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// "Build Engine & Tools" Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Ken Silverman
// Ken Silverman's official web site: "http://www.advsys.net/ken"
// See the included license file "BUILDLIC.TXT" for license info.
BUILD engine Notes (8/14/95):
BUILD programmed by Ken Silverman
ESC = Quit
Mouse = Movement
Arrows = Movement
Lt. Enter = Single-player: Play back game.
Multi-player: View from other player's eyes.
Rt. Enter = Switch between 3D / 2D modes
Lt. +/- = Zoom in 2D mode
A/Z = Move up and down
Left-Ctrl = Shoot
1/2 = Select weapon
Left-Shift = Run
T = Reset Timing (sets totalclock = 0)
V = Change visibility. In BUILD.H there is a visiblity variable.
It is initialized to 13. It can range from around 8 (darker)
to about 15 (lighter).
P = Change parallaxing sky mode. (0, 1, and 2 (Default = 2)
F12 = Screen capture (saves image as a *.BMP file, starting as file
name CAPTUR00.BMP and incrementing by 1 each time F12 is
There are 2 modes in the BUILD editor:
3D EDIT MODE (Same as PLAY MODE but with a mouse cursor)
2D EDIT MODE (The overhead map of the board with an arrow showing your
position and angle and a mouse cursor)
It is essential that you use both editor modes:
Use the 3D EDIT MODE to change the attributes of a sector, wall, or sprite
such as:
Tile number - Tells which picture in the artwork file goes on the
object. Press V to change.
Shade - The shade of the object. Press -/+ to change.
Repeating - The "smooshiness" of a wall. Also for sprites. Press
keypad 2,4,6,8 to change.
Panning - The starting offset into the tile graphics. Press
Shift + keypad 2,4,6,8 to change.
Height - For ceilings, floors, and sprites. Press PGUP or PGDN
to change.
and there are a few other special attributes.
Use the 2D EDIT MODE to add, delete, or change the shape of sectors.
To switch between the two EDIT MODES, press the keypad enter key.
ESC = Quit
keypad ENTER = Flip to the 2D overhead editor
Mouse = Move mouse cursor
Arrows = Move you in the appropriate directions
Caps Lock = There are 3 different Z coordinate modes in BUILD.
Mode 0: Game mode (default)
Mode 1: Height lock mode
Mode 2: Float mode
Press Caps Lock to switch between the 3 modes.
A and Z move up and down for all 3 modes.
Note: For the following keys, it is important to move the mouse cursor to
the right position before using them. Also, if you hold down the first mouse
button, then the item under the mouse cursor will be locked as the
highlighted object while the button is held down. This is useful for the
PGUP/DN keys, when different objects come into view even without moving your
coordinates or the mouse cursor.
There are 4 basic types of objects that can be worked with in this part
of the editor: WALLS, CEILINGS, FLOORS, and SPRITES.
PGUP/DN = Raise or Lower a ceiling or floor. (If a wall is selected,
the ceiling of that sector will move) Also, if you did a
sector highlight in 2D EDIT MODE, you can raise / lower
multiple sectors at a time.
Ctrl-PGUP/DN = For sprites only, puts sprites exactly on the floor or exactly
on the ceiling.
V = Tile selection - use arrow keys to move around. Press ENTER
to change the object to the highlighted piece of artwork, or
press ESC to cancel without changes made.
ALT-V = Height selection - works just like V, but this selects the
groudraw height map.
2,4,6,8 (keypad) = Repeat values (smooshiness of the sizes of pixels) -
think of these keys as arrow keys controlling the bottom
right corner of the bitmap. Normally, this is used for walls
and sprites. If you select a floor or ceiling, all the walls
in that sector will be affected. Perhaps this can be used
to make sprites grow and shrink as they get healthy or hurt.
Shift +
2,4,6,8 (keypad) = Panning values (offset into the tile) - These keys are
useful when the you want a long wall to look continuous when
they normally would not look continuous.
/ = Use this key to reset the panning values (if you're lost!)
5 (keypad) = If you hold down this key down in addition to the 2,4,6,8
keys (keypad),the values will align at multiples of 8.
.> = This key attempts to match up all the tiles along a wall. It
scans along the walls towards the right as long as the picture
number of the next wall is the same as the original picture
number. Note that some walls may not work right, especially
floor / ceiling steps.
F = Flip an object. For sprites and walls, this flips the object
x-wise. For ceilings and floors, the objects are flipped in
8 possible ways. Just keep pressing 'F' to go through
the 8 ways.
ALT-F = When you use relative alignment mode on ceiling and floor
textures, you can press Alt-F on the ceiling or floor to
choose a new wall to align to. It actually rotates the walls
of a sector by 1.
O = Wall orientation (whether it starts from the top or bottom)
Normally, walls are oriented from the top. For example, if
you hold down 2/8 on the keypad in 3D EDIT MODE, the wall
always starts from the top. Orientation works differently
for white lines and red lines, so if a wall doesn't look
right, just press 'O' anyway to see if it get fixed.
TAB = COPY. Copy the attibutes of the highlighted objects into a
temporary place. The attributes it remembers are:
tile, shade, x-repeat, y-repeat, and cstat values.
Left ENTER = PASTE. Paste the stored attributes over the highlighted
object. Whenever you press ENTER, the y-repeat values stay
the same, and the x-repeat values are adjusted so the pixels
of the bitmaps have a square-aspect ratio.
Ctrl+L.ENTER = Left ENTER with the ctrl key will paste the attribtues to
every wall in a loop (if a wall is highlighted).
Shft+L.ENTER = Left ENTER with the shift key also pressed copies the shade
Ctrl+Shft+L.ENTER = Auto-shade a sector. First make any wall of the loop
as light as the lightest shade you want. Then make any other
wall of the loop as dark as the darkest shade you want.
Finally press Ctrl-Shift Enter on the wall that should be
lightest. Now the loop should be smoothly shaded. If it
is not smoothly shaded, you may need to insert more points
on the walls.
P = Make the ceiling of the given sector have a Parallaxing sky
or just a normal ceiling.
G = Make the floor of the given sector have a Groudraw
(floor with height mapping). I do not recommend using this
attribute very extensively yet. (See the H key for selecting
the height map)
E = An option for ceilings and floors. If for some reason, you
want a tile to be smooshed into the normal 64*64 area, press
E to unExpand the tile. Press E again, and the tile will be
expanded, so the pixel size is the same as the normal 64*64
R = Relative alignment - switch between relative alignment mode
and normal mode. Allows floor / ceiling textures to align
to the first 2 points of a sector. Textures will rotate/pan
with moving sectors properly. Notice that bit 6 of both
sector[].ceilingstat and sector[].floorstat are relative
alignment bits.
B = Make an invisible wall, such as a window, block you from
going through. Since the wall is invisible, you can also
highlight the ceiling right above the window or floor
right below the window. You can block either the front or
the back of the window. If you block the back only, you
will be able to go onto the window sill.
T = Press to make a maskable wall 50/50 transluscent. Press T
again to put the masked wall back to normal mode.
M = Make a maskable wall. Press in the same place you press 'B'.
The masking wall takes all its attributes from the front of
the wall, so it must have the same repeat, panning, and cstat
values as the walls above or below it (if you have a step).
The masking picture number is stored in overpicnum. Also,
the masking walls is also automatically added the the other
side of the wall, with the picture flipped. (see the 'F'
key descripte above)
Shift + M = Make a maskable wall just like 'M' described above, but only
on the front side.
1 = Make a 1-way wall.
2 = Some walls have two different sections. One step on the
ceiling and one step on the floor. Normally they always
have the same attributes. It is possible though, to give
both the top and bottom different attributes by pressing 2 on
that wall. 2 simply makes the bottom wall's attributes
separately editable. Press 2 on either the top or bottom
O = Wall orientation (whether it starts from the top or bottom)
Normally, walls are oriented from the top. For example, if
you hold down 2/8 on the keypad in 3D EDIT MODE, the wall
always starts from the top. Orientation works differently
for white lines and red lines, so if a wall doesn't look
right, just press 'O' anyway to see if it get fixed.
H = Toggle hitscan pass through bit. Default is pass through.
B = When the mouse cursor is on a sprite, this makes a sprite
block you from walking through. Also makes the sprite
sensitive to hitscan. Sprites with the 'B' attribute will
appear pink in 2D EDIT MODE
T = Press to make a sprite 50/50 transluscent. Press T again
to put sprite back to normal mode.
ESC = Show a menu that says, "(N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, (Q)uit"
Press ESC again to cancel the menu.
keypad ENTER = Flip back to the 3D edit mode
Mouse = Move mouse cursor
Left mouse button = If you hold down the left mouse button, you can drag
existing points. To drag multiple points you can use
the right shift key to first select a rectangular
region of points to highlight, then just drag any of
the highlighted points and the rest move with it.
Right mouse button = Moves the player's positions to the mouse cursor.
This is useful when you accidently get stuck somewhere
in the board, or when you need to edit some part of
a sector that is hard to access.
Right Shift = Select a bunch of points for use with dragging around.
Selects all points inside a box. (Use the left mouse
button to drag)
Ctrl+Right Shift = Select a bunch of points for use with dragging around.
Selects all points on a loop. (Use the left mouse
button to drag)
Right Alt = Select a bunch of sectors for either duplication or
dragging around. (see left mouse button for
dragging and the insert key for duplication).
Arrows = Move player position in the appropriate directions.
The player will be clipped. To jump to a different part
of the board, use the right mouse button.
Space = Press the space bar when drawing new sectors. There
are several ways of drawing new sectors. The following
three ways of drawing sectors can all be done by only
using the space bar. The computer is smart enough to
decide which method you are using.
1. Drawing a FULL LOOP - that is, whenever the new
sector meets the old sector, draw over that line
again. In full loop mode the new sector must not
already be in another sector. The loop is done
when you press the space bar at the first point
2. SPLITTING a sector - press space bar to draw points
at which you want to split a sector. The computer
knows you are done splitting when you end at
another point that's on the edge of the sector you
are splitting.
3. Drawing a sector COMPLETELY INSIDE another sector.
(for example, columns) To do this, just press space
bar at every point in the loop. The loop is done
when you press the space bar at the first point
Backspace = When plotting points with the space bar, you can use
backspace to get rid of the last point plotted. You
can press the backspace to get rid of all the points
if you didn't want to start a sector at all.
Insert = Inserts a new point at the midpoint of the highlighted
line. Then you can drag the point to wherever you like.
(If you insert on a red line, the point will be inserted
on both sides of the sector line.)
If a bunch of sectors are selected (see right ALT) then
instead of inserted points, the selected sector bunch
will be duplicated (stamped). Don't forget to drag
the selected sectors after stamping.
Delete = Use this to delete sprites (blue circles). To delete
points of a sector border, don't press delete. Instead,
drag the point into one of its 2 neighbor points on the
sector. This is easist done if grid locking is on
(mouse cursor is pink). If 2 neighbor points are equal,
one will automatically be deleted.
Right Ctrl-Delete = This deletes the whole sector that the mouse cursor is
in. Note the right ctrl for protection.
(Note: to delete a point of a sector, just drag that point into the next
point and it will automatically be deleted. You should do this with
grid-locking on)
J = Use to join two neighboring sectors. Press J when mouse
cursor is over the first sector. Then press J again
when the mouse cursor is over the neighboring sector.
The attributes of the combined sector will be taken from
the first sector selected.
ALT-S = When you have a white loop inside a sector, you can
press ALT-S on it (highlight any of its lines) to turn
the whole loop red.
S = Places a sprite at the location under the mouse cursor.
A sprite looks like a blue circle in the overhead map.
B = Blocks / unblocks you from going through a wall or
sprites. A blocked wall or sprite will appear pink
in 2D EDIT MODE. See the description for 'B' in
the 3D EDIT MODE section for more details.
C = Turn a line into a circle defined by short line
segments. First press 'C' on a highlighted wall. Then
move the mouse to the right place and press '+' or '-'
if you want to change the number of points on the
circle. Press 'C' again to cancel the circle drawing or
press the Space bar to actually change the map.
+/- = Increase / Decrease the number of points on the circle.
T = Type in a LO-tag for a sector. Move the mouse cursor to
the inside of a sector that you want to tag first.
ALT-T = Just like 'T' but for walls and sprites.
H = Type in a HI-tag for a sector. Move the mouse cursor to
the inside of a sector that you want to tag first.
ALT-H = Just like 'H' but for walls and sprites.
E = Change a sprite's status list number.
< and > = Changes angle of sprite. Move the mouse cursor to a
sprite first. You can hold down shift with the < and >
to get more precise angles. If you did a sector
highlight, then the selected sector will be rotated
CTRL-T = Turn tag boxes on/off.
TAB = Move the mouse cursor to the inside of a sector that you
you want to see the attributes of. It will show them
at the bottom of the status bar. To clear it, press
TAB again at somewhere in the board that is not part
of any sector. This is a useful key for debugging.
ALT-TAB = Works just like TAB, but here, you can see the
attributes of highlighted walls or sprites. For red
lines, the side the mouse cursor is on the line affects
which line is highlighted, since red lines are actually
defined as 2 walls (1 wall for each sector).
Scroll Lock = Set starting position (brown arrow) to your current
position (white arrow).
A,Z = Zoom in and out. This is useful for choosing whether
you want to edit finely or not.
G = Change grid resolution. The grid resolution cycles
through this sequence:
(off, 1x, 2x, 4x (default), 8x, 16x)
L = Turns grid locking on or off. If the mouse cursor is
pink then grid locking is on. If it is white then
grid locking is off. There is no grid locking
if the grid is turned off. Also, grid locking will
lock to nearby points.
---- Keys you will need to know if you want to select from a section of
a 320*200*256 picture file (.BMP and .PCX only) and put it into the BUILD
U - Use this to import a section of a 320*200*256 .BMP, .PCX, or .GIF.
³ Enter - Convert the image that is inside the rectangular selection
³ rectangle to the BUILD palette.
³ Space - Convert the image that is inside the rectangular selection
³ rectangle without remapping the palette.
³ P - If in the picture selecting screen (after pressing U and loading
³ the picture), you press P, then the palette of BUILD can be
ÀÄÄ replaced by the palette of the displayed picture.
PGUP/PGDN - Select tile to edit (4096 tile maximum right now).
G - GOTO a tile by typing in the tile number.
S - Re-size tile. The X and Y sizes can be any unsigned short integer.
X ranges from 0 to 1024, and Y ranges from 0 to 240.
Delete - short cut key to set both the X and Y sizes to 0.
+,- Change the animation setting. (Default: NoAnm = 0.)
To change the animation type, press - when the value is 0.
Ex: If you want an object to have 4 tiles of animation, you can
animate it in 4 different sequences: (0 is the current tile)
NoAnm=4 sequence: 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,... (no animation)
Oscis=4 sequence: 0,1,2,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,2,... (oscillate)
AnmFD=4 sequence: 0,1,2,3,0,1,2,3,0,1,2,... (forwards)
AnmBK=4 sequence: 0,-1,-2,-3,0,-1,-2,-3,... (backwards)
A - Set the animation speed of the tile. Press + and - to change the
animation speed. There are 16 different animation speeds. The
animation speed set here set the speed for BUILD and your GAME also.
(Speed is proportional to (totalclock>>animspeed))
~' - This key (located just above the TAB key) allows you to center a
sprite. Simply use the arrow keys to get to the desired position.
N - Name a tile. Naming a tile simply changes the #define statement in
NAMES.H. You should include NAMES.H when compiling so you can easily
refer to sprites by name rather than by number.
O - Optimize the size of an individual piece of artwork. Use this for
tiles with invisible pixels on the sides.
V - View and select a tile to edit.
³ Space - To swap 2 tiles simply press space bar on the first tile,
³ then space bar on the second.
³ 1,2,3 - To swap a group of tiles, press 1 on the first tile,
³ press 2 to remember the region between where you pressed
³ 1 and 2. Press 3 at the place to where you want to swap
ÀÄÄ all the tiles.
ALT+U- Re-grab artwork from original pictures according to the CAPFIL.TXT
file. If you press ALT-U in the main screen, everything will be
re-grabbed. If you press ALT-U in 'V' mode, then you should first
select the range by pressing '1' and '2' on the range boundaries.
ALT+R- Generate a Tile frequency report by scanning all maps in directory.
Use in 'V' mode only.
F12 - Screen capture (saves image as a *.BMP file, starting as file
name CAPTUR00.BMP and incrementing by 1 each time F12 is
ESC - Quit.
---- Extra features: (if you actually want to do the artwork in EDITART
or if you want to touch-up some imported art.)
C - Change all pixels on the tile having the same color under the
graphics cursor to to selected color.
Arrows / Mouse - Move graphics cursor.
Shift + Arrows - Select color. (on bottom right corner of screen)
Space - Plot a pixel with the selected color.
T - Turn drawing trail on / off.
Tab - Select the color under the graphics cursor.
BACKSPACE - Set the color to color 255 (transparent color).
F - Floodfill a region with the current color and with the current
color as a boundary.
M,P - Use M to back up a tile into a temporary buffer in memory and P
to restore it. It may be wise to press M before a floodfill (F)
(because sometimes you miss encapsulating the region by 1 pixel,
and the whole picture gets killed, etc...)
J - Randomly plots dots of current color over any pixels having the
same color as the color under the tile cursor.
[ - Random antialias of colors in color band under graphics cursor.
] - Non-random antialias of colors in color band under graphics cursor.
; - 3-Dimentionalize an image. Makes colors in different rows of the
color bar either appear to stick out or stick in to the wall.
' - 3-Dimentionalize the other way.
R - Rotate the tile in a specified direction.
1 - Mark the first corner of a rectangle for a copy/paste operation.
2 - Mark the other corner of a rectangle for a copy/paste operation.
3 - Paste the selected rectangle (Note: You must press 1 and 2 in that
order first before pressing 3. Pretty simple 1-2-3 for copy&paste)
4 - Flip the copied rectangular region x-wise.
5 - Flip the copied rectangular region y-wise.
6 - Swap the x and y coordinates of the copied rectangular region.
,.<> - Change the shade of the selected region.
\ - Move the cursor to the center or the tile.
| - Get the coordinates of the cursor.
initengine(char vidoption, long xdim, long ydim)
Sets up interrupt vectors for keyboard, and initializes many variables
for the BUILD engine. You should call this once before any other
functions of the BUILD engine are used.
vidoption can be anywhere from 0-6
xdim,ydim can be any mode x resolution if vidoption = 0
xdim,ydim can be any vesa resolution if vidoption = 1
xdim,ydim must be 320*200 for any other mode.
(see graphics mode selection in my setup program)
Restores interrupt vectors for keyboard and timer, and frees
buffers. You should call this once at the end of the program
before quitting to dos.
loadboard(char *filename, long *posx, long *posy, long *posz, short *ang, short *cursectnum)
Loads the given board file into memory for the BUILD engine.
Returns -1 if file not found. If no extension is given, .MAP will
be appended to the filename.
saveboard(char *filename, long *posx, long *posy, long *posz, short *ang, short *cursectnum)
Saves the given board from memory inro the specified filename.
Returns -1 if unable to save. If no extension is given, .MAP will
be appended to the filename.
loadpics(char *filename);
Loads the given artwork file into memory for the BUILD engine.
Returns -1 if file not found. If no extension is given, .ART will
be appended to the filename.
This function sets the video mode to 320*200*256color graphics.
Since BUILD supports several different modes including mode x,
mode 13h, and other special modes, I don't expect you to write
any graphics output functions. (Soon I have all the necessary
functions) If for some reason, you use your own graphics mode,
you must call this function again before using the BUILD drawing
drawrooms(long posx, long posy, long posz, short ang, long horiz, short cursectnum)
This function draws the 3D screen to the current drawing page,
which is not yet shown. This way, you can overwrite some things
over the 3D screen such as a gun. Be sure to call the drawmasks()
function soon after you call the drawrooms() function. To view
the screen, use the nextpage() function. The nextpage() function
should always be called sometime after each draw3dscreen()
This function draws all the sprites and masked walls to the current
drawing page which is not yet shown. The reason I have the drawing
split up into these 2 routines is so you can animate just the
sprites that are about to be drawn instead of having to animate
all the sprites on the whole board. Drawrooms() prepares these
variables: spritex[], spritey[], spritepicnum[], thesprite[],
and spritesortcnt. Spritesortcnt is the number of sprites about
to be drawn to the page. To change the sprite's picnum, simply
modify the spritepicnum array If you want to change other parts
of the sprite structure, then you can use the thesprite array to
get an index to the actual sprite number.
This function allows the engine to adjust your position depending
on the status of the arrow keys, and other control keys. It
handles timing and clipping.
After a screen is prepared, use this function to view the screen.
draw2dscreen(long posxe, long posye, short ange, long zoome,
short gride)
Draws the 2d screen - this function is a direct replacement
for the drawrooms() and drawmasks() functions. Be sure
to call either qsetmode640350() or qsetmode640480()
first. When switching back to 3d mode, be sure to call
1. The overwritesprite function should only be called in
3D mode. If you do this in 2D mode, junk will be
written to the 2D screen and a crash is possible.
2. When you switch back to 3D mode, you should call the
permanentwritesprite functions to draw the status bar,
or whatever else you have to draw.
3. You must call the nextpage() function in both 2D and
3D modes.
Set to the game mode and load palette (320*200*256)
Set to the 2D map mode #1 (640*350*16)
Set to the 2D map mode #2 (640*480*16)
doanimations(long numtics);
This function animates anything you use setanimation for (like doors).
You should call it for every frame. Pass the number of tics (lockspeed)
as a parameter to it to tell how much everything should animate.
kenchaintimer(void (__interrupt __far *datimerchainaddress)(),
short dachainpersecond)
This function makes the engine's timerhandler chain to another timer
handler at any specified interrupt rate. This function forces IRQ0 to
point to my engine's timerhandler. Clockspeed and totalclock will
be fixed at counting 120 per second regardless of the chaining interrupt
rate. If you call this function with a NULL pointer, then the engine's
timerhandler will not chain anymore.
Here's how you should structure your code if you use this function:
musicon(); //Turn music on after engine
//When IRQ0 goes off, it will now go to
//Ken's timer handler. Then, Ken's timer
(main loop) //handler will make yourtimerhandler
//interrupt yourtimerrate times per second
kenchaintimer(0,0); //Stop chaining BEFORE music handler dies!
overwritesprite (long thex, long they, short tilenum,
signed char shade, char orientation, char dapalnum)
Use this function to draw any sprites that must be drawn to the screen
for every single frame, such as a gun or a menu system.
