ;
fnt - > SetCursor ( cursor ) ;
fnt - > SetKerning ( kerning ) ;
else if ( format = = 2 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < 256 ; i + + )
if ( lumplist [ i ] ! = nullptr )
first = i ;
break ;
for ( i = 255 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
if ( lumplist [ i ] ! = nullptr )
count = i - first + 1 ;
break ;
if ( count > 0 )
FFont * CreateSpecialFont ( const char * name , int first , int count , FTexture * * lumplist , const bool * notranslate , int lump , bool donttranslate ) ;
FFont * fnt = CreateSpecialFont ( namebuffer , first , count , & lumplist [ first ] , notranslate , llump , donttranslate ) ;
fnt - > SetCursor ( cursor ) ;
fnt - > SetKerning ( kerning ) ;
else goto wrong ;
sc . Close ( ) ;
return ;
wrong :
sc . ScriptError ( " Invalid combination of properties in font '%s' " , namebuffer . GetChars ( ) ) ;
# endif
// V_GetColorFromString
// Passed a string of the form "#RGB", "#RRGGBB", "R G B", or "RR GG BB",
// returns a number representing that color. If palette is non-NULL, the
// index of the best match in the palette is returned, otherwise the
// RRGGBB value is returned directly.
int V_GetColor ( const char * cstr )
int c [ 3 ] , i , p ;
char val [ 3 ] ;
val [ 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// Check for HTML-style #RRGGBB or #RGB color string
if ( cstr [ 0 ] = = ' # ' )
size_t len = strlen ( cstr ) ;
if ( len = = 7 )
// Extract each eight-bit component into c[].
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
val [ 0 ] = cstr [ 1 + i * 2 ] ;
val [ 1 ] = cstr [ 2 + i * 2 ] ;
c [ i ] = ParseHex ( val ) ;
else if ( len = = 4 )
// Extract each four-bit component into c[], expanding to eight bits.
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
val [ 1 ] = val [ 0 ] = cstr [ 1 + i ] ;
c [ i ] = ParseHex ( val ) ;
// Bad HTML-style; pretend it's black.
c [ 2 ] = c [ 1 ] = c [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( strlen ( cstr ) = = 6 )
char * p ;
int color = strtol ( cstr , & p , 16 ) ;
if ( * p = = 0 )
// RRGGBB string
c [ 0 ] = ( color & 0xff0000 ) > > 16 ;
c [ 1 ] = ( color & 0xff00 ) > > 8 ;
c [ 2 ] = ( color & 0xff ) ;
else goto normal ;
normal :
// Treat it as a space-delimited hexadecimal string
for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; + + i )
// Skip leading whitespace
while ( * cstr < = ' ' & & * cstr ! = ' \0 ' )
cstr + + ;
// Extract a component and convert it to eight-bit
for ( p = 0 ; * cstr > ' ' ; + + p , + + cstr )
if ( p < 2 )
val [ p ] = * cstr ;
if ( p = = 0 )
c [ i ] = 0 ;
if ( p = = 1 )
val [ 1 ] = val [ 0 ] ;
c [ i ] = ParseHex ( val ) ;
return MAKERGB ( c [ 0 ] , c [ 1 ] , c [ 2 ] ) ;
// V_InitFontColors
// Reads the list of color translation definitions into memory.
void V_InitFontColors ( )
TArray < FName > names ;
int lump , lastlump = 0 ;
TranslationParm tparm = { 0 , 0 , { 0 } , { 0 } } ; // Silence GCC (for real with -Wextra )
TArray < TranslationParm > parms ;
TArray < TempParmInfo > parminfo ;
TArray < TempColorInfo > colorinfo ;
int c , parmchoice ;
TempParmInfo info ;
TempColorInfo cinfo ;
PalEntry logcolor ;
unsigned int i , j ;
int k , index ;
info . Index = - 1 ;
TranslationParms [ 0 ] . Clear ( ) ;
TranslationParms [ 1 ] . Clear ( ) ;
TranslationLookup . Clear ( ) ;
TranslationColors . Clear ( ) ;
2019-11-02 11:59:59 +00:00
while ( ( lump = fileSystem . Iterate ( " textcolors.txt " , & lastlump ) ) ! = - 1 )
2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
2019-11-05 23:00:33 +00:00
FScanner sc ( lump ) ;
2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
while ( sc . GetString ( ) )
names . Clear ( ) ;
logcolor = DEFAULT_LOG_COLOR ;
// Everything until the '{' is considered a valid name for the
// color range.
