/* ** glbackend.cpp ** ** OpenGL API abstraction ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2019 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include <memory> #include <assert.h> #include "glbackend.h" #include "textures.h" #include "palette.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "flatvertices.h" #include "build.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "hw_viewpointuniforms.h" #include "hw_viewpointbuffer.h" #include "hw_renderstate.h" #include "hw_cvars.h" #include "gamestruct.h" #include "gl_models.h" #include "gamehud.h" CVAR(Bool, gl_texture, true, 0) static int BufferLock = 0; TArray<VSMatrix> matrixArray; void Draw2D(F2DDrawer* drawer, FRenderState& state); GLInstance GLInterface; GLInstance::GLInstance() :palmanager(this) { VSMatrix mat(0); matrixArray.Push(mat); } IHardwareTexture *setpalettelayer(int layer, int translation) { if (layer == 1) return GLInterface.palmanager.GetPalette(GetTranslationType(translation) - Translation_Remap); else if (layer == 2) return GLInterface.palmanager.GetLookup(GetTranslationIndex(translation)); else return nullptr; } void GLInstance::Init(int ydim) { FMaterial::SetLayerCallback(setpalettelayer); new(&renderState) PolymostRenderState; // reset to defaults. } void GLInstance::Deinit() { palmanager.DeleteAll(); lastPalswapIndex = -1; } void GLInstance::Draw(EDrawType type, size_t start, size_t count) { assert (BufferLock > 0); applyMapFog(); renderState.vindex = start; renderState.vcount = count; renderState.primtype = type; rendercommands.Push(renderState); clearMapFog(); renderState.StateFlags &= ~(STF_CLEARCOLOR | STF_CLEARDEPTH | STF_VIEWPORTSET | STF_SCISSORSET); } void GLInstance::DoDraw() { GLState lastState; if (rendercommands.Size() > 0) { if (!useMapFog) hw_int_useindexedcolortextures = hw_useindexedcolortextures; lastState.Flags = ~rendercommands[0].StateFlags; // Force ALL flags to be considered 'changed'. lastState.DepthFunc = INT_MIN; // Something totally invalid. screen->RenderState()->EnableMultisampling(true); auto& state = *screen->RenderState(); for (auto& rs : rendercommands) { if (rs.Apply(state, lastState)) { if (!rs.model) { state.Draw(rs.primtype, rs.vindex, rs.vcount); } else { FHWModelRenderer mr(*screen->RenderState(), 0); state.SetDepthFunc(DF_LEqual); state.EnableTexture(true); rs.model->BuildVertexBuffer(&mr); mr.SetupFrame(rs.model, rs.mframes[0], rs.mframes[1], rs.mfactor); rs.model->RenderFrame(&mr, rs.mMaterial.mTexture, rs.mframes[0], rs.mframes[1], 0.f, rs.mMaterial.mTranslation); state.SetDepthFunc(DF_Less); state.SetVertexBuffer(screen->mVertexData); } } } renderState.Apply(*screen->RenderState(), lastState); // apply any pending change before returning. rendercommands.Clear(); hw_int_useindexedcolortextures = false; } matrixArray.Resize(1); } int GLInstance::SetMatrix(int num, const VSMatrix *mat) { int r = renderState.matrixIndex[num]; renderState.matrixIndex[num] = matrixArray.Size(); matrixArray.Push(*mat); return r; } void GLInstance::SetIdentityMatrix(int num) { renderState.matrixIndex[num] = -1; } void GLInstance::SetPalswap(int index) { renderState.ShadeDiv = lookups.tables[index].ShadeFactor; } void GLInstance::SetFade(int index) { renderState.FogColor = lookups.getFade(index); } bool PolymostRenderState::Apply(FRenderState& state, GLState& oldState) { // Fog must be done before the texture so that the texture selector can override it. bool foggy = (GLInterface.useMapFog || (FogColor & 0xffffff)); // Disable brightmaps if non-black fog is used. if (!