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synced 2025-02-09 23:10:49 +00:00
uhypsq calculates the hypotenuse using unsigned multiplication. This is permissible since for arbitrary int32s a and b, the following holds in two's complement arithmetic: (int32_t)((uint32_t)a * b) == (int32_t)((int64_t)a * b) ("Signed and unsigned multiplication is the same on the bit level.") This fixes various overflows where wall lengths for walls of length > 46340 are calculated, but does not rid us of other overflows in the same vein (usually dot products between vectors where one point is a wall vertex and the other a position in a sector). git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@2791 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
186 lines
6 KiB
186 lines
6 KiB
-- test script for ELua/Lunatic Interpreter
--do return end
print('---=== ELua Test script ===---')
local function printf(fmt, ...)
print(string.format(fmt, ...))
local function checkfail(funcstr)
local status, res = pcall(DBG_.loadstring(funcstr))
if (status) then
print('ERROR: '..funcstr.." DIDN'T fail")
print('SUCCESS: '..funcstr.." failed: "..res)
---- check serialization ----
-- test nans, infs, precision, subnorms, booleans
ourvar2 = { "asd"; 0/0, 1/0, -1/0, 0.12345678901234567, 1e-314, true }
ourvar = { ourvar2; 1, 2, 3, "qwe"; [true]=0, [false]=1 }
ourvar[#ourvar+1] = ourvar;
local gvstr = DBG_.serializeGamevars()
ourvar = -1
print("========== attempting to load string: ==========")
print("---------- (end string to load) ----------")
-- XXX: need to think about fully restoring state
local i
print('tweaking sector pals')
print('numsectors: ' .. gv.numsectors .. ' of ' .. gv.MAXSECTORS)
for i = 0, gv.numsectors/2 do
sector[i].floorpal = 1;
sector[i].ceilingpal = 2;
checkfail('gv.sprite[0].yrepeat = 100') -- direct gv array access forbidden
local vol, lev
vol, lev = TEMP_getvollev()
print('volume='..vol..', level='..lev)
if (vol==1 and lev==1) then -- E1L1
print('tweaking some sprites 2')
i = 562
spriteext[i].alpha = 0.5;
sprite[i].cstat = bit.bor(sprite[i].cstat, 2+512);
spriteext[i].pitch = 128;
spriteext[i].roll = 256;
for spr in spritesofsect(307) do -- some fence sprites in E1L1
print('spr', spr)
sprite[spr].pal = 6
for spr in spritesofsect(236) do
print('#spr', spr)
--this is a problem
--actor = {}
actor[562].flags = bit.bor(actor[562].flags, 2); -- pal 6 with goggles on front SEENINE
if (vol==1 and lev==8) then
print('tweaking bunch 1');
-- trueror1.map
for i in sectorsofbunch(1, gv.CEILING) do
sector[i].ceilingz = sector[i].ceilingz - 3*1024;
for i in sectorsofbunch(1, gv.FLOOR) do
sector[i].floorz = sector[i].floorz - 3*1024;
--DBG_.printkv('_G in test.elua', _G)
checkfail('local i = sprite["qwe"]') -- indexing struct array with non-numeric type
checkfail('print(sprite[100000].ceilingpal)') -- oob read access
checkfail('setmetatable(sprite, {})') -- set metatable forbidden
checkfail('sector[-1].ceilingpal = 4') -- oob write access
checkfail('sector[0].wallnum = 0') -- wallnum member is read-only
checkfail('gv.numsectors = 4') -- gv.numsectors is read-only
checkfail('gv.QWE = 4') -- cannot create new fields in 'gv'
checkfail('sector[4] = sector[6]') -- direct sector write access forbidden
checkfail('nextspritesect[4] = -666') -- that would be horrible...
checkfail('print(nextspritesect[4].whatfield)') -- we're indexing a plain array!
checkfail('wall[4].QWE = 123') -- creating new keys forbidden... handled by LuaJit
checkfail("require('os')") -- 'require' has been thrown away to be replaced by
-- something more restricted later
checkfail("new_global = 345") -- we should declare globals
checkfail('gv.CEILING = 3') -- can't redefine constants in 'gv'
checkfail('string.dump(gameevent)') -- string.dump is unavailable
-- This is problematic, even though pretty much every access will yield a
-- "missing declaration" error.
-- See http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_api.html#ffi_C about what stuff ffi.C contains.
checkfail('gv.luaJIT_setmode(nil, 0, 0)')
-- we don't have arrays in Lua-accessible structs now
checkfail('local i = actor[0].t_data[15]')
printf('ceilingbunch of sector 0: %d', getbunch(0, gv.CEILING))
function(actori, playeri, dist)
printf("jump i=%d p=%d d=%d", actori, playeri, dist)
-- NOTE: times are for helixhorned (Core2Duo 3GHz)
local i
local N = 1e6
local t = gv.gethitickms()
for i=3,N do
t = gv.gethitickms()-t
-- x86: 40ns/call, x86_64: 290 ns/call
printf("%d gethitickms() calls took %.03f ms (%.03f us/call)",
N, t, (t*1000)/N)
local sum=0
t = gv.gethitickms()
for i=1,N do sum = sum+gv.ksqrt(i) end
t = gv.gethitickms()-t
-- x86_64: 14ns/call
printf("%d ksqrt() calls took %.03f ms (%.03f us/call) [sum=%f]",
N, t, (t*1000)/N, sum)
t = gv.gethitickms()
for i=1,N do sum = sum+math.sqrt(i) end
t = gv.gethitickms()-t
-- x86_64: 7ns/call
printf("%d math.sqrt() calls took %.03f ms (%.03f us/call) [sum=%f]",
N, t, (t*1000)/N, sum)
printf("sqrt(0xffffffff) = %f(ksqrt) %f(math.sqrt)",
gv.ksqrt(0xffffffff), math.sqrt(0xffffffff))
gameactor(1680, -- LIZTROOP
function(i, playeri, dist)
sprite[i].pal = math.random(32)
-- sprite[i].ang = bit.band(sprite[i].ang-20, 2047)
local spr = sprite[i]
-- print(type(spr)) --> cdata
assert(pcall("print(spr+1)") == false) -- no ptr arith!
local x,y,z = spr.x, spr.y, spr.z
local t = gv.gethitickms()
local hit = hitscan(x,y,z, spr.sectnum, 10, 10, 0, gv.CLIPMASK0)
printf("hitscan took %.03f us, sec=%d, wal=%d, spr=%d", 1000*(gv.gethitickms()-t),
hit.hitsect, hit.hitwall, hit.hitsprite)
checkfail('gameactor(1680, 0)') -- lua function expected, number passed
printf("EVENT_INIT = %d", gv.EVENT_INIT) -- tests default defines
print('---=== END TEST SCRIPT ===---')