
1421 lines
47 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "build.h"
#include "engine_priv.h"
int16_t clipnum;
linetype clipit[MAXCLIPNUM];
int32_t clipsectnum, origclipsectnum, clipspritenum;
int16_t clipsectorlist[MAXCLIPNUM], origclipsectorlist[MAXCLIPNUM];
int16_t clipspritelist[MAXCLIPNUM]; // sector-like sprite clipping
static int16_t clipobjectval[MAXCLIPNUM];
////// sector-like clipping for sprites //////
void mapinfo_set(mapinfo_t *bak, mapinfo_t *newmap)
if (bak)
bak->numsectors = numsectors;
bak->numwalls = numwalls;
bak->sector = (tsectortype *) sector;
bak->wall = (twalltype *) wall;
if (newmap)
numsectors = newmap->numsectors;
numwalls = newmap->numwalls;
sector = (sectortype *) newmap->sector;
wall = (walltype *) newmap->wall;
mapinfo_t origmapinfo, clipmapinfo;
int32_t quickloadboard=0;
clipinfo_t clipinfo[CM_MAX];
static int32_t numclipmaps;
static int32_t numclipsects; // number in sectq[]
static int16_t *sectoidx;
int16_t *sectq; // [numsectors]
int16_t pictoidx[MAXTILES]; // maps tile num to clipinfo[] index
static int16_t *tempictoidx;
static tsectortype *loadsector;
static twalltype *loadwall, *loadwallinv;
static tspritetype *loadsprite;
void clipmapinfo_init()
numclipmaps = 0;
numclipsects = 0;
// two's complement trick, -1 = 0xff
Bmemset(&pictoidx, -1, sizeof(pictoidx));
Bmemset(&clipmapinfo, 0, sizeof(mapinfo_t));
numsectors = 0;
numwalls = 0;
// loads the clip maps.
// this should be called before any real map is loaded.
int32_t clipmapinfo_load(void)
int32_t i, k, w;
int32_t lwcp = 0;
int32_t fi;
int32_t *fisec = NULL;
int32_t *fispr = NULL;
int32_t ournumsectors=0, ournumwalls=0, ournumsprites=0;
loadsector = (tsectortype *) Xmalloc(MAXSECTORS * sizeof(sectortype));
loadwall = (twalltype *) Xmalloc(MAXWALLS * sizeof(walltype));
loadsprite = (tspritetype *) Xmalloc(MAXSPRITES * sizeof(spritetype));
if (g_clipMapFilesNum)
fisec = (int32_t *) Xcalloc(g_clipMapFilesNum, sizeof(int32_t));
if (g_clipMapFilesNum)
fispr = (int32_t *) Xcalloc(g_clipMapFilesNum, sizeof(int32_t));
quickloadboard = 1;
for (fi = 0; fi < g_clipMapFilesNum; ++fi)
int16_t ang, cs;
vec3_t tmppos;
fisec[fi] = ournumsectors;
fispr[fi] = ournumsprites;
i = loadboard(g_clipMapFiles[fi], 8, &tmppos, &ang, &cs);
if (i<0)
// Numsprites will now be set!
initprintf("Loading clip map: %s\n", g_clipMapFiles[fi]);
if (ournumsectors+numsectors>MAXSECTORS ||
ournumwalls+numwalls>MAXWALLS ||
initprintf("clip map: warning: exceeded limits when loading %s, aborting.\n", g_clipMapFiles[fi]);
Bmemcpy(loadsector+ournumsectors, sector, numsectors*sizeof(sectortype));
Bmemcpy(loadwall+ournumwalls, wall, numwalls*sizeof(walltype));
Bmemcpy(loadsprite+ournumsprites, sprite, Numsprites*sizeof(spritetype));
for (i=ournumsectors; i<ournumsectors+numsectors; i++)
loadsector[i].wallptr += ournumwalls;
for (i=ournumwalls; i<ournumwalls+numwalls; i++)
if (loadwall[i].point2>=0)
loadwall[i].point2 += ournumwalls;
if (loadwall[i].nextwall>=0)
loadwall[i].nextwall += ournumwalls;
loadwall[i].nextsector += ournumsectors;
for (i=ournumsprites; i<ournumsprites+Numsprites; i++)
if (loadsprite[i].sectnum>=0)
loadsprite[i].sectnum += ournumsectors;
ournumsectors += numsectors;
ournumwalls += numwalls;
ournumsprites += Numsprites;
quickloadboard = 0;
if (ournumsectors==0 || ournumwalls==0 || ournumsprites==0) // nothing loaded
return -1;
// shrink
loadsector = (tsectortype *) Xrealloc(loadsector, ournumsectors*sizeof(sectortype));
loadwall = (twalltype *) Xrealloc(loadwall, ournumwalls*sizeof(walltype));
Bmemcpy(sector, loadsector, ournumsectors*sizeof(sectortype));
Bmemcpy(wall, loadwall, ournumwalls*sizeof(walltype));
Bmemcpy(sprite, loadsprite, ournumsprites*sizeof(spritetype));
numsectors = ournumsectors;
numwalls = ournumwalls;
// vvvv don't use headsprite[sect,stat]! vvvv
sectoidx = (int16_t *) Xmalloc(numsectors*sizeof(sectoidx[0]));
for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++)
sectoidx[i] = CM_NONE;
// determine outer sectors
for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++)
for (w=sector[i].wallptr; w<sector[i].wallptr+sector[i].wallnum; w++)
if (wall[w].nextsector<0)
sectoidx[i] = CM_OUTER;
// break connections between outer sectors
for (i=0; i<numsectors; i++)
if (sectoidx[i] == CM_OUTER)
for (w=sector[i].wallptr; w<sector[i].wallptr+sector[i].wallnum; w++)
k = wall[w].nextwall;
if (k>=0 && sectoidx[wall[w].nextsector]==CM_OUTER)
wall[k].nextwall = wall[k].nextsector = -1;
wall[w].nextwall = wall[w].nextsector = -1;
int16_t ns, outersect;
int32_t pn, scnt, x, y, z, maxdist;