names . Push ( sc . String ) ;
while ( sc . MustGetString ( ) , ! sc . Compare ( " { " ) )
if ( names [ 0 ] = = NAME_Untranslated )
sc . ScriptError ( " The \" untranslated \" color may not have any other names " ) ;
names . Push ( sc . String ) ;
parmchoice = 0 ;
info . StartParm [ 0 ] = parms . Size ( ) ;
info . StartParm [ 1 ] = 0 ;
info . ParmLen [ 1 ] = info . ParmLen [ 0 ] = 0 ;
tparm . RangeEnd = tparm . RangeStart = - 1 ;
while ( sc . MustGetString ( ) , ! sc . Compare ( " } " ) )
if ( sc . Compare ( " Console: " ) )
if ( parmchoice = = 1 )
sc . ScriptError ( " Each color may only have one set of console ranges " ) ;
parmchoice = 1 ;
info . StartParm [ 1 ] = parms . Size ( ) ;
info . ParmLen [ 0 ] = info . StartParm [ 1 ] - info . StartParm [ 0 ] ;
tparm . RangeEnd = tparm . RangeStart = - 1 ;
else if ( sc . Compare ( " Flat: " ) )
sc . MustGetString ( ) ;
logcolor = V_GetColor ( sc . String ) ;
// Get first color
c = V_GetColor ( sc . String ) ;
tparm . Start [ 0 ] = RPART ( c ) ;
tparm . Start [ 1 ] = GPART ( c ) ;
tparm . Start [ 2 ] = BPART ( c ) ;
// Get second color
sc . MustGetString ( ) ;
c = V_GetColor ( sc . String ) ;
tparm . End [ 0 ] = RPART ( c ) ;
tparm . End [ 1 ] = GPART ( c ) ;
tparm . End [ 2 ] = BPART ( c ) ;
// Check for range specifier
if ( sc . CheckNumber ( ) )
if ( tparm . RangeStart = = - 1 & & sc . Number ! = 0 )
sc . ScriptError ( " The first color range must start at position 0 " ) ;
if ( sc . Number < 0 | | sc . Number > 256 )
sc . ScriptError ( " The color range must be within positions [0,256] " ) ;
if ( sc . Number < = tparm . RangeEnd )
sc . ScriptError ( " The color range must not start before the previous one ends " ) ;
tparm . RangeStart = sc . Number ;
sc . MustGetNumber ( ) ;
if ( sc . Number < 0 | | sc . Number > 256 )
sc . ScriptError ( " The color range must be within positions [0,256] " ) ;
if ( sc . Number < = tparm . RangeStart )
sc . ScriptError ( " The color range end position must be larger than the start position " ) ;
tparm . RangeEnd = sc . Number ;
tparm . RangeStart = tparm . RangeEnd + 1 ;
tparm . RangeEnd = 256 ;
if ( tparm . RangeStart > = tparm . RangeEnd )
sc . ScriptError ( " The color has too many ranges " ) ;
parms . Push ( tparm ) ;
info . ParmLen [ parmchoice ] = parms . Size ( ) - info . StartParm [ parmchoice ] ;
if ( info . ParmLen [ 0 ] = = 0 )
if ( names [ 0 ] ! = NAME_Untranslated )
sc . ScriptError ( " There must be at least one normal range for a color " ) ;
if ( names [ 0 ] = = NAME_Untranslated )
sc . ScriptError ( " The \" untranslated \" color must be left undefined " ) ;
if ( info . ParmLen [ 1 ] = = 0 & & names [ 0 ] ! = NAME_Untranslated )
{ // If a console translation is unspecified, make it white, since the console
// font has no color information stored with it.
