mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 18:41:40 +00:00
Avoid passing this anywhere in the client code. It should only be set right before rendering the 3D view and the only code using the base palette should be the 3D renderer and hud_drawsprite. Also make the palette override CVARs 3D view only in debug mode.
361 lines
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361 lines
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Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
Copyright (C) NoOne
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// This file provides modern features for mappers.
// For full documentation please visit http://cruo.bloodgame.ru/xxsystem
#pragma once
#include "common_game.h"
#include "eventq.h"
#include "qav.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "dude.h"
#include "player.h"
// additional non-thing proximity, sight and physics sprites
#define kMaxSuperXSprites 128
#define kMaxTrackingConditions 64
#define kMaxTracedObjects 32 // per one tracking condition
// additional physics attributes for debris sprites
#define kPhysDebrisFly 0x0008 // *debris* affected by negative gravity (fly instead of falling, DO NOT mess with kHitagAutoAim)
#define kPhysDebrisSwim 0x0016 // *debris* can swim underwater (instead of drowning)
#define kPhysDebrisVector 0x0400 // *debris* can be affected by vector weapons
#define kPhysDebrisExplode 0x0800 // *debris* can be affected by explosions
// *modern types only hitag*
#define kModernTypeFlag0 0x0000
#define kModernTypeFlag1 0x0001
#define kModernTypeFlag2 0x0002
#define kModernTypeFlag3 0x0003
#define kModernTypeFlag4 0x0004
#define kMaxRandomizeRetries 16
#define kPercFull 100
#define kCondRange 100
// modern statnums
enum {
kStatModernBase = 20,
kStatModernDudeTargetChanger = kStatModernBase,
kStatModernCondition = 21,
kStatModernEventRedirector = 22,
kStatModernPlayerLinker = 23,
kStatModernBrokenDudeLeech = 24,
kStatModernQavScene = 25,
kStatModernTmp = 39,
kStatModernMax = 40,
// modern sprite types
enum {
kModernCustomDudeSpawn = 24,
kModernRandomTX = 25,
kModernSequentialTX = 26,
kModernSeqSpawner = 27,
kModernObjPropertiesChanger = 28,
kModernObjPicnumChanger = 29,
kModernObjSizeChanger = 31,
kModernDudeTargetChanger = 33,
kModernSectorFXChanger = 34,
kModernObjDataChanger = 35,
kModernSpriteDamager = 36,
kModernObjDataAccumulator = 37,
kModernEffectSpawner = 38,
kModernWindGenerator = 39,
kModernRandom = 40,
kModernRandom2 = 80,
kItemShroomGrow = 129,
kItemShroomShrink = 130,
kItemModernMapLevel = 150, // once picked up, draws whole minimap
kDudeModernCustom = kDudeVanillaMax,
kDudeModernCustomBurning = 255,
kModernThingTNTProx = 433, // detects only players
kModernThingThrowableRock = 434, // does small damage if hits target
kModernThingEnemyLifeLeech = 435, // the same as normal, except it aims in specified target only
kModernPlayerControl = 500, /// WIP
kModernCondition = 501, /// WIP, sends command only if specified conditions == true
kModernConditionFalse = 502, /// WIP, sends command only if specified conditions != true
kGenModernMissileUniversal = 704,
kGenModernSound = 708,
// type of random
enum {
kRandomizeItem = 0,
kRandomizeDude = 1,
kRandomizeTX = 2,
// type of object
enum {
enum {
kCondMixedBase = 100,
kCondMixedMax = 200,
kCondWallBase = 200,
kCondWallMax = 300,
kCondSectorBase = 300,
kCondSectorMax = 400,
kCondPlayerBase = 400,
kCondPlayerMax = 450,
kCondDudeBase = 450,
kCondDudeMax = 500,
kCondSpriteBase = 500,
kCondSpriteMax = 600,
enum {
kCondSerialSector = 100000,
kCondSerialWall = 200000,
kCondSerialSprite = 300000,
kCondSerialMax = 400000,
// - STRUCTS ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct SPRITEMASS { // sprite mass info for getSpriteMassBySize();
int seqId;
short picnum; // mainly needs for moving debris
short xrepeat;
short yrepeat;
short clipdist; // mass multiplier
int mass;
short airVel; // mainly needs for moving debris
int fraction; // mainly needs for moving debris
struct QAVSCENE { // this one stores qavs anims that can be played by trigger
short index = -1; // index of sprite which triggered qav scene
QAV* qavResrc = NULL;
short dummy = -1;
bool allowThrow; // indicates if kDudeModernCustom can throw it
int fireSound[2]; // predefined fire sounds. used by kDudeModernCustom, but can be used for something else.
int fireSound[2]; // predefined fire sounds. used by kDudeModernCustom, but can be used for something else.