If Bit 0 of orientation = 0: (thex, they) is top-left corner
If Bit 0 of orientation = 1: (thex, they) is middle
If Bit 1 of orientation = 0: no relation to viewing window
If Bit 1 of orientation = 1: scale and clip to viewing window
If Bit 2 of orientation = 0: normal
If Bit 2 of orientation = 1: 50/50 transluscent!
If Bit 3 of orientation = 0: normal
If Bit 3 of orientation = 1: x-flipped
If Bit 4 of orientation = 0: normal
If Bit 4 of orientation = 1: y-flipped
* If it works at full screen, simply set bit 1 of orientation
to 1, and it should automatically scale properly!
Use this function to write sprites over the 3d view. For example,
you can make a menu system with this function. Be sure
that you call this function for every single frame after the 3d
view is drawn or else it will be flashed on for only 1 frame.
If you want x and y to be the top left corner, set the orientation
to 0. If you want x and y to be the middle of the sprite, set the
orientation to 1. The reason I included the orienation = 1 option
is so that if you want a sprite centered and the size of the tile
changes, you don't need to recompile and guess where the new top
left corner is. Oh yeah, and I forget to mention that if shade is
greater than 32, than overwritesprite does transluscence. (Try it
out!) This function will clip the sprite to the startumost and
startdmost arrays. Dapalnum refers to a palette lookup list
(normally 0).
rotatesprite (long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum,
signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat,
long cx1, long cy1, long cx2, long cy2)
(sx, sy) is the center of the sprite to draw defined as
screen coordinates shifted up by 16.
(z) is the zoom. Normal zoom is 65536.
Ex: 131072 is zoomed in 2X and 32768 is zoomed out 2X.
(a) is the angle (0 is straight up)
(picnum) is the tile number
(dashade) is 0 normally but can be any standard shade up to 31 or 63.
(dapalnum) can be from 0-255.
if ((dastat&1) == 0) - no transluscence
if ((dastat&1) != 0) - transluscence
if ((dastat&2) == 0) - don't scale to setview's viewing window
if ((dastat&2) != 0) - scale to setview's viewing window (windowx1,etc.)
if ((dastat&4) == 0) - nuttin' special
if ((dastat&4) != 0) - y-flip image
if ((dastat&8) == 0) - clip to startumost/startdmost
if ((dastat&8) != 0) - don't clip to startumost/startdmost
if ((dastat&16) == 0) - use Editart center as point passed
if ((dastat&16) != 0) - force point passed to be top-left corner
if ((dastat&32) == 0) - nuttin' special
if ((dastat&32) != 0) - use reverse transluscence
if ((dastat&64) == 0) - masked drawing (check 255's) (slower)
if ((dastat&64) != 0) - draw everything (don't check 255's) (faster)
Note: As a special case, if both ((dastat&2) != 0) and ((dastat&8) != 0)
then rotatesprite will scale to the full screen (0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1)
rather than setview's viewing window. (windowx1,windowy1,etc.) This
case is useful for status bars, etc.
Ex: rotatesprite(160L<<16,100L<<16,65536,totalclock<<4,
This example will draw the DEMOSIGN tile in the center of the
screen and rotate about once per second. The sprite will only
get drawn inside the rectangle from (50,50) to (270,150)
permanentwritesprite (long thex, long they, short tilenum, signed char shade,
long cx1, long cy1, long cx2, long cy2, char dapalnum)
- Added permanentwritesprite function for status bars or other
sections of the screen that will not be overwritten by the
engine. The format of this function is like overwritesprite
except that the x and y are always top left corner, no
orientation variable, and no translucence.
The 4 last parameters (cx1, cy1) - (cx2, cy2) define a
rectangular clipping window of where permanentwritesprite
can draw to. Dapalnum refers to a palette lookup list
(normally 0).
printext(long x, long y, char buffer[42], short tilenum, char invisiblecol);
Use this function to print text anywhere on the screen from a font
that you can create in EDITART. Please see my example font in
TILES.ART to see how I lay out the user-defined font. X ranges
from 0-319. Y ranges from 0-199. The buffer is the string to
print. Tilenum specifies which font to use. Invisiblecol tells
printext what color to draw the transparent pixels. If
invisiblecol is 255 then the transpararent pixels are still
printnum(long x, long y, long num, short tilenum, char invisiblecol);
Printnum is a function call that will print a long integer (num)
starting at top left corner x, y. Please look at the documentation
for printext, since internally, printnum simply prepares a buffer
and calls the printext function.
setvmode(long videomode);
If you look at the top of GAME.C, you will see something like this:
#pragma aux setvmode =\... This is how you do in-line assembler in
WATCOM C. All this function is doing is setting the video mode.
Use this function after setting to text mode to view some statics
about the engine, such as frame rate.
Resets timing, such as setting totalclock = 0. Also resets other
timers. This is for use with the showengineinfo function above.
ksqrt(long num); returns (long)square root
A square root function optimized for integers. Use this function
only if you want to.
This simply returns a random number. You can easily set the random
seed by externing the randomseed variable as a long. This is useful
for keeping the random seed the same on multiple computers when playing
multi-player mode.
getangle(long xvect,long yvect); returns (short)angle;
Use this function call to determine the angle between two points.
For example, if you want a monster to shoot a bullet towards you,
you would get the bullet's angle this way:
sprite[bullet].ang = getangle(posx-sprite[monst].x,posy-sprite[monst].y);
lastwall(short point);
Use this function as a reverse function of wall[].point2. In order
to save memory, my walls are only on a single linked list.
rotatepoint(long xpivot, long ypivot, long x, long y,
short daang, long *x2, long *y2);
This function is a very convenient and fast math helper function.
Rotate points easily with this function without having to juggle your
cosines and sines. Simply pass it:
Input: 1. Pivot point (xpivot,ypivot)
2. Original point (x,y)
3. Angle to rotate (0 = nothing, 512 = 90ø CW, etc.)
Output: 4. Rotated point (*x2,*y2)
clipmove(long *x, long *y, long *z, short *sectnum, long xvect, long yvect,
long walldist, long ceildist, long flordist, char cliptype)
Moves any object (x, y, z) in any direction at any velocity and will
make sure the object will stay a certain distance from walls (walldist)
Pass the pointers of the starting position (x, y, z). Then
pass the starting position's sector number as a pointer also.
Also these values will be modified accordingly. Pass the
direction and velocity by using a vector (xvect, yvect).
If you don't fully understand these equations, please call me.
xvect = velocity * cos(angle)
yvect = velocity * sin(angle)
Walldist tells how close the object can get to a wall. I use
128L as my default. If you increase walldist all of a sudden
for a certain object, the object might leak through a wall, so
don't do that!
If cliptype is 0, then the clipping is normal (Use 0 to clip you
and monsters). If the cliptype is 1, then the object is clipped to
the same things that hitscan is clipped to (use 1 for all bullets).
Clipmove can either return 0 (touched nothing)
32768+wallnum (wall first touched)
49152+spritenum (sprite first touched)
getzrange(long x, long y, long z, short sectnum,
long *ceilz, long *ceilhit,
long *florz, long *florhit,
long walldist, char cliptype)
Use this in conjunction with clipmove. This function will keep the
player from falling off cliffs when you're too close to the edge. This
function finds the highest and lowest z coordinates that your clipping
BOX can get to. It must search for all sectors (and sprites) that go
into your clipping box. This method is better than using
sector[cursectnum].ceilingz and sector[cursectnum].floorz because this
searches the whole clipping box for objects, not just 1 point.
Pass x, y, z, sector normally. Walldist can be 128. Cliptype can be
0, 1, or 2. (just like movesprite and clipmove) This function returns
the z extents in ceilz and florz. It will return the object hit in ceilhit
and florhit.
Ceilhit and florhit will also be either:
16384+sector (sector first touched) or
49152+spritenum (sprite first touched)
updatesector(long x, long y, &sectnum);
This function updates the sector number according to the x and y values
passed to it. Be careful when you use this function with sprites because
remember that the sprite's sector number should not be modified directly.
If you want to update a sprite's sector, I recomment using the setsprite
function described below.
inside(long x, long y, short sectnum);
Tests to see whether the overhead point (x, y) is inside sector (sectnum)
Returns either 0 or 1, where 1 means it is inside, and 0 means it is not.
copytilepiece(long tilenume1, long sourcex1, long sourcey1,
long xsiz, long ysiz,
long tilenume2, long destx1, long desty1)
This function simply copies any section of a source tile
to any part of a destination tile. It will automatically
skip transparent pixels. It will wrap-around in the
source but not the destination. If for some reason
the destination tile gets removed from the cache, the
destination tile will be reset to original form. This
is why I had to add this second function:
allocatepermanenttile(short tilenume, long xsiz, long ysiz)
This function allocates a place on the cache as permanent.
Right now, I reset the cache every time you call this
function so I would recommend calling this function
right after loadpics.
makepalookup(long palnum, char *remapbuf,
signed char r, signed char g, signed char b,
char dastat)
This function allows different shirt colors for sprites. First prepare
remapbuf, which is a 256 byte buffer of chars which the colors to remap.
Palnum can be anywhere from 1-15. Since 0 is where the normal palette is
stored, it is a bad idea to call this function with palnum=0.
In BUILD.H notice I added a new variable, spritepal[MAXSPRITES].
Usually the value of this is 0 for the default palette. But if you
change it to the palnum in the code between drawrooms() and drawmasks
then the sprite will be drawn with that remapped palette. The last 3
parameters are the color that the palette fades to as you get further
away. This color is normally black (0,0,0). White would be (63,63,63).
if ((dastat&1) == 0) then makepalookup will allocate & deallocate
the memory block for use but will not waste the time creating a palookup
table (assuming you will create one yourself)
copytilepiece(long walnume1, long x1, long y1, long xsiz, long ysiz,
long walnume2, long x2, long y2, char shadeoffs);
Copies section of tile 1 (walnume1) with top-left corner (x1,y1) and
rectangular size (xsiz, ysiz) to top-left corner (x2, y2) of tile 2
(walnume). You can animate tiles with this function. For example, with
this function, you can make a slot machine like in Ken's Labyrinth or an
electronic sign with text sliding from right to left.
loadtile(short tilenume);
This function will load the tile, tilenum, into the artwork cache. A
tile is not in the cache if (waloff[tilenum] == -1). If
(waloff[tilenum] >= 0) then it is in the cache, and you don't need to call
this function.
This function will go through the tilenums of all sectors, walls, and
sprites and call loadtile() on them. This function will not cache in some
tiles of animations since their tilenums may not all be in the structures.
hitscan(long xstart, long ystart, long zstart, short startsectnum,
long vectorx, long vectory, long vectorz,
short *hitsect, short *hitwall, short *hitsprite,
long *hitx, long *hity, long *hitz);
Pass the starting 3D position:
(xstart, ystart, zstart, startsectnum)
Then pass the 3D angle to shoot (defined as a 3D vector):
(vectorx, vectory, vectorz)
Then set up the return values for the object hit:
(hitsect, hitwall, hitsprite)
and the exact 3D point where the ray hits:
(hitx, hity, hitz)
How to determine what was hit:
* Hitsect is always equal to the sector that was hit (always >= 0).
* If the ray hits a sprite then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = thespritenumber
hitwall = -1
* If the ray hits a wall then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = -1
hitwall = thewallnumber
* If the ray hits the ceiling of a sector then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = -1
hitwall = -1
vectorz < 0
(If vectorz < 0 then you're shooting upward which means
that you couldn't have hit a floor)
* If the ray hits the floor of a sector then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = -1
hitwall = -1
vectorz > 0
(If vectorz > 0 then you're shooting downard which means
that you couldn't have hit a ceiling)
neartag(long x, long y, long z, short sectnum, short ang, //Starting position & angle
short *neartagsector, //Returns near sector if sector[].tag != 0
short *neartagwall, //Returns near wall if wall[].tag != 0
short *neartagsprite, //Returns near sprite if sprite[].tag != 0
long *neartaghitdist, //Returns actual distance to object (scale: 1024=largest grid size)
long neartagrange, //Choose maximum distance to scan (scale: 1024=largest grid size)
char tagsearch) //1-lotag only, 2-hitag only, 3-lotag&hitag
Neartag works sort of like hitscan, but is optimized to
scan only close objects and scan only objects with
tags != 0. Neartag is perfect for the first line of your space bar code.
It will tell you what door you want to open or what switch you want to
cansee(long x1, long y1, long z1, short sectnum1,
long x2, long y2, long z2, short sectnum2); returns 0 or 1
This function determines whether or not two 3D points can "see" each
other or not. All you do is pass it the coordinates of a 3D line defined
by two 3D points (with their respective sectors) The function will return
a 1 if the points can see each other or a 0 if there is something blocking
the two points from seeing each other. This is how I determine whether a
monster can see you or not. Try playing DOOM1.DAT to fully enjoy this
great function!
setanimation(long *animptr, long thegoal, long thevel);
This is a function for your convenience that will animate a long
variable, such as sector[].floorz for platforms, or sector[].ceilingz
for doors. All you do is pass it the long pointer into memory, specifying
which long variable is to be animated; you also pass the goal (long value
to animate towards), and the velocity at which the variable is animated.
Velocity = 128 is a normal speed door. You may also modify the animation
arrays directly if you wish:
The animation arrays are as follows:
long *animateptr[MAXANIMATES], animategoal[MAXANIMATES];
long animatevel[MAXANIMATES], animatecnt;
getanimationgoal(long animptr);
Check to see if a certain variable in memory is already being animated
by the engine. If so, an index into the animation arrays is returned,
else -1 is returned. This is function is useful when you are press
space bar near a door, and it is already animating, you simply want
to reverse its direction.
dragpoint(short wallnum, long newx, long newy);
This function will drag a point in the exact same way a point is dragged
in 2D EDIT MODE using the left mouse button. Simply pass it which wall
to drag and then pass the new x and y coordinates for that point.
Please use this function because if you don't and try to drag points
yourself, I can guarantee that it won't work as well as mine and you
will get confused. Note: Every wall of course has 2 points. When you
pass a wall number to this function, you are actually passing 1 point,
the left side of the wall (given that you are in the sector of that wall)
Got it?
nextsectorneighborz(short sectnum, long thez, short topbottom, short direction);
This function searches z-coordinates of neighboring sectors to find the
closest (next) ceiling starting at the given z-coordinate (thez).
For example, if you want to find the goal z-coordinate when opening a
door, you might want the door to stop at the next closest neighboring
ceiling z-coordinate. You can get the z-coordinate this way:
newz = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sectnum,startz,-1,-1)].ceilingz
topbottom (3rd parameter) -1 = search ceilings
1 = search floors
direction (4th parameter) -1 = search upwards
1 = search downwards
screencapture(char *filename)
Capture the screen and save it as a .BMP file. I don't know why my
.BMP format isn't compatible with other programs.
insertsprite(short sectnum, short statnum); //returns (short)spritenum;
Whenever you insert a sprite, you must pass it the sector
number, and a status number (statnum). The status number can be any
number from 0 to MAXSTATUS-1. Insertsprite works like a memory
allocation function and returns the sprite number.
deletesprite(short spritenum);
Deletes the sprite.
changespritesect(short spritenum, short newsectnum);
Changes the sector of sprite (spritenum) to the
newsector (newsectnum). This function may become
internal to the engine in the movesprite function. But
this function is necessary since all the sectors have
their own doubly-linked lists of sprites.
changespritestat(short spritenum, short newstatnum);
Changes the status of sprite (spritenum) to status
(newstatus). Newstatus can be any number from 0 to MAXSTATUS-1.
You can use this function to put a monster on a list of active sprites
when it first sees you.
setsprite(short spritenum, long newx, long newy, long newz);
This function simply sets the sprite's position to a specified
coordinate (newx, newy, newz) without any checking to see
whether the position is valid or not. You could directly
modify the sprite[].x, sprite[].y, and sprite[].z values, but
if you use my function, the sprite is guaranteed to be in the
right sector.
movesprite(short spritenum, long xchange, long ychange, long zchange,
long ceildist, long flordist, char cliptype, long numtics)
This function moves the sprite given by spritenum by the 3
increments, xchange, ychange, and zchange. If cliptype is 0, then
the clipping is normal (Use 0 to clip you and monsters). If the
cliptype is 1, then the object is clipped to the same things that
hitscan is clipped to (use 1 for all bullets).
Movesprite can either return 0 (touched nothing)
16384+sectnum (ceiling/floor first touched)
32768+wallnum (wall first touched)
49152+spritenum (sprite first touched)
getspritescreencoord(short spritesortnum, long *scrx, long *scry)
This function returns the actual screen coordinates of a sprite. It
is useful for locking on to a target. Use this function between
drawrooms and drawmasks. Note that spritesortnum is the index into the
spritesortcnt arrays, NOT the normal sprite arrays. Scrx and scry are
actual screen coordinates ranging from 0-319 and 0-199 respectively.
initmultiplayers(char option[4], char option[5], char priority);
Call this right after initengine. Pass option[4] and option[5]
exactly the way I have it written here. (option[4] is the COM1-COM4,
network option and option[5] is the com speed selection option)
Priority can be used to decide who becomes master. Lower is more
towards the master.
Call this right before uninitengine.
Use this function after everything's initialized, but before you
go into the main game loop. Right after you call sendlogon(), you
should run a loop that will wait until a specified number of players.
Here's some example code:
while (numplayers < waitplayers)
screenpeek = myconnectindex;
Getpackets reserves the packet header range from 200-255. If you
keep calling getpackets after sendlogon, the numplayers variable will
automatically be incremented when other people log on.
Call this before leaving, before uninitializing the multiplayer
sendpacket (short otherconnectindex, char *bufptr, short bufleng)
For COM(modem) communications, the otherconnectindex doesn't matter.
For network communcations, you can specify which computer to send
to by setting otherconnectindex to the proper index number. You
can also do a broadcast by setting otherconnectindex to -1.
Also pass the buffer and length parameters.
short getpacket (short *otherconnectindex, char *bufptr) returns bufleng
When using getpacket, first check the value it returns.
If the value is 0, then the buffer length is 0 which means there
are no packets available. If the buffer length is greater than
0, then use that value as the length of the buffer. Getpacket also
tells you what computer the message was received from -
Note: If you want to write your own digitized sound driver, simply delete
these functions from GAME.C.
Initializes the digitized sound routines. You need to call this
only once at the beginning of the program. Currently, the
sample rate is 11,025 Hz.
wsay(char *filename, long freq, char volume);
Play the sound file at the given frequency and volume. If you
set freq = 4096, the sound will play at normal frequency (given
the sound was also recorded at 11025 Hz) To play the sound an
octave higher, for example, set freq = 8192. Volume ranges from
0 (silent) to 255 (full volume). Ex: wsay("blowup.wav",4096L,255);
Turns the speaker off, so sounds don't continue playing while
your back in DOS.
Note: If you want to write your own music driver, simply delete these
functions from GAME.C. The BUILD engine uses interrupt vector 0x8 (IRQ0)
and that may complicate things. If you like my music, perhaps I can send
you my MIDI sequencer program (It requires MPU-401, and TSENG-ET4000 SVGA,
but could be standardized if there's enough demand).
loadmusic(char *filename);
Loads the given song into memory. Be sure INSTS.DAT is in the
current directory. If no extension is given, then .KSM will be
appended to the filename. You should use this function only when
the music is off.
Enable the playing of music. Use this only after loadmusic has
been called.
Disable the playing of music. Be sure to call this before quitting
to DOS.
³ BUILD Revision History: ³
2/6/94 - Added this revision thing.
- Setup program.
- A faster new mode for standard VGAs called chain mode.
2/8/94 - Fixed chain mode with groudraws.
- Added sector joining in 2D EDIT MODE - press J on first sector.
Then press J again on sector to join with. Attributes will be
taken from first sector. Possible bugs.
- Improved controls for slower computers.
- Made timer interrupt rate 120/second instead of 240/second.
2/9/94 - Started to work on status bar in 2D EDIT MODE.
- Added special optimization for the Western Digitial (Paradise)
chipset just like with TSENG ET4000.
2/10/94 - Added a door attribute to sectors. To make a sector a door,
press "D" on the ceiling of the sector in 3D EDIT MODE. For
the door to work, the ceiling of the door sector must be a
tiny bit lower than lowest neighboring ceiling. To open/close
the door, you may press the space bar. Note: Space Bar is also
used for copy and paste in 3D EDIT MODE. You may have to go
into game mode to test out the doors for now.
- Added a wall orientation attribute to walls. This attribute is
used especially in conjunction with doors. So far, you have
been working with walls that are start from the top. For
example, if you hold down 2/8 on the keypad in 3D EDIT MODE,
the wall always starts from the top. But for doors, you
sometimes need walls to start from the bottom. To do this,
press "O" (for orientation) on the wall, and it will now
start from the bottom.
2/12/94 - Fixed some bugs for sprites. Sprites don't disappear anymore.
Now you will pick up all sprites when running over them.
Monsters will not stop shooting anymore.
- Made the sound blaster sounds have a 1-sound cache. That is, if
the same sound is to be played several times in a row, it will
only be loaded once.
- Added *.GIF format support to EDITART for 320*200 size images.
- Changed the PASTE key in 3D EDIT MODE from Space bar to Left
Enter because the Space bar conflicted with opening doors.
- Added music as an option in the setup program. To run the music,
you need INSTS.DAT and a song file with a .KSM extension.
- Split the editor from the game.
BUILD is now the map editor - you don't need BUILD.C anymore.
GAME is now the actual game that you will be programming.
I am giving you GAME.C to work with. Its code is simpler
than before because there are no more editing function
calls in it.
- Sprites move in a straight line now until they hit walls. When
they hit walls, they pick a new angle to travel in.
- Remember that tiny little guy with the "Al" on his shirt?
Next time you're in DOOM1.DAT, try shooting him. Then look
at the code in GAME.C.
- In EDITART, when you press, "u", you now select filenames with
the arrow keys and enter rather than having to type in
the exact filename.
- Board maps now have extension .MAP and artwork files now have
extension .ART to help distinguish between the different types
of files.
2/22/94 - Fixed small bug with EDITART not loading right when names.h
existed with no names defined.
- You can now edit new boards by typing:
BUILD <file that doesn't exist> like "BUILD NEWBOARD"
- Added ALT-S in 2D EDIT Mode to change a whole white loop inside a
sector to a red loop.
- When viewing the tiles (pressing "v") you can now use PGUP/PGDN.
- Added a message bar in 2D EDIT Mode.
- Added TAB and L.ALT-TAB keys to view all the attributes of a
sector, wall, or sprite (see above documentation).
- Debugged and bullet-proofed ALT-S.