tparm . RangeStart = 0 ;
tparm . RangeEnd = 256 ;
tparm . Start [ 2 ] = tparm . Start [ 1 ] = tparm . Start [ 0 ] = 0 ;
tparm . End [ 2 ] = tparm . End [ 1 ] = tparm . End [ 0 ] = 255 ;
info . StartParm [ 1 ] = parms . Push ( tparm ) ;
info . ParmLen [ 1 ] = 1 ;
cinfo . ParmInfo = parminfo . Push ( info ) ;
// Record this color information for each name it goes by
for ( i = 0 ; i < names . Size ( ) ; + + i )
// Redefine duplicates in-place
for ( j = 0 ; j < colorinfo . Size ( ) ; + + j )
if ( colorinfo [ j ] . Name = = names [ i ] )
colorinfo [ j ] . ParmInfo = cinfo . ParmInfo ;
colorinfo [ j ] . LogColor = logcolor ;
break ;
if ( j = = colorinfo . Size ( ) )
cinfo . Name = names [ i ] ;
cinfo . LogColor = logcolor ;
colorinfo . Push ( cinfo ) ;
// Make permananent copies of all the color information we found.
for ( i = 0 , index = 0 ; i < colorinfo . Size ( ) ; + + i )
TranslationMap tmap ;
TempParmInfo * pinfo ;
tmap . Name = colorinfo [ i ] . Name ;
pinfo = & parminfo [ colorinfo [ i ] . ParmInfo ] ;
if ( pinfo - > Index < 0 )
// Write out the set of remappings for this color.
for ( k = 0 ; k < 2 ; + + k )
for ( j = 0 ; j < pinfo - > ParmLen [ k ] ; + + j )
TranslationParms [ k ] . Push ( parms [ pinfo - > StartParm [ k ] + j ] ) ;
TranslationColors . Push ( colorinfo [ i ] . LogColor ) ;
pinfo - > Index = index + + ;
tmap . Number = pinfo - > Index ;
TranslationLookup . Push ( tmap ) ;
// Leave a terminating marker at the ends of the lists.
tparm . RangeStart = - 1 ;
TranslationParms [ 0 ] . Push ( tparm ) ;
TranslationParms [ 1 ] . Push ( tparm ) ;
// Sort the translation lookups for fast binary searching.
qsort ( & TranslationLookup [ 0 ] , TranslationLookup . Size ( ) , sizeof ( TranslationLookup [ 0 ] ) , TranslationMapCompare ) ;
NumTextColors = index ;
assert ( NumTextColors > = NUM_TEXT_COLORS ) ;
// TranslationMapCompare
static int TranslationMapCompare ( const void * a , const void * b )
return int ( ( ( const TranslationMap * ) a ) - > Name ) - int ( ( ( const TranslationMap * ) b ) - > Name ) ;
// V_FindFontColor
// Returns the color number for a particular named color range.
EColorRange V_FindFontColor ( FName name )
int min = 0 , max = TranslationLookup . Size ( ) - 1 ;
while ( min < = max )
unsigned int mid = ( min + max ) / 2 ;
const TranslationMap * probe = & TranslationLookup [ mid ] ;
if ( probe - > Name = = name )
return EColorRange ( probe - > Number ) ;
else if ( probe - > Name < name )
min = mid + 1 ;
max = mid - 1 ;
// V_LogColorFromColorRange
// Returns the color to use for text in the startup/error log window.
PalEntry V_LogColorFromColorRange ( EColorRange range )
if ( ( unsigned int ) range > = TranslationColors . Size ( ) )
{ // Return default color
return TranslationColors [ range ] ;
// V_ParseFontColor
// Given a pointer to a color identifier (presumably just after a color
// escape character), return the color it identifies and advances
// color_value to just past it.
EColorRange V_ParseFontColor ( const uint8_t * & color_value , int normalcolor , int boldcolor )
const uint8_t * ch = color_value ;
int newcolor = * ch + + ;
if ( newcolor = = ' - ' ) // Normal
newcolor = normalcolor ;
else if ( newcolor = = ' + ' ) // Bold
newcolor = boldcolor ;
else if ( newcolor = = ' [ ' ) // Named
const uint8_t * namestart = ch ;
while ( * ch ! = ' ] ' & & * ch ! = ' \0 ' )
ch + + ;
FName rangename ( ( const char * ) namestart , int ( ch - namestart ) , true ) ;
if ( * ch ! = ' \0 ' )
ch + + ;
newcolor = V_FindFontColor ( rangename ) ;
else if ( newcolor > = ' A ' & & newcolor < NUM_TEXT_COLORS + ' A ' ) // Standard, uppercase
newcolor - = ' A ' ;
else if ( newcolor > = ' a ' & & newcolor < NUM_TEXT_COLORS + ' a ' ) // Standard, lowercase
newcolor - = ' a ' ;
else // Incomplete!
