#ifdef _WIN32 #include "dsound.h" #endif #include "baselayer.h" #include "compat.h" #define AL_NO_PROTOTYPES #define ALC_NO_PROTOTYPES #include #include #include #include "openal.h" // #include "_multivc.h" ALCdevice * device=NULL; ALCcontext * context=NULL; char *ALdoing = NULL; int AL_Error; int bufsize; int openal_disabled = 0; typedef struct SD { ALuint buffers[16]; ALuint source; ALenum format; char loop; char type; int rate; sounddef def; }sounddef1; sounddef1 music; #ifdef _WIN32 // Windows static HMODULE hALDLL = NULL; #else #include static void *alhandle = NULL; #endif static char *aldriver = NULL; static LPALGETSOURCEI balGetSourcei = NULL; static LPALSOURCEF balSourcef = NULL; static LPALSOURCEPLAY balSourcePlay = NULL; static LPALSOURCEPAUSE balSourcePause = NULL; static LPALCGETERROR balcGetError = NULL; static LPALGETERROR balGetError = NULL; static LPALBUFFERDATA balBufferData = NULL; static LPALGENBUFFERS balGenBuffers = NULL; static LPALGENSOURCES balGenSources = NULL; static LPALSOURCEI balSourcei = NULL; static LPALSOURCEQUEUEBUFFERS balSourceQueueBuffers = NULL; static LPALSOURCESTOP balSourceStop = NULL; static LPALSOURCEUNQUEUEBUFFERS balSourceUnqueueBuffers = NULL; static LPALCMAKECONTEXTCURRENT balcMakeContextCurrent = NULL; static LPALDELETESOURCES balDeleteSources = NULL; static LPALDELETEBUFFERS balDeleteBuffers = NULL; static LPALCDESTROYCONTEXT balcDestroyContext = NULL; static LPALCCLOSEDEVICE balcCloseDevice = NULL; static LPALCOPENDEVICE balcOpenDevice = NULL; static LPALCCREATECONTEXT balcCreateContext = NULL; static LPALGETSTRING balGetString = NULL; static void * algetproc_(const char *s, int *err, int fatal) { void *t; #if defined _WIN32 t = (void*)GetProcAddress(hALDLL,s); #else t = (void*)dlsym(alhandle,s); #endif if (!t && fatal) { initprintf("Failed to find %s in %s\n", s, aldriver); *err = 1; } return t; } #define ALGETPROC(s) algetproc_(s,&err,1) #define ALGETPROCSOFT(s) algetproc_(s,&err,0) static int unloadaldriver(void) { #ifdef _WIN32 if (!hALDLL) return 0; #endif if (aldriver) free(aldriver); aldriver = NULL; #ifdef _WIN32 if (hALDLL) FreeLibrary(hALDLL); hALDLL = NULL; #else if (alhandle) dlclose(alhandle); alhandle = NULL; #endif balGetSourcei = NULL; balSourcef = NULL; balSourcePlay = NULL; balSourcePause = NULL; balcGetError = NULL; balGetError = NULL; balBufferData = NULL; balGenBuffers = NULL; balGenSources = NULL; balSourcei = NULL; balSourceQueueBuffers = NULL; balSourceStop = NULL; balSourceUnqueueBuffers = NULL; balDeleteSources = NULL; balcMakeContextCurrent = NULL; balDeleteSources = NULL; balDeleteBuffers = NULL; balcDestroyContext = NULL; balcCloseDevice = NULL; balcOpenDevice = NULL; balcCreateContext = NULL; balGetString = NULL; return 0; } static int loadaldriver(void) { int err=0; char *driver; #ifdef _WIN32 if (hALDLL) return 0; #endif // if (!driver) { #ifdef _WIN32 driver = "OpenAL32.DLL"; #elif defined __APPLE__ driver = "/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/OpenGL"; // FIXME: like I know anything about Apple. Hah. #else driver = "libopenal.so"; #endif } initprintf("Loading %s\n",driver); #ifdef _WIN32 hALDLL = LoadLibrary(driver); if (!hALDLL) return -1; #else alhandle = dlopen(driver, RTLD_NOW|RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!alhandle) return -1; #endif aldriver = strdup(driver); balGetSourcei = ALGETPROC("alGetSourcei"); balSourcef = ALGETPROC("alSourcef"); balSourcePlay = ALGETPROC("alSourcePlay"); balSourcePause = ALGETPROC("alSourcePause"); balcGetError = ALGETPROC("alcGetError"); balGetError = ALGETPROC("alGetError"); balBufferData = ALGETPROC("alBufferData"); balGenBuffers = ALGETPROC("alGenBuffers"); balGenSources = ALGETPROC("alGenSources"); balSourcei = ALGETPROC("alSourcei"); balSourceQueueBuffers = ALGETPROC("alSourceQueueBuffers"); balSourceStop = ALGETPROC("alSourceStop"); balSourceUnqueueBuffers = ALGETPROC("alSourceUnqueueBuffers"); balDeleteSources = ALGETPROC("alDeleteSources"); balcMakeContextCurrent = ALGETPROC("alcMakeContextCurrent"); balDeleteSources = ALGETPROC("alDeleteSources"); balDeleteBuffers = ALGETPROC("alDeleteBuffers"); balcDestroyContext = ALGETPROC("alcDestroyContext"); balcCloseDevice = ALGETPROC("alcCloseDevice"); balcOpenDevice = ALGETPROC("alcOpenDevice"); balcCreateContext = ALGETPROC("alcCreateContext"); balGetString = ALGETPROC("alGetString"); if (err) unloadaldriver(); return err; } char *ALC_ErrorString(int code) { switch (code) { case ALC_NO_ERROR: return "OpenAL error: There is no current error."; case ALC_INVALID_DEVICE: return "OpenAL error: No device."; case ALC_INVALID_CONTEXT: return "OpenAL error: Invalid context ID."; case ALC_INVALID_ENUM: return "OpenAL error: Invalid parameter."; case ALC_INVALID_VALUE: return "OpenAL error: Invalid enum parameter value."; case ALC_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "OpenAL error: Unable to allocate memory."; default: return "OpenAL error: Unknown error."; } } char *AL_ErrorString(int code) { switch (code) { case AL_NO_ERROR: return "OpenAL error: There is no current error."; case AL_INVALID_NAME: return "OpenAL error: Invalid name parameter."; case AL_INVALID_ENUM: return "OpenAL error: Invalid parameter."; case AL_INVALID_VALUE: return "OpenAL error: Invalid enum parameter value."; case AL_INVALID_OPERATION: return "OpenAL error: Illegal call."; case AL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return "OpenAL error: Unable to allocate memory."; case OV_EFAULT: return "Internal logic fault (bug or heap/stack corruption."; case OV_EREAD: return "Read from media."; case OV_EIMPL: return "The bitstream makes use of a feature not implemented in this library version."; case OV_EINVAL: return "Invalid argument value."; case OV_ENOTVORBIS: return "Not Vorbis data."; case OV_EBADHEADER: return "Invalid Vorbis header."; case OV_EVERSION: return "Vorbis version mismatch."; case OV_ENOTAUDIO: return "Packet data submitted to vorbis_synthesis is not audio data."; case OV_EBADPACKET: return "Invalid packet submitted to vorbis_synthesis."; case OV_EBADLINK: return "Invalid stream section supplied to libvorbis/libvorbisfile, or the requested link is corrupt."; case OV_ENOSEEK: return "Bitstream is not seekable."; default: return "Unknown OpenAL/Ogg error."; } } void check(int show) { AL_Error=balcGetError(device); if (AL_Error!=ALC_NO_ERROR&&show)initprintf("%s(%s)\n",ALC_ErrorString(AL_Error),ALdoing); AL_Error=balGetError(); if (AL_Error!= AL_NO_ERROR&&show)initprintf("%s(%s)\n", AL_ErrorString(AL_Error),ALdoing); } extern ov_callbacks cb; int AL_Init() { Bmemset(&music,0,sizeof(music)); // "music.def.size=0" means music not playing if (loadaldriver()) { initprintf("Failed loading OpenAL driver.