sectq = (int16_t *) Xmalloc(numsectors*sizeof(sectq[0]));
tempictoidx = (int16_t *) Xmalloc(MAXTILES*sizeof(tempictoidx[0]));
for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++)
// collect sprite picnums
for (i=0; i<MAXSPRITES && sprite[i].statnum<MAXSTATUS; i++)
pn = sprite[i].picnum;
k = sprite[i].sectnum;
// -v- note the <= ignore sprites in outer sectors
if (pn<=0 || pn>=MAXTILES || k<0 || k>=numsectors || (sectoidx[k]&CM_OUTER))
if (numclipmaps >= CM_MAX)
initprintf("warning: reached max clip map number %d, not processing any more\n", CM_MAX);
// chain
if (pictoidx[pn]>=0)
if (sectoidx[k]&CM_SOME)
for (fi = 0; fi < g_clipMapFilesNum; ++fi)
if (k>=fisec[fi])
initprintf("clip map \"%s\": error: tried to chain picnum %d (sprite %d) in sector %d which"
" already belongs to picnum %d.\n", g_clipMapFiles[fi], pn, i-fispr[fi], k-fisec[fi],
return 2;
// new one is front
clipinfo[numclipmaps].next = pictoidx[pn];
pictoidx[pn] = numclipmaps;
clipinfo[numclipmaps].next = -1;
pictoidx[pn] = numclipmaps;
if (!CM_NOROT(i))
if (sprite[i].ang!=1536 && sprite[i].ang!=512)
for (fi = 0; fi < g_clipMapFilesNum; ++fi)
if (i>=fispr[fi])
initprintf("clip map \"%s\": warning: sprite %d pointing neither northward nor southward. %s will be wrong.\n",
g_clipMapFiles[fi], i-fispr[fi], (sprite[i].cstat&48)==32 ? "Scaling and flipping" : "X-flipping");
clipinfo[numclipmaps].picnum = pn;
// collect sectors
scnt = numclipsects;
sectq[numclipsects++] = k;
sectoidx[k] = numclipmaps;
clipinfo[numclipmaps].qbeg = scnt;
outersect = -1;
k = sectq[scnt];
for (w=sector[k].wallptr; w<sector[k].wallptr+sector[k].wallnum; w++)
ns = wall[w].nextsector;
if (ns>=0)
if (sectoidx[ns]==CM_NONE)
sectoidx[ns] = numclipmaps;
sectq[numclipsects++] = ns;
else if (sectoidx[ns]&CM_OUTER)
if (outersect>=0 && ns!=outersect)
for (fi = 0; fi < g_clipMapFilesNum; ++fi)
if (ns>=fisec[fi])
initprintf("clip map \"%s\": error: encountered more than one outer sector (%d and %d)"
" for sprite %d.\n", g_clipMapFiles[fi], outersect-fisec[fi], ns-fisec[fi], i-fispr[fi]);
return 3;
outersect = ns;
sectoidx[outersect] |= numclipmaps;
else if (sectoidx[ns]!=numclipmaps)
for (fi = 0; fi < g_clipMapFilesNum; ++fi)
if (ns>=fisec[fi])
initprintf("clip map \"%s\": error: encountered sector %d belonging to index %d"
" while collecting sectors for sprite %d (index %d).\n",
g_clipMapFiles[fi], ns-fisec[fi], sectoidx[ns], i-fispr[fi], numclipmaps);
return 4;
} while (++scnt < numclipsects);
if (outersect==-1)
initprintf("clip map: INTERNAL ERROR: outersect==-1!\n");
return 5;
sectq[numclipsects++] = outersect; // last is outer
clipinfo[numclipmaps].qend = numclipsects-1;
// normalize
maxdist = 0;
for (scnt=clipinfo[numclipmaps].qbeg; scnt<=clipinfo[numclipmaps].qend; scnt++)
k = sectq[scnt];
x = sprite[i].x;
y = sprite[i].y;
z = sprite[i].z;
sector[k].floorz -= z;
sector[k].ceilingz -= z;
if (scnt==clipinfo[numclipmaps].qbeg)
// backup sprite tags since we'll discard sprites later
sector[k].CM_XREPEAT = sprite[i].xrepeat;
sector[k].CM_YREPEAT = sprite[i].yrepeat;
sector[k].CM_XOFFSET = sprite[i].xoffset;
sector[k].CM_YOFFSET = sprite[i].yoffset;
sector[k].CM_CSTAT = sprite[i].cstat;
sector[k].CM_ANG = sprite[i].ang;
// backup floor and ceiling z
CM_FLOORZ(k) = sector[k].floorz;
CM_CEILINGZ(k) = sector[k].ceilingz;
for (w=sector[k].wallptr; w<sector[k].wallptr+sector[k].wallnum; w++)
wall[w].x -= x;
wall[w].y -= y;
if (scnt!=clipinfo[numclipmaps].qend)
if (CM_NOROT(i))
if (klabs(wall[w].x) > maxdist)
maxdist = klabs(wall[w].x);
if (klabs(wall[w].y) > maxdist)
maxdist = klabs(wall[w].y);
int32_t tmp = ksqrt(uhypsq(wall[w].x, wall[w].y));
if (tmp > maxdist)
maxdist = tmp;
// aliasing
if (wall[w].lotag>0 || wall[w].hitag>0)
int32_t ii;
if (wall[w].lotag>0 && wall[w].hitag>0)
if (wall[w].lotag > wall[w].hitag)
swapshort(&wall[w].lotag, &wall[w].hitag);
for (ii=wall[w].lotag; ii<wall[w].hitag; ii++)
tempictoidx[ii] = numclipmaps;
else if (wall[w].lotag>0)
if (wall[w].lotag<MAXTILES)
tempictoidx[wall[w].lotag] = numclipmaps;
if (wall[w].hitag<MAXTILES)
tempictoidx[wall[w].hitag] = numclipmaps;
CM_WALL_X(w) = wall[w].x;
CM_WALL_Y(w) = wall[w].y;
clipinfo[numclipmaps].maxdist = maxdist;
// yes, too much copying, but better than ugly code
Bmemcpy(loadsector, sector, ournumsectors*sizeof(sectortype));
Bmemcpy(loadwall, wall, ournumwalls*sizeof(walltype));
// loadwallinv will contain all walls with inverted orientation for x/y-flip handling
loadwallinv = (twalltype *) Xmalloc(ournumwalls*sizeof(walltype));
int32_t j, loopstart, loopend, numloopwalls;
// invert walls!
