mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 10:31:40 +00:00
In particular this means to remove the option to disable widescreen aspect ratios. The way this was handled makes no sense with the current render backend. The aspect ratio code will have to be redone entirely to properly obey the backend's settings.
366 lines
7.6 KiB
366 lines
7.6 KiB
#pragma once
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include "gl_samplers.h"
#include "gl_hwtexture.h"
#include "matrix.h"
#include "palentry.h"
#include "renderstyle.h"
#include "hw_material.h"
#include "hw_renderstate.h"
#include "pm_renderstate.h"
#include "templates.h"
class FShader;
class FGameTexture;
class GLInstance;
class F2DDrawer;
struct palette_t;
extern int xdim, ydim;
class PaletteManager
IHardwareTexture* palettetextures[256] = {};
IHardwareTexture* lookuptextures[256] = {};
GLInstance* const inst;
unsigned FindPalswap(const uint8_t* paldata, palette_t& fadecolor);
PaletteManager(GLInstance *inst_) : inst(inst_)
void DeleteAll();
IHardwareTexture *GetPalette(int index);
IHardwareTexture* GetLookup(int index);
struct glinfo_t {
float maxanisotropy;
enum ECullSide
enum EWinding
struct ImDrawData;
struct palette_t;
MAX_TEXTURES = 4, /*15*/ // slot 15 is used internally and not available. - The renderer uses only 5, though.
struct GLState
int Flags;
int DepthFunc;
class GLInstance
friend IHardwareTexture* setpalettelayer(int layer, int translation);
TArray<PolymostRenderState> rendercommands;
PaletteManager palmanager;
int lastPalswapIndex = -1;
FGameTexture* currentTexture = nullptr;
int MatrixChange = 0;
PolymostRenderState renderState;
float mProjectionM5 = 1.0f; // needed by ssao
glinfo_t glinfo;
void Init(int y);
void InitGLState(int fogmode, int multisample);
void Deinit();
static int GetTexDimension(int value)
//if (value > gl.max_texturesize) return gl.max_texturesize;
return value;
void Draw(EDrawType type, size_t start, size_t count);
void DoDraw();
float GetProjectionM5() { return mProjectionM5; }
int SetMatrix(int num, const VSMatrix *mat );
int SetMatrix(int num, const float *mat)
return SetMatrix(num, reinterpret_cast<const VSMatrix*>(mat));
void SetIdentityMatrix(int num);
void RestoreMatrix(int num, int index)
renderState.matrixIndex[num] = index;
void SetTextureMode(int m)
renderState.TextureMode = m;
void SetDepthBias(float a, float b)
renderState.mBias.mFactor = a;
renderState.mBias.mUnits = b;
renderState.mBias.mChanged = true;
void ClearDepthBias()
renderState.mBias.mFactor = 0;
renderState.mBias.mUnits = 0;
renderState.mBias.mChanged = true;
void SetPalswap(int index);
void SetShade(int32_t shade, int numshades)
renderState.Shade = std::min(shade, numshades-1);
void SetVisibility(float visibility)
renderState.VisFactor = visibility;
void EnableBlend(bool on)
if (on) renderState.StateFlags |= STF_BLEND;
else renderState.StateFlags &= ~STF_BLEND;
void EnableDepthTest(bool on)
if (on) renderState.StateFlags |= STF_DEPTHTEST;
else renderState.StateFlags &= ~STF_DEPTHTEST;
void EnableStencilWrite(int value)
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_STENCILWRITE;
renderState.StateFlags &= ~STF_STENCILTEST;
void EnableStencilTest(int value)
renderState.StateFlags &= ~STF_STENCILWRITE;
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_STENCILTEST;
void DisableStencil()
renderState.StateFlags &= ~(STF_STENCILWRITE | STF_STENCILTEST);
void SetCull(int type, int winding = Winding_CW)
renderState.StateFlags &= ~(STF_CULLCCW | STF_CULLCW);
if (type != Cull_None)
if (winding == Winding_CW) renderState.StateFlags |= STF_CULLCW;
else renderState.StateFlags |= STF_CULLCCW;
void SetColorMask(bool on)
if (on) renderState.StateFlags |= STF_COLORMASK;
else renderState.StateFlags &= ~STF_COLORMASK;
void SetDepthMask(bool on)
if (on) renderState.StateFlags |= STF_DEPTHMASK;
