//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include <utility> #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "dukeactor.h" #include "interpolate.h" using std::min; using std::max; // PRIMITIVE BEGIN_DUKE_NS static int interptype[] = { Interp_Sect_Floorz, Interp_Sect_Ceilingz, Interp_Wall_X, Interp_Wall_Y }; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool haltsoundhack; int callsound(int sn, DDukeActor* whatsprite) { if (!isRRRA() && haltsoundhack) { haltsoundhack = 0; return -1; } DukeSectIterator it(sn); while (auto act = it.Next()) { auto si = &act->s; if (si->picnum == MUSICANDSFX && si->lotag < 1000) { if (whatsprite == nullptr) whatsprite = act; int snum = si->lotag; auto flags = S_GetUserFlags(snum); // Reset if the desired actor isn't playing anything. bool hival = S_IsSoundValid(si->hitag); if (act->temp_data[0] == 1 && !hival) { if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(act->temp_actor, snum)) act->temp_data[0] = 0; } if (act->temp_data[0] == 0) { if ((flags & (SF_GLOBAL | SF_DTAG)) != SF_GLOBAL) { if (snum) { if (si->hitag && snum != si->hitag) S_StopSound(si->hitag, act->temp_actor); S_PlayActorSound(snum, whatsprite); act->temp_actor = whatsprite; } if ((sector[si->sectnum].lotag & 0xff) != ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR) act->temp_data[0] = 1; } } else if (si->hitag < 1000) { if ((flags & SF_LOOP) || (si->hitag && si->hitag != si->lotag)) S_StopSound(si->lotag, act->temp_actor); if (si->hitag) S_PlayActorSound(si->hitag, whatsprite); act->temp_data[0] = 0; act->temp_actor = whatsprite; } return si->lotag; } } return -1; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int check_activator_motion(int lotag) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTIVATOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->s.lotag == lotag) { for (int j = animatecnt - 1; j >= 0; j--) if (act->s.sectnum == animatesect[j]) return(1); DukeStatIterator it1(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act2 = it1.Next()) { if (act->s.sectnum == act2->s.sectnum) switch (act2->s.lotag) { case SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR: case SE_30_TWO_WAY_TRAIN: if (act2->temp_data[4]) return(1); break; case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: if (isRRRA()) break; case SE_20_STRETCH_BRIDGE: case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: if (act2->temp_data[0]) return(1); break; } } } } return(0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isanunderoperator(int lotag) { switch (lotag & 0xff) { case ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR: case ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN: case ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: case ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN: case ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP: case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: return true; case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: return !isRR(); } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool isanearoperator(int lotag) { switch (lotag & 0xff) { case ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR: case ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR: case ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN: case ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: case ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN: case ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP: case ST_20_CEILING_DOOR: case ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR: case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: case ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR: case ST_25_SLIDING_DOOR: case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: case ST_29_TEETH_DOOR: return true; case 41: return isRR(); } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int findplayer(const DDukeActor* actor, int* d) { short j, closest_player; int x, closest; auto s = &actor->s.pos; if (ud.multimode < 2) { if (d) *d = abs(ps[myconnectindex].oposx - s->x) + abs(ps[myconnectindex].oposy - s->y) + ((abs(ps[myconnectindex].oposz - s->z + (28 << 8))) >> 4); return myconnectindex; } closest = 0x7fffffff; closest_player = 0; for (j = connecthead; j >= 0; j = connectpoint2[j]) { x = abs(ps[j].oposx - s->x) + abs(ps[j].oposy - s->y) + ((abs(ps[j].oposz - s->z + (28 << 8))) >> 4); if (x < closest && ps[j].GetActor()->s.extra > 0) { closest_player = j; closest = x; } } if (d) *d = closest; return closest_player; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int findotherplayer(int p, int* d) { short j, closest_player; int x, closest; closest = 0x7fffffff; closest_player = p; for (j = connecthead; j >= 0; j = connectpoint2[j]) if (p != j && ps[j].GetActor()->s.extra > 0) { x = abs(ps[j].oposx - ps[p].posx) + abs(ps[j].oposy - ps[p].posy) + (abs(ps[j].oposz - ps[p].posz) >> 4); if (x < closest) { closest_player = j; closest = x; } } *d = closest; return closest_player; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int* animateptr(int type, int index) { static int scratch; switch (type) { case anim_floorz: return §or[index].floorz; case anim_ceilingz: return §or[index].ceilingz; case anim_vertexx: return &wall[index].x; case anim_vertexy: return &wall[index].y; default: assert(false); return &scratch; } } int* animateptr(int i) { return animateptr(animatetype[i], animatetarget[i]); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void doanimations(void) { int i, a, p, v, dasect; for (i = animatecnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { a = *animateptr(i); v = animatevel[i] * TICSPERFRAME; dasect = animatesect[i]; if (a == animategoal[i]) { StopInterpolation(animatetarget[i], interptype[animatetype[i]]); animatecnt--; animatetype[i] = animatetype[animatecnt]; animatetarget[i] = animatetarget[animatecnt]; animategoal[i] = animategoal[animatecnt]; animatevel[i] = animatevel[animatecnt]; animatesect[i] = animatesect[animatecnt]; if (sector[animatesect[i]].lotag == ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN || sector[animatesect[i]].lotag == ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP) if (animatetype[i] == anim_ceilingz) continue; if ((sector[dasect].lotag & 0xff) != ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR) callsound(dasect, nullptr); continue; } if (v > 0) { a = min(a + v, animategoal[i]); } else { a = max(a + v, animategoal[i]); } if (animatetype[i] == anim_floorz) { for (p = connecthead; p >= 0; p = connectpoint2[p]) if (ps[p].cursectnum == dasect) if ((sector[dasect].floorz - ps[p].posz) < (64 << 8)) if (ps[p].GetActor()->GetOwner() != nullptr) { ps[p].posz += v; ps[p].poszv = 0; } DukeSectIterator it(dasect); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->s.statnum != STAT_EFFECTOR) { act->s.backupz(); act->s.z += v; act->floorz = sector[dasect].floorz + v; } } } *animateptr(i) = a; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int getanimationgoal(int animtype, int animtarget) { int i, j; j = -1; for (i = animatecnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (animtype == animatetype[i] && animtarget == animatetarget[i]) { j = i; break; } return(j); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int setanimation(short animsect, int animtype, int animtarget, int thegoal, int thevel) { int i, j; if (animatecnt >= MAXANIMATES - 1) return(-1); j = animatecnt; for (i = 0; i < animatecnt; i++) if (animtype == animatetype[i] && animtarget == animatetarget[i]) { j = i; break; } auto animptr = animateptr(animtype, animtarget); animatesect[j] = animsect; animatetype[j] = animtype; animatetarget[j] = animtarget; animategoal[j] = thegoal; if (thegoal >= *animptr) animatevel[j] = thevel; else animatevel[j] = -thevel; if (j == animatecnt) animatecnt++; StartInterpolation(animatetarget[i], interptype[animatetype[i]]); return(j); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool activatewarpelevators(DDukeActor* actor, int d) //Parm = sectoreffectornum { int sn = actor->s.sectnum; // See if the sector exists DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); DDukeActor *act2; while ((act2 = it.Next())) { if (act2->s.lotag == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR || (isRRRA() && act2->s.lotag == SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL)) if (act2->s.hitag == actor->s.hitag) if ((abs(sector[sn].floorz - actor->temp_data[2]) > act2->s.yvel) || (sector[act2->s.sectnum].hitag == (sector[sn].hitag - d))) break; } if (act2 == nullptr) { d = 0; return 1; // No find } else { if (d == 0) S_PlayActorSound(ELEVATOR_OFF, actor); else S_PlayActorSound(ELEVATOR_ON, actor); } it.Reset(STAT_EFFECTOR); while ((act2 = it.Next())) { if (act2->s.lotag == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR || (isRRRA() && act2->s.lotag == SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL)) if (act2->s.hitag == actor->s.hitag) { act2->temp_data[0] = d; act2->temp_data[1] = d; //Make all check warp } } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st09(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { int dax, day, dax2, day2, sp; int wallfind[2]; sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int startwall = sptr->wallptr; int endwall = startwall + sptr->wallnum - 1; sp = sptr->extra >> 4; //first find center point by averaging all points dax = 0L, day = 0L; for (int i = startwall; i <= endwall; i++) { dax += wall[i].x; day += wall[i].y; } dax /= (endwall - startwall + 1); day /= (endwall - startwall + 1); //find any points with either same x or same y coordinate // as center (dax, day) - should be 2 points found. wallfind[0] = -1; wallfind[1] = -1; for (int i = startwall; i <= endwall; i++) if ((wall[i].x == dax) || (wall[i].y == day)) { if (wallfind[0] == -1) wallfind[0] = i; else wallfind[1] = i; } for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { if ((wall[wallfind[j]].x == dax) && (wall[wallfind[j]].y == day)) { //find what direction door should open by averaging the // 2 neighboring points of wallfind[0] & wallfind[1]. int i = wallfind[j] - 1; if (i < startwall) i = endwall; dax2 = ((wall[i].x + wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x) >> 1) - wall[wallfind[j]].x; day2 = ((wall[i].y + wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y) >> 1) - wall[wallfind[j]].y; if (dax2 != 0) { dax2 = wall[wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].point2].x; dax2 -= wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x; setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wallfind[j], wall[wallfind[j]].x + dax2, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, i, wall[i].x + dax2, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x + dax2, sp); callsound(sn, actor); } else if (day2 != 0) { day2 = wall[wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].point2].y; day2 -= wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y; setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wallfind[j], wall[wallfind[j]].y + day2, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, i, wall[i].y + day2, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y + day2, sp); callsound(sn, actor); } } else { int i = wallfind[j] - 1; if (i < startwall) i = endwall; dax2 = ((wall[i].x + wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].x) >> 1) - wall[wallfind[j]].x; day2 = ((wall[i].y + wall[wall[wallfind[j]].point2].y) >> 1) - wall[wallfind[j]].y; if (dax2 != 0) { setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wallfind[j], dax, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, i, dax + dax2, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, dax + dax2, sp); callsound(sn, actor); } else if (day2 != 0) { setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wallfind[j], day, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, i, day + day2, sp); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexy, wall[wallfind[j]].point2, day + day2, sp); callsound(sn, actor); } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st15(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { if (actor->s.picnum != TILE_APLAYER) return; sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; DukeSectIterator it(sn); DDukeActor* a2; while ((a2 = it.Next())) { if (a2->s.picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && a2->s.lotag == ST_17_PLATFORM_UP) break; } if (!a2) return; if (actor->s.sectnum == sn) { if (activatewarpelevators(a2, -1)) activatewarpelevators(a2, 1); else if (activatewarpelevators(a2, 1)) activatewarpelevators(a2, -1); return; } else { if (sptr->floorz > a2->s.z) activatewarpelevators(a2, -1); else activatewarpelevators(a2, 1); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st16(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int i = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, sn); int j; if (i == -1) { i = nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, 1); if (i == -1) { i = nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, -1); if (i == -1) return; j = sector[i].floorz; setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, sptr->extra); } else { j = sector[i].floorz; setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, sptr->extra); } callsound(sn, actor); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st18(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int i = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, sn); if (i == -1) { i = nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, -1); if (i == -1) i = nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, 1); if (i == -1) return; int j = sector[i].floorz; int q = sptr->extra; int l = sptr->ceilingz - sptr->floorz; setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, q); setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, j + l, q); callsound(sn, actor); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st29(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int j; if (sptr->lotag & 0x8000) j = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, 1, 1)].floorz; else j = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, -1, -1)].ceilingz; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act2 = it.Next()) { if ((act2->s.lotag == 22) && (act2->s.hitag == sptr->hitag)) { sector[act2->s.sectnum].extra = -sector[act2->s.sectnum].extra; act2->temp_data[0] = sn; act2->temp_data[1] = 1; } } sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000; setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, j, sptr->extra); callsound(sn, actor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st20(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int j; REDODOOR: if (sptr->lotag & 0x8000) { DDukeActor* a2; DukeSectIterator it(sn); while ((a2 = it.Next())) { if (a2->s.statnum == 3 && a2->s.lotag == 9) { j = a2->s.z; break; } } if (a2 == nullptr) j = sptr->floorz; } else { j = nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, -1, -1); if (j >= 0) j = sector[j].ceilingz; else { sptr->lotag |= 32768; goto REDODOOR; } } sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000; setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, j, sptr->extra); callsound(sn, actor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st21(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int i = getanimationgoal(anim_floorz, sn); int j; if (i >= 0) { if (animategoal[i] == sptr->ceilingz) animategoal[i] = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, 1, 1)].floorz; else animategoal[i] = sptr->ceilingz; j = animategoal[i]; } else { if (sptr->ceilingz == sptr->floorz) j = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, 1, 1)].floorz; else j = sptr->ceilingz; sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000; if (setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, j, sptr->extra) >= 0) callsound(sn, actor); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st22(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { sectortype* sptr = §or[sn]; int j, q; if ((sptr->lotag & 0x8000)) { q = (sptr->ceilingz + sptr->floorz) >> 1; j = setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, q, sptr->extra); j = setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, q, sptr->extra); } else { q = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->floorz, 1, 1)].floorz; j = setanimation(sn, anim_floorz, sn, q, sptr->extra); q = sector[nextsectorneighborz(sn, sptr->ceilingz, -1, -1)].ceilingz; j = setanimation(sn, anim_ceilingz, sn, q, sptr->extra); } sptr->lotag ^= 0x8000; callsound(sn, actor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st23(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { int q = 0; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); DDukeActor* act2; while ((act2 = it.Next())) { if (act2->s.lotag == SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR && act2->s.sectnum == sn && !act2->temp_data[4]) { break; } } if (!act2) return; int l = sector[act2->s.sectnum].lotag & 0x8000; if (act2) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act3 = it.Next()) { if (l == (sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag & 0x8000) && act3->s.lotag == SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR && act2->s.hitag == act3->s.hitag && act3->temp_data[4]) { return; } } it.Reset(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act3 = it.Next()) { if (l == (sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag & 0x8000) && act3->s.lotag == SE_11_SWINGING_DOOR && act2->s.hitag == act3->s.hitag) { if (sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag & 0x8000) sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag &= 0x7fff; else sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag |= 0x8000; act3->temp_data[4] = 1; act3->temp_data[3] = -act3->temp_data[3]; if (q == 0) { callsound(sn, act3); q = 1; } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st25(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); DDukeActor* act2; while ((act2 = it.Next())) { if (act2->s.lotag == 15 && act2->s.sectnum == sn) { break; } } if (act2 == nullptr) return; it.Reset(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act3 = it.Next()) { if (act3->s.hitag == act2->s.hitag) { if (act3->s.lotag == 15) { sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag ^= 0x8000; // Toggle the open or close act3->s.ang += 1024; if (act3->temp_data[4]) callsound(act3->s.sectnum, act3); callsound(act3->s.sectnum, act3); if (sector[act3->s.sectnum].lotag & 0x8000) act3->temp_data[4] = 1; else act3->temp_data[4] = 2; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st27(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act2 = it.Next()) { if ((act2->s.lotag & 0xff) == 20 && act2->s.sectnum == sn) //Bridge { sector[sn].lotag ^= 0x8000; if (sector[sn].lotag & 0x8000) //OPENING act2->temp_data[0] = 1; else act2->temp_data[0] = 2; callsound(sn, actor); break; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void handle_st28(int sn, DDukeActor* actor) { //activate the rest of them int j = -1; DukeSectIterator it(sn); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->s.statnum == 3 && (a2->s.lotag & 0xff) == 21) { j = a2->s.hitag; break; //Found it } } if (j == -1) return; DukeStatIterator it1(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act3 = it.Next()) { if ((act3->s.lotag & 0xff) == 21 && !act3->temp_data[0] && (act3->s.hitag) == j) act3->temp_data[0] = 1; } callsound(sn, actor); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void operatesectors(int sn, DDukeActor *actor) { int j=0, startwall, endwall; int i; sectortype* sptr; sptr = §or[sn]; switch (sptr->lotag & (0x3fff)) { case 41: if (isRR()) operatejaildoors(sptr->hitag); break; case 7: if (!isRR()) break; startwall = sptr->wallptr; endwall = startwall + sptr->wallnum; for (j = startwall; j < endwall; j++) { setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, j, wall[j].x + 1024, 4); setanimation(sn, anim_vertexx, wall[j].nextwall, wall[wall[j].nextwall].x + 1024, 4); } break; case ST_30_ROTATE_RISE_BRIDGE: { auto act = ScriptIndexToActor(sector[sn].hitag); if (!act) break; if (act->tempang == 0 || act->tempang == 256) callsound(sn, actor); if (act->s.extra == 1) act->s.extra = 3; else act->s.extra = 1; break; } case ST_31_TWO_WAY_TRAIN: { auto act = ScriptIndexToActor(sector[sn].hitag); if (!act) break; if (act->temp_data[4] == 0) act->temp_data[4] = 1; callsound(sn, actor); break; } case ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR: //The split doors i = getanimationgoal(anim_ceilingz, sn); if (i == -1) //if the door has stopped { haltsoundhack = 1; sptr->lotag &= 0xff00; sptr->lotag |= ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR; operatesectors(sn, actor); sptr->lotag &= 0xff00; sptr->lotag |= ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR; operatesectors(sn, actor); sptr->lotag &= 0xff00; sptr->lotag |= ST_26_SPLITTING_ST_DOOR; } return; case ST_9_SLIDING_ST_DOOR: handle_st09(sn, actor); return; case ST_15_WARP_ELEVATOR://Warping elevators handle_st15(sn, actor); return; case ST_16_PLATFORM_DOWN: case ST_17_PLATFORM_UP: handle_st16(sn, actor); return; case ST_18_ELEVATOR_DOWN: case ST_19_ELEVATOR_UP: