// blah #ifdef POLYMOST #include "polymer.h" // CVARS int pr_scissorstest = 1; int pr_fov = 426; // appears to be the classic setting. int pr_showportals = 0; int pr_verbosity = 1; // 0: silent, 1: errors and one-times, 2: multiple-times, 3: flood int pr_wireframe = 0; // DATA _prsector *prsectors[MAXSECTORS]; _prwall *prwalls[MAXWALLS]; GLfloat skybox[16]; // CONTROL float pos[3]; float *frustumstack; int frustumstacksize = 0; char *frustumsizes; GLint *projectedportals; int maxfrustumcount = 0; int frustumdepth = 0; int frustumstackposition = 0; int *curportal; //float frustumnorms[5]; GLfloat *clippedportalpoints = NULL; float *distances = NULL; int maxclippedportalpointcount = 0; int clippedportalpointcount; GLfloat triangle[9]; GLdouble modelviewmatrix[16]; GLdouble projectionmatrix[16]; GLint viewport[4]; int updatesectors = 1; GLUtesselator* prtess; int tempverticescount; GLdouble tempvertice[3]; short cursky; // EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS int polymer_init(void) { int i; if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("Initalizing Polymer subsystem...\n"); i = 0; while (i < MAXSECTORS) { prsectors[i] = NULL; i++; } i = 0; while (i < MAXWALLS) { prwalls[i] = NULL; i++; } prtess = bgluNewTess(); if (prtess == 0) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Tesselator initialization failed.\n"); return (0); } if (frustumstacksize == 0) { frustumstacksize = 20; // 5 planes, 4 components frustumstack = malloc(frustumstacksize * sizeof(float)); if (!frustumstack) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Cannot allocate initial frustum stack : malloc failed.\n"); frustumstacksize = 0; return (0); } } if (maxfrustumcount == 0) { maxfrustumcount = 1; frustumsizes = malloc (maxfrustumcount * sizeof(char)); projectedportals = malloc(maxfrustumcount * 4 * sizeof(GLint)); if (!frustumsizes || !projectedportals) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Cannot allocate initial frustum size record : malloc failed.\n"); maxfrustumcount = 0; return (0); } } if (maxclippedportalpointcount == 0) { maxclippedportalpointcount = 4; clippedportalpoints = calloc(maxclippedportalpointcount, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); distances = calloc(maxclippedportalpointcount, sizeof(float)); if (!clippedportalpoints || !distances) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Cannot allocate initial clipping memory : malloc failed.\n"); maxclippedportalpointcount = 0; return (0); } } polymer_loadboard(); polymer_initskybox(); if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Initialization complete.\n"); return (1); } void polymer_glinit(void) { float a; bglClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); bglClearStencil(0); bglClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT); bglViewport(0, 0, xdim, ydim); bglGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport); // texturing bglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); bglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S,GL_REPEAT); bglTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T,GL_REPEAT); bglEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); bglDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); if (pr_wireframe) bglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_LINE); else bglPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_FILL); bglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); bglLoadIdentity(); bgluPerspective((float)(pr_fov) / (2048.0f / 360.0f), (float)xdim / (float)ydim, 0.001f, 1000000.0f); // get the new projection matrix bglGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projectionmatrix); bglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); bglLoadIdentity(); bglEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); bglEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); bglDisable(GL_FOG); bglFogi(GL_FOG_MODE, GL_EXP2); //glFogfv(GL_FOG_COLOR, fogColor); bglEnable(GL_FOG); a = (1 - ((float)(visibility) / 512.0f)) / 10.0f; bglFogf(GL_FOG_DENSITY, 0.1f - a); bglFogf(GL_FOG_START, 0.0f); bglFogf(GL_FOG_END, 1000000.0f); bglEnable(GL_CULL_FACE); bglCullFace(GL_BACK); if (pr_scissorstest) bglEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); } void polymer_loadboard(void) { int i; i = 0; while (i < numsectors) { polymer_initsector(i); polymer_updatesector(i); i++; } i = 0; while (i < numwalls) { polymer_initwall(i); polymer_updatewall(i); i++; } polymer_getsky(); if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Board loaded.