- Fixed a bug that doesn't allow you to drag points with number
greater than 1023. (There can actually be 4096 walls and 1024
sectors, and 4096 sprites currently, an easy thing to increase)
- Changed overwritesprite function paramaters. If you are using it
in your c file, you must change it! Now it looks like this:
overwritesprite (long x, long y, short tilenum, char shade,
char orientation);
If orientation = 0: x and y are the top left corner.
If orientation = 1: x and y are the middle (like before).
- Added permanentwritesprite function for status bars or other
sections of the screen that will not be overwritten by the
engine. When using this function, you may want to modify the
STARTUMOST / STARTDMOST arrays. The format of this function is
like overwritesprite except that the x and y are always top
left corner, no orientation variable, and no translucence.
permanentwritesprite (long x, long y, short tilenum, char shade);
- Added an attribute to the printext and printnum functions. Please
change these function if you use them in your program. The
current formats are:
printext(long x, long y, char buffer[42], short tilenum,
char invisiblecol)
printnum(long x, long y, long num, short tilenum,
char invisiblecol);
Invisiblecol tells printext what color to draw the transparent
pixels. If invisiblecol is 255 then the transpararent pixels are
still transparent.
2/26/94 - Completely reprogrammed EDITART.
already). It will convert PICS.ART in the old format to
TILES.ART in the new format, so you may have to do some
renaming when converting artwork and also rename the loadpics
With the new artwork file, the tiles can now be any size from
1*1 to 1024*240 and they no longer have to be powers of 2.
This feature allows parallaxing skies that are 1024 pixels wide
to cover all 360ø, or 320 pixel wide status bars. It can also
be used to display 320*200 title screens.
- When pressing 'U' in EDITART, you can now change directories
and the current loading directory will be remembered.
- When pressing 'U' in EDITART, you can press the mouse button to
readjust the size of the tile.
- When pressing 'U' in EDITART, press ENTER for an automatic
palette conversion or press SPACE BAR for no conversion.
- Walls that are Blocked ('B') in BUILD are now shown in pink.
If the wall does not show pink in your board, just press
'B' twice to permanently fix it.
- Made smooshiness values easier to work with. Hold down 5 on the
keypad with 2/4/6/8 to align the walls to multiples of the
tile that is used. Also, when you do Tab and L.Enter for
Copy&Paste, the y-repeat values stay the same, and the
x-repeat values are adjusted so the pixels of the bitmaps
have a square-aspect ratio.
- Added masked walls. But since they don't quite work perfectly
yet, and they are extremely hard to edit now, so for now, just
enjoy the technologiy in DOOM1.MAP. Don't worry - you'll get
your hands on this soon!
- Fixed the "earthquake" effect on really high walls. The walls
will not move up and down, but the pixel fuzzyness bug is
still in there.
- Put door variables and tile information into BUILD.H for you to
play around with.
- Made walls, ceilings, and floors also work with the animation
attribute in EDITART.
3/2/94 - Made power of 2 size tiles work with ceilings & floors.
- When using different size ceilings & floors, made an option in
3D EDIT MODE. If you want a tile to be smooshed into the normal
64*64 area, press 'E' to unExpand the tile.
- Groudraws now look more cubical than before. (But be careful of
crashing with them for now)
- IMPORTANT: Changed the Board format. If you tried running BUILD
before reading this, and it didn't work, shame on you! You
should always look at the history section of BUILD.TXT first!
Since from now on, I am writing Board/Art converters, I am
giving you CONVMAP.EXE to convert maps. You can type either:
C:\BUILD>convmap house.map
to convert an individual map or:
C:\BUILD>for %i in (*.map) do convmap %i
to convert all the maps in a directory.
- IMPORTANT: Sprites are now on 2 different sets of doubly-linked
lists. The big advantage of this method is that when sprites
are deleted, there can be holes in the sprite list with
no slow down. Before I used to have linked lists for each
sector pointing to all the sprites in it. Well, I have updated
that and added more linked lists that tell whether sprites
are active or inactive (not a fun thing to progam) But not
to worry, you don't have to deal with changing the linked
lists, thanks to my very easy function calls. YOU WILL
You should know how to search through each list. See BUILD.H
for a detailed description of how the linked lists work, and
see the top of this file for description of the new sprite
function calls.
insertsprite(short sectnum, short statnum);
deletesprite(short spritenum);
changespritesect(short spritenum, short newsectnum);
changespritestat(short spritenum, short newstatnum);
In your code, you will have to change the following:
firstsprite[spritenum] --> headspritesect[spritenum]
sprite[spritenum].point2 --> nextspritesect[spritenum]
Also, you should change the part of your main loop that scans
through all the active sprites to look more like this:
i = headspritestat[1]; //head of active sprite list
while (i != -1)
nexti = nextspritestat[i]; //back up next sprite in case current
//one is deleted.
//your code goes here (use i as the sprite number)
i = nexti; //go to next sprite
- Added tagging (naming) to any sector, sprite, or wall. That means
you can change a tag in the BUILD editor by pressing T with the
mouse cursor on the highlighted sector. And in GAME.C, you
can access the tag this way:
Note: All 3 types of tags are long integers, but in BUILD.C
you can only make them short integers. I am planning to
let you use the upper 16 bits of the tag byte as use for
you only. (like permanently unreserved bits)
- Added serial link. But it doesn't work very well yet. You
may have to try going into GAME several times before it works.
3/15/94 - Fixed maskable walls - now sort out with sprite better. Easier
to edit. Simply press 'M' at a place where a maskable wall
should be (like where you normally press 'B' for blocking)
- Can flip walls, masked walls, and sprites x-wise by pressing
'F' in 3D EDIT MODE. Also, it is possible to save space in
sprite rotations, by flipping it x-wise by programming one of
the bits in sprite[].cstat.
- A few other minor things, but I forgot what they were.
3/19/94 - Fixed one of the many crashing bugs.
For Duke Nukem III team:
CITY.MAP will not crash anymore with new version. The
reason it crashed was because in your TILES.ART, you had
either ANMFD:0, ANMBK:0, or OSCI:0. That caused a MOD 0
in my animation routine. I bullet-proofed that. How about
fixing tiles #34, #112, or #114 in your TILES.ART.
- Wrote divide by zero handler. Now if there is a divide by zero,
BUILD goes back into text mode and fills the screen with
/0/0/0/0/..., then gives a DOS prompt. (In other words, you
don't have to type "MODE CO80" anymore for /0 crashes)
- Optimized routines in assembly for 486's using my great new
Intel 32-bit optimizing techniques book that dad got for me.
- Fixed ALT-S in BUILD so ANY white loop can be converted into a
red loop except for the 1 and only 1 outermost white loop.
- FINALLY! Splitsector bug is fixed! You can now split a very
complicated sector with tons of sectors inside it or with
plenty of sprites. Also sprites will not get deleted
spontaneously with split sector any more.
- Ctrl-Enter in 3D EDIT MODE is like the normal Enter paste key,
but Ctrl-Enter pastes the attributes to an entire loop of
walls (if a wall is highlighted).
3/22/94 - Added doors that open left and right. See sector[].tag #9 in the top
of this file for details - also look at my board, NUKELAND.MAP,
in BUILD to see how to make this type of door.
- Increased the number of status lists. You may recall my active /
inactive sprite lists called headspritestat, prevspritestat,
and nextspritestat. Don't worry - you will NOT have to
change any of your code. The only thing I changed is now
you can have 1024 different lists of sprites rather than just
2 lists if you want to use them. For example, you might want
to run through all the brown monsters on the board. Instead
of putting all different types of monsters on the active
list, it is faster to have a separate list just for brown
monsters. Use your imagination!
3/31/94 - Fixed some palette problems with EDITART. Now when you press 'P'
in 'U' mode, the palette of all the existing tiles are
converted to the new palette. Also the text colors should
be similar colors on different palettes now.
- Changed bit 0 of sprite[].cstat to the hitscan checking / ignoring
bit. You should set this bit to 1 for monsters, 0 for
bullets, 0 for pick-upable objects like coins, and 1 for
objects like columns. Right now, (Since it's not in the
BUILD editor), you must set these bits in your code right
after you load the board.
- I did not document the neartagsector, neartagwall, and
neartagsprite very well, so if you don't know how to use
them alreay, please read on. These 3 variables are modified
by the engine every time you call draw3dscreen(). These
variables are usually -1. These variables will be >= 0 if
all of these cases are true:
1. You are looking at a wall, sprite, or sector.
2. You are close enough to the wall, sprite, or sector
to be able to use the action key with it.
3. The tag of the wall, sprite, or sector is greater or
equal to 1.
As you can see, neartagsector makes a perfect variable for
detecting whether or not you are opening a door. You can
also use neartagwall for switches on walls. Also, you can
use neartagsprite for sprites that are switches.
I reversed the way variables are stored in BUILD.H.
Now the variables will be local to the ENGINE and externed
to GAME. Before they were local to GAME and externed to the
engine. All you have to do is this:
1. You can remove the #define MAIN if you want to.
2. Delete the externs declarations that I used to have
in the beginning of GAME.C, because I put them in
BUILD.H. I will try not to put externs in the GAME
in the future to save you the time of copying and
pasting code. Here is a list of externs I moved:
EXTERN short neartagsector, neartagwall, neartagsprite;
EXTERN long *animateptr[MAXANIMATES], animategoal[MAXANIMATES];
EXTERN long animatevel[MAXANIMATES], animatecnt;
EXTERN short tilesizx[MAXTILES], tilesizy[MAXTILES];
EXTERN long numtiles, picanm[MAXTILES], waloff[MAXTILES];
- Added a global parallaxing sky type variable. Now I have 3
different types of parallaxing skies. Here they are:
0 - Totally flat parallaxing sky.
1 - X-only stretching parallaxing sky (This is what DOOM uses).
2 - X- and Y- stretching parallaxing sky. (This is what BUILD
uses by default)
A good place to set the parallaxing sky is right after you
call initengine().
- Added local tile selection to the BUILD editor. This means
that when you press V on a sprite, you will see only the
sprites that are on the level so far. If you want to use
a sprite that is not already used on the current board, press
V again and you will be able to select from the huge list
that you are used to from before. The local tile list will
be sorted according to how much each tile is used on the
current board. Note that the local tile list will be
different depending where the mouse cursor was left when you
pressed V (or H).
4/4/94 - Changed the way ART files work. YOU MUST READ THIS:
There are some two easy things that you must do 2 things before
you can use the new engine:
1. Type CONVART1.EXE to convert your ARTWORK to the new
format. (If I forgot to send this file to you, please call
and torture me.) Now, instead of everything being stored
in one huge file, TILES.ART, I am splitting the artwork into
several files each holding 256 tiles in it. This will allow
you to make infinitely large artwork files in EDITART.
2. In GAME.C, you must change the line,
All you have to give loadpics is the first filename of your
artwork, and the engine will automatically know how to
modify the 3 digits at the end and load all the artwork
files properly.
4/5/94 - Fixed the "fuzzy" pixels on high walls. Now you make walls as
high as skyscrapers, and when you look at it up close, the
pixels will still look like perfect rectangles. Note: This
fix may require you to press 'O' in 3D EDIT MODE to put
your boards back to normal.
- When you pressed ENTER on weird-sized tiles, sometimes in the old
version the pixels would not be square aspect ratio. Now
when you press ENTER, they will be.
- You can now set the starting position in 2D EDIT MODE with the
Scroll Lock key. The starting position will look like a
brown arrow, and your current position will look like a
white arrow. Now you don't have to keep returning to start
when you save your board.
- Added some new things to the structures - guess what this means?
CONVMAP3! THE NEW OBJ'S and BUILD will NOT work until you
run CONVMAP3. (Please call if I forgot to give
you this file)
Notice that I added these things to the structures:
bit 2 of ceilingstat&floorstat:
1 = North/South panning, 0 = East/West panning
char ceilingpanning, floorpanning;
bit 6 of cstat
1 = Vertical panning, 0 = Horizontal panning
char panning;
short overpicnum;
char *extra;
Now an explanation of each:
To the sector structure, I added the capability to pan
the floors and ceilings. Usually ceilingpanning and
floorpanning are set to 0. For example, a good way to make
an earthquake would be to randomly increment or decrement
to panning values. To allow you to pan the ceilings or
floors at any of the standard 90 degree angles, I made
bit 2 of sectortype's ceilingstat/floorstat byte choose
whether the ceilingpanning/floorpanning byte should move
the ceiling/floor North/South or East/West.
To the wall structure, I added panning also. Bit 6
of cstat and the panning values work in the same as the
ceilings and floors.
To the sprite structure, I added only 1 variable.
The "extra" pointer is intended for your use only, so you
can have the sprite's structure extended if you so desire.
4/6/94 - In 2D EDIT MODE, you can now press ESC to get a message in the
message bar that says this:
(N)ew, (L)oad, (S)ave, (Q)uit
And it all works too. (Press ESC to cancel)
Loading lets you select the file just like 'U' in EDITART.
- The old version of BUILD had the coordinate system all screwed
up in 2D EDIT MODE. I fixed this. Included with
CONVMAP3.EXE is a conversion utility that will make your
boards have the same orientation as in the older BUILD
editors. If you don't care if the whole map gets rotated
in the 2D editor, then press N.
4/7/94 - Changed the way Orientation works ('O' in 3D EDIT MODE)
Now, when you draw a normal door in BUILD, you do NOT have to
press 'O' everywhere to make the walls of the door move right.
Now, the default is that everything moves right. Here's a
detailed description of how the new orientation works:
For white lines (no neighboring sector):
orientation = 0 (default) means picture is aligned with
orientation = 1 means picture aligned with sector[].floorz.
For red lines (has a neighboring sector):
orientation = 0 (default) means picture is aligned with
either the ceilingz or floorz of the next sector.
orientation = 1 means picture aligned with
Don't worry if you don't understand the detailed description.
Just know that it's better this way. I have included the
proper conversions in CONVMAP3.EXE.
- Added wall&ceiling x-panning keys to the 3D EDIT MODE. Press
the , or . keys to pan a wall or ceiling left or right. You
can hold down the 5 key on the keypad to align at every eighth
panning value. (Just like with 2,4,6,8).
- Made TAB&ENTER in 3D EDIT MODE also copy the CSTAT byte of
the wall's attributes. This means that attributes such as
the block attribute, 1-way wall attribute, orientation,
and x-flipping attribute are also copied & pasted.
- Added a new function, cansee.
cansee(long x1, long y1, long z1, short sectnum1,
long x2, long y2, long z2, short sectnum2)
All you do is pass it the coordinates of a 3D line
and the respective sectors of each point of the line.
The function will return a 1 if the points can see each
other or a 0 if there is something blocking the two points
from seeing each other. This is how I determine whether
a monster can see you or not. Try playing DOOM1.DAT with
digitized sound enabled to fully enjoy this great new
4/12/94 - Fixed HITSCAN function. Since it works a little differently
and the parameters are different, let me describe how the
new hitscan works:
hitscan(long xstart, long ystart, long zstart, short startsectnum,
long vectorx, long vectory, long vectorz,
short *hitsect, short *hitwall, short *hitsprite,
long *hitx, long *hity, long *hitz);
Pass the starting 3D position:
(xstart, ystart, zstart, startsectnum)
Then pass the 3D angle to shoot (defined as a 3D vector):
(vectorx, vectory, vectorz)
Then set up the return values for the object hit:
(hitsect, hitwall, hitsprite)
and the exact 3D point where the ray hits:
(hitx, hity, hitz)
How to determine what was hit:
* Hitsect is always equal to the sector that was hit
(always >= 0).
* If the ray hits a sprite then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = thespritenumber
hitwall = -1
* If the ray hits a wall then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = -1
hitwall = thewallnumber
* If the ray hits the ceiling of a sector then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = -1
hitwall = -1
vectorz < 0
(If vectorz < 0 then you're shooting upward which means
that you couldn't have hit a floor)
* If the ray hits the floor of a sector then:
hitsect = thesectornumber
hitsprite = -1
hitwall = -1
vectorz > 0
(If vectorz > 0 then you're shooting downard which means
that you couldn't have hit a ceiling)
- Added a position window to the bottom of the menu in 2D EDIT
MODE. It shows the posx, posy, and ang variables.
4/14/94 - Overwritesprite now clips to the startumost / startdmost arrays.
Now the only way to write to the status bar is with
the permanentwritesprite function.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! I Split draw3dscreen() into 2 separate
function calls.
old: draw3dscreen(); //Draws walls, ceilings, floors, p-skies
// groudraws, sprites, and masked walls.
new: drawrooms(); //Draws walls, ceilings, floors, p-skies
// and groudraws.
drawmasks(); //Draws sprites and masked walls.
The reason I split draw3dscreen was so you could manipulate only
the sprites that the engine is going to draw to the screen
before the sprites are actually drawn.
- I think I may have fixed that darn sector line bug! Before, the
bug usually appeared when you were on a (red) sector line where
the ceiling and floor of the sector were very far from each
other. This overflowed some really high positive values into
the negative range and vice versa.
4/18/94 - Wall clipping now works much better! (You can still VERY RARELY
sneak through walls, however)
MOVESPRITE and CLIPMOVE have been changed. They now look
like this:
clipmove (long *x, long *y, long *z, short *sectnum,
long xvect, long yvect, long walldist,
char cliptype);
movesprite(short spritenum,
long xchange, long ychange, long zchange,
long walldist, char cliptype);
To use the new clipmove:
Pass the pointers of the starting position (x, y, z). Then
pass the starting position's sector number as a pointer also.
Also these values will be modified accordingly. Pass the
direction and velocity by using a vector (xvect, yvect).
If you don't fully understand these equations, please call me.
xvect = velocity * cos(angle)
yvect = velocity * sin(angle)
Walldist tells how close the object can get to a wall. I use
128L as my default. If you increase walldist all of a sudden
for a certain object, the object might leak through a wall, so
don't do that!
To use the new movesprite:
Works like before, but you also pass walldist (How close the
sprite can get to a wall)
- New function for sprites:
setsprite(short spritenum, long newx, long newy, long newz);
This function simply sets the sprite's position to a specified
coordinate (newx, newy, newz) without any checking to see
whether the position is valid or not. You could directly
modify the sprite[].x, sprite[].y, and sprite[].z values, but
if you use my function, the sprite is guaranteed to be in the
right sector.
- You can now change the angle in 2D EDIT MODE with the
< and > keys. Move the mouse cursor to a sprite first.
Hold down shift with the < and > to get more precise angles.
- You can now press 'B' on sprites in 3D EDIT MODE. This in effect
is xoring bit 0 of sprite[].cstat, which will not only be
sensitive to hitscan, but will also block you from walking
through the sprite. Sprites with the 'B' attribute will
appear pink in 2D EDIT MODE.
- You can now edit the Hi 16 bits of the tag in 2D EDIT MODE.
Just like T and ALT-T, you press H and ALT-H to edit the high
16-bits. When a structure's attributes are displayed, the tag
will be displayed as 2 unsigned shorts. The first number
represents the hi 16 bits and the second number represents the
lo 16 bits.
4/23/94 - Added 'G' in Editart to GOTO a tile by typing in the tile number.
- Changed the way masking walls work a little bit. Now the
masking walls use the picture wall[].overpicnum rather than
- Made hitscan hit maskable walls.
4/24/94 - Made palette.dat support any number of shades up to 64. There
is no change to the palette.dat format. The palette.dat
format is:
First the palette (768 bytes) Values range from 0-63
Then the lookup shades (256 * number_of_shades) The
shades are stored in groups of 256 bytes.
- If you use Mark Dochtermann's palette program, then you can
convert his data files (such as palette.pal and colormap.lmp)
to my palette format, palette.dat, with my great Qbasic
program, PALMP.BAS. To run it, first copy the basic program
into the same directory as the 2 source palette files are in.
Then type: "QBASIC PALMP" and then press SHIFT+F5 (to run it).
- Added a global variable, HORIZ. Horiz usually equals 100.
Modifying horiz will move the whole screen up / down. I
added 2 keys, +/- in my own game.c to demonstrate this. You
can use this variable for looking up and down if you want.
(Even though this is not "truly" looking up and down, if
you're lucky, you might be able to fake out some people!)
- New Key in 3D EDIT MODE, the forward slash. Use / with the
tile panning keys (, and .) to flip the horizontal / vertical
orientation bits for walls, ceilings or floors.
4/28/94 - NEW BOARD VERSION! You must run CONVMAP4.EXE on all your boards.
Here's what I changed in the structures:
I got rid of:
char sector[].ceilingpanning, sector[].floorpanning;
sector[].ceilingstat/floorstat bit 2 zeroed out
and added:
char sector[].ceilingxpanning, sector[].ceilingypanning;
char sector[].floorgxpanning, sector[].floorypanning;
I got rid of:
char wall[].panning;
wall[].cstat bit 6 zeroed out
and added:
char wall[].xpanning;
char wall[].ypanning;
I got rid of:
short sprite[].vel;
and added:
short sprite[].xvel;
short sprite[].yvel;
The reason I did this was so sprites could be moved in
different directions than sprite[].ang. Please make
use of both xvel and yvel. Here's the equation I would
use to convert from the old to new. For example:
sprite[i].vel = 256;
sprite[i].xvel = (sintable[(sprite[i].ang+512)&2047]>>6);
sprite[i].yvel = (sintable[sprite[i].ang&2047]>>6);
The reason I am shifting the sines right by 6 is becuase
my sintable ranges from -16384 to 16384. Dividing by
64 gives a maximum range of -256 to 256.
CONVMAP4.EXE also attempts to convert the masked walls so
overpicnum is the masked wall's picnum.
- Changed 3D EDIT MODE panning keys:
Since panning is now all 4 directions, I got rid of the
, and . keys and put the keys on the keypad using 2,4,6,8.
Usually 2,4,6,8 are for x- and y-repeats, but if you hold
down either shift key, then they act as x- and y- panning
The / key now resets the panning values to 0.
- Please read the updated descriptions of how to make masking walls
in the 3D EDIT MODE KEYS in the top of build.txt. See
the 'M' and 'Shift + M' keys.
- Also look at the top of this file for a description of dragpoint(), a
great new function that makes it easy to morph sectors.
4/29/94 - Added some minor keys to 3D EDIT MODE. Alt. +/- change the
visibility variable. It ranges from 5 (darkest) to 17
(lightest) and it starts at 13.
- Made 1-way walls have more options. Now, for example, you can
make rectangular switches on walls. Please look at my
nukeland.map for an example of how to do switches. (The
switches are close to start - just go through the door and
bear left.)
- For those who asked, here's how some sample bobbing code:
First, calculate the distance actually moved - because if you
are not moving then you shouldn't bob:
oposx = posx; oposy = posy;
dist = ksqrt((posx-oposx)*(posx-oposx)+(posy-oposy)*(posy-oposy));
Then modify the horizon value by multiplying the distance
actually moved by a sine wave. (default is horiz = 100).
horiz = 100 + ((dist*sintable[(totalclock<<5)&2047])>>19);
- Remember that moving block in the slime in NUKELAND.MAP? It
works a lot better now. I am now modifying the floor panning
values to make the floor match up correctly with the block.
