2019-09-20 00:42:45 +02:00

252 lines
6.9 KiB

Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors
Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT
This file is part of NBlood.
NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#pragma once
#include "fix16.h"
#include "common_game.h"
#include "actor.h"
#include "blood.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "controls.h"
#include "db.h"
#include "dude.h"
enum LifeMode {
kModeHuman = 0,
struct PACKINFO {
char at0; // is active (0/1)
int at1 = 0; // remaining percent
struct PLAYER {
spritetype *pSprite;
XSPRITE *pXSprite;
DUDEINFO *pDudeInfo;
//short atc; // INPUT
//char at10; // forward
//short at11; // turn
//char hearDist; // strafe
//int at14; // buttonFlags
//unsigned int at18; // keyFlags
//char at1c; // useFlags;
//char at20; // newWeapon
//char at21; // mlook
int at22;
int at26; // weapon qav
int at2a; // qav callback
char at2e; // run
int at2f; // state
int at33; // unused?
int at37;
int at3b;
int at3f; // bob height
int at43; // bob width
int at47;
int at4b;
int at4f; // bob sway y
int at53; // bob sway x
int at57; // Connect id
int at5b; // spritenum
int at5f; // life mode
int at63;
int at67; // view z
int at6b;
int at6f; // weapon z
int at73;
fix16_t q16look;
int q16horiz; // horiz
int q16slopehoriz; // horizoff
int at83;
char at87; // underwater
char at88[8]; // keys
char at90; // flag capture
short at91[8];
int ata1[7];
char atbd; // weapon
char atbe; // pending weapon
int atbf, atc3, atc7;
char atcb[14]; // hasweapon
int atd9[14];
int at111[2][14];
//int at149[14];
int at181[12]; // ammo
char at1b1;
int at1b2;
int at1b6;
int at1ba;
Aim at1be; // world
//int at1c6;
Aim at1ca; // relative
//int at1ca;
//int at1ce;
//int at1d2;
int at1d6; // aim target sprite
int at1da;
short at1de[16];
int at1fe;
int at202[kMaxPowerUps]; // [13]: cloak of invisibility, [14]: death mask (invulnerability), [15]: jump boots, [17]: guns akimbo, [18]: diving suit, [21]: crystal ball, [24]: reflective shots, [25]: beast vision, [26]: cloak of shadow
int at2c6; // frags
int at2ca[8];
int at2ea;
int at2ee; // killer
int at2f2;
int at2f6;
int at2fa;
int at2fe;
int at302;
int at306;
int at30a;
int at30e;
int at312;
int at316;
char at31a; // God mode
char at31b; // Fall scream
char at31c;
int at31d; // pack timer
int at321; // pack id 1: diving suit, 2: crystal ball, 3: beast vision 4: jump boots
PACKINFO packInfo[5]; // at325 [1]: diving suit, [2]: crystal ball, [3]: beast vision [4]: jump boots
int at33e[3]; // armor
//int at342;
//int at346;
int voodooTarget; // at34a
int at34e;
int at352;
int at356;
int at35a; // quake
int at35e;
int at362; // light
int at366;
int at36a; // blind
int at36e; // choke
int at372;
char at376; // hand
int at377;
char at37b; // weapon flash
int at37f; // quake2
fix16_t q16ang;
int angold;
int player_par;
int nWaterPal;
struct POSTURE {
int at0;
int at4;
int at8;
int atc[2];
int at14;
int at18;
int at1c;
int at20;
int at24;
int at28;
int at2c;
int at30;
struct PROFILE {
int nAutoAim;
int nWeaponSwitch;
int skill;
struct AMMOINFO {
int at0;
signed char at4;
short at0;
char at2;
int at3; // max value
int at7;
extern POSTURE gPosture[4][3];
extern PLAYER gPlayer[kMaxPlayers];
extern PLAYER *gMe, *gView;
extern PROFILE gProfile[kMaxPlayers];
extern int dword_21EFB0[kMaxPlayers];
extern int dword_21EFD0[kMaxPlayers];
extern AMMOINFO gAmmoInfo[];
extern POWERUPINFO gPowerUpInfo[kMaxPowerUps];
int powerupCheck(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp);
char powerupActivate(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp);
void powerupDeactivate(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp);
void powerupSetState(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPowerUp, char bState);
void powerupProcess(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void powerupClear(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void powerupInit(void);
int packItemToPowerup(int nPack);
int powerupToPackItem(int nPowerUp);
char packAddItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, unsigned int nPack);
int packCheckItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPack);
char packItemActive(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPack);
void packUseItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nPack);
void packPrevItem(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void packNextItem(PLAYER *pPlayer);
char playerSeqPlaying(PLAYER * pPlayer, int nSeq);
void playerSetRace(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nLifeMode);
void playerSetGodMode(PLAYER *pPlayer, char bGodMode);
void playerResetInertia(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void playerStart(int nPlayer);
void playerReset(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void playerInit(int nPlayer, unsigned int a2);
char sub_3A158(PLAYER *a1, spritetype *a2);
char PickupItem(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pItem);
char PickupAmmo(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pAmmo);
char PickupWeapon(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pWeapon);
void PickUp(PLAYER *pPlayer, spritetype *pSprite);
void CheckPickUp(PLAYER *pPlayer);
int ActionScan(PLAYER *pPlayer, int *a2, int *a3);
void ProcessInput(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void playerProcess(PLAYER *pPlayer);
spritetype *playerFireMissile(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6);
spritetype *playerFireThing(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2, int a3, int thingType, int a5);
void playerFrag(PLAYER *pKiller, PLAYER *pVictim);
void FragPlayer(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nSprite);
int playerDamageArmor(PLAYER *pPlayer, DAMAGE_TYPE nType, int nDamage);
spritetype *sub_40A94(PLAYER *pPlayer, int a2);
int playerDamageSprite(int nSource, PLAYER *pPlayer, DAMAGE_TYPE nDamageType, int nDamage);
int UseAmmo(PLAYER *pPlayer, int nAmmoType, int nDec);
void sub_41250(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void playerLandingSound(PLAYER *pPlayer);
void PlayerSurvive(int, int nXSprite);
void PlayerKeelsOver(int, int nXSprite);
bool isGrown(spritetype* pSprite);
bool isShrinked(spritetype* pSprite);
bool shrinkPlayerSize(PLAYER* pPlayer, int divider);
bool growPlayerSize(PLAYER* pPlayer, int multiplier);
bool resetPlayerSize(PLAYER* pPlayer);
void deactivateSizeShrooms(PLAYER* pPlayer);