mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 10:11:04 +00:00
Currently none of these is being used, but eventually they will, once more code gets ported over. So it's better to have them right away and avoid editing the project file too much, only to revert that later.
561 lines
13 KiB
561 lines
13 KiB
// Game_Music_Emu https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/
#include "Nsf_Emu.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Nes_Namco_Apu.h"
#include "Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h"
#include "Nes_Fme7_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
int const vrc6_flag = 0x01;
int const namco_flag = 0x10;
int const fme7_flag = 0x20;
long const clock_divisor = 12;
Nsf_Emu::equalizer_t const Nsf_Emu::nes_eq =
Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -1.0, 80 );
Nsf_Emu::equalizer_t const Nsf_Emu::famicom_eq =
Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -15.0, 80 );
int Nsf_Emu::pcm_read( void* emu, nes_addr_t addr )
return *((Nsf_Emu*) emu)->cpu::get_code( addr );
vrc6 = 0;
namco = 0;
fme7 = 0;
set_type( gme_nsf_type );
set_silence_lookahead( 6 );
apu.dmc_reader( pcm_read, this );
Music_Emu::set_equalizer( nes_eq );
set_gain( 1.4 );
memset( unmapped_code, Nes_Cpu::bad_opcode, sizeof unmapped_code );
Nsf_Emu::~Nsf_Emu() { unload(); }
void Nsf_Emu::unload()
delete vrc6;
vrc6 = 0;
delete namco;
namco = 0;
delete fme7;
fme7 = 0;
// Track info
static void copy_nsf_fields( Nsf_Emu::header_t const& h, track_info_t* out )
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, game );
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, author );
GME_COPY_FIELD( h, out, copyright );
if ( h.chip_flags )
Gme_File::copy_field_( out->system, "Famicom" );
blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
copy_nsf_fields( header_, out );
return 0;
static blargg_err_t check_nsf_header( void const* header )
if ( memcmp( header, "NESM\x1A", 5 ) )
return gme_wrong_file_type;
return 0;
struct Nsf_File : Gme_Info_
Nsf_Emu::header_t h;
Nsf_File() { set_type( gme_nsf_type ); }
blargg_err_t load_( Data_Reader& in )
blargg_err_t err = in.read( &h, Nsf_Emu::header_size );
if ( err )
return (err == in.eof_error ? gme_wrong_file_type : err);
if ( h.chip_flags & ~(namco_flag | vrc6_flag | fme7_flag) )
set_warning( "Uses unsupported audio expansion hardware" );
set_track_count( h.track_count );
return check_nsf_header( &h );
blargg_err_t track_info_( track_info_t* out, int ) const
copy_nsf_fields( h, out );
return 0;
static Music_Emu* new_nsf_emu () { return BLARGG_NEW Nsf_Emu ; }
static Music_Emu* new_nsf_file() { return BLARGG_NEW Nsf_File; }
static gme_type_t_ const gme_nsf_type_ = { "Nintendo NES", 0, &new_nsf_emu, &new_nsf_file, "NSF", 1 };
BLARGG_EXPORT extern gme_type_t const gme_nsf_type = &gme_nsf_type_;
// Setup
void Nsf_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )
unsigned playback_rate = get_le16( header_.ntsc_speed );
unsigned standard_rate = 0x411A;
clock_rate_ = 1789772.72727;
play_period = 262 * 341L * 4 - 2; // two fewer PPU clocks every four frames
if ( pal_only )
play_period = 33247 * clock_divisor;
clock_rate_ = 1662607.125;
standard_rate = 0x4E20;
playback_rate = get_le16( header_.pal_speed );
if ( !playback_rate )
playback_rate = standard_rate;
if ( playback_rate != standard_rate || t != 1.0 )
play_period = long (playback_rate * clock_rate_ / (1000000.0 / clock_divisor * t));
apu.set_tempo( t );
blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::init_sound()
if ( header_.chip_flags & ~(namco_flag | vrc6_flag | fme7_flag) )
set_warning( "Uses unsupported audio expansion hardware" );
#define APU_NAMES "Square 1", "Square 2", "Triangle", "Noise", "DMC"
int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count;
