-- Pseudo random number generation module for Lunatic local ffi = require("ffi") local ffiC = ffi.C local rawset = rawset local type = type local gv = gv_tmp -- temporarily set in defs.c local print = print -- for commented out debug block in new() below module(...) -- NOTE: PRNG state struct and functions are declared in defs.ilua ffi.cdef[[ typedef union { unsigned char u[16]; double d[2]; } uchar_double_u_t; typedef union { unsigned char u[16]; uint32_t i[4]; } uchar_uint_u_t; ]] local mt = { __tostring = function(s) return "rand.new("..s.x..","..s.y..","..s.z..","..s.c..")" end, __index = { getu32 = ffiC.rand_jkiss_u32, getdbl = ffiC.rand_jkiss_dbl, -- Initialize the JKISS PRNG using the MD4 of the lower bits of the -- profiling timer init_time_md4 = function(s) local tin = ffi.new("uchar_double_u_t") local tout = ffi.new("uchar_uint_u_t") repeat tin.d[0] = gv.gethitickms() % 1 tin.d[1] = gv.gethitickms() % 1 ffiC.md4once(tin.u, 16, tout.u) s.y = tout.u[1] until (s.y ~= 0) -- y must not be zero! s.x = tout.u[0] s.z = tout.u[2] s.c = tout.u[3] % 698769068 + 1 -- Should be less than 698769069 end, }, } local jkiss = ffi.metatype("rng_jkiss_t", mt) function new(x,y,z,c) local s if (x == nil or type(x)=="boolean") then -- initialize with arbitrary but fixed state s = jkiss(123456789, 987654321, 43219876, 6543217) if (x) then s:init_time_md4() end else s = jkiss(x,y,z,c) end --[[ print("TEST") local r=ffi.new("rng_jkiss_t") r.x = 123456789; r.y = 987654321; r.z = 43219876; r.c = 6543217; t=gv.gethitickms() for i=1,4*2*1e6 do ffiC.rand_jkiss_dbl(r) end print("TIME: "..gv.gethitickms()-t) -- x86_64: approx. 100 ms --]] return s end