//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2010-2019 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2019 Nuke.YKT This file is part of NBlood. NBlood is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if 0 // Not yet implemented content kept for reference. Mostly multiplayer related. const char *zMonsterStrings[] = { "None", "Bring 'em on", "Respawn", }; const char *zWeaponStrings[] = { "Do not Respawn", "Are Permanent", "Respawn", "Respawn with Markers", }; const char *zItemStrings[] = { "Do not Respawn", "Respawn", "Respawn with Markers", }; const char *zRespawnStrings[] = { "At Random Locations", "Close to Weapons", "Away from Enemies", }; const char *pzShowWeaponStrings[] = { "OFF", "SPRITE", "VOXEL" }; CGameMenuItemTitle itemMessagesTitle("MESSAGES", 1, 160, 20, 2038); CGameMenuItemZBool boolMessages("MESSAGES:", 3, 66, 70, 180, 0, SetMessages, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemSlider sliderMsgCount("MESSAGE COUNT:", 3, 66, 80, 180, gMessageCount, 1, 16, 1, NULL, -1, -1); CGameMenuItemSlider sliderMsgTime("MESSAGE TIME:", 3, 66, 90, 180, gMessageTime, 1, 8, 1, NULL, -1, -1); CGameMenuItemTitle itemOptionsGameTitle("GAME SETUP", 1, 160, 20, 2038); CGameMenuItemZCycle itemOptionsGameShowWeapons("SHOW WEAPONS:", 3, 66, 70, 180, 0, SetShowWeapons, pzShowWeaponStrings, ARRAY_SSIZE(pzShowWeaponStrings), 0); CGameMenuItemZBool itemOptionsGameBoolSlopeTilting("SLOPE TILTING:", 3, 66, 80, 180, cl_slopetilting, SetSlopeTilting, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemZBool itemOptionsGameBoolViewBobbing("VIEW BOBBING:", 3, 66, 90, 180, cl_viewvbob, SetViewBobbing, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemZBool itemOptionsGameBoolViewSwaying("VIEW SWAYING:", 3, 66, 100, 180, cl_viewhbob, SetViewSwaying, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemZBool itemOptionsDisplayBoolCenterHoriz("CENTER HORIZON LINE:", 3, 66, 90, 180, r_horizcenter, SetCenterHoriz, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemZBool itemOptionsDisplayBoolPowerupDuration("POWERUP DURATION:", 3, 66, 110, 180, hud_powerupduration, SetPowerupDuration, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemZBool itemOptionsDisplayBoolShowMapTitle("MAP TITLE:", 3, 66, 120, 180, hud_showmapname, SetShowMapTitle, NULL, NULL); CGameMenuItemTitle itemNetworkHostTitle("HOST A GAME", 1, 160, 20, 2038); CGameMenuItemSlider itemNetworkHostPlayerNum("PLAYER NUMBER:", 3, 66, 70, 180, 1, 2, kMaxPlayers, 1, NULL, -1, -1, kMenuSliderValue); CGameMenuItemZEdit itemNetworkHostPort("NETWORK PORT:", 3, 66, 80, 180, zNetPortBuffer, 6, 0, NULL, 0); CGameMenuItemChain itemNetworkHostHost("HOST A GAME", 3, 66, 100, 180, 1, NULL, -1, NetworkHostGame, 0); CGameMenuItemTitle itemNetworkJoinTitle("JOIN A GAME", 1, 160, 20, 2038); CGameMenuItemZEdit itemNetworkJoinAddress("NETWORK ADDRESS:", 3, 66, 70, 180, zNetAddressBuffer, 16, 0, NULL, 0); CGameMenuItemZEdit itemNetworkJoinPort("NETWORK PORT:", 3, 66, 80, 180, zNetPortBuffer, 6, 0, NULL, 0); CGameMenuItemChain itemNetworkJoinJoin("JOIN A GAME", 3, 66, 100, 180, 1, NULL, -1, NetworkJoinGame, 0); //// void SetWeaponsV10X(CGameMenuItemZBool* pItem) { if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0) { gWeaponsV10x = pItem->at20; gGameOptions.weaponsV10x = pItem->at20; } } //// void SetTurnSpeed(CGameMenuItemSlider *pItem) { gTurnSpeed = pItem->nValue; } void SetAutoAim(CGameMenuItemZCycle *pItem) { cl_autoaim = pItem->m_nFocus; if (!gDemo.at0 && !gDemo.at1) { gProfile[myconnectindex].nAutoAim = cl_autoaim; netBroadcastPlayerInfo(myconnectindex); } } void SetupNetworkMenu(void) { sprintf(zNetPortBuffer, "%d", gNetPort); if (strlen(gNetAddress) > 0) strncpy(zNetAddressBuffer, gNetAddress, sizeof(zNetAddressBuffer)-1); menuNetwork.Add(&itemNetworkTitle, false); menuNetwork.Add(&itemNetworkHost, true); menuNetwork.Add(&itemNetworkJoin, false); menuNetwork.Add(&itemBloodQAV, false); menuNetworkHost.Add(&itemNetworkHostTitle, false); menuNetworkHost.Add(&itemNetworkHostPlayerNum, true); menuNetworkHost.Add(&itemNetworkHostPort, false); menuNetworkHost.Add(&itemNetworkHostHost, false); menuNetworkHost.Add(&itemBloodQAV, false); menuNetworkJoin.Add(&itemNetworkJoinTitle, false); menuNetworkJoin.Add(&itemNetworkJoinAddress, true); menuNetworkJoin.Add(&itemNetworkJoinPort, false); menuNetworkJoin.Add(&itemNetworkJoinJoin, false); menuNetworkJoin.Add(&itemBloodQAV, false); } void SetupNetworkHostMenu(CGameMenuItemChain *pItem) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pItem); } void SetupNetworkJoinMenu(CGameMenuItemChain *pItem) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pItem); } void NetworkHostGame(CGameMenuItemChain *pItem) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pItem); Mus_Stop(); FX_StopAllSounds(); UpdateDacs(0, true); gNetPlayers = itemNetworkHostPlayerNum.nValue; gNetPort = strtoul(zNetPortBuffer, NULL, 10); if (!gNetPort) gNetPort = kNetDefaultPort; gNetMode = NETWORK_SERVER; netInitialize(false); gGameMenuMgr.Deactivate(); gQuitGame = gRestartGame = true; } void NetworkJoinGame(CGameMenuItemChain *pItem) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pItem); Mus_Stop(); FX_StopAllSounds(); UpdateDacs(0, true); strcpy(gNetAddress, zNetAddressBuffer); gNetPort = strtoul(zNetPortBuffer, NULL, 10); if (!gNetPort) gNetPort = kNetDefaultPort; gNetMode = NETWORK_CLIENT; netInitialize(false); gGameMenuMgr.Deactivate(); gQuitGame = gRestartGame = true; } void Restart(CGameMenuItemChain *pItem) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(pItem); if (gGameOptions.nGameType == 0 || numplayers == 1) { gQuitGame = true; gRestartGame = true; } else gQuitRequest = 2; gGameMenuMgr.Deactivate(); } #endif