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// [AsmJit]
// Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++.
// [License]
// Zlib - See LICENSE.md file in the package.
// [Guard]
#include "../asmjit_build.h"
// [Dependencies]
#include "../base/codecompiler.h"
#include "../base/regalloc_p.h"
#include "../base/utils.h"
#include "../x86/x86assembler.h"
#include "../x86/x86compiler.h"
#include "../x86/x86misc.h"
// [Api-Begin]
#include "../asmjit_apibegin.h"
namespace asmjit {
//! \addtogroup asmjit_x86
//! \{
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::X86RAData]
// ============================================================================
struct X86RAData : public RAData {
ASMJIT_INLINE X86RAData(uint32_t tiedTotal) noexcept : RAData(tiedTotal) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get TiedReg array.
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg* getTiedArray() const noexcept {
return const_cast<TiedReg*>(tiedArray);
//! Get TiedReg array for a given register `kind`.
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg* getTiedArrayByKind(uint32_t kind) const noexcept {
return const_cast<TiedReg*>(tiedArray) + tiedIndex.get(kind);
//! Get TiedReg index for a given register `kind`.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getTiedStart(uint32_t kind) const noexcept {
return tiedIndex.get(kind);
//! Get TiedReg count for a given register `kind`.
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getTiedCountByKind(uint32_t kind) const noexcept {
return tiedCount.get(kind);
//! Get TiedReg at the specified `index`.
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg* getTiedAt(uint32_t index) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < tiedTotal);
return getTiedArray() + index;
//! Get TiedReg at the specified index for a given register `kind`.
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg* getTiedAtByKind(uint32_t kind, uint32_t index) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < tiedCount._regs[kind]);
return getTiedArrayByKind(kind) + index;
ASMJIT_INLINE void setTiedAt(uint32_t index, TiedReg& tied) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < tiedTotal);
tiedArray[index] = tied;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Utils]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Find TiedReg.
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg* findTied(VirtReg* vreg) const noexcept {
TiedReg* tiedArray = getTiedArray();
uint32_t tiedCount = tiedTotal;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tiedCount; i++)
if (tiedArray[i].vreg == vreg)
return &tiedArray[i];
return nullptr;
//! Find TiedReg (by class).
ASMJIT_INLINE TiedReg* findTiedByKind(uint32_t kind, VirtReg* vreg) const noexcept {
TiedReg* tiedArray = getTiedArrayByKind(kind);
uint32_t tiedCount = getTiedCountByKind(kind);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tiedCount; i++)
if (tiedArray[i].vreg == vreg)
return &tiedArray[i];
return nullptr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Special registers on input.
//! Special register(s) restricted to one or more physical register. If there
//! is more than one special register it means that we have to duplicate the
//! variable content to all of them (it means that the same varible was used
//! by two or more operands). We forget about duplicates after the register
//! allocation finishes and marks all duplicates as non-assigned.
X86RegMask inRegs;
//! Special registers on output.
//! Special register(s) used on output. Each variable can have only one
//! special register on the output, 'X86RAData' contains all registers from
//! all 'TiedReg's.
X86RegMask outRegs;
//! Clobbered registers (by a function call).
X86RegMask clobberedRegs;
//! Start indexes of `TiedReg`s per register kind.
X86RegCount tiedIndex;
//! Count of variables per register kind.
X86RegCount tiedCount;
//! Linked registers.
TiedReg tiedArray[1];
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::X86StateCell]
// ============================================================================
//! X86/X64 state-cell.
union X86StateCell {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getState() const noexcept { return _state; }
ASMJIT_INLINE void setState(uint32_t state) noexcept { _state = static_cast<uint8_t>(state); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Reset]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE void reset() noexcept { _packed = 0; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
uint8_t _packed;
struct {
uint8_t _state : 2;
uint8_t _unused : 6;
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::X86RAState]
// ============================================================================
//! X86/X64 state.
struct X86RAState : RAState {
enum {
//! Base index of GP registers.
kGpIndex = 0,
//! Count of GP registers.
kGpCount = 16,
//! Base index of MMX registers.
kMmIndex = kGpIndex + kGpCount,
//! Count of Mm registers.
