terminx ccdba037b5 Added Xfree() function to accompany the Xmalloc() family of functions and change all uses of Bfree() to Xfree()
This was necessary because everything is already allocated with the Xmalloc() functions, but a future commit will make blocks allocated with those functions no longer compatible with the system implementation of free(), which Bfree() wraps.

git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@7705 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0

# Conflicts:
#	source/build/src/build.cpp
#	source/build/src/mdsprite.cpp
#	source/build/src/polymer.cpp
#	source/build/src/polymost.cpp
#	source/build/src/texcache.cpp
#	source/build/src/voxmodel.cpp
2019-09-20 12:07:10 +02:00

691 lines
25 KiB

// Evil and Nasty Configuration File Reader for KenBuild
// by Jonathon Fowler
#include "compat.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "editor.h"
#include "osd.h"
#include "cache1d.h"
#include "baselayer.h"
#include "renderlayer.h"
#include "vfs.h"
static double clampd(double d, double mind, double maxd)
if (d != d || d<mind)
d = mind;
else if (d>maxd)
d = maxd;
return d;
static int32_t readconfig(buildvfs_FILE fp, const char *key, char *value, uint32_t len)
char buf[1000], *k, *v, *eq;
int32_t x=0;
if (len < 1) return 0;
while (1)
if (!buildvfs_fgets(buf, 1000, fp)) return 0;
if (buf[0] == ';') continue;
eq = Bstrchr(buf, '=');
if (!eq) continue;
k = buf;
v = eq+1;
while (*k == ' ' || *k == '\t') k++;
*(eq--) = 0;
while ((*eq == ' ' || *eq == '\t') && eq>=k) *(eq--) = 0;
if (Bstrcasecmp(k, key)) continue;
while (*v == ' ' || *v == '\t') v++;
eq = v + Bstrlen(v)-1;
while ((*eq == ' ' || *eq == '\t' || *eq == '\r' || *eq == '\n') && eq>=v) *(eq--) = 0;
value[--len] = 0;
do value[x] = v[x]; while (v[x++] != 0 && len-- > 0);
return x-1;
extern int16_t brightness;
extern char default_buildkeys[NUMBUILDKEYS];
static char *const keys = default_buildkeys;
static int32_t default_grid=9;
extern int32_t AmbienceToggle, MixRate;
extern int32_t ParentalLock;
* 0 = video mode (0:chained 1:vesa 2:screen buffered 3/4/5:tseng/paradise/s3 6:red-blue)
* 1 = sound (0:none)
* 2 = music (0:none)
* 3 = input (0:keyboard 1:+mouse)
* 4 = multiplayer (0:single 1-4:com 5-11:ipx)
* 5&0xf0 = com speed
* 5&0x0f = com irq
* 6&0xf0 = chained y-res
* 6&0x0f = chained x-res or vesa mode
* 7&0xf0 = sound samplerate
* 7&0x01 = sound quality
* 7&0x02 = 8/16 bit
* 7&0x04 = mono/stereo
* bytes 8 to 26 are key settings:
* 0 = Forward (0xc8)
* 1 = Backward (0xd0)
* 2 = Turn left (0xcb)
* 3 = Turn right (0xcd)
* 4 = Run (0x2a)
* 5 = Strafe (0x9d)
* 6 = Fire (0x1d)
* 7 = Use (0x39)
* 8 = Stand high (0x1e)
* 9 = Stand low (0x2c)
* 10 = Look up (0xd1)
* 11 = Look down (0xc9)
* 12 = Strafe left (0x33)
* 13 = Strafe right (0x34)
* 14 = 2D/3D switch (0x9c)
* 15 = View cycle (0x1c)
* 16 = 2D Zoom in (0xd)
* 17 = 2D Zoom out (0xc)
* 18 = Chat (0xf)
int32_t loadsetup(const char *fn)
buildvfs_FILE fp;
#define VL 1024
char val[VL];
int32_t i;
if ((fp = buildvfs_fopen_read(fn)) == NULL) return -1;
if (readconfig(fp, "forcesetup", val, VL) > 0) forcesetup = (atoi_safe(val) != 0);
if (readconfig(fp, "fullscreen", val, VL) > 0) fullscreen = (atoi_safe(val) != 0);
if (readconfig(fp, "xdim2d", val, VL) > 0) xdim2d = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "ydim2d", val, VL) > 0) ydim2d = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "xdim3d", val, VL) > 0) xdimgame = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "ydim3d", val, VL) > 0) ydimgame = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "bpp", val, VL) > 0) bppgame = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "editorgridextent", val, VL) > 0)
int32_t tmp = atoi_safe(val);
editorgridextent = clamp(tmp, 65536, BXY_MAX);
if (readconfig(fp, "grid", val, VL) > 0)
grid = atoi_safe(val);
default_grid = grid;
autogrid = (grid==9);
grid = clamp(grid, 0, 8);
#ifdef POLYMER
if (readconfig(fp, "rendmode", val, VL) > 0) { i = atoi_safe(val); glrendmode = i; }
if (readconfig(fp, "vid_gamma", val, VL) > 0) g_videoGamma = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
