//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1996, 2003 - 3D Realms Entertainment Copyright (C) 2000, 2003 - Matt Saettler (EDuke Enhancements) Copyright (C) 2020 - Christoph Oelckers This file is part of Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D version 1.5 - Atomic Edition Duke Nukem 3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Original Source: 1996 - Todd Replogle Prepared for public release: 03/21/2003 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms EDuke enhancements integrated: 04/13/2003 - Matt Saettler Note: EDuke source was in transition. Changes are in-progress in the source as it is released. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" #include "global.h" #include "mapinfo.h" BEGIN_DUKE_NS //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // callback for playercolor CVAR // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int playercolor2lookup(int color) { static int8_t player_pals[] = { 0, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, }; if (color >= 0 && color < 10) return player_pals[color]; return 0; } void PlayerColorChanged(void) { if (ud.recstat != 0) return; if (ud.multimode > 1) { //Net_SendClientInfo(); } else { ps[myconnectindex].palookup = ud.user_pals[myconnectindex] = playercolor2lookup(playercolor); } if (sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].picnum == TILE_APLAYER && sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].pal != 1) sprite[ps[myconnectindex].i].pal = ud.user_pals[myconnectindex]; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Sync local player with CVARs. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setlocalplayerinput(player_struct* pp) { pp->aim_mode = in_mousemode; pp->auto_aim = cl_autoaim; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // calculates automatic view pitch for playing without a mouse // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void calcviewpitch(player_struct *p, double factor) { int psect = p->cursectnum; int psectlotag = sector[psect].lotag; if (p->aim_mode == 0 && p->on_ground && psectlotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && (sector[psect].floorstat & 2)) { int x = p->posx + (sintable[(p->getang() + 512) & 2047] >> 5); int y = p->posy + (sintable[p->getang() & 2047] >> 5); short tempsect = psect; updatesector(x, y, &tempsect); if (tempsect >= 0) { int k = getflorzofslope(psect, x, y); if (psect == tempsect || abs(getflorzofslope(tempsect, x, y) - k) <= (4 << 8)) p->addhorizoff(factor * mulscale16(p->truefz - k, 160)); } } if (p->q16horizoff > 0) { p->addhorizoff(-factor * fix16_to_dbl((p->q16horizoff >> 3) + FRACUNIT)); if (p->q16horizoff < 0) p->q16horizoff = 0; } else if (p->q16horizoff < 0) { p->addhorizoff(-factor * fix16_to_dbl((p->q16horizoff >> 3) + FRACUNIT)); if (p->q16horizoff > 0) p->q16horizoff = 0; } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // why is this such a mess? // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void setpal(struct player_struct* p) { int palette; if (p->DrugMode) palette = DRUGPAL; else if (p->heat_on) palette = SLIMEPAL; else if (p->cursectnum < 0) palette = BASEPAL; // don't crash if out of range. else if (sector[p->cursectnum].ceilingpicnum >= TILE_FLOORSLIME && sector[p->cursectnum].ceilingpicnum <= TILE_FLOORSLIME + 2) palette = SLIMEPAL; else if (sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) palette = WATERPAL; else palette = BASEPAL; p->palette = palette; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void quickkill(struct player_struct* p) { SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(48, 48, 48, 48)); sprite[p->i].extra = 0; sprite[p->i].cstat |= 32768; if (ud.god == 0) fi.guts(&sprite[p->i], TILE_JIBS6, 8, myconnectindex); return; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void forceplayerangle(struct player_struct* p) { int n; n = 128 - (krand() & 255); p->addhoriz(64); p->return_to_center = 9; p->setlookang(n >> 