mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 10:32:19 +00:00
* scissor was not applied * texture coordinates were fetched from the wrong texture, courtesy of using global variables.
786 lines
22 KiB
786 lines
22 KiB
// Copyright(C) 2016-2018 Christoph Oelckers
// All rights reserved.
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
** v_2ddrawer.h
** Device independent 2D draw list
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "v_2ddrawer.h"
#include "renderstyle.h"
#include "drawparms.h"
#include "vectors.h"
#include "gamecvars.h"
//#include "doomtype.h"
#include "templates.h"
//#include "r_utility.h"
//#include "v_video.h"
//#include "g_levellocals.h"
//#include "vm.h"
F2DDrawer twod;
int F2DDrawer::AddCommand(const RenderCommand *data)
if (mData.Size() > 0 && data->isCompatible(mData.Last()))
// Merge with the last command.
mData.Last().mIndexCount += data->mIndexCount;
mData.Last().mVertCount += data->mVertCount;
return mData.Size();
return mData.Push(*data);
void F2DDrawer::AddIndices(int firstvert, int count, ...)
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, count);
int addr = mIndices.Reserve(count);
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
mIndices[addr + i] = firstvert + va_arg(ap, int);
// SetStyle
// Patterned after R_SetPatchStyle.
bool F2DDrawer::SetStyle(FTexture *tex, DrawParms &parms, PalEntry &vertexcolor, RenderCommand &quad)
FRenderStyle style = parms.style;
float alpha;
bool stencilling;
if (style.Flags & STYLEF_Alpha1)
alpha = 1;
alpha = clamp(parms.Alpha, 0.f, 1.f);
if (style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_Shadow || style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_Fuzz)
style = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_TranslucentStencil];
alpha = 0.3f;
parms.fillcolor = 0;
else if (style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_FuzzOrAdd)
style.BlendOp = STYLEOP_Add;
else if (style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_FuzzOrSub)
style.BlendOp = STYLEOP_Sub;
else if (style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_FuzzOrRevSub)
style.BlendOp = STYLEOP_RevSub;
stencilling = false;
if (style.Flags & STYLEF_InvertOverlay)
// Only the overlay color is inverted, not the overlay alpha.
parms.colorOverlay.r = 255 - parms.colorOverlay.r;
parms.colorOverlay.g = 255 - parms.colorOverlay.g;
parms.colorOverlay.b = 255 - parms.colorOverlay.b;
SetColorOverlay(parms.colorOverlay, alpha, vertexcolor, quad.mColor1);
if (style.Flags & STYLEF_ColorIsFixed)
if (style.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
{ // Since the source color is a constant, we can invert it now
// without spending time doing it in the shader.
parms.fillcolor.r = 255 - parms.fillcolor.r;
parms.fillcolor.g = 255 - parms.fillcolor.g;
parms.fillcolor.b = 255 - parms.fillcolor.b;
style.Flags &= ~STYLEF_InvertSource;
if (parms.desaturate > 0)
// Desaturation can also be computed here without having to do it in the shader.
auto gray = parms.fillcolor.Luminance();
auto notgray = 255 - gray;
parms.fillcolor.r = uint8_t((parms.fillcolor.r * notgray + gray * 255) / 255);
parms.fillcolor.g = uint8_t((parms.fillcolor.g * notgray + gray * 255) / 255);
parms.fillcolor.b = uint8_t((parms.fillcolor.b * notgray + gray * 255) / 255);
parms.desaturate = 0;
// Set up the color mod to replace the color from the image data.
vertexcolor.r = parms.fillcolor.r;
vertexcolor.g = parms.fillcolor.g;
vertexcolor.b = parms.fillcolor.b;
if (style.Flags & STYLEF_RedIsAlpha)
quad.mDrawMode = TM_ALPHATEXTURE;
quad.mDrawMode = TM_STENCIL;
if (style.Flags & STYLEF_RedIsAlpha)
quad.mDrawMode = TM_ALPHATEXTURE;
else if (style.Flags & STYLEF_InvertSource)
quad.mDrawMode = TM_INVERSE;
quad.mDesaturate = parms.desaturate;
// apply the element's own color. This is being blended with anything that came before.
vertexcolor = PalEntry((vertexcolor.a * parms.color.a) / 255, (vertexcolor.r * parms.color.r) / 255, (vertexcolor.g * parms.color.g) / 255, (vertexcolor.b * parms.color.b) / 255);
if (!parms.masked)
// For TM_ALPHATEXTURE and TM_STENCIL the mask cannot be turned off because it would not yield a usable result.