static const char* const apu_names [count] = { APU_NAMES };
set_voice_count( count );
set_voice_names( apu_names );
static int const types [] = {
wave_type | 1, wave_type | 2, wave_type | 0,
noise_type | 0, mixed_type | 1,
wave_type | 3, wave_type | 4, wave_type | 5,
wave_type | 6, wave_type | 7, wave_type | 8, wave_type | 9,
wave_type |10, wave_type |11, wave_type |12, wave_type |13
set_voice_types( types ); // common to all sound chip configurations
double adjusted_gain = gain();
if ( header_.chip_flags )
set_warning( "Uses unsupported audio expansion hardware" );
if ( header_.chip_flags & (namco_flag | vrc6_flag | fme7_flag) )
set_voice_count( Nes_Apu::osc_count + 3 );
if ( header_.chip_flags & namco_flag )
namco = BLARGG_NEW Nes_Namco_Apu;
CHECK_ALLOC( namco );
adjusted_gain *= 0.75;
int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_count;
static const char* const names [count] = {
"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4",
"Wave 5", "Wave 6", "Wave 7", "Wave 8"
set_voice_count( count );
set_voice_names( names );
if ( header_.chip_flags & vrc6_flag )
vrc6 = BLARGG_NEW Nes_Vrc6_Apu;
CHECK_ALLOC( vrc6 );
adjusted_gain *= 0.75;
int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count;
static const char* const names [count] = {
"Saw Wave", "Square 3", "Square 4"
set_voice_count( count );
set_voice_names( names );
if ( header_.chip_flags & namco_flag )
int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count +
static const char* const names [count] = {
"Saw Wave", "Square 3", "Square 4",
"Wave 1", "Wave 2", "Wave 3", "Wave 4",
"Wave 5", "Wave 6", "Wave 7", "Wave 8"
set_voice_count( count );
set_voice_names( names );
if ( header_.chip_flags & fme7_flag )
fme7 = BLARGG_NEW Nes_Fme7_Apu;
CHECK_ALLOC( fme7 );
adjusted_gain *= 0.75;
int const count = Nes_Apu::osc_count + Nes_Fme7_Apu::osc_count;
static const char* const names [count] = {
"Square 3", "Square 4", "Square 5"
set_voice_count( count );
set_voice_names( names );
if ( namco ) namco->volume( adjusted_gain );
if ( vrc6 ) vrc6 ->volume( adjusted_gain );
if ( fme7 ) fme7 ->volume( adjusted_gain );
apu.volume( adjusted_gain );
return 0;
blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::load_( Data_Reader& in )
assert( offsetof (header_t,unused [4]) == header_size );
RETURN_ERR( rom.load( in, header_size, &header_, 0 ) );
set_track_count( header_.track_count );
RETURN_ERR( check_nsf_header( &header_ ) );
if ( header_.vers != 1 )
set_warning( "Unknown file version" );
// sound and memory
blargg_err_t err = init_sound();
if ( err )
return err;
// set up data
nes_addr_t load_addr = get_le16( header_.load_addr );
init_addr = get_le16( header_.init_addr );
play_addr = get_le16( header_.play_addr );
if ( !load_addr ) load_addr = rom_begin;
if ( !init_addr ) init_addr = rom_begin;
if ( !play_addr ) play_addr = rom_begin;
if ( load_addr < rom_begin || init_addr < rom_begin )
const char* w = warning();
if ( !w )
w = "Corrupt file (invalid load/init/play address)";
return w;
rom.set_addr( load_addr % bank_size );
int total_banks = rom.size() / bank_size;
// bank switching
int first_bank = (load_addr - rom_begin) / bank_size;
for ( int i = 0; i < bank_count; i++ )
unsigned bank = i - first_bank;
if ( bank >= (unsigned) total_banks )
bank = 0;
initial_banks [i] = bank;
if ( header_.banks [i] )
// bank-switched
memcpy( initial_banks, header_.banks, sizeof initial_banks );
pal_only = (header_.speed_flags & 3) == 1;
header_.speed_flags = 0;
set_tempo( tempo() );
return setup_buffer( (long) (clock_rate_ + 0.5) );
void Nsf_Emu::update_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
apu.treble_eq( eq );
if ( namco ) namco->treble_eq( eq );
if ( vrc6 ) vrc6 ->treble_eq( eq );
if ( fme7 ) fme7 ->treble_eq( eq );
void Nsf_Emu::set_voice( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf, Blip_Buffer*, Blip_Buffer* )
