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synced 2025-03-09 10:11:04 +00:00
Currently none of these is being used, but eventually they will, once more code gets ported over. So it's better to have them right away and avoid editing the project file too much, only to revert that later.
426 lines
8.2 KiB
426 lines
8.2 KiB
// Game_Music_Emu https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/
#include "M3u_Playlist.h"
#include "Music_Emu.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// gme functions defined here to avoid linking in m3u code unless it's used
blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_m3u_( blargg_err_t err )
require( raw_track_count_ ); // file must be loaded first
if ( !err )
if ( playlist.size() )
track_count_ = playlist.size();
int line = playlist.first_error();
if ( line )
// avoid using bloated printf()
char* out = &playlist_warning [sizeof playlist_warning];
*--out = 0;
do {
*--out = line % 10 + '0';
} while ( (line /= 10) > 0 );
static const char str [] = "Problem in m3u at line ";
out -= sizeof str - 1;
memcpy( out, str, sizeof str - 1 );
set_warning( out );
return err;
blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_m3u( const char* path ) { return load_m3u_( playlist.load( path ) ); }
blargg_err_t Gme_File::load_m3u( Data_Reader& in ) { return load_m3u_( playlist.load( in ) ); }
BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_m3u( Music_Emu* me, const char* path ) { return me->load_m3u( path ); }
BLARGG_EXPORT gme_err_t gme_load_m3u_data( Music_Emu* me, const void* data, long size )
Mem_File_Reader in( data, size );
return me->load_m3u( in );
static char* skip_white( char* in )
while ( *in == ' ' )
return in;
inline unsigned from_dec( unsigned n ) { return n - '0'; }
static char* parse_filename( char* in, M3u_Playlist::entry_t& entry )
entry.file = in;
entry.type = "";
char* out = in;
while ( 1 )
int c = *in;
if ( !c ) break;
if ( c == ',' ) // commas in filename
char* p = skip_white( in );
if ( *p == '$' || from_dec( *p ) <= 9 )
in = p;
if ( c == ':' && in [0] == ':' && in [1] && in [2] != ',' ) // ::type suffix
entry.type = ++in;
while ( (c = *in) != 0 && c != ',' )
if ( c == ',' )
*in++ = 0; // terminate type
in = skip_white( in );
if ( c == '\\' ) // \ prefix for special characters
c = *in;
if ( !c ) break;
*out++ = (char) c;
*out = 0; // terminate string
return in;
static char* next_field( char* in, int* result )
while ( 1 )
in = skip_white( in );
if ( !*in )
if ( *in == ',' )
*result = 1;
return skip_white( in );
static char* parse_int_( char* in, int* out )
int n = 0;
while ( 1 )
unsigned d = from_dec( *in );
if ( d > 9 )
n = n * 10 + d;
*out = n;
return in;
static char* parse_int( char* in, int* out, int* result )
return next_field( parse_int_( in, out ), result );
// Returns 16 or greater if not hex
inline int from_hex_char( int h )
h -= 0x30;
if ( (unsigned) h > 9 )
h = ((h - 0x11) & 0xDF) + 10;
return h;
static char* parse_track( char* in, M3u_Playlist::entry_t& entry, int* result )
if ( *in == '$' )
int n = 0;
while ( 1 )
int h = from_hex_char( *in );
if ( h > 15 )
n = n * 16 + h;
entry.track = n;
in = parse_int_( in, &entry.track );
if ( entry.track >= 0 )
entry.decimal_track = 1;
return next_field( in, result );
static char* parse_time_( char* in, int* out )
*out = -1;
int n = -1;
in = parse_int_( in, &n );
if ( n >= 0 )
*out = n;
if ( *in == ':' )
n = -1;
in = parse_int_( in + 1, &n );
if ( n >= 0 )
*out = *out * 60 + n;
return in;
static char* parse_time( char* in, int* out, int* result )