handle_st18(sn, actor); return; case ST_29_TEETH_DOOR: handle_st29(sn, actor); return; case ST_20_CEILING_DOOR: handle_st20(sn, actor); return; case ST_21_FLOOR_DOOR: handle_st21(sn, actor); return; case ST_22_SPLITTING_DOOR: handle_st22(sn, actor); return; case ST_23_SWINGING_DOOR: //Swingdoor handle_st23(sn, actor); return; case ST_25_SLIDING_DOOR: //Subway type sliding doors { handle_st25(sn, actor); return; } case ST_27_STRETCH_BRIDGE: //Extended bridge handle_st27(sn, actor); return; case ST_28_DROP_FLOOR: handle_st28(sn, actor); return; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void operateactivators(int low, int plnum) { int i, j, k; short * p; walltype* wal; for (i = numcyclers - 1; i >= 0; i--) { p = &cyclers[i][0]; if (p[4] == low) { p[5] = !p[5]; sector[p[0]].floorshade = sector[p[0]].ceilingshade = p[3]; wal = &wall[sector[p[0]].wallptr]; for (j = sector[p[0]].wallnum; j > 0; j--, wal++) wal->shade = p[3]; } } k = -1; DukeStatIterator it(STAT_ACTIVATOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->s.lotag == low) { if (act->s.picnum == ACTIVATORLOCKED) { sector[act->s.sectnum].lotag ^= 16384; if (plnum >= 0) { if (sector[act->s.sectnum].lotag & 16384) FTA(4, &ps[plnum]); else FTA(8, &ps[plnum]); } } else { switch (act->s.hitag) { case 0: break; case 1: if (sector[act->s.sectnum].floorz != sector[act->s.sectnum].ceilingz) { continue; } break; case 2: if (sector[act->s.sectnum].floorz == sector[act->s.sectnum].ceilingz) { continue; } break; } if (sector[act->s.sectnum].lotag < 3) { DukeSectIterator it(act->s.sectnum); while (auto a2 = it.Next()) { if (a2->s.statnum == 3) switch (a2->s.lotag) { case SE_18_INCREMENTAL_SECTOR_RISE_FALL: if (isRRRA()) break; case SE_36_PROJ_SHOOTER: case SE_31_FLOOR_RISE_FALL: case SE_32_CEILING_RISE_FALL: a2->temp_data[0] = 1 - a2->temp_data[0]; callsound(act->s.sectnum, a2); break; } } } if (k == -1 && (sector[act->s.sectnum].lotag & 0xff) == 22) k = callsound(act->s.sectnum, act); operatesectors(act->s.sectnum, act); } } } fi.operaterespawns(low); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void operatemasterswitches(int low) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_STANDABLE); while (auto act2 = it.Next()) { if (act2->s.picnum == MASTERSWITCH && act2->s.lotag == low && act2->s.yvel == 0) act2->s.yvel = 1; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void operateforcefields_common(DDukeActor *effector, int low, const std::initializer_list<int> &tiles) { int i, p; for (p = numanimwalls; p >= 0; p--) { i = animwall[p].wallnum; if (low == wall[i].lotag || low == -1) if (isIn(wall[i].overpicnum, tiles)) { animwall[p].tag = 0; if (wall[i].cstat) { wall[i].cstat = 0; if (effector && effector->s.picnum == SECTOREFFECTOR && effector->s.lotag == 30) wall[i].lotag = 0; } else wall[i].cstat = 85; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void breakwall(short newpn, DDukeActor* spr, short dawallnum) { wall[dawallnum].picnum = newpn; S_PlayActorSound(VENT_BUST, spr); S_PlayActorSound(GLASS_HEAVYBREAK, spr); lotsofglass(spr, dawallnum, 10); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void allignwarpelevators(void) { DukeStatIterator it(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act = it.Next()) { if (act->s.lotag == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR && act->s.shade > 16) { DukeStatIterator it1(STAT_EFFECTOR); while (auto act2 = it1.Next()) { if ((act2->s.lotag) == SE_17_WARP_ELEVATOR && act != act2 && act->s.hitag == act2->s.hitag) { sector[act2->s.sectnum].floorz = sector[act->s.sectnum].floorz; sector[act2->s.sectnum].ceilingz = sector[act->s.sectnum].ceilingz; } } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void moveclouds(double smoothratio) { // The math here is very messy.. :( int myclock = smoothratio < 32768? PlayClock-2 : PlayClock; if (myclock > cloudclock || myclock < (cloudclock - 7)) { cloudclock = myclock + 6; // cloudx/y were an array, but all entries were always having the same value so a single pair is enough. cloudx += ps[screenpeek].angle.ang.fcos() * 0.5f; cloudy += ps[screenpeek].angle.ang.fsin() * 0.5f; for (int i = 0; i < numclouds; i++) { sector[clouds[i]].setceilingxpan(cloudx); sector[clouds[i]].setceilingypan(cloudy); } } } END_DUKE_NS