
1017 lines
25 KiB

// Compatibility declarations for things which might not be present in
// certain build environments. It also levels the playing field caused
// by different platforms.
#ifndef compat_h_
#define compat_h_
#pragma once
////////// Compiler detection //////////
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define EDUKE32_GCC_PREREQ(major, minor) (major < __GNUC__ || (major == __GNUC__ && minor <= __GNUC_MINOR__))
# define EDUKE32_GCC_PREREQ(major, minor) 0
#ifdef __clang__
# define EDUKE32_CLANG_PREREQ(major, minor) (major < __clang_major__ || (major == __clang_major__ && minor <= __clang_minor__))
# define EDUKE32_CLANG_PREREQ(major, minor) 0
#ifndef __has_builtin
# define __has_builtin(x) 0 // Compatibility with non-clang compilers.
#ifndef __has_feature
# define __has_feature(x) 0 // Compatibility with non-clang compilers.
#ifndef __has_extension
# define __has_extension __has_feature // Compatibility with pre-3.0 compilers.
////////// Language and compiler feature polyfills //////////
#ifdef __cplusplus
# define EXTERNC extern "C"
# define EXTERNC
# define UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(x) (x) = (x)
#ifdef __GNUC__
# define UNUSED(x) UNUSED_ ## x __attribute__((unused))
# define PRINTF_FORMAT(stringindex, firstargindex) __attribute__((format (printf, stringindex, firstargindex)))
# define UNUSED(x) x
# define PRINTF_FORMAT(stringindex, firstargindex)
#if defined __GNUC__ || defined __clang__
# define ATTRIBUTE(attrlist) __attribute__(attrlist)
# define ATTRIBUTE(attrlist)
#if !defined __clang__ && !defined USING_LTO
# define ATTRIBUTE_OPTIMIZE(str) ATTRIBUTE((optimize(str)))
# define WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
#if defined _MSC_VER && _MSC_VER < 1800
# define inline __inline
# ifdef _MSC_VER // Visual Studio
# define FORCE_INLINE static __forceinline
# else
# ifdef __GNUC__
# define FORCE_INLINE static inline __attribute__((always_inline))
# else
# define FORCE_INLINE static inline
# endif
# endif
#ifndef _MSC_VER
# ifndef __fastcall
# if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)
# define __fastcall __attribute__((fastcall))
# else
# define __fastcall
# endif
# endif
# define EXTERN_INLINE static inline
# define EXTERN_INLINE_HEADER static inline
# define EXTERN_INLINE __fastcall
# define EXTERN_INLINE_HEADER extern __fastcall
#if defined __GNUC__ || __has_builtin(__builtin_expect)
#define EDUKE32_PREDICT_TRUE(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x),1)
#define EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x),0)
#define EDUKE32_PREDICT_TRUE(x) (x)
#define EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(x) (x)
#if EDUKE32_GCC_PREREQ(4,5) || __has_builtin(__builtin_unreachable)
#define EDUKE32_UNREACHABLE_SECTION(...) __builtin_unreachable()
#elif _MSC_VER
#define EDUKE32_UNREACHABLE_SECTION(...) __assume(0)
// Detection of __func__ or equivalent functionality, found in SDL_assert.h
#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) /* C99 supports __func__ as a standard. */
# define EDUKE32_FUNCTION __func__
#elif ((__GNUC__ >= 2) || defined(_MSC_VER))
