mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 07:20:36 +00:00
Also added an "end game" flag to the mapinfo. For those who like to assemble single levels into custom episodes. More features for that to come. ;)
786 lines
22 KiB
786 lines
22 KiB
#include <filesystem>
#include "gamecontrol.h"
#include "tarray.h"
#include "zstring.h"
#include "name.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "keyboard.h"
#include "sc_man.h"
#include "c_cvars.h"
#include "gameconfigfile.h"
#include "gamecvars.h"
#include "build.h"
#include "inputstate.h"
#include "_control.h"
#include "control.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "rts.h"
#include "printf.h"
#include "c_bind.h"
#include "v_font.h"
#include "c_console.h"
#include "c_dispatch.h"
#include "i_specialpaths.h"
#include "z_music.h"
#include "statistics.h"
#include "menu.h"
#include "gstrings.h"
#include "quotemgr.h"
#include "mapinfo.h"
#include "enet.h"
MapRecord mapList[512]; // Due to how this gets used it needs to be static. EDuke defines 7 episode plus one spare episode with 64 potential levels each and relies on the static array which is freely accessible by scripts.
MapRecord *currentLevel; // level that is currently played. (The real level, not what script hacks modfifying the current level index can pretend.)
MapRecord* lastLevel; // Same here, for the last level.
MapRecord userMapRecord; // stand-in for the user map.
void C_CON_SetAliases();
InputState inputState;
void SetClipshapes();
int ShowStartupWindow(TArray<GrpEntry> &);
void InitFileSystem(TArray<GrpEntry>&);
bool gHaveNetworking;
FString currentGame;
FString LumpFilter;
TMap<FName, int32_t> NameToTileIndex; // for assigning names to tiles. The menu accesses this list. By default it gets everything from the dynamic tile map in Duke Nukem and Redneck Rampage.
// Todo: Add additional definition file for the other games or textures not in that list so that the menu does not have to rely on indices.
CVAR(Int, cl_defaultconfiguration, 2, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG)
UserConfig userConfig;
void UserConfig::ProcessOptions()
// -help etc are omitted
// -cfg / -setupfile refer to Build style config which are not supported.
if (Args->CheckParm("-cfg") || Args->CheckParm("-setupfile"))
initprintf("Build-format config files not supported and will be ignored\n");
auto v = Args->CheckValue("-port");
if (v) netPort = strtol(v, nullptr, 0);
netServerMode = Args->CheckParm("-server");
netServerAddress = Args->CheckValue("-connect");
netPassword = Args->CheckValue("-password");
v = Args->CheckValue("-addon");
if (v)
auto val = strtol(v, nullptr, 0);
static const char* const addons[] = { "DUKE3D.GRP", "DUKEDC.GRP", "NWINTER.GRP", "VACATION.GRP" };
if (val > 0 && val < 4) gamegrp = addons[val];
else initprintf("%s: Unknown Addon\n", v);
else if (Args->CheckParm("-nam"))
gamegrp = "NAM.GRP";
else if (Args->CheckParm("-napalm"))
gamegrp = "NAPALM.GRP";
else if (Args->CheckParm("-ww2gi"))
gamegrp = "WW2GI.GRP";
v = Args->CheckValue("-gamegrp");
if (v)
gamegrp = v;
// This is to enable the use of Doom launchers. that are limited to -iwad for specifying the game's main resource.
v = Args->CheckValue("-iwad");
if (v)
gamegrp = v;
Args->CollectFiles("-rts", ".rts");
auto rts = Args->CheckValue("-rts");
if (rts) RTS_Init(rts);
Args->CollectFiles("-map", ".map");
CommandMap = Args->CheckValue("-map");
static const char* defs[] = { "-def", "-h", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-def", defs, ".def");
DefaultDef = Args->CheckValue("-def");
static const char* cons[] = { "-con", "-x", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-con", cons, ".con");
DefaultCon = Args->CheckValue("-con");
static const char* demos[] = { "-playback", "-d", "-demo", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-demo", demos, ".dmo");
CommandDemo = Args->CheckValue("-demo");
static const char* names[] = { "-pname", "-name", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-name", names, ".---"); // this shouldn't collect any file names at all so use a nonsense extension
CommandName = Args->CheckValue("-name");
static const char* nomos[] = { "-nomonsters", "-nodudes", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-nomonsters", nomos, ".---"); // this shouldn't collect any file names at all so use a nonsense extension
nomonsters = Args->CheckParm("-nomonsters");
static const char* acons[] = { "-addcon", "-mx", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-addcon", acons, ".con");
static const char* adefs[] = { "-adddef", "-mh", nullptr };
Args->CollectFiles("-adddef", adefs, ".def");
Args->CollectFiles("-art", ".art");
CommandIni = Args->CheckValue("-ini");
nologo = Args->CheckParm("-nologo") || Args->CheckParm("-quick");
nomusic = Args->CheckParm("-nomusic");
nosound = Args->CheckParm("-nosfx");
if (Args->CheckParm("-nosound")) nomusic = nosound = true;
if (Args->CheckParm("-setup")) setupstate = 1;
else if (Args->CheckParm("-nosetup")) setupstate = 0;
if (Args->CheckParm("-file"))
// For file loading there's two modes:
// If -file is given, all content will be processed in order and the legacy options be ignored entirely.