if ( i < Nes_Apu::osc_count )
apu.osc_output( i, buf );
i -= Nes_Apu::osc_count;
if ( fme7 && i < Nes_Fme7_Apu::osc_count )
fme7->osc_output( i, buf );
if ( vrc6 )
if ( i < Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count )
// put saw first
if ( --i < 0 )
i = 2;
vrc6->osc_output( i, buf );
i -= Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count;
if ( namco && i < Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_count )
namco->osc_output( i, buf );
// Emulation
// see nes_cpu_io.h for read/write functions
void Nsf_Emu::cpu_write_misc( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( namco )
switch ( addr )
case Nes_Namco_Apu::data_reg_addr:
namco->write_data( time(), data );
case Nes_Namco_Apu::addr_reg_addr:
namco->write_addr( data );
if ( addr >= Nes_Fme7_Apu::latch_addr && fme7 )
switch ( addr & Nes_Fme7_Apu::addr_mask )
case Nes_Fme7_Apu::latch_addr:
fme7->write_latch( data );
case Nes_Fme7_Apu::data_addr:
fme7->write_data( time(), data );
if ( vrc6 )
unsigned reg = addr & (Nes_Vrc6_Apu::addr_step - 1);
unsigned osc = unsigned (addr - Nes_Vrc6_Apu::base_addr) / Nes_Vrc6_Apu::addr_step;
if ( osc < Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_count && reg < Nes_Vrc6_Apu::reg_count )
vrc6->write_osc( time(), osc, reg, data );
// unmapped write
#ifndef NDEBUG
// some games write to $8000 and $8001 repeatedly
if ( addr == 0x8000 || addr == 0x8001 ) return;
// probably namco sound mistakenly turned on in mck
if ( addr == 0x4800 || addr == 0xF800 ) return;
// memory mapper?
if ( addr == 0xFFF8 ) return;
debug_printf( "write_unmapped( 0x%04X, 0x%02X )\n", (unsigned) addr, (unsigned) data );
blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::start_track_( int track )
RETURN_ERR( Classic_Emu::start_track_( track ) );
memset( low_mem, 0, sizeof low_mem );
memset( sram, 0, sizeof sram );
cpu::reset( unmapped_code ); // also maps low_mem
cpu::map_code( sram_addr, sizeof sram, sram );
for ( int i = 0; i < bank_count; ++i )
cpu_write( bank_select_addr + i, initial_banks [i] );
apu.reset( pal_only, (header_.speed_flags & 0x20) ? 0x3F : 0 );
apu.write_register( 0, 0x4015, 0x0F );
apu.write_register( 0, 0x4017, (header_.speed_flags & 0x10) ? 0x80 : 0 );
if ( namco ) namco->reset();
if ( vrc6 ) vrc6 ->reset();
if ( fme7 ) fme7 ->reset();
play_ready = 4;
play_extra = 0;
next_play = play_period / clock_divisor;
saved_state.pc = badop_addr;
low_mem [0x1FF] = (badop_addr - 1) >> 8;
low_mem [0x1FE] = (badop_addr - 1) & 0xFF;
r.sp = 0xFD;
r.pc = init_addr;
r.a = track;
r.x = pal_only;
return 0;
blargg_err_t Nsf_Emu::run_clocks( blip_time_t& duration, int )
set_time( 0 );
while ( time() < duration )
nes_time_t end = min( (blip_time_t) next_play, duration );
end = min( end, time() + 32767 ); // allows CPU to use 16-bit time delta
if ( cpu::run( end ) )
if ( r.pc != badop_addr )
set_warning( "Emulation error (illegal instruction)" );
play_ready = 1;
if ( saved_state.pc != badop_addr )
cpu::r = saved_state;
saved_state.pc = badop_addr;
set_time( end );
if ( time() >= next_play )
nes_time_t period = (play_period + play_extra) / clock_divisor;
play_extra = play_period - period * clock_divisor;
next_play += period;
if ( play_ready && !--play_ready )
check( saved_state.pc == badop_addr );
if ( r.pc != badop_addr )
saved_state = cpu::r;
r.pc = play_addr;
low_mem [0x100 + r.sp--] = (badop_addr - 1) >> 8;
low_mem [0x100 + r.sp--] = (badop_addr - 1) & 0xFF;
if ( cpu::error_count() )
set_warning( "Emulation error (illegal instruction)" );
duration = time();
next_play -= duration;
check( next_play >= 0 );
if ( next_play < 0 )
next_play = 0;
apu.end_frame( duration );
if ( namco ) namco->end_frame( duration );
if ( vrc6 ) vrc6 ->end_frame( duration );
if ( fme7 ) fme7 ->end_frame( duration );
return 0;