# define EDUKE32_FUNCTION "???"
/* Static assertions, based on source found in LuaJIT's src/lj_def.h. */
#define EDUKE32_ASSERT_NAME2(name, line) name ## line
#define EDUKE32_ASSERT_NAME(line) EDUKE32_ASSERT_NAME2(eduke32_assert_, line)
#ifdef __COUNTER__
# define EDUKE32_STATIC_ASSERT(cond) \
extern void EDUKE32_ASSERT_NAME(__COUNTER__)(int STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILED[(cond)?1:-1])
# define EDUKE32_STATIC_ASSERT(cond) \
extern void EDUKE32_ASSERT_NAME(__LINE__)(int STATIC_ASSERTION_FAILED[(cond)?1:-1])
#define ARRAY_SIZE(Ar) (sizeof(Ar)/sizeof((Ar)[0]))
#define ARRAY_SSIZE(Ar) (signed)ARRAY_SIZE(Ar)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define longlong(x) x##i64
# define longlong(x) x##ll
#ifndef FP_OFF
# define FP_OFF(__p) ((uintptr_t)(__p))
# define ASMSYM(x) "_" x
# define ASMSYM(x) x
////////// Platform detection //////////
#if defined __FreeBSD__ || defined __NetBSD__ || defined __OpenBSD__ || defined __bsdi__ || defined __DragonFly__
# define EDUKE32_BSD
#ifdef __APPLE__
# include <TargetConditionals.h>
# define EDUKE32_IOS
# else
# define EDUKE32_OSX
# endif
////////// Architecture detection //////////
#if defined _LP64 || defined __LP64__ || defined __64BIT__ || _ADDR64 || defined _WIN64 || defined __arch64__ || \
__WORDSIZE == 64 || (defined __sparc && defined __sparcv9) || defined __x86_64 || defined __amd64 || \
defined __x86_64__ || defined __amd64__ || defined _M_X64 || defined _M_IA64 || defined __ia64 || defined __IA64__
# define BITNESS64
#if defined(__linux)
# include <endian.h>
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# define B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP 1
#elif defined(GEKKO) || defined(__ANDROID__)
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# define B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP 1
#elif defined(__OpenBSD__)
# include <machine/endian.h>
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# define B_SWAP64(x) __swap64(x)
# define B_SWAP32(x) __swap32(x)
# define B_SWAP16(x) __swap16(x)
#elif defined EDUKE32_BSD
# include <sys/endian.h>
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# define B_SWAP64(x) __bswap64(x)
# define B_SWAP32(x) __bswap32(x)
# define B_SWAP16(x) __bswap16(x)
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
# if defined(__LITTLE_ENDIAN__)
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# elif defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__)
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
# define B_SWAP64(x) OSSwapConstInt64(x)
# define B_SWAP32(x) OSSwapConstInt32(x)
# define B_SWAP16(x) OSSwapConstInt16(x)
#elif defined(__BEOS__)
# include <posix/endian.h>
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# elif BIG_ENDIAN != 0
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# define B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP 1
#elif defined(__QNX__)
# if defined __LITTLEENDIAN__
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# elif defined __BIGENDIAN__
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# define B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP 1
#elif defined(__sun)
# if defined _LITTLE_ENDIAN
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# elif defined _BIG_ENDIAN
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 0
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 1
# endif
# define B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP 1
#elif defined(_WIN32) || defined(SKYOS) || defined(__SYLLABLE__)
# define B_LITTLE_ENDIAN 1
# define B_BIG_ENDIAN 0
# define B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP 1
#if !defined(B_LITTLE_ENDIAN) || !defined(B_BIG_ENDIAN)
# error Unknown endianness
////////// Standard library headers //////////
#undef __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO // Workaround for MinGW-w64.
#if !defined _MSC_VER || defined __cplusplus
# include <stdint.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
# include "msvc/inttypes.h" // from http://code.google.com/p/msinttypes/
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
////////// Platform headers //////////
#if !defined __APPLE__ && (!defined EDUKE32_BSD || !__STDC__)
# include <malloc.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# include <io.h>
# include <unistd.h>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# include <direct.h>
////////// External library headers //////////
#ifdef EFENCE
# include <efence.h>
#elif defined DMALLOC