1); p->setrotscrnang(n >> 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void tracers(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2, int n) { int i, xv, yv, zv; short sect = -1; i = n + 1; xv = (x2 - x1) / i; yv = (y2 - y1) / i; zv = (z2 - z1) / i; if ((abs(x1 - x2) + abs(y1 - y2)) < 3084) return; for (i = n; i > 0; i--) { x1 += xv; y1 += yv; z1 += zv; updatesector(x1, y1, §); if (sect >= 0) { if (sector[sect].lotag == 2) EGS(sect, x1, y1, z1, TILE_WATERBUBBLE, -32, 4 + (krand() & 3), 4 + (krand() & 3), krand() & 2047, 0, 0, ps[0].i, 5); else EGS(sect, x1, y1, z1, TILE_SMALLSMOKE, -32, 14, 14, 0, 0, 0, ps[0].i, 5); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int hits(int i) { auto sp = &sprite[i]; int sx, sy, sz; short sect; short hw, hs; int zoff; if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) zoff = (40 << 8); else zoff = 0; hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, sintable[(sp->ang + 512) & 2047], sintable[sp->ang & 2047], 0, §, &hw, &hs, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1); return (FindDistance2D(sx - sp->x, sy - sp->y)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int hitasprite(int i, short* hitsp) { auto sp = &sprite[i]; int sx, sy, sz, zoff; short sect, hw; if (badguy(&sprite[i])) zoff = (42 << 8); else if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) zoff = (39 << 8); else zoff = 0; hitscan(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - zoff, sp->sectnum, sintable[(sp->ang + 512) & 2047], sintable[sp->ang & 2047], 0, §, &hw, hitsp, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK1); if (hw >= 0 && (wall[hw].cstat & 16) && badguy(&sprite[i])) return((1 << 30)); return (FindDistance2D(sx - sp->x, sy - sp->y)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int hitawall(struct player_struct* p, int* hitw) { int sx, sy, sz; short sect, hs, hitw1; hitscan(p->posx, p->posy, p->posz, p->cursectnum, sintable[(p->getang() + 512) & 2047], sintable[p->getang() & 2047], 0, §, &hitw1, &hs, &sx, &sy, &sz, CLIPMASK0); *hitw = hitw1; return (FindDistance2D(sx - p->posx, sy - p->posy)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int aim(spritetype* s, int aang) { char gotshrinker, gotfreezer; int i, j, a, k, cans; int aimstats[] = { STAT_PLAYER, STAT_DUMMYPLAYER, STAT_ACTOR, STAT_ZOMBIEACTOR }; int dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3, smax, sdist; int xv, yv; a = s->ang; // Autoaim from DukeGDX. if (s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) { if (ps[s->yvel].auto_aim == 0) { // The chickens in RRRA are homing and must always autoaim. if (!isRRRA() || ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon != CHICKEN_WEAPON) return -1; } else if (ps[s->yvel].auto_aim == 2) { int weap; if (!isWW2GI()) { weap = ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon; } else { weap = aplWeaponWorksLike[ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon][s->yvel]; } if (weap > CHAINGUN_WEAPON || weap == KNEE_WEAPON) { return -1; } } } j = -1; // if(s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && ps[s->yvel].aim_mode) return -1; if (isRR()) { gotshrinker = 0; gotfreezer = 0; } else if (isWW2GI()) { gotshrinker = s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && aplWeaponWorksLike[ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon][s->yvel] == SHRINKER_WEAPON; gotfreezer = s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && aplWeaponWorksLike[ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon][s->yvel] == FREEZE_WEAPON; } else { gotshrinker = s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon == SHRINKER_WEAPON; gotfreezer = s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && ps[s->yvel].curr_weapon == FREEZE_WEAPON; } smax = 0x7fffffff; dx1 = sintable[(a + 512 - aang) & 2047]; dy1 = sintable[(a - aang) & 2047]; dx2 = sintable[(a + 512 + aang) & 2047]; dy2 = sintable[(a + aang) & 2047]; dx3 = sintable[(a + 512) & 2047]; dy3 = sintable[a & 2047]; for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) { if (j >= 0) break; for (i = headspritestat[aimstats[k]]; i >= 0; i = nextspritestat[i]) if (sprite[i].xrepeat > 0 && sprite[i].extra >= 0 && (sprite[i].cstat & (257 + 32768)) == 257) if (badguy(&sprite[i]) || k < 2) { auto sp = &sprite[i]; if (badguy(&sprite[i]) || sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) { if (sp->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && (isRR() && ud.ffire == 0) && ud.coop == 1 && s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER && s != &sprite[i]) continue; if (gotshrinker && sprite[i].xrepeat < 30 && !(actorinfo[sp->picnum].flags & SFLAG_SHRINKAUTOAIM)) continue; if (gotfreezer && sprite[i].pal == 1) continue; } xv = (sp->x - s->x); yv = (sp->y - s->y); if ((dy1 * xv) <= (dx1 * yv)) if ((dy2 * xv) >= (dx2 * yv)) { sdist = mulscale(dx3, xv, 14) + mulscale(dy3, yv, 14); if (sdist > 512 && sdist < smax) { if (s->picnum == TILE_APLAYER) a = (abs(scale(sp->z - s->z, 10, sdist) - (ps[s->yvel].gethorizsum() - 100)) < 100); else a = 1; cans = cansee(sp->x, sp->y, sp->z - (32 << 8) + actorinfo[sp->picnum].aimoffset, sp->sectnum, s->x, s->y, s->z - (32 << 8), s->sectnum); if (a && cans) { smax = sdist; j = i; } } } } } return j; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void dokneeattack(int snum, int pi, const std::initializer_list & respawnlist) { auto p = &ps[snum]; if (p->knee_incs > 0) { p->knee_incs++; if (synchronized_input) p->addhoriz(-48); else { p->horizSkew = -48 * FRACUNIT; } p->return_to_center = 9; if (p->knee_incs > 15) { p->knee_incs = 0; p->holster_weapon = 0; if (p->weapon_pos < 0) p->weapon_pos = -p->weapon_pos; if (p->actorsqu >= 0 && dist(&sprite[pi], &sprite[p->actorsqu]) < 1400) { fi.guts(&sprite[p->actorsqu], TILE_JIBS6, 7, myconnectindex); fi.spawn(p->actorsqu, TILE_BLOODPOOL); S_PlayActorSound(SQUISHED, p->actorsqu); if (isIn(sprite[p->actorsqu].picnum, respawnlist)) { if (sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel) fi.operaterespawns(sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel); } if (sprite[p->actorsqu].picnum == TILE_APLAYER) { quickkill(&ps[sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel]); ps[sprite[p->actorsqu].yvel].frag_ps = snum; } else if (badguy(&sprite[p->actorsqu])) { deletesprite(p->actorsqu); p->actors_killed++; } else deletesprite(p->actorsqu); } p->actorsqu = -1; } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int makepainsounds(int snum, int type) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pi = p->i; auto s = &sprite[pi]; int k = 0; switch (type) { case 0: if (rnd(32)) { if (p->boot_amount > 0) k = 1; else { if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pi, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN, pi); SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(32, 64, 64, 64)); s->extra -= 1 + (krand() & 3); if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pi, SHORT_CIRCUIT)) S_PlayActorSound(SHORT_CIRCUIT, pi); } } break; case 1: if (rnd(16)) { if (p->boot_amount > 0) k = 1; else { if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pi, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN, pi); SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(32, 0, 8, 0)); s->extra -= 1 + (krand() & 3); } } break; case 2: if (rnd(32)) { if (p->boot_amount > 0) k = 1; else { if (!S_CheckActorSoundPlaying(pi, DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN)) S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN, pi); SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(32, 8, 0, 0)); s->extra -= 1 + (krand() & 3); } } break; case 3: if ((krand() & 3) == 1) if (p->on_ground) { if (p->OnMotorcycle) s->extra -= 2; else s->extra -= 4; S_PlayActorSound(DUKE_LONGTERM_PAIN, pi); } break; } return k; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void footprints(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pi = p->i; auto s = &sprite[pi]; auto