/* Copyright (C) 1994-1995 Apogee Software, Ltd. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Modifications for JonoF's port by Jonathon Fowler (jonof@edgenetwk.com) */ /********************************************************************** file: _MULTIVC.H author: James R. Dose date: December 20, 1993 Private header for MULTIVOC.C (c) Copyright 1993 James R. Dose. All Rights Reserved. **********************************************************************/ #ifndef ___MULTIVC_H #define ___MULTIVC_H #define TRUE ( 1 == 1 ) #define FALSE ( !TRUE ) #define VOC_8BIT 0x0 #define VOC_CT4_ADPCM 0x1 #define VOC_CT3_ADPCM 0x2 #define VOC_CT2_ADPCM 0x3 #define VOC_16BIT 0x4 #define VOC_ALAW 0x6 #define VOC_MULAW 0x7 #define VOC_CREATIVE_ADPCM 0x200 #define T_SIXTEENBIT_STEREO 0 #define T_8BITS 1 #define T_MONO 2 #define T_16BITSOURCE 4 #define T_LEFTQUIET 8 #define T_RIGHTQUIET 16 #define T_DEFAULT T_SIXTEENBIT_STEREO #define MV_MaxPanPosition 31 #define MV_NumPanPositions ( MV_MaxPanPosition + 1 ) #define MV_MaxTotalVolume 255 //#define MV_MaxVolume 63 #define MV_NumVoices 8 #define MIX_VOLUME( volume ) \ ( ( max( 0, min( ( volume ), 255 ) ) * ( MV_MaxVolume + 1 ) ) >> 8 ) // ( ( max( 0, min( ( volume ), 255 ) ) ) >> 2 ) //#define SILENCE_16BIT 0x80008000 #define SILENCE_16BIT 0 #define SILENCE_8BIT 0x80808080 //#define SILENCE_16BIT_PAS 0 #if defined(_WIN32) #define MixBufferSize (MV_GetBufferSize(MV_RequestedMixRate)) #else #define MixBufferSize 512 #endif #define NumberOfBuffers 16 #define TotalBufferSize ( MixBufferSize * NumberOfBuffers ) #define PI 3.1415926536 typedef enum { Raw, VOC, DemandFeed, WAV } wavedata; typedef enum { NoMoreData, KeepPlaying } playbackstatus; typedef struct VoiceNode { struct VoiceNode *next; struct VoiceNode *prev; wavedata wavetype; char bits; playbackstatus ( *GetSound )( struct VoiceNode *voice ); void ( *mix )( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); char *NextBlock; char *LoopStart; char *LoopEnd; unsigned LoopCount; unsigned long LoopSize; unsigned long BlockLength; unsigned long PitchScale; unsigned long FixedPointBufferSize; char *sound; unsigned long length; unsigned long SamplingRate; unsigned long RateScale; unsigned long position; int Playing; int handle; int priority; void ( *DemandFeed )( char **ptr, unsigned long *length ); short *LeftVolume; short *RightVolume; unsigned long callbackval; } VoiceNode; typedef struct { VoiceNode *start; VoiceNode *end; } VList; typedef struct { char left; char right; } Pan; typedef signed short MONO16; typedef signed char MONO8; typedef struct { MONO16 left; MONO16 right; // unsigned short left; // unsigned short right; } STEREO16; typedef struct { MONO16 left; MONO16 right; } SIGNEDSTEREO16; typedef struct { // MONO8 left; // MONO8 right; char left; char right; } STEREO8; typedef struct { char RIFF[ 4 ]; unsigned long file_size; char WAVE[ 4 ]; char fmt[ 4 ]; unsigned long format_size; } riff_header; typedef struct { unsigned short wFormatTag; unsigned short nChannels; unsigned long nSamplesPerSec; unsigned long nAvgBytesPerSec; unsigned short nBlockAlign; unsigned short nBitsPerSample; } format_header; typedef struct { unsigned char DATA[ 4 ]; unsigned long size; } data_header; typedef MONO8 VOLUME8[ 256 ]; typedef MONO16 VOLUME16[ 256 ]; typedef char HARSH_CLIP_TABLE_8[ MV_NumVoices * 256 ]; static unsigned MV_GetBufferSize(unsigned); static void MV_Mix( VoiceNode *voice, int buffer ); static void MV_PlayVoice( VoiceNode *voice ); static void MV_StopVoice( VoiceNode *voice ); static int MV_ServiceVoc( int ); static playbackstatus MV_GetNextVOCBlock( VoiceNode *voice ); static playbackstatus MV_GetNextDemandFeedBlock( VoiceNode *voice ); static playbackstatus MV_GetNextRawBlock( VoiceNode *voice ); static playbackstatus MV_GetNextWAVBlock( VoiceNode *voice ); // static void MV_ServiceRecord( void ); static VoiceNode *MV_GetVoice( int handle ); static VoiceNode *MV_AllocVoice( int priority ); static short *MV_GetVolumeTable( int vol ); static void MV_SetVoiceMixMode( VoiceNode *voice ); static void MV_SetVoicePitch( VoiceNode *voice, unsigned long rate, int pitchoffset ); static void MV_CalcVolume( int MaxLevel ); static void MV_CalcPanTable( void ); void ClearBuffer_DW(void *ptr, long data, long length) { long *pptr = ptr; for (; length>0; length--) *(pptr++) = data; } /* #define ClearBuffer_DW( ptr, data, length ) \ ({ void *__ptr=(ptr); unsigned __data=(data); int __length=(length); \ __asm__ __volatile__ ("rep; stosl" \ : "+c" (__length), "+D" (__ptr) : "a" (__data) : "memory", "cc"); \ 0; }) */ /* #pragma aux ClearBuffer_DW = \ "cld", \ "push es", \ "push ds", \ "pop es", \ "rep stosd", \ "pop es", \ parm [ edi ] [ eax ] [ ecx ] modify exact [ ecx edi ]; */ #if defined(__WATCOMC__) #pragma aux MV_Mix8BitMono parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix8BitStereo parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix16BitMono parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix16BitStereo parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix16BitMono16 parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix8BitMono16 parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix8BitStereo16 parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_Mix16BitStereo16 parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] #pragma aux MV_16BitReverb parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] modify exact [eax ebx ecx edx esi edi] #pragma aux MV_8BitReverb parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] modify exact [eax ebx ecx edx esi edi] #pragma aux MV_16BitReverbFast parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] modify exact [eax ebx ecx edx esi edi] #pragma aux MV_8BitReverbFast parm [eax] [edx] [ebx] [ecx] modify exact [eax ebx ecx edx esi edi] #define CDEC #elif defined(_MSC_VER) #define CDEC _cdecl #elif defined(_WIN32) #define CDEC __cdecl #else #define CDEC #endif void CDEC MV_Mix8BitMono( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix8BitStereo( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix16BitMono( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix16BitStereo( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix16BitMono16( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix8BitMono16( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix8BitStereo16( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_Mix16BitStereo16( unsigned long position, unsigned long rate, char *start, unsigned long length ); void CDEC MV_16BitReverb( char *src, char *dest, VOLUME16 *volume, int count ); void CDEC MV_8BitReverb( signed char *src, signed char *dest, VOLUME16 *volume, int count ); void CDEC MV_16BitReverbFast( char *src, char *dest, int count, int shift ); void CDEC MV_8BitReverbFast( signed char *src, signed char *dest, int count, int shift ); #undef CDEC #endif