else renderState.StateFlags &= ~STF_DEPTHMASK;
void ClearScreen(PalEntry pe, bool depth)
renderState.ClearColor = pe;
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_CLEARCOLOR;
if (depth) renderState.StateFlags |= STF_CLEARDEPTH;
void SetViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h)
renderState.vp_x = (short)x;
renderState.vp_y = (short)y;
renderState.vp_w = (short)w;
renderState.vp_h = (short)h;
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_VIEWPORTSET;
void SetScissor(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
renderState.sc_x = (short)x1;
renderState.sc_y = (short)y1;
renderState.sc_w = (short)x2;
renderState.sc_h = (short)y2;
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_SCISSORSET;
void DisableScissor()
renderState.sc_x = SHRT_MIN;
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_SCISSORSET;
void SetDepthFunc(int func)
renderState.DepthFunc = func;
void ClearScreen(PalEntry pe)
SetViewport(0, 0, xdim, ydim);
ClearScreen(pe, true);
void ClearDepth()
renderState.StateFlags |= STF_CLEARDEPTH;
void SetRenderStyle(FRenderStyle style)
renderState.Style = style;
void SetColor(float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.f)
renderState.Color[0] = r;
renderState.Color[1] = g;
renderState.Color[2] = b;
renderState.Color[3] = a;
void SetColorub(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, uint8_t a = 255)
SetColor(r * (1 / 255.f), g * (1 / 255.f), b * (1 / 255.f), a * (1 / 255.f));
void SetMaterial(FMaterial* mat, int clampmode, int translation, int overrideshader)
renderState.mMaterial.mMaterial = mat;
renderState.mMaterial.mClampMode = clampmode;
renderState.mMaterial.mTranslation = translation;
renderState.mMaterial.mOverrideShader = overrideshader;
renderState.mMaterial.mChanged = true;
//mTextureModeFlags = mat->GetLayerFlags();
void SetMaterial(FGameTexture* tex, EUpscaleFlags upscalemask, int scaleflags, int clampmode, int translation, int overrideshader)
if (shouldUpscale(tex, upscalemask)) scaleflags |= CTF_Upscale;
SetMaterial(FMaterial::ValidateTexture(tex, scaleflags), clampmode, translation, overrideshader);
void UseColorOnly(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_ColorOnly;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_ColorOnly;
void SetNpotEmulation(float factor, float xOffset)
renderState.NPOTEmulation.Y = factor;
renderState.NPOTEmulation.X = xOffset;
void SetShadeInterpolate(int32_t yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_ShadeInterpolate;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_ShadeInterpolate;
void SetFadeDisable(bool yes)
if (yes) renderState.Flags |= RF_FogDisabled;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_FogDisabled;
// Hack...
bool useMapFog = false;
void SetMapFog(bool yes)
useMapFog = yes;
void applyMapFog()
if (useMapFog) renderState.Flags |= RF_MapFog;
else renderState.Flags &= ~RF_MapFog;
void clearMapFog()
renderState.Flags &= ~RF_MapFog;
void SetTinting(int flags, PalEntry color, PalEntry overlayColor)
renderState.hictint = color;
renderState.hictint_overlay = overlayColor;
renderState.hictint_flags = flags;
void SetBasepalTint(PalEntry color)
renderState.fullscreenTint = color;
void EnableAlphaTest(bool on)
renderState.AlphaTest = on;
void SetAlphaThreshold(float al)
renderState.AlphaThreshold = al;
bool SetTexture(int globalpicnum, FGameTexture* tex, int palette, int sampleroverride);
extern GLInstance GLInterface;
void renderSetProjectionMatrix(const float* p);
void renderSetViewMatrix(const float* p);
void renderSetVisibility(float v);
void renderBeginScene();
void renderFinishScene();
void DrawRateStuff();
void videoShowFrame(int32_t);
void hud_drawsprite(double sx, double sy, int z, double a, int picnum, int dashade, int dapalnum, int dastat, double alpha = 1);