kMmCount = 8,
//! Base index of XMM registers.
kXmmIndex = kMmIndex + kMmCount,
//! Count of XMM registers.
kXmmCount = 16,
//! Count of all registers in `X86RAState`.
kAllCount = kXmmIndex + kXmmCount
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE VirtReg** getList() {
return _list;
ASMJIT_INLINE VirtReg** getListByKind(uint32_t kind) {
switch (kind) {
case X86Reg::kKindGp : return _listGp;
case X86Reg::kKindMm : return _listMm;
case X86Reg::kKindVec: return _listXmm;
return nullptr;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Clear]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE void reset(size_t numCells) {
::memset(this, 0, kAllCount * sizeof(VirtReg*) +
2 * sizeof(X86RegMask) +
numCells * sizeof(X86StateCell));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
union {
//! List of all allocated variables in one array.
VirtReg* _list[kAllCount];
struct {
//! Allocated GP registers.
VirtReg* _listGp[kGpCount];
//! Allocated MMX registers.
VirtReg* _listMm[kMmCount];
//! Allocated XMM registers.
VirtReg* _listXmm[kXmmCount];
//! Occupied registers (mask).
X86RegMask _occupied;
//! Modified registers (mask).
X86RegMask _modified;
//! Variables data, the length is stored in `X86RAPass`.
X86StateCell _cells[1];
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::X86RAPass]
// ============================================================================
#if defined(ASMJIT_DEBUG)
# define ASMJIT_X86_CHECK_STATE _checkState();
#endif // ASMJIT_DEBUG
//! \internal
//! X86 register allocator pipeline.
//! Takes care of generating function prologs and epilogs, and also performs
//! register allocation.
class X86RAPass : public RAPass {
typedef RAPass Base;
enum RegOp {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
X86RAPass() noexcept;
virtual ~X86RAPass() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Interface]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Error process(Zone* zone) noexcept override;
virtual Error prepare(CCFunc* func) noexcept override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [ArchInfo]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getGpSize() const noexcept { return _zsp.getSize(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get compiler as `X86Compiler`.
ASMJIT_INLINE X86Compiler* cc() const noexcept { return static_cast<X86Compiler*>(_cb); }
//! Get clobbered registers (global).
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getClobberedRegs(uint32_t kind) noexcept { return _clobberedRegs.get(kind); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Helpers]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE X86RAData* newRAData(uint32_t tiedTotal) noexcept {
return new(_zone->alloc(sizeof(X86RAData) + tiedTotal * sizeof(TiedReg))) X86RAData(tiedTotal);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Emit]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Tiny wrappers that call `X86Internal::emit...()`.
Error emitMove(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t dstId, uint32_t srcId, const char* reason);
Error emitLoad(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t id, const char* reason);
Error emitSave(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t id, const char* reason);
Error emitSwapGp(VirtReg* aVReg, VirtReg* bVReg, uint32_t aId, uint32_t bId, const char* reason) noexcept;
Error emitSwapVec(VirtReg* aVReg, VirtReg* bVReg, uint32_t aId, uint32_t bId, const char* reason) noexcept;
Error emitImmToReg(uint32_t dstTypeId, uint32_t dstPhysId, const Imm* src) noexcept;
Error emitImmToStack(uint32_t dstTypeId, const X86Mem* dst, const Imm* src) noexcept;
Error emitRegToStack(uint32_t dstTypeId, const X86Mem* dst, uint32_t srcTypeId, uint32_t srcPhysId) noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Register Management]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void _checkState();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Attach / Detach]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Attach.
//! Attach a register to the 'VirtReg', changing 'VirtReg' members to show
//! that the variable is currently alive and linking variable with the
//! current 'X86RAState'.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void attach(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t physId, bool modified) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(physId != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
// Prevent Esp allocation if C==Gp.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(C != X86Reg::kKindGp || physId != X86Gp::kIdSp);
uint32_t regMask = Utils::mask(physId);
_x86State.getListByKind(C)[physId] = vreg;
_x86State._occupied.or_(C, regMask);
_x86State._modified.or_(C, static_cast<uint32_t>(modified) << physId);
//! Detach.