loopstart = 0;
for (j=0; j<ournumwalls; j++)
wall[j].nextsector = wall[j].nextwall = -1;
if (wall[j].point2 < j)
loopend = j+1;
numloopwalls = loopend-loopstart;
if (numloopwalls<3)
loopstart = loopend;
for (k=0; k<numloopwalls; k++)
wall[loopstart+k].x = loadwall[loopstart + (numloopwalls+1-k)%numloopwalls].x;
wall[loopstart+k].y = loadwall[loopstart + (numloopwalls+1-k)%numloopwalls].y;
CM_WALL_X(loopstart+k) = wall[loopstart+k].x;
CM_WALL_Y(loopstart+k) = wall[loopstart+k].y;
loopstart = loopend;
// reconstruct wall connections
for (i=0; i<ournumsectors; i++)
for (j=sector[i].wallptr; j<sector[i].wallptr+sector[i].wallnum; j++)
checksectorpointer(j, i);
Bmemcpy(loadwallinv, wall, ournumwalls*sizeof(walltype));
clipmapinfo.numsectors = numsectors;
clipmapinfo.sector = loadsector;
clipmapinfo.numwalls = numwalls;
clipmapinfo.wall = loadwall;
for (i=0; i<MAXTILES; i++)
if (pictoidx[i]==-1 && tempictoidx[i]>=0)
// don't let other code be distracted by the temporary map we constructed
numsectors = 0;
numwalls = 0;
if (lwcp > 0)
initprintf("Loaded clip map%s.\n", lwcp==1 ? "" : "s");
return 0;
int32_t clipshape_idx_for_sprite(spritetype *curspr, int32_t curidx)
if (curidx < 0) // per-sprite init
curidx = pictoidx[curspr->picnum];
curidx = clipinfo[curidx].next;
while (curidx>=0 && (curspr->cstat&32) != (sector[sectq[clipinfo[curidx].qbeg]].CM_CSTAT&32))
curidx = clipinfo[curidx].next;
return curidx;
int32_t clipshape_idx_for_sprite(spritetype *curspr, int32_t curidx)
return -1;
////// //////
////////// CLIPMOVE //////////
int32_t clipmoveboxtracenum = 3;
// clipinsidebox
int32_t clipinsidebox(vec2_t *vect, int16_t wallnum, int32_t walldist)
int32_t const r = walldist<<1;
twalltype const *wal = (twalltype *) &wall[wallnum];
vec2_t const v1 ={ wal->x + walldist - vect->x, wal->y + walldist - vect->y };
wal = (twalltype *) &wall[wal->point2];
vec2_t v2 ={ wal->x + walldist - vect->x, wal->y + walldist - vect->y };
if (((v1.x < 0) && (v2.x < 0)) || ((v1.y < 0) && (v2.y < 0)) ||
((v1.x >= r) && (v2.x >= r)) || ((v1.y >= r) && (v2.y >= r)))
return 0;
v2.x -= v1.x; v2.y -= v1.y;
if (v2.x*(walldist-v1.y) >= v2.y*(walldist-v1.x)) //Front
v2.x *= ((v2.x > 0) ? (0 - v1.y) : (r - v1.y));
v2.y *= ((v2.y > 0) ? (r-v1.x) : (0-v1.x));
return v2.x < v2.y;
v2.x *= ((v2.x > 0) ? (r-v1.y) : (0-v1.y));
v2.y *= ((v2.y > 0) ? (0-v1.x) : (r-v1.x));
return (v2.x >= v2.y)<<1;
// clipinsideboxline
int32_t clipinsideboxline(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2, int32_t y2, int32_t walldist)
int32_t const r = walldist<<1;
x1 += walldist-x; x2 += walldist-x;
if (((x1 < 0) && (x2 < 0)) || ((x1 >= r) && (x2 >= r)))
return 0;
y1 += walldist-y; y2 += walldist-y;
if (((y1 < 0) && (y2 < 0)) || ((y1 >= r) && (y2 >= r)))
return 0;
x2 -= x1; y2 -= y1;
if (x2*(walldist-y1) >= y2*(walldist-x1)) //Front
x2 *= ((x2 > 0) ? (0-y1) : (r-y1));
y2 *= ((y2 > 0) ? (r-x1) : (0-x1));
return x2 < y2;
x2 *= ((x2 > 0) ? (r-y1) : (0-y1));
y2 *= ((y2 > 0) ? (0-x1) : (r-x1));
return (x2 >= y2)<<1;
int32_t clipsprite_try(const spritetype *spr, int32_t xmin, int32_t ymin, int32_t xmax, int32_t ymax)
// try and see whether this sprite's picnum has sector-like clipping data
int32_t i = pictoidx[spr->picnum];
// handle sector-like floor sprites separately
while (i>=0 && (spr->cstat&32) != (clipmapinfo.sector[sectq[clipinfo[i].qbeg]].CM_CSTAT&32))
i = clipinfo[i].next;
if (i>=0)
int32_t maxcorrection = clipinfo[i].maxdist;
const int32_t k = sectq[clipinfo[i].qbeg];
if ((spr->cstat&48)!=32) // face/wall sprite