psect = s->sectnum; if (p->footprintcount > 0 && p->on_ground) if ((sector[p->cursectnum].floorstat & 2) != 2) { int j; for (j = headspritesect[psect]; j >= 0; j = nextspritesect[j]) if (sprite[j].picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS || sprite[j].picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS2 || sprite[j].picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS3 || sprite[j].picnum == TILE_FOOTPRINTS4) if (abs(sprite[j].x - p->posx) < 384) if (abs(sprite[j].y - p->posy) < 384) break; if (j < 0) { p->footprintcount--; if (sector[p->cursectnum].lotag == 0 && sector[p->cursectnum].hitag == 0) { switch (krand() & 3) { case 0: j = fi.spawn(pi, TILE_FOOTPRINTS); break; case 1: j = fi.spawn(pi, TILE_FOOTPRINTS2); break; case 2: j = fi.spawn(pi, TILE_FOOTPRINTS3); break; default: j = fi.spawn(pi, TILE_FOOTPRINTS4); break; } sprite[j].pal = p->footprintpal; sprite[j].shade = p->footprintshade; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void playerisdead(int snum, int psectlotag, int fz, int cz) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto pi = p->i; auto s = &sprite[pi]; if (p->dead_flag == 0) { if (s->pal != 1) { SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(63, 63, 0, 0)); p->posz -= (16 << 8); s->z -= (16 << 8); } #if 0 if (ud.recstat == 1 && ud.multimode < 2) closedemowrite(); #endif if (s->pal != 1) p->dead_flag = (512 - ((krand() & 1) << 10) + (krand() & 255) - 512) & 2047; p->jetpack_on = 0; p->holoduke_on = -1; if (!isRR())S_StopSound(DUKE_JETPACK_IDLE, pi); S_StopSound(-1, pi, CHAN_VOICE); if (s->pal != 1 && (s->cstat & 32768) == 0) s->cstat = 0; if (ud.multimode > 1 && (s->pal != 1 || (s->cstat & 32768))) { if (p->frag_ps != snum) { ps[p->frag_ps].frag++; frags[p->frag_ps][snum]++; auto pname = &ud.user_name[p->frag_ps][0]; if (snum == screenpeek) { Printf(PRINT_NOTIFY, "Killed by %s", pname); } else { Printf(PRINT_NOTIFY, "Killed %s", pname); } } else p->fraggedself++; #if 0 if (myconnectindex == connecthead) { sprintf(tempbuf, "frag %d killed %d\n", p->frag_ps + 1, snum + 1); sendscore(tempbuf); // printf(tempbuf); } #endif p->frag_ps = snum; } } if (psectlotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER) { if (p->on_warping_sector == 0) { if (abs(p->posz - fz) > (PHEIGHT >> 1)) p->posz += 348; } else { s->z -= 512; s->zvel = -348; } clipmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 0, 0, 164L, (4L << 8), (4L << 8), CLIPMASK0); // p->bobcounter += 32; } p->oposx = p->posx; p->oposy = p->posy; p->oposz = p->posz; p->oq16ang = p->q16ang; p->opyoff = p->pyoff; p->sethoriz(100); p->q16horizoff = 0; updatesector(p->posx, p->posy, &p->cursectnum); pushmove(&p->posx, &p->posy, &p->posz, &p->cursectnum, 128L, (4L << 8), (20L << 8), CLIPMASK0); if (fz > cz + (16 << 8) && s->pal != 1) p->setrotscrnang((p->dead_flag + ((fz + p->posz) >> 7)) & 2047); p->on_warping_sector = 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int endoflevel(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; // the fist puching the end-of-level thing... p->fist_incs++; if (p->fist_incs == 28) { #if 0 if (ud.recstat == 1) closedemowrite(); #endif S_PlaySound(PIPEBOMB_EXPLODE); SetPlayerPal(p, PalEntry(48, 64, 64, 64)); } if (p->fist_incs > 42) { setnextmap(!!p->buttonpalette); return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int timedexit(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; p->timebeforeexit--; if (p->timebeforeexit == 26 * 5) { FX_StopAllSounds(); if (p->customexitsound >= 0) { S_PlaySound(p->customexitsound); FTA(102, p); } } else if (p->timebeforeexit == 1) { setnextmap(false); return true; } return false; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void playerCrouch(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; // crouching SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_CROUCH, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->posz += (2048 + 768); p->crack_time = 777; } } void playerJump(int