//! The opposite of 'Attach'. Detach resets the members in 'VirtReg'
//! (physId, state and changed flags) and unlinks the variable with the
//! current 'X86RAState'.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void detach(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t physId, uint32_t vState) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getPhysId() == physId);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vState != VirtReg::kStateReg);
uint32_t regMask = Utils::mask(physId);
_x86State.getListByKind(C)[physId] = nullptr;
_x86State._occupied.andNot(C, regMask);
_x86State._modified.andNot(C, regMask);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Rebase]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Rebase.
//! Change the register of the 'VirtReg' changing also the current 'X86RAState'.
//! Rebase is nearly identical to 'Detach' and 'Attach' sequence, but doesn't
//! change the `VirtReg`s modified flag.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void rebase(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t newPhysId, uint32_t oldPhysId) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
uint32_t newRegMask = Utils::mask(newPhysId);
uint32_t oldRegMask = Utils::mask(oldPhysId);
uint32_t bothRegMask = newRegMask ^ oldRegMask;
_x86State.getListByKind(C)[oldPhysId] = nullptr;
_x86State.getListByKind(C)[newPhysId] = vreg;
_x86State._occupied.xor_(C, bothRegMask);
_x86State._modified.xor_(C, bothRegMask & -static_cast<int32_t>(vreg->isModified()));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Load / Save]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Load.
//! Load variable from its memory slot to a register, emitting 'Load'
//! instruction and changing the variable state to allocated.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void load(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t physId) {
// Can be only called if variable is not allocated.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getState() != VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getPhysId() == Globals::kInvalidRegId);
emitLoad(vreg, physId, "Load");
attach<C>(vreg, physId, false);
//! Save.
//! Save the variable into its home location, but keep it as allocated.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void save(VirtReg* vreg) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getState() == VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getPhysId() != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
uint32_t physId = vreg->getPhysId();
uint32_t regMask = Utils::mask(physId);
emitSave(vreg, physId, "Save");
_x86State._modified.andNot(C, regMask);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Move / Swap]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Move a register.
//! Move register from one index to another, emitting 'Move' if needed. This
//! function does nothing if register is already at the given index.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void move(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t newPhysId) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getState() == VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getPhysId() != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
uint32_t oldPhysId = vreg->getPhysId();
if (newPhysId != oldPhysId) {
emitMove(vreg, newPhysId, oldPhysId, "Move");
rebase<C>(vreg, newPhysId, oldPhysId);
//! Swap two registers
//! It's only possible to swap Gp registers.
ASMJIT_INLINE void swapGp(VirtReg* aVReg, VirtReg* bVReg) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(aVReg->getKind() == X86Reg::kKindGp);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(aVReg->getState() == VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(aVReg->getPhysId() != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(bVReg->getKind() == X86Reg::kKindGp);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(bVReg->getState() == VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(bVReg->getPhysId() != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
uint32_t aIndex = aVReg->getPhysId();
uint32_t bIndex = bVReg->getPhysId();
emitSwapGp(aVReg, bVReg, aIndex, bIndex, "Swap");
_x86State.getListByKind(X86Reg::kKindGp)[aIndex] = bVReg;
_x86State.getListByKind(X86Reg::kKindGp)[bIndex] = aVReg;
uint32_t m = aVReg->isModified() ^ bVReg->isModified();
_x86State._modified.xor_(X86Reg::kKindGp, (m << aIndex) | (m << bIndex));
//! Swap two registers
//! Xor swap on Vec registers.