int32_t const tempint1 = clipmapinfo.sector[k].CM_XREPEAT;
maxcorrection = divideu32_noinline(maxcorrection * (int32_t) spr->xrepeat, tempint1);
else // floor sprite
int32_t const tempint1 = clipmapinfo.sector[k].CM_XREPEAT;
int32_t const tempint2 = clipmapinfo.sector[k].CM_YREPEAT;
maxcorrection = max(divideu32_noinline(maxcorrection * (int32_t) spr->xrepeat, tempint1),
divideu32_noinline(maxcorrection * (int32_t) spr->yrepeat, tempint2));
maxcorrection -= MAXCLIPDIST;
if ((spr->x < xmin - maxcorrection) || (spr->y < ymin - maxcorrection) ||
(spr->x > xmax + maxcorrection) || (spr->y > ymax + maxcorrection))
return 1;
if (clipspritenum < MAXCLIPNUM)
clipspritelist[clipspritenum++] = spr-sprite;
//initprintf("%d: clip sprite[%d]\n",clipspritenum,j);
return 1;
return 0;
// return: -1 if curspr has x-flip xor y-flip (in the horizontal map plane!), 1 else
int32_t clipsprite_initindex(int32_t curidx, spritetype *curspr, int32_t *clipsectcnt, const vec3_t *vect)
int32_t k, daz = curspr->z;
int32_t scalex, scaley, scalez, flipx, flipy;
int32_t flipmul=1;
const int32_t j = sectq[clipinfo[curidx].qbeg];
const int32_t tempint1 = sector[j].CM_XREPEAT;
const int32_t tempint2 = sector[j].CM_YREPEAT;
const int32_t rotang = (curspr->ang - sector[j].CM_ANG)&2047;
const int32_t dorot = !CM_NOROTS(j);
if ((curspr->cstat&48)!=32) // face/wall sprite
scalex = scaley = divscale22(curspr->xrepeat, tempint1);
scalez = divscale22(curspr->yrepeat, tempint2);
flipx = 1-((curspr->cstat&4)>>1);
flipy = 1;
scalex = divscale22(curspr->xrepeat, tempint1);
scaley = divscale22(curspr->yrepeat, tempint2);
scalez = scalex;
flipx = 1-((curspr->cstat&4)>>1);
flipy = 1-((curspr->cstat&8)>>2);
if (dorot)
flipmul = flipx*flipy;
if (flipmul==-1)
wall = (walltype *) loadwallinv;
if ((curspr->cstat&128) != (sector[j].CM_CSTAT&128))
daz += (((curspr->cstat&128)>>6)-1)*((tilesiz[curspr->picnum].y*curspr->yrepeat)<<1);
*clipsectcnt = clipsectnum = 0;
// init sectors for this index
for (k=clipinfo[curidx].qbeg; k<=clipinfo[curidx].qend; k++)
const int32_t j = sectq[k];
tsectortype *const sec = (tsectortype *)&sector[j];
const int32_t startwall = sec->wallptr, endwall = startwall+sec->wallnum;
int32_t w;
twalltype *wal;
sec->floorz = daz + mulscale22(scalez, CM_FLOORZ(j));
sec->ceilingz = daz + mulscale22(scalez, CM_CEILINGZ(j));
//initprintf("sec %d: f=%d, c=%d\n", j, sec->floorz, sec->ceilingz);
for (w=startwall, wal=(twalltype *)&wall[startwall]; w<endwall; w++, wal++)
wal->x = mulscale22(scalex, CM_WALL_X(w));
wal->y = mulscale22(scaley, CM_WALL_Y(w));
if (dorot)
wal->x *= flipx;
wal->y *= flipy;
rotatepoint(zerovec, *(vec2_t *) wal, rotang, (vec2_t *) wal);
wal->x += curspr->x;
wal->y += curspr->y;
if (inside(vect->x, vect->y, j)==1)
clipsectorlist[clipsectnum++] = j;
// add outer sector if not inside inner ones
if (clipsectnum==0)
clipsectorlist[clipsectnum++] = sectq[k-1];
return flipmul;
static int32_t clipmove_warned=0;
static void addclipline(int32_t dax1, int32_t day1, int32_t dax2, int32_t day2, int32_t daoval)
if (clipnum < MAXCLIPNUM)
clipit[clipnum].x1 = dax1; clipit[clipnum].y1 = day1;
clipit[clipnum].x2 = dax2; clipit[clipnum].y2 = day2;
clipobjectval[clipnum] = daoval;
else if (!clipmove_warned)
clipmove_warned = 1;
FORCE_INLINE void clipmove_tweak_pos(const vec3_t *pos, int32_t gx, int32_t gy, int32_t x1, int32_t y1, int32_t x2,
int32_t y2, int32_t *daxptr, int32_t *dayptr)
int32_t daz;
if (rintersect(pos->x, pos->y, 0, gx, gy, 0, x1, y1, x2, y2, daxptr, dayptr, &daz) == -1)
*daxptr = pos->x;
*dayptr = pos->y;
// Returns: should clip?
