#ifndef __2DDRAWER_H #define __2DDRAWER_H #include "tarray.h" #include "vectors.h" #include "textures.h" #include "renderstyle.h" struct DrawParms; struct F2DPolygons { TArray<FVector4> vertices; TArray<int> indices; unsigned AllocVertices(int num) { auto vindex = vertices.Reserve(num); indices.Push(num); return vindex; } }; class F2DDrawer { public: enum EDrawType : uint8_t { DrawTypeTriangles, DrawTypeLines, DrawTypePoints, DrawTypeRotateSprite, }; enum ETextureFlags : uint8_t { DTF_Wrap = 1, DTF_Scissor = 2, DTF_Burn = 4, }; // This vertex type is hardware independent and needs conversion when put into a buffer. struct TwoDVertex { float x, y, z; float u, v; PalEntry color0; void Set(float xx, float yy, float zz) { x = xx; z = zz; y = yy; u = 0; v = 0; color0 = 0; } void Set(double xx, double yy, double zz, double uu, double vv, PalEntry col) { x = (float)xx; z = (float)zz; y = (float)yy; u = (float)uu; v = (float)vv; color0 = col; } }; struct RenderCommand { EDrawType mType; int mVertIndex; int mVertCount; int mIndexIndex; int mIndexCount; FTexture *mTexture; int mRemapIndex; PalEntry mSpecialColormap[2]; int mScissor[4]; int mDesaturate; FRenderStyle mRenderStyle; PalEntry mColor1; // Overlay color ETexMode mDrawMode; uint8_t mFlags; RenderCommand() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); } // If these fields match, two draw commands can be batched. bool isCompatible(const RenderCommand &other) const { return mTexture == other.mTexture && mType == other.mType && mRemapIndex == other.mRemapIndex && mSpecialColormap[0].d == other.mSpecialColormap[0].d && mSpecialColormap[1].d == other.mSpecialColormap[1].d && !memcmp(mScissor, other.mScissor, sizeof(mScissor)) && mDesaturate == other.mDesaturate && mRenderStyle == other.mRenderStyle && mDrawMode == other.mDrawMode && mFlags == other.mFlags && mColor1.d == other.mColor1.d; } }; TArray<int> mIndices; TArray<TwoDVertex> mVertices; TArray<RenderCommand> mData; int AddCommand(const RenderCommand *data); void AddIndices(int firstvert, int count, ...); void AddIndices(int firstvert, TArray<int> &v); bool SetStyle(FTexture *tex, DrawParms &parms, PalEntry &color0, RenderCommand &quad); void SetColorOverlay(PalEntry color, float alpha, PalEntry &vertexcolor, PalEntry &overlaycolor); public: void AddTexture(FTexture *img, DrawParms &parms); void AddPoly(FTexture* img, FVector4 *vt, size_t vtcount, unsigned int *ind, size_t idxcount, int palette, int shade, int maskprops, int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2); void FillPolygon(int* rx1, int* ry1, int* xb1, int32_t npoints, int picnum, int palette, int shade, int props, const FVector2& xtex, const FVector2& ytex, const FVector2& otex, int clipx1, int clipy1, int clipx2, int clipy2); void AddFlatFill(int left, int top, int right, int bottom, FTexture *src, bool local_origin); void AddColorOnlyQuad(int left, int top, int width, int height, PalEntry color, FRenderStyle *style = nullptr); void ClearScreen(PalEntry color = 0xff000000); void AddLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, uint32_t color, uint8_t alpha = 255); void AddLine(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int cx, int cy, int cx2, int cy2, uint32_t color, uint8_t alpha = 255); void AddThickLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, double thickness, uint32_t color, uint8_t alpha = 255); void AddPixel(int x1, int y1, uint32_t color); void rotatesprite(int32_t sx, int32_t sy, int32_t z, int16_t a, int16_t picnum, int8_t dashade, uint8_t dapalnum, int32_t dastat, uint8_t daalpha, uint8_t dablend, int32_t cx1, int32_t cy1, int32_t cx2, int32_t cy2, FTexture *pic); void Clear(); bool mIsFirstPass = true; }; extern F2DDrawer twodgen; extern F2DDrawer twodpsp; extern F2DDrawer* twod; // This is for safely substituting the 2D drawer for a block of code. class PspTwoDSetter { F2DDrawer* old; public: PspTwoDSetter() { old = twod; twod = &twodpsp; } ~PspTwoDSetter() { twod = old; } // Shadow Warrior fucked this up and draws the weapons in the same pass as the hud, meaning we have to switch this on and off depending on context. void set() { twod = &twodpsp; } void clear() { twod = old; } }; #endif