//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2016 EDuke32 developers and contributors This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "duke3d.h" #include "menus.h" #define gamevars_c_ #ifdef LUNATIC int32_t g_noResetVars; LUNATIC_CB void (*A_ResetVars)(int32_t spriteNum); #else gamevar_t aGameVars[MAXGAMEVARS]; gamearray_t aGameArrays[MAXGAMEARRAYS]; int32_t g_gameVarCount = 0; int32_t g_gameArrayCount = 0; // pointers to weapon gamevar data intptr_t *aplWeaponClip[MAX_WEAPONS]; // number of items in magazine intptr_t *aplWeaponReload[MAX_WEAPONS]; // delay to reload (include fire) intptr_t *aplWeaponFireDelay[MAX_WEAPONS]; // delay to fire intptr_t *aplWeaponHoldDelay[MAX_WEAPONS]; // delay after release fire button to fire (0 for none) intptr_t *aplWeaponTotalTime[MAX_WEAPONS]; // The total time the weapon is cycling before next fire. intptr_t *aplWeaponFlags[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Flags for weapon intptr_t *aplWeaponShoots[MAX_WEAPONS]; // what the weapon shoots intptr_t *aplWeaponSpawnTime[MAX_WEAPONS]; // the frame at which to spawn an item intptr_t *aplWeaponSpawn[MAX_WEAPONS]; // the item to spawn intptr_t *aplWeaponShotsPerBurst[MAX_WEAPONS]; // number of shots per 'burst' (one ammo per 'burst') intptr_t *aplWeaponWorksLike[MAX_WEAPONS]; // What original the weapon works like intptr_t *aplWeaponInitialSound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound made when weapon starts firing. zero for no sound intptr_t *aplWeaponFireSound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound made when firing (each time for automatic) intptr_t *aplWeaponSound2Time[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Alternate sound time intptr_t *aplWeaponSound2Sound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Alternate sound sound ID intptr_t *aplWeaponReloadSound1[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound of magazine being removed intptr_t *aplWeaponReloadSound2[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound of magazine being inserted intptr_t *aplWeaponSelectSound[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Sound of weapon being selected intptr_t *aplWeaponFlashColor[MAX_WEAPONS]; // Muzzle flash color # include "gamestructures.c" // Frees the memory for the *values* of game variables and arrays. Resets their // counts to zero. Call this function as many times as needed. // // Returns: old g_gameVarCount | (g_gameArrayCount<<16). static int Gv_Free(void) { for (bssize_t i=0; i> 16; gameVarCount &= 65535; // Now, only do work that Gv_Free() hasn't done. for (bssize_t i=0; ivars[j]) g_mapInfo[i].savedstate->vars[j] = (intptr_t *)Xaligned_alloc(PLAYER_VAR_ALIGNMENT, MAXPLAYERS * sizeof(intptr_t)); if (kdfread(&g_mapInfo[i].savedstate->vars[j][0],sizeof(intptr_t) * MAXPLAYERS, 1, kFile) != 1) goto corrupt; } else if (aGameVars[j].flags & GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) { // if (!g_mapInfo[i].savedstate->vars[j]) g_mapInfo[i].savedstate->vars[j] = (intptr_t *)Xaligned_alloc(ACTOR_VAR_ALIGNMENT, MAXSPRITES * sizeof(intptr_t)); if (kdfread(&g_mapInfo[i].savedstate->vars[j][0],sizeof(intptr_t), MAXSPRITES, kFile) != MAXSPRITES) goto corrupt; } } } else { G_FreeMapState(i); } } if (kread(kFile, tbuf, 12)!=12) goto corrupt; if (Bmemcmp(tbuf, "EOF: EDuke32", 12)) { OSD_Printf("EOF ERR\n"); return 2; } # if 0 { FILE *fp; AddLog("Dumping Vars..."); fp=fopen("xxx.txt","w"); if (fp) { Gv_DumpValues(fp); fclose(fp); } AddLog("Done Dumping..."); } # endif return 0; corrupt: return 1; } void Gv_WriteSave(FILE *fil) { char savedstate[MAXVOLUMES*MAXLEVELS]; Bmemset(&savedstate,0,sizeof(savedstate)); // AddLog("Saving Game Vars to File"); fwrite("BEG: EDuke32", 12, 1, fil); dfwrite(&g_gameVarCount,sizeof(g_gameVarCount),1,fil); for (bssize_t i=0; ivars[j][0],sizeof(intptr_t) * MAXPLAYERS, 1, fil); } else if (aGameVars[j].flags & GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) { dfwrite(&g_mapInfo[i].savedstate->vars[j][0],sizeof(intptr_t), MAXSPRITES, fil); } } } fwrite("EOF: EDuke32", 12, 1, fil); } void Gv_DumpValues(void) { OSD_Printf("// Current Game Definitions\n\n"); for (bssize_t i=0; ilog.errors = 0; for (bssize_t i=0; i= MAXGAMEARRAYS)) { g_errorCnt++; C_ReportError(-1); initprintf("%s:%d: error: too many arrays!\n",g_scriptFileName,g_lineNumber); return 0; } if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(Bstrlen(pszLabel) > (MAXARRAYLABEL-1))) { g_errorCnt++; C_ReportError(-1); initprintf("%s:%d: error: array name `%s' exceeds limit of %d characters.\n",g_scriptFileName,g_lineNumber,pszLabel, MAXARRAYLABEL); return 0; } i = hash_find(&h_arrays,pszLabel); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(i >=0 && !(aGameArrays[i].flags & GAMEARRAY_RESET))) { // found it it's a duplicate in error g_warningCnt++; if (aGameArrays[i].flags&GAMEARRAY_TYPE_MASK) { C_ReportError(-1); initprintf("ignored redefining system array `%s'.", pszLabel); } else C_ReportError(WARNING_DUPLICATEDEFINITION); return 0; } i = g_gameArrayCount; if (aGameArrays[i].szLabel == NULL) aGameArrays[i].szLabel = (char *)Xcalloc(MAXVARLABEL,sizeof(uint8_t)); if (aGameArrays[i].szLabel != pszLabel) Bstrcpy(aGameArrays[i].szLabel,pszLabel); if (!(nFlags & GAMEARRAY_TYPE_MASK)) { Baligned_free(aGameArrays[i].pValues); if (arraySize != 0) { aGameArrays[i].pValues = (intptr_t *)Xaligned_alloc(ACTOR_VAR_ALIGNMENT, arraySize * GAR_ELTSZ); Bmemset(aGameArrays[i].pValues, 0, arraySize * GAR_ELTSZ); } else aGameArrays[i].pValues = NULL; } else aGameArrays[i].pValues=(intptr_t *)pArray; aGameArrays[i].size = arraySize; aGameArrays[i].flags = nFlags & ~GAMEARRAY_RESET; g_gameArrayCount++; hash_add(&h_arrays, aGameArrays[i].szLabel, i, 1); return 1; } int32_t Gv_NewVar(const char *pszLabel, intptr_t lValue, uint32_t dwFlags) { //Bsprintf(g_szBuf,"Gv_NewVar(%s, %d, %X)",pszLabel, lValue, dwFlags); //AddLog(g_szBuf); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(g_gameVarCount >= MAXGAMEVARS)) { g_errorCnt++; C_ReportError(-1); initprintf("%s:%d: error: too many gamevars!\n",g_scriptFileName,g_lineNumber); return 0; } if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(Bstrlen(pszLabel) > (MAXVARLABEL-1))) { g_errorCnt++; C_ReportError(-1); initprintf("%s:%d: error: variable name `%s' exceeds limit of %d characters.