//This allows mixing directories and GRP files in arbitrary order.
Args->CollectFiles("-file", NULL);
// Trying to emulate Build. This means to treat RFF files as lowest priority, then all GRPs and then all directories.
// This is only for people depending on lauchers. Since the semantics are so crappy it is strongly recommended to
// use -file instead which gives the user full control over the order in which things are added.
// For single mods this is no problem but don't even think about loading more stuff consistently...
static const char* grps[] = { "-g", "-grp", nullptr };
static const char* dirs[] = { "-game_dir", "-j", nullptr };
static const char* rffs[] = { "-rff", "-snd", nullptr };
static const char* twostep[] = { "-rff", "-grp", nullptr };
// Abuse the inner workings to get the files into proper order. This is not 100% accurate but should work fine for everything that doesn't intentionally fuck things up.
Args->CollectFiles("-rff", rffs, ".rff");
Args->CollectFiles("-grp", grps, nullptr);
Args->CollectFiles("-grp", twostep, nullptr); // The two previous calls have already brought the content in order so collecting it again gives us one list with everything.
Args->CollectFiles("-game_dir", dirs, nullptr);
namespace Duke
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
namespace Redneck
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
namespace Blood
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
namespace ShadowWarrior
::GameInterface* CreateInterface();
void CheckFrontend(int flags)
if (flags & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD)
gi = Blood::CreateInterface();
else if (flags & GAMEFLAG_RR)
gi = Redneck::CreateInterface();
else if (flags & GAMEFLAG_SW)
gi = ShadowWarrior::CreateInterface();
gi = Duke::CreateInterface();
int GameMain()
// Set up the console before anything else so that it can receive text.
C_InitConsole(1024, 768, true);
FStringf logpath("logfile %sdemolition.log", M_GetDocumentsPath().GetChars());
gHaveNetworking = !enet_initialize();
if (!gHaveNetworking)
initprintf("An error occurred while initializing ENet.\n");
int r;
r = CONFIG_Init();
catch (const std::runtime_error & err)
wm_msgbox("Error", "%s", err.what());
return 3;
catch (const ExitEvent & exit)
// Just let the rest of the function execute.
r = exit.Reason();
if (gHaveNetworking) enet_deinitialize();
return r;
#define LOCALIZED_STRING(s) "$" s
void SetDefaultStrings()
// Blood hard codes its skill names, so we have to define them manually.
if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_BLOOD)
gSkillNames[0] = "$STILL KICKING";
gSkillNames[1] = "$PINK ON THE INSIDE";
gSkillNames[2] = "$LIGHTLY BROILED";
gSkillNames[3] = "$WELL DONE";
gSkillNames[4] = "$EXTRA CRISPY";
//Set a few quotes which are used for common handling of a few status messages
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(23, "$MESSAGES: ON");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(24, "$MESSAGES: OFF");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(83, "$FOLLOW MODE OFF");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(84, "$FOLLOW MODE ON");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(85, "$AUTORUNOFF");
quoteMgr.InitializeQuote(86, "$AUTORUNON");
#if 0 // todo: print a message
if (gAutoRun)
viewSetMessage("Auto run ON");
viewSetMessage("Auto run OFF");
int CONFIG_Init()
// This must be done before initializing any data, so doing it late in the startup process won't work.
if (CONTROL_Startup(controltype_keyboardandmouse, BGetTime, 120))
return 1;
// Startup dialog must be presented here so that everything can be set up before reading the keybinds.
auto groups = GrpScan();
if (groups.Size() == 0)
// Abort if no game data found.
I_Error("Unable to find any game data. Please verify your settings.");
decltype(groups) usedgroups;
int groupno = -1;
// If the user has specified a file name, let's see if we know it.
if (userConfig.gamegrp.Len())
FString gamegrplower = "/" + userConfig.gamegrp.MakeLower();
int g = 0;
for (auto& grp : groups)
auto grplower = grp.FileName.MakeLower();
grplower.Substitute("\\", "/");
if (grplower.LastIndexOf(gamegrplower) == grplower.Len() - gamegrplower.Len())
groupno = g;
if (groupno == -1 || userConfig.setupstate == 1)
groupno = ShowStartupWindow(groups);
if (groupno == -1) return 0;
auto &group = groups[groupno];
// Now filter out the data we actually need and delete the rest.
auto crc = group.FileInfo.dependencyCRC;
if (crc != 0) for (auto& dep : groups)
if (dep.FileInfo.CRC == crc)
usedgroups.Insert(0, dep); // Order from least dependent to most dependent, which is the loading order of data.
