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synced 2025-03-09 10:11:04 +00:00
Currently none of these is being used, but eventually they will, once more code gets ported over. So it's better to have them right away and avoid editing the project file too much, only to revert that later.
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449 lines
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// File_Extractor 0.4.0. http://www.slack.net/~ant/
#include "Data_Reader.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
#include <zlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
static const unsigned char gz_magic[2] = {0x1f, 0x8b}; /* gzip magic header */
#endif /* HAVE_ZLIB_H */
const char Data_Reader::eof_error [] = "Unexpected end of file";
#define RETURN_VALIDITY_CHECK( cond ) \
do { if ( unlikely( !(cond) ) ) return "Corrupt file"; } while(0)
blargg_err_t Data_Reader::read( void* p, long s )
long result = read_avail( p, s );
if ( result != s )
if ( result >= 0 && result < s )
return eof_error;
return "Read error";
return 0;
blargg_err_t Data_Reader::skip( long count )
char buf [512];
while ( count )
long n = sizeof buf;
if ( n > count )
n = count;
count -= n;
RETURN_ERR( read( buf, n ) );
return 0;
long File_Reader::remain() const { return size() - tell(); }
blargg_err_t File_Reader::skip( long n )
if ( !n )
return 0;
return seek( tell() + n );
// Subset_Reader
Subset_Reader::Subset_Reader( Data_Reader* dr, long size )
in = dr;
remain_ = dr->remain();
if ( remain_ > size )
remain_ = max( 0l, size );
long Subset_Reader::remain() const { return remain_; }
long Subset_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s )
s = max( 0l, s );
if ( s > remain_ )
s = remain_;
remain_ -= s;
return in->read_avail( p, s );
// Remaining_Reader
Remaining_Reader::Remaining_Reader( void const* h, long size, Data_Reader* r )
header = (char const*) h;
header_end = header + max( 0l, size );
in = r;
long Remaining_Reader::remain() const { return header_end - header + in->remain(); }
long Remaining_Reader::read_first( void* out, long count )
count = max( 0l, count );
long first = header_end - header;
if ( first )
if ( first > count || first < 0 )
first = count;
void const* old = header;
header += first;
memcpy( out, old, (size_t) first );
return first;
long Remaining_Reader::read_avail( void* out, long count )
count = max( 0l, count );
long first = read_first( out, count );
long second = max( 0l, count - first );
if ( second )
second = in->read_avail( (char*) out + first, second );
if ( second <= 0 )
return second;
return first + second;
blargg_err_t Remaining_Reader::read( void* out, long count )
count = max( 0l, count );
long first = read_first( out, count );
long second = max( 0l, count - first );
if ( !second )
return 0;
return in->read( (char*) out + first, second );
// Mem_File_Reader
Mem_File_Reader::Mem_File_Reader( const void* p, long s ) :
m_begin( (const char*) p ),
m_size( max( 0l, s ) ),
m_pos( 0l )
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
if( !m_begin )
if ( gz_decompress() )
debug_printf( "Loaded compressed data\n" );
m_ownedPtr = true;
#endif /* HAVE_ZLIB_H */
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
if ( m_ownedPtr )
free( const_cast<char*>( m_begin ) ); // see gz_compress for the malloc
long Mem_File_Reader::size() const { return m_size; }
long Mem_File_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s )
long r = remain();
if ( s > r || s < 0 )
s = r;
memcpy( p, m_begin + m_pos, static_cast<size_t>(s) );
m_pos += s;
return s;
long Mem_File_Reader::tell() const { return m_pos; }
blargg_err_t Mem_File_Reader::seek( long n )
if ( n > m_size )
return eof_error;
m_pos = n;
return 0;
#ifdef HAVE_ZLIB_H
bool Mem_File_Reader::gz_decompress()
if ( m_size >= 2 && memcmp(m_begin, gz_magic, 2) != 0 )
/* Don't try to decompress non-GZ files, just assign input pointer */
return false;
using vec_size = size_t;
const vec_size full_length = static_cast<vec_size>( m_size );
const vec_size half_length = static_cast<vec_size>( m_size / 2 );
// We use malloc/friends here so we can realloc to grow buffer if needed
char *raw_data = reinterpret_cast<char *> ( malloc( full_length ) );
size_t raw_data_size = full_length;
if ( !raw_data )
return false;
z_stream strm;
strm.next_in = const_cast<Bytef *>( reinterpret_cast<const Bytef *>( m_begin ) );
strm.avail_in = static_cast<uInt>( m_size );
strm.total_out = 0;
strm.zalloc = Z_NULL;
strm.zfree = Z_NULL;
bool done = false;
// Adding 16 sets bit 4, which enables zlib to auto-detect the
// header.