\n",g_scriptFileName,g_lineNumber,pszLabel, MAXVARLABEL); return 0; } int gV = hash_find(&h_gamevars,pszLabel); if (gV >= 0 && !(aGameVars[gV].flags & GAMEVAR_RESET)) { // found it... if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(aGameVars[gV].flags & (GAMEVAR_PTR_MASK))) { C_ReportError(-1); initprintf("%s:%d: warning: cannot redefine internal gamevar `%s'.\n",g_scriptFileName,g_lineNumber,label+(g_labelCnt<<6)); return 0; } else if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(!(aGameVars[gV].flags & GAMEVAR_SYSTEM))) { // it's a duplicate in error g_warningCnt++; C_ReportError(WARNING_DUPLICATEDEFINITION); return 0; } } if (gV == -1) gV = g_gameVarCount; // If it's a user gamevar... if ((aGameVars[gV].flags & GAMEVAR_SYSTEM) == 0) { // Allocate and set its label if (aGameVars[gV].szLabel == NULL) aGameVars[gV].szLabel = (char *)Xcalloc(MAXVARLABEL,sizeof(uint8_t)); if (aGameVars[gV].szLabel != pszLabel) Bstrcpy(aGameVars[gV].szLabel,pszLabel); // and the flags aGameVars[gV].flags=dwFlags; // only free if per-{actor,player} if (aGameVars[gV].flags & GAMEVAR_USER_MASK) ALIGNED_FREE_AND_NULL(aGameVars[gV].pValues); } // if existing is system, they only get to change default value.... aGameVars[gV].defaultValue = lValue; aGameVars[gV].flags &= ~GAMEVAR_RESET; if (gV == g_gameVarCount) { // we're adding a new one. hash_add(&h_gamevars, aGameVars[gV].szLabel, g_gameVarCount++, 0); } // Set initial values. (Or, override values for system gamevars.) if (aGameVars[gV].flags & GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER) { if (!aGameVars[gV].pValues) { aGameVars[gV].pValues = (intptr_t *) Xaligned_alloc(PLAYER_VAR_ALIGNMENT, MAXPLAYERS * sizeof(intptr_t)); Bmemset(aGameVars[gV].pValues, 0, MAXPLAYERS * sizeof(intptr_t)); } for (bssize_t j=MAXPLAYERS-1; j>=0; --j) aGameVars[gV].pValues[j]=lValue; } else if (aGameVars[gV].flags & GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) { if (!aGameVars[gV].pValues) { aGameVars[gV].pValues = (intptr_t *) Xaligned_alloc(ACTOR_VAR_ALIGNMENT, MAXSPRITES * sizeof(intptr_t)); Bmemset(aGameVars[gV].pValues, 0, MAXSPRITES * sizeof(intptr_t)); } for (bssize_t j=MAXSPRITES-1; j>=0; --j) aGameVars[gV].pValues[j]=lValue; } else aGameVars[gV].global = lValue; return 1; } static int Gv_GetVarIndex(const char *szGameLabel) { int const gameVar = hash_find(&h_gamevars,szGameLabel); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(gameVar == -1)) { OSD_Printf(OSD_ERROR "Gv_GetVarIndex(): INTERNAL ERROR: couldn't find gamevar %s!\n",szGameLabel); return 0; } return gameVar; } int __fastcall Gv_GetArrayValue(int const id, int index) { if (aGameArrays[id].flags & GAMEARRAY_STRIDE2) index <<= 1; int returnValue = -1; switch (aGameArrays[id].flags & GAMEARRAY_TYPE_MASK) { case 0: returnValue = (aGameArrays[id].pValues)[index]; break; case GAMEARRAY_OFINT: returnValue = ((int32_t *)aGameArrays[id].pValues)[index]; break; case GAMEARRAY_OFSHORT: returnValue = ((int16_t *)aGameArrays[id].pValues)[index]; break; case GAMEARRAY_OFCHAR: returnValue = ((uint8_t *)aGameArrays[id].pValues)[index]; break; } return returnValue; } int __fastcall Gv_GetVar(int gameVar, int spriteNum, int playerNum) { if (gameVar == g_thisActorVarID) return spriteNum; if (gameVar == MAXGAMEVARS) return *insptr++; int invertResult = !!(gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS << 1)); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((gameVar & ~(MAXGAMEVARS << 1)) >= g_gameVarCount)) goto special; gameVar &= (MAXGAMEVARS - 1); int returnValue, varFlags; varFlags = aGameVars[gameVar].flags & (GAMEVAR_USER_MASK | GAMEVAR_PTR_MASK); if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) spriteNum >= MAXSPRITES)) goto badindex; returnValue = aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[spriteNum]; } else if (!varFlags) returnValue = aGameVars[gameVar].global; else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) playerNum >= MAXPLAYERS)) { spriteNum = playerNum; goto badindex; } returnValue = aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[playerNum]; } else switch (varFlags) { case GAMEVAR_INTPTR: returnValue = *(int32_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global; break; case GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR: returnValue = *(int16_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global; break; case GAMEVAR_CHARPTR: returnValue = *(char *)aGameVars[gameVar].global; break; default: EDUKE32_UNREACHABLE_SECTION(returnValue = 0; break); } return (returnValue ^ -invertResult) + invertResult; special: if (gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS << 2)) // array { gameVar &= (MAXGAMEVARS - 1); // ~((MAXGAMEVARS<<2)|(MAXGAMEVARS<<1)); int const arrayIndex = Gv_GetVar(*insptr++, spriteNum, playerNum); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned)arrayIndex >= (unsigned)aGameArrays[gameVar].size)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badarrayindex; } returnValue = Gv_GetArrayValue(gameVar, arrayIndex); } else if (gameVar&(MAXGAMEVARS<<3)) // struct shortcut vars { int arrayIndexVar = *insptr++; int arrayIndex = Gv_GetVar(arrayIndexVar, spriteNum, playerNum); gameVar &= (MAXGAMEVARS - 1); switch (gameVar - g_structVarIDs) { case STRUCT_SPRITE: { int const label = *insptr++; arrayIndexVar = (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(ActorLabels[label].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2)) ? Gv_GetVar(*insptr++, spriteNum, playerNum) : 0; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSPRITES)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetSprite(arrayIndex, label, arrayIndexVar); break; } case STRUCT_TSPR: { int const label = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSPRITES)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetTsprite(arrayIndex, label); break; } case STRUCT_THISPROJECTILE: { int const label = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSPRITES)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetActiveProjectile(arrayIndex, label); break; } case STRUCT_PROJECTILE: { int const label = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXTILES)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetProjectile(arrayIndex, label); break; } case STRUCT_TILEDATA: { int const label = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXTILES)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetTileData(arrayIndex, label); break; } case STRUCT_PALDATA: { int const label = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXPALOOKUPS)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetPalData(arrayIndex, label); break; } case STRUCT_PLAYER: { int const label = *insptr++; if (arrayIndexVar == g_thisActorVarID) arrayIndex = vm.playerNum; arrayIndexVar = (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(PlayerLabels[label].