bool dmgType[kDamageMax]; // list of damages types missile can use
bool allowImpact; // allow to trigger object with Impact flag enabled with this missile
bool flying; // used by kModernDudeTargetChanger (ai fight)
bool melee; // used by kModernDudeTargetChanger (ai fight)
bool annoying; // used by kModernDudeTargetChanger (ai fight)
struct TRPLAYERCTRL { // this one for controlling the player using triggers (movement speed, jumps and other stuff)
QAVSCENE qavScene;
signed int type: 3;
unsigned int index: 16;
unsigned int cmd: 8;
signed int xindex: 16;
unsigned int length: 8;
OBJECTS_TO_TRACK obj[kMaxTracedObjects];
// - VARIABLES ------------------------------------------------------------------
extern bool gModernMap;
extern bool gTeamsSpawnUsed;
extern bool gEventRedirectsUsed;
extern ZONE gStartZoneTeam1[kMaxPlayers];
extern ZONE gStartZoneTeam2[kMaxPlayers];
extern THINGINFO_EXTRA gThingInfoExtra[kThingMax];
extern VECTORINFO_EXTRA gVectorInfoExtra[kVectorMax];
extern MISSILEINFO_EXTRA gMissileInfoExtra[kMissileMax];
extern DUDEINFO_EXTRA gDudeInfoExtra[kDudeMax];
extern TRPLAYERCTRL gPlayerCtrl[kMaxPlayers];
extern SPRITEMASS gSpriteMass[kMaxXSprites];
extern TRCONDITION gCondition[kMaxTrackingConditions];
extern short gProxySpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern short gSightSpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern short gPhysSpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern short gImpactSpritesList[kMaxSuperXSprites];
extern short gProxySpritesCount;
extern short gSightSpritesCount;
extern short gPhysSpritesCount;
extern short gImpactSpritesCount;
extern short gTrackingCondsCount;
// - FUNCTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------
bool nnExtEraseModernStuff(spritetype* pSprite, XSPRITE* pXSprite);
void nnExtInitModernStuff(bool bSaveLoad);
void nnExtProcessSuperSprites(void);
bool nnExtIsImmune(spritetype* pSprite, int dmgType, int minScale = 16);
int nnExtRandom(int a, int b);
void nnExtResetGlobals();
void nnExtTriggerObject(int objType, int objIndex, int command);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
spritetype* randomDropPickupObject(spritetype* pSprite, short prevItem);
spritetype* randomSpawnDude(spritetype* pSprite);
int GetDataVal(spritetype* pSprite, int data);
int randomGetDataValue(XSPRITE* pXSprite, int randType);
void sfxPlayMissileSound(spritetype* pSprite, int missileId);
void sfxPlayVectorSound(spritetype* pSprite, int vectorId);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
int debrisGetIndex(int nSprite);
int debrisGetFreeIndex(void);
void debrisMove(int listIndex);
void debrisConcuss(int nOwner, int listIndex, int x, int y, int z, int dmg);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void aiSetGenIdleState(spritetype* pSprite, XSPRITE* pXSprite);
// triggers related
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
int aiFightGetTargetDist(spritetype* pSprite, DUDEINFO* pDudeInfo, spritetype* pTarget);
int aiFightGetFineTargetDist(spritetype* pSprite, spritetype* pTarget);
bool aiFightDudeCanSeeTarget(XSPRITE* pXDude, DUDEINFO* pDudeInfo, spritetype* pTarget);
bool aiFightUnitCanFly(spritetype* pDude);
bool aiFightIsMeleeUnit(spritetype* pDude);
bool aiFightDudeIsAffected(XSPRITE* pXDude);
bool aiFightMatesHaveSameTarget(XSPRITE* pXLeader, spritetype* pTarget, int allow);
bool aiFightGetDudesForBattle(XSPRITE* pXSprite);
bool aiFightIsMateOf(XSPRITE* pXDude, XSPRITE* pXSprite);
void aiFightAlarmDudesInSight(spritetype* pSprite, int max);
void aiFightActivateDudes(int rx);
void aiFightFreeTargets(int nSprite);
void aiFightFreeAllTargets(XSPRITE* pXSource);
spritetype* aiFightGetTargetInRange(spritetype* pSprite, int minDist, int maxDist, short data, short teamMode);
spritetype* aiFightTargetIsPlayer(XSPRITE* pXSprite);
spritetype* aiFightGetMateTargets(XSPRITE* pXSprite);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void useSectorWindGen(XSPRITE* pXSource, sectortype* pSector);
void useEffectGen(XSPRITE* pXSource, spritetype* pSprite);
void useSeqSpawnerGen(XSPRITE* pXSource, int objType, int index);
void useSpriteDamager(XSPRITE* pXSource, spritetype* pSprite);
void useTeleportTarget(XSPRITE* pXSource, spritetype* pSprite);
void useObjResizer(XSPRITE* pXSource, short objType, int objIndex);
void useRandomItemGen(spritetype* pSource, XSPRITE* pXSource);
void useUniMissileGen(int, int nXSprite);
void useSoundGen(spritetype* pSource, XSPRITE* pXSource);
void useIncDecGen(XSPRITE* pXSource, short objType, int objIndex);
void useDataChanger(XSPRITE* pXSource, int objType, int objIndex);