snum, int fz, int cz) { auto p = &ps[snum]; if (p->jumping_toggle == 0 && p->jumping_counter == 0) { if ((fz - cz) > (56 << 8)) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_JUMP, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->jumping_counter = 1; p->jumping_toggle = 1; } } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void apply_seasick(player_struct* p, double factor) { if (isRRRA() && p->SeaSick) { if (p->SeaSick < 250) { if (p->SeaSick >= 180) p->addrotscrnang(24 * factor); else if (p->SeaSick >= 130) p->addrotscrnang(-24 * factor); else if (p->SeaSick >= 70) p->addrotscrnang(24 * factor); else if (p->SeaSick >= 20) p->addrotscrnang(-24 * factor); } if (p->SeaSick < 250) p->addlookang(((krand() & 255) - 128) * factor); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // split off because it can be called from multiple places. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void applylook(int snum, double factor) { auto p = &ps[snum]; if (sprite[p->i].extra > 0) { p->addrotscrnang(factor * -0.5 * fix16_to_dbl(p->q16rotscrnang)); if (abs(p->q16rotscrnang) < FRACUNIT) p->q16rotscrnang = 0; p->addlookang(factor * -0.25 * fix16_to_dbl(p->q16look_ang)); if (abs(p->q16look_ang) < FRACUNIT) p->q16look_ang = 0; if (p->lookLeft) { p->addlookang(factor * -152); p->addrotscrnang(factor * 24); } if (p->lookRight) { p->addlookang(factor * 152); p->addrotscrnang(factor * -24); } if (p->actorsqu >= 0) { p->q16ang += fix16_from_dbl(factor * (getincangle(p->getang(), getangle(sprite[p->actorsqu].x - p->posx, sprite[p->actorsqu].y - p->posy)) >> 2)); } if (p->one_eighty_count < 0 && p->on_crane < 0) { fixed_t add = fix16_from_dbl(factor * 128); p->one_eighty_count += add; if (p->one_eighty_count > 0) { // Don't overshoot our target. With variable factor this is possible. add -= p->one_eighty_count; p->one_eighty_count = 0; } p->q16ang += add; } apply_seasick(p, factor); } else { if (p->wackedbyactor >= 0 && sprite[p->wackedbyactor].statnum < MAXSTATUS) { p->q16ang += fix16_from_dbl(factor * (getincangle(p->getang(), getangle(sprite[p->wackedbyactor].x - p->posx, sprite[p->wackedbyactor].y - p->posy)) >> 1)); } } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void checklook(int snum, int sb_snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; p->lookLeft = false; p->lookRight = false; if ((sb_snum & SKB_LOOK_LEFT) && !p->OnMotorcycle) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKLEFT, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->lookLeft = true; } } if ((sb_snum & SKB_LOOK_RIGHT) && !p->OnMotorcycle) { SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKRIGHT, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->lookRight = true; } } p->oq16ang = p->q16ang; if (synchronized_input) applylook(snum, 1); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void sethorizon(int snum, int sb_snum, double factor, bool frominput) { auto p = &ps[snum]; // Calculate adjustment as true pitch (Fixed point nath really sucks...) if (p->horizAngleAdjust) { double horizAngle = atan2(p->q16horiz - F16(100), F16(128)) * (512. / pi::pi()) +factor * p->horizAngleAdjust; p->q16horiz = F16(100) + int(F16(128) * tan(horizAngle * (pi::pi() / 512.))); } else if (p->return_to_center > 0 && (sb_snum & (SKB_LOOK_UP | SKB_LOOK_DOWN)) == 0) // only snap back if no relevant button is pressed. { if (!frominput) p->return_to_center--; p->q16horiz += factor * (frominput? 2.016 : 1.) * (F16(33) - (p->q16horiz / 3)); // in P_GetInput this used different factors than in the original code. Hm... } p->q16horiz += int(factor * p->horizSkew); if (p->aim_mode == 0) { // threshold was 5 if (p->q16horiz > F16(99) && p->q16horiz < F16(101)) p->sethoriz(100); if (p->q16horizoff > F16(-1) && p->q16horizoff < F16(1)) p->sethorizoff(0); } p->q16horiz = clamp(p->q16horiz, F16(HORIZ_MIN), F16(HORIZ_MAX)); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void playerCenterView(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_RETURNTOCENTER, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->return_to_center = 9; } } void horizAngleAdjust(int snum, int delta) { ps[snum].horizAngleAdjust = delta; } void playerLookUp(int snum, ESyncBits sb_snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKUP, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->return_to_center = 9; horizAngleAdjust(snum, (sb_snum & SKB_RUN) ? 