# include <dmalloc.h>
////////// DEPRECATED: Standard library prefixing //////////
#ifdef _MSC_VER
typedef intptr_t ssize_t;
typedef size_t bsize_t;
typedef ssize_t bssize_t;
typedef FILE BFILE;
#ifndef O_BINARY
# define O_BINARY 0
#ifndef O_TEXT
# define O_TEXT 0
#ifndef F_OK
# define F_OK 0
#define BO_TEXT O_TEXT
#define BO_RDWR O_RDWR
#define BMAX_PATH 256
#define Bassert assert
#define Brand rand
#define Balloca alloca
#define Bmalloc malloc
#define Bcalloc calloc
#define Brealloc realloc
#define Bfree free
#define Bopen open
#define Bclose close
#define Bwrite write
#define Bread read
#define Blseek lseek
#define Bstat stat
#define Bfstat fstat
#define Bfileno fileno
#define Bferror ferror
#define Bfopen fopen
#define Bfclose fclose
#define Bfflush fflush
#define Bfeof feof
#define Bfgetc fgetc
#define Brewind rewind
#define Bfgets fgets
#define Bfputc fputc
#define Bfputs fputs
#define Bfread fread
#define Bfwrite fwrite
#define Bfprintf fprintf
#define Bfscanf fscanf
#define Bfseek fseek
#define Bftell ftell
#define Bputs puts
#define Bstrcpy strcpy
#define Bstrncpy strncpy
#define Bstrcmp strcmp
#define Bstrncmp strncmp
#define Bstrcat strcat
#define Bstrncat strncat
#define Bstrlen strlen
#define Bstrchr strchr
#define Bstrrchr strrchr
#define Bstrtol strtol
#define Bstrtoul strtoul
#define Bstrtod strtod
#define Bstrstr strstr
#define Bislower islower
#define Bisupper isupper
#define Bisdigit isdigit
#define Btoupper toupper
#define Btolower tolower
#define Bmemcpy memcpy
#define Bmemmove memmove
#define Bmemchr memchr
#define Bmemset memset
#define Bmemcmp memcmp
#define Bscanf scanf
#define Bprintf printf
#define Bsscanf sscanf
#define Bsprintf sprintf
#define Bvfprintf vfprintf
#define Bgetenv getenv
#define Butime utime
////////// Standard library wrappers //////////
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#if defined(__cplusplus) && defined(_MSC_VER)
# define Bstrdup _strdup
# define Bchdir _chdir
# define Bgetcwd _getcwd
# define Bstrdup strdup
# define Bchdir chdir
# define Bgetcwd getcwd
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# define Btell(h) lseek(h,0,SEEK_CUR)
# define Btell tell
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
# define Bstrcasecmp _stricmp
# define Bstrncasecmp _strnicmp
#elif defined(__QNX__)
# define Bstrcasecmp stricmp
# define Bstrncasecmp strnicmp
# define Bstrcasecmp strcasecmp
# define Bstrncasecmp strncasecmp
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define Bsnprintf _snprintf
# define Bvsnprintf _vsnprintf
# define Bsnprintf snprintf
# define Bvsnprintf vsnprintf
#define Btime() time(NULL)
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define Bmkdir(s,x) mkdir(s)
# define Bmkdir mkdir
// XXX: different across 32- and 64-bit archs (e.g.
// parsing the decimal representation of 0xffffffff,
// 4294967295 -- long is signed, so strtol would
// return LONG_MAX (== 0x7fffffff on 32-bit archs))
#define Batoi(str) ((int32_t)strtol(str, NULL, 10))
#define Batol(str) (strtol(str, NULL, 10))
#define Batof(str) (strtod(str, NULL))
#if defined BITNESS64 && (defined __SSE2__ || defined _MSC_VER)
#include <emmintrin.h>
FORCE_INLINE int32_t Blrintf(const float x)
__m128 xx = _mm_load_ss(&x);
return _mm_cvtss_si32(xx);
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
FORCE_INLINE int32_t Blrintf(const float x)
int n;
__asm fld x;
__asm fistp n;
return n;
#define Blrintf lrintf
#if defined(__arm__)
# define Bsqrt __builtin_sqrt
# define Bsqrtf __builtin_sqrtf
# define Bsqrt sqrt
# define Bsqrtf sqrtf
// redefined for apple/ppc, which chokes on stderr when linking...
#if defined EDUKE32_OSX && defined __BIG_ENDIAN__
# define ERRprintf(fmt, ...) printf(fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
# define ERRprintf(fmt, ...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__)
# define Bexit(status) do { initprintf("exit(%d) at %s:%d in %s()\n", status, __FILE__, __LINE__, EDUKE32_FUNCTION); exit(status); } while (0)
# define Bexit exit
////////// Standard library monkey patching //////////
#ifndef NULL
# define NULL ((void *)0)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
# define strtoll _strtoi64
#ifdef GEKKO
# undef PRIdPTR
# define PRIdPTR "d"
# undef PRIxPTR
# define PRIxPTR "x"
# undef SCNx32
# define SCNx32 "x"
#if defined EDUKE32_OSX
# if !defined __x86_64__ && defined __GNUC__
// PK 20110617: is*() crashes for me in x86 code compiled from 64-bit, and gives link errors on ppc
// This hack patches all occurences.
