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// [AsmJit]
// Complete x86/x64 JIT and Remote Assembler for C++.
// [License]
// Zlib - See LICENSE.md file in the package.
// [Guard]
// [Dependencies]
#include "../base/globals.h"
// [Api-Begin]
#include "../asmjit_apibegin.h"
namespace asmjit {
//! \addtogroup asmjit_base
//! \{
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::SmallString]
// ============================================================================
//! Small string is a template that helps to create strings that can be either
//! statically allocated if they are small, or externally allocated in case
//! their length exceed the limit. The `WholeSize` represents the size of the
//! whole `SmallString` structure, based on that size the maximum size of the
//! internal buffer is determined.
template<size_t WholeSize>
class SmallString {
enum { kMaxEmbeddedLength = WholeSize - 5 };
ASMJIT_INLINE SmallString() noexcept { reset(); }
ASMJIT_INLINE void reset() noexcept { ::memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isEmpty() const noexcept { return _length == 0; }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool isEmbedded() const noexcept { return _length <= kMaxEmbeddedLength; }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool mustEmbed(size_t len) const noexcept { return len <= kMaxEmbeddedLength; }
ASMJIT_INLINE uint32_t getLength() const noexcept { return _length; }
ASMJIT_INLINE char* getData() const noexcept {
return _length <= kMaxEmbeddedLength ? const_cast<char*>(_embedded) : _external[1];
ASMJIT_INLINE void setEmbedded(const char* data, size_t len) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(len <= kMaxEmbeddedLength);
_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len);
::memcpy(_embedded, data, len);
_embedded[len] = '\0';
ASMJIT_INLINE void setExternal(const char* data, size_t len) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(len > kMaxEmbeddedLength);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(len <= ~static_cast<uint32_t>(0));
_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(len);
_external[1] = const_cast<char*>(data);
union {
struct {
uint32_t _length;
char _embedded[WholeSize - 4];
char* _external[2];
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::StringBuilder]
// ============================================================================
//! String builder.
//! String builder was designed to be able to build a string using append like
//! operation to append numbers, other strings, or signle characters. It can
//! allocate it's own buffer or use a buffer created on the stack.
//! String builder contains method specific to AsmJit functionality, used for
//! logging or HTML output.
class StringBuilder {
//! \internal
//! String operation.
kStringOpSet = 0, //!< Replace the current string by a given content.
kStringOpAppend = 1 //!< Append a given content to the current string.
//! \internal
//! String format flags.
ASMJIT_ENUM(StringFormatFlags) {
kStringFormatShowSign = 0x00000001,
kStringFormatShowSpace = 0x00000002,
kStringFormatAlternate = 0x00000004,
kStringFormatSigned = 0x80000000
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_API StringBuilder() noexcept;
ASMJIT_API ~StringBuilder() noexcept;
ASMJIT_INLINE StringBuilder(const _NoInit&) noexcept {}
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Accessors]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Get string builder capacity.
ASMJIT_INLINE size_t getCapacity() const noexcept { return _capacity; }
//! Get length.
ASMJIT_INLINE size_t getLength() const noexcept { return _length; }
//! Get null-terminated string data.
ASMJIT_INLINE char* getData() noexcept { return _data; }
//! Get null-terminated string data (const).
ASMJIT_INLINE const char* getData() const noexcept { return _data; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Prepare / Reserve]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Prepare to set/append.
ASMJIT_API char* prepare(uint32_t op, size_t len) noexcept;
//! Reserve `to` bytes in string builder.
ASMJIT_API Error reserve(size_t to) noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Clear]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Clear the content in String builder.
ASMJIT_API void clear() noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Op]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_API Error _opString(uint32_t op, const char* str, size_t len = Globals::kInvalidIndex) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opVFormat(uint32_t op, const char* fmt, va_list ap) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opChar(uint32_t op, char c) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opChars(uint32_t op, char c, size_t n) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opNumber(uint32_t op, uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, uint32_t flags = 0) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opHex(uint32_t op, const void* data, size_t len) noexcept;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Set]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Replace the current string with `str` having `len` characters (or `kInvalidIndex` if it's null terminated).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setString(const char* str, size_t len = Globals::kInvalidIndex) noexcept { return _opString(kStringOpSet, str, len); }
//! Replace the current content by a formatted string `fmt`.