(Flags & RF_FogDisabled) && ShadeDiv >= 1 / 1000.f && foggy) { state.EnableFog(1); float density = GLInterface.useMapFog ? 350.f : 350.f - Scale(numshades - Shade, 150, numshades); state.SetFog((GLInterface.useMapFog) ? PalEntry(0x999999) : FogColor, density); state.SetSoftLightLevel(255); state.SetLightParms(128.f, 1 / 1000.f); } else { state.EnableFog(0); state.SetSoftLightLevel(ShadeDiv >= 1 / 1000.f ? 255 - Scale(Shade, 255, numshades) : 255); state.SetLightParms(VisFactor, ShadeDiv / (numshades - 2)); } if (Flags & RF_ColorOnly) { state.EnableTexture(false); } else { if (!mMaterial.mTexture) return false; // Oh no! Something passed an invalid tile! state.EnableTexture(gl_texture); state.SetMaterial(mMaterial.mTexture, mMaterial.uFlags, mMaterial.mScaleFlags, mMaterial.mClampMode, mMaterial.mTranslation, mMaterial.mOverrideShader); } state.SetColor(Color[0], Color[1], Color[2], Color[3]); if (StateFlags != oldState.Flags) { state.EnableDepthTest(StateFlags & STF_DEPTHTEST); if ((StateFlags ^ oldState.Flags) & (STF_STENCILTEST | STF_STENCILWRITE)) { if (StateFlags & STF_STENCILWRITE) { state.EnableStencil(true); state.SetEffect(EFF_STENCIL); state.SetStencil(0, SOP_Increment, SF_ColorMaskOff); } else if (StateFlags & STF_STENCILTEST) { state.EnableStencil(true); state.SetEffect(EFF_NONE); state.SetStencil(1, SOP_Keep, SF_DepthMaskOff); } else { state.EnableStencil(false); state.SetEffect(EFF_NONE); } } if ((StateFlags ^ oldState.Flags) & (STF_CULLCW | STF_CULLCCW)) { int cull = Cull_None; if (StateFlags & STF_CULLCCW) cull = Cull_CCW; else if (StateFlags & STF_CULLCW) cull = Cull_CW; state.SetCulling(cull); } state.SetColorMask(StateFlags & STF_COLORMASK); state.SetDepthMask(StateFlags & STF_DEPTHMASK); if (StateFlags & (STF_CLEARCOLOR | STF_CLEARDEPTH)) { int clear = 0; if (StateFlags & STF_CLEARCOLOR) clear |= CT_Color; if (StateFlags & STF_CLEARDEPTH) clear |= CT_Depth; state.Clear(clear); } if (StateFlags & STF_VIEWPORTSET) { state.SetViewport(vp_x, vp_y, vp_w, vp_h); } if (StateFlags & STF_SCISSORSET) { state.SetScissor(sc_x, sc_y, sc_w, sc_h); } state.SetDepthBias(mBias.mFactor, mBias.mUnits); StateFlags &= ~(STF_CLEARCOLOR | STF_CLEARDEPTH | STF_VIEWPORTSET | STF_SCISSORSET); oldState.Flags = StateFlags; } state.SetRenderStyle(Style); if (DepthFunc != oldState.DepthFunc) { state.SetDepthFunc(DepthFunc); oldState.DepthFunc = DepthFunc; } state.SetTextureMode(TextureMode); state.SetNpotEmulation(NPOTEmulation.Y, NPOTEmulation.X); state.AlphaFunc(Alpha_Greater, AlphaTest ? AlphaThreshold : -1.f); if (matrixIndex[Matrix_Model] != -1) { state.EnableModelMatrix(true); state.mModelMatrix = matrixArray[matrixIndex[Matrix_Model]]; } else state.EnableModelMatrix(false); memset(matrixIndex, -1, sizeof(matrixIndex)); return true; } void DoWriteSavePic(FileWriter* file, ESSType ssformat, uint8_t* scr, int width, int height, bool upsidedown) { int pixelsize = 3; int pitch = width * pixelsize; if (upsidedown) { scr += ((height - 1) * width * pixelsize); pitch *= -1; } M_CreatePNG(file, scr, nullptr, ssformat, width, height, pitch, vid_gamma); } //=========================================================================== // // Render the view to a savegame picture // //=========================================================================== void