if (readconfig(fp, "vid_brightness", val, VL) > 0) g_videoBrightness = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
if (readconfig(fp, "vid_contrast", val, VL) > 0) g_videoContrast = clampd(Bstrtod(val, NULL), 0.0, 10.0);
if (readconfig(fp, "maxrefreshfreq", val, VL) > 0) maxrefreshfreq = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "lazytileselector", val, VL) > 0) g_lazy_tileselector = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "gameexecutable", val, VL) > 0)
Bstrcpy(game_executable, val);
#if 1
if (readconfig(fp, "keyforward", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_MOVEFORWARD] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keybackward", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_MOVEBACKWARD] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_TURNLEFT] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keyturnright", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_TURNRIGHT] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keyrun", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_RUN] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafe", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_STRAFE] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keyfire", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_SHOOT] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keyuse", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_OPEN] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keystandhigh", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_MOVEUP] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "keystandlow", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_MOVEDOWN] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keylookup", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_LOOKUP] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keylookdown", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_LOOKDOWN] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keystrafeleft", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_STRAFELEFT] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keystraferight", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_STRAFERIGHT] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "key2dmode", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_MODE2D_3D] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keyviewcycle", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_PLAYERVIEW] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomin", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_ZOOMIN] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "key2dzoomout", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_ZOOMOUT] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
// if (readconfig(fp, "keychat", val, VL) > 0) keys[BK_MESSAGE] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "windowpositioning", val, VL) > 0) windowpos = atoi_safe(val);
windowx = -1;
if (readconfig(fp, "windowposx", val, VL) > 0) windowx = atoi_safe(val);
windowy = -1;
if (readconfig(fp, "windowposy", val, VL) > 0) windowy = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "keyconsole", val, VL) > 0)
keys[BK_CONSOLE] = Bstrtol(val, NULL, 16);
if (readconfig(fp, "mousesensitivity", val, VL) > 0) msens = Bstrtod(val, NULL);
if (readconfig(fp, "mousenavigation", val, VL) > 0) unrealedlook = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "mousenavigationaccel", val, VL) > 0) pk_uedaccel = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "quickmapcycling", val, VL) > 0) quickmapcycling = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "sideview_reversehorizrot", val, VL) > 0) sideview_reversehrot = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "revertCTRL", val, VL) > 0) revertCTRL = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "scrollamount", val, VL) > 0) scrollamount = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "turnaccel", val, VL) > 0) pk_turnaccel = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "turndecel", val, VL) > 0) pk_turndecel = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "autosavesec", val, VL) > 0) autosave = max(0, atoi_safe(val));
