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synced 2025-03-09 10:11:04 +00:00
Currently none of these is being used, but eventually they will, once more code gets ported over. So it's better to have them right away and avoid editing the project file too much, only to revert that later.
451 lines
11 KiB
451 lines
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// Game_Music_Emu https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/
#include "Music_Emu.h"
#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
int const silence_max = 6; // seconds
int const silence_threshold = 0x10;
long const fade_block_size = 512;
int const fade_shift = 8; // fade ends with gain at 1.0 / (1 << fade_shift)
Music_Emu::equalizer_t const Music_Emu::tv_eq =
Music_Emu::make_equalizer( -8.0, 180 );
void Music_Emu::clear_track_vars()
current_track_ = -1;
out_time = 0;
emu_time = 0;
emu_track_ended_ = true;
track_ended_ = true;
fade_start = INT_MAX / 2 + 1;
fade_step = 1;
silence_time = 0;
silence_count = 0;
buf_remain = 0;
warning(); // clear warning
void Music_Emu::unload()
voice_count_ = 0;
effects_buffer = 0;
multi_channel_ = false;
sample_rate_ = 0;
mute_mask_ = 0;
tempo_ = 1.0;
gain_ = 1.0;
// defaults
max_initial_silence = 2;
silence_lookahead = 3;
ignore_silence_ = false;
equalizer_.treble = -1.0;
equalizer_.bass = 60;
emu_autoload_playback_limit_ = true;
static const char* const names [] = {
"Voice 1", "Voice 2", "Voice 3", "Voice 4",
"Voice 5", "Voice 6", "Voice 7", "Voice 8"
set_voice_names( names );
Music_Emu::unload(); // non-virtual
Music_Emu::~Music_Emu() { delete effects_buffer; }
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::set_sample_rate( long rate )
require( !sample_rate() ); // sample rate can't be changed once set
RETURN_ERR( set_sample_rate_( rate ) );
RETURN_ERR( buf.resize( buf_size ) );
sample_rate_ = rate;
return 0;
void Music_Emu::pre_load()
require( sample_rate() ); // set_sample_rate() must be called before loading a file
void Music_Emu::set_equalizer( equalizer_t const& eq )
equalizer_ = eq;
set_equalizer_( eq );
bool Music_Emu::multi_channel() const
return this->multi_channel_;
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::set_multi_channel( bool )
// by default not supported, derived may override this
return "unsupported for this emulator type";
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::set_multi_channel_( bool isEnabled )
// multi channel support must be set at the very beginning
require( !sample_rate() );
multi_channel_ = isEnabled;
return 0;
void Music_Emu::mute_voice( int index, bool mute )
require( (unsigned) index < (unsigned) voice_count() );
int bit = 1 << index;
int mask = mute_mask_ | bit;
if ( !mute )
mask ^= bit;
mute_voices( mask );
void Music_Emu::mute_voices( int mask )
require( sample_rate() ); // sample rate must be set first
mute_mask_ = mask;
mute_voices_( mask );
void Music_Emu::set_tempo( double t )
require( sample_rate() ); // sample rate must be set first
double const min = 0.02;
double const max = 4.00;
if ( t < min ) t = min;
if ( t > max ) t = max;
tempo_ = t;
set_tempo_( t );
void Music_Emu::post_load_()
set_tempo( tempo_ );
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::start_track( int track )
int remapped = track;
RETURN_ERR( remap_track_( &remapped ) );
current_track_ = track;
RETURN_ERR( start_track_( remapped ) );
emu_track_ended_ = false;
track_ended_ = false;
if ( !ignore_silence_ )
// play until non-silence or end of track
for ( long end = max_initial_silence * out_channels() * sample_rate(); emu_time < end; )
if ( buf_remain | (int) emu_track_ended_ )
emu_time = buf_remain;
out_time = 0;
silence_time = 0;
silence_count = 0;
return track_ended() ? warning() : 0;
void Music_Emu::end_track_if_error( blargg_err_t err )
if ( err )
emu_track_ended_ = true;
set_warning( err );
bool Music_Emu::autoload_playback_limit() const
return emu_autoload_playback_limit_;
void Music_Emu::set_autoload_playback_limit( bool do_autoload_limit )
emu_autoload_playback_limit_ = do_autoload_limit;
// Tell/Seek
blargg_long Music_Emu::msec_to_samples( blargg_long msec ) const
blargg_long sec = msec / 1000;
msec -= sec * 1000;
return (sec * sample_rate() + msec * sample_rate() / 1000) * out_channels();
long Music_Emu::tell_samples() const
return out_time;
long Music_Emu::tell() const
blargg_long rate = sample_rate() * out_channels();
blargg_long sec = out_time / rate;
return sec * 1000 + (out_time - sec * rate) * 1000 / rate;
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::seek_samples( long time )
if ( time < out_time )
RETURN_ERR( start_track( current_track_ ) );
return skip( time - out_time );
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::seek( long msec )
return seek_samples( msec_to_samples( msec ) );
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::skip( long count )
require( current_track() >= 0 ); // start_track() must have been called already
out_time += count;
// remove from silence and buf first
