Christoph Oelckers af54cf3a3c - made SW's sector portals operational.
Unlike the other games these are so poorly defined that the engine has to rely on the original fudging to pick the proper portal to link to. As a result they are just as limited as they always were.
In addition all the portal search code had to be reinstated.
2021-03-25 16:45:40 +01:00

239 lines
7.6 KiB

// Copyright(C) 2002-2016 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
#include "texturemanager.h"
#include "hw_drawinfo.h"
#include "hw_drawstructs.h"
#include "hw_portal.h"
//#include "hw_lighting.h"
#include "hw_material.h"
#include "gamefuncs.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "cmdlib.h"
CVAR(Bool,gl_noskyboxes, false, 0)
FGameTexture* GetSkyTexture(int basetile, int lognumtiles, const int16_t* tilemap);
// Set up the skyinfo struct
void initSkyInfo(HWDrawInfo *di, HWSkyInfo* sky, sectortype* sector, int plane, PalEntry FadeColor)
int picnum = plane == plane_ceiling ? sector->ceilingpicnum : sector->floorpicnum;
float xpanning = plane == plane_ceiling ? sector->ceilingxpan_ : sector->floorxpan_;
float ypanning = plane == plane_ceiling ? sector->ceilingypan_ : sector->floorypan_;
int32_t dapyscale = 0, dapskybits = 0, dapyoffs = 0, daptileyscale = 0;
FGameTexture* skytex = nullptr;
int realskybits = 0;
// todo: check for skybox replacement.
if (!skytex)
int16_t const* dapskyoff = getpsky(picnum, &dapyscale, &dapskybits, &dapyoffs, &daptileyscale);
skytex = GetSkyTexture(picnum, dapskybits, dapskyoff);
realskybits = dapskybits;
if (skytex) dapskybits = 0;
else skytex = tileGetTexture(picnum);
float t = (float)((1 << (sizeToBits(tileWidth(picnum)))) << dapskybits);
int ti = (1 << (sizeToBits(tileHeight(picnum)))); if (ti != tileHeight(picnum)) ti += ti;
// dapyscale is not relvant for a sky dome.
sky->y_scale = FixedToFloat(daptileyscale);
sky->y_offset = dapyoffs*2 + (ypanning * ti / 64.f);
sky->x_offset = xpanning / (1 << (realskybits - dapskybits));
sky->fadecolor = FadeColor;
sky->shade = 0;// clamp(plane == plane_ceiling ? sector->ceilingshade : sector->floorshade, 0, numshades - 1);
sky->texture = skytex;
// Calculate sky texture for ceiling or floor
void HWWall::SkyPlane(HWDrawInfo *di, sectortype *sector, int plane, bool allowreflect)
int ptype;
if ((sector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING && plane == plane_ceiling) || (sector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR && plane == plane_floor))
if (screen->instack[1 - plane] || sector->portalnum >= (int)allPortals.Size()) return;
portal = sector->portalnum < 0? nullptr : &allPortals[sector->portalnum];
else if ((sector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING_REFLECT && plane == plane_ceiling) || (sector->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR_REFLECT && plane == plane_floor))
if (plane == plane_ceiling && (sector->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE)) return;
if (plane == plane_floor && (sector->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SLOPE)) return;
planemirror = plane == plane_floor ? &sector->floorz : &sector->ceilingz;
HWSkyInfo skyinfo;
initSkyInfo(di, &skyinfo, sector, plane, fade);
sky = &skyinfo;
PutPortal(di, ptype, plane);
// Skies on one sided walls
void HWWall::SkyNormal(HWDrawInfo* di, sectortype* fs, FVector2& v1, FVector2& v2, float fch1, float fch2, float ffh1, float ffh2)
if ((fs->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) || fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING || fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING_REFLECT)
ztop[0] = ztop[1] = 32768.0f;
zbottom[0] = fch1;
zbottom[1] = fch2;
SkyPlane(di, fs, plane_ceiling, true);
if ((fs->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY) || fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR || fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR_REFLECT)
ztop[0] = ffh1;
ztop[1] = ffh2;
zbottom[0] = zbottom[1] = -32768.0f;
SkyPlane(di, fs, plane_floor, true);
// Upper Skies on two sided walls
void HWWall::SkyTop(HWDrawInfo *di, walltype * seg,sectortype * fs,sectortype * bs, FVector2& v1, FVector2& v2, float fch1, float fch2)
if (fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING || fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING_REFLECT)
if (fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING_REFLECT)
float backreflect = bs->GetReflect(sectortype::ceiling);
if (backreflect > 0 && bs->ceilingplane.fD() == fs->ceilingplane.fD() && !bs->isClosed())
// Don't add intra-portal line to the portal.
if (bs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_CEILING && bs->portalnum == fs->portalnum)
else if (fs->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY)
if (bs->ceilingstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY)
float c1, c2, f1, f2;
PlanesAtPoint(bs, v1.X * 16.f, v1.Y * -16.f, &c1, &f1);
PlanesAtPoint(bs, v2.X * 16.f, v2.Y * -16.f, &c2, &f2);
// if the back sector is closed the sky must be drawn!
if (c1 > f1 || c2 > f2) return;
flags |= HWF_SKYHACK; // mid textures on such lines need special treatment!
else return;
ztop[0] = ztop[1] = 32768.0f;
zbottom[0] = fch1;
zbottom[1] = fch2;
SkyPlane(di, fs, plane_ceiling, true);
// Lower Skies on two sided walls
void HWWall::SkyBottom(HWDrawInfo *di, walltype * seg,sectortype * fs,sectortype * bs, FVector2& v1, FVector2& v2, float ffh1, float ffh2)
if (fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR || fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR_REFLECT)
if (fs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR_REFLECT)
float backreflect = bs->GetReflect(sectortype::floor);
if (backreflect > 0 && bs->ceilingplane.fD() == fs->ceilingplane.fD() && !bs->isClosed())
// Don't add intra-portal line to the portal.
if (bs->portalflags == PORTAL_SECTOR_FLOOR && bs->portalnum == fs->portalnum)
// stacked sectors
else if (fs->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY)
float c1, c2, f1, f2;
PlanesAtPoint(bs, v1.X * 16.f, v1.Y * -16.f, &c1, &f1);
PlanesAtPoint(bs, v2.X * 16.f, v2.Y * -16.f, &c2, &f2);
if (bs->floorstat & CSTAT_SECTOR_SKY)
// if the back sector is closed the sky must be drawn!
if (c1 > f1 || c2 > f2) return;
flags |= HWF_SKYHACK; // mid textures on such lines need special treatment!
else return;
zbottom[0] = zbottom[1] = -32768.0f;
ztop[0] = ffh1;
ztop[1] = ffh2;
SkyPlane(di, fs, plane_floor, true);