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2)) ? Gv_GetVar(*insptr++, spriteNum, playerNum) : 0; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXPLAYERS)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetPlayer(arrayIndex, label, arrayIndexVar); break; } case STRUCT_INPUT: { int const label = *insptr++; if (arrayIndexVar == g_thisActorVarID) arrayIndex = vm.playerNum; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXPLAYERS)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetPlayerInput(arrayIndex, label); break; } case STRUCT_ACTORVAR: case STRUCT_PLAYERVAR: returnValue = Gv_GetVar(*insptr++, arrayIndex, playerNum); break; case STRUCT_SECTOR: if (arrayIndexVar == g_thisActorVarID) arrayIndex = sprite[vm.spriteNum].sectnum; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSECTORS)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; insptr++; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetSector(arrayIndex, *insptr++); break; case STRUCT_WALL: if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXWALLS)) { spriteNum = arrayIndex; insptr++; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetWall(arrayIndex, *insptr++); break; case STRUCT_USERDEF: returnValue = VM_GetUserdef(*insptr++); break; default: EDUKE32_UNREACHABLE_SECTION(return -1); } } else { CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_GetVar(): invalid gamevar ID (%d)\n", gameVar); return -1; } return (returnValue ^ -invertResult) + invertResult; badarrayindex: CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_GetVar(): invalid array index (%s[%d])\n", aGameArrays[gameVar].szLabel,spriteNum); return -1; badindex: CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_GetVar(): invalid index %d for \"%s\"\n", spriteNum, aGameVars[gameVar].szLabel); return -1; } void __fastcall Gv_SetVar(int const gameVar, int const newValue, int const spriteNum, int const playerNum) { int const varFlags = aGameVars[gameVar].flags & (GAMEVAR_USER_MASK|GAMEVAR_PTR_MASK); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned)gameVar >= (unsigned)g_gameVarCount)) goto badvarid; if (!varFlags) aGameVars[gameVar].global=newValue; else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) playerNum > MAXPLAYERS-1)) goto badindex; // for the current player aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[playerNum]=newValue; } else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) spriteNum > MAXSPRITES-1)) goto badindex; aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[spriteNum]=newValue; } else { switch (varFlags) { case GAMEVAR_INTPTR: *((int32_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global) = (int32_t)newValue; break; case GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR: *((int16_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global) = (int16_t)newValue; break; case GAMEVAR_CHARPTR: *((uint8_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global) = (uint8_t)newValue; break; } } return; badvarid: CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_SetVar(): invalid gamevar (%d) from sprite %d (%d), player %d\n", gameVar,vm.spriteNum,TrackerCast(sprite[vm.spriteNum].picnum),vm.playerNum); return; badindex: CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_SetVar(): invalid index (%d) for gamevar %s from sprite %d, player %d\n", aGameVars[gameVar].flags & GAMEVAR_PERACTOR ? spriteNum : playerNum, aGameVars[gameVar].szLabel,vm.spriteNum,vm.playerNum); } enum { GVX_BADVARID = 0, GVX_BADPLAYER, GVX_BADSPRITE, GVX_BADSECTOR, GVX_BADWALL, GVX_BADINDEX, GVX_BADTILE, GVX_BADPAL, }; static const char *gvxerrs[] = { "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid gamevar ID", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid player ID", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid sprite ID", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid sector ID", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid wall ID", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid array index", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid tile ID", "Gv_GetVarX(): invalid pal ID", }; int __fastcall Gv_GetSpecialVarX(int gameVar) { int returnValue = -1; if (gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS << 2)) // array { int const arrayIndex = Gv_GetVarX(*insptr++); gameVar &= (MAXGAMEVARS - 1); // ~((MAXGAMEVARS<<2)|(MAXGAMEVARS<<1)); int const arraySiz = (aGameArrays[gameVar].flags & GAMEARRAY_VARSIZE) ? Gv_GetVarX(aGameArrays[gameVar].size) : aGameArrays[gameVar].size; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= (unsigned) arraySiz)) { CON_ERRPRINTF("%s %s[%d]\n", gvxerrs[GVX_BADINDEX], aGameArrays[gameVar].szLabel, arrayIndex); return -1; } returnValue = Gv_GetArrayValue(gameVar, arrayIndex); } else if (gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS << 3)) // struct shortcut vars { int arrayIndexVar = *insptr++; int arrayIndex = Gv_GetVarX(arrayIndexVar); switch ((gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS - 1)) - g_structVarIDs) { case STRUCT_SPRITE: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; arrayIndexVar = (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(ActorLabels[labelNum].