//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 - EDuke32 developers This file is part of EDuke32 EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stripped sounds.c for use in Mapster32, breaks all ties to game & music //#include #include #include #include "fx_man.h" //#include "music.h" //#include "duke3d.h" //#include "util_lib.h" #include "osd.h" //#include "compat.h" #include "cache1d.h" #include "macros.h" #include "mathutil.h" #include "build.h" // vec3_t #ifdef _WIN32 #ifdef USE_OPENAL #include "openal.h" #endif #endif #include "sounds_mapster32.h" #define LOUDESTVOLUME 150 #define MUSICANDSFX 5 static char SM32_havesound = 0; #pragma pack(push,1) extern sound_t g_sounds[MAXSOUNDS]; #pragma pack(pop) char SoundToggle = 1; int32_t NumVoices = 32; int32_t backflag,g_numEnvSoundsPlaying; void MUSIC_Update(void) {} // needed when linking void S_TestSoundCallback(uint32_t); extern void initprintf(const char *f, ...); /* =================== = = SoundStartup = =================== */ int32_t S_SoundStartup(void) { int32_t status, err = 0; // TODO: read config int32_t FXVolume=220, /*NumVoices=32,*/ NumChannels=2, NumBits=16, MixRate, ReverseStereo=0; #if defined(_WIN32) MixRate = 44100; #else MixRate = 48000; #endif // if they chose None lets return if (0) return -1; // TODO: read config RETRY: status = FX_Init(0, NumVoices, NumChannels, NumBits, MixRate); if (status == FX_Ok) { FX_SetVolume(FXVolume); if (ReverseStereo == 1) { FX_SetReverseStereo(!FX_GetReverseStereo()); } status = FX_SetCallBack(S_TestSoundCallback); } if (status != FX_Ok) { if (!err) { #if defined(_WIN32) MixRate = 44100; #else MixRate = 48000; #endif NumBits = 16; NumChannels = 2; NumVoices = 32; ReverseStereo = 0; err = 1; goto RETRY; } initprintf("Sound startup error: %s", FX_ErrorString(FX_Error)); return -2; } SM32_havesound = 1; return 0; } /* =================== = = SoundShutdown = =================== */ void S_SoundShutdown(void) { int32_t status; if (!SM32_havesound) return; status = FX_Shutdown(); if (status != FX_Ok) initprintf("Sound shutdown error: %s", FX_ErrorString(FX_Error)); } int32_t S_LoadSound(uint32_t num) { int32_t fp = -1, l; if (!SM32_havesound) return 0; if (num >= MAXSOUNDS || SoundToggle == 0) return 0; if (g_sounds[num].filename == NULL) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "Sound (#%d) not defined!\n",num); return 0; } if (g_sounds[num].filename1) fp = kopen4load(g_sounds[num].filename1,pathsearchmode); if (fp == -1) fp = kopen4load(g_sounds[num].filename,pathsearchmode); if (fp == -1) { OSD_Printf(OSDTEXT_RED "Sound %s(#%d) not found!\n",g_sounds[num].filename,num); return 0; } l = kfilelength(fp); g_sounds[num].soundsiz = l; g_sounds[num].lock = 200; allocache((intptr_t *)&g_sounds[num].ptr,l,(char *)&g_sounds[num].lock); kread(fp, g_sounds[num].ptr , l); kclose(fp); return 1; } extern vec3_t pos; extern int16_t ang, cursectnum; int32_t S_PlaySoundXYZ(int32_t num, int32_t i, const vec3_t *pos) { int32_t sndist, cx, cy, cz, j/*,k*/; int32_t pitche,pitchs,cs; int32_t voice, sndang, ca, pitch; // if(num != 358) return 0; if (num >= MAXSOUNDS || !SM32_havesound || // ((g_sounds[num].m&8) && ud.lockout) || SoundToggle == 0 || g_sounds[num].num > 3 || FX_VoiceAvailable(g_sounds[num].pr) == 0) return -1; if (g_sounds[num].m&128) { S_PlaySound(num); return 0; } if (g_sounds[num].m&4) { for (j=0; j 0) && (g_sounds[j].m&4)) return -1; } cx = pos->x; cy = pos->y; cz = pos->z; cs = cursectnum; ca = ang; sndist = FindDistance3D((cx-pos->x),(cy-pos->y),(cz-pos->z)>>4); if (i >= 0 && (g_sounds[num].m&16) == 0 && PN == MUSICANDSFX && SLT < 999 && (sector[SECT].lotag&0xff) < 