if (readconfig(fp, "autocorruptchecksec", val, VL) > 0) autocorruptcheck = max(0, atoi_safe(val));
if (readconfig(fp, "corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd", val, VL) > 0)
corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "corruptcheck_game_duke3d", val, VL) > 0)
corruptcheck_game_duke3d = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "corruptcheck_heinum", val, VL) > 0)
corruptcheck_heinum = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
if (readconfig(fp, "fixmaponsave_sprites", val, VL) > 0)
fixmaponsave_sprites = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "keeptexturestretch", val, VL) > 0)
keeptexturestretch = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "showheightindicators", val, VL) > 0)
showheightindicators = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
if (readconfig(fp, "showambiencesounds", val, VL) > 0)
showambiencesounds = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
if (readconfig(fp, "pathsearchmode", val, VL) > 0)
pathsearchmode = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 1);
if (readconfig(fp, "pointhighlightdist", val, VL) > 0)
pointhighlightdist = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "linehighlightdist", val, VL) > 0)
linehighlightdist = atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3dmode", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3dmode = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 1);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3dsize", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3dsize = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 3, 5);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3d_x", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3d.x = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 0xffff);
if (readconfig(fp, "2d3d_y", val, VL) > 0)
m32_2d3d.y = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 0xffff);
if (readconfig(fp, "autogray", val, VL) > 0)
autogray = !!atoi_safe(val);
// if (readconfig(fp, "showinnergray", val, VL) > 0)
// showinnergray = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "graphicsmode", val, VL) > 0)
graphicsmode = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 0, 2);
if (readconfig(fp, "samplerate", val, VL) > 0) MixRate = clamp(atoi_safe(val), 8000, 48000);
if (readconfig(fp, "ambiencetoggle", val, VL) > 0) AmbienceToggle = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "parlock", val, VL) > 0) ParentalLock = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "osdtryscript", val, VL) > 0) m32_osd_tryscript = !!atoi_safe(val);
if (readconfig(fp, "remap", val, VL) > 0)
char *p=val;
uint32_t v1,v2;
while (*p)
if (!sscanf(p,"%x",&v1))break;
if ((p=strchr(p,'-'))==0)break;
if (!sscanf(p,"%x",&v2))break;
initprintf("Remap %X key to %X\n",v1,v2);
if ((p=strchr(p,','))==0)break;
// load m32script history
for (i=0; i<SCRIPTHISTSIZ; i++)
Bsprintf(val, "hist%d", i);
if (readconfig(fp, val, val, VL) <= 0)
scripthist[i] = Xstrdup(val);
scripthistend = i;
// copy script history into OSD history
for (i=0; i<min(scripthistend, osd->history.maxlines); i++)
OSD_SetHistory(i, scripthist[scripthistend-1-i]);
scripthistend %= SCRIPTHISTSIZ;
return 0;
void writesettings(void) // save binds and aliases to <cfgname>_m32_settings.cfg
buildvfs_FILE fp;
char *ptr = Xstrdup(setupfilename);
char tempbuf[128];
if (!Bstrcmp(setupfilename, defaultsetupfilename))
Bsprintf(tempbuf, "m32_settings.cfg");
else Bsprintf(tempbuf, "%s_m32_settings.cfg", strtok(ptr, "."));
fp = buildvfs_fopen_write(tempbuf);
if (fp)
Bfprintf(fp,"// this file is automatically generated by %s\n", AppProperName);
if (!Bstrcmp(setupfilename, defaultsetupfilename))
OSD_Printf("Wrote m32_settings.cfg\n");
else OSD_Printf("Wrote %s_m32_settings.cfg\n",ptr);
if (!Bstrcmp(setupfilename, defaultsetupfilename))
OSD_Printf("Error writing m32_settings.cfg: %s\n", strerror(errno));