static int32_t check_floor_curb(int32_t dasect, int32_t nextsect, int32_t flordist, int32_t posz,
int32_t dax, int32_t day)
tsectortype const * const sec2 = (tsectortype *)&sector[nextsect];
int32_t const daz2 = getflorzofslope(nextsect, dax, day);
return ((sec2->floorstat&1) == 0 && // parallaxed floor curbs don't clip
posz >= daz2-(flordist-1) && // also account for desired z distance tolerance
daz2 < getflorzofslope(dasect, dax, day)-(1<<8)); // curbs less tall than 256 z units don't clip
int32_t clipmovex(vec3_t *pos, int16_t *sectnum,
int32_t xvect, int32_t yvect,
int32_t walldist, int32_t ceildist, int32_t flordist, uint32_t cliptype,
uint8_t noslidep)
const int32_t oboxtracenum = clipmoveboxtracenum;
if (noslidep)
clipmoveboxtracenum = 1;
int32_t ret = clipmove(pos, sectnum, xvect, yvect,
walldist, ceildist, flordist, cliptype);
clipmoveboxtracenum = oboxtracenum;
return ret;
// raytrace (internal)
static inline int32_t raytrace(int32_t x3, int32_t y3, int32_t *x4, int32_t *y4)
int32_t hitwall = -1;
for (int32_t z=clipnum-1; z>=0; z--)
const int32_t x1 = clipit[z].x1, x2 = clipit[z].x2, x21 = x2-x1;
const int32_t y1 = clipit[z].y1, y2 = clipit[z].y2, y21 = y2-y1;
int32_t topu = x21*(y3-y1) - (x3-x1)*y21;
if (topu <= 0)
if (x21*(*y4-y1) > (*x4-x1)*y21)
const int32_t x43 = *x4-x3;
const int32_t y43 = *y4-y3;
if (x43*(y1-y3) > (x1-x3)*y43)
if (x43*(y2-y3) <= (x2-x3)*y43)
const int32_t bot = x43*y21 - x21*y43;
if (bot == 0)
int32_t cnt = 256, nintx, ninty;
cnt--; if (cnt < 0) { *x4 = x3; *y4 = y3; return z; }
nintx = x3 + scale(x43, topu, bot);
ninty = y3 + scale(y43, topu, bot);
} while (x21*(ninty-y1) <= (nintx-x1)*y21);
if (klabs(x3-nintx)+klabs(y3-ninty) < klabs(x3-*x4)+klabs(y3-*y4))
*x4 = nintx; *y4 = ninty; hitwall = z;
return hitwall;
// keepaway (internal)
static inline void keepaway(int32_t *x, int32_t *y, int32_t w)
const int32_t x1 = clipit[w].x1, dx = clipit[w].x2-x1;
const int32_t y1 = clipit[w].y1, dy = clipit[w].y2-y1;
const int32_t ox = ksgn(-dy), oy = ksgn(dx);
char first = (klabs(dx) <= klabs(dy));
while (1)
if (dx*(*y-y1) > (*x-x1)*dy)
if (first == 0)
*x += ox;
*y += oy;
first ^= 1;
// clipmove
int32_t clipmove(vec3_t *pos, int16_t *sectnum,
int32_t xvect, int32_t yvect,
int32_t walldist, int32_t ceildist, int32_t flordist, uint32_t cliptype)
if ((xvect|yvect) == 0 || *sectnum < 0)
return 0;
int32_t i, j, k, tempint1, tempint2;
int32_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
int32_t dax, day;
int32_t retval=0;
spritetype *curspr=NULL; // non-NULL when handling sprite with sector-like clipping
int32_t curidx=-1, clipsectcnt, clipspritecnt;
const int32_t dawalclipmask = (cliptype&65535); //CLIPMASK0 = 0x00010001
const int32_t dasprclipmask = (cliptype>>16); //CLIPMASK1 = 0x01000040
const int32_t oxvect=xvect, oyvect=yvect;
int32_t goalx = pos->x + (xvect>>14);
int32_t goaly = pos->y + (yvect>>14);
const int32_t cx = (pos->x+goalx)>>1;
const int32_t cy = (pos->y+goaly)>>1;
//Extra walldist for sprites on sector lines
const int32_t gx=goalx-(pos->x), gy=goaly-(pos->y);
const int32_t rad = nsqrtasm(uhypsq(gx, gy)) + MAXCLIPDIST+walldist + 8;
const int32_t xmin = cx-rad, ymin = cy-rad;
const int32_t xmax = cx+rad, ymax = cy+rad;
clipmove_warned = 0;
clipnum = 0;
clipsectorlist[0] = (*sectnum);
clipsectcnt = 0; clipsectnum = 1;
clipspritecnt = 0; clipspritenum = 0;
const twalltype *wal;
const tsectortype *sec;
int32_t dasect, startwall, endwall;
if (clipsectcnt>=clipsectnum)
// one bunch of sectors completed (either the very first
// one or a sector-like sprite one), prepare the next
//initprintf("init sprite %d\n", clipspritecnt);
if (!curspr)
// init sector-like sprites for clipping
origclipsectnum = clipsectnum;
Bmemcpy(origclipsectorlist, clipsectorlist, clipsectnum*sizeof(clipsectorlist[0]));
// replace sector and wall with clip map
mapinfo_set(&origmapinfo, &clipmapinfo);
curspr = &sprite[clipspritelist[clipspritecnt]];
curidx = clipshape_idx_for_sprite(curspr, curidx);
if (curidx < 0)