9) sndist = divscale14(sndist,(SHT+1)); pitchs = g_sounds[num].ps; pitche = g_sounds[num].pe; cx = klabs(pitche-pitchs); if (cx) { if (pitchs < pitche) pitch = pitchs + (rand()%cx); else pitch = pitche + (rand()%cx); } else pitch = pitchs; sndist += g_sounds[num].vo; if (sndist < 0) sndist = 0; if (cs > -1 && sndist && PN != MUSICANDSFX && !cansee(cx,cy,cz-(24<<8),cs,SX,SY,SZ-(24<<8),SECT)) sndist += sndist>>5; /* switch (num) { case PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE: case LASERTRIP_EXPLODE: case RPG_EXPLODE: if (sndist > (6144)) sndist = 6144; if (g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum > -1 && sector[g_player[screenpeek].ps->cursectnum].lotag == 2) pitch -= 1024; break; default: */ if (cursectnum > -1 && sector[cursectnum].lotag == 2 && (g_sounds[num].m&4) == 0) pitch = -768; if (sndist > 31444 && PN != MUSICANDSFX) return -1; // break; // } if (g_sounds[num].num > 0 && PN != MUSICANDSFX) { if (g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[0].i == i) S_StopSound(num); else if (g_sounds[num].num > 1) S_StopSound(num); // else if (A_CheckEnemySprite(&sprite[i]) && sprite[i].extra <= 0) S_StopSound(num); } sndang = 2048 + ca - getangle(cx-pos->x,cy-pos->y); sndang &= 2047; if (g_sounds[num].ptr == 0) { if (S_LoadSound(num) == 0) return 0; } else { if (g_sounds[num].lock < 200) g_sounds[num].lock = 200; else g_sounds[num].lock++; } if (g_sounds[num].m&16) sndist = 0; if (sndist < ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6)) sndist = ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6); if (g_sounds[num].m&1) { uint16_t start; if (g_sounds[num].num > 0) return -1; start = *(uint16_t *)(g_sounds[num].ptr + 0x14); if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'C') voice = FX_PlayLoopedVOC(g_sounds[num].ptr, start, start + g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,sndist>>6,sndist>>6,0,g_sounds[num].pr,num); else if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'O') voice = FX_PlayLoopedOGG(g_sounds[num].ptr, start, start + g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,sndist>>6,sndist>>6,0,g_sounds[num].pr,num); else voice = FX_PlayLoopedWAV(g_sounds[num].ptr, start, start + g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,sndist>>6,sndist>>6,0,g_sounds[num].pr,num); } else { if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'C') voice = FX_PlayVOC3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr,pitch,sndang>>6,sndist>>6, g_sounds[num].pr, num); else if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'O') voice = FX_PlayOGG3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr,pitch,sndang>>6,sndist>>6, g_sounds[num].pr, num); else voice = FX_PlayWAV3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr,pitch,sndang>>6,sndist>>6, g_sounds[num].pr, num); } if (voice > FX_Ok) { g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[g_sounds[num].num].i = i; g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[g_sounds[num].num].voice = voice; g_sounds[num].num++; } else g_sounds[num].lock--; return (voice); } void S_PlaySound(int32_t num) { int32_t pitch,pitche,pitchs,cx; int32_t voice; int32_t start; if (!SM32_havesound) return; if (SoundToggle==0) return; // if ((g_sounds[num].m&8) && ud.lockout) return; if (FX_VoiceAvailable(g_sounds[num].pr) == 0) return; if (num < 0 || num > MAXSOUNDS-1 || !g_sounds[num].filename) { OSD_Printf("WARNING: invalid sound #%d\n",num); return; } pitchs = g_sounds[num].ps; pitche = g_sounds[num].pe; cx = klabs(pitche-pitchs); if (cx) { if (pitchs < pitche) pitch = pitchs + (rand()%cx); else pitch = pitche + (rand()%cx); } else