if (quad.mDrawMode == TM_NORMAL) quad.mDrawMode = TM_OPAQUE;
else if (quad.mDrawMode == TM_INVERSE) quad.mDrawMode = TM_INVERTOPAQUE;
quad.mRenderStyle = parms.style; // this contains the blend mode and blend equation settings.
if (parms.burn) quad.mFlags |= DTF_Burn;
return true;
// Draws a texture
void F2DDrawer::SetColorOverlay(PalEntry color, float alpha, PalEntry &vertexcolor, PalEntry &overlaycolor)
if (color.a != 0 && (color & 0xffffff) != 0)
// overlay color uses premultiplied alpha.
int a = color.a * 256 / 255;
overlaycolor.r = (color.r * a) >> 8;
overlaycolor.g = (color.g * a) >> 8;
overlaycolor.b = (color.b * a) >> 8;
overlaycolor.a = 0; // The overlay gets added on top of the texture data so to preserve the pixel's alpha this must be 0.
overlaycolor = 0;
// Vertex intensity is the inverse of the overlay so that the shader can do a simple addition to combine them.
uint8_t light = 255 - color.a;
vertexcolor = PalEntry(int(alpha * 255), light, light, light);
// The real color gets multiplied into vertexcolor later.
// Draws a texture
void F2DDrawer::AddTexture(FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms)
if (parms.style.BlendOp == STYLEOP_None) return; // not supposed to be drawn.
double xscale = parms.destwidth / parms.texwidth;
double yscale = parms.destheight / parms.texheight;
double x = parms.x - parms.left * xscale;
double y = parms.y - parms.top * yscale;
double w = parms.destwidth;
double h = parms.destheight;
double u1, v1, u2, v2;
PalEntry vertexcolor;
RenderCommand dg;
dg.mType = DrawTypeTriangles;
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mTexture = img;
dg.mRemapIndex = parms.remap;
SetStyle(img, parms, vertexcolor, dg);
u1 = parms.srcx;
v1 = parms.srcy;
u2 = parms.srcx + parms.srcwidth;
v2 = parms.srcy + parms.srcheight;
if (parms.flipX)
std::swap(u1, u2);
if (parms.flipY)
std::swap(v1, v2);
// This is crap. Only kept for backwards compatibility with scripts that may have used it.
// Note that this only works for unflipped full textures.
if (parms.windowleft > 0 || parms.windowright < parms.texwidth)
double wi = std::min(parms.windowright, parms.texwidth);
x += parms.windowleft * xscale;
w -= (parms.texwidth - wi + parms.windowleft) * xscale;
u1 = float(u1 + parms.windowleft / parms.texwidth);
u2 = float(u2 - (parms.texwidth - wi) / parms.texwidth);
if (x < (double)parms.lclip || y < (double)parms.uclip || x + w >(double)parms.rclip || y + h >(double)parms.dclip)
dg.mScissor[0] = parms.lclip;
dg.mScissor[1] = parms.uclip;
dg.mScissor[2] = parms.rclip;
dg.mScissor[3] = parms.dclip;
dg.mFlags |= DTF_Scissor;
memset(dg.mScissor, 0, sizeof(dg.mScissor));
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
TwoDVertex *ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(x, y, 0, u1, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x, y + h, 0, u1, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x + w, y, 0, u2, v1, vertexcolor); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x + w, y + h, 0, u2, v2, vertexcolor); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2);
void F2DDrawer::AddPoly(FTexture *texture, FVector2 *points, int npoints,
double originx, double originy, double scalex, double scaley,
DAngle rotation, int colormap, PalEntry flatcolor, int lightlevel,
uint32_t *indices, size_t indexcount)
// Use an equation similar to player sprites to determine shade
// Convert a light level into an unbounded colormap index (shade).