clipsprite_initindex(curidx, curspr, &clipsectcnt, pos);
dasect = clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt++];
//if (curspr)
// initprintf("sprite %d/%d: sect %d/%d (%d)\n", clipspritecnt,clipspritenum, clipsectcnt,clipsectnum,dasect);
////////// Walls //////////
sec = (tsectortype *)&sector[dasect];
startwall = sec->wallptr; endwall = startwall + sec->wallnum;
for (j=startwall, wal=(twalltype *)&wall[startwall]; j<endwall; j++, wal++)
int32_t clipyou = 0, dx, dy;
const twalltype *const wal2 = (twalltype *)&wall[wal->point2];
if ((wal->x < xmin && wal2->x < xmin) || (wal->x > xmax && wal2->x > xmax) ||
(wal->y < ymin && wal2->y < ymin) || (wal->y > ymax && wal2->y > ymax))
x1 = wal->x; y1 = wal->y; x2 = wal2->x; y2 = wal2->y;
dx = x2-x1; dy = y2-y1;
if (dx*((pos->y)-y1) < ((pos->x)-x1)*dy) continue; //If wall's not facing you
if (dx > 0) dax = dx*(ymin-y1); else dax = dx*(ymax-y1);
if (dy > 0) day = dy*(xmax-x1); else day = dy*(xmin-x1);
if (dax >= day) continue;
if (curspr)
if (wal->nextsector>=0)
const tsectortype *sec2 = (tsectortype *)&sector[wal->nextsector];
clipmove_tweak_pos(pos, gx, gy, x1, y1, x2, y2, &dax, &day);
#define CLIPMV_SPR_F_DAZ2 getflorzofslope(wal->nextsector, dax,day)
#define CLIPMV_SPR_F_BASEZ getflorzofslope(sectq[clipinfo[curidx].qend], dax,day)
if ((sec2->floorstat&1) == 0)
if (CLIPMV_SPR_F_DAZ2-(flordist-1) <= pos->z)
if (pos->z <= CLIPMV_SPR_F_BASEZ+(flordist-1))
clipyou = 1;
if (clipyou == 0)
#define CLIPMV_SPR_C_DAZ2 getceilzofslope(wal->nextsector, dax,day)
#define CLIPMV_SPR_C_BASEZ getceilzofslope(sectq[clipinfo[curidx].qend], dax,day)
if ((sec2->ceilingstat&1) == 0)
if (CLIPMV_SPR_C_BASEZ-(ceildist-1) <= pos->z)
if (pos->z <= CLIPMV_SPR_C_DAZ2+(ceildist-1))
clipyou = 1;
if (wal->nextsector < 0 || (wal->cstat&dawalclipmask))
clipyou = 1;
int16_t cb = yax_getbunch(dasect, YAX_CEILING);
if (cb >= 0 && (sec->ceilingstat & yax_waltosecmask(dawalclipmask)) == 0)
int32_t ynw = yax_getnextwall(j, YAX_CEILING);
if (ynw >= 0 && wall[ynw].nextsector >= 0 && (wall[ynw].cstat & dawalclipmask) == 0)
clipmove_tweak_pos(pos, gx, gy, x1, y1, x2, y2, &dax, &day);
clipyou = check_floor_curb(dasect, wall[ynw].nextsector, flordist, pos->z, dax, day);
else if (editstatus == 0)
clipmove_tweak_pos(pos, gx, gy, x1, y1, x2, y2, &dax, &day);
clipyou = check_floor_curb(dasect, wal->nextsector, flordist, pos->z, dax, day);
if (clipyou == 0)
const tsectortype *sec2 = (tsectortype *)&sector[wal->nextsector];
int32_t daz2 = getceilzofslope(wal->nextsector, dax, day);
clipyou = ((sec2->ceilingstat&1) == 0 &&
pos->z <= daz2+(ceildist-1) &&
daz2 > getceilzofslope(dasect, dax, day)+(1<<8));
if (clipyou)
int16_t objtype;
int32_t bsz;
if (!curspr)
objtype = (int16_t) j+32768;
objtype = (int16_t) (curspr-sprite)+49152;
//Add 2 boxes at endpoints
bsz = walldist; if (gx < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(x1-bsz, y1-bsz, x1-bsz, y1+bsz, objtype);
addclipline(x2-bsz, y2-bsz, x2-bsz, y2+bsz, objtype);
bsz = walldist; if (gy < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(x1+bsz, y1-bsz, x1-bsz, y1-bsz, objtype);
addclipline(x2+bsz, y2-bsz, x2-bsz, y2-bsz, objtype);
dax = walldist; if (dy > 0) dax = -dax;
day = walldist; if (dx < 0) day = -day;
addclipline(x1+dax, y1+day, x2+dax, y2+day, objtype);
else if (wal->nextsector>=0)
for (i=clipsectnum-1; i>=0; i--)
if (wal->nextsector == clipsectorlist[i]) break;
if (i < 0) clipsectorlist[clipsectnum++] = wal->nextsector;
////////// Sprites //////////
if (dasprclipmask==0)
if (curspr)
continue; // next sector of this index
for (j=headspritesect[dasect]; j>=0; j=nextspritesect[j])
const spritetype *const spr = &sprite[j];
const int32_t cstat = spr->cstat;
if ((cstat&dasprclipmask) == 0)
if (clipsprite_try(spr, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))
x1 = spr->x; y1 = spr->y;
switch (cstat&48)
case 0:
if (x1 >= xmin && x1 <= xmax && y1 >= ymin && y1 <= ymax)
const int32_t daz = spr->z + spriteheightofs(j, &k, 1);
if (pos->z > daz-k-flordist && pos->z < daz+ceildist)