pitch = pitchs; if (g_sounds[num].ptr == 0) { if (S_LoadSound(num) == 0) return; } else { if (g_sounds[num].lock < 200) g_sounds[num].lock = 200; else g_sounds[num].lock++; } if (g_sounds[num].m&1) { if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'C') { start = (int32_t)*(uint16_t *)(g_sounds[num].ptr + 0x14); voice = FX_PlayLoopedVOC(g_sounds[num].ptr, start, start + g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr,num); } else if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'O') { start = (int32_t)*(uint16_t *)(g_sounds[num].ptr + 0x14); voice = FX_PlayLoopedOGG(g_sounds[num].ptr, start, start + g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr,num); } else { start = (int32_t)*(uint16_t *)(g_sounds[num].ptr + 0x14); voice = FX_PlayLoopedWAV(g_sounds[num].ptr, start, start + g_sounds[num].soundsiz, pitch,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr,num); } } else { if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'C') voice = FX_PlayVOC3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr, pitch,0,255-LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr, num); else if (*g_sounds[num].ptr == 'O') voice = FX_PlayOGG3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr, pitch,0,255-LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr, num); else voice = FX_PlayWAV3D(g_sounds[ num ].ptr, pitch,0,255-LOUDESTVOLUME,g_sounds[num].pr, num); } if (voice > FX_Ok)// return; { g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[g_sounds[num].num].voice = voice; g_sounds[num].num++; return; } g_sounds[num].lock--; } int32_t A_PlaySound(uint32_t num, int32_t i) { if (num >= MAXSOUNDS) return -1; if (i < 0) { S_PlaySound(num); return 0; } return S_PlaySoundXYZ(num,i, (vec3_t *)&sprite[i]); } void A_StopSound(int32_t num, int32_t i) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(i); if (num >= 0 && num < MAXSOUNDS) S_StopSound(num); } void S_StopSound(int32_t num) { if (num >= 0 && num < MAXSOUNDS) if (g_sounds[num].num > 0) { FX_StopSound(g_sounds[num].SoundOwner[g_sounds[num].num-1].voice); S_TestSoundCallback(num); } } void S_StopEnvSound(int32_t num,int32_t i) { int32_t j, k; if (num >= 0 && num < MAXSOUNDS) if (g_sounds[num].num > 0) { k = g_sounds[num].num; for (j=0; j>4); if (i >= 0 && (g_sounds[j].m&16) == 0 && PN == MUSICANDSFX && SLT < 999 && (sector[SECT].lotag&0xff) < 9) sndist = divscale14(sndist,(SHT+1)); sndist += g_sounds[j].vo; if (sndist < 0) sndist = 0; if (cs > -1 && sndist && PN != MUSICANDSFX && !cansee(cx,cy,cz-(24<<8),cs,sx,sy,sz-(24<<8),SECT)) sndist += sndist>>5; if (PN == MUSICANDSFX && SLT < 999) g_numEnvSoundsPlaying++; /* switch (j) { case PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE: case LASERTRIP_EXPLODE: case RPG_EXPLODE: if (sndist > (6144)) sndist = (6144); break; default: */ if (sndist > 31444 && PN != MUSICANDSFX) { S_StopSound(j); continue; } // } if (g_sounds[j].ptr == 0 && S_LoadSound(j) == 0) continue; if (g_sounds[j].m&16) sndist = 0; if (sndist < ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6)) sndist = ((255-LOUDESTVOLUME)<<6); FX_Pan3D(g_sounds[j].SoundOwner[k].voice,sndang>>6,sndist>>6); } } void S_TestSoundCallback(uint32_t num) { int32_t i,j,k; k = g_sounds[num].num; if (k > 0) { if ((g_sounds[num].m&16) == 0) for (j=0; j= 200) g_sounds[i].lock = 199; } int32_t A_CheckSoundPlaying(int32_t i, int32_t num) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(i); if (num < 0) num=0; // FIXME return (g_sounds[num].num > 0); } int32_t S_CheckSoundPlaying(int32_t i, int32_t num) { if (i == -1) { if (g_sounds[num].lock == 200) return 1; return 0; } return(g_sounds[num].num); }