- Fixed the screen capturing (F12) to save captures as PCX files.
This is for BUILD, GAME, and EDITART.
- Fixed bug in EDITART when you press 'U' on a blank tile. It
should not crash any more.
- Made Tab & Enter a little smarter in copying the right attributes
to different types of objects.
- Added ceiling / floor 90ø rotation attributes. All 8
rotations are possible. 3 bits have been added to both
the sector[].ceilingstat and sector[].floorstat flags.
If you look in BUILD.H, you will see the new flags
descriptions. You can use the 'F' key in 3D EDIT MODE on
a ceiling or floor to change the rotation.
I removed the function, getsector, and added a more expandable
function, updatesector. Also, updatesector is smart enough
to check to see if you are in the same sector OR neighboring
sectors first before going through every single sector.
Getsector used to go though all the sectors every time you
crossed a sector line.
getsector(); (no arguments, returns nothing - REMOVED)
* used to make sure that CURSECTNUM matched up with
the right sector according to the POSX and POSY values.
* the new way of writing getsector. You can do a
search&replace on your code. Be careful when you use this
function with sprites because remember that the sprite's
sector number should not be modified directly. For example,
you might want to code it this way:
tempsectnum = sprite[i].sectnum;
if (tempsectnum != sprite[i].sectnum)
Actually, I think the setsprite function is better for
updating a sprite's sector number.
- Added swinging doors! Look at NUKELAND.MAP in my GAME.EXE for
an example. For swinging doors, I used a new math-helper
function, rotatepoint.
rotatepoint(long xpivot, long ypivot,
long x, long y,
short deltaang,
long *x2, long *y2);
Rotatepoint will rotate point(x,y) around point(xpivot,ypivot)
by the deltang value. The resultant point will be s
- Fixed crashing bug in BUILD when a wall's tile doesn't exist.
5/02/94 - I improved the pre-level check on the swinging doors, so now
you can have multiple doors in a sector that open any way.
This is how I do my double swinging doors (demonstrated in
- I added a revolving door! See NUKELAND.MAP for an example. (The
revolving door is beyond the bouncing platforms in the slime
- Fixed bug with joining sectors in 2D EDIT MODE. The sprites
don't get deleted any more.
5/04/94 - Optimized the masked walls.
- Cleaned up the sprite drawing code (and many bugs that that came
along with it.)
5/05/94 - Made cylindrical walls with any number of points VERY easy to
make in BUILD. Here's how you do it: Highlight a wall and
press 'C' on it. Then move the mouse to the proper position
to make a nice circle. You can press '+' or '-' to change
the number of points on the circle. Press 'C' again to cancel
or press space bar to actually change the map.
5/07/94 - Made a fully-operational subway! Look at subway.map.
- Made a new type of door - a sliding door where the door doesn't
get "x-smooshed" when it is opened. (See description of
sector tag 16 & wall tag 6)
- Also note that I my first subroutine in game.c! It is:
operatesector(short dasector)
All the door code is now in this function (with a few
exceptions, such as parts of the swinging doors and revolving
5/08/94 - Made EDITART and BUILD support different tile sizes in 'V' mode.
Here are the three possible sizes:
0. 64*64 - 5*3 grid - views 15 tiles (old default)
1. 32*32 - 10*6 grid - views 60 tiles (new default)
2. 16*16 - 20*12 grid - views 240 tiles
Press the '*' and '/' keys in 'V' mode if you want to change
the grid resolution.
- Added/fixed up a new key in 3D EDIT MODE, the dot key (. or >)
This key attempts to match up all the tiles along a wall. It
scans along the walls towards the right as long as the picture
number of the next wall is the same as the original picture
number. Note that some walls may not work right, especially
floor / ceiling steps.
- Made 2D EDIT MODE default to this when inserting sprites:
1. Sprite clipping = on for sprites taller than 32 pixels
2. Sprite clipping = off for sprites shorter than 32 pixels.
- Fixed sprite clipping with Z-coordinates
5/10/94 - Fixed some sprite dragging bugs
- Made neartag? maximum sensing distance a global variable called
neartagdist. See build.h.
5/11/94 - Added sector / groups of sectors selection. When selecting
sectors, hold down the right ALT key. It works just like
right shift. You must completely surround any sector you
wish to select. Once selected, you can drag the mess of
sectors with the mouse. This is great for separating sectors
from each other.
- Added sector duplication. First select a bunch of sectors. Then
press the insert key. (with the select sectors flashing) Then
This duplication is like stamping. So, you must drag
the sector bunch somewhere else after stamping to see your
great accomplishments.
5/12/94 - Added group-sector PGUP / PGDN. Here's a neat trick that will
let you move a whole section of a board up / down quickly.
First you select a bunch of sectors with the right ALT key in
2D mode. Then flip to 3D mode and if you press PGUP / PGDN
on any of the highlighted sectors, the rest of the highlighted
sectors will move also.
- Added group-sector rotation. Once you do a sector select (right
ALT), you can press the , or . keys to rotate the selected
sectors. Hold down the shift key with the keys to get fine
angle rotation (WARNING: You will get distortion with fine
angle rotation in this version)
- Added sector count and wall count information at the bottom of
the 2D edit mode status bar.
- Fixed some stupid bug that you probably wouldn't have found if
you made boards with BUILD for the rest of your life.
- You can now press 'B' to block / unblock a wall or sprite in
2D edit mode.
- Made Ctrl-Shift Enter auto-shade a sector. First make any
wall of the loop as light as the lightest shade you want.
Then make any other wall of the loop as dark as the darkest
shade you want. Finally press Ctrl-Shift Enter on the wall
that should be lightest. Now the loop should be smoothly
shaded. If it is not smoothly shaded, you may need to insert
more points on the walls.
- Fixed my .PCX format bug. My screen captures now load properly
in Deluxe programs.
5/13/94 - Made my serial code in Game.c work better. I fixed the bullet
shooting and made all types of doors work. Unfortunately, you
still may have to run at slower COM speeds.
5/14/94 - Fixed deadly bug with sector copy & sprites.
- Added hitscan sensitivity bit. It is bit 6 (64) of wall[].cstat.
In 3D edit mode, you can press 'H' to toggle the bit. (H used
to be like 'V' for choosing height tile numbers for groudraws -
I change the 'H' key to Alt-V since I don't think anybody was
using it anyway) By default, hitscan CAN go through maskable
walls. If a hitscan is set to not go through a maskable wall,
The wall will appear BRIGHT pink in 2D edit mode.
5/15/94 - Made more subroutines in game.c and moved documentation from the
end of game.c into this text file. Added some more comments
also. Game.c is so much easier to read now! The main loop is
less than 50 lines long!
- Made some optimizations to my serial code now that everything
is in functions.
I added one new paramater (cliptype) to both the movesprite
and clipmove functions. If the new parameter is a 0, then
the clipping is normal (Use 0 to clip you and monsters).
If the new parameter is a 1, then the object is clipped to
the same things that hitscan is clipped to (use 1 for all
See the above documentation for a detailed description of the
parameters. (Remember that I moved the documentation from
GAME.C into the middle BUILD.TXT)
Finally, you can have sprites and bullets going where you
want them to go!
5/18/94 - Added support for the Spaceplayer (6-degree of freedom Space ball)
Try out the SETUP program now.
- Fixed some bugs with the 'E' key in 3D EDIT MODE. As long as both
dimensions of the tile are powers of 2, then the picture should
be visible. It should not be a solid color with a few weird
lines any more.
- Fixed some bugs with the Z control in 3D EDIT MODE. In normal
operation, BUILD attempts to keep your Z constant even if
you cross sector lines. Then I added a special new mode that
locks your heightofffloor to a certain value. You Z will
change instantly if you cross sector lines. To use this mode,
press the Caps Lock key. Press Caps Lock key again for normal
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! I put all of engineinput into GAME.C
This means you have absolutely total control of the Z's. (The
only thing left is some key code I still have in my timer
OK, now read carefully! Here's how to convert to the new OBJ's:
1. First of all, the Spaceball code is now also in game.c.
A. You will need to put this line in game.c:
include "spw_int.h"
B. And make sure to add spwint.obj your makefile.
2. Heightoffceiling, heightofffloor, and gravity have been
removed from BUILD.H. If you still want to use them
then you should defined them as globals in your own code.
3. You should go through every single key of my gameinput()
function in game.c and copy any code you want.
5/23/94 - GREAT NEW STUFF!
Be sure to check out GAME.EXE and try out these new keys!
Rt. Enter = Switch between 3D / 2D modes
Lt. +/- = Zoom in 2D mode
Added 2D map display with auto-mapping! The 2D maps use a
higher resolution 16-color mode. You have a choice of either
using a 640*350*16 screen or a 640*480*16 screen with a 144-high
status bar (remember that 640*480*16 cannot fit in 256K with 2
screen pages so I have to cheat with a status bar).
draw2dscreen(long posxe, long posye, short ange, long zoome,
short gride)
Draws the 2d screen - this function is a direct replacement
for the drawrooms() and drawmasks() functions. Be sure
to call either qsetmode640350() or qsetmode640480()
first. When switching back to 3d mode, be sure to call
1. The overwritesprite function should only be called in
3D mode. If you do this in 2D mode, junk will be
written to the 2D screen and a crash is possible.
2. When you switch back to 3D mode, you should call the
permanentwritesprite functions to draw the status bar,
or whatever else you have to draw.
3. You must call the nextpage() function in both 2D and
3D modes.
Set to the game mode and load palette (320*200*256)
Set to the 2D map mode #1 (640*350*16)
Set to the 2D map mode #2 (640*480*16)
NEW VARIABLES (see description in build.h):
EXTERN char show2dwall[MAXWALLS>>3];
EXTERN char show2dsprite[MAXSPRITES>>3];
EXTERN char automapping;
- Added parallaxing floors! Works like the parallaxing skies, but
the other side. In 3D EDIT MODE, press P on ceiling for
parallaxing sky, or press P on floor for parallaxing floor.
5/24/94 - There is a new function that I forgot to document in the last
version. Oops!
doanimations() is this function.
It's not really new, but I split it off of the
drawrooms/drawmasks functions. This function animates anything
that you use setanimation with. Please stick it in your code
somewhere after you draw the screen.
5/26/94 - You can now do TRANSLUSCENT sprites! I am using bit 1 of
sprite[].cstat to detemine whether or not the sprite is
transluscent or not. In 3D EDIT MODE, you can press 'T' to
toggle the transluscence bit.
IMPORTANT: Transluscence WILL NOT WORK until you run my
TRANSPAL.EXE program. On the command line, simply type:
C:\BUILD>transpal [filename]
If you do not specify a filename, the default will be
palette.dat. If your palette.dat file is now around 40K long,
then you are ready for transluscence!
- Added TRANSLUSCENCE to masked walls. See bit 7 of wall[].cstat.
Press 'T' on wall to toggle the transluscence bit.
- In this BUILD update, I have collected many different palettes
for comparison purposes. Try running TRANSPAL.EXE on each of
them and see for yourself which palettes work the best with
5/29/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: I completely rewrote the neartag code.
Here's what you have to do to convert your game.c files:
1. You should move the neartag variables that I used to
have in BUILD.H into your C code.
2. You must call the neartag function yourself if you want
to see if you're near a tagged object. Neartag is NOT
automatically updated by the engine any more.
3. I highly recommend that you put your neartag function
call at the first line in your space bar code. This way,
you can optimize the neartag calculations by only doing
them when you press the space bar. (Exception: For
ladders, I think you'll have to call neartag every single
Here's a description of the new neartag function:
Neartag works sort of like hitscan, but is optimized to
scan only close objects and scan only objects with
tags != 0.
neartag(long x, long y, long z, short sectnum, short ang, //Starting position & angle
short *neartagsector, //Returns near sector if sector[].tag != 0
short *neartagwall, //Returns near wall if wall[].tag != 0
short *neartagsprite, //Returns near sprite if sprite[].tag != 0
long *neartaghitdist, //Returns actual distance to object (scale: 1024=largest grid size)
long neartagrange) //Choose maximum distance to scan (scale: 1024=largest grid size)
5/31/94 - Added a function to get a sprite's screen coordinates. I put
some sample code in my GAME in the analyzesprites function.
Simply hold down the CAPS LOCK key in my GAME.EXE, and the
screen will be centered around the sprite closest to the
center of the screen.
Here's a new function in the engine I used to do this:
getspritescreencoord(short spritesortnum, long *scrx, long *scry)
Note that spritesortnum is the index into the spritesortcnt
arrays, NOT the normal sprite arrays. Scrx and scry are actual
screen coordinates ranging from 0-319 and 0-199 respectively.
6/6/94 - Made EDITART support sprite centering and animation speed.
Now when you press 'A' in EDITART, the animation speed is
actually saved to disk and runs the same speed in BUILD
and your GAME. Press + and - to change the animation speed.
There are 16 different animation speeds.
(Speed is proportional to (totalclock>>animspeed))
To center a sprite, press the weird ~` key (located just above
the TAB key). You will see some cross hairs. Simply use
the arrow keys to the desired position.
For both the 'A' and ~` keys, you can press Enter to accept
the new values or ESC to cancel.
- Added a variable to BUILD.H, lockclock. Lockclock is to
totalclock as lockspeed is to clockspeed.
6/7/94 - Made 3 different Z coordinate modes in BUILD.
Mode 0: Game mode (default)
Mode 1: Height lock mode
Mode 2: Float mode
Press Caps Lock to switch between the 3 modes.
A and Z move up and down for all 3 modes.
6/10/94 - Added a new function that should solve all your sound problems.
kenchaintimer(void (__interrupt __far *datimerchainaddress)(),
short dachainpersecond)
Please look at the IMPORTANT ENGINE FUNCTIONS section above for
a full description.
6/20/94 - Got rid of the comsend / comgetchar functions. Replaced them
with sendpacket and getpacket.
- Added network support.
- Got rid of qsetmode320200(). Just replace it with setgamemode().
The 2 are exactly the same.
- Got rid of clockspeed variables. Just replace it with lockspeed.
- Adjusted my z directions of shooting depending on the horizon.
You may want to readjust your code for this.
- You now pass the number of tics as a long to doanimations.
doanimations(long numtics);
- FIXED DEADLY BUG! This may have been causing bigtime crash-city
bugs! The problem was with show2dsprite and show2dwall. In
my engine.c I forgot that they were BIT arrays, not BYTE arrays.
When I initialized the arrays to 0, I initialized 8 times the
length, possibly overwriting your precious data! I initialize
these arrays in the initengine and loadboard functions.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: In order to get rid of the posx, posy,
posz, ang, posz, and horiz variables from BUILD.H, I added some
parameters to a few functions. YOU MUST REWRITE YOUR CODE
loadboard(char *filename, long *posx, long *posy, long *posz,
short *ang, short *cursectnum)
saveboard(char *filename, long *posx, long *posy, long *posz,
short *ang, short *cursectnum)
drawrooms(long posx, long posy, long posz,
short ang, long horiz, short *cursectnum)
long posx, posy, posz, horiz;
short ang, cursectnum;
long hvel;
6/22/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: Added 1 parameter to movesprite, the
number of tics (such as lockspeed).
movesprite(short spritenum, long xchange, long ychange,
long zchange, long walldist,
char cliptype, long numtics)
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: At one time, I used to have 4 timing
variable in the engine. (totalclock, clockspeed,
lockclock, lockspeed). I got rid of all of them except
totalclock. If you want to use the other 3 variables, you
must simulate them yourself. Here's how you do it:
Step 1. Define clockspeed, lockclock, and lockspeed as global
longs in your code.
Step 2. Be sure to zero out all 3 variables just before
starting to play each level. (You could zero out
totalclock also.)
Step 3. Right after every time you call the nextpage()
function, insert this code line for line:
lockspeed = totalclock-lockclock;
lockclock += lockspeed;
clockspeed = lockspeed;
You really don't need clockspeed if you have lockspeed.
You should replace all clockspeed's with lockspeed's.
Before, I had both because both totalclock and clockspeed used
to be incremented in the timer handler and could be changed
at any time.
- I added my own optional random function, krand() which returns
a pseudo-random number as a long from 0 to 65535. Notice that
I put a randomseed variable in BUILD.H called randomseed.
6/24/94 - I just want to try to explain how all of my multiplayer code
works. Theory: Think of the whole program as 2 functions:
Function 1. Draw the screen (could be 2D / 3D)
Function 2. Move things. (sprites, walls, sectors, and you!)
My communications in GAME.C work on a MASTER/SLAVE
system where it would be nice if the faster computer was the
MASTER. (Right now, the first computer in is the MASTER).
The big trick to keeping everything in sync (and I do mean
everything- even moving platforms, revolving doors, & subways)
is to call function #2 with the exact same parameters as input
on all computers the same number of times and in the same
order. Now this might seem like a lot of information but it
really isn't! Let me explain the role of the MASTER and SLAVE:
The MASTER's job:
1. Read in own input changes
2. Read in any slave player input changes
(getpackets function - reads in foreign vel, svel,
angvel, & the bits)
3. Just before calling the movethings function, send the
input to the movethings function:
A. Master's tic cnt (synctics)
B. Every player's velocities (syncvel, svel, angvel)
C. Every player's status bits (Space, Ctrl, Shift, etc.)
4. Call the movethings function
5. Draw screen
The SLAVE's job:
1. Read in own input changes
2. Send own input changes to master.
3. Read in all master movethings input parameters and
call movethings function for each packet. This may
mean calling the movethings function more than once
between calling the drawscreen functions. This is
waste, but it's the price you have to pay to keep
things in sync.
4. Draw screen
You may ask how do monsters stay in sync even if you are
not sending any monster information over the line. The
answer to this is simple.
1. You make sure that a random seed starts the same on
both computers.
2. Only call the rand() or krand() function in the
movethings function.
Before you try my demo, I wanted to say that, I have
ABSOLUTELY NO ERROR CORRECTION in my code at this point. It
is most certainly my next project. For serial link, I would
recommend a rate of about 14400 baud. In the future, I think
I can optimize the code enough to work at rates as low at 2400
baud! Let me explain how well certain setups should work
without error correction:
Ken's guesses on how badly it will crash WITH NO ERROR
CORRECTION (Build the way it is now):
1. Serial link using 8250 chips - out of sync after 15
seconds because a few bytes were missed.
2. Serial link using 16550 chips - out of sync after 10
minutes because 16550 chips have a 16 byte FIFO and
therefore don't lose bytes as often as the 8250.
3. Modem - out of sync after less than 5 seconds.
4. Network - out of sync after 1 minute. Networks love to
lose full packets here and there.
I will be working on error correction for all of the above
situations. Any error correction techniques I use will be
internal to the engine and completely transparent to you (so
you can start coding now!) If the demo actually works multi-
player, then you may want to look at my GAME keys at the top
of this file again. There are some significant changes.
* I replaced the old COM functions section at the top of
look through it for descriptions of at least these 2
sendpacket(short otherconnectnum, char *bufptr, short bufleng)
getpacket(short *otherconnectnum, char *bufptr)
* Another rule to keep in mind while testing: (as if there
aren't enough already) Always make sure you have the
same EXE's and MAP'S or else the games will get out of sync.
* Connection numbers and Index numbers:
For networks, each computer has a given connection number.
Connection numbers range from 1 to 100. Player number 1
might have connection number 5 and player number 2 might have
connection number 17. Since a player's connection number
can be anything between 1 and 100, I don't want you to
allocate 100 of every variable such as posx[100]. My
solution was to make index numbers. So in this case:
connectnum[0] = 5; connectindex[5] = 0;
connectnum[1] = 17; connectindex[17] = 1;
* Now I'll will describe some new variables at the top of GAME.C
myconnectnum - connection number of your computer
myconnectindex - index number of your computer
masterconnectnum - connection number of the MASTER computer
screenpeek - index number of which player's eyes you are
looking through.
numplayers - if numplayers >= 2 then multiplayer mode is
enabled, else single player game.
connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXPLAYERS] - These 2 variables
form a linked list of all the index numbers.
Here's some example code that traverses the list of
p = connecthead;
while (p != -1)
printf("Player index %d has connection number %d\n",p,connectnum[p]);
p = connectpoint2[p];
* These variables are used to record / playback a demo. (This
is like POSCAPT.DAT, but with everything in sync!) In my
GAME, i single player mode, I have it so if you press the
Left ENTER, then it will playback everything. These are
the only variables necessary to store a demo run:
static long reccnt; //Number of frames
static short recsyncvel[16384]; //Vel for each frame
static short recsyncsvel[16384]; //Svel for each frame
static short recsyncangvel[16384]; //Angvel for each frame
static short recsyncbits[16384]; //Bits for each frame
static short recsynctics[16384]; //Tics for each frame
* These variables are used for communications syncing:
static short syncvel[MAXPLAYERS+1]; //Vel of each player
static short syncsvel[MAXPLAYERS+1]; //Svel of each player
static short syncangvel[MAXPLAYERS+1]; //Angvel of each player
static short syncbits[MAXPLAYERS+1]; //Bits for each player
static short synctics; //Number of tics of MASTER ONLY
* Unless I suddenly make BUILD a 6-degree of freedom engine
tomorrow, this should be the most difficult update in a long
time! Good Luck in programming! I'm sure I left a lot of
things out, so I'll be expecting plenty of phone calls!
6/27/94 - I scaled the vel, svel and angvel variabile down 1 bit so they
fit into a signed char. (Before they ranged from -256 to 256)
Now they range from (-128 to 127).
6/28/94 - Optimized the size of my COM(modem)/network packets in game.c.
I made the tics into a char. I also use some new buffers called
osyncvel, osyncsvel, osyncangvel, and osyncbits. Now I send
extra byte with bit fields that tell whether I need to update
the syncvel, syncsvel, syncangvel, or syncbits variables. If
the bit field of the extra byte is off then I don't send the
byte(s) it represents. You can now play my GAME at 4800 baud.
static signed char syncvel[MAXPLAYERS+1], osyncvel[MAXPLAYERS+1];
static signed char syncsvel[MAXPLAYERS+1], osyncsvel[MAXPLAYERS+1];
static signed char syncangvel[MAXPLAYERS+1], osyncangvel[MAXPLAYERS+1];
static short syncbits[MAXPLAYERS+1], osyncbits[MAXPLAYERS+1];
static unsigned char synctics;
- There was an crashing error with transluscence palette on low
memory configurations. When you exit the BUILD editor,
you normally get some numbers like this.