int32_t bsz;
bsz = (spr->clipdist<<2)+walldist; if (gx < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(x1-bsz, y1-bsz, x1-bsz, y1+bsz, (int16_t) j+49152);
bsz = (spr->clipdist<<2)+walldist; if (gy < 0) bsz = -bsz;
addclipline(x1+bsz, y1-bsz, x1-bsz, y1-bsz, (int16_t) j+49152);
case 16:
const int32_t daz = spr->z + spriteheightofs(j, &k, 1);
if (pos->z > daz-k-flordist && pos->z < daz+ceildist)
get_wallspr_points(spr, &x1, &x2, &y1, &y2);
if (clipinsideboxline(cx, cy, x1, y1, x2, y2, rad) != 0)
dax = mulscale14(sintable[(spr->ang+256+512)&2047], walldist);
day = mulscale14(sintable[(spr->ang+256)&2047], walldist);
if ((x1-(pos->x))*(y2-(pos->y)) >= (x2-(pos->x))*(y1-(pos->y))) //Front
addclipline(x1+dax, y1+day, x2+day, y2-dax, (int16_t) j+49152);
if ((cstat&64) != 0) continue;
addclipline(x2-dax, y2-day, x1-day, y1+dax, (int16_t) j+49152);
//Side blocker
if ((x2-x1)*((pos->x)-x1) + (y2-y1)*((pos->y)-y1) < 0)
addclipline(x1-day, y1+dax, x1+dax, y1+day, (int16_t) j+49152);
else if ((x1-x2)*((pos->x)-x2) + (y1-y2)*((pos->y)-y2) < 0)
addclipline(x2+day, y2-dax, x2-dax, y2-day, (int16_t) j+49152);
case 32:
if (pos->z > spr->z - flordist && pos->z < spr->z + ceildist)
if ((cstat&64) != 0)
if ((pos->z > spr->z) == ((cstat&8)==0))
rxi[0] = x1;
ryi[0] = y1;
get_floorspr_points((tspritetype const *) spr, 0, 0, &rxi[0], &rxi[1], &rxi[2], &rxi[3],
&ryi[0], &ryi[1], &ryi[2], &ryi[3]);
dax = mulscale14(sintable[(spr->ang-256+512)&2047], walldist);
day = mulscale14(sintable[(spr->ang-256)&2047], walldist);
if ((rxi[0]-(pos->x))*(ryi[1]-(pos->y)) < (rxi[1]-(pos->x))*(ryi[0]-(pos->y)))
if (clipinsideboxline(cx, cy, rxi[1], ryi[1], rxi[0], ryi[0], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[1]-day, ryi[1]+dax, rxi[0]+dax, ryi[0]+day, (int16_t) j+49152);
else if ((rxi[2]-(pos->x))*(ryi[3]-(pos->y)) < (rxi[3]-(pos->x))*(ryi[2]-(pos->y)))
if (clipinsideboxline(cx, cy, rxi[3], ryi[3], rxi[2], ryi[2], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[3]+day, ryi[3]-dax, rxi[2]-dax, ryi[2]-day, (int16_t) j+49152);
if ((rxi[1]-(pos->x))*(ryi[2]-(pos->y)) < (rxi[2]-(pos->x))*(ryi[1]-(pos->y)))
if (clipinsideboxline(cx, cy, rxi[2], ryi[2], rxi[1], ryi[1], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[2]-dax, ryi[2]-day, rxi[1]-day, ryi[1]+dax, (int16_t) j+49152);
else if ((rxi[3]-(pos->x))*(ryi[0]-(pos->y)) < (rxi[0]-(pos->x))*(ryi[3]-(pos->y)))
if (clipinsideboxline(cx, cy, rxi[0], ryi[0], rxi[3], ryi[3], rad) != 0)
addclipline(rxi[0]+dax, ryi[0]+day, rxi[3]+day, ryi[3]-dax, (int16_t) j+49152);
} while (clipsectcnt < clipsectnum || clipspritecnt < clipspritenum);
if (curspr)
// restore original map
mapinfo_set(NULL, &origmapinfo);
clipsectnum = origclipsectnum;
Bmemcpy(clipsectorlist, origclipsectorlist, clipsectnum*sizeof(clipsectorlist[0]));
int32_t hitwalls[4], hitwall;
int32_t cnt = clipmoveboxtracenum;
int32_t intx=goalx, inty=goaly;
hitwall = raytrace(pos->x, pos->y, &intx, &inty);
if (hitwall >= 0)
const int32_t lx = clipit[hitwall].x2-clipit[hitwall].x1;
const int32_t ly = clipit[hitwall].y2-clipit[hitwall].y1;
const uint64_t tempull = (int64_t) lx*(int64_t) lx + (int64_t) ly*(int64_t) ly;
if (tempull > 0 && tempull < INT32_MAX)
tempint2 = (int32_t) tempull;
tempint1 = (goalx-intx)*lx + (goaly-inty)*ly;
if ((klabs(tempint1)>>11) < tempint2)
i = divscale20(tempint1, tempint2);
i = 0;
goalx = mulscale20(lx, i)+intx;
goaly = mulscale20(ly, i)+inty;
tempint1 = dmulscale6(lx, oxvect, ly, oyvect);
for (i=cnt+1; i<=clipmoveboxtracenum; i++)
j = hitwalls[i];
tempint2 = dmulscale6(clipit[j].x2-clipit[j].x1, oxvect,
clipit[j].y2-clipit[j].y1, oyvect);
if ((tempint1^tempint2) < 0)
updatesector(pos->x, pos->y, sectnum);
return retval;
keepaway(&goalx, &goaly, hitwall);
xvect = (goalx-intx)<<14;
yvect = (goaly-inty)<<14;
if (cnt == clipmoveboxtracenum)
retval = (uint16_t) clipobjectval[hitwall];
hitwalls[cnt] = hitwall;
pos->x = intx;
pos->y = inty;
} while ((xvect|yvect) != 0 && hitwall >= 0 && cnt > 0);
for (j=0; j<clipsectnum; j++)