# define isdigit(ch) ({ int32_t c__dontuse_=ch; c__dontuse_>='0' && c__dontuse_<='9'; })
# define isalpha(ch) ({ int32_t c__dontuse2_=ch; (c__dontuse2_>='A' && c__dontuse2_<='Z') || (c__dontuse2_>='a' && c__dontuse2_<='z'); })
# define isalnum(ch2) ({ int32_t c2__dontuse_=ch2; isalpha(c2__dontuse_) || isdigit(c2__dontuse_); })
# if defined __BIG_ENDIAN__
# define isspace(ch) ({ int32_t c__dontuse_=ch; (c__dontuse_==' ' || c__dontuse_=='\t' || c__dontuse_=='\n' || c__dontuse_=='\v' || c__dontuse_=='\f' || c__dontuse_=='\r'); })
# define isprint(ch) ({ int32_t c__dontuse_=ch; (c__dontuse_>=0x20 && c__dontuse_<0x7f); })
# endif
# endif
#ifdef __ANDROID__
void eduke32_exit_return(int) ATTRIBUTE((noreturn));
# define exit(x) eduke32_exit_return(x)
////////// Typedefs //////////
typedef struct {
int32_t x, y;
} vec2_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t x, y;
} vec2u_t;
typedef struct {
int32_t x, y, z;
} vec3_t;
typedef struct {
float x, y;
} vec2f_t;
typedef struct {
union { float x; float d; };
union { float y; float u; };
union { float z; float v; };
} vec3f_t;
EDUKE32_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(vec3f_t) == sizeof(float) * 3);
typedef struct {
union { double x; double d; };
union { double y; double u; };
union { double z; double v; };
} vec3d_t;
EDUKE32_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(vec3d_t) == sizeof(double) * 3);
////////// Memory management //////////
#if !defined NO_ALIGNED_MALLOC
FORCE_INLINE void *Baligned_alloc(const size_t alignment, const size_t size)
#ifdef _WIN32
void *ptr = _aligned_malloc(size, alignment);
#elif defined __APPLE__ || defined EDUKE32_BSD
void *ptr = NULL;
posix_memalign(&ptr, alignment, size);
void *ptr = memalign(alignment, size);
return ptr;
# define Baligned_alloc(alignment, size) Bmalloc(size)
#if defined _WIN32 && !defined NO_ALIGNED_MALLOC
# define Baligned_free _aligned_free
# define Baligned_free Bfree
////////// Pointer management //////////
#define DO_FREE_AND_NULL(var) do { \
Bfree(var); (var) = NULL; \
} while (0)
#define ALIGNED_FREE_AND_NULL(var) do { \
Baligned_free(var); (var) = NULL; \
} while (0)
#define MAYBE_FCLOSE_AND_NULL(fileptr) do { \
if (fileptr) { Bfclose(fileptr); fileptr=NULL; } \
} while (0)
////////// Data serialization //////////
#if defined B_USE_COMPAT_SWAP
FORCE_INLINE uint16_t B_SWAP16(uint16_t s) { return (s >> 8) | (s << 8); }
# if !defined NOASM && defined __i386__ && defined _MSC_VER
FORCE_INLINE uint32_t B_SWAP32(uint32_t a)
mov eax, a
bswap eax
# elif !defined NOASM && defined __i386__ && defined __GNUC__
FORCE_INLINE uint32_t B_SWAP32(uint32_t a)
__asm__ __volatile__("bswap %0" : "+r"(a) : : "cc");
return a;
# else
FORCE_INLINE uint32_t B_SWAP32(uint32_t l)
return ((l >> 8) & 0xff00) | ((l & 0xff00) << 8) | (l << 24) | (l >> 24);
# endif
FORCE_INLINE uint64_t B_SWAP64(uint64_t l)
return (l >> 56) | ((l >> 40) & 0xff00) | ((l >> 24) & 0xff0000) | ((l >> 8) & 0xff000000) |
((l & 255) << 56) | ((l & 0xff00) << 40) | ((l & 0xff0000) << 24) | ((l & 0xff000000) << 8);
// The purpose of these functions, as opposed to macros, is to prevent them from being used as lvalues.
FORCE_INLINE uint16_t B_PASS16(uint16_t const x) { return x; }
FORCE_INLINE uint32_t B_PASS32(uint32_t const x) { return x; }
FORCE_INLINE uint64_t B_PASS64(uint64_t const x) { return x; }
# define B_LITTLE64(x) B_PASS64(x)
# define B_BIG64(x) B_SWAP64(x)
# define B_LITTLE32(x) B_PASS32(x)
# define B_BIG32(x) B_SWAP32(x)
# define B_LITTLE16(x) B_PASS16(x)
# define B_BIG16(x) B_SWAP16(x)
#elif B_BIG_ENDIAN == 1
# define B_LITTLE64(x) B_SWAP64(x)
# define B_BIG64(x) B_PASS64(x)
# define B_LITTLE32(x) B_SWAP32(x)
# define B_BIG32(x) B_PASS32(x)
# define B_LITTLE16(x) B_SWAP16(x)
# define B_BIG16(x) B_PASS16(x)
// TODO: Determine when, if ever, we should use the bit-shift-and-mask variants
// due to alignment issues or performance gains.