else OSD_Printf("Error writing %s_m32_settings.cfg: %s\n",ptr,strerror(errno));
int32_t writesetup(const char *fn)
buildvfs_FILE fp;
int32_t i,j,first=1;
fp = buildvfs_fopen_write(fn);
if (!fp) return -1;
";; NOTE: key-value pairs ending in a trailing ';;' will NOT be read from this\n"
";; file, but from m32_settings.cfg, potentially under a different name.\n"
"; Always show configuration options on startup\n"
"; 0 - No\n"
"; 1 - Yes\n"
"forcesetup = %d\n"
"; Video mode selection\n"
"; 0 - Windowed\n"
"; 1 - Fullscreen\n"
"fullscreen = %d\n"
"; Video resolution\n"
"xdim2d = %d\n"
"ydim2d = %d\n"
"xdim3d = %d\n"
"ydim3d = %d\n"
"; 3D-mode colour depth\n"
"bpp = %d\n"
"vsync = %d ;;\n"
#ifdef POLYMER
"; Rendering mode\n"
"rendmode = %d\n"
"; Grid limits\n"
"editorgridextent = %d\n"
"; Startup grid size (0-8, 9 is automatic)\n"
"grid = %d\n"
";; OpenGL mode options\n"
"usemodels = %d ;;\n"
"usehightile = %d ;;\n"
"; Enabling lazytileselector allows the tile display to interrupt\n"
"; drawing hightiles so you can quickly browse without waiting\n"
"; for all of them to load. Set to 0 if you experience flickering.\n"
"lazytileselector = %d\n"
"; glusetexcache: 0:no, 1:yes, 2:compressed\n"
"; For best performance, keep this setting in sync with EDuke32\n"
"glusetexcache = %d ;;\n"
"glusememcache = %d ;;\n"
"gltexfiltermode = %d ;;\n"
"glanisotropy = %d ;;\n"
"r_downsize = %d ;;\n"
"r_texcompr = %d ;;\n"
"r_shadescale = %g ;;\n"
"r_usenewshading = %d ;;\n"
# ifdef POLYMER
"r_pr_artmapping = %d ;;\n"
# endif
"; Use new aspect determination code? (classic/Polymost)\n"
"r_usenewaspect = %d ;;\n"
"; Screen aspect for fullscreen, in the form WWHH (e.g. 1609 for 16:9).\n"
"; A value of 0 means to assume that the pixel aspect is square.\n"
"r_screenxy = %d ;;\n"
"; Maximum OpenGL mode refresh rate (Windows only, in Hertz)\n"
"maxrefreshfreq = %d\n"
"; Window positioning, 0 = center, 1 = memory\n"
"windowpositioning = %d\n"
"windowposx = %d\n"
"windowposy = %d\n"
"; 3D mode brightness setting\n"
"vid_gamma = %g\n"
"vid_brightness = %g\n"
"vid_contrast = %g\n"
"; Game executable used for map testing\n"
"gameexecutable = %s\n"
#if 0
"; Sound sample frequency\n"
"; 0 - 6 KHz\n"
"; 1 - 8 KHz\n"
"; 2 - 11.025 KHz\n"
"; 3 - 16 KHz\n"
"; 4 - 22.05 KHz\n"
"; 5 - 32 KHz\n"
"; 6 - 44.1 KHz\n"
"samplerate = %d\n"
"; Music playback\n"
"; 0 - Off\n"
"; 1 - On\n"
"music = %d\n"
"; Mouse sensitivity\n"
"mousesensitivity = %g\n"
"; Mouse navigation\n"
"; 0 - No\n"
"; 1 - Yes\n"
"mousenavigation = %d\n"
"; Mouse navigation acceleration\n"
"mousenavigationaccel = %d\n"
"; Quick map cycling (SHIFT)+CTRL+X\n"
"; 0 - No\n"
"; 1 - Yes\n"
"quickmapcycling = %d\n"
"; Reverse meaning of Q and W keys in side view mode\n"
"sideview_reversehorizrot = %d\n"
"; Revert CTRL for tile selction\n"
"; 0 - WHEEL:scrolling, CTRL+WHEEL:zooming\n"
"; 1 - CTRL+WHEEL:scrolling, WHEEL:zooming\n"
"revertCTRL = %d\n"
"; Scroll amount for WHEEL in the tile selection\n"
"scrollamount = %d\n"
"; Turning acceleration+declaration\n"
"turnaccel = %d\n"
"; Turning deceleration\n"
"turndecel = %d\n"
"; Autosave map interval (seconds)\n"
"autosavesec = %d\n"
"; Auto corruption check interval (seconds)\n"
"autocorruptchecksec = %d\n"
"; Ignore 'already referenced wall' warnings\n"
"corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd = %d\n"
"; Flag Duke3D issues\n"
"corruptcheck_game_duke3d = %d\n"
"; Auto-correct inconsistent ceilingstat/floorstat bit 2 and .heinum?\n"
"; Set to 2, also warn on 'corruptcheck'.\n"
"corruptcheck_heinum = %d\n"
"; Fix sprite sectnums when saving a map or entering 3D mode\n"
"fixmaponsave_sprites = %d\n"
"; Keep texture stretching when dragging wall vertices\n"
"keeptexturestretch = %d\n"
"; Height indicators (0:none, 1:only 2-sided&different, 2:all)\n"
"showheightindicators = %d\n"
"; Ambience sound circles (0:none, 1:only in current sector, 2:all)\n"
"showambiencesounds = %d\n"
"; Default filesystem mode\n"
"pathsearchmode = %d\n"
"; Experimental 2d/3d hybrid mode\n"
"2d3dmode = %d\n"
"2d3dsize = %d\n"