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2)) ? Gv_GetVarX(*insptr++) : 0; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSPRITES)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADSPRITE; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetSprite(arrayIndex, labelNum, arrayIndexVar); break; } case STRUCT_TSPR: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSPRITES)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADSPRITE; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetTsprite(arrayIndex, labelNum); break; } case STRUCT_THISPROJECTILE: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSPRITES)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADSPRITE; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetActiveProjectile(arrayIndex, labelNum); break; } case STRUCT_PROJECTILE: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXTILES)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADTILE; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetProjectile(arrayIndex, labelNum); break; } case STRUCT_TILEDATA: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXTILES)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADTILE; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetTileData(arrayIndex, labelNum); break; } case STRUCT_PALDATA: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXPALOOKUPS)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADPAL; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetPalData(arrayIndex, labelNum); break; } case STRUCT_PLAYER: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (arrayIndexVar == g_thisActorVarID) arrayIndex = vm.playerNum; arrayIndexVar = (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(PlayerLabels[labelNum].flags & LABEL_HASPARM2)) ? Gv_GetVarX(*insptr++) : 0; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXPLAYERS)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADPLAYER; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetPlayer(arrayIndex, labelNum, arrayIndexVar); break; } case STRUCT_INPUT: { int const labelNum = *insptr++; if (arrayIndexVar == g_thisActorVarID) arrayIndex = vm.playerNum; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXPLAYERS)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; returnValue = GVX_BADPLAYER; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetPlayerInput(arrayIndex, labelNum); break; } case STRUCT_ACTORVAR: case STRUCT_PLAYERVAR: returnValue = Gv_GetVar(*insptr++, arrayIndex, vm.playerNum); break; case STRUCT_SECTOR: if (arrayIndexVar == g_thisActorVarID) arrayIndex = sprite[vm.spriteNum].sectnum; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXSECTORS)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; insptr++; returnValue = GVX_BADSECTOR; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetSector(arrayIndex, *insptr++); break; case STRUCT_WALL: if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) arrayIndex >= MAXWALLS)) { gameVar = arrayIndex; insptr++; returnValue = GVX_BADWALL; goto badindex; } returnValue = VM_GetWall(arrayIndex, *insptr++); break; case STRUCT_USERDEF: returnValue = VM_GetUserdef(*insptr++); break; default: EDUKE32_UNREACHABLE_SECTION(return -1); } } return returnValue; badindex: CON_ERRPRINTF("%s %d\n", gvxerrs[returnValue], gameVar); return -1; } int __fastcall Gv_GetVarX(int gameVar) { if (gameVar == g_thisActorVarID) return vm.spriteNum; if (gameVar == MAXGAMEVARS) return *insptr++; int const invertResult = !!(gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS << 1)); int returnValue = -1; if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(gameVar >= g_gameVarCount && invertResult == 0)) returnValue = Gv_GetSpecialVarX(gameVar); else { gameVar &= MAXGAMEVARS-1; int const varFlags = aGameVars[gameVar].flags & (GAMEVAR_USER_MASK|GAMEVAR_PTR_MASK); if (!varFlags) returnValue = aGameVars[gameVar].global; else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned) vm.playerNum >= MAXPLAYERS)) goto perr; returnValue = aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[vm.playerNum]; } else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) returnValue = aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[vm.spriteNum]; else switch (varFlags) { case GAMEVAR_INTPTR: returnValue = (*((int32_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global)); break; case GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR: returnValue = (*((int16_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global)); break; case GAMEVAR_CHARPTR: returnValue = (*((uint8_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global)); break; } } return (returnValue ^ -invertResult) + invertResult; perr: CON_ERRPRINTF("%s %d\n", gvxerrs[GVX_BADPLAYER], vm.playerNum); return -1; } void __fastcall Gv_GetManyVars(int const count, int32_t * const rv) { for (bssize_t j = 0; j < count; ++j) { int gameVar = *insptr++; if (gameVar == g_thisActorVarID) { rv[j] = vm.spriteNum; continue; } if (gameVar == MAXGAMEVARS) { rv[j] = *insptr++; continue; } int const invertResult = !!(gameVar & (MAXGAMEVARS << 1)); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(gameVar >= g_gameVarCount && invertResult == 0)) { rv[j] = Gv_GetSpecialVarX(gameVar); continue; } gameVar &= MAXGAMEVARS - 1; int const varFlags = aGameVars[gameVar].flags & (GAMEVAR_USER_MASK | GAMEVAR_PTR_MASK); int value = aGameVars[gameVar].global; if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned)vm.playerNum >= MAXPLAYERS)) goto perr; value = aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[vm.playerNum]; } else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) value = aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[vm.spriteNum]; else { switch (varFlags) { case GAMEVAR_INTPTR: value = (*((int32_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global)); break; case GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR: value = (*((int16_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global)); break; case GAMEVAR_CHARPTR: value = (*((uint8_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global)); break; } } rv[j] = (value ^ -invertResult) + invertResult; continue; perr: CON_ERRPRINTF("%s %d\n", gvxerrs[GVX_BADPLAYER], vm.playerNum); } } void __fastcall Gv_SetVarX(int const gameVar, int const newValue) { int const varFlags = aGameVars[gameVar].flags & (GAMEVAR_USER_MASK|GAMEVAR_PTR_MASK); if (!varFlags) aGameVars[gameVar].global = newValue; else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned)vm.playerNum >= MAXPLAYERS)) goto badindex; aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[vm.playerNum] = newValue; } else if (varFlags == GAMEVAR_PERACTOR) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE((unsigned)vm.spriteNum >= MAXSPRITES)) goto badindex; aGameVars[gameVar].pValues[vm.spriteNum] = newValue; } else switch (varFlags) { case GAMEVAR_INTPTR: *((int32_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global) = (int32_t)newValue; break; case GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR: *((int16_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global) = (int16_t)newValue; break; case GAMEVAR_CHARPTR: *((uint8_t *)aGameVars[gameVar].global) = (uint8_t)newValue; break; } return; badindex: CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_SetVar(): invalid index (%d) for gamevar %s\n", aGameVars[gameVar].flags & GAMEVAR_PERACTOR ? vm.spriteNum : vm.playerNum, aGameVars[gameVar].szLabel); } int Gv_GetVarByLabel(const char *szGameLabel, int const defaultValue, int const spriteNum, int const playerNum) { int const gameVar = hash_find(&h_gamevars, szGameLabel); return EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(gameVar < 0) ? defaultValue : Gv_GetVar(gameVar, spriteNum, playerNum); } static intptr_t *Gv_GetVarDataPtr(const char *szGameLabel) { int const gameVar = hash_find(&h_gamevars, szGameLabel); if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(gameVar < 0)) return NULL; if (aGameVars[gameVar].flags & (GAMEVAR_PERACTOR | GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER)) { if (EDUKE32_PREDICT_FALSE(!aGameVars[gameVar].pValues)) CON_ERRPRINTF("Gv_GetVarDataPtr(): INTERNAL ERROR: NULL array !!!\n"); return aGameVars[gameVar].pValues; } return &(aGameVars[gameVar].global); } #endif // !defined LUNATIC void Gv_ResetSystemDefaults(void) { // call many times... #if !defined LUNATIC char aszBuf[64]; //AddLog("ResetWeaponDefaults"); for (int weaponNum = 0; weaponNum < MAX_WEAPONS; ++weaponNum) { for (bssize_t playerNum = 0; playerNum < MAXPLAYERS; ++playerNum) { Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_CLIP", weaponNum); aplWeaponClip[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_RELOAD", weaponNum); aplWeaponReload[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FIREDELAY", weaponNum); aplWeaponFireDelay[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_TOTALTIME", weaponNum); aplWeaponTotalTime[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_HOLDDELAY", weaponNum); aplWeaponHoldDelay[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FLAGS", weaponNum); aplWeaponFlags[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SHOOTS", weaponNum); aplWeaponShoots[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); if ((unsigned)aplWeaponShoots[weaponNum][playerNum] >= MAXTILES) aplWeaponShoots[weaponNum][playerNum] = 0; Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SPAWNTIME", weaponNum); aplWeaponSpawnTime[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SPAWN", weaponNum); aplWeaponSpawn[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SHOTSPERBURST", weaponNum); aplWeaponShotsPerBurst[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_WORKSLIKE", weaponNum); aplWeaponWorksLike[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_INITIALSOUND", weaponNum); aplWeaponInitialSound[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FIRESOUND", weaponNum); aplWeaponFireSound[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SOUND2TIME", weaponNum); aplWeaponSound2Time[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SOUND2SOUND", weaponNum); aplWeaponSound2Sound[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_RELOADSOUND1", weaponNum); aplWeaponReloadSound1[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_RELOADSOUND2", weaponNum); aplWeaponReloadSound2[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SELECTSOUND", weaponNum); aplWeaponSelectSound[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FLASHCOLOR", weaponNum); aplWeaponFlashColor[weaponNum][playerNum] = Gv_GetVarByLabel(aszBuf, 0, -1, playerNum); } } g_returnVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("RETURN"); g_weaponVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("WEAPON"); g_worksLikeVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("WORKSLIKE"); g_zRangeVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("ZRANGE"); g_angRangeVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("ANGRANGE"); g_aimAngleVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("AUTOAIMANGLE"); g_lotagVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("LOTAG"); g_hitagVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("HITAG"); g_textureVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("TEXTURE"); g_thisActorVarID = Gv_GetVarIndex("THISACTOR"); g_structVarIDs = Gv_GetVarIndex("sprite"); #endif for (bssize_t weaponNum = 0; weaponNum <= MAXTILES - 1; weaponNum++) if (g_tile[weaponNum].defproj) *g_tile[weaponNum].proj = *g_tile[weaponNum].defproj; //AddLog("EOF:ResetWeaponDefaults"); } // Will set members that were overridden at CON translation time to 1. // For example, if // gamevar WEAPON1_SHOOTS 2200 GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER // was specified at file scope, g_weaponOverridden[1].Shoots will be 1. weapondata_t g_weaponOverridden[MAX_WEAPONS]; static weapondata_t weapondefaults[MAX_WEAPONS] = { /* WorksLike, Clip, Reload, FireDelay, TotalTime, HoldDelay, Flags, Shoots, SpawnTime, Spawn, ShotsPerBurst, InitialSound, FireSound, Sound2Time, Sound2Sound, ReloadSound1, ReloadSound2, SelectSound, FlashColor */ { KNEE_WEAPON, 0, 0, 7, 14, 0, WEAPON_NOVISIBLE | WEAPON_RANDOMRESTART | WEAPON_AUTOMATIC, KNEE__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, 0, 0 }, { PISTOL_WEAPON, 12, 27, 2, 5, 0, WEAPON_RELOAD_TIMING, SHOTSPARK1__STATIC, 2, SHELL__STATIC, 0, 0, PISTOL_FIRE__STATIC, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, 255+(95<<8) }, { SHOTGUN_WEAPON, 0, 13, 4, 30, 0, WEAPON_CHECKATRELOAD, SHOTGUN__STATIC, 24, SHOTGUNSHELL__STATIC, 7, 0, SHOTGUN_FIRE__STATIC, 15, SHOTGUN_COCK__STATIC, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SHOTGUN_COCK__STATIC, 255+(95<<8) }, { CHAINGUN_WEAPON, 0, 0, 3, 12, 3, WEAPON_AUTOMATIC | WEAPON_FIREEVERYTHIRD | WEAPON_AMMOPERSHOT | WEAPON_SPAWNTYPE3 | WEAPON_RESET, CHAINGUN__STATIC, 1, SHELL__STATIC, 0, 0, CHAINGUN_FIRE__STATIC, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC, 255+(95<<8) }, { RPG_WEAPON, 0, 0, 4, 20, 0, 0, RPG__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC, 255+(95<<8) }, { HANDBOMB_WEAPON, 0, 30, 