// Why the +12? I wish I knew, but experimentation indicates it
// is necessary in order to best reproduce Doom's original lighting.
double fadelevel;
// The hardware renderer's light modes 0, 1 and 4 use a linear light scale which must be used here as well. Otherwise the automap gets too dark.
fadelevel = 1. - clamp(lightlevel, 0, 255) / 255.f;
RenderCommand poly;
poly.mType = DrawTypeTriangles;
poly.mTexture = texture;
poly.mRenderStyle = DefaultRenderStyle();
poly.mFlags |= DTF_Wrap;
poly.mDesaturate = 0;
PalEntry color0;
double invfade = 1. - fadelevel;
color0.r = uint8_t(flatcolor.r * invfade);
color0.g = uint8_t(flatcolor.g * invfade);
color0.b = uint8_t(flatcolor.b * invfade);
color0.a = 255;
poly.mColor1 = 0;
bool dorotate = rotation != 0;
float cosrot = (float)cos(rotation.Radians());
float sinrot = (float)sin(rotation.Radians());
float uscale = float(1.f / (texture->GetWidth() * scalex));
float vscale = float(1.f / (texture->GetHeight() * scaley));
float ox = float(originx);
float oy = float(originy);
poly.mVertCount = npoints;
poly.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(npoints);
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; ++i)
float u = points[i].X - 0.5f - ox;
float v = points[i].Y - 0.5f - oy;
if (dorotate)
float t = u;
u = t * cosrot - v * sinrot;
v = v * cosrot + t * sinrot;
mVertices[poly.mVertIndex+i].Set(points[i].X, points[i].Y, 0, u*uscale, v*vscale, color0);
poly.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
if (indices == nullptr || indexcount == 0)
poly.mIndexCount += (npoints - 2) * 3;
for (int i = 2; i < npoints; ++i)
AddIndices(poly.mVertIndex, 3, 0, i - 1, i);
poly.mIndexCount += (int)indexcount;
int addr = mIndices.Reserve(indexcount);
for (size_t i = 0; i < indexcount; i++)
mIndices[addr + i] = poly.mVertIndex + indices[i];
void F2DDrawer::AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bool local_origin)
float fU1, fU2, fV1, fV2;
RenderCommand dg;
dg.mType = DrawTypeTriangles;
dg.mRenderStyle = DefaultRenderStyle();
dg.mTexture = src;
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mTexture = src;
dg.mFlags = DTF_Wrap;
// scaling is not used here.
if (!local_origin)
fU1 = float(left) / src->GetWidth();
fV1 = float(top) / src->GetHeight();
fU2 = float(right) / src->GetWidth();
fV2 = float(bottom) / src->GetHeight();
fU1 = 0;
fV1 = 0;
fU2 = float(right - left) / src->GetWidth();
fV2 = float(bottom - top) / src->GetHeight();
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
auto ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(left, top, 0, fU1, fV1, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(left, bottom, 0, fU1, fV2, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, top, 0, fU2, fV1, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
ptr->Set(right, bottom, 0, fU2, fV2, 0xffffffff); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2);
void F2DDrawer::AddColorOnlyQuad(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, PalEntry color, FRenderStyle *style)
RenderCommand dg;
dg.mType = DrawTypeTriangles;
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
dg.mRenderStyle = style? *style : LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
auto ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(x1, y1, 0, 0, 0, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x1, y1 + h, 0, 0, 0, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x1 + w, y1, 0, 0, 0, color); ptr++;
ptr->Set(x1 + w, y1 + h, 0, 0, 0, color); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2);
void F2DDrawer::AddLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, uint32_t color, uint8_t alpha)
PalEntry p = (PalEntry)color;
p.a = alpha;
RenderCommand dg;
dg.mType = DrawTypeLines;
