//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifndef KEYS_H #define KEYS_H #include "mytypes.h" #define NUM_CODES 128 #define ESC 0x1B #define ENTER 0x0D #define KEYSC_ESC 1 #define KEYSC_1 2 #define KEYSC_2 3 #define KEYSC_3 4 #define KEYSC_4 5 #define KEYSC_5 6 #define KEYSC_6 7 #define KEYSC_7 8 #define KEYSC_8 9 #define KEYSC_9 10 #define KEYSC_0 11 #define KEYSC_DASH 12 #define KEYSC_EQUAL 13 #define KEYSC_BS 14 #define KEYSC_TAB 15 #define KEYSC_Q 16 #define KEYSC_W 17 #define KEYSC_E 18 #define KEYSC_R 19 #define KEYSC_T 20 #define KEYSC_Y 21 #define KEYSC_U 22 #define KEYSC_I 23 #define KEYSC_O 24 #define KEYSC_P 25 #define KEYSC_LBRACK 26 #define KEYSC_RBRACK 27 #define KEYSC_ENTER 28 #define KEYSC_CTRL 29 #define KEYSC_A 30 #define KEYSC_S 31 #define KEYSC_D 32 #define KEYSC_F 33 #define KEYSC_G 34 #define KEYSC_H 35 #define KEYSC_J 36 #define KEYSC_K 37 #define KEYSC_L 38 #define KEYSC_SEMI 39 #define KEYSC_QUOTE 40 #define KEYSC_BQUOTE 41 #define KEYSC_TILDE 41 #define KEYSC_LSHIFT 42 #define KEYSC_BSLASH 43 #define KEYSC_Z 44 #define KEYSC_X 45 #define KEYSC_C 46 #define KEYSC_V 47 #define KEYSC_B 48 #define KEYSC_N 49 #define KEYSC_M 50 #define KEYSC_COMMA 51 #define KEYSC_PERIOD 52 #define KEYSC_SLASH 53 #define KEYSC_RSHIFT 54 #define KEYSC_STAR 55 #define KEYSC_ALT 56 #define KEYSC_SPACE 57 #define KEYSC_CAPS 58 #define KEYSC_F1 59 #define KEYSC_F2 60 #define KEYSC_F3 61 #define KEYSC_F4 62 #define KEYSC_F5 63 #define KEYSC_F6 64 #define KEYSC_F7 65 #define KEYSC_F8 66 #define KEYSC_F9 67 #define KEYSC_F10 68 #define KEYSC_F11 0x57 #define KEYSC_F12 0x58 #define KEYSC_NUM 69 #define KEYSC_SCROLL 70 #define KEYSC_HOME 71 #define KEYSC_UP 72 #define KEYSC_PGUP 73 #define KEYSC_GMINUS 74 #define KEYSC_LEFT 75 #define KEYSC_KP5 76 #define KEYSC_RIGHT 77 #define KEYSC_GPLUS 78 #define KEYSC_END 79 #define KEYSC_DOWN 80 #define KEYSC_PGDN 81 #define KEYSC_INS 82 #define KEYSC_DEL 83 #define asc_Esc 27 #define asc_Enter 13 #define asc_Space 32 #endif