\n"); } void polymer_drawrooms(int daposx, int daposy, int daposz, short daang, int dahoriz, short dacursectnum) { int i; float ang, horizang, tiltang; short fov; if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Drawing rooms...\n"); ang = (float)(daang) / (2048.0f / 360.0f); horizang = (float)(100 - dahoriz) / (512.0f / 180.0f); tiltang = (gtang * 90.0f); fov = (pr_fov * (float)xdim / (float)ydim * 1) / 2; pos[0] = daposy; pos[1] = -daposz; pos[2] = -daposx; bglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); bglLoadIdentity(); bglRotatef(tiltang, 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f); bglRotatef(horizang, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); bglRotatef(ang, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f); bglDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); bglColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); polymer_drawartsky(cursky); bglEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); bglScalef(1.0f / 1000.0f, 1.0f / 16000.0f, 1.0f / 1000.0f); bglTranslatef(-pos[0], -pos[1], -pos[2]); // get the new modelview bglGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelviewmatrix); polymer_extractfrustum(modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix); if (pr_scissorstest) { memcpy(projectedportals, viewport, sizeof(GLint) * 4); bglScissor(projectedportals[0], viewport[3] - projectedportals[3], projectedportals[2] - projectedportals[0], projectedportals[3] - projectedportals[1]); } frustumsizes[0] = 5; frustumdepth = 0; frustumstackposition = 0; // game tic if (updatesectors) { i = 0; while (i < numsectors) { polymer_updatesector(i); i++; } i = 0; while (i < numwalls) { polymer_updatewall(i); i++; } updatesectors = 0; } // external view (editor) if (dacursectnum == -1) { i = 0; while (i < numsectors) { polymer_drawsector(i); i++; } i = 0; while (i < numwalls) { polymer_drawwall(i); i++; } return; } // unflag all sectors i = 0; while (i < numsectors) { prsectors[i]->drawingstate = 0; i++; } i = 0; while (i < numwalls) { prwalls[i]->drawn = 0; i++; } // stupid waste of performance - the position doesn't match the sector number when running from a sector to another updatesector(daposx, daposy, &dacursectnum); // GO polymer_drawroom(dacursectnum); if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Rooms drawn.\n"); } void polymer_rotatesprite(int sx, int sy, int z, short a, short picnum, signed char dashade, char dapalnum, char dastat, int cx1, int cy1, int cx2, int cy2) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(sx); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(sy); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(z); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(a); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(picnum); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dashade); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dapalnum); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(dastat); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cx1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cy1); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cx2); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(cy2); } void polymer_drawmaskwall(int damaskwallcnt) { OSD_Printf("PR : Masked wall %i...\n", damaskwallcnt); } void polymer_drawsprite(int snum) { OSD_Printf("PR : Sprite %i...\n", snum); } // SECTORS int polymer_initsector(short sectnum) { sectortype *sec; _prsector* s; if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Initalizing sector %i...\n", sectnum); sec = §or[sectnum]; s = malloc(sizeof(_prsector)); if (s == NULL) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Cannot initialize sector %i : malloc failed.\n", sectnum); return (0); } s->verts = calloc(sec->wallnum, sizeof(GLdouble) * 3); s->floorbuffer = calloc(sec->wallnum, sizeof(GLfloat) * 5); s->ceilbuffer = calloc(sec->wallnum, sizeof(GLfloat) * 5); if ((s->verts == NULL) || (s->floorbuffer == NULL) || (s->ceilbuffer == NULL)) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Cannot initialize geometry of sector %i : malloc failed.\n", sectnum); return (0); } s->floorindices = s->ceilindices = NULL; s->controlstate = s->drawingstate = 0; prsectors[sectnum] = s; if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Initalized sector %i.\n", sectnum); return (1); } int polymer_updatesector(short sectnum) { _prsector* s; sectortype *sec; walltype *wal; int i, j; int ceilz, florz; int tex, tey; float secangcos, secangsin, scalecoef; int ang; short curstat, curpicnum; char curxpanning, curypanning; GLfloat* curbuffer; GLuint *curglpic, *curfbglpic; pthtyp* pth; s = prsectors[sectnum]; sec = §or[sectnum]; wal = &wall[sec->wallptr]; secangcos = secangsin = 0; if (s == NULL) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Can't update uninitialized sector %i.