if ( inflateInit2(&strm, (16 + MAX_WBITS)) != Z_OK )
free( raw_data );
return false;
while ( !done )
/* If our output buffer is too small */
if ( strm.total_out >= raw_data_size )
raw_data_size += half_length;
raw_data = reinterpret_cast<char *>( realloc( raw_data, raw_data_size ) );
if ( !raw_data ) {
return false;
strm.next_out = reinterpret_cast<Bytef *>( raw_data + strm.total_out );
strm.avail_out = static_cast<uInt>( static_cast<uLong>( raw_data_size ) - strm.total_out );
/* Inflate another chunk. */
int err = inflate( &strm, Z_SYNC_FLUSH );
if ( err == Z_STREAM_END )
done = true;
else if ( err != Z_OK )
if ( inflateEnd(&strm) != Z_OK )
free( raw_data );
return false;
m_begin = raw_data;
m_size = static_cast<long>( strm.total_out );
return true;
#endif /* HAVE_ZLIB_H */
// Callback_Reader
Callback_Reader::Callback_Reader( callback_t c, long size, void* d ) :
callback( c ),
data( d )
remain_ = max( 0l, size );
long Callback_Reader::remain() const { return remain_; }
long Callback_Reader::read_avail( void* out, long count )
if ( count > remain_ )
count = remain_;
if ( count < 0 || Callback_Reader::read( out, count ) )
count = -1;
return count;
blargg_err_t Callback_Reader::read( void* out, long count )
if ( count > remain_ )
return eof_error;
return callback( data, out, (int) count );
// Std_File_Reader
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
static const char* get_gzip_eof( const char* path, long* eof )
FILE* file = fopen( path, "rb" );
if ( !file )
return "Couldn't open file";
unsigned char buf [4];
bool found_eof = false;
if ( fread( buf, 2, 1, file ) > 0 && buf [0] == 0x1F && buf [1] == 0x8B )
fseek( file, -4, SEEK_END );
if ( fread( buf, 4, 1, file ) > 0 ) {
*eof = get_le32( buf );
found_eof = true;
if ( !found_eof )
fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END );
*eof = ftell( file );
const char* err = (ferror( file ) || feof( file )) ? "Couldn't get file size" : nullptr;
fclose( file );
return err;
Std_File_Reader::Std_File_Reader() :
file_( nullptr )
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
, size_( 0 )
{ }
Std_File_Reader::~Std_File_Reader() { close(); }
blargg_err_t Std_File_Reader::open( const char* path )
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
// zlib transparently handles uncompressed data if magic header
// not present but we still need to grab size
RETURN_ERR( get_gzip_eof( path, &size_ ) );
file_ = gzopen( path, "rb" );
file_ = fopen( path, "rb" );
if ( !file_ )
return "Couldn't open file";
return nullptr;
long Std_File_Reader::size() const
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
if ( file_ )
return size_; // Set for both compressed and uncompressed modes
long pos = tell();
fseek( (FILE*) file_, 0, SEEK_END );
long result = tell();
fseek( (FILE*) file_, pos, SEEK_SET );
return result;
long Std_File_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long s )
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
if ( file_ && s > 0 && s <= UINT_MAX ) {
return gzread( reinterpret_cast<gzFile>(file_),
p, static_cast<unsigned>(s) );
return 0l;
const size_t readLength = static_cast<size_t>( max( 0l, s ) );
const auto result = fread( p, 1, readLength, reinterpret_cast<FILE*>(file_) );
return static_cast<long>( result );
#endif /* HAVE_ZLIB_H */
blargg_err_t Std_File_Reader::read( void* p, long s )
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
if ( file_ )
const auto &gzfile = reinterpret_cast<gzFile>( file_ );
if ( s == gzread( gzfile, p, static_cast<unsigned>( s ) ) )
return nullptr;
if ( gzeof( gzfile ) )
return eof_error;
return "Couldn't read from GZ file";
const auto &file = reinterpret_cast<FILE*>( file_ );
if ( s == static_cast<long>( fread( p, 1, static_cast<size_t>(s), file ) ) )
return 0;
if ( feof( file ) )
return eof_error;
return "Couldn't read from file";
long Std_File_Reader::tell() const
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
if ( file_ )
return gztell( reinterpret_cast<gzFile>( file_ ) );
return ftell( reinterpret_cast<FILE*>( file_ ) );
blargg_err_t Std_File_Reader::seek( long n )
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
if ( file_ )
if ( gzseek( reinterpret_cast<gzFile>( file_ ), n, SEEK_SET ) >= 0 )
return nullptr;
if ( n > size_ )
return eof_error;
return "Error seeking in GZ file";
if ( !fseek( reinterpret_cast<FILE*>( file_ ), n, SEEK_SET ) )
return nullptr;
if ( n > size() )
return eof_error;
return "Error seeking in file";
void Std_File_Reader::close()
if ( file_ )
#if 0//[ZDOOM:unneeded]def HAVE_ZLIB_H
gzclose( reinterpret_cast<gzFile>( file_ ) );
fclose( reinterpret_cast<FILE*>( file_ ) );
file_ = nullptr;