\nDownload OpenAL 1.1 or greater from http://www.openal.org/downloads.html\n"); openal_disabled = 1; return 1; } ALdoing="Init"; // device=alcOpenDevice(ud.config.HardwareAL?"Generic Hardware":"Generic Software"); device=balcOpenDevice(NULL); check(1); if (device) { context=balcCreateContext(device,NULL); check(1); } if (context) { // char *s,*t,*u,i; balcMakeContextCurrent(context);check(1); initprintf("OpenAL Information:\n" " Version: %s\n" " Vendor: %s\n" " Renderer: %s\n" // " Extensions:\n" ,balGetString(AL_VERSION),balGetString(AL_VENDOR),balGetString(AL_RENDERER)); /* s = Bstrdup(balGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS)); if (!s) initprintf(balGetString(AL_EXTENSIONS)); else { i = 0; t = u = s; while (*t) { if (*t == ' ') { if (i&1) { *t = 0; initprintf(" %s\n",u); u = t+1; } i++; } t++; } if (i&1) initprintf(" %s\n",u); Bfree(s); } */ } else initprintf("OpenAL initialization failed.\n"); return 0; } void AL_Shutdown() { if (openal_disabled)return; ALdoing="Shut"; balcMakeContextCurrent(NULL); check(1); balcDestroyContext(context); check(1); balcCloseDevice(device); unloadaldriver(); } #define BUFFER_SIZE 65536 // (4096 * 4*8*8) int AL_MusicVolume; extern int Musicsize; void AL_Stop(); int update(); int stream(ALuint buffer); void open1(char *ptr,int sizef,char loop); void AL_Pause() {if (music.def.size)balSourcePause(music.source);} void AL_Continue() {if (music.def.size)balSourcePlay(music.source);} void AL_Update() {if (music.def.size&&!update(0))AL_Stop();} int AL_isntALmusic() {return !music.def.size;} void AL_SetMusicVolume(int volume) { AL_MusicVolume=volume; if (music.def.size)balSourcef(music.source,AL_GAIN,volume/(255.)); } int isplaying() { ALenum state; balGetSourcei(music.source,AL_SOURCE_STATE,&state); return state==AL_PLAYING; } int update() { int processed=0; int active=1; ALuint buffer; ALdoing="update"; balGetSourcei(music.source,AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED,&processed); check(1); if (processed) switch (music.type) { case 1: while (processed--) { balSourceUnqueueBuffers(music.source,1,&buffer); check(1); active=stream(buffer); if (active) { balSourceQueueBuffers(music.source,1,&buffer); check(1); } } break; } return active; } void AL_Stop() { int queued=0;ALuint buffer; if (!music.def.size) return; balSourceStop(music.source); balGetSourcei(music.source,AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED,&queued); ALdoing="release"; while (queued--) { balSourceUnqueueBuffers(music.source,1,&buffer); check(1); } balDeleteSources(1,&music.source);check(1); balDeleteBuffers(2, music.buffers);check(1); if (music.type == 1) ov_clear(&music.def.oggStream); Bmemset(&music,0,sizeof(music)); } static char pcm[BUFFER_SIZE]; int stream(ALuint buffer) { ALsizei size=0; int section,result; while (size 0)size+=result;else break; } if (!size) return 0; ALdoing="stream"; balBufferData(buffer,music.format,pcm,size,music.rate); check(1); return 1; } void AL_PlaySong(char *ptr,int loop) { vorbis_info* vorbisInfo; int bf=2,i; if (!context) return; Bmemset(&music,0,sizeof(sounddef1)); switch (*ptr) { case 'O': music.type=1; break; default: return; } music.def.size=Musicsize; music.loop=loop; music.def.ptrsnd=ptr; switch (music.type) { case 1: if ((i=ov_open_callbacks(&music.def,&music.def.oggStream,0,0,cb))<0) { Bmemset(&music,0,sizeof(sounddef1)); initprintf("Music error: %s\n",AL_ErrorString(i)); return; } vorbisInfo=ov_info(&music.def.oggStream,-1); if (!vorbisInfo) { initprintf("Music error: vorbisInfo\n"); Bmemset(&music,0,sizeof(sounddef1)); return; } music.rate=vorbisInfo->rate; music.format=(vorbisInfo->channels==1)?AL_FORMAT_MONO16:AL_FORMAT_STEREO16; break; } ALdoing="Open"; balGenBuffers(2, music.buffers);check(1); balGenSources(1,&music.source);check(1); balSourcei(music.source,AL_SOURCE_RELATIVE,AL_TRUE); switch (music.type) { case 1: stream(music.buffers[0]); if (!stream(music.buffers[1])) bf=1; balSourceQueueBuffers(music.source,bf,music.buffers); break; } AL_SetMusicVolume(AL_MusicVolume); AL_Continue(); }