if (inside(pos->x, pos->y, clipsectorlist[j]) == 1)
*sectnum = clipsectorlist[j];
return retval;
*sectnum = -1; tempint1 = INT32_MAX;
for (j=numsectors-1; j>=0; j--)
if (inside(pos->x, pos->y, j) == 1)
if (sector[j].ceilingstat&2)
tempint2 = getceilzofslope(j, pos->x, pos->y) - pos->z;
tempint2 = sector[j].ceilingz - pos->z;
if (tempint2 > 0)
if (tempint2 < tempint1)
*sectnum = j; tempint1 = tempint2;
if (sector[j].floorstat&2)
tempint2 = pos->z - getflorzofslope(j, pos->x, pos->y);
tempint2 = pos->z - sector[j].floorz;
if (tempint2 <= 0)
*sectnum = j;
return retval;
if (tempint2 < tempint1)
*sectnum = j; tempint1 = tempint2;
return retval;
// pushmove
int32_t pushmove(vec3_t *vect, int16_t *sectnum,
int32_t walldist, int32_t ceildist, int32_t flordist, uint32_t cliptype)
int32_t i, j, k, t, dx, dy, dax, day, daz;
int32_t dir, bad, bad2;
const int32_t dawalclipmask = (cliptype&65535);
// const int32_t dasprclipmask = (cliptype>>16);
if (*sectnum < 0)
return -1;
k = 32;
dir = 1;
int32_t clipsectcnt;
bad = 0;
clipsectorlist[0] = *sectnum;
clipsectcnt = 0; clipsectnum = 1;
const twalltype *wal;
const tsectortype *sec;
int32_t startwall, endwall;
#if 0
// Push FACE sprites
for (i=headspritesect[clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt]]; i>=0; i=nextspritesect[i])
spr = &sprite[i];
if (((spr->cstat&48) != 0) && ((spr->cstat&48) != 48)) continue;
if ((spr->cstat&dasprclipmask) == 0) continue;
dax = (vect->x)-spr->x; day = (vect->y)-spr->y;
t = (spr->clipdist<<2)+walldist;
if ((klabs(dax) < t) && (klabs(day) < t))
daz = spr->z + spriteheightofs(i, &t, 1);
if (((vect->z) < daz+ceildist) && ((vect->z) > daz-t-flordist))
t = (spr->clipdist<<2)+walldist;
j = getangle(dax, day);
dx = (sintable[(j+512)&2047]>>11);
dy = (sintable[(j)&2047]>>11);
bad2 = 16;
vect->x = (vect->x) + dx; vect->y = (vect->y) + dy;
bad2--; if (bad2 == 0) break;
} while ((klabs((vect->x)-spr->x) < t) && (klabs((vect->y)-spr->y) < t));
bad = -1;
k--; if (k <= 0) return(bad);
updatesector(vect->x, vect->y, sectnum);
sec = (tsectortype *)&sector[clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt]];
if (dir > 0)
startwall = sec->wallptr, endwall = startwall + sec->wallnum;
endwall = sec->wallptr, startwall = endwall + sec->wallnum;
for (i=startwall, wal=(twalltype *)&wall[startwall]; i!=endwall; i+=dir, wal+=dir)
if (clipinsidebox((vec2_t *)vect, i, walldist-4) == 1)
j = 0;
if (wal->nextsector < 0) j = 1;
if (wal->cstat&dawalclipmask) j = 1;
if (j == 0)
const tsectortype *const sec2 = (tsectortype *)&sector[wal->nextsector];
int32_t daz2;
//Find closest point on wall (dax, day) to (vect->x, vect->y)
dax = wall[wal->point2].x-wal->x;
day = wall[wal->point2].y-wal->y;
daz = dax*((vect->x)-wal->x) + day*((vect->y)-wal->y);
if (daz <= 0)
t = 0;
daz2 = dax*dax+day*day;
if (daz >= daz2) t = (1<<30); else t = divscale30(daz, daz2);
dax = wal->x + mulscale30(dax, t);
day = wal->y + mulscale30(day, t);
daz = getflorzofslope(clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt], dax, day);
daz2 = getflorzofslope(wal->nextsector, dax, day);
if ((daz2 < daz-(1<<8)) && ((sec2->floorstat&1) == 0))
if (vect->z >= daz2-(flordist-1)) j = 1;
daz = getceilzofslope(clipsectorlist[clipsectcnt], dax, day);
daz2 = getceilzofslope(wal->nextsector, dax, day);
if ((daz2 > daz+(1<<8)) && ((sec2->ceilingstat&1) == 0))
if (vect->z <= daz2+(ceildist-1)) j = 1;
if (j != 0)
j = getangle(wall[wal->point2].x-wal->x, wall[wal->point2].y-wal->y);
dx = (sintable[(j+1024)&2047]>>11);
dy = (sintable[(j+512)&2047]>>11);
bad2 = 16;
vect->x = (vect->x) + dx; vect->y = (vect->y) + dy;
bad2--; if (bad2 == 0) break;
} while (clipinsidebox((vec2_t *)vect, i, walldist-4) != 0);
bad = -1;
k--; if (k <= 0) return(bad);
updatesector(vect->x, vect->y, sectnum);
if (*sectnum < 0) return -1;
for (j=clipsectnum-1; j>=0; j--)
if (wal->nextsector == clipsectorlist[j]) break;
if (j < 0) clipsectorlist[clipsectnum++] = wal->nextsector;
} while (clipsectcnt < clipsectnum);
dir = -dir;
} while (bad != 0);