6, 19, 12, WEAPON_THROWIT, HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, 0, 0 }, { SHRINKER_WEAPON, 0, 0, 10, 12, 0, WEAPON_GLOWS, SHRINKER__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, SHRINKER_FIRE__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC, 176+(252<<8)+(120<<16) }, { DEVISTATOR_WEAPON, 0, 0, 3, 6, 5, WEAPON_FIREEVERYOTHER | WEAPON_AMMOPERSHOT, RPG__STATIC, 0, 0, 2, CAT_FIRE__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC, 255+(95<<8) }, { TRIPBOMB_WEAPON, 0, 16, 3, 16, 7, WEAPON_NOVISIBLE | WEAPON_STANDSTILL | WEAPON_CHECKATRELOAD, HANDHOLDINGLASER__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, 0, 0 }, { FREEZE_WEAPON, 0, 0, 3, 5, 0, WEAPON_RESET, FREEZEBLAST__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, CAT_FIRE__STATIC, CAT_FIRE__STATIC, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC, 72+(88<<8)+(140<<16) }, { HANDREMOTE_WEAPON, 0, 10, 2, 10, 0, WEAPON_BOMB_TRIGGER | WEAPON_NOVISIBLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, 0, 0 }, { GROW_WEAPON, 0, 0, 3, 5, 0, WEAPON_GLOWS, GROWSPARK__STATIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, EXPANDERSHOOT__STATIC, 0, 0, EJECT_CLIP__STATIC, INSERT_CLIP__STATIC, SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC, 216+(52<<8)+(20<<16) }, }; // KEEPINSYNC with what is contained above // XXX: ugly static int32_t G_StaticToDynamicTile(int32_t const tile) { switch (tile) { case CHAINGUN__STATIC: return CHAINGUN; case FREEZEBLAST__STATIC: return FREEZEBLAST; case GROWSPARK__STATIC: return GROWSPARK; case HANDHOLDINGLASER__STATIC: return HANDHOLDINGLASER; case HEAVYHBOMB__STATIC: return HEAVYHBOMB; case KNEE__STATIC: return KNEE; case RPG__STATIC: return RPG; case SHELL__STATIC: return SHELL; case SHOTGUNSHELL__STATIC: return SHOTGUNSHELL; case SHOTGUN__STATIC: return SHOTGUN; case SHOTSPARK1__STATIC: return SHOTSPARK1; case SHRINKER__STATIC: return SHRINKER; default: return tile; } } static int32_t G_StaticToDynamicSound(int32_t const sound) { switch (sound) { case CAT_FIRE__STATIC: return CAT_FIRE; case CHAINGUN_FIRE__STATIC: return CHAINGUN_FIRE; case EJECT_CLIP__STATIC: return EJECT_CLIP; case EXPANDERSHOOT__STATIC: return EXPANDERSHOOT; case INSERT_CLIP__STATIC: return INSERT_CLIP; case PISTOL_FIRE__STATIC: return PISTOL_FIRE; case SELECT_WEAPON__STATIC: return SELECT_WEAPON; case SHOTGUN_FIRE__STATIC: return SHOTGUN_FIRE; case SHOTGUN_COCK__STATIC: return SHOTGUN_COCK; case SHRINKER_FIRE__STATIC: return SHRINKER_FIRE; default: return sound; } } // Initialize WEAPONx_* gamevars. Since for Lunatic, they reside on the C side, // they're set directly. In C-CON, a new CON variable is defined together with // its initial value. #ifdef LUNATIC # define ADDWEAPONVAR(Weapidx, Membname) do { \ int32_t j; \ for (j=0; jpipebombControl = NAM_WW2GI ? PIPEBOMB_TIMER : PIPEBOMB_REMOTE; ps->pipebombLifetime = NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME; ps->pipebombLifetimeVar = NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR; ps->tripbombControl = TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE; ps->tripbombLifetime = NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME; ps->tripbombLifetimeVar = NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR; } #else Gv_NewVar("GRENADE_LIFETIME", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("STICKYBOMB_LIFETIME_VAR", NAM_GRENADE_LIFETIME_VAR, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("TRIPBOMB_CONTROL", TRIPBOMB_TRIPWIRE, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("PIPEBOMB_CONTROL", NAM_WW2GI ? PIPEBOMB_TIMER : PIPEBOMB_REMOTE, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("RESPAWN_MONSTERS", (intptr_t)&ud.respawn_monsters,GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("RESPAWN_ITEMS",(intptr_t)&ud.respawn_items, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("RESPAWN_INVENTORY",(intptr_t)&ud.respawn_inventory, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("MONSTERS_OFF",(intptr_t)&ud.monsters_off, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("MARKER",(intptr_t)&ud.marker, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("FFIRE",(intptr_t)&ud.ffire, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("LEVEL",(intptr_t)&ud.level_number, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("VOLUME",(intptr_t)&ud.volume_number, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("COOP",(intptr_t)&ud.coop, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("MULTIMODE",(intptr_t)&ud.multimode, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("WEAPON", 0, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("WORKSLIKE", 0, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("RETURN", 0, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("ZRANGE", 4, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("ANGRANGE", 18, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("AUTOAIMANGLE", 0, GAMEVAR_PERPLAYER | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("LOTAG", 0, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("HITAG", 0, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("TEXTURE", 0, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("THISACTOR", 0, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); // special vars for struct access // KEEPINSYNC gamedef.h: enum QuickStructureAccess_t