Memory status: 788979(788979) bytes
If the first number (art memory cache size) was less than the
second number (art file size), then the whole art file did
not fit in memory. The reason for the crashing was because
loadpics() sucks all memory up to the size of the art file.
The 64K transluscent palette is malloc'd when you call the
setgamemode() function for the first time. The was no memory
left to allocate the palette. I fixed this by making the
transluscent palette take 64K of the art memory cache if
it could not malloc the 64K.
- I programmed some error correction for the COM(modem). Here is
my new of Ken's guesses on how badly it will crash (assuming
that it will always crash eventually.) You will be seeing new
and better correction methods in the future.
1. Serial link using 8250 chips - out of sync after 5 minutes.
2. Serial link using 16550 chips - out of sync after 10 minutes.
3. Modem - out of sync after 3 minutes - try it!
4. Network - out of sync after 1 minute. Networks love to
lose full packets here and there. (not changed)
6/29/94 - Added some code to my GAME.C that will let you type in messages
and send them to all remote players. Press Tab (or T for
those people who play that other, very bad, game too much)
to start typing in a message. Press either Enter key to send
the message to the other player.
6/30/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: I changed the values that clipmove and
movesprite return! Here's how they work now:
If you did not hit anything, then they return 0.
Movesprite only: If the object hits a ceiling / floor
then movesprite returns 16384+(sectornum hit).
If the first object you hit before sliding was a wall,
then they return the 32768+(wallnum hit).
If the first object you hit before sliding was a sprite,
then they return the 49152+(spritenum hit).
Be careful when adding these changes to your code since the
return value are sort of reversed:
return values: º Hit nothing: ³ Hit something:
Old functions: º 1 ³ 0
º ³ 16384+sectnum (Movesprite only)
New functions: º 0 ³ or 32768+wallnum
º ³ or 49152+spritenum
7/1/94 - Made getangle always return an angle from 0 to 2047. Before I
forgot to and it 2047 and sometimes the angle was negative.
- Made overwritesprite when using the centering option be sensitive
to the Editart centering tool. (The ~` key.)
- Made Ctrl+Rt.Shift highlight points on a loop rather than points
inside a rectangle.
7/2/94 - Added some neat features to my GAME.C to make multi-player mode
even more fun. I added a portable bowling ball/bomb-thrower.
kills instantly! (similar to rocket launcher) I also added
water fountains. If you hold the space bar down on them,
you slowly get more life.
- O.K. I think I actually got the syncronization working perfectly
for COM(modem) play. I haven't had all day to test it out yet!
(Still no error correction with networks)
Here are some steps in playing over the modem:
1. Be sure that both people have the exact same version of
the EXEs, ART, and MAPs.
2. Then go into SETUP and set the COM port to the com port
of your modem. Even though 9600 baud should work, I
would recommend going at 4800 baud because:
A. It works fine at 4800 baud so there is really
no need to go any faster.
B. Fewer errors over the modem so less time
spent re-sending packets.
3. Then type: MODEM [mapname] (must be same mapname!)
This will bring you into my terminal program. You can
set the modem initialization string in MODEM.BAT by
changing the first command line option of the TERM
line. Please disable modem compression and
correction for least jerky play. Then connect with
the other modem using various methods, such as one
person typing ATA and the other typing ATD or one
person typing ATS0=1 and the other typing
ATDT(phone #).
4. Wait through the beeps and buzzes until it says CONNECT
on the bottom window.
5. If you can now chat with each other then things are
going well. When the first person presses ESC, both
computers will automatically quit to DOS and go right
into the GAME.
6. Play!
7/5/94 - Serial moder over COM(modem) should work perfectly now.
- Added scaredfallz to BUILD.H. It is a global variable that
tells monsters what height is too high to fall through. You
can set cliptype parameter to 2 for movesprite and clipmove.
7/6/94 - Fixed clipping bug that used to let you go through certain concave
- Added new function which works well with clipmove. Ever notice
was when you're at the edge of a cliff and you go just a tiny
bit over, you fall, but shouldn't yet? Unlike what you have
been doing, this new function finds the highest and lowest z
coordinates that your clipping BOX can get to. It must search
for all sectors (and sprites) that go into your clipping box.
Currently, you were searching the z's at the center point only
by simply using the sector[].ceilingz and sector[].floorz
getzrange(long x, long y, long z, short sectnum,
long *ceilz, long *florz,
long walldist, char cliptype)
Pass x, y, z, sector normally. Walldist can be 128. Cliptype
can be 0, 1, or 2. (just like movesprite and clipmove)
This function returnes the 2 z maxes in ceilz and florz.
See GAME.C for an example.
- Fixed bug with weird vertical lines in transluscent masked walls
in chain mode.
7/10/94 - Made screen capture (F12) work in 2D modes also. It always
saves to a 256 color PCX file.
- Made screen re-sizeable. Use this easy new function to re-size
the screen:
setview(long scrx1, long scry1, long scrx2, long scry2);
It is TOO easy to use. You simply pass is the Upper-left hand
corner and the bottom-right corner in screen coordinates of the
rectangular region you want the engine to draw to. The engine
automatically centers the horizon at the middle of the window and
scales everything properly.
- Since the engine does extra scaling calculations for
window sizes that are not 320 pixels wide, I do not
recommend making the default mode with a window size
just under 320 pixels wide since the engine can
actually run a little slower. (such as 312-319
pixels wide) Keep them 320 wide.
- Feel free to modify the startumost / startdmost arrays
AFTER a setview call if you want weird window shapes.
Keep in mind that startumost[0] and startdmost[0] are
always refer to the left edge of the viewing window.
(NOT left edge of screen.)
7/19/94 - Finally got around to writing the number-of-tiles-per-file
resizer. Simply type rsizeart. All instructions will be
displayed when running the program before the actual
- Fixed a few bugs in Editart. I hope I fixed those evil bugs that
rarely come by. I'm pretty sure I fixed the bug that made the
screen go blank in 'V' mode, and the bug where a few pixels
in the top left corners of tiles sometimes get overwritten.
- Added a key in Build 2D edit mode. Press 'E' on a sprite to
change its status list number.
- Fixed those lousy Editart subdirectory colors in 'U' for those
teams with great color palettes, but don't have my ugly shade
of pink.
- Fixed bug with non-200 high P-skies. The p-skies are now (by
default) centered on the horizon no matter what the height is.
- Added multiple size PCX and GIF support in Editart. You can now
load pictures up to 1024*256. (That's all that can fit in VGA
video memory) If you need to load a bigger picture than that,
it will be chopped off at the bottom, but will still load the
top piece.
- I know that I have introduced some wonderful new bugs with the
sprite drawing. I know why they're happening, but I am
looking for a good solution so as to not make you change
any code. I will put another upload with these bugs fixed
7/20/94 - Added TRUE ornamented walls. Right now the actual ornamentation
must be programmed by you with 2 simple functions:
copytilepiece(long tilenume1, long sourcex1, long sourcey1,
long xsiz, long ysiz,
long tilenume2, long destx1, long desty1)
* This function simply copies any section of a source tile
to any part of a destination tile. It will automatically
skip transparent pixels. It will wrap-around in the
source but not the destination. If for some reason
the destination tile gets removed from the cache, the
destination tile will be reset to original form. This
is why I had to add this second function:
allocatepermanenttile(short tilenume, long xsiz, long ysiz)
* This function allocates a place on the cache as permanent.
Right now, I reset the cache every time you call this
function so I would recommend calling this function
right after loadpics.
I have an example of both of these functions in GAME.C. Try
playing GAME DOOM1.MAP and go into the secret room with
the pictures of Ken. Shoot some walls there. The pictures
with Ken and the Explosion over it were done with
copytilepiece and allocated permanently at tile 4095. A
good idea for allocating permanent tiles would be to start
at 4095 and decrement. You can also allocate a permanent
tile over the original tile itself.
- Tile panning matching keys work a lot better. They now work
well with bottom steps. Also, it works well with matching
up windows.
7/25/94 - A week ago, I uploaded a version of BUILD which unfortunately
had more bugs than the previous version. This upload should
have those bugs fixed - especially the sprite bugs. (I hope)
- I think I may actually have the sprite feet behind stairs bug
working perfectly.
- The engine should now be even faster the before last week. (A
week ago, I temporarily changed the parallaxing sky algorithm,
making the engine slower in those areas)
- Added a variable, parallaxyoffs in BUILD.H. It defaults to 0.
If you set it to 100, then all parallaxing skies will be
properly moved 100 pixels higher.
- Fixed some weird drawing bug related to parallaxing skies and
7/26/94 - Made sprite's sectors dependent on the z coordinates in the BUILD
editor. (Helpful if you use overlapping in your maps)
7/29/94 - Made precache function. Simply call:
precache() (no parameters)
right after you call loadboard(?,?,...) and it will load
all tiles in the current board into the cache. Note that
animations of sprites after the first one will not be
precached. I have included my precacheing code at the
end of game.c for those interested in making the precaching
- Fixed bug in editart which made it sometimes save the art files
and names.h in the wrong directory (the last directory you
were in when you were in 'U' mode). You may want to search
your artwork directories to see if you were a victim of this
7/30/94 - Made Ctrl-Enter paste parallaxing sky tiles to all neighboring
parallaxing sky areas also.
7/31/94 - Fixed (most) crashing bugs - Doesn't even crash on the highest
skyscrapers now! Since I can never be SURE that the crashing
is gone, I need you to test it for me - compare the number
of times it crashes per second since the last version. It
should be much better.
- Fixed sector line bug! Get close to a step, hold down Shift+Z
and the edges of the step will NOT jitter like before AND you
will not get random walls going through the screen.
8/1/94 - Got rid of the OLD transluscent stuff from overwritesprite and
permanentwritesprite. (Before it used the 8K shading table
which didn't work very well)
- Added new true 50/50 transluscence option to overwritesprite.
See bit 2 in the next comment.
- Fixed overwritesprite so it works with different screen sizes.
You don't need to do any scaling calculations! Should be
compatible with old function. Added new bit 1 to orientation
parameter to determine whether or not the sprite should be
scaled and clipped to the viewing window.
overwritesprite (long thex, long they, short tilenum,
signed char shade, char orientation)
If Bit 0 of orientation = 0: (thex, they) is top-left corner
If Bit 0 of orientation = 1: (thex, they) is middle
If Bit 1 of orientation = 0: no relation to viewing window
If Bit 1 of orientation = 1: scale and clip to viewing window
If Bit 2 of orientation = 0: normal
If Bit 2 of orientation = 1: 50/50 transluscent!
* If it works at full screen, simply set bit 1 of orientation
to 1, and it should automatically scale properly!
- Made it so 2/4/6/8 keys in 3D EDIT MODE now only move the objects
1 step rather than continuously, giving more control over the
repeat/panning values of things.
- Made the / key not only reset the repeats of walls, but also for
sprites. It will set both repeats of the sprite to the default
size of 64. If you hold down shift with / on a sprite, it
will give the sprite a square aspect ratio by setting the
xrepeat to equal the yrepeat value.
8/2/94 - Doubled the board size from: (0 to 65536, 0 to 65536) to
(-65536 to 65536, -65536 to 65536) Notice that the grid in
2D EDIT MODE is much bigger than before. Since it is very easy
to double the maximum board size, just tell me if you need
a larger board. The only bad thing about allowing larger
boards is that the map designer is more likely to make some
sectors too large and cause overflow bugs. 32 bits can only
go so far you know!
- I think I MAY have fixed a bug in BUILD that used to make it crash
when quitting. It had something to do with the vertical grid
lines in 2D EDIT MODE when zoomed way in around the upper left
corner of the map (I think).
8/3/94 - Optimized Editart loading and saving.
- Made 'V' screen in Editart 320*400 instead of 320*200.
- Before I said I fixed the bug in EDITART where a few pixels in the
top left corners of tiles sometimes got overwritten. Well I
lied. This time I really fixed it. (I hope)
8/7/94 - Made x&y repeats, x&y pannings easier to adjust. It now works
like the default keyboard handler. It moves once when you
first press the key. A little later, it starts to move fast.
8/11/94 - Added great new sprite rotation function which works like
overwritesprite (like 2DRAW sprites)
rotatesprite(long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum)
(sx, sy) is the center of the sprite to draw defined as
screen coordinates shifted up by 16.
(z) is the zoom. Normal size is 65536.
Ex: 131072 is zoomed in 2X and 32768 is zoomed out 2X.
(a) is the angle (0 is straight up)
(picnum) is the tile number
Ex: rotatesprite(160L<<16,100L<<16,65536,lockclock<<4,DEMOSIGN);
This example will draw the DEMOSIGN tile in the center of the
screen and rotate about once per second.
Rotatesprite clips to the same area as overwritesprite but does
not scale or do transluscence yet.
- Please look at the new permanentwritesprite documentation at the
top of this file!
- Network should now work again - It now works great on my network
with 3 players! It may possibly also work with 4 or 5 players
too, but I didn't feel like running between 2 rooms to test it!
I never thought the day would come when I would get NET, COM,
and MODEM all working respectably!
- Changed setup program so you can select 2, 3, 4, or 5 players in
a network game. (The 5 is just to annoy people who like that
other lousy game)
will only work WITHIN THE SAME ART FILE. Do the tile moving
all in 'V' mode. Here are the new keys in 'V' mode:
To swap 2 tiles:
Simply press space bar on the first tile, then space
bar on the second.
To swap a group of tiles:
Press 1 on the first tile, press 2 to remember the region
between where you pressed 1 and 2. Press 3 at the
place to where you want to swap all the tiles.
Don't forget that this is all SWAPPING, tiles will (should)
NOT be overwritten using these keys.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Added ceildist and flordist parameters to
both clipmove and movesprite. I always had them all set to
(4<<8) by default.
clipmove(long *x, long *y, long *z, short *sectnum,
long xvect, long yvect,
long walldist, long ceildist, long flordist,
char cliptype)
movesprite(short spritenum, long xchange, long ychange, long zchange,
long walldist, long ceildist, long flordist,
char cliptype, long numtics)
- Moved some com/network code from the getpackets function in game
into the engine.
8/15/94 - Fixed some network initialization code and it now works with 4
players. (I tested it.)
8/16/94 - Added different shirt color support. Here's how you do it:
allocatespritepalookup(long palnum, char *remapbuf)
See more documentation of allocatespritepalookup at the top of
this file.
8/18/94 - I made it so you can redefine the keys in the setup program under
the input devices menu.
- ATTENTION EVERYONE - for this new version, you MUST go into my
new SETUP program, and SAVE CHANGES AND QUIT once. The arrow
key code will not work if you don't do this! If you are
one of those people who actually read BUILD.TXT, give yourself
1 point. I wonder who will get "caught" for not reading this!
8/22/94 - Added pixel height and wall length information to 2D EDIT MODE
when you press Tab or Alt-Tab on a sector or wall.
- Now show the actual number of sprites in 2D EDIT MODE.
- Improved digitized sound routines. Just thought I'd mention it.
- Added a "save As" feature to 2D EDIT MODE.
- Now show all lo and hi tags in 2D EDIT MODE on the map itself!
Note that position of the sector tag's text is put at the
average point of all the points of the sector, so if you have
a weird shape tagged sector, the text might show up at an
inconvenient place.
- You can turn the tag boxes on or off by pressing CTRL-T or by
zooming out.
- ATTENTION EVERYONE - for the new BUILD.EXE and OBJ's, you will
need to copy my new TABLES.DAT over your old one. Also, you
must go into SETUP and SAVE&QUIT. I have split the TABLES.DAT
file into 2 separate files. They are:
TABLES.DAT - 10880 bytes - sin tables, fonts, etc.
SETUP.DAT - 23 bytes - (6 options) + (17 custom keys)
The SETUP.DAT file is the only file SETUP.EXE accesses now.
This means that from now on, if I want to add something to
TABLES.DAT, you won't have to go into the setup program and reset
the options again.
8/24/94 - Relative alignment now fully works with ROTATION! Relative
alignment will allow ceilings and floors to align with the
first 2 points of a sector. This will relieve you of
programming special ceiling and floor panning code for moving
In 3D EDIT MODE, simply press 'R' on a ceiling / floor to switch
between relative alignment mode and normal mode. Notice that
bit 6 of both sector[].ceilingstat and sector[].floorstat are
relative alignment bits.
I have an example of relative alignment in nukeland.map in the
high blue room off the main octagonal room. Also note that my
subways and dragsectors now use relative alignment for panning.
8/25/94 - I added a new parameter to printext256 and printext16. I need
to document this stuff!
8/27/94 - Made it so you can't shrink sprites so much you can't grab them
any more in 3D EDIT MODE.
- Added (G)oto feature into Build 'V' mode. Simply press G, type
the tile number and it will go there.
9/7/94 - Fixed relative alignment bugs I noticed. My subway.map won't
crash anymore and the relatively aligned ceilings and floors
should not pan crazily anymore when looking from a far
9/9/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: I added a new parameter to
overwritesprite. Dapalnum can be from 0-15 depending on
what palette lookup table is being used. Dapalnum is normally
0. Overwritesprite now looks like this:
overwritesprite (long thex, long they, short tilenum,
signed char shade, char orientation, char dapalnum)
9/13/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: I changed the last parameter of drawrooms
(sector number) to be passed as a value, NOT a pointer anymore.
drawrooms(long daposx, long daposy, long daposz,
short daang, long dahoriz, short dacursectnum)
9/15/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: I took out the COM(modem)/network code
from my engine.obj and put it into a separate .obj called
multi.obj. (I also removed the sound from my engine and stuck
it in kdmeng.obj) Please include it in your makefile. Here is
a list of ALL of the variables and functions you will need to
know to program for multiple players:
VARIABLES: (You should extern these in your game.c)
extern short numplayers, myconnectindex;
extern short connecthead, connectpoint2[MAXPLAYERS];
extern long *lastpacket2clock;
leng = getpacket(&otherconnectindex,tempbuf);
Please see detailed descriptions of these functions at the top
of this file.
- Multiplayer code is now MUCH cleaner!
- Please try my game on your networks again! My game now works
perfectly with 3 players on a network that used to crash at
the DOS4GW prompt just a week ago! My game needs only IPX,
no server to run.
BUILD.EXE OR OBJ'S! Following are the exact changes I made
to the new map format:
* Added numextras
* Added sector[].ceilingpal
* Added sector[].floorpal
* Added sector[].visibility
* Split sector[].tag to sector[].lotag and sector[].hitag
* Added sector[].extra
* Expanded wall[].cstat to a short
* Split wall[].tag to wall[].lotag and wall[].hitag
* Added wall[].extra
* Split sprite[].tag to sprite[].lotag and sprite[].hitag
* Got rid of sprite[].extra (the void * mess)
* Added sprite[].extra
The only thing programmers have to worry about when converting
are the tags. I split them into lo and hi tags.
(See BUILD.H for new structure formats)
I got rid of the (void *)extra thing from the sprite
structure. I know I may have made some promises it
wouldn't change and it was for your use only, but what
can I say - it's not needed anymore (in other words,
if you're already using it, TOUGH LUCK). I have my
own, new, method for extending sector, wall, or
sprite structures. You will be able to extend any
structure as much as you want AND be able to edit it
all in the BUILD editor to be saved in the permanent
map format. Notice I added a (short)extra to all 3
main structures. They default to -1. But if they
are >= 0 then they form a linked list out of the
extra structure. NOTE: THIS EXTRA STUFF IS NOT
PROGRAMMED YET! I'm just mentioning it becuase the
new map format has this extendability. I'll try to
get it done soon though. (9/21/94) - Actually just
ignore the fact that this paragraph ever existed.
I'm just keeping it here for history purposes.
- Renamed my allocatespritepalookup function to makepalookup since
it now also applies to walls, ceilings, floors, p-skies and
masked walls.
9/20/94 - Added rotated sprites. These new rotated sprites rotate in the
same way as masked walls. Sounds like a waste since the
engine already has masked walls? NOT AT ALL! With rotated
sprites, you can EASILY do TRUE ornamented walls FULLY inside
the BUILD editor with even MORE versatility than that other
game out there. For example, you can place the ornamentation
anywhere on the wall, with sizing control using 2,4,6,8 on the
keypad, and even ornament with transluscence! In 3D EDIT
MODE, simply press 'R' on a sprite to make it a rotated
sprite (Programmers see bit 4 of sprite[].cstat)
- Fixed crashing bug with sector (Rt. ALT) copy/paste in 2D EDIT
- You can now copy groups of sectors from 1 map to another! Here's
how you do it:
Step 1: Capture a bunch of sectors with the Rt. ALT selection
Step 2: With the sectors still highlighted, you can now load
another map and the highlighted sectors will
automatically be inserted into the new map. (They
will still be highlighted)
9/21/94 - Fixed bug with cursectnum not always being right after loading
the board. I now check it and make sure it's right when
saving in BUILD now.
- Added 'O' key in 2D/3D EDIT MODES. It will push a rotated sprite
backwards (using hitscan) into the first wall and
automatically adjust the angle to make the sprite appear
as if it was part of the wall.
- You can now press 'S' to insert a sprite in 3D EDIT MODE. Press
'S' on a ceiling or floor.
- You can now press delete to delete a sprite in 3D EDIT MODE.
9/22/94 - Programmed Nick & Peter's BUILD stub to their EXACT
specifications. See WSTUB.C for code & documentation.
9/27/94 - Fixed Rt. Alt block copying nextsector1 pointer bug.
9/29/94 - Added special bitmapped effect which I either call lava or
boiling slime. See my initlava and movelava functions
inside GAME.C.
- I added a bit array call gotpic. The engine will set the
respective gotpic bit for each picnum drawn to the screen,
including ceilings, floors, walls, sprites, masked walls -
even overwritesprites, etc. This array is mainly for
making the game only calculate special bitmapped effects
when that certain picnum is on the screen.
Note 1: The engine does NOT automatically clear the gotpic
bits for you. If you want to test gotpic for a certain
picnum, you should clear it if you want to test it again.
Note 2: It is not necessary to use permanentwritesprite
for bitmapped special effects - after all, if you see it,
it MUST be in the cache.
Added to BUILD.H:
EXTERN char gotpic[MAXTILES>>3];
Example code in GAME.C:
if ((gotpic[SLIME>>3]&(1<<(SLIME&7))) > 0) //test bit
gotpic[SLIME>>3] &= ~(1<<(SLIME&7)); //clear bit
if (waloff[SLIME] != -1) //if in cache
movelava((char *)waloff[SLIME]); //calculate!
- Added what some people call gamma correction. I think
brightness is a better description though.
setbrightness(char brightness);
Simply call this function where brightness ranges from
0 to 4. Brightness defaults to 0. Levels 1-4 are all brighter
than 0. If you switch between 2D & 3D modes, the engine will
remember the current brightness level.