long n = min( count, silence_count );
silence_count -= n;
count -= n;
n = min( count, buf_remain );
buf_remain -= n;
count -= n;
if ( count && !emu_track_ended_ )
emu_time += count;
end_track_if_error( skip_( count ) );
if ( !(silence_count | buf_remain) ) // caught up to emulator, so update track ended
track_ended_ |= emu_track_ended_;
return 0;
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::skip_( long count )
// for long skip, mute sound
const long threshold = 30000;
if ( count > threshold )
int saved_mute = mute_mask_;
mute_voices( ~0 );
while ( count > threshold / 2 && !emu_track_ended_ )
RETURN_ERR( play_( buf_size, buf.begin() ) );
count -= buf_size;
mute_voices( saved_mute );
while ( count && !emu_track_ended_ )
long n = buf_size;
if ( n > count )
n = count;
count -= n;
RETURN_ERR( play_( n, buf.begin() ) );
return 0;
// Fading
void Music_Emu::set_fade( long start_msec, long length_msec )
fade_step = sample_rate() * length_msec / (fade_block_size * fade_shift * 1000 / out_channels());
fade_start = msec_to_samples( start_msec );
// unit / pow( 2.0, (double) x / step )
static int int_log( blargg_long x, int step, int unit )
int shift = x / step;
int fraction = (x - shift * step) * unit / step;
return ((unit - fraction) + (fraction >> 1)) >> shift;
void Music_Emu::handle_fade( long out_count, sample_t* out )
for ( int i = 0; i < out_count; i += fade_block_size )
int const shift = 14;
int const unit = 1 << shift;
int gain = int_log( (out_time + i - fade_start) / fade_block_size,
fade_step, unit );
if ( gain < (unit >> fade_shift) )
track_ended_ = emu_track_ended_ = true;
sample_t* io = &out [i];
for ( int count = min( fade_block_size, out_count - i ); count; --count )
*io = sample_t ((*io * gain) >> shift);
// Silence detection
void Music_Emu::emu_play( long count, sample_t* out )
check( current_track_ >= 0 );
emu_time += count;
if ( current_track_ >= 0 && !emu_track_ended_ )
end_track_if_error( play_( count, out ) );
memset( out, 0, count * sizeof *out );
// number of consecutive silent samples at end
static long count_silence( Music_Emu::sample_t* begin, long size )
Music_Emu::sample_t first = *begin;
*begin = silence_threshold; // sentinel
Music_Emu::sample_t* p = begin + size;
while ( (unsigned) (*--p + silence_threshold / 2) <= (unsigned) silence_threshold ) { }
*begin = first;
return size - (p - begin);
// fill internal buffer and check it for silence
void Music_Emu::fill_buf()
assert( !buf_remain );
if ( !emu_track_ended_ )
emu_play( buf_size, buf.begin() );
long silence = count_silence( buf.begin(), buf_size );
if ( silence < buf_size )
silence_time = emu_time - silence;
buf_remain = buf_size;
silence_count += buf_size;
blargg_err_t Music_Emu::play( long out_count, sample_t* out )
if ( track_ended_ )
memset( out, 0, out_count * sizeof *out );
require( current_track() >= 0 );
require( out_count % out_channels() == 0 );
assert( emu_time >= out_time );
// prints nifty graph of how far ahead we are when searching for silence
//debug_printf( "%*s \n", int ((emu_time - out_time) * 7 / sample_rate()), "*" );
long pos = 0;
if ( silence_count )
// during a run of silence, run emulator at >=2x speed so it gets ahead
long ahead_time = silence_lookahead * (out_time + out_count - silence_time) + silence_time;
while ( emu_time < ahead_time && !(buf_remain | emu_track_ended_) )
// fill with silence
pos = min( silence_count, out_count );
memset( out, 0, pos * sizeof *out );
silence_count -= pos;
if ( emu_time - silence_time > silence_max * out_channels() * sample_rate() )
track_ended_ = emu_track_ended_ = true;
silence_count = 0;
buf_remain = 0;
if ( buf_remain )
// empty silence buf
long n = min( buf_remain, out_count - pos );
memcpy( &out [pos], buf.begin() + (buf_size - buf_remain), n * sizeof *out );
buf_remain -= n;
pos += n;
// generate remaining samples normally
long remain = out_count - pos;
if ( remain )
emu_play( remain, out + pos );
track_ended_ |= emu_track_ended_;
if ( !ignore_silence_ || out_time > fade_start )
// check end for a new run of silence
long silence = count_silence( out + pos, remain );
if ( silence < remain )
silence_time = emu_time - silence;
if ( emu_time - silence_time >= buf_size )
fill_buf(); // cause silence detection on next play()
if ( fade_start >= 0 && out_time > fade_start )
handle_fade( out_count, out );
out_time += out_count;
return 0;
// Gme_Info_
blargg_err_t Gme_Info_::set_sample_rate_( long ) { return 0; }
void Gme_Info_::pre_load() { Gme_File::pre_load(); } // skip Music_Emu
void Gme_Info_::post_load_() { Gme_File::post_load_(); } // skip Music_Emu
void Gme_Info_::set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& ){ check( false ); }
void Gme_Info_::enable_accuracy_( bool ) { check( false ); }
void Gme_Info_::mute_voices_( int ) { check( false ); }
void Gme_Info_::set_tempo_( double ) { }
blargg_err_t Gme_Info_::start_track_( int ) { return "Use full emulator for playback"; }
blargg_err_t Gme_Info_::play_( long, sample_t* ) { return "Use full emulator for playback"; }