#if 1
FORCE_INLINE void B_BUF16(void * const buf, uint16_t const x) { *(uint16_t *) buf = x; }
FORCE_INLINE void B_BUF32(void * const buf, uint32_t const x) { *(uint32_t *) buf = x; }
FORCE_INLINE void B_BUF64(void * const buf, uint64_t const x) { *(uint64_t *) buf = x; }
FORCE_INLINE uint16_t B_UNBUF16(void const * const buf) { return *(uint16_t const *) buf; }
FORCE_INLINE uint32_t B_UNBUF32(void const * const buf) { return *(uint32_t const *) buf; }
FORCE_INLINE uint64_t B_UNBUF64(void const * const buf) { return *(uint64_t const *) buf; }
FORCE_INLINE void B_BUF16(void * const vbuf, uint16_t const x)
uint8_t * const buf = (uint8_t *) vbuf;
buf[0] = (x & 0x00FF);
buf[1] = (x & 0xFF00) >> 8;
FORCE_INLINE void B_BUF32(void * const vbuf, uint32_t const x)
uint8_t * const buf = (uint8_t *) vbuf;
buf[0] = (x & 0x000000FF);
buf[1] = (x & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
buf[2] = (x & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
buf[3] = (x & 0xFF000000) >> 24;
# if 0
// i686-apple-darwin11-llvm-gcc-4.2 complains "integer constant is too large for 'long' type"
FORCE_INLINE void B_BUF64(void * const vbuf, uint64_t const x)
uint8_t * const buf = (uint8_t *) vbuf;
buf[0] = (x & 0x00000000000000FF);
buf[1] = (x & 0x000000000000FF00) >> 8;
buf[2] = (x & 0x0000000000FF0000) >> 16;
buf[3] = (x & 0x00000000FF000000) >> 24;
buf[4] = (x & 0x000000FF00000000) >> 32;
buf[5] = (x & 0x0000FF0000000000) >> 40;
buf[6] = (x & 0x00FF000000000000) >> 48;
buf[7] = (x & 0xFF00000000000000) >> 56;
# endif
FORCE_INLINE uint16_t B_UNBUF16(void const * const vbuf)
uint8_t const * const buf = (uint8_t const *) vbuf;
return (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[0]);
FORCE_INLINE uint32_t B_UNBUF32(void const * const vbuf)
uint8_t const * const buf = (uint8_t const *) vbuf;
return (buf[3] << 24) | (buf[2] << 16) | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[0]);
FORCE_INLINE uint64_t B_UNBUF64(void const * const vbuf)
uint8_t const * const buf = (uint8_t const *) vbuf;
return ((uint64_t)buf[7] << 56) | ((uint64_t)buf[6] << 48) | ((uint64_t)buf[5] << 40) |
((uint64_t)buf[4] << 32) | (buf[3] << 24) | (buf[2] << 16) | (buf[1] << 8) | (buf[0]);
////////// Abstract data operations //////////
#ifndef min
# define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef max
# define max(a, b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
// Clamp <in> to [<min>..<max>]. The case in <= min is handled first.
CLAMP_DECL int32_t clamp(int32_t in, int32_t min, int32_t max) { return in <= min ? min : (in >= max ? max : in); }
CLAMP_DECL float fclamp(float in, float min, float max) { return in <= min ? min : (in >= max ? max : in); }
// Clamp <in> to [<min>..<max>]. The case in >= max is handled first.
CLAMP_DECL int32_t clamp2(int32_t in, int32_t min, int32_t max) { return in >= max ? max : (in <= min ? min : in); }
CLAMP_DECL float fclamp2(float in, float min, float max) { return in >= max ? max : (in <= min ? min : in); }
////////// Utility functions //////////
#if RAND_MAX == 32767
FORCE_INLINE uint16_t system_15bit_rand(void) { return (uint16_t)rand(); }
#else // RAND_MAX > 32767, assumed to be of the form 2^k - 1
FORCE_INLINE uint16_t system_15bit_rand(void) { return ((uint16_t)rand())&0x7fff; }
// Copy min(strlen(src)+1, n) characters into dst, always terminate with a NUL.
FORCE_INLINE char *Bstrncpyz(char *dst, const char *src, bsize_t n)
Bstrncpy(dst, src, n);
dst[n-1] = 0;
return dst;
// Append extension when <outbuf> contains no dot.