Gv_NewVar("sprite", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("sector", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("wall", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("player", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("actorvar", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("playervar", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("tspr", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("projectile", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("thisprojectile", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("userdef", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("input", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("tiledata", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("paldata", -1, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SPECIAL); Gv_NewVar("myconnectindex", (intptr_t)&myconnectindex, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("screenpeek", (intptr_t)&screenpeek, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("currentweapon",(intptr_t)&hudweap.cur, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("gs",(intptr_t)&hudweap.shade, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("looking_arc",(intptr_t)&hudweap.lookhoriz, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("gun_pos",(intptr_t)&hudweap.gunposy, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("weapon_xoffset",(intptr_t)&hudweap.gunposx, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("weaponcount",(intptr_t)&hudweap.count, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("looking_angSR1",(intptr_t)&hudweap.lookhalfang, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); Gv_NewVar("xdim",(intptr_t)&xdim, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("ydim",(intptr_t)&ydim, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("windowx1",(intptr_t)&windowxy1.x, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("windowx2",(intptr_t)&windowxy2.x, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("windowy1",(intptr_t)&windowxy1.y, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("windowy2",(intptr_t)&windowxy2.y, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("totalclock",(intptr_t)&totalclock, GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("lastvisinc",(intptr_t)&lastvisinc, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("numsectors",(intptr_t)&numsectors, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("current_menu",(intptr_t)&g_currentMenu, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("numplayers",(intptr_t)&numplayers, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("viewingrange",(intptr_t)&viewingrange, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("yxaspect",(intptr_t)&yxaspect, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("gravitationalconstant",(intptr_t)&g_spriteGravity, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("gametype_flags",(intptr_t)&g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop], GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("framerate",(intptr_t)&g_frameRate, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("CLIPMASK0", CLIPMASK0, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM|GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("CLIPMASK1", CLIPMASK1, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM|GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("camerax",(intptr_t)&ud.camerapos.x, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("cameray",(intptr_t)&ud.camerapos.y, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("cameraz",(intptr_t)&ud.camerapos.z, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("cameraang",(intptr_t)&ud.cameraang, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR); Gv_NewVar("camerahoriz",(intptr_t)&ud.camerahoriz, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR); Gv_NewVar("camerasect",(intptr_t)&ud.camerasect, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR); Gv_NewVar("cameradist",(intptr_t)&g_cameraDistance, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("cameraclock",(intptr_t)&g_cameraClock, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("display_mirror",(intptr_t)&display_mirror, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_CHARPTR); Gv_NewVar("randomseed",(intptr_t)&randomseed, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); Gv_NewVar("NUMWALLS",(intptr_t)&numwalls, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("NUMSECTORS",(intptr_t)&numsectors, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_SHORTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("Numsprites",(intptr_t)&Numsprites, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_READONLY); Gv_NewVar("lastsavepos",(intptr_t)&g_lastSaveSlot, GAMEVAR_SYSTEM | GAMEVAR_INTPTR); # ifdef USE_OPENGL Gv_NewVar("rendmode",(intptr_t)&rendmode, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_INTPTR | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); # else Gv_NewVar("rendmode", 0, GAMEVAR_READONLY | GAMEVAR_SYSTEM); # endif // SYSTEM_GAMEARRAY Gv_NewArray("tilesizx", (void *)&tilesiz[0].x, MAXTILES, GAMEARRAY_STRIDE2|GAMEARRAY_READONLY|GAMEARRAY_OFINT); Gv_NewArray("tilesizy", (void *)&tilesiz[0].y, MAXTILES, GAMEARRAY_STRIDE2|GAMEARRAY_READONLY|GAMEARRAY_OFINT); #endif } #undef ADDWEAPONVAR void Gv_Init(void) { #if !defined LUNATIC // already initialized if (aGameVars[0].flags) return; Gv_Clear(); #else static int32_t inited=0; if (inited) return; inited = 1; #endif // Set up weapon defaults, g_playerWeapon[][]. Gv_AddSystemVars(); #if !defined LUNATIC Gv_InitWeaponPointers(); #endif Gv_ResetSystemDefaults(); } #if !defined LUNATIC void Gv_InitWeaponPointers(void) { char aszBuf[64]; // called from game Init AND when level is loaded... //AddLog("Gv_InitWeaponPointers"); for (int i=(MAX_WEAPONS-1); i>=0; i--) { Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_CLIP", i); aplWeaponClip[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); if (!aplWeaponClip[i]) { initprintf("ERROR: NULL weapon! WTF?! %s\n", aszBuf); // Bexit(0); G_Shutdown(); } Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_RELOAD", i); aplWeaponReload[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FIREDELAY", i); aplWeaponFireDelay[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_TOTALTIME", i); aplWeaponTotalTime[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_HOLDDELAY", i); aplWeaponHoldDelay[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FLAGS", i); aplWeaponFlags[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SHOOTS", i); aplWeaponShoots[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SPAWNTIME", i); aplWeaponSpawnTime[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SPAWN", i); aplWeaponSpawn[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SHOTSPERBURST", i); aplWeaponShotsPerBurst[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_WORKSLIKE", i); aplWeaponWorksLike[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_INITIALSOUND", i); aplWeaponInitialSound[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FIRESOUND", i); aplWeaponFireSound[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SOUND2TIME", i); aplWeaponSound2Time[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SOUND2SOUND", i); aplWeaponSound2Sound[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_RELOADSOUND1", i); aplWeaponReloadSound1[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_RELOADSOUND2", i); aplWeaponReloadSound2[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_SELECTSOUND", i); aplWeaponSelectSound[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); Bsprintf(aszBuf, "WEAPON%d_FLASHCOLOR", i); aplWeaponFlashColor[i] = Gv_GetVarDataPtr(aszBuf); } } void