ASMJIT_INLINE void swapVec(VirtReg* aVReg, VirtReg* bVReg) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(aVReg->getKind() == X86Reg::kKindVec);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(aVReg->getState() == VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(aVReg->getPhysId() != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(bVReg->getKind() == X86Reg::kKindVec);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(bVReg->getState() == VirtReg::kStateReg);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(bVReg->getPhysId() != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
uint32_t aIndex = aVReg->getPhysId();
uint32_t bIndex = bVReg->getPhysId();
emitSwapVec(aVReg, bVReg, aIndex, bIndex, "Swap");
_x86State.getListByKind(X86Reg::kKindVec)[aIndex] = bVReg;
_x86State.getListByKind(X86Reg::kKindVec)[bIndex] = aVReg;
uint32_t m = aVReg->isModified() ^ bVReg->isModified();
_x86State._modified.xor_(X86Reg::kKindVec, (m << aIndex) | (m << bIndex));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Alloc / Spill]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Alloc.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void alloc(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t physId) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(physId != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
uint32_t oldPhysId = vreg->getPhysId();
uint32_t oldState = vreg->getState();
uint32_t regMask = Utils::mask(physId);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(_x86State.getListByKind(C)[physId] == nullptr || physId == oldPhysId);
if (oldState != VirtReg::kStateReg) {
if (oldState == VirtReg::kStateMem)
emitLoad(vreg, physId, "Alloc");
else if (oldPhysId != physId) {
emitMove(vreg, physId, oldPhysId, "Alloc");
_x86State.getListByKind(C)[oldPhysId] = nullptr;
regMask ^= Utils::mask(oldPhysId);
else {
_x86State.getListByKind(C)[physId] = vreg;
_x86State._occupied.xor_(C, regMask);
_x86State._modified.xor_(C, regMask & -static_cast<int32_t>(vreg->isModified()));
//! Spill.
//! Spill variable/register, saves the content to the memory-home if modified.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void spill(VirtReg* vreg) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
if (vreg->getState() != VirtReg::kStateReg) {
uint32_t physId = vreg->getPhysId();
ASMJIT_ASSERT(physId != Globals::kInvalidRegId);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(_x86State.getListByKind(C)[physId] == vreg);
if (vreg->isModified())
emitSave(vreg, physId, "Spill");
detach<C>(vreg, physId, VirtReg::kStateMem);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Modify]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void modify(VirtReg* vreg) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
uint32_t physId = vreg->getPhysId();
uint32_t regMask = Utils::mask(physId);
_x86State._modified.or_(C, regMask);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Unuse]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Unuse.
//! Unuse variable, it will be detached it if it's allocated then its state
//! will be changed to VirtReg::kStateNone.
template<int C>
ASMJIT_INLINE void unuse(VirtReg* vreg, uint32_t vState = VirtReg::kStateNone) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vreg->getKind() == C);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(vState != VirtReg::kStateReg);
uint32_t physId = vreg->getPhysId();
if (physId != Globals::kInvalidRegId)
detach<C>(vreg, physId, vState);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [State]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get state as `X86RAState`.
ASMJIT_INLINE X86RAState* getState() const { return const_cast<X86RAState*>(&_x86State); }
virtual void loadState(RAState* src) override;
virtual RAState* saveState() override;
virtual void switchState(RAState* src) override;
virtual void intersectStates(RAState* a, RAState* b) override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Memory]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE X86Mem getVarMem(VirtReg* vreg) {
return X86Mem(Init,
cc()->_nativeGpReg.getType(), vreg->getId(),
Reg::kRegNone, kInvalidValue,
0, 0, Mem::kSignatureMemRegHomeFlag);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Fetch]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Error fetch() override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Annotate]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Error annotate() override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Translate]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
virtual Error translate() override;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Count of X86/X64 registers.
X86RegCount _regCount;
//! X86/X64 stack-pointer (esp or rsp).
X86Gp _zsp;
//! X86/X64 frame-pointer (ebp or rbp).
X86Gp _zbp;
//! X86/X64 specific compiler state, linked to `_state`.
X86RAState _x86State;
//! Clobbered registers (for the whole function).
X86RegMask _clobberedRegs;
//! Global allocable registers mask.
uint32_t _gaRegs[Globals::kMaxVRegKinds];
bool _avxEnabled;
//! Function variables base pointer (register).
uint8_t _varBaseRegId;
//! Function variables base offset.
int32_t _varBaseOffset;
//! Temporary string builder used for logging.
StringBuilderTmp<256> _stringBuilder;
//! \}
} // asmjit namespace
// [Api-End]
#include "../asmjit_apiend.h"
// [Guard]
#endif // _ASMJIT_X86_X86REGALLOC_P_H