dg.mRenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
dg.mVertCount = 2;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(2);
mVertices[dg.mVertIndex].Set(x1, y1, 0, 0, 0, p);
mVertices[dg.mVertIndex+1].Set(x2, y2, 0, 0, 0, p);
void F2DDrawer::AddThickLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double thickness, uint32_t color, uint8_t alpha)
PalEntry p = (PalEntry)color;
p.a = alpha;
DVector2 point0(x1, y1);
DVector2 point1(x2, y2);
DVector2 delta = point1 - point0;
DVector2 perp(-delta.Y, delta.X);
perp *= thickness / 2;
DVector2 corner0 = point0 + perp;
DVector2 corner1 = point0 - perp;
DVector2 corner2 = point1 + perp;
DVector2 corner3 = point1 - perp;
RenderCommand dg;
dg.mType = DrawTypeTriangles;
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
dg.mRenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
auto ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(corner0.X, corner0.Y, 0, 0, 0, p); ptr++;
ptr->Set(corner1.X, corner1.Y, 0, 0, 0, p); ptr++;
ptr->Set(corner2.X, corner2.Y, 0, 0, 0, p); ptr++;
ptr->Set(corner3.X, corner3.Y, 0, 0, 0, p); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2);
void F2DDrawer::AddPixel(int x1, int y1, uint32_t color)
PalEntry p = (PalEntry)color;
p.a = 255;
RenderCommand dg;
dg.mType = DrawTypePoints;
dg.mRenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
dg.mVertCount = 1;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(1);
mVertices[dg.mVertIndex].Set(x1, y1, 0, 0, 0, p);
void F2DDrawer::Clear()
mIsFirstPass = true;
#include "build.h"
#include "../src/engine_priv.h"
//sx,sy center of sprite; screen coords*65536
//z zoom*65536. > is zoomed in
//a angle (0 is default)
//dastat&1 1:translucence
//dastat&2 1:auto-scale mode (use 320*200 coordinates)
//dastat&4 1:y-flip
//dastat&8 1:don't clip to startumost/startdmost
//dastat&16 1:force point passed to be top-left corner, 0:Editart center
//dastat&32 1:reverse translucence
//dastat&64 1:non-masked, 0:masked
//dastat&128 1:draw all pages (permanent - no longer used)
//cx1,... clip window (actual screen coords)
// INTERNAL helper function for classic/polymost dorotatesprite
// sxptr, sxptr, z: in/out
// ret_yxaspect, ret_xyaspect: out
static void dorotspr_handle_bit2(int32_t* sxptr, int32_t* syptr, int32_t* z, int32_t dastat,
int32_t cx1_plus_cx2, int32_t cy1_plus_cy2,
int32_t* ret_yxaspect, int32_t* ret_xyaspect)
if ((dastat & RS_AUTO) == 0)
if (!(dastat & RS_STRETCH) && 4 * ydim <= 3 * xdim)
*ret_yxaspect = (12 << 16) / 10;
*ret_xyaspect = (10 << 16) / 12;
*ret_yxaspect = yxaspect;
*ret_xyaspect = xyaspect;
// *sxptr and *syptr and *z are left unchanged
// dastat&2: Auto window size scaling
const int32_t oxdim = xdim;
const int32_t oydim = ydim;
int32_t xdim = oxdim; // SHADOWS global
int32_t ydim = oydim;
int32_t zoomsc, sx = *sxptr, sy = *syptr;
int32_t ouryxaspect = yxaspect, ourxyaspect = xyaspect;
sy += rotatesprite_y_offset;
if (!(dastat & RS_STRETCH) && 4 * ydim <= 3 * xdim)
if ((dastat & RS_ALIGN_MASK) && (dastat & RS_ALIGN_MASK) != RS_ALIGN_MASK)
sx += NEGATE_ON_CONDITION(scale(120 << 16, xdim, ydim) - (160 << 16), !(dastat & RS_ALIGN_R));
if ((dastat & RS_ALIGN_MASK) == RS_ALIGN_MASK)
ydim = scale(xdim, 3, 4);
xdim = scale(ydim, 4, 3);
ouryxaspect = (12 << 16) / 10;
ourxyaspect = (10 << 16) / 12;
ouryxaspect = mulscale16(ouryxaspect, rotatesprite_yxaspect);
ourxyaspect = divscale16(ourxyaspect, rotatesprite_yxaspect);
// screen center to s[xy], 320<<16 coords.
const int32_t normxofs = sx - (320 << 15), normyofs = sy - (200 << 15);
// nasty hacks go here
if (!(dastat & RS_NOCLIP))
const int32_t twice_midcx = cx1_plus_cx2 + 2;
// screen x center to sx1, scaled to viewport
const int32_t scaledxofs = scale(normxofs, scale(xdimen, xdim, oxdim), 320);