color_value = ch - ( newcolor = = ' \0 ' ) ;
color_value = ch ;
return EColorRange ( newcolor ) ;
// V_InitFonts
void V_InitFonts ( )
2019-11-05 23:00:33 +00:00
V_InitFontColors ( ) ;
2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
V_InitCustomFonts ( ) ;
FFont * CreateHexLumpFont ( const char * fontname , const char * lump ) ;
FFont * CreateHexLumpFont2 ( const char * fontname , const char * lump ) ;
2019-11-05 19:07:16 +00:00
if ( fileSystem . FindFile ( " demolition/newconsolefont.hex " ) < 0 )
I_Error ( " newconsolefont.hex not found " ) ; // This font is needed - do not start up without it.
NewConsoleFont = CreateHexLumpFont ( " NewConsoleFont " , " demolition/newconsolefont.hex " ) ;
NewSmallFont = CreateHexLumpFont2 ( " NewSmallFont " , " demolition/newconsolefont.hex " ) ;
2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
CurrentConsoleFont = NewConsoleFont ;
2019-11-08 22:02:52 +00:00
ConFont = V_GetFont ( " ConsoleFont " , " confont " ) ; // The con font is needed for the slider graphics
2019-10-23 23:20:58 +00:00
ConFont = SmallFont ;
void V_ClearFonts ( )
while ( FFont : : FirstFont ! = nullptr )
delete FFont : : FirstFont ;
FFont : : FirstFont = nullptr ;
AlternativeSmallFont = OriginalSmallFont = CurrentConsoleFont = NewSmallFont = NewConsoleFont = SmallFont = SmallFont2 = BigFont = ConFont = IntermissionFont = nullptr ;
// CleanseString
// Does some mild sanity checking on a string: If it ends with an incomplete
// color escape, the escape is removed.
char * CleanseString ( char * str )
char * escape = strrchr ( str , TEXTCOLOR_ESCAPE ) ;
if ( escape ! = NULL )
if ( escape [ 1 ] = = ' \0 ' )
* escape = ' \0 ' ;
else if ( escape [ 1 ] = = ' [ ' )
char * close = strchr ( escape + 2 , ' ] ' ) ;
if ( close = = NULL )
* escape = ' \0 ' ;
return str ;
int stripaccent ( int code )
if ( code < 0x8a )
return code ;
if ( code < 0x100 )
if ( code = = 0x8a ) // Latin capital letter S with caron
return ' S ' ;
if ( code = = 0x8e ) // Latin capital letter Z with caron
return ' Z ' ;
if ( code = = 0x9a ) // Latin small letter S with caron
return ' s ' ;
if ( code = = 0x9e ) // Latin small letter Z with caron
return ' z ' ;
if ( code = = 0x9f ) // Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis
return ' Y ' ;
if ( code = = 0xab | | code = = 0xbb ) return ' " ' ; // typographic quotation marks.
if ( code = = 0xff ) // Latin small letter Y with diaeresis
return ' y ' ;
// Every other accented character has the high two bits set.
if ( ( code & 0xC0 ) = = 0 )
return code ;
// Make lowercase characters uppercase so there are half as many tests.
int acode = code & 0xDF ;
if ( acode > = 0xC0 & & acode < = 0xC5 ) // A with accents
return ' A ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode = = 0xC7 ) // Cedilla
return ' C ' + ( acode & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode > = 0xC8 & & acode < = 0xCB ) // E with accents
return ' E ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode > = 0xCC & & acode < = 0xCF ) // I with accents
return ' I ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode = = 0xD0 ) // Eth
return ' D ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode = = 0xD1 ) // N with tilde
return ' N ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( ( acode > = 0xD2 & & acode < = 0xD6 ) | | // O with accents
acode = = 0xD8 ) // O with stroke
return ' O ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode > = 0xD9 & & acode < = 0xDC ) // U with accents
return ' U ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode = = 0xDD ) // Y with accute
return ' Y ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ;
if ( acode = = 0xDE ) // Thorn
return ' P ' + ( code & 0x20 ) ; // well, it sort of looks like a 'P'
else if ( code > = 0x100 & & code < 0x180 )
// For the double-accented Hungarian letters it makes more sense to first map them to the very similar looking Umlauts.