9/30/94 - Added a few keys to fake a multiplayer game all on 1 computer.
In my game, press Insert to add a new player at the starting
position, and Delete to delete the last player. Press
scroll lock to get control of the other players. In the same
way Lt. Enter lets you view other players, Scroll lock will
let you control other players (single player game only)
10/2/94 - Moved all doanimations code from engine into game.c. If you
are using the doanimations code, here's exactly what you
need to do to make it work with your code again:
Step 1: Copy these 3 functions which you should find at
the end of my Game.c:
doanimations(long numtics)
getanimationgoal(long animptr)
setanimation(long *animptr, long thegoal, long thevel)
Step 2: Move these variables out of BUILD.H and into your
#define MAXANIMATES 512
static long *animateptr[MAXANIMATES], animategoal[MAXANIMATES];
static long animatevel[MAXANIMATES], animatecnt = 0;
* If you copied my door code, you will probably have to convert
some parameters to longs. (oops!)
- Got rid of printnum from the engine. It is an outdated function.
Use either printext256 or printext16 instead.
- Added y-flipping for both normal and rotated sprites. (see bit
3 of sprite[].cstat in BUILD.H.
- Added y-flipping for walls. (see bit 8 of wall[].cstat in
- Fixed bug with initialization of Master and Slave for
COM(Modem) only. If both computers went in at the same
time, it used to sometimes think both were Masters.
10/4/94 - Alt-C in 3D EDIT MODE changes all picnums on the whole map
from the picnum in tab to the picnum under the mouse cursor.
10/6/94 - Fixed y-flipping bug on walls and masked walls.
10/16/94 - Fixed bug in editart that didn't convert the maps right after
swapping tiles.
- Added excellent function to my multi.obj.
long getoutputcirclesize();
This function returns the number of bytes that have not
yet been copied. If there are still more than say, 16 bytes,
then you may be sending too many bytes per second. This can
happen if the frame rate of a computer is faster than the
speed of the serial mode (Ex: Try 2400 baud with a Pentium 90!)
this function will tell you how many bytes are left to copy
In other words, if getoutputcirclesize() < 16 then it is safe
to send a packet. If you already have serial mode working
all you have to do to update your code is to copy the lines
in my sync() function the deal with the getoutputcirclesize
function. Everything else in sync() and getpackets() is
pretty much the same.
- Programmed some example code in my game that will allow players
to change masters and slaves during the game without losing
sync. Simply press 'M' in my multiplayer game, and that
computer will become the master! It is interesting how
the frame rate and controllability changes.
10/31/94 - Added basic scripting to EDITART. Don't expect it to be
everything you ever dreamed of (yet).
Scripts are saved in a file called CAPFIL.TXT. You can edit the
text file, but be careful not to screw it up too badly (such
as extra commas, spaces in weird places, etc.) since I am
parsing it in EDITART.
Whenever you select a box in 'U' mode, a line will be appended to
the CAPFIL.TXT file.
In 'U' mode, you can press 'O' instead of ENTER to select a tile.
What 'O' does that is different from ENTER is that it takes
the center point of the highlighted rectangle, and searches
outward until a total rectangle of transparent pixels (255)
is reached. This is useful for grabbing sprites - not only
will you not have fine adjust to the exact borders of a
sprite now, but when you re-grab from the pcx's you can
change the size of the sprite freely.
There are 2 ways to re-grab from the CAPFIL.TXT file. If you
press ALT-U in the main screen, everything will be re-grabbed.
If you press ALT-U in 'V' mode, then you should first select
the range by pressing '1' and '2' on the range boundaries.
Format of CAPFIL.TXT lines:
Tile #, Full path/file name, x1, y1, xsize, ysize
Note: If xsize and ysize are 0, then that means you did
an 'O' grab and EDITART will search from point (x1, y1)
when you do a re-grab.
Example CAPFIL.TXT file:
The first line says that tile #31 is a 64*64 tile and the
second line says that tile #110 is unknown size tile (grabbed
with the 'O' key)
Note: You can only do 1 grab per tile with my scripting system.
You may have done your parallaxing skies with several grabs.
If so then try to make the tile into 1 large PCX and do 1
grab. (The largest grabbing size right now is 1024*256)
- Made Editart's screen capture (F12) save to PCX's the exact size
of the tile and not include the status bar at the bottom. It
will also save large tiles to large PCX's - Now it's easy and
lossless to extract a tile from Editart!
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMES! Added 2 new parameters to getzrange for
returning the objects hit on top and bottom.
(sectors / sprites) See my updated documentation at the top
of this file.
- Fixed clipping bugs with sprites near sector lines. (I hope)
- Got 3D Red-Blue glasses mode working for all VGA cards. First
set the graphics mode to red-blue mode in the setup program.
The left eye is red and the right eye is blue. There are
4 keys that let you adjust the 3D view:
[,] = Adjust width between eyes (3D width)
Shift [,] = Adjust width of parallax (2D width)
11/1/94 - Guess what? I turned 19 today. Doesn't that just suck. Now,
if you play my build game on my birthday, all the extemely
evil and scary brown monsters will be replaced with super
happy fun dogs that throw smiley red jelly coconuts at you.
Also, my incredibly evil and scary music will be replaced
with super happy music. Actually this whole paragraph is
a joke (except for the birthday part).
- Made centering work with rotated sprites.
- Fix centering with x and y flipped sprites.
- Rotated sprites now get chopped off by the ceiling or floor in
the same way normal sprites get chopped. Sprites do not get
chopped if there is a parallaxing sky / floor.
- Made Shift + F12 is BUILD 2D mode inverse black and white.
- If SETUP.DAT is not found then default options are loaded
instead of quitting to DOS.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Added 3 parameters to makepalookup that
allow you to do FOG effects. The first 2 parameters are the
same as before. The last 3 are the color that the palette
fades to as you get further away. Before, this color was
always black (0,0,0). White would be (63,63,63).
makepalookup(long palnum, char *remapbuf,
char redvalue, char greenvalue, char bluevalue)
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Moved 2 things into BUILD.H. Please
make sure to update it:
#define MAXPALOOKUPS 256
EXTERN char *palookup[MAXPALOOKUPS];
The palookup array is an array of pointers that point to the
first byte of each 8K palette lookup table. All 256 pointers
are initialized to NULL by initengine() except for palookup[0]
which is the default 8K palette. This will allow you to modify
the palette lookup table directly for non-snowy fading effects,
etc. Each palette lookup table has 32 shades. Each shade has
256 bytes. Shade 0 is closest (actual palette brightness) and
shade 31 is farthest (dark usually). (256*32 = 8192 or 8K)
11/3/94 - Now show white lines in 'V' mode of EDITART at ART file tile
- Added Insert and Delete commands to EDITART! These Insert and
Delete keys WILL shift all tiles after the one being inserted
or deleted just like a regular text editor. To insert or
delete tiles, simply go the 'V' screen in EDITART and bang
away! Don't worry these keys are fully multi-tile file
compatible (unlike swapping right now).
You will notice that the white line boundaries that
I just added will actually move if you press Insert or Delete.
This changes the number of tiles per art file. But that's
ok. If the art files ever get too unbalanced, you can run
the RSIZEART.EXE utility to fix it.
Ken's lesson of the day: For the final release of your
games, you only need 1 art file. The reason I spent my time
programming multiple art files was because of EDITART.
Since EDITART need to READ & WRITE to the art files, it must
hold a whole art file in memory at a time. Since Build and
Game only READ the art files, a caching system can be made
and only 1 art file is necessary even for lo-memory systems.
11/4/94 - ATTENTION MAP DESIGNERS! Added a long-awaited feature to BUILD
which I call "loop joining". Have you ever gotten this
frustrating message in 2D EDIT MODE before?
"You can't split sector by connecting different loops."
Well, you're not going to see it any more because I fixed
it! Yup. You can now split a sector along a line connecting
different loops of the sector.
Try this - Convert the sector on the left to the sector
on the right:
Split #1 Split #2
³ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ÚÄÁÄ¿ ³ ³ ÚÄÁÄ¿ ³
³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³
(Given) (Half done) (Result)
(1 sector) (Still 1 sector) (2 sectors)
Before the only was to do this was to delete all the
sectors and then redraw them again.
I'm sure loop joining has its share of tricks, as most
BUILD functions do, so you may want to spend some time just
playing around with this new function.
- Removed my own profiler stuff - Hline calculations, etc. code.
Watcom's sampler and profiler is much better anyway.
- Fixed neartag divide by zero bug with walls (I hope).
Anyone calling neartag for every player per movethings?
I would try not to - How much is that unnoticable extra 0.02
frames per second worth to you anyway?
11/9/94 - Added new array to BUILD.H called gotsector. It works a lot
like the gotpic array, but this array determines which sectors
were considered during the drawrooms function. Note that
gotsector, unlike gotpic IS cleared to 0 during every call
to drawrooms.
- Fixed Editart 'U' mode mouse control bug. I typed too fast this
- Fixed Build split sector bug of accidently deleting sprites. It
should not delete any sprites when splitting sectors now.
11/15/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I moved ALL my timer code and arrow key code into GAME.C.
Here are the exact instructions that you need to follow to
upgrade your code to the new obj's:
1. From the end of my GAME.C, take the code from these 4
---> inittimer();
---> uninittimer();
---> void __interrupt __far timerhandler();
---> keytimerstuff();
2. After each initengine, call inittimer right AFTER:
---> inittimer();
After each uninitengine, call uninittimer right BEFORE:
---> uninittimer();
3. You may need to include this (if not already included):
---> #include <dos.h>
4. Add these 2 lines to declare the timerhandler:
---> void (__interrupt __far *oldtimerhandler)();
---> void __interrupt __far timerhandler(void);
5. Since BUILD.H NO LONGER has vel, svel, and angvel, you
must add the following line to your game:
(These variables are modified inside keytimerstuff())
---> static long vel, svel, angvel;
6. Let me list some variables that I recently removed from my
GAME. This may or may not affect you:
oposx[], oposy[], oang[], etc.. - GONE!
lastpacket2clock - GONE!
lastsynctics - GONE!
drawscreen's smoothratio parameter & related code - GONE!
kenchaintimer - GONE! (Don't think anybody was using it
because it didn't solve sound compatibility problems)
11/16/94 - Made swinging door clipping work MUCH better! It is much more
difficult to "sneak" through the door now. With the swinging
door clipping working much better, I made it possible to open
doors even if you are in the same sector as the door itself.
Now you won't have to stand back a certain distance to open
the doors. (It is much less annoying this way) Since neartag
does not normally scan cursectnum's sector tags, you will
need to check cursectnum's tags yourself (if you so desire)
Example: (extracted from my GAME.C)
if (neartagsector == -1) //If no neartagsector found...
i = cursectnum[snum]; //Test current sector for tagging
if ((sector[i].lotag|sector[i].hitag) != 0)
neartagsector = i; //Cursectnum is the neartagsector!
- Improved my gamma correction algorithm. Since it now uses a new
1K at the end of my TABLES.DAT, be sure to update all your
TABLES.DAT files! My new gamma correction supports 16 levels
of brightness (0-15). You need not change any code in your
game if you already have gamma correction programmed.
11/17/94 - Made swinging door clipping code work even better. The bug was:
it only tested the clipping if you were in the same sector as
the door. So I put this handy little function in GAME.C which
simply tests if 2 sectors are neighbors or not:
testneighborsectors(short sect1, short sect2)
Check it out!
- Rewrote my clipinsidebox function. You probably don't use this
function, but if you copied my swinging door code, then you
will need to update this. Clipinsidebox is used for clipping
to determine whether a player or sprite is too close to a
clipinsidebox(long x, long y, short wallnum, long walldist)
X and y are the position of the sprite or player. Wallnum
is the wall to test, and walldist is the fatness of the sprite
or player (same as clipmove). It returns a 1 if the sprite or
player's clipping square intersects the wall or 0 if not.
Example - You can test all 4 walls of a swinging door and make
sure the door doesn't run you over:
short swingwall[4]; //4 wall indeces of a swinging door
for (i=0;i<4;i++)
if (clipinsidebox(posx,posy,swingwall[i],128L) == 1)
//Swinging door swung into player, so move door back to
//its old position / inverse swinging direction.
11/22/94 - Made build posx, posy, posz, ang, cursectnum, and horiz variables
- Made hi-res screen capture work.
- Fixed some of those evil view-clipping bugs with rotated sprites
on red sector lines. I think it should work with rotated
sprites on horizontal or vertical red lines. I'm not sure
about weird angled lines.
11/23/94 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: Made parallaxing skies tileable in any
equal size chunk where the chunk x size is a power of 2
from 16-1024. You can now make a 2048 wide parallaxing sky
with 2 chunks of 1024 (gobble gobble).
These lines were added to BUILD.H:
#define MAXPSKYTILES 256
EXTERN short pskyoff[MAXPSKYTILES], pskybits;
pskyoff[MAXPSKYTILES] is an array of OFFSETS of each tile
from the picnum of the parallaxing sky.
pskybits is NOT the actual number of tiles, but the
log (base 2) of the number of tiles. Look at this table:
For 1 tile, pskybits = 0
For 2 tiles, pskybits = 1
For 4 tiles, pskybits = 2
For 8 tiles, pskybits = 3
For 16 tiles, pskybits = 4
I know that most teams have a 1024 wide parallaxing sky that
wraps all the way around. Don't worry - this is the
default now. When initengine is called, the variables
default to this:
pskyoff[0] = 0;
pskybits = 0;
You may have used a 512 wide parallaxing sky (like in my game)
that repeated every 180 degrees. To make this work with
the new version, set these variables like this right after
initengine is called:
pskyoff[0] = 0;
pskyoff[1] = 0;
pskybits = 1;
Note that both pskyoff variables are 0 here. This will
make the parallaxing sky repeat.
With the new tiling, you can save memory by making small
chuck sizes, such as 64 or 128, and repeating certain
11/25/94 - Fixed some really stupid keyboard problem in Build.
11/29/94 - Added FLOOR SPRITES!!! Here are some things that floor sprites
can do for you:
* Make bridges and balconies
* Use them for ceiling and floor ornamentation
* Use them in place of a rotating sector - modifying 1 angle
is much faster than rotating tons of points.
* Weapon such as a spinning saw blade or, of course, a smiley
red jelly coconut. (?)
* How about a "walking" hole like in Ken's Labyrinth
* You could throw a footstep on the floor every time you make a
step. The steps would go away after awhile. Maybe if you
step in mud, the next 16 or so footsteps will be plotted.
* You could even fake radial shading with a transluscent floor
sprite. (Transluscent floor sprites not yet programmed)
Just imagine all the great stuff you can do with floor
sprites combined with wall sprites! I can't wait to see what
you all come up with!
ÚÄÄ To clear some confusion, and to shorten conversations, let
³ me give official names to my 3 kinds of sprites:
³ Normal stupid sprites - "FACE SPRITES"
³ Rotated / masked wall sprites - "WALL SPRITES"
³ New ceiling & floor sprites - "FLOOR SPRITES"
³ Also let me clear up the 2 kinds of clipping:
³ Clipping when moving something - "MOVEMENT CLIPPING"
ÀÄÄ Clipping when drawing something - "VIEW CLIPPING"
To make a floor sprite in BUILD, simply press 'R' on any
sprite until it becomes a floor sprite. The xrepeat and
yrepeat values should work perfectly with floor sprites.
Floor sprites can be rotated at any of 2048 degrees, using
the sprite[].ang. Press < / > for course angle adjustment
or < / > with shift for fine angle adjustment. Also, you
can press 'F' on a floor sprite to flip it over like a
mirror. I am using another bit in sprite[].cstat to determine
the type of sprite. See the documentation in BUILD.H.
Now for the bad news:
* Floor sprite textures have similar restrictions as normal
ceilings and floors - both dimensions must be a power of 2.
This will most likely not change.
And some known problems which I will have to fix:
* Transluscence doesn't work yet
* Sorting with other sprites
* View clipping with walls
* Doesn't work too well in hi-res mode
See NUKELAND.MAP for some examples of floor sprites. I have both
a bridge and a balcony on the level. Please find them!
Remember that floor sprites don't work in mode x or hi-res
mode YET!
11/30/94 - Made WALL SPRITE and FLOOR SPRITE correctly do movement clipping.
12/1/94 - Made new map called BRIDGES.MAP. It is excellent! It has 3
bridges all crossing each other. Enjoy!
- For Editart, I added re-centering after delete and / to reset
centering while in centering mode.
- Debugged more of the floor sprite stuff.
12/2/94 - Made transluscence with floor sprites work. Check out my fake
radial shading under the lights of SUBWAY.MAP.
- Optimized floor sprites in assembler. Transluscent floor sprites
are a bit slower than normal floor sprites.
12/6/94 - Made a special 1-way mode for WALL and FLOOR sprites
(not FACE sprites). In BUILD 3D mode, you can press '1' on
a wall or floor sprite to make it only draw if you are on
1 side of it. This method of back-face culling will not only
make non-masking objects with thickness draw twice as fast,
but will also make fewer drawing bugs due to sprite drawing
order. Try out my BRIDGES.MAP. There's a new section at the
top and it's not another "ugly Ken's face n' slime" room.
12/8/94 - Editart and Build now capture with capt#### rather than captur##
allowing 10000 captured pictures.
12/23/94 - Increased Maximum number of walls to 8192.
12/28/94 - Made BUILD stub keys F5-F8 work in 3D mode also. See top
of BSTUB.C for full documentation of some new useful
variables that can be used inside the stub:
extern long qsetmode;
extern short searchsector, searchwall, searchstat;
In 3D mode, F5 and F6 do the exact same thing and F7 and F8
do the exact same thing (you don't need the extra key to
distinguish between sectors, walls and sprites, since the
mouse cursor can only be on 1 of the 3 objects in 3D mode.
Note: Since F5-F8 are called in 3D mode, you must be sure
NOT to use any 2D routines during those calls! This means
you will have to put the 3D/2D case check in all six
ExtShowSectorData, ExtShowWallData, ExtShowSpriteData,
ExtEditSectorData, ExtEditWallData, ExtEditSpriteData
- KEN'S PROPOSAL (NOT YET DONE) I am thinking of making a new
(and maybe final) map format. But before I do it, I am going
to ask all of you for any suggestions on new fields to add to
my 3 big structures (sector, wall, sprite):
Here are a few things already on my list to add:
* char sprite[].clipdist - THIS IS FOR SURE
This will be a sprite's clipping distance. My default
walldist is 128. With this field, you will finally be
able to make a unique fatness for each sprite with no
clipping bugs. I will probably shift this field up 2-4
bits to give it a range of more than just 0-255.
* char wall[].pal, sprite[].pal - PRETTY SURE
It should have been this way the whole time. Currently
the wall's palookup number is sector[].floorpal. While
it may save some memory, It has too many limitations.
I can make my map converter automatically convert all
walls of a sector to equal the sector[].floorpal so
don't worry about that type of conversion. If I do
this, I can get rid of the spritepal[] hack.
* I have decided that the sector[].extra, wall[].extra, and
sprite[].extra will remain in the structures as little
gifts for your use only. That's right! ALL YOURS!
* char sprite[].xoffset, sprite[].yoffset - NOT SURE YET
Some have asked for monster animations using the same
frame at 2 different times of an animation sequence having
different centers.
These will be signed chars. I'm not sure whether to
make these offsets as offsets to the centering information
from Editart or just make them the absolute offsets where
Editart's data is the default offset. I wonder if there's
a better way to do this without having to waste 8K.
* Do I have your permission to remove nextsector2 and
nextwall2? Anybody using them? If so, can you use the
extra variable instead? This will save 16K since both
are shorts. (MAXWALLS*short + MAXWALLS*short = 16384)
They were originally intended for 2 stories
but it would be totally ridiculous for me even to think
about programming that now. Besides, you can use wall
and floor sprites to fake 2 story areas. KEN PROMISE:
I will fix those darn view-clipping bugs eventually!
Please send any comments/suggestions to my internet address
(kjs@lems.brown.edu) I will consider each suggestion
carefully, because everything you suggest now won't have
to be an ugly hack like spritepal[] later.
CONVMAP6! Here is what I changed in the structures:
* Added wall[].pal, sprite[].pal
* Added sprite[].clipdist
* Expanded sprite[].cstat to a short
* Added sprite[].xoffset, sprite[].yoffset
* Removed wall[].nextsector2, wall[].nextwall2
* Renamed wall[].nextsector1 to just wall[].nextsector
* Renamed wall[].nextwall1 to just wall[].nextwall
* Scrapped numextras and extratype structure - Don't confuse
this with sector[].extra, wall[].extra, sprite[].extra
which ARE in map version 6.
Probably the only change above that will affect programmers is
getting rid of the '1' in wall[].nextsector1&wall[].nextwall1.
All the following changes were possible because of the new
map format.
- Got rid of the spritepal array in BUILD.H. With my grea
new map version 6, you can simply modify sprite[].pal!
- Made all .pal fields editable in 3D EDIT MODE. Press ALT-P
and simply edit the number as you would in 2D mode.
- Made sprite[].xoffset and sprite[].yoffset work as
offsets to the offsets that are already in EDITART.
Simple addition. They should work for all 3 types
of sprites.
- Made BUILD Tab&Enter also copy tags&extra if copying similar
structures. Also fixed some other attributes when
copying between structure types.
- Made sprites highlighted with Rt. Shift duplicate and stamp
when the insert key is pressed in 2D EDIT MODE.
- Made sprite[].clipdist work as the FACE SPRITE'S clipping
fatness. NOTE: Sprite[].clipdist is shifted up 2 to
allow a range from 0-1020, so if the sprite[].clipdist
is set to 32, then the clipping radius is actually 128.
- Removed the walldist parameter from movesprite. Movesprite
now just uses the sprite[spritenum].clipdist field of
whatever sprite is passed (shifted up 2).
movesprite(short spritenum, long xchange, long ychange,
long zchange, long ceildist, long flordist,
char cliptype, long numtics)
If you use clipmove or getzrange, you should check that you
are passing the correct walldist parameters. I'm saying
you may want to change some of the 128s to
1/3/95 - Made startumost[], startdmost[] into shorts.
- Optimized and fixed gamma correction in Stereo Red-Blue mode.
- Made weapons or anything using overwritesprite in Stereo Red-Blue
mode be at screen depth.
1/4/95 - Not that anybody would care (except for some crazed mega-hackers)
but I am just mentioning the fact that I did this:
animateoffs(short tilenum, short fakevar);
where fakevar is sectnum+0
or wallnum+16384
or spritenum+32768
or 49152 (just ignore-it's for rotatesprite)
Also: I changed one: "mov al, 0" instruction into an
"xor al, al", a net savings of
ONE LOUSY BYTE! Let's not get TOO
excited! (By the way, just kidding)
1/5/95 - Fixed the sprite centering with x-flipped FACE SPRITES.