sx = ((twice_midcx) << 15) + scaledxofs;
zoomsc = xdimenscale; //= scale(xdimen,yxaspect,320);
zoomsc = mulscale16(zoomsc, rotatesprite_yxaspect);
if ((dastat & RS_ALIGN_MASK) == RS_ALIGN_MASK)
zoomsc = scale(zoomsc, ydim, oydim);
sy = ((cy1_plus_cy2 + 2) << 15) + mulscale16(normyofs, zoomsc);
//If not clipping to startmosts, & auto-scaling on, as a
//hard-coded bonus, scale to full screen instead
sx = (xdim << 15) + 32768 + scale(normxofs, xdim, 320);
zoomsc = scale(xdim, ouryxaspect, 320);
sy = (ydim << 15) + 32768 + mulscale16(normyofs, zoomsc);
if ((dastat & RS_ALIGN_MASK) == RS_ALIGN_MASK)
sy += (oydim - ydim) << 15;
sx += (oxdim - xdim) << 15;
if (dastat & RS_CENTERORIGIN)
sx += oxdim << 15;
*sxptr = sx;
*syptr = sy;
*z = mulscale16(*z, zoomsc);
*ret_yxaspect = ouryxaspect;
*ret_xyaspect = ourxyaspect;
void F2DDrawer::rotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16_t picnum,
int8_t dashade, uint8_t dapalnum, int32_t dastat, uint8_t daalpha, uint8_t dablend,
int32_t cx1, int32_t cy1, int32_t cx2, int32_t cy2)
RenderCommand dg = {};
int method = 0;
dg.mType = DrawTypeRotateSprite;
if (cx1 > 0 || cy1 > 0 || cx2 < xdim - 1 || cy2 < ydim - 1)
dg.mScissor[0] = cx1;
dg.mScissor[1] = cy1;
dg.mScissor[2] = cx2 + 1;
dg.mScissor[3] = cy2 + 1;
dg.mFlags |= DTF_Scissor;
if (!(dastat & RS_NOMASK))
if (dastat & RS_TRANS1)
method |= (dastat & RS_TRANS2) ? DAMETH_TRANS2 : DAMETH_TRANS1;
method |= DAMETH_MASK;
dg.mRenderStyle = GetBlend(dablend, (dastat & RS_TRANS2) ? 1 : 0);
dg.mRenderStyle.SrcAlpha = STYLEALPHA_One;
dg.mRenderStyle.DestAlpha = STYLEALPHA_Zero;
dg.mRenderStyle.Flags = STYLEF_Alpha1;
dg.mRenderStyle.BlendOp = STYLEOP_Add;
float drawpoly_alpha = daalpha * (1.0f / 255.0f);
float alpha = float_trans(method, dablend) * (1.f - drawpoly_alpha); // Hmmm...
vec2_16_t const siz = tilesiz[picnum];
vec2_16_t ofs = { 0, 0 };
if (!(dastat & RS_TOPLEFT))
ofs = { int16_t(picanm[picnum].xofs + (siz.x >> 1)),
int16_t(picanm[picnum].yofs + (siz.y >> 1)) };
if (dastat & RS_YFLIP)
ofs.y = siz.y - ofs.y;
int32_t ourxyaspect = 65536, ouryxaspect = 65536;
dorotspr_handle_bit2(&sx, &sy, &z, dastat, cx1 + cx2, cy1 + cy2, &ouryxaspect, &ourxyaspect);
int32_t cosang = mulscale14(sintable[(a + 512) & 2047], z);
int32_t cosang2 = cosang;
int32_t sinang = mulscale14(sintable[a & 2047], z);
int32_t sinang2 = sinang;
if ((dastat & RS_AUTO) || (!(dastat & RS_NOCLIP))) // Don't aspect unscaled perms
cosang2 = mulscale16(cosang2, ourxyaspect);
sinang2 = mulscale16(sinang2, ourxyaspect);
int32_t const cx = sx - ofs.x * cosang2 + ofs.y * sinang2;
int32_t const cy = sy - ofs.x * sinang - ofs.y * cosang;
vec2_t pxy[8] = { { cx, cy },
{ cx + siz.x * cosang2, cy + siz.x * sinang },
{ 0, 0 },
{ cx - siz.y * sinang2, cy + siz.y * cosang } };
pxy[2] = { pxy[1].x + pxy[3].x - pxy[0].x,
pxy[1].y + pxy[3].y - pxy[0].y };
PalEntry p = 0xffffffff;
dg.mTexture = TileFiles.tiles[picnum];
dg.mRemapIndex = dapalnum | (dashade << 16);
dg.mVertCount = 4;
dg.mVertIndex = (int)mVertices.Reserve(4);
dg.mRenderStyle = LegacyRenderStyles[STYLE_Translucent];
auto ptr = &mVertices[dg.mVertIndex];
ptr->Set(pxy[0].x / 65536.f, pxy[0].y / 65536.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, p); ptr++;
ptr->Set(pxy[1].x / 65536.f, pxy[1].y / 65536.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, p); ptr++;
ptr->Set(pxy[2].x / 65536.f, pxy[2].y / 65536.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, p); ptr++;
ptr->Set(pxy[3].x / 65536.f, pxy[3].y / 65536.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, p); ptr++;
dg.mIndexIndex = mIndices.Size();
dg.mIndexCount += 6;
AddIndices(dg.mVertIndex, 6, 0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3);