\n", sectnum); return (-1); } s->controlstate = 0; if ((sec->floorstat & 64) || (sec->ceilingstat & 64)) { ang = (getangle(wall[wal->point2].x - wal->x, wall[wal->point2].y - wal->y) + 512) & 2047; secangcos = (float)(sintable[(ang+512)&2047]) / 16383.0f; secangsin = (float)(sintable[ang&2047]) / 16383.0f; } // geometry i = 0; while (i < sec->wallnum) { if ((-wal->x != s->verts[(i*3)+2])) { s->verts[(i*3)+2] = s->floorbuffer[(i*5)+2] = s->ceilbuffer[(i*5)+2] = -wal->x; s->controlstate |= 2; } if ((wal->y != s->verts[i*3])) { s->verts[i*3] = s->floorbuffer[i*5] = s->ceilbuffer[i*5] = wal->y; s->controlstate |= 2; } getzsofslope(sectnum, wal->x, wal->y, &ceilz, &florz); s->verts[(i*3)+1] = 0; s->floorbuffer[(i*5)+1] = -florz; s->ceilbuffer[(i*5)+1] = -ceilz; j = 2; curstat = sec->floorstat; curbuffer = s->floorbuffer; curpicnum = sec->floorpicnum; curxpanning = sec->floorxpanning; curypanning = sec->floorypanning; while (j) { if (j == 1) { curstat = sec->ceilingstat; curbuffer = s->ceilbuffer; curpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum; curxpanning = sec->ceilingxpanning; curypanning = sec->ceilingypanning; } if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,sectnum); if (!waloff[curpicnum]) loadtile(curpicnum); tex = (curstat & 64) ? ((wal->x - wall[sec->wallptr].x) * secangsin) + ((-wal->y - -wall[sec->wallptr].y) * secangcos) : wal->x; tey = (curstat & 64) ? ((wal->x - wall[sec->wallptr].x) * secangcos) - ((wall[sec->wallptr].y - wal->y) * secangsin) : -wal->y; if (curstat & 4) swaplong(&tex, &tey); if (curstat & 16) tex = -tex; if (curstat & 32) tey = -tey; scalecoef = (curstat & 8) ? 8.0f : 16.0f; curbuffer[(i*5)+3] = ((float)(tex) / (scalecoef * tilesizx[curpicnum])) + ((float)(curxpanning) / 256.0f); curbuffer[(i*5)+4] = ((float)(tey) / (scalecoef * tilesizy[curpicnum])) + ((float)(curypanning) / 256.0f); j--; } //attributes j = 2; curbuffer = s->floorcolor; curstat = sec->floorshade; curxpanning = sec->floorpal; curpicnum = sec->floorpicnum; curglpic = &s->floorglpic; curfbglpic = &s->floorfbglpic; while (j > 0) { if (j == 1) { curbuffer = s->ceilcolor; curstat = sec->ceilingshade; curxpanning = sec->ceilingpal; curpicnum = sec->ceilingpicnum; curglpic = &s->ceilglpic; curfbglpic = &s->ceilfbglpic; } if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,sectnum); if (!waloff[curpicnum]) loadtile(curpicnum); curbuffer[0] = curbuffer[1] = curbuffer[2] = ((float)(numpalookups-min(max(curstat,0),numpalookups)))/((float)numpalookups); curbuffer[3] = 1.0f; pth = gltexcache(curpicnum,curxpanning,0); if (pth && (pth->flags & 2) && (pth->palnum != curxpanning)) { curbuffer[0] *= (float)hictinting[curxpanning].r / 255.0; curbuffer[1] *= (float)hictinting[curxpanning].g / 255.0; curbuffer[2] *= (float)hictinting[curxpanning].b / 255.0; } *curglpic = (pth) ? pth->glpic : 0; if (pth && (pth->flags & 16)) *curfbglpic = pth->ofb->glpic; else *curfbglpic = 0; j--; } i++; wal = &wall[sec->wallptr + i]; } if (s->controlstate & 2) { polymer_buildfloor(sectnum); s->controlstate ^= 2; } if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Updated sector %i.\n", sectnum); return (0); } void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tesscombine(GLdouble v[3], GLdouble *data[4], GLfloat weight[4], GLdouble **out) { // This callback is called by the tesselator when it detects an intersection between contours (HELLO ROTATING SPOTLIGHT IN E1L1). GLdouble* ptr; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(data); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(weight); tempvertice[0] = v[0]; tempvertice[1] = v[1]; tempvertice[2] = v[2]; ptr = tempvertice; *out = tempvertice; if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Created additional geometry for sector tesselation.\n"); } void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tesserror(GLenum error) { // This callback is called by the tesselator whenever it raises an error. if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Tesselation error number %i reported : %s.\n", error, bgluErrorString(errno)); } void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessedgeflag(GLenum error) { // Passing an edgeflag callback forces the tesselator to output a triangle list UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(error); return; } void PR_CALLBACK polymer_tessvertex(void* vertex, void* sector) { _prsector* s; s = (_prsector*)sector; if (s->curindice >= s->indicescount) { if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Indice overflow, extending the indices list... !