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synced 2025-03-17 22:20:43 +00:00
- updaterevision for automated revision string generation - re2c as a prerequisite to use sc_man in the future - zipdir to automatically generate an engine resource file.
272 lines
5.3 KiB
272 lines
5.3 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define ADDEQ 257
#define ANDAND 258
#define ANDEQ 259
#define ARRAY 260
#define ASM 261
#define AUTO 262
#define BREAK 263
#define CASE 264
#define CHAR 265
#define CONST 266
#define CONTINUE 267
#define DECR 268
#define DEFAULT 269
#define DEREF 270
#define DIVEQ 271
#define DO 272
#define DOUBLE 273
#define ELLIPSIS 274
#define ELSE 275
#define ENUM 276
#define EQL 277
#define EXTERN 278
#define FCON 279
#define FLOAT 280
#define FOR 281
#define FUNCTION 282
#define GEQ 283
#define GOTO 284
#define ICON 285
#define ID 286
#define IF 287
#define INCR 288
#define INT 289
#define LEQ 290
#define LONG 291
#define LSHIFT 292
#define LSHIFTEQ 293
#define MODEQ 294
#define MULEQ 295
#define NEQ 296
#define OREQ 297
#define OROR 298
#define POINTER 299
#define REGISTER 300
#define RETURN 301
#define RSHIFT 302
#define RSHIFTEQ 303
#define SCON 304
#define SHORT 305
#define SIGNED 306
#define SIZEOF 307
#define STATIC 308
#define STRUCT 309
#define SUBEQ 310
#define SWITCH 311
#define TYPEDEF 312
#define UNION 313
#define UNSIGNED 314
#define VOID 315
#define VOLATILE 316
#define WHILE 317
#define XOREQ 318
#define EOI 319
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef unsigned char uchar;
#define BSIZE 8192
#define YYCTYPE uchar
#define YYCURSOR cursor
#define YYLIMIT s->lim
#define YYMARKER s->ptr
#define YYFILL(n) {cursor = fill(s, cursor);}
#define RET(i) {s->cur = cursor; return i;}
typedef struct Scanner {
int fd;
uchar *bot, *tok, *ptr, *cur, *pos, *lim, *top, *eof;
uint line;
} Scanner;
uchar *fill(Scanner *s, uchar *cursor){
if(!s->eof) {
uint cnt = s->tok - s->bot;
memcpy(s->bot, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = s->bot;
s->ptr -= cnt;
cursor -= cnt;
s->pos -= cnt;
s->lim -= cnt;
if((s->top - s->lim) < BSIZE){
uchar *buf = (uchar*) malloc(((s->lim - s->bot) + BSIZE)*sizeof(uchar));
memcpy(buf, s->tok, s->lim - s->tok);
s->tok = buf;
s->ptr = &buf[s->ptr - s->bot];
cursor = &buf[cursor - s->bot];
s->pos = &buf[s->pos - s->bot];
s->lim = &buf[s->lim - s->bot];
s->top = &s->lim[BSIZE];
s->bot = buf;
if((cnt = read(s->fd, (char*) s->lim, BSIZE)) != BSIZE){
s->eof = &s->lim[cnt]; *(s->eof)++ = '\n';
s->lim += cnt;
return cursor;
int scan(Scanner *s){
uchar *cursor = s->cur;
s->tok = cursor;
any = [\000-\377];
O = [0-7];
D = [0-9];
L = [a-zA-Z_];
H = [a-fA-F0-9];
E = [Ee] [+-]? D+;
FS = [fFlL];
IS = [uUlL]*;
ESC = [\\] ([abfnrtv?'"\\] | "x" H+ | O+);
"/*" { goto comment; }
"auto" { RET(AUTO); }
"break" { RET(BREAK); }
"case" { RET(CASE); }
"char" { RET(CHAR); }
"const" { RET(CONST); }
"continue" { RET(CONTINUE); }
"default" { RET(DEFAULT); }
"do" { RET(DO); }
"double" { RET(DOUBLE); }
"else" { RET(ELSE); }
"enum" { RET(ENUM); }
"extern" { RET(EXTERN); }
"float" { RET(FLOAT); }
"for" { RET(FOR); }
"goto" { RET(GOTO); }
"if" { RET(IF); }
"int" { RET(INT); }
"long" { RET(LONG); }
"register" { RET(REGISTER); }
"return" { RET(RETURN); }
"short" { RET(SHORT); }
"signed" { RET(SIGNED); }
"sizeof" { RET(SIZEOF); }
"static" { RET(STATIC); }
"struct" { RET(STRUCT); }
"switch" { RET(SWITCH); }
"typedef" { RET(TYPEDEF); }
"union" { RET(UNION); }
"unsigned" { RET(UNSIGNED); }
"void" { RET(VOID); }
"volatile" { RET(VOLATILE); }
"while" { RET(WHILE); }
L (L|D)* { RET(ID); }
("0" [xX] H+ IS?) | ("0" D+ IS?) | (D+ IS?) |
(['] (ESC|any\[\n\\'])* ['])
{ RET(ICON); }
(D+ E FS?) | (D* "." D+ E? FS?) | (D+ "." D* E? FS?)
{ RET(FCON); }
(["] (ESC|any\[\n\\"])* ["])
{ RET(SCON); }
"..." { RET(ELLIPSIS); }
">>=" { RET(RSHIFTEQ); }
"<<=" { RET(LSHIFTEQ); }
"+=" { RET(ADDEQ); }
"-=" { RET(SUBEQ); }
"*=" { RET(MULEQ); }
"/=" { RET(DIVEQ); }
"%=" { RET(MODEQ); }
"&=" { RET(ANDEQ); }
"^=" { RET(XOREQ); }
"|=" { RET(OREQ); }
">>" { RET(RSHIFT); }
"<<" { RET(LSHIFT); }
"++" { RET(INCR); }
"--" { RET(DECR); }
"->" { RET(DEREF); }
"&&" { RET(ANDAND); }
"||" { RET(OROR); }
"<=" { RET(LEQ); }
">=" { RET(GEQ); }
"==" { RET(EQL); }
"!=" { RET(NEQ); }
";" { RET(';'); }
"{" { RET('{'); }
"}" { RET('}'); }
"," { RET(','); }
":" { RET(':'); }
"=" { RET('='); }
"(" { RET('('); }
")" { RET(')'); }
"[" { RET('['); }
"]" { RET(']'); }
"." { RET('.'); }
"&" { RET('&'); }
"!" { RET('!'); }
"~" { RET('~'); }
"-" { RET('-'); }
"+" { RET('+'); }
"*" { RET('*'); }
"/" { RET('/'); }
"%" { RET('%'); }
"<" { RET('<'); }
">" { RET('>'); }
"^" { RET('^'); }
"|" { RET('|'); }
"?" { RET('?'); }
[ \t\v\f]+ { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto std;
printf("unexpected character: %c\n", *s->tok);
goto std;
"*/" { goto std; }
if(cursor == s->eof) RET(EOI);
s->tok = s->pos = cursor; s->line++;
goto comment;
any { goto comment; }
Scanner in;
int t;
memset((char*) &in, 0, sizeof(in));
in.fd = 0;
while((t = scan(&in)) != EOI){
printf("%d\t%.*s\n", t, in.cur - in.tok, in.tok);
printf("%d\n", t);