- Found a bug with my swinging door clipping code. There are 2
types of swinging doors, forwards (opens CCW) and
backwards (opens CW). The bug was that you could sneak
through a backwards door from the back side. Well, I fixed
it, so now I challenge you to sneak through my swinging doors
now! If you are using my swinging door code, please make
these changes which you should find in my new GAME.C:
1. Changed declaration at beginning of GAME.C:
static short swingwall[32][5];
2. Added new line in prepareboard:
swingwall[swingcnt][4] = lastwall(swingwall[swingcnt][3]);
3. Modified some stuff in tagcode:
//swingangopendir is -1 if forwards, 1 is backwards
l = (swingangopendir[i] > 0);
- Here are some more functions that have been in the engine for
a while, but I forgot to document...
precache, loadtile, lastwall, rotatepoint
They are now documented at the top of this file.
1/6/95 - Optimized loading/saving of maps by using fewer read/write calls.
1/14/95 - Fixed evil crashing bug that I accidently introduced in the
1/3/95 version of Build. This crashing bug happened mostly
in tall rooms with lots of FACE SPRITES. It used to crash
very infrequently when you were standing almost exactly, but
NOT on the same x & y coordinates of a FACE SPRITE where the
z-distance was high.
1/15/95 - Fixed up network code so now you can miss 4 packets in row safely
over the network rather than just 2.
1/16/95 - Added strafe left / strafe right keys to my SETUP.DAT file and
char keys[19] array. If you actually use my keys array for
custom keys, here's what to do: I inserted the new strafing
keys at keys[12] & keys[13], so just add 2 to any keys with
an index >= 12.
- Made the sprites in 2D EDIT MODE of Build highlight properly
- Added another parameter to permanentwritesprite, palookup number:
permanentwritesprite(long thex, long they, short tilenum,
signed char shade, long cx1, long cy1,
long cx2, long cy2, char dapalnum);
1/17/95 - You can now select a bunch of sprites in 2D EDIT MODE with
Rt. shift, then go to 3D mode and change the z's of all the
highlighted sprites.
1/20/95 - Made Tab&Enter in 3D EDIT MODE copy .pal also whenever .shade is
normally copied. Shift+Enter will now copy just
.pal and .shade.
1/21/95 - Made Splitsector work with overlapping better.
- In Editart 'U' mode, it now goes automatically to the PCX and
coordinates of a tile if it is already in capfil.txt.
- In Editart, made capt????.PCX not get overwritten if they already
- Fixed Build tab on masked walls.
- Made zmode and kensplayerheight variables public in BUILD/BSTUB
so you can now compile BUILD to start out with your own
preferred settings. Kensplayerheight defaults to 32 and
zmode defaults to 0. You can over-ride these settings in
the new ExtInit function.
- Made Editart tiles much easier to center by showing all tiles
in the center of the screen instead of at the top-left corner.
(Editart will not allow you to center tiles larger than
320*200 right now)
- Made 'O' (optimize) key in Editart automatically preserve
the centering information.
ExtCheckKeys to BSTUB.C. Please just copy mine into your
current BSTUB. ExtInit and ExtUnInit are called only once.
ExtInit is called before loadpics() and after initengine().
ExtCheckKeys() is called just before nextpage in both 2D
and 3D modes. In 3D mode, you must call editinput inside
ExtCheckKeys just like my example in BSTUB.
1/24/95 - Fixed vertical line chained mode bug with permanentwritesprites.
1/31/95 - Fixed parallaxing sky tiling bug.
2/1/95 - Fixed network crashing bug when call interrupt 0x1c. You call
this interrupt when you chain to the old timer handler. Now
- Rewrote multiplayer code in game.c a bit. Moved both sync()
and getpackets() into the main program. The master code and
single player game code are now the same. Slaves need to
drawscreen and send packets only when a packet is received
from the master. Got rid of fake sync[MAXPLAYERS] slot by
using a local sync buffers. Rewrote checkmasterslaveswitch().
If you don't get what I did, it doesn't matter because you
already have working network code!
- Added new key in EDITART 'V' mode. Press ALT-R to generate
a tile frequency report. It will scan all MAP files in the
same directory as the ART files. The frequency count will
show up as text in the top-left corner of the boxes in
'V' mode. Press ALT-R again to turn off text.
- Perfected NCOPY! Copies about 150K / second which is 10 times
faster than a 115200bps serial cable. Since NCOPY already
links with multi.obj, it should not be too difficult to make
joining work in the middle of a network game. Please wait
until I make some sample code for you!
Receiver types: NCOPY (Ex: "NCOPY")
Sender types: NCOPY [filespec] (Ex: "NCOPY *.ART")
Ken's formula:
NCOPY + Loading&Saving GAMES = joining in middle
of network game!
- Made a DOOM to BUILD converter. Right now it only converts
ceilings, floors, and walls now, and some of the wall
textures are screwed up. Just because I converted some
Unfortunately, the converter is programmed in QuickBasic right
now, it won't compile, and I didn't feel like putting up the
7 MEG converted ART file up. When I convert it to C, I'll
upload it for all!
2/7/95 - Fixed overwritesprite bugs with translucence in chained mode
and above top of screen.
- Made bit 3 of overwritesprite x-flip the picture if set.
- Optimized various parts of engine.
2/8/95 - Fixed shading of all sprite types so they match perfectly with
their surroundings. Floor sprites now shade in the exact same
way as ceilings and floors. (Before, the whole floor sprite
had the same shade throughout)
2/9/95 - Started on loading and saving game code so I could give some
sample code for joining network games, but none of it works
yet, so just ignore it for now!
- Added frame rate in BSTUB.C. It averages the last 16 frames.
2/16/95 - Added another bit to sprite[].cstat for y-centering control. If
bit 7 is set then the sprite's center will be the actual
center rather then at the default position which is at the
bottom of the sprite. If you use this centering bit,
you finally get "WYSIWYG" centering contol in EDITART.
2/24/95 - Made floor sprites now support any x size by a power of 2 y size.
(That's better than before!) These are the same restrictions
on walls.
2/25/95 - Got loading / saving code to work with my game. Press Ctrl-L to
load game and Ctrl-S to save game. Saved games are called
SAVE0000.GAME and are about 300K. Don't worry about the large
sizes of the saved game files since they can be easily
compressed to less than 50K.
2/26/95 - I Finally made my multiplayer code run with fast frame rates AND
pefect controls on ALL computers of a multiplayer game. I am
now sending keystrokes of all computers at a constant rate of
40 times per second. All computers interpolate between frames
to get screen frame rates of higher or lower than 40 fps
(even in single player mode).
Here are the exact steps you will need to follow if you want to
update your code:
To send packets exactly 40 times a second, it would
sure be nice to send them right from the timer interrupt
handler. Too bad network packets just won't get sent
from the interrupt handler. (It may work from the
interrupt handler in Serial/Modem mode) So the solution
is to make a "fake" timer handler that must be called
at least 40 times a second even on the slowest computer.
Throughout my engine, I call faketimerhandler(). If you
have any slow parts in your game code, you may want to
called faketimerhandler() also.
Besides the very first few lines, the rest of the code
was taken directly from my old sync and getpackets
Now that all computers are calling movethings a
constant number of times a second, you don't need any
synctics variables anymore. You can convert all the
synctics variables to a define such as:
"#define TICSPERFRAME 3"
Doing this will guarantee that a game runs the same on
all speed computers.
static long ototalclock = 0, gotlastpacketclock = 0;
static long oposx[MAXPLAYERS], cposx[MAXPLAYERS];
static long oposy[MAXPLAYERS], cposy[MAXPLAYERS];
static long oposz[MAXPLAYERS], cposz[MAXPLAYERS];
static long ohoriz[MAXPLAYERS], choriz[MAXPLAYERS];
static long ozoom[MAXPLAYERS], czoom[MAXPLAYERS];
static short oang[MAXPLAYERS], cang[MAXPLAYERS];
Add to prepareboard:
oposx[i] = posx[i];
oposy[i] = (etc.)
ototalclock = 0;
gotlastpacketclock = 0;
Even though you may be getting more than 40fps, you will
only be seeing 40fps unless you interpolate between frames.
The oposx[], etc. variables back up the last posx[], etc.
variables so you can interpolate your actually drawing
position as some fraction between the two. This fraction
is smoothratio.
See beginning of drawscreen code. Here's where I actually
calculate the interpolated position to draw the screen.
cposx[i] = oposx[i]+mulscale(posx[i]-oposx[i],smoothratio,16);
cposy[i] = oposy[i]+mulscale(posy[i]-oposy[i],smoothratio,16);
cposz[i] = oposz[i]+mulscale(posz[i]-oposz[i],smoothratio,16);
choriz[i] = ohoriz[i]+mulscale(horiz[i]-ohoriz[i],smoothratio,16);
czoom[i] = ozoom[i]+mulscale(zoom[i]-ozoom[i],smoothratio,16);
cang[i] = oang[i]+mulscale(((ang[i]+1024-oang[i])&2047)-1024,smoothratio,16);
Draw the screen using cposx[], etc. instead of posx[], etc.
#pragma aux mulscale =\
"imul ebx",\
"shrd eax, edx, cl",\
parm [eax][ebx][ecx]\
modify [edx]\
It reads: eax = (eax*ebx)>>cl. Unlike C, this will
not overflow even if eax*ebx > 2^31, making full use of
the 64-bit result of the imul instruction.
static long movefifoplc, movefifoend;
static signed char baksyncvel[64][MAXPLAYERS];
static signed char baksyncsvel[64][MAXPLAYERS];
static signed char baksyncangvel[64][MAXPLAYERS];
static short baksyncbits[64][MAXPLAYERS];
Add to prepareboard: movefifoplc = 0; movefifoend = 0;
It is bad to call movethings inside faketimerhandler
because you don't want things to move while you're drawing
the screen. To solve this, I made movethings just save
away the parameters it was called with using a circular
buffer, and when I'm actually ready to DO the movement code,
I call domovethings.
Rename movethings to domovethings and see my new
movethings. This code is all for the fifo.
Put this line in movethings:
gotlastpacketclock = totalclock;
At the top of domovethings, copy my code for loading off
of the fifo. Also set oposx[] = posx[], etc. here.
5. You may want to add a global variable that controls whether
you are in continuous packet sending mode or not. Only
in the main loop should ready2send be != 0.
static long ready2send = 0;
6. The new main loop can be as short as this, with no case
checking for masters and slaves.
ready2send = 1;
while (keystatus[1] == 0) //Main loop starts here
//Actaully move everything here.
while (movefifoplc != movefifoend) domovethings();
//Second parameter is for frame interpolation,
//A fraction that ranges from 0-65536.
ready2send = 0;
3/6/95 - New key in BUILD. Now when you use relative alignment mode on
ceiling and floor textures, you can press Alt-F on the ceiling
or floor to choose a new wall to align to. It actually
rotates the walls of a sector by 1.
- Fixed screen capture PCX saving bug in both EDITART and BUILD.
- Added a parameter to screencapture, a filename.
screencapture(char *filename)
Ex: screencapture("captxxxx.pcx");
Please specify the full filename. Screencapture will modify
the 4 x's of the string to be a number starting at 0000.
3/8/95 - Made my rotatesprite function use Editart centering information.
The center is the pivot point of rotation.
- Added y-flipping to overwritesprite. See above documentation.
- Added 2 new parameters to rotatesprite, shade and pal
rotatesprite (long sx, long sy, long z, short a,
short picnum, signed char shade, char pal);
3/10/95 - Fixed sprite showing through closed sectors bug.
- Made it possible to draw the overhead map in 3D mode by adding
a line drawing function in 3D mode called drawline256. It
draws a line clipped to the viewing rectangle last set in
setview(). Here are the parameters:
drawline256(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2, char col);
Note: The coordinates are all shifted up 12.
Example: drawline256(0L,0L,319L<<12,199L<<12,31);
3/11/95 - Made drawline256 draw in a cleaner way, making use of the full
12 bits of precision.
3/14/95 - Optimized / cleaned up parts of hitscan, neartag, cansee.
Gee, I hope they all still work!
3/18/95 - I'm back in RI!
- Fixed recently added movesprite z parameter bug that may have
done strange things with monsters, such as stuck in sectors
I thought the following expression: !(cstat&128)
would be true if bit 7 was a 0, but I WAS WRONG!
Get this straight:
! - logical NOT, returns 0 if != 0 else 1 (!2457=0, !0=1)
~ - bitwise NOT, xor's it with 0xffffffff (~0x5f=0xa0)
3/21/95 - Gave access to some more variables in BSTUB.
- Made clipmove return a valid sector even if you're not between
its ceiling and floor. If you use overlapping sectors,
clipmove will find the sector closest to your z.
3/28/95 - Optimized transluscence for masked walls and wall sprites.
- Today is the day I declare my serial/modem error correction code
perfect! Sure, I may have bragged over and over again about
how perfect my correction method is each time, but this time
I mean it. This is ship-it quality error correction. The old
method had a few dark, evil, and ugly bugs that sometimes
totally screwed up bigtime.
4/5/95 - Got Master/Slave switching to stay in sync again with new
multiplayer code. Right after the master sends a packet
where a switch is made, I disable the master from sending
any more packets by setting ready2send to 0. Ready2send
will be set back to 1 only after the actual switch in
checkmasterslaveswitch. Here's what I added to movethings:
//Do this for Master/Slave switching
if (syncbits[i]&512) ready2send = 0;
4/10/95 - Optimized continuous setview calls between 2 different window
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: Moved movesprite code into game.c. It
no longer exists in the engine. It is a "cover-up" function
and it should be yours.
- Added a circular keyboard buffer to my keyboard handler. It is
fully compatible with the keystatus arrays. Use this buffer
for typing in messages or cheat codes. If you do not use this
buffer (or you wrote your own interrupt handler), you will miss
keys and it is very annoying.
I added these variables to build.h:
#define KEYFIFOSIZ 64
EXTERN volatile char keyfifo[KEYFIFOSIZ],
keyfifoplc, keyfifoend;
Every time a key is pressed and released, I add 2 bytes to the
circular buffer. The first byte is the scan code. The second
byte is a 1 for key pressed or 0 for key released. You can
ignore the key releases if you wish. You must read 2 bytes at
a time from this buffer.
Here's how you read the keyboard fifo:
while (keyfifoplc != keyfifoend) //More characters to read
ch = keyfifo[keyfifoplc];
keystate = keyfifo[(keyfifoplc+1)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1)];
//Increment buffer pointer
keyfifoplc = ((keyfifoplc+2)&(KEYFIFOSIZ-1));
printf("Scancode: %d, status: %d\n",ch,keystate);
The interrupt handler does the same as above but writes and
increments using keyfifoend as the index.
You can easily clear the buffer this way:
keyfifoplc = keyfifoend
- Made clipmove/getzrange not clip on the back side of a 1-sided
wall/floor sprite. It makes the clipping a little faster
and seems to fix a few minor clipping bugs. Don't get too
- Fixed getzrange's ceilz/florz mismatch with floor sprites against
normal ceilings and floors.
- Made Build default to y-centered centering mode when sprites
are inserted (bit 7 of sprite[].cstat)
- Fixed clipmove bugs with y-centered centering mode.
- Made it so you don't get stuck sliding along multiple properly
aligned wall/floor sprites.
- Please update to my new tables.dat.
4/11/95 - Optimized parts of clipmove / getzrange. Is it faster? Did I
make more bugs?
- Made the movesprite code in GAME.C now use getzrange. This
allows sprites to walk on floor sprites and bombs roll across
bridges. I will include the original movesprite code that
came from the engine in case you want to start with things
the way they used to be.
- Made ornamentation in BUILD 3D mode much easier. Now you can
press 'S' to insert a sprite on walls (not just ceilings
and floors). When you insert a sprite on a wall, it will
automatically be set to a wall sprite at the wall's angle.
Also it will be 1-sided with blocking off (The optimal
options for a decorative sprite on a wall).
- Added ALT-D to BUILD 3D mode. It lets you type in clipdist
for sprites. It works in the same way as ALT-P for palookup
4/15/95 - Fixed return value bug in setanimation and cleaned up these 3
functions: doanimations, getanimationgoal, setanimation.
Since they are now in game.c, you will need to copy them to
4/16/95 - Fixed hitscan not passing through loops bug.
- Fixed hitscan so it hits wall and floor sprites in the right
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS!!! Made bit 8 of sprite[].cstat the
hitscan clipping bit. It works like the hitscan bit for walls.
Note that both the wall and sprite cstat variables now have
2 separate bits for clipping, where:
1 is for use with the clipmove/getzrange function and
1 is for use with the hitscan function only.
Before, hitscan used to use 1 bit for all sprite clipping.
In your maps, the sprite hitscan bits are all zeros. That's bad!
To make things work like they used to, the sprite hitscan bit
must be set equal to the old sprite blocking bit. So I was nice
enough to make a program, FIXSPRBT.EXE, which will do just that.
run it on all your maps since the map format hasn't changed, but
it will save you annoying attribute setting time if you do.
- Did a few things to make these blocking bits easier to edit:
Since H and ALT-H were already used, I made CTRL-H toggle the
hitscan bit for both walls and sprites in 2D mode. B toggles
the blocking bit. B also now sets the hitscan bit to its
default value when you press it. For sprites, the hitscan bit
default is equal to the clipmove bit. For walls, the hitscan
bit default is always 0.
- Added new map mode! Check it out in my game. I now have 3 map
modes. Not that this really matters to you game programmers, but
this is how my game works:
dimensionmode[snum] == 1 3D MODE + junky line map
dimensionmode[snum] == 2 SUPER MAP!
dimensionmode[snum] == 3 3D MODE
I added show2dsector to BUILD.H which controls which works
like the other show2d... bit arrays. It tells which sectors
to show.
EXTERN char show2dsector[MAXSECTORS>>3];
I rewrote parts of drawoverheadmap to accommodate this new
mode - so it would be nice if you updated to my new code.
Added a new function that clears full screen to a specified
Oh and did I forget to mention the big function! Parameters
are the exact same my drawoverheadmap function:
Note: The new map mode right now is slowed down bigtime by
the face sprites using the rotatesprite function. The
rotatesprite right now is using a worse than awful
algorithm. When I optimize rotatesprite, the frame rate
of the new map mode will fly!
4/18/95 - Added default sprite cstat variable when you insert new sprites.
Set it to 0 if you hate the new centering mode in ExtInit
or 128 if you like the new centering mode.
Add this line to your Bstub if you wish:
extern short defaultspritecstat;
- If a wall & sprite are same distance away using hitscan, hitscan
now chooses the sprite.
- Optimized rotatesprite.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: Added new paramater at end of
rotatesprite: A char where the first bit tells it to use
transluscence mode or not.
rotatesprite(long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum,
signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat)
if ((dastat&1) == 0) - no transluscence
if ((dastat&1) != 0) - transluscence
- Cleaned up drawmapview further by making ALL floor sprite draw
with the texture in the right place and made the polygon
filling algorithm use higher screen coordinate precision.
4/19/95 - Added parameter to makepalookup:
makepalookup(long palnum, char *remapbuf,
signed char r, signed char g, signed char b,
char dastat)
if ((dastat&1) == 0) then makepalookup will allocate & deallocate
the memory block for use but will not waste the time creating
a palookup table (assuming you will create one yourself)
if ((dastat&1) != 0) then makepalookup will allocate & deallocate
the memory block AND create a palookup table using the rgb
values you pass.
- Made my ceiling&floor update the self-modified palookup pointers
when palookup[sector[].?pal] changes, not just when
sector[].?pal] changes. Watching for changing pointers rather
than changing indeces should solve the problem with screwy
palookup selection for ceilings&floors. Ignore what I said
before. You should now be able to change palookup pointers
- Optimized relative alignment. It should be the same speed as
all other ceilings & floors now.
- Warning: Since I added the new bit in sprite[].cstat, there are
now 9 bits in use. Make sure to treat it as a short. In my
code, I had some bugs where I did this:
sprite[].cstat &= (255-4); BAD! Cstat's a short! Please
check your code and make sure you clear the bits this way:
sprite[].cstat &= ~4;
4/21/95 - Fixed bug with flipping textures on ceilings & floors. In
BUIL0419.ZIP I had a bug whenever a ceiling or floor texture
had bit 4 set. It drew the texture backwards. Well, I
fixed it. Hope you didn't "Build" on this bug!
4/22/95 - Fixed really really stupid hitscan returning sector < 0 bug. If
you were calling hitscan from the top-left triangular region
of the board it stupidly returned a -1 for the sector. Well,
I fixed it.
- ATTENTION EVERYBODY!!! Moved setup.dat loading from the engine
into GAME.C and BSTUB.C. If you copy this code from game.c
into your game / bstub, they will work like it used to:
#define NUMOPTIONS 8
#define NUMKEYS 19
static long chainxres[4] = {256,320,360,400};
static long chainyres[11] = {200,240,256,270,300,350,
static long vesares[7][2] = {320,200,640,400,640,480,
static char option[NUMOPTIONS] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0};
static char keys[NUMKEYS] =
----- Put this where you call initengine -----
long fil;
if ((fil = open("setup.dat",O_BINARY|O_RDWR,S_IREAD)) != -1)
if (option[3] != 0) moustat = initmouse();
case 0: initengine(0,chainxres[option[6]&15],chainyres[option[6]>>4]); break;
case 1: initengine(1,vesares[option[6]&15][0],vesares[option[6]&15][1]); break;
case 2: initengine(2,320L,200L); break;
case 3: initengine(3,320L,200L); break;
case 4: initengine(4,320L,200L); break;
case 5: initengine(5,320L,200L); break;
case 6: initengine(6,320L,200L); break;
----- That's it! -----
Initengine now has 3 parameters:
initengine(char davidoption, long daxdim, long daydim)
See revised initengine description at the top of this file.
Now that engine.c doesn't use setup.dat, you can use your
own setup program.
Don't forget to update BSTUB!
NOTE!!! While MY setup program allows you select many different
video modes, no new modes are supported yet in BUILD!
(It's on my list.)
- Fixed keyboard repeating.
4/26/95 - Hi-res now works in all modes! The code I gave in the 4/22/95
description is still perfectly valid, so please copy it if
you haven't already looked at it. Here are some important
new variables I put in BUILD.H:
EXTERN char vidoption;
EXTERN long xdim, ydim, ylookup[MAXYDIM+1];
Vidoption is simply the first parameter you pass to
initengine. Xdim and Ydim are the screen sizes you pass to
initengine, such as 320*200 or 640*480.