// (And screw the crappy specs that do not allow UTF-8 multibyte character literals here.)
if ( code = = 0x150 ) code = 0xd6 ;
else if ( code = = 0x151 ) code = 0xf6 ;
else if ( code = = 0x170 ) code = 0xdc ;
else if ( code = = 0x171 ) code = 0xfc ;
static const char accentless [ ] = " AaAaAaCcCcCcCcDdDdEeEeEeEeEeGgGgGgGgHhHhIiIiIiIiIiIiJjKkkLlLlLlLlLlNnNnNnnNnOoOoOoOoRrRrRrSsSsSsSsTtTtTtUuUuUuUuUuUuWwYyYZzZzZzs " ;
return accentless [ code - 0x100 ] ;
else if ( code > = 0x200 & & code < 0x218 )
// 0x200-0x217 are irrelevant but easy to map to other characters more likely to exist.
static const uint16_t u200map [ ] = { 0xc4 , 0xe4 , 0xc2 , 0xe2 , 0xcb , 0xeb , 0xca , 0xea , 0xcf , 0xef , 0xce , 0xee , 0xd6 , 0xf6 , 0xd4 , 0xe4 , ' R ' , ' r ' , ' R ' , ' r ' , 0xdc , 0xfc , 0xdb , 0xfb } ;
return u200map [ code - 0x200 ] ;
return getAlternative ( code ) ;
int getAlternative ( int code )
// This is for determining replacements that do not make CanPrint fail.
switch ( code )
default :
return code ;
case 0x17f : // The 'long s' can be safely remapped to the regular variant, not that this gets used in any real text...
return ' s ' ;
case 0x218 : // Romanian S with comma below may get remapped to S with cedilla.
return 0x15e ;
case 0x219 :
return 0x15f ;
case 0x21a : // Romanian T with comma below may get remapped to T with cedilla.
return 0x162 ;
case 0x21b :
return 0x163 ;
// Greek characters with equivalents in either Latin or Cyrillic. This is only suitable for uppercase fonts!
case 0x391 :
return ' A ' ;
case 0x392 :
return ' B ' ;
case 0x393 :
return 0x413 ;
case 0x395 :
return ' E ' ;
case 0x396 :
return ' Z ' ;
case 0x397 :
return ' H ' ;
case 0x399 :
return ' I ' ;
case 0x39a :
return ' K ' ;
case 0x39c :
return ' M ' ;
case 0x39d :
return ' N ' ;
case 0x39f :
return ' O ' ;
case 0x3a0 :
return 0x41f ;
case 0x3a1 :
return ' P ' ;
case 0x3a4 :
return ' T ' ;
case 0x3a5 :
return ' Y ' ;
case 0x3a6 :
return 0x424 ;
case 0x3a7 :
return ' X ' ;
case 0x3aa :
return 0xcf ;
case 0x3ab :
return 0x178 ;
case 0x3bf :
return ' o ' ;
case 0x3c2 :
return 0x3c3 ; // Lowercase Sigma character in Greek, which changes depending on its positioning in a word; if the font is uppercase only or features a smallcaps style, the second variant of the letter will remain unused
case 0x3ca :
return 0xef ;
case 0x3cc :
return 0xf3 ;
// Cyrillic characters with equivalents in the Latin alphabet.
case 0x400 :
return 0xc8 ;
case 0x401 :
return 0xcb ;
case 0x405 :
return ' S ' ;
case 0x406 :
return ' I ' ;
case 0x407 :
return 0xcf ;
case 0x408 :
return ' J ' ;
case 0x450 :
return 0xe8 ;
case 0x451 :
return 0xeb ;
case 0x455 :
return ' s ' ;
case 0x456 :
return ' i ' ;
case 0x457 :
return 0xef ;
case 0x458 :
return ' j ' ;
// skip the rest of Latin characters because none of them are relevant for modern languages, except Vietnamese which cannot be represented with the tiny bitmap fonts anyway.
return code ;