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synced 2025-03-09 10:11:04 +00:00
214 lines
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214 lines
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#pragma once
#include "gl_sysfb.h"
#include "r_memory.h"
#include "r_thread.h"
#include "poly_triangle.h"
struct FRenderViewpoint;
class PolyDataBuffer;
class PolyRenderState;
class SWSceneDrawer;
class PolyFrameBuffer : public SystemBaseFrameBuffer
typedef SystemBaseFrameBuffer Super;
RenderMemory *GetFrameMemory() { return &mFrameMemory; }
PolyRenderState *GetRenderState() { return mRenderState.get(); }
DCanvas *GetCanvas() override { return mCanvas.get(); }
PolyDepthStencil *GetDepthStencil() { return mDepthStencil.get(); }
PolyCommandBuffer *GetDrawCommands();
void FlushDrawCommands();
unsigned int GetLightBufferBlockSize() const;
PolyFrameBuffer(void *hMonitor, bool fullscreen);
void Update() override;
bool IsPoly() override { return true; }
void InitializeState() override;
FRenderState* RenderState() override;
void PrecacheMaterial(FMaterial *mat, int translation) override;
void UpdatePalette() override;
void SetTextureFilterMode() override;
void BeginFrame() override;
void BlurScene(float amount) override;
void PostProcessScene(bool swscene, int fixedcm, float flash, const std::function<void()> &afterBloomDrawEndScene2D) override;
void AmbientOccludeScene(float m5) override;
//void SetSceneRenderTarget(bool useSSAO) override;
IHardwareTexture *CreateHardwareTexture(int numchannels) override;
IVertexBuffer *CreateVertexBuffer() override;
IIndexBuffer *CreateIndexBuffer() override;
IDataBuffer *CreateDataBuffer(int bindingpoint, bool ssbo, bool needsresize) override;
FTexture *WipeStartScreen() override;
FTexture *WipeEndScreen() override;
TArray<uint8_t> GetScreenshotBuffer(int &pitch, ESSType &color_type, float &gamma) override;
void SetVSync(bool vsync) override;
void Draw2D() override;
struct DeleteList
std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t>> Buffers;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<DCanvas>> Images;
} FrameDeleteList;
void RenderTextureView(FCanvasTexture* tex, std::function<void(IntRect &)> renderFunc) override;
void UpdateShadowMap() override;
void CheckCanvas();
IDataBuffer *mLightBuffer = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<PolyRenderState> mRenderState;
std::unique_ptr<DCanvas> mCanvas;
std::unique_ptr<PolyDepthStencil> mDepthStencil;
std::unique_ptr<PolyCommandBuffer> mDrawCommands;
RenderMemory mFrameMemory;
struct ScreenQuadVertex
float x, y, z;
float u, v;
PalEntry color0;
ScreenQuadVertex() = default;
ScreenQuadVertex(float x, float y, float u, float v) : x(x), y(y), z(1.0f), u(u), v(v), color0(0xffffffff) { }
struct ScreenQuad
IVertexBuffer* VertexBuffer = nullptr;
IIndexBuffer* IndexBuffer = nullptr;
} mScreenQuad;
bool cur_vsync = false;
inline PolyFrameBuffer *GetPolyFrameBuffer() { return static_cast<PolyFrameBuffer*>(screen); }
// [GEC] Original code of dpJudas, I add the formulas of gamma, brightness, contrast and saturation.
class CopyAndApplyGammaCommand : public DrawerCommand
CopyAndApplyGammaCommand(void* dest, int destpitch, const void* src, int width, int height, int srcpitch,
float gamma, float contrast, float brightness, float saturation) : dest(dest), src(src), destpitch(destpitch), width(width), height(height), srcpitch(srcpitch),
gamma(gamma), contrast(contrast), brightness(brightness), saturation(saturation)
void Execute(DrawerThread* thread)
float Saturation = clamp<float>(saturation, -15.0f, 15.f);
std::vector<uint8_t> gammatablebuf(256);
uint8_t* gammatable = gammatablebuf.data();
int w = width;
int start = thread->skipped_by_thread(0);
int count = thread->count_for_thread(0, height);
int sstep = thread->num_cores * srcpitch;
int dstep = thread->num_cores * destpitch;
uint32_t* d = (uint32_t*)dest + start * destpitch;
const uint32_t* s = (const uint32_t*)src + start * srcpitch;
for (int y = 0; y < count; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < w; x++)
uint32_t red = RPART(s[x]);
uint32_t green = GPART(s[x]);
uint32_t blue = BPART(s[x]);
uint32_t alpha = APART(s[x]);
if (saturation != 1.0f)
float NewR = (float)(red / 255.f);
float NewG = (float)(green / 255.f);
float NewB = (float)(blue / 255.f);
// Apply Saturation
// float luma = dot(In, float3(0.2126729, 0.7151522, 0.0721750));
// Out = luma.xxx + Saturation.xxx * (In - luma.xxx);
//float luma = (NewR * 0.2126729f) + (NewG * 0.7151522f) + (NewB * 0.0721750f); // Rec. 709
float luma = (NewR * 0.299f) + (NewG * 0.587f) + (NewB * 0.114f); //Rec. 601
NewR = luma + (Saturation * (NewR - luma));
NewG = luma + (Saturation * (NewG - luma));
NewB = luma + (Saturation * (NewB - luma));
// Clamp All
NewR = clamp<float>(NewR, 0.0f, 1.f);
NewG = clamp<float>(NewG, 0.0f, 1.f);
NewB = clamp<float>(NewB, 0.0f, 1.f);
red = (uint32_t)(NewR * 255.f);
green = (uint32_t)(NewG * 255.f);
blue = (uint32_t)(NewB * 255.f);
// Apply Contrast / Brightness / Gamma
red = gammatable[red];
green = gammatable[green];
blue = gammatable[blue];
d[x] = MAKEARGB(alpha, (uint8_t)red, (uint8_t)green, (uint8_t)blue);
d += dstep;
s += sstep;
void InitGammaTable(uint8_t *gammatable)
float InvGamma = 1.0f / clamp<float>(gamma, 0.1f, 4.f);
float Brightness = clamp<float>(brightness, -0.8f, 0.8f);
float Contrast = clamp<float>(contrast, 0.1f, 3.f);
for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++)
float ramp = (float)(x / 255.f);
// Apply Contrast
// vec4 finalColor = vec4((((originalColor.rgb - vec3(0.5)) * Contrast) + vec3(0.5)), 1.0);
if (contrast != 1.0f)
ramp = (((ramp - 0.5f) * Contrast) + 0.5f);
// Apply Brightness
// vec4 finalColor = vec4(originalColor.rgb + Brightness, 1.0);
if (brightness != 0.0f)
ramp += (Brightness / 2.0f);
// Apply Gamma
// FragColor.rgb = pow(fragColor.rgb, vec3(1.0/gamma));
if (gamma != 1.0f)
ramp = pow(ramp, InvGamma);
// Clamp ramp
ramp = clamp<float>(ramp, 0.0f, 1.f);
gammatable[x] = (uint8_t)(ramp * 255);
void* dest;
const void* src;
int destpitch;
int width;
int height;
int srcpitch;
float gamma;
float contrast;
float brightness;
float saturation;