ASMJIT_API Error setFormat(const char* fmt, ...) noexcept;
//! Replace the current content by a formatted string `fmt` (va_list version).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setFormatVA(const char* fmt, va_list ap) noexcept { return _opVFormat(kStringOpSet, fmt, ap); }
//! Replace the current content by a single `c` character.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setChar(char c) noexcept { return _opChar(kStringOpSet, c); }
//! Replace the current content by `c` character `n` times.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setChars(char c, size_t n) noexcept { return _opChars(kStringOpSet, c, n); }
//! Replace the current content by a formatted integer `i` (signed).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setInt(uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, uint32_t flags = 0) noexcept {
return _opNumber(kStringOpSet, i, base, width, flags | kStringFormatSigned);
//! Replace the current content by a formatted integer `i` (unsigned).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setUInt(uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, uint32_t flags = 0) noexcept {
return _opNumber(kStringOpSet, i, base, width, flags);
//! Replace the current content by the given `data` converted to a HEX string.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error setHex(const void* data, size_t len) noexcept {
return _opHex(kStringOpSet, data, len);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Append]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Append string `str` having `len` characters (or `kInvalidIndex` if it's null terminated).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendString(const char* str, size_t len = Globals::kInvalidIndex) noexcept { return _opString(kStringOpAppend, str, len); }
//! Append a formatted string `fmt`.
ASMJIT_API Error appendFormat(const char* fmt, ...) noexcept;
//! Append a formatted string `fmt` (va_list version).
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendFormatVA(const char* fmt, va_list ap) noexcept { return _opVFormat(kStringOpAppend, fmt, ap); }
//! Append a single `c` character.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendChar(char c) noexcept { return _opChar(kStringOpAppend, c); }
//! Append `c` character `n` times.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendChars(char c, size_t n) noexcept { return _opChars(kStringOpAppend, c, n); }
//! Append `i`.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendInt(int64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, uint32_t flags = 0) noexcept {
return _opNumber(kStringOpAppend, static_cast<uint64_t>(i), base, width, flags | kStringFormatSigned);
//! Append `i`.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendUInt(uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, uint32_t flags = 0) noexcept {
return _opNumber(kStringOpAppend, i, base, width, flags);
//! Append the given `data` converted to a HEX string.
ASMJIT_INLINE Error appendHex(const void* data, size_t len) noexcept {
return _opHex(kStringOpAppend, data, len);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Eq]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Check for equality with other `str` of length `len`.
ASMJIT_API bool eq(const char* str, size_t len = Globals::kInvalidIndex) const noexcept;
//! Check for equality with `other`.
ASMJIT_INLINE bool eq(const StringBuilder& other) const noexcept { return eq(other._data, other._length); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Operator Overload]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE bool operator==(const StringBuilder& other) const noexcept { return eq(other); }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool operator!=(const StringBuilder& other) const noexcept { return !eq(other); }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool operator==(const char* str) const noexcept { return eq(str); }
ASMJIT_INLINE bool operator!=(const char* str) const noexcept { return !eq(str); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
char* _data; //!< String data.
size_t _length; //!< String length.
size_t _capacity; //!< String capacity.
size_t _canFree; //!< If the string data can be freed.
// ============================================================================
// [asmjit::StringBuilderTmp]
// ============================================================================
//! Temporary string builder, has statically allocated `N` bytes.
template<size_t N>
class StringBuilderTmp : public StringBuilder {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Construction / Destruction]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ASMJIT_INLINE StringBuilderTmp() noexcept : StringBuilder(NoInit) {
_data = _embeddedData;
_data[0] = 0;
_length = 0;
_capacity = N;
_canFree = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [Members]
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! Embedded data.
char _embeddedData[static_cast<size_t>(
N + 1 + sizeof(intptr_t)) & ~static_cast<size_t>(sizeof(intptr_t) - 1)];
//! \}
} // asmjit namespace
// [Api-End]
#include "../asmjit_apiend.h"
// [Guard]