
126 lines
4.9 KiB

// TODO :
// - recursive drawrooms with cliplane stack (support for full portal engine with occlusion queries)
// - crossed walls (tier drops stones)
// - skies
// - mirrors
// - fullbright (multitexture OR)
// - masks and sprites ! (use sortcnt and regular drawmask or recode it ?)
// - classic shading
// --------------------- CLASSIC LIMIT ---------------------
// - mdsprites (tags)
// - lights (dynamic phong)
// - dynamic shadowmaps
// - normalmap palette (unified gpu program, parallax mapping)
// - shadow volumes
// - hardware particles
// - multitextured decals ? (on models too)
// --------------- FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE LIMIT --------------
// - horizon mapping (precalculate the horizon maps and store them into the gl cache ?)
// - post processing ([HDR-]bloom and possibly DOF)
// - MD5 (hardware skinning ?)
#ifndef _polymer_h_
# define _polymer_h_
# include "compat.h"
# include "build.h"
# include "glbuild.h"
# include "osd.h"
# include "polymost.h"
# include "pragmas.h"
# include <math.h>
extern int pr_scissorstest;
extern int pr_fov;
extern int pr_showportals;
extern int pr_verbosity;
extern int pr_wireframe;
typedef struct s_prsector {
// geometry
GLdouble* verts;
GLfloat* floorbuffer;
GLfloat* ceilbuffer;
// attributes
GLfloat floorcolor[4], ceilcolor[4];
GLuint floorglpic, ceilglpic, floorfbglpic, ceilfbglpic;
// elements
GLushort* floorindices;
GLushort* ceilindices;
short curindice;
int indicescount;
char controlstate; // bit 1: up-to-date, bit 2: geometry invalidated
char drawingstate; // 0: fcuk, 1: in queue, 2: todraw, 3: drawn
} _prsector;
typedef struct s_prwall {
// geometry
GLfloat* wallbuffer;
GLfloat* overbuffer;
GLfloat* portal;
// attributes
GLfloat wallcolor[4], overcolor[4];
GLfloat wallglpic, overglpic, wallfbglpic, overfbglpic;
char underover;
char invalidate;
char drawn;
} _prwall;
typedef struct s_cliplane {
_equation left, right, clip;
_point2d ref;
} _cliplane;
extern _prsector* prsectors[MAXSECTORS];
extern _prwall* prwalls[MAXWALLS];
extern int updatesectors;
int polymer_init(void);
void polymer_glinit(void);
void polymer_loadboard(void);
void polymer_drawrooms(int daposx, int daposy, int daposz, short daang, int dahoriz, short dacursectnum, int root);
void polymer_rotatesprite(int sx, int sy, int z, short a, short picnum, signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2);
void polymer_drawmaskwall(int damaskwallcnt);
void polymer_drawsprite(int snum);
int polymer_initsector(short sectnum);
int polymer_updatesector(short sectnum);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tesscombine(GLdouble v[3], GLdouble *data[4], GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble **out);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tesserror(GLenum error);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessedgeflag(GLenum error);
void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessvertex(void* vertex, void* sector);
int polymer_buildfloor(short sectnum);
void polymer_drawsector(short sectnum);
int polymer_initwall(short wallnum);
void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum);
void polymer_drawwall(short wallnum);
// HSR
void polymer_portaltofrustum(GLfloat* portal, int portalpointcount, GLfloat* pos, GLfloat* frustum);
void polymer_triangletoplane(GLfloat* triangle, GLfloat* plane);
void polymer_crossproduct(GLfloat* in_a, GLfloat* in_b, GLfloat* out);
void polymer_extractfrustum(GLdouble* modelview, GLdouble* projection);
void polymer_drawroom(short sectnum);
int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum);
float polymer_pointdistancetoplane(GLfloat* point, GLfloat* plane);
float polymer_pointdistancetopoint(GLfloat* point1, GLfloat* point2);
void polymer_lineplaneintersection(GLfloat *point1, GLfloat *point2, float dist1, float dist2, GLfloat *output);
int polymer_cliptofrustum(short wallnum);
void polymer_getportal(GLfloat* portalpoints, int portalpointcount, GLint* output);
void polymer_drawportal(int *portal);
void polymer_initskybox(void);
void polymer_getsky(void);
void polymer_drawskyquad(int p1, int p2, GLfloat height);
void polymer_drawartsky(short tilenum);
#endif // !_polymer_h_