return next_field( parse_time_( in, out ), result );
static char* parse_name( char* in )
char* out = in;
while ( 1 )
int c = *in;
if ( !c ) break;
if ( c == ',' ) // commas in string
char* p = skip_white( in );
if ( *p == ',' || *p == '-' || from_dec( *p ) <= 9 )
in = p;
if ( c == '\\' ) // \ prefix for special characters
c = *in;
if ( !c ) break;
*out++ = (char) c;
*out = 0; // terminate string
return in;
static int parse_line( char* in, M3u_Playlist::entry_t& entry )
int result = 0;
// file
entry.file = in;
entry.type = "";
in = parse_filename( in, entry );
// track
entry.track = -1;
entry.decimal_track = 0;
in = parse_track( in, entry, &result );
// name
entry.name = in;
in = parse_name( in );
// time
entry.length = -1;
in = parse_time( in, &entry.length, &result );
// loop
entry.intro = -1;
entry.loop = -1;
if ( *in == '-' )
entry.loop = entry.length;
in = parse_time_( in, &entry.loop );
if ( entry.loop >= 0 )
entry.intro = 0;
if ( *in == '-' ) // trailing '-' means that intro length was specified
entry.intro = entry.loop;
entry.loop = entry.length - entry.intro;
in = next_field( in, &result );
// fade
entry.fade = -1;
in = parse_time( in, &entry.fade, &result );
// repeat
entry.repeat = -1;
in = parse_int( in, &entry.repeat, &result );
return result;
static void parse_comment( char* in, M3u_Playlist::info_t& info, bool first )
in = skip_white( in + 1 );
const char* field = in;
while ( *in && *in != ':' )
if ( *in == ':' )
const char* text = skip_white( in + 1 );
if ( *text )
*in = 0;
if ( !strcmp( "Composer", field ) ) info.composer = text;
else if ( !strcmp( "Engineer", field ) ) info.engineer = text;
else if ( !strcmp( "Ripping" , field ) ) info.ripping = text;
else if ( !strcmp( "Tagging" , field ) ) info.tagging = text;
text = 0;
if ( text )
*in = ':';
if ( first )
info.title = field;
blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::parse_()
info_.title = "";
info_.composer = "";
info_.engineer = "";
info_.ripping = "";
info_.tagging = "";
int const CR = 13;
int const LF = 10;
data.end() [-1] = LF; // terminate input
first_error_ = 0;
bool first_comment = true;
int line = 0;
int count = 0;
char* in = data.begin();
while ( in < data.end() )
// find end of line and terminate it
char* begin = in;
while ( *in != CR && *in != LF )
if ( !*in )
return "Not an m3u playlist";
if ( in [0] == CR && in [1] == LF ) // treat CR,LF as a single line
*in++ = 0;
*in++ = 0;
// parse line
if ( *begin == '#' )
parse_comment( begin, info_, first_comment );
first_comment = false;
else if ( *begin )
if ( (int) entries.size() <= count )
RETURN_ERR( entries.resize( count * 2 + 64 ) );
if ( !parse_line( begin, entries [count] ) )
else if ( !first_error_ )
first_error_ = line;
first_comment = false;
if ( count <= 0 )
return "Not an m3u playlist";
if ( !(info_.composer [0] | info_.engineer [0] | info_.ripping [0] | info_.tagging [0]) )
info_.title = "";
return entries.resize( count );
blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::parse()
blargg_err_t err = parse_();
if ( err )
return err;
blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::load( Data_Reader& in )
RETURN_ERR( data.resize( in.remain() + 1 ) );
RETURN_ERR( in.read( data.begin(), data.size() - 1 ) );
return parse();
blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::load( const char* path )
RETURN_ERR( in.open( path ) );
return load( in );
blargg_err_t M3u_Playlist::load( void const* in, long size )
RETURN_ERR( data.resize( size + 1 ) );
memcpy( data.begin(), in, size );
return parse();