Gv_RefreshPointers(void) { aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("RESPAWN_MONSTERS")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.respawn_monsters; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("RESPAWN_ITEMS")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.respawn_items; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("RESPAWN_INVENTORY")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.respawn_inventory; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("MONSTERS_OFF")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.monsters_off; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("MARKER")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.marker; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("FFIRE")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.ffire; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("LEVEL")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.level_number; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("VOLUME")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.volume_number; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("COOP")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.coop; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("MULTIMODE")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.multimode; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("myconnectindex")].global = (intptr_t)&myconnectindex; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("screenpeek")].global = (intptr_t)&screenpeek; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("currentweapon")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.cur; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("gs")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.shade; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("looking_arc")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.lookhoriz; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("gun_pos")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.gunposy; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("weapon_xoffset")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.gunposx; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("weaponcount")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.count; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("looking_angSR1")].global = (intptr_t)&hudweap.lookhalfang; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("xdim")].global = (intptr_t)&xdim; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("ydim")].global = (intptr_t)&ydim; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("windowx1")].global = (intptr_t)&windowxy1.x; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("windowx2")].global = (intptr_t)&windowxy2.x; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("windowy1")].global = (intptr_t)&windowxy1.y; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("windowy2")].global = (intptr_t)&windowxy2.y; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("totalclock")].global = (intptr_t)&totalclock; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("lastvisinc")].global = (intptr_t)&lastvisinc; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("numsectors")].global = (intptr_t)&numsectors; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("numplayers")].global = (intptr_t)&numplayers; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("current_menu")].global = (intptr_t)&g_currentMenu; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("viewingrange")].global = (intptr_t)&viewingrange; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("yxaspect")].global = (intptr_t)&yxaspect; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("gametype_flags")].global = (intptr_t)&g_gametypeFlags[ud.coop]; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("framerate")].global = (intptr_t)&g_frameRate; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("gravitationalconstant")].global = (intptr_t)&g_spriteGravity; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("camerax")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.camerapos.x; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("cameray")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.camerapos.y; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("cameraz")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.camerapos.z; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("cameraang")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.cameraang; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("camerahoriz")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.camerahoriz; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("camerasect")].global = (intptr_t)&ud.camerasect; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("cameradist")].global = (intptr_t)&g_cameraDistance; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("cameraclock")].global = (intptr_t)&g_cameraClock; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("display_mirror")].global = (intptr_t)&display_mirror; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("randomseed")].global = (intptr_t)&randomseed; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("NUMWALLS")].global = (intptr_t)&numwalls; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("NUMSECTORS")].global = (intptr_t)&numsectors; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("Numsprites")].global = (intptr_t)&Numsprites; aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("lastsavepos")].global = (intptr_t)&g_lastSaveSlot; # ifdef USE_OPENGL aGameVars[Gv_GetVarIndex("rendmode")].global = (intptr_t)&rendmode; # endif } #endif