Ylookup is a lookup table that works like this:
If (vidoption == 0) ylookup[i] = ((i*xdim)>>2);
if (vidoption != 0) ylookup[i] = i*xdim;
There is 1 exception: If you are using a chained mode which
can only fit only 1 viewing page, then the engine actually
does a screen-buffer mode and blits to the chained screen
so for this case, ylookup[i] = i*xdim.
- Added bit to the dastat parameter of rotatesprite.
if ((dastat&2) != 0) - align to screen size so the gun or
whatever is always over the same relative spot of the screen.
Works like bit 2 of the flags parameter in overwritesprite.
- Added pixel writing and reading that will work in all BUILD
graphics modes. They work just like you think they should.
plotpixel(long x, long y, char col);
char getpixel(long x, long y);
Please do not overuse these functions! They are NOT intended
for fast drawing!
- Changed tables.dat so parallaxing skies at high resolutions
work accurately.
- I made bit 15 of sprite[].cstat the invisible bit. If it is
set, then the sprite won't even be considered for sorting and
there is absolutely no speed loss due to its existence. It is
faster to use this bit then manually set thesprite[] to -1.
Since drawrooms collects the list of sprites drawmasks is about
to sort, make sure the bit is set before drawrooms. If you use
frame interpolation, you usually want to tell drawmasks somehow
to not draw yourself. Before you used to use the
thesprite[] = -1 trick. Now you do it like this:
sprite[i].cstat |= 0x8000; //Set invisible bit
sprite[i].cstat &= ~0x8000; //Restore invisible bit
- Fixed distance overflow bug (the one that showed garbage
textures if a wall was really far away).
4/27/95 - Made an example board, MONWALK.MAP, where monsters walk along
a bridge with no railing, onto a sector, and even up and down
a stairway without falling off it. If you shoot a brown so
it's almost dead, it will turn transluscent. If it's
transluscent, it won't shoot bullets. It is much easier to
test the monsters' walking when they don't shoot!
- Try my new and improved fake network player mode! Each fake
network player now gets their own window. Use insert and
delete to add or remove players. Use Scroll lock to switch
which window you control. If you have a Pentium, I would
recommend trying this out in 640*480 mode.
- Noticed a bug with my movesprite code:
For clipmove, I was getting the z-coordinate right, but for
getzrange I forgot to subtract half the sprite's height if
the sprite was using the real centered centering mode.
These lines set daz to the actual center of sprite i no matter
what centering mode is used:
daz = sprite[i].z;
if ((sprite[i].cstat&128) == 0)
daz -= ((tilesizy[sprite[i].picnum]*sprite[i].yrepeat)<<1);
4/28/95 - ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! When a tile is not in the cache:
Before it used to be this:
if (waloff[tilenum] == -1) loadtile(tilenum);
if (waloff[tilenum] < 0) loadtile(tilenum);
Now it's this:
if (waloff[tilenum] == 0) loadtile(tilenum);
Windows can allocate memory with addresses so high, they
are negative. That makes the (waloff[tilenum] < 0)
method totally stupid and attempt to reload from disk
the tile constantly! I can think of 3 reasons why I
originally designed my system in this fashion:
mestupid, mestinx, and merottts.
- Fixed visibility for different screen sizes.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Now multiply by visibility rather than
shift right by visiblity so you get a broader range of
visibility. If you want the visiblity to work like before,
use this conversion table:
Old visibility New visibility
8 -> 16384
9 -> 8192
10 -> 4096
11 -> 2048
12 -> 1024
13 -> 512
14 -> 256
15 -> 128
- Made Alt-F make the selected wall the first wall of a sector.
This is useful for quick relative alignment adjustments.
Alt-F for 2D and 3D modes may not work for sectors with loops
inside of them.
5/1/95 - Optimized horizontal line setup code from 9 multiplies to
7 multiplies.
- Fixed dark vertical lines in parallaxing skies bug I recently
- Optimized horizontal line assembly code so it doesn't use the
awful SHLD instruction any more. This is a good speed
improvement for Pentiums only.
5/2/95 - Added some code to my GAME.C which detects when a computer gets
out of sync in a multiplayer game. It's not as easy as you
may think with all the faketimerhandler and fifo crap. If
you want to put this code in your game, search all areas in
my code with the keyword "syncval".
- Fixed palookup crashing bug.
5/6/95 - Moved windowx1, windowy1, windowx2, windowy2 variables into
BUILD.H. They are the exact parameters you passed to the
last setview call. Please DO NOT modify them directly.
Use setview to modify them.
5/10/95 - Fixed makepalookup bug when shading to non 0.
- Fixed palookup pointer setting bug.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! I made a new cacheing system which allows
any type of object to be allocated in my cache, such as
artwork tiles and sounds or whatever else you may want to
put on the cache. This may or may not affect you. If you
haven't been hacking into my code, then you shouldn't have to
change your code. The cacheing routines have been moved into
a separate module, cache1d.obj. If you link engine.obj, then
you must also link cache1d.obj. Please update your makefiles.
For anybody who may want to re-write my cacheing system, here's
how it now works: (I have only 3 functions in cache1d.obj
right now, initcache, uninitcache, and allocache)
Allocate a nice BIG buffer, like from 1MB-4MB and
call initcache(long cachestart, long cachesize) where
cachestart = (long)(pointer to start of BIG buffer)
cachesize = length of BIG buffer
Ex: initcache(FP_OFF(pic),cachesize);
Loadpics calls this function for you so you don't normally
need to call it.
call allocache(long ptr, long siz) whenever you need to
allocate a temporary buffer, where
ptr = (long)(pointer to (4-byte pointer to thing))\
siz = number of bytes
Ex: if (waloff[tilenume] == 0)
Allocache is totally tile independent. To allocate a sound
on the cache, you can call allocache.
There are 3 functions in the engine which help manage the
cache for you: loadpics - calls initcache
loadtile - calls allocache
allocatepermanenttile - special function
that allocates permanent memory
from the cache.
- Fixed clipmove crashing bug when passing a sectnum < 0. Whenever
you moved in BUILD and you weren't in a valid sector, memory
was getting trashed.
5/12/95 - Added ExtPreCheckKeys(void) to BSTUB.C. It is called before
drawrooms / drawmasks in 3D mode, whereas ExtCheckKeys(void)
is called after drawrooms / drawmasks (and before nextpage).
- Added bit to flags of rotatesprite to allow x-flipping. See
updated documentation.
5/17/95 - Added aspect ratio for those weird modes like 320*400, etc.
You could call setaspect to properly adjust a mode that is
not exactly correct, or for special effect that stretch
the screen.
In ENGINE.OBJ, I added a function, setaspect(long daaspect),
where you pass the Y/X aspect ratio scaled up 16 bits, so
65536 would be normal. You don't need to call this if you
don't want to. By default, in setview, I call setaspect
with these parameters:
(also written as:)
Note that in 320*200 mode the value passed would be 65536
which is a 1:1 aspect ratio.
In BUILD.H, I added yxaspect and xyaspect.
When you call setaspect(daaspect),
yxaspect = daaspect;
xyaspect = (1<<32) / yxaspect; //reciprocal
and other internal variables, so DON'T MODIFY YXASPECT
Since drawmapview is also affect by the aspect ratio, you
will need to make sure drawoverheadmap is affected so
the map modes match up. Please look at and copy my updated
drawoverheadmap function into your GAME.C if you use it.
5/18/95 - Revised caching system so it supports locking.
Here are the new parameters to allocache:
allocache(long *bufptr, long bufsiz, char *lockptr)
*bufptr = pointer to 4-byte pointer to buffer
bufsiz = number of bytes to allocate
*lockptr = pointer to 1-byte locking char. 1=locked, 0=not
And uninitcache works a little differently too:
Call uninitcache(0) to remove all UNLOCKED items or
Call uninitcache(1) to remove ALL items.
After calling uninitcache, you do not need to call
initcache to use the cache again.
5/21/95 - Made changespritesect and changespritestat return 0 instead of -1
when changing to same value.
5/25/95 - Added relative visibility for sectors. In 3D EDIT MODE, use
ALT+(keyp.)+/- to change an individual sector's visibility.
Press Shift in addition for fine visibility changine. By
default you change it by 16. Press CTRL+ALT+(keyp.)+/- to
change the global visibility. The global visibility is not
saved in the map.
- Can now delete many sectors at a time. Select sectors with the
rt. Alt. Then press Ctrl-delete on any highlighted sector to
delete all the highlighted sectors.
- Fixed build sometimes not saving when quitting from 2D mode bug.
5/27/95 - Fixed bugs in network work that should make it miss packets
much less often than before.
- Fixed bug in ncopy so it shouldn't halt or crash anymore.
- Added spritecstat[] the thesprite arrays. Please use my
thesprite arrays rather than modifying the sprite directly
since hitscan and clipmove use bits 4 and 8 of sprite[].cstat.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS: Added 1 parameter to neartag that will
allow you to search only lotags or only hitags. See updated
documentation above.
neartag (long xs, long ys, long zs, short sectnum, short ange,
short *neartagsector, short *neartagwall, short *neartagsprite,
long *neartaghitdist, long neartagrange, char tagsearch)
If tagsearch = 1, neartag searches lotag only
If tagsearch = 2, neartag searches hitag only
If tagsearch = 3, neartag searches lotag&hitag
Neartag used to always search both lotag&hitag.
5/30/95 - Added ExtAnalyzeSprites(void) to BSTUB and a spriteshade array
- Made circle drawing in 2D EDIT MODE work better at large sizes.
6/5/95 - Added shareware / registered artwork version control to EDITART.
In 'V' mode, when you press ALT-R to get a report of tile
frequencies of tiles on all the maps in the current directory,
you can toggle the shareware/registered bit with the space bar.
This bit is saved in the top bit of the picanm bits so it is
stored permanently in the art file. Press ALT-D in this mode
to automatically delete all registered tiles. Please before
you do the deleting phase, copy all artwork to a temporary
directory!!! It is safe, however, the toggle the new bit in
the full version.
6/7/95 - Made 3 main structures defined with typedef so struct prefix
is no longer needed with sectortype, walltype, and spritetype.
- Added new function to engine:
short sectorofwall(short dawall);
It returns the sector of a given wall. It is well optimized
including sector[sector[].nextwall].nextsector if a red wall
and a binary search on the sector[].wallptr's if it is a
white wall. On average, sectorofwall should have to scan
through only 10 different sector indeces to find the right
sector (not 1024!).
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Made all the separate thesprite arrays
into a single array of sprite structures call tsprite. See
BUILD.H!!! This means:
spritepicnum[i] is now tsprite[i].picnum
spritex[i] is now tsprite[i].x
spritey[i] is now tsprite[i].y
spritez[i] is now tsprite[i].z
spriteshade[i] is now tsprite[i].shade
spritecstat[i] is now tsprite[i].cstat
spritepal[i] is now tsprite[i].pal
thesprite[i] is now tsprite[i].owner <<<============
Everything above is straight forward, except for thesprite,
which has been renamed to owner.
All other tsprite parameters, such as .xrepeat, .yoffset,
etc. can also be modified without changing the real
sprite structure so the game won't out of sync.
- Made tsprite[].statnum be a priority variable for sorting sprites
that are the exact same distance from you. I think higher
means more in front.
- Made clipmove allow you to cross any red sector line when the z's
of the next sector are farther apart. This may solve clipping
bugs such as when you're in water. You may be able to remove
some work-arounds you may have programmed previously.
My system will first search for the stand-alone file in the
directory. If it doesn't find it, then it will search for it
in the group file. If it still doesn't find it then -1 city.
Use KGROUP.EXE to create a grouped file from a lot of other
files. Type KGROUP [grouped filename][filespec][filespec][...]
For example this line will create the new grouped file,
stuff.dat, including all the following files specified:
kgroup stuff.dat *.art *.map tables.dat palette.dat
Feel free to make your own batch files. If there is demand,
I can make kgroup support appending, replacing, and extraction.
Here is the file format of a grouped file:
³ 12 bytes - File grouping ID ³
³ 4 bytes - Number of files ³
³For each file: (16 bytes per file) ³
³ 12 bytes - Filename with extension (13th byte would be a 0) ³
³ 4 bytes - Length of file ³
³ Pure, raw file data, ordered just like you think it would be ³
There just couldn't be a simpler format. This format is so
hacker happy that when you view it in a hex editor, all the
filenames line up perfectly since they're multiples of 16.
Anybody who can't figure this out, of course, not only rots,
but is probably one of those really stupid people who would
actually "pay" to get the full version of a game.
The engine currently supports grouping for:
*.ART, *.MAP, TABLES.DAT and PALETTE.DAT. If you want
to group your own files, you will have to use my loading
routines rather than the standard ones for those files. My
file routines are basically an extra layer around the standard
lo-level functions. Look at these 5 routines I currently
Welcome to the K-routines!
open -> kopen4load(char *filename)
read -> kread(long handle, void *buffer, long leng)
lseek -> klseek(long handle, long offset, long whence)
filelength -> kfilelength(long handle)
close -> kclose(long handle)
Note that you only pass the filename to my kopen4load function.
Here are 2 other routines that you MUST use, whether you like
my file grouping system or not:
initgroupfile(char *groupfilename)
Call this with the name of your grouped file before
any possible file loading will the k-routines. Note that
tables.dat uses the k-routines and it is in initengine().
Please don't give your grouped filename an extension that
starts with W, ends with D, and has a vowel in between.
And don't even bother to write your own file grouping
system because even if you do, people still have to write
their own new utilities to read the ART and MAP files.
Call before quitting to DOS.
- ATTENTION PROGRAMMERS! Changed kopen4load from:
kopen4load(char *filename)
kopen4load(char *filename, char searchfirst)
if searchfirst = 0 then search stand alone first then group file
if searchfirst = 1 then search group file only
6/12/95 - Tracked down an OUT OF SYNC bug with my multiplayer code!
In my GAME.C, the way I had my sync arrays organized were
wrong. The problem was that if faketimerhandler was
called during domovethings, the sync arrays may have been
changed, getting the game out of sync. The solution is
to keep the sync arrays in domovethings totally separate
from the sync arrays in faketimerhandler. I split my sync
arrays into 2 separate arrays, sync and fsync, where fsync
and osync are for use BEFORE the FIFO only (such as
faketimerhandler and getpackets), and sync is used AFTER
the FIFO only (such as domovethings). PLEASE SPLIT YOUR
- The OUT OF SYNC message doesn't flicker any more. See the
section of code in GAME.C where I set syncstat.
- Fixed up a waitforeverybody function for network games which
waits for everybody to be at a certain part of the game.
Waitforeverybody also uses getpackets message number 5.
- Added new clipping function that will push players away from
walls that are too close. It solves A LOT of movement
clipping problems. It can be pretty darn slow if it detects
that you're too close to a wall, so I'd recommend using it
only for players.
pushmove (long *x, long *y, long *z, short *sectnum,
long walldist, long ceildist, long flordist, char cliptype)
The parameters are exactly the same as clipmove but with no
xvect or yvect. Pushmove returns either a 0 or -1. If
it returns a -1, then that means that it could not push
the player away from the offending wall after 256 tries.
When this happens, then you should kill the player
instantly, because this only happens when the player is
getting smooshed.
6/13/95 - Made clipinsidebox and clipinsideboxline return 0 if line doesn't
intersect box, 1 if line intersects box and center of box
is in front of line, or 2 if line intersects box and center
of box is behind line.
- Cansee should now work properly with overlapping.
6/19/95 - ATTENTION! Remove work-arounds!!! Found nasty getzrange bug.
Getzrange used to let you fall through red sector line cracks
when you were near more multiple red sector line sharing the
same 2 sectors. Sound familiar anybody?
- Made pushmove return the sector of whatever x and y end up in.
6/22/95 - I included cache1d.c renamed to cache1d.txt in this upload.
6/26/95 - Made face and wall sprites of clipmove, getzrange, hitscan, and
neartag sensitive to the y-offset that you set in Editart.
- Made one sprite sorting case work perfectly: where multiple
sprites have the same x and y location (and priority). The
sorting still doesn't work perfectly, but this one case can
solve many of the current sprite sorting bugs, such as
inserting a floor sprite of blood below a dead body.
- Fixed some sprite drawing clipping bugs for wall and floor
sprites. Now, wall sprites and floor sprites should not
show through walls, ceilings, or floors when they're not
supposed to. Also, I fixed a case where wall sprites
disappeared when they happened to be between 2 white walls
that clipped it.
6/27/95 - Fixed even more sprite drawing clipping bugs for wall sprites.
- BONUS!!! Wall sprites now clip to white walls! (not red walls)
If you ornament a wall, make sure that neither endpoint of the
wall sprite is behind the wall or else it will get clipped.
Please run lookatme.map from my game.exe which demonstrates
some of the things you can do in build now without bugs.
6/30/95 - Made drawline256 clip with startumost/startdmost.
- Moved keyboard handler into GAME.C. Here's what you need to do
to use my keyboard handler (see my GAME.C):
1. Some global variables:
#define KEYFIFOSIZ 64
void (__interrupt __far *oldkeyhandler)();
void __interrupt __far keyhandler(void);
volatile char keystatus[256], keyfifo[KEYFIFOSIZ];
volatile char keyfifoplc, keyfifoend;
volatile char readch, oldreadch, extended, keytemp;
2. initkeys()
3. uninitkeys()
4. keyhandler()
5. Make sure to call initkeys and uninitkeys. A good place
would be next to where you call inittimer / uninittimer.
I didn't put my keyboard handler into BSTUB since I am using
keystatus throughout build.obj. Besides I didn't want to anybody
too bad of a headache for one upload.
- Did you know that screencapture inverses black and white if you
hold either shift key down? This option is useful for
printing out board maps. Since I don't own the keyboard
any more, I had to make screencapture take inverseit as the
second parameter.
screencapture(char *filename, char inverseit);
Ex: screencapture("captxxxx.pcx",keystatus[0x2a]|keystatus[0x36]);
If (inverseit == 0) then nuttin' special
If (inverseit == 1) then super-reverso blacko-whiteo mode!
I also had to move the stereo adjustment keys into game.c
Just search for the "stereo" keyword in GAME.C. It'll take
through all the necessary places.
7/5/95 - Moved my keytimerstuff from my timerhandler into getinput.
(which is where it should be)
7/10/95 - Added a loadtilelockmode variable to BUILD.H. It's a global
variable that makes future loadtile calls allocate their
buffers on the cache as unlocked (0-default) or locked (1).
I decided to make this a global variable rather than a
parameter to save some people from rewriting code.
EXTERN char loadtilelockmode;
- Made my 2D EDIT MODE space bar code clear out new sectors and
wall structures to 0. (except for the extras which are -1)
7/20/95 - I forgot to documenent rotatesprite bit 3, which controls
whether or not the sprite will be clipped to the startumost
/startdmost arrays. If the bit is a 1, then the sprite will
not be clipped. This mode is useful for doing status bars
at variable resolutions. What you do is instead of calling
permanentwritesprite, you call rotatesprite with the scaling
bit and startumost/startdmost clipping bit off. For non
screen-buffer modes, be sure to call rotatesprite for each
page of the mode. Use the numpages variable in BUILD.H to
get the number of video pages used.
- Added clipping box parameters to rotatesprite: Here is the
prototype now:
rotatesprite (long sx, long sy, long z, short a, short picnum,
signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat,
long cx1, long cy1, long cx2, long cy2)
For your information, rotatesprite used to choose default
clipping box sizes using this code:
if ((dastat&8) == 0)
{ //0,0,xdim-1,ydim-1
cx1 = windowx1; cy1 = windowy1;
cx2 = windowx2; cy2 = windowy2;
cx1 = 0; cy1 = 0;
cx2 = xdim-1; cy2 = ydim-1;
Now both permanentwritesprite and overwrite can both be
replaced with rotatesprite which now does everything.
To replace permanentwritesprite, you must make sure to
draw to all the pages in numpages.
7/27/95 - Fixed recently introduced build 3D mode bug when you press the
L.ENTER key on a blank map. Also made sectorofwall return -1
if an invalid wall is passed to it.
7/28/95 - Added a function to my game that shows only the local area of
the map by scanning through the nextsectors of walls and
setting the show2dsector, show2dwall, and show2dsprite
arrays properly. You should call this function any time
(show2dsector[cursectnum>>3] & (1<<(cursectnum&7))) == 0)
That means it's not showing the sector you're currently
in. You should also manipulate show2dsprite any time you
insert or warp a sprite.
- You know the one thing in my engine that doesn't work in chained
mode? Well I fixed it!
- Fixed a bug which made it print out of sync when it really
wasn't (This bug probably only affecting my game.) In
getsyncstat, I was calling updatecrc16() with things other
than chars, making it index invalid parts of the crctable
7/30/95 - Reduced some overhead memory:
* Removed walsiz[] array. (16K saved). If you ACTUALLY used
this array, you can multiply tilesizx[]*tilesizy[] instead.
* Made sqr table from longs to shorts with same precision.
* Removed tantable. (4K saved)
* Reduced internal constant, MAXWALLSB, from 4096 to 2048
(96K saved).
8/1/95 - Added another bit to rotatesprite for top-left corner mode and
made documentation of the stat bits more clear.
8/3/95 - Fixed a bug with rotatesprite so it now scales perfectly to the
full screen view when enabling bits 2 and 8 of the stat field.
This means that with rotatesprite, you can easily get your
status bars, etc., to work at any resolution.
8/4/95 - New Doom->Build update! You can now convert doors and lots of
other weird things. Fixed more conversion bugs. Sprites now
convert properly in doom-artwork mode. You can now convert
- Added some wacky aspect ratio keys to 3D EDIT MODE of BUILD.
Use Rt.Ctrl Rt.Alt Lt.- or Rt.Ctrl Rt.Alt Lt.= to select.
8/12/95 - Added parameter to initmultiplayers to allow who becomes
master at the start of a multiplayer game.
- Added parallaxyscale variable to BUILD.H which control the ratio
at which the parallaxing skies scroll in relation to the
horizon. Default is 65536. With lower values, you don't
need as much artwork and can look higher, but I like 65536
because it is the correct projection.
8/13/95 - Had MAJOR bug with my searchmap function. If you use it, please
re-copy from my game.c
8/14/95 - Fixed some EVIL bugs with Rt.ALT sector copying. It shouldn't
screw up your maps anymore! And if you have maps that were
screwed up with it, you can try my new map correcting key,
L.Ctrl+L.Shift+L.Enter. This key will not affect an already
perfect map. However it can SOMETIMES clean up a map that
was screwed up. I take no responsibility if it screws up
your map even more, so please check them before saving!