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synced 2025-03-09 02:00:52 +00:00
Add an example searching for all maps containing blocking floor-aligned sprites in underwater sectors. git-svn-id: https://svn.eduke32.com/eduke32@4165 1a8010ca-5511-0410-912e-c29ae57300e0
174 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file
174 lines
6.6 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env luajit
-- Generic map iterator.
-- The first cmdline arg is a name of a lua file (may be sans .lua) which must
-- be a module and is `require'd into this script, e.g. "stats" or "stats.lua".
-- First, a key named .init is looked up in the loaded module and if it exists,
-- it is run like .init(arg) (thus allowing it to parse the command-line
-- arguments and then potentially remove the ones it used).
-- If .init returns non-nil, this script aborts.
-- Otherwise, for each 2nd and following argument, if map loading succeeds,
-- .success(map, filename) is run, otherwise
-- .failure(filename, errmsg) is run if that key exists, or a standard error
-- message is printed to stderr.
-- Finally, if there is a .finish field in the module, it is run with no args.
-- forxcode example: print sprite numbers with lotag < -1 (lotag is signed for us),
-- and for each matching sprite also print its lotag and picnum:
-- $ ./findmaps.sh ~/.eduke32/ "sprite: .lotag < -1 :: io.write(', '.. .lotag .. ' ' .. .picnum)"
-- The local 'd' provides defs loaded from ../../names.h, example:
-- $ ./findmaps.sh ~/.eduke32/ "sprite: .picnum>=d.CRACK1 and .picnum<=d.CRACK4"
-- (Now: no space between "d." and "CRACK" is necessary ".xxx" is translated to
-- "sprite[<current>].xxx" only if it's the name of a sprite member.)
-- Print all V9 maps along with their number of bunches and max(ceilings of a bunch)
-- $ prog='if (map.version==9) then print(map.numbunches.." ".. math.max(unpack(map.sectsperbunch[0],0)) .." "..fn) end'
-- $ ./findmaps.sh ~/.eduke32 "$prog" |sort -n -k 2
-- Print all MUSICANDSFX sprites that play sounds with bit 1 set.
-- ./findmaps.sh /g/Games/Eduke32c/grp 'sprite: .picnum==5 and eq(.lotag, {170, 186, 187, 279, 382, 347}) :: io.write(" ".. tostring(.lotag))'
-- Print all maps that have floor-aligned blockable sprites in underwater sectors.
-- ./findmaps.sh ~/.eduke32 'sprite:: bit.band(.cstat,49)==33 and .sectnum>=0 and .sectnum < map.numsectors and sector[.sectnum].lotag==2
local B = require "build"
local string = require "string"
local io = require "io"
local os = require "os"
if (#arg < 1) then
local wr = function(s) io.stdout:write(s) end
wr("Usage: ./foreachmap.lua <module[.lua]> [init args...] <filename.map> ...\n")
wr(" ./foreachmap.lua -e\"some_lua_code ...\" <filename.map> ...\n")
wr(" ./foreachmap.lua -e\"[sector|wall|sprite]: <condition on .<field>>\" <fn.map> ...\n\n")
wr("In the second form, the code is run as body of a function(map, fn)\n")
wr("and num{sectors,walls,sprites} and {sector,wall,sprite} do not\n")
wr("need to be qualified with the \"map.\" prefix.\n")
wr("The third form is a shortcut for quickly finding sectors/walls/sprites\n")
wr("satisfying a certain condition (see example below)\n\n")
wr("Examples: ./foreachmap.lua -e\"if map.numbunches==1 then print(fn) end\" ~/.eduke32/*.map\n")
wr(" ./foreachmap.lua -e\"sprite: .picnum==10 and .lotag==2563\" *.map\n")
wr(" ./foreachmap.lua -e\"sprite:: ... -- (only prints the file names)\n")
wr("(See foreachmap.lua for an example of the \"forxcode\" feature.)\n\n")
local modname = string.gsub(arg[1], "%.lua$", "")
function sum(tab, initidx)
local s = 0
for i=(initidx or 1),#tab do
s = s + tab[i]
return s
local g_what
-- Maybe replace e.g. .nextwall --> wall[i].nextwall.
-- <what>: one of "sector", "wall" or "sprite"
-- <maybechar>: the char before <maybememb>, or ""
-- <maybememb>: a potential member name prefixed by "."
local function maybe_complete_member(maybechar, maybememb)
if (maybechar~="]" and B.ismember(g_what, maybememb:sub(2))) then
return maybechar..g_what.."[i]"..maybememb
return maybechar..maybememb
local mod
if (modname:sub(1,2) == "-e") then
local body = modname:sub(3)
-- sector/wall/sprite finder shortcut
local b, e, what = body:find("^([a-z]+)::?")
if (what) then
g_what = what
local onlyfiles = (body:sub(e-1,e)=="::") -- "::" means "only list files" (like grep -l)
body = body:sub(e+1) -- clip off "bla::"
body = body:gsub("(.?)(%.[a-z][a-z0-9]*)", maybe_complete_member) -- e.g. .lotag --> sprite[i].lotag
local perxcode
-- look for additional "print" code to be executed for each match
b, e, perxcode = body:find("::(.*)")
if (perxcode) then
body = body:sub(1,b-1)
if (onlyfiles) then
error("Per-x code can only be used with the ':' syntax (list each match)")
perxcode = ""
assert(what=="sector" or what=="wall" or what=="sprite")
body =
"for i=0,num"..what.."s-1 do\n"..
" if ("..body..") then\n"..
(onlyfiles and "io.write(fn); return\n" or "io.write(fn..': '..i)\n") ..
perxcode .. "io.write('\\n')\n"..
" end\n"..
local successfunc, errmsg = loadstring([[
local function eq(x, tab)
for i=1,#tab do
if (x==tab[i]) then return true end
local d=require('build').readdefs('../../names.h') or error('Need ../../names.h') -- XXX
local numsectors, numwalls, numsprites, sector, wall, sprite
return function (map, fn)
numsectors, numwalls, numsprites = map.numsectors, map.numwalls, map.numsprites
sector, wall, sprite = map.sector, map.wall, map.sprite
.." end")
if (successfunc==nil) then
io.stderr:write("Error loading string: "..errmsg.."\n")
io.stderr:write("Function body:\n", body)
mod = { success=successfunc() }
mod = require(modname)
-- The return value from the module's .init().
local initret
if (mod.init) then
initret = mod.init(arg)
if (type(initret)=="number" and initret < 0) then
-- A negative return value from .init() is taken as a request to exit,
-- e.g. because an error occurred.
-- A positive return value from .init() is taken to start counting map names
-- from that 'arg' index.
local startargi = (type(initret)=="number" and initret > 0 and initret) or 2
for i=startargi,#arg do
local fn = arg[i]
local map, errmsg = B.loadboard(fn)
if (map ~= nil) then
mod.success(map, fn)
if (mod.failure) then
mod.failure(fn, errmsg)
io.stderr:write(string.format("--- %s: %s\n", fn, errmsg))
if (mod.finish) then