// <ext> can be like ".mhk" or like "_crash.map", no need to start with a dot.
// The ugly name is deliberate: we should be checking the sizes of all buffers!
static inline void append_ext_UNSAFE(char *outbuf, const char *ext)
char *p = Bstrrchr(outbuf,'.');
if (!p)
Bstrcat(outbuf, ext);
Bstrcpy(p, ext);
/* Begin dependence on compat.o object. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
////////// Directory enumeration //////////
struct Bdirent
uint16_t namlen;
char *name;
uint32_t mode;
uint32_t size;
uint32_t mtime;
typedef void BDIR;
BDIR *Bopendir(const char *name);
struct Bdirent *Breaddir(BDIR *dir);
int32_t Bclosedir(BDIR *dir);
////////// Paths //////////
char *Bgethomedir(void);
char *Bgetappdir(void);
int32_t Bcorrectfilename(char *filename, int32_t removefn);
int32_t Bcanonicalisefilename(char *filename, int32_t removefn);
char *Bgetsystemdrives(void);
////////// String manipulation //////////
char *Bstrtoken(char *s, const char *delim, char **ptrptr, int chop);
char *Bstrtolower(char *str);
#define Bwildmatch wildmatch
#ifdef _WIN32
# define Bstrlwr strlwr
# define Bstrupr strupr
char *Bstrlwr(char *);
char *Bstrupr(char *);
////////// Miscellaneous //////////
int32_t Bfilelength(int32_t fd);
uint32_t Bgetsysmemsize(void);
extern void xalloc_set_location(int32_t line, const char *file, const char *func);
void set_memerr_handler(void (*handlerfunc)(int32_t, const char *, const char *));
void handle_memerr(void);
FORCE_INLINE char *xstrdup(const char *s)
char *ptr = Bstrdup(s);
if (ptr == NULL) handle_memerr();
return ptr;
FORCE_INLINE void *xmalloc(const bsize_t size)
void *ptr = Bmalloc(size);
if (ptr == NULL) handle_memerr();
return ptr;
FORCE_INLINE void *xcalloc(const bsize_t nmemb, const bsize_t size)
void *ptr = Bcalloc(nmemb, size);
if (ptr == NULL) handle_memerr();
return ptr;
FORCE_INLINE void *xrealloc(void * const ptr, const bsize_t size)
void *newptr = Brealloc(ptr, size);
// According to the C Standard,
// - ptr == NULL makes realloc() behave like malloc()
// - size == 0 make it behave like free() if ptr != NULL
// Since we want to catch an out-of-mem in the first case, this leaves:
if (newptr == NULL && size != 0)
return newptr;
#if !defined NO_ALIGNED_MALLOC
FORCE_INLINE void *xaligned_alloc(const bsize_t alignment, const bsize_t size)
void *ptr = Baligned_alloc(alignment, size);
if (ptr == NULL) handle_memerr();
return ptr;
# define xaligned_alloc(alignment, size) xmalloc(size)
# define EDUKE32_PRE_XALLLOC xalloc_set_location(__LINE__, __FILE__, EDUKE32_FUNCTION)
# define Xstrdup(s) (EDUKE32_PRE_XALLLOC, xstrdup(s))
# define Xmalloc(size) (EDUKE32_PRE_XALLLOC, xmalloc(size))
# define Xcalloc(nmemb, size) (EDUKE32_PRE_XALLLOC, xcalloc(nmemb, size))
# define Xrealloc(ptr, size) (EDUKE32_PRE_XALLLOC, xrealloc(ptr, size))
# define Xaligned_alloc(alignment, size) (EDUKE32_PRE_XALLLOC, xaligned_alloc(alignment, size))
# define Xstrdup xstrdup
# define Xmalloc xmalloc
# define Xcalloc xcalloc
# define Xrealloc xrealloc
# define Xaligned_alloc xaligned_alloc
#ifdef __cplusplus
////////// More utility functions //////////
static inline void maybe_grow_buffer(char ** const buffer, int32_t * const buffersize, int32_t const newsize)
if (newsize > *buffersize)
*buffer = (char *)Xrealloc(*buffer, newsize);
*buffersize = newsize;
////////// Inlined external libraries //////////
#include "libdivide.h"
/* End dependence on compat.o object. */
////////// EDuke32-specific features //////////
#ifndef TRUE
# define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
# define FALSE 0
#if defined __ANDROID__ || defined EDUKE32_IOS
# define EDUKE32_GLES
#if !defined DEBUG_MAIN_ARRAYS
#endif // compat_h_