void useSectorLigthChanger(XSPRITE* pXSource, XSECTOR* pXSector);
void useTargetChanger(XSPRITE* pXSource, spritetype* pSprite);
void usePictureChanger(XSPRITE* pXSource, int objType, int objIndex);
void usePropertiesChanger(XSPRITE* pXSource, short objType, int objIndex);
void useSequentialTx(XSPRITE* pXSource, COMMAND_ID cmd, bool setState);
void useRandomTx(XSPRITE* pXSource, COMMAND_ID cmd, bool setState);
bool txIsRanged(XSPRITE* pXSource);
void seqTxSendCmdAll(XSPRITE* pXSource, int nIndex, COMMAND_ID cmd, bool modernSend);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void trPlayerCtrlLink(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer, bool checkCondition);
void trPlayerCtrlSetRace(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlStartScene(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer, bool force);
void trPlayerCtrlStopScene(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlSetMoveSpeed(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlSetJumpHeight(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlSetScreenEffect(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlSetLookAngle(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlEraseStuff(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer);
void trPlayerCtrlGiveStuff(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer, TRPLAYERCTRL* pCtrl);
void trPlayerCtrlUsePackItem(XSPRITE* pXSource, PLAYER* pPlayer, int evCmd);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void modernTypeTrigger(int type, int nDest, EVENT event);
char modernTypeSetSpriteState(int nSprite, XSPRITE* pXSprite, int nState);
bool modernTypeOperateSprite(int nSprite, spritetype* pSprite, XSPRITE* pXSprite, EVENT event);
bool modernTypeOperateWall(int nWall, walltype* pWall, XWALL* pXWall, EVENT event);
void modernTypeSendCommand(int nSprite, int channel, COMMAND_ID command);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
bool playerSizeShrink(PLAYER* pPlayer, int divider);
bool playerSizeGrow(PLAYER* pPlayer, int multiplier);
bool playerSizeReset(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void playerDeactivateShrooms(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
QAV* playerQavSceneLoad(int qavId);
void playerQavSceneProcess(PLAYER* pPlayer, QAVSCENE* pQavScene);
void playerQavScenePlay(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void playerQavSceneDraw(PLAYER* pPlayer, int a2, double a3, double a4, int a5);
void playerQavSceneReset(PLAYER* pPlayer);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
void callbackUniMissileBurst(int nSprite);
void callbackMakeMissileBlocking(int nSprite);
void callbackGenDudeUpdate(int nSprite);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
PLAYER* getPlayerById(short id);
bool isGrown(spritetype* pSprite);
bool isShrinked(spritetype* pSprite);
bool valueIsBetween(int val, int min, int max);
bool IsBurningDude(spritetype* pSprite);
bool IsKillableDude(spritetype* pSprite);
bool isActive(int nSprite);
int getDataFieldOfObject(int objType, int objIndex, int dataIndex);
bool setDataValueOfObject(int objType, int objIndex, int dataIndex, int value);
bool incDecGoalValueIsReached(XSPRITE* pXSprite);
void windGenStopWindOnSectors(XSPRITE* pXSource);
int getSpriteMassBySize(spritetype* pSprite);
bool ceilIsTooLow(spritetype* pSprite);
void levelEndLevelCustom(int nLevel);
int useCondition(spritetype* pSource, XSPRITE* pXSource, EVENT event);
bool condPush(XSPRITE* pXSprite, int objType, int objIndex);
bool condRestore(XSPRITE* pXSprite);
bool condCmp(int val, int arg1, int arg2, int comOp);
bool condCmpne(int arg1, int arg2, int comOp);
void condError(XSPRITE* pXCond, const char* pzFormat, ...);
bool condCheckMixed(XSPRITE* pXCond, EVENT event, int cmpOp, bool PUSH);
bool condCheckSector(XSPRITE* pXCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH);
bool condCheckWall(XSPRITE* pXCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH);
bool condCheckSprite(XSPRITE* pXCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH);
bool condCheckPlayer(XSPRITE* pXCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH);
bool condCheckDude(XSPRITE* pXCond, int cmpOp, bool PUSH);
void condUpdateObjectIndex(int objType, int oldIndex, int newIndex);
XSPRITE* evrListRedirectors(int objType, int objXIndex, XSPRITE* pXRedir, int* tx);
XSPRITE* evrIsRedirector(int nSprite);
int listTx(XSPRITE* pXRedir, int tx);
void seqSpawnerOffSameTx(XSPRITE* pXSource);
// This file provides modern features for mappers.
// For full documentation please visit http://cruo.bloodgame.ru/xxsystem