WriteSavePic(FileWriter* file, int width, int height) { IntRect bounds; bounds.left = 0; bounds.top = 0; bounds.width = width; bounds.height = height; auto& RenderState = *screen->RenderState(); // we must be sure the GPU finished reading from the buffer before we fill it with new data. screen->WaitForCommands(false); screen->mVertexData->Reset(); // Switch to render buffers dimensioned for the savepic screen->SetSaveBuffers(true); screen->ImageTransitionScene(true); RenderState.SetVertexBuffer(screen->mVertexData); screen->mVertexData->Reset(); //screen->mLights->Clear(); screen->mViewpoints->Clear(); int oldx = xdim; int oldy = ydim; auto oldwindowxy1 = windowxy1; auto oldwindowxy2 = windowxy2; xdim = width; ydim = height; videoSetViewableArea(0, 0, width - 1, height - 1); renderSetAspect(65536, 65536); screen->SetSceneRenderTarget(false); RenderState.SetPassType(NORMAL_PASS); RenderState.EnableDrawBuffers(1, true); screen->SetViewportRects(&bounds); twodpsp.Clear(); bool didit = gi->GenerateSavePic(); float Brightness = 8.f / (r_scenebrightness + 8.f); screen->PostProcessScene(false, 0, Brightness, []() { Draw2D(&twodpsp, *screen->RenderState()); // draws the weapon sprites }); xdim = oldx; ydim = oldy; videoSetViewableArea(oldwindowxy1.x, oldwindowxy1.y, oldwindowxy2.x, oldwindowxy2.y); // The 2D drawers can contain some garbage from the dirty render setup. Get rid of that first. twod->Clear(); twodpsp.Clear(); int numpixels = width * height; uint8_t* scr = (uint8_t*)M_Malloc(numpixels * 3); screen->CopyScreenToBuffer(width, height, scr); DoWriteSavePic(file, SS_RGB, scr, width, height, screen->FlipSavePic()); M_Free(scr); // Switch back the screen render buffers screen->SetViewportRects(nullptr); screen->SetSaveBuffers(false); } static HWViewpointUniforms vp; void renderSetProjectionMatrix(const float* p) { if (p) { vp.mProjectionMatrix.loadMatrix(p); GLInterface.mProjectionM5 = p[5]; } else vp.mProjectionMatrix.loadIdentity(); } void renderSetViewMatrix(const float* p) { if (p) vp.mViewMatrix.loadMatrix(p); else vp.mViewMatrix.loadIdentity(); } void renderSetVisibility(float vis) { vp.mGlobVis = vis; } void renderBeginScene() { assert(BufferLock == 0); vp.mPalLightLevels = numshades | (static_cast<int>(gl_fogmode) << 8) | ((int)5 << 16); screen->mViewpoints->SetViewpoint(*screen->RenderState(), &vp); if (BufferLock++ == 0) { screen->mVertexData->Map(); } } void renderFinishScene() { assert(BufferLock == 1); if (--BufferLock == 0) { screen->mVertexData->Unmap(); GLInterface.DoDraw(); } } int32_t r_scenebrightness = 0; void videoShowFrame(int32_t w) { if (gl_ssao) { screen->AmbientOccludeScene(GLInterface.GetProjectionM5()); // To do: the translucent part of the scene should be drawn here, but the render setup in the games is really too broken to do SSAO. //glDrawBuffers(1, buffers); } float Brightness = 8.f / (r_scenebrightness + 8.f); screen->PostProcessScene(false, 0, Brightness, []() { Draw2D(&twodpsp, *screen->RenderState()); // draws the weapon sprites }); screen->Update(); screen->mVertexData->Reset(); videoSetBrightness(0); // immediately reset this after rendering so that the value doesn't stick around in the backend. // After finishing the frame, reset everything for the next frame. This needs to be done better. if (!w) { screen->BeginFrame(); bool useSSAO = (gl_ssao != 0); screen->SetSceneRenderTarget(useSSAO); twodpsp.Clear(); twod->Clear(); } }