//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 2015 EDuke32 developers and contributors Copyright (C) 2015 Voidpoint, LLC This file is part of EDuke32. EDuke32 is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "compat.h" #include "sdl_inc.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "keys.h" #include "duke3d.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "osd.h" #include "player.h" #include "game.h" #include "build.h" #include "anim.h" #include "player.h" #include "jmact/keyboard.h" #include "jmact/control.h" #include "jmact/_control.h" #include "menus.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif extern int SDL_SendKeyboardKey(Uint8 state, SDL_Scancode scancode); extern int SDL_SendKeyboardText(const char *text); extern int SDL_SendMouseMotion(SDL_Window * window, Uint32 mouseID, int relative, int x, int y); extern int SDL_SendMouseButton(SDL_Window * window, Uint32 mouseID, Uint8 state, Uint8 button); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "in_android.h" #include <android/log.h> #if defined __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic push # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-parameter" #endif #define LOGI(...) ((void)__android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO,"DUKE", __VA_ARGS__)) static char sdl_text[2]; droidinput_t droidinput; void AndroidTimer(int tics) { G_InitTimer(tics); } int AndroidKeyEvent(int state, int code,int unicode) { LOGI("AndroidKeyEvent %d %d %d",state,(SDL_Scancode)code,unicode); SDL_SendKeyboardKey(state ? SDL_PRESSED : SDL_RELEASED, (SDL_Scancode)code); SDL_EventState(SDL_TEXTINPUT, SDL_ENABLE); // if (code == 42) // unicode = 42; if (state) { //if (unicode < 128) { sdl_text[0] = unicode; sdl_text[1] = 0; int posted = SDL_SendKeyboardText((const char*)sdl_text); LOGI("posted = %d",posted); } if (state == 2) AndroidKeyEvent(0, code, unicode); } return 0; } void AndroidMouseMenu(float x,float y) { SDL_SendMouseMotion(NULL,0,0,x,y); } void AndroidMouseMenuButton(int state,int button) { SDL_SendMouseButton(NULL, SDL_TOUCH_MOUSEID, state?SDL_PRESSED:SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT); } void changeActionState(int state, int action) { if (state) { //BUTTONSET(action,1); droidinput.functionSticky |= ((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(action))); droidinput.functionHeld |= ((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(action))); return; } //BUTTONCLEAR(action); droidinput.functionHeld &= ~((uint64_t) 1<<((uint64_t) (action))); } void AndroidAction(int state, int action) { LOGI("AndroidAction action = %d, state = %d", action, state); if (action >= MENU_UP && action <= MENU_BACK) { int const sdl_code [] = { SDL_SCANCODE_UP, SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN, SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT, SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT, SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN, SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE }; AndroidKeyEvent(state, sdl_code[action-MENU_UP], 0); return; } else { //if (AndroidRead(READ_SCREEN_MODE) != TOUCH_SCREEN_GAME) //If not in game don't do any of this /// return; //Special toggle for crouch, NOT when using jetpack or in water if (droidinput.toggleCrouch) { int lotag = sector[g_player[myconnectindex].ps->cursectnum].lotag; if (droidinput.crouchToggleState && (lotag == ST_2_UNDERWATER || lotag == ST_1_ABOVE_WATER)) { droidinput.crouchToggleState = 0; if (action == gamefunc_Crouch) state = 0; else AndroidAction(0, gamefunc_Crouch); } if (action == gamefunc_Crouch) { if (!g_player[myconnectindex].ps->jetpack_on && g_player[myconnectindex].ps->on_ground && lotag != ST_2_UNDERWATER && lotag != ST_1_ABOVE_WATER) { if (state) droidinput.crouchToggleState = !droidinput.crouchToggleState; state = droidinput.crouchToggleState; } } } //Check if jumping while crouched if (action == gamefunc_Jump) { if (droidinput.crouchToggleState) { droidinput.crouchToggleState = 0; changeActionState(0, gamefunc_Crouch); } else changeActionState(state, action); } else changeActionState(state, action); if (state == 2) AndroidAction(0, action); // LOGI("AndroidAction state = 0x%016llX", CONTROL_ButtonState); } } int const deadRegion = 0.3; float analogCalibrate(float v) { float rv = 0; if (v > deadRegion) rv = (v - deadRegion) * (v - deadRegion); else