12 : 24); } } void playerLookDown(int snum, ESyncBits sb_snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_LOOKDOWN, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { p->return_to_center = 9; horizAngleAdjust(snum, (sb_snum & SKB_RUN) ? -12 : -24); } } void playerAimUp(int snum, ESyncBits sb_snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_AIMUP, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { horizAngleAdjust(snum, (sb_snum & SKB_RUN) ? 6 : 12); } } void playerAimDown(int snum, ESyncBits sb_snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; SetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, 0, p->i, snum); OnEvent(EVENT_AIMDOWN, p->i, snum, -1); if (GetGameVarID(g_iReturnVarID, p->i, snum) == 0) { horizAngleAdjust(snum, (sb_snum & SKB_RUN) ? -6 : -12); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // split out so that the weapon check can be done right. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool movementBlocked(int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; auto blockingweapon = [=]() { if (isRR()) return false; if (isWW2GI()) return aplWeaponWorksLike[p->curr_weapon][snum] == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON; else return p->curr_weapon == TRIPBOMB_WEAPON; }; auto weapondelay = [=]() { if (isWW2GI()) return aplWeaponFireDelay[p->curr_weapon][snum]; else return 4; }; return (p->fist_incs || p->transporter_hold > 2 || p->hard_landing || p->access_incs > 0 || p->knee_incs > 0 || (blockingweapon() && p->kickback_pic > 1 && p->kickback_pic < weapondelay())); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int haskey(int sect, int snum) { auto p = &ps[snum]; if (!sectorextra[sect]) return 1; if (sectorextra[sect] > 6) return 1; int wk = sectorextra[sect]; if (wk > 3) wk -= 3; if (p->keys[wk] == 1) { sectorextra[sect] = 0; return 1; } return 0; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // view - as in third person view (stupid name for this function) // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool view(struct player_struct* pp, int* vx, int* vy, int* vz, short* vsectnum, int ang, int horiz) { spritetype* sp; int i, nx, ny, nz, hx, hy, hitx, hity, hitz; short bakcstat, hitsect, hitwall, hitsprite, daang; nx = (sintable[(ang + 1536) & 2047] >> 4); ny = (sintable[(ang + 1024) & 2047] >> 4); nz = (horiz - 100) * 128; sp = &sprite[pp->i]; bakcstat = sp->cstat; sp->cstat &= (short)~0x101; updatesectorz(*vx, *vy, *vz, vsectnum); hitscan(*vx, *vy, *vz, *vsectnum, nx, ny, nz, &hitsect, &hitwall, &hitsprite, &hitx, &hity, &hitz, CLIPMASK1); if (*vsectnum < 0) { sp->cstat = bakcstat; return false; } hx = hitx - (*vx); hy = hity - (*vy); if (abs(nx) + abs(ny) > abs(hx) + abs(hy)) { *vsectnum = hitsect; if (hitwall >= 0) { daang = getangle(wall[wall[hitwall].point2].x - wall[hitwall].x, wall[wall[hitwall].point2].y - wall[hitwall].y); i = nx * sintable[daang] + ny * sintable[(daang + 1536) & 2047]; if (abs(nx) > abs(ny)) hx -= mulscale28(nx, i); else hy -= mulscale28(ny, i); } else if (hitsprite < 0) { if (abs(nx) > abs(ny)) hx -= (nx >> 5); else hy -= (ny >> 5); } if (abs(nx) > abs(ny)) i = divscale16(hx, nx); else i = divscale16(hy, ny); if (i < cameradist) cameradist = i; } *vx = (*vx) + mulscale16(nx, cameradist); *vy = (*vy) + mulscale16(ny, cameradist); *vz = (*vz) + mulscale16(nz, cameradist); cameradist = min(cameradist + (((int)totalclock - cameraclock) << 10), 65536); cameraclock = (int)totalclock; updatesectorz(*vx, *vy, *vz, vsectnum); sp->cstat = bakcstat; return true; } END_DUKE_NS