FString selectedScript;
FString selectedDef;
for (auto& ugroup : usedgroups)
// For CONs the command line has priority, aside from that, the last one wins. For Blood this handles INIs - the rules are the same.
if (ugroup.FileInfo.scriptname.IsNotEmpty()) selectedScript = ugroup.FileInfo.scriptname;
if (ugroup.FileInfo.defname.IsNotEmpty()) selectedDef = ugroup.FileInfo.defname;
// CVAR has priority. This also overwrites the global variable each time. Init here is lazy so this is ok.
if (ugroup.FileInfo.rtsname.IsNotEmpty() && **rtsname == 0) RTS_Init(ugroup.FileInfo.rtsname);
// For the game filter the last non-empty one wins.
if (ugroup.FileInfo.gamefilter.IsNotEmpty()) LumpFilter = ugroup.FileInfo.gamefilter;
g_gameType |= ugroup.FileInfo.flags;
if (userConfig.DefaultCon.IsEmpty()) userConfig.DefaultCon = selectedScript;
if (userConfig.DefaultDef.IsEmpty()) userConfig.DefaultDef = selectedDef;
// This can only happen with a custom game that does not define any filter.
// In this case take the display name and strip all whitespace and invaliid path characters from it.
if (LumpFilter.IsEmpty())
LumpFilter = usedgroups.Last().FileInfo.name;
LumpFilter.StripChars(".:/\\<>?\"*| \t\r\n");
currentGame = LumpFilter;
CONFIG_SetDefaultKeys(cl_defaultconfiguration == 1 ? "demolition/origbinds.txt" : cl_defaultconfiguration == 2 ? "demolition/leftbinds.txt" : "demolition/defbinds.txt");
if (!GameConfig->IsInitialized())
if (userConfig.CommandName.IsNotEmpty())
playername = userConfig.CommandName;
if (g_gameType & GAMEFLAG_RR) InitRREndMap(); // this needs to be done better later
return gi->app_main();
CVAR(String, combatmacro0, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro1, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro2, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro3, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro4, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro5, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro6, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro7, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro8, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
CVAR(String, combatmacro9, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO)
FStringCVar* const CombatMacros[] = { &combatmacro0, &combatmacro1, &combatmacro2, &combatmacro3, &combatmacro4, &combatmacro5, &combatmacro6, &combatmacro7, &combatmacro8, &combatmacro9};
void CONFIG_ReadCombatMacros()
FScanner sc;
for (auto s : CombatMacros)
if (strlen(*s) == 0)
*s = sc.String;
static FString CONFIG_GetMD4EntryName(uint8_t const* const md4)
return FStringf("MD4_%08x%08x%08x%08x",
B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[0])), B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[4])),
B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[8])), B_BIG32(B_UNBUF32(&md4[12])));
int32_t CONFIG_GetMapBestTime(char const* const mapname, uint8_t const* const mapmd4)
auto m = CONFIG_GetMD4EntryName(mapmd4);
if (GameConfig->SetSection("MapTimes"))
auto s = GameConfig->GetValueForKey(m);
if (s) return (int)strtoull(s, nullptr, 0);
return -1;
int CONFIG_SetMapBestTime(uint8_t const* const mapmd4, int32_t tm)
FStringf t("%d", tm);
auto m = CONFIG_GetMD4EntryName(mapmd4);
if (GameConfig->SetSection("MapTimes"))
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(m, t);
return 0;
int32_t MouseAnalogueAxes[MAXMOUSEAXES];
int32_t JoystickFunctions[MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS][2];
int32_t JoystickDigitalFunctions[MAXJOYAXES][2];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueAxes[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueScale[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueDead[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueSaturate[MAXJOYAXES];
int32_t JoystickAnalogueInvert[MAXJOYAXES];
static const char* mouseanalogdefaults[MAXMOUSEAXES] =
static const char* joystickclickeddefaults[MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS] =
static const char* joystickanalogdefaults[MAXJOYAXES] =
int32_t CONFIG_AnalogNameToNum(const char* func)
if (!func)
return -1;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_turning"))
return analog_turning;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_strafing"))
return analog_strafing;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_moving"))
return analog_moving;
if (!Bstrcasecmp(func, "analog_lookingupanddown"))
return analog_lookingupanddown;
return -1;
const char* CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(int32_t func)
switch (func)
case analog_turning:
return "analog_turning";
case analog_strafing:
return "analog_strafing";
case analog_moving:
return "analog_moving";
case analog_lookingupanddown:
return "analog_lookingupanddown";
return NULL;
void CONFIG_SetupMouse(void)
CONTROL_MouseEnabled = (in_mouse && CONTROL_MousePresent);
void CONFIG_SetupJoystick(void)
for (int i = 0; i < MAXJOYAXES; i++)
CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, JoystickAnalogueAxes[i], controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(i, JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][0], 0, controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(i, JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][1], 1, controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(i, JoystickAnalogueScale[i], controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisInvert(i, JoystickAnalogueInvert[i], controldevice_joystick);
CONTROL_JoystickEnabled = (in_joystick && CONTROL_JoyPresent);
// JBF 20040215: evil and nasty place to do this, but joysticks are evil and nasty too
for (int i=0; i<joystick.numAxes; i++)
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(int i, int j, int function)
JoystickFunctions[i][j] = function;
//CONTROL_MapButton(function, i, j, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisScale(int i, int scale)
JoystickAnalogueScale[i] = scale;
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisScale(i, scale, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisInvert(int i, int invert)
JoystickAnalogueInvert[i] = invert;
CONTROL_SetAnalogAxisInvert(i, invert, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisDeadSaturate(int i, int dead, int saturate)
JoystickAnalogueDead[i] = dead;
JoystickAnalogueSaturate[i] = saturate;
joySetDeadZone(i, dead, saturate);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(int i, int j, int function)
JoystickDigitalFunctions[i][j] = function;
CONTROL_MapDigitalAxis(i, function, j, controldevice_joystick);
static void CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisFunction(int i, int function)
JoystickAnalogueAxes[i] = function;
CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, function, controldevice_joystick);
struct GameControllerButtonSetting
GameControllerButton button;
int function;
void apply() const
CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(button, 0, function);
struct GameControllerAnalogAxisSetting
GameControllerAxis axis;
int function;
void apply() const
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisFunction(axis, function);
struct GameControllerDigitalAxisSetting
GameControllerAxis axis;
int polarity;
int function;
void apply() const
CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(axis, polarity, function);
void CONFIG_SetGameControllerDefaultsClear()
for (int i = 0; i < MAXJOYBUTTONSANDHATS; i++)
CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(i, 0, -1);
CONFIG_SetJoystickButtonFunction(i, 1, -1);
for (int i = 0; i < MAXJOYAXES; i++)
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisInvert(i, 0);
CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(i, 0, -1);
CONFIG_SetJoystickDigitalAxisFunction(i, 1, -1);
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisFunction(i, -1);
static void CONFIG_SetGameControllerAxesModern()
static GameControllerAnalogAxisSetting const analogAxes[] =
{ GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_LEFTX, analog_strafing },
{ GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY, analog_lookingupanddown },
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisScale(GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTX, 32768 + 16384);
CONFIG_SetJoystickAnalogAxisScale(GAMECONTROLLER_AXIS_RIGHTY, 32768 + 16384);
for (auto const& analogAxis : analogAxes)
void CONFIG_InitMouseAndController()
memset(JoystickFunctions, -1, sizeof(JoystickFunctions));
memset(JoystickDigitalFunctions, -1, sizeof(JoystickDigitalFunctions));
for (int i = 0; i < MAXMOUSEAXES; i++)
MouseAnalogueAxes[i] = CONFIG_AnalogNameToNum(mouseanalogdefaults[i]);
CONTROL_MapAnalogAxis(i, MouseAnalogueAxes[i], controldevice_mouse);
void CONFIG_PutNumber(const char* key, int number)
FStringf str("%d", number);
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(key, str);
void CONFIG_WriteControllerSettings()
FString buf;
if (in_joystick)
FString section = currentGame + ".ControllerSettings";
for (int dummy = 0; dummy < MAXJOYAXES; dummy++)
if (CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[dummy]))
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogAxes%d", dummy);
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(buf, CONFIG_AnalogNumToName(JoystickAnalogueAxes[dummy]));
if (buttonMap.GetButtonName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[dummy][1]))
buf.Format("ControllerDigitalAxes%d_1", dummy);
GameConfig->SetValueForKey(buf, buttonMap.GetButtonName(JoystickDigitalFunctions[dummy][1]));
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogScale%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueScale[dummy]);
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogInvert%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueInvert[dummy]);
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogDead%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueDead[dummy]);
buf.Format("ControllerAnalogSaturate%d", dummy);
CONFIG_PutNumber(buf, JoystickAnalogueSaturate[dummy]);