"2d3d_x = %d\n"
"2d3d_y = %d\n"
"; Point and line highlight/selection distances\n"
"pointhighlightdist = %d\n"
"linehighlightdist = %d\n"
"; TROR: Automatic grayout of plain (non-extended) sectors,\n"
"; toggled with Ctrl-A:\n"
"autogray = %d\n"
// "; TROR: Show inner gray walls, toggled with Ctrl-Alt-A:\n"
// "showinnergray = %d\n"
"; 2D mode display type (0:classic, 1:textured, 2:textured/animated)\n"
"graphicsmode = %d\n"
"; Sample rate in Hz\n"
"samplerate = %d\n"
"; Ambient sounds in 3D mode (0:off, 1:on)\n"
"ambiencetoggle = %d\n"
"parlock = %d\n"
"; Try executing m32script on invalid command in the OSD? This makes\n"
"; typing m32script commands into the OSD directly possible.\n"
"osdtryscript = %d\n"
#if 1
"; Key Settings\n"
"; Here's a map of all the keyboard scan codes: NOTE: values are listed in hex!\n"
"; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
"; | 01 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F 40 41 42 43 44 57 58 46 |\n"
"; |ESC F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 SCROLL |\n"
"; | |\n"
"; |29 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E D2 C7 C9 45 B5 37 4A |\n"
"; | ` '1' '2' '3' '4' '5' '6' '7' '8' '9' '0' - = BACK INS HOME PGUP NUMLK KP/ KP* KP- |\n"
"; | |\n"
"; | 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 2B D3 CF D1 47 48 49 4E |\n"
"; |TAB Q W E R T Y U I O P [ ] \\ DEL END PGDN KP7 KP8 KP9 KP+ |\n"
"; | |\n"
"; | 3A 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1C 4B 4C 4D |\n"
"; |CAPS A S D F G H J K L ; ' ENTER KP4 KP5 KP6 9C |\n"
"; | KPENTER|\n"
"; | 2A 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 C8 4F 50 51 |\n"
"; |LSHIFT Z X C V B N M , . / RSHIFT UP KP1 KP2 KP3 |\n"
"; | |\n"
"; | 1D 38 39 B8 9D CB D0 CD 52 53 |\n"
"; +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
"keyforward = %X\n"
"keybackward = %X\n"
"keyturnleft = %X\n"
"keyturnright = %X\n"
"keyrun = %X\n"
"keystrafe = %X\n"
// "keyfire = %X\n"
// "keyuse = %X\n"
"keystandhigh = %X\n"
"keystandlow = %X\n"
// "keylookup = %X\n"
// "keylookdown = %X\n"
// "keystrafeleft = %X\n"
// "keystraferight = %X\n"
"key2dmode = %X\n"
// "keyviewcycle = %X\n"
// "key2dzoomin = %X\n"
// "key2dzoomout = %X\n"
// "keychat = %X\n"
// "; Console key scancode, in hex\n"
"keyconsole = %X\n"
"; This option allows you to remap keys in case some of them are not available\n"
"; (like on a notebook). It has to be a comma-separated list of SOURCE-TARGET\n"
"; scancode values, looked up in the keyboard map above. This also means that\n"
"; the key positions count, not their labels for non-US keyboards.\n"
"; Example:\n"
"; 1. Map the backslash key (0x2B) to KPENTER (9C), since portable devices\n"
"; often don't have the latter\n"
"; 2. make KP0 (0x52) function as KP5 (0x4C), countering the inability to pan\n"
"; using Shift-KP5-KP8/2 in 3D mode\n"
"; remap = 2B-9C,52-4C\n"
"remap = ",
forcesetup, fullscreen, xdim2d, ydim2d, xdimgame, ydimgame, bppgame,
#ifdef POLYMER
editorgridextent, clamp(default_grid, 0, 9),
usemodels, usehightile, g_lazy_tileselector,
glusetexcache, glusememcache, gltexfiltermode, glanisotropy,r_downsize,glusetexcompr,
shadescale, r_usenewshading,
# ifdef POLYMER
# endif
windowpos, windowx, windowy,
#if 0
option[7]>>4, option[2],
msens, unrealedlook, pk_uedaccel, quickmapcycling,
corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd, corruptcheck_game_duke3d,
corruptcheck_heinum, fixmaponsave_sprites, keeptexturestretch,
m32_2d3dmode,m32_2d3dsize,m32_2d3d.x, m32_2d3d.y,
pointhighlightdist, linehighlightdist,
autogray, //showinnergray,
MixRate,AmbienceToggle,ParentalLock, !!m32_osd_tryscript,
// keys[BK_SHOOT],
// keys[BK_OPEN],
// keys[BK_LOOKUP],
// keys[BK_LOOKDOWN],
// keys[BK_ZOOMIN],
// keys[BK_ZOOMOUT],
// keys[BK_MESSAGE],
for (i=0; i<256; i++)
if (g_keyRemapTable[i]!=i)
// save m32script history
Bfprintf(fp,"; Mapster32-script history\n");
first = 1;
for (i=scripthistend, j=0; first || i!=scripthistend; i=(i+1)%SCRIPTHISTSIZ, first=0)
if (scripthist[i])
Bfprintf(fp, "hist%d = %s\n", j++, scripthist[i]);
return 0;