if (-v > deadRegion) rv = -(-v - deadRegion) * (-v - deadRegion); return rv; } //Need these NAN check as not cumulative. void AndroidMove(float fwd, float strafe) { if (!ud.auto_run) { fwd *= 0.5f; strafe *= 0.5f; } if (!isnan(fwd)) droidinput.forwardmove = fclamp2(analogCalibrate(fwd), -1.f, 1.f); if (!isnan(strafe)) droidinput.sidemove = fclamp2(analogCalibrate(strafe), -1.f, 1.f); } void AndroidLook(float yaw, float pitch) { droidinput.pitch += pitch; droidinput.yaw += yaw; } void AndroidLookJoystick(float yaw, float pitch) { if (!isnan(pitch)) droidinput.pitch_joystick = analogCalibrate(pitch); if (!isnan(yaw)) droidinput.yaw_joystick = analogCalibrate(yaw); } void AndroidOSD(const char * cmd) { OSD_Dispatch(cmd); } int consoleShown = 0; void AndroidSetConsoleShown(int onf) { consoleShown = onf; } extern int inExtraScreens; //In game.c int32_t AndroidRead(portableread_t r) { int32_t rv; switch (r) { case R_TOUCH_MODE: if (g_animPtr || inExtraScreens) rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_BLANK_TAP; else if (consoleShown) rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_CONSOLE; else if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & MODE_MENU) == MODE_MENU && g_currentMenu != MENU_MAIN) rv = (m_currentMenu->type == Verify && totalclock > (m_animation.length + m_animation.start)) ? TOUCH_SCREEN_YES_NO : TOUCH_SCREEN_MENU; else if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & MODE_MENU) == MODE_MENU && g_currentMenu == MENU_MAIN) rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_MENU_NOBACK; /* else if (ud.overhead_on == 2) rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_AUTOMAP; */ else if ((g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gm & MODE_GAME)) if (AndroidRead(R_PLAYER_DEAD_FLAG)) rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_BLANK_TAP; else rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_GAME; else rv = TOUCH_SCREEN_BLANK_TAP; break; case R_PLAYER_GOTWEAPON: rv = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->gotweapon; break; case R_UD_OVERHEAD_ON: rv = 0; break;//ud.overhead_on != 0; break;// ud.overhead_on ranges from 0-2 case R_UD_SCROLLMODE: rv = ud.scrollmode; break; case R_PLAYER_LASTWEAPON: rv = droidinput.lastWeapon; if ((unsigned)rv < MAX_WEAPONS && !g_player[myconnectindex].ps->ammo_amount[rv]) rv = -1; break; case R_GAME_PAUSED: rv = ud.pause_on != 0; break; case R_PLAYER_DEAD_FLAG: rv = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->dead_flag; break; case R_PLAYER_INV_AMOUNT: rv = 0; for (int i = 0; i < GET_MAX; i++) { if (g_player[myconnectindex].ps->inv_amount[i]) rv += (1 << i); } break; case R_SOMETHINGONPLAYER: rv = g_player[myconnectindex].ps->somethingonplayer != -1; break; default: rv = 0; break; } return rv; } static float map_zoom,map_dx,map_dy = 0; void AndroidAutomapControl(float zoom,float dx,float dy) { map_zoom += zoom; map_dx += dx; map_dy += dy; } ///This stuff is called from the game/engine extern void CONTROL_Android_ScrollMap(int32_t *angle,int32_t *x, int32_t *y, uint16_t *zoom ) { *x += ((int)(map_dx * -30000)*sintable[(512+2048-*angle)&2047])>>14; *y += ((int)(map_dy * -30000)*sintable[(512+1024-512-*angle)&2047])>>14; // *zoom += map_zoom * 2000; //*angle = 0; map_dx = map_dy = map_zoom = 0; } void CONTROL_Android_SetLastWeapon(int w) { droidinput.lastWeapon = w; } void CONTROL_Android_ClearButton(int32_t whichbutton) { droidinput.functionHeld &= ~((uint64_t)1<<((uint64_t)(whichbutton))); } void CONTROL_Android_PollDevices(ControlInfo *info) { //LOGI("CONTROL_Android_PollDevices %f %f",forwardmove,sidemove); //LOGI("CONTROL_Android_PollDevices %f %f",droidinput.pitch,droidinput.yaw); info->dz = (int32_t)nearbyintf(-droidinput.forwardmove * ANDROIDMOVEFACTOR); info->dx = (int32_t)nearbyintf(droidinput.sidemove * ANDROIDMOVEFACTOR) >> 5; info->dpitch = (int32_t)nearbyintf(droidinput.pitch * ANDROIDLOOKFACTOR + droidinput.pitch_joystick * ANDROIDPITCHFACTORJOYSTICK); info->dyaw = (int32_t)nearbyintf(-droidinput.yaw * ANDROIDLOOKFACTOR - droidinput.yaw_joystick * ANDROIDYAWFACTORJOYSTICK); droidinput.pitch = droidinput.yaw = 0.f; CONTROL_ButtonState = droidinput.functionSticky | droidinput.functionHeld; droidinput.functionSticky = 0; //LOGI("poll state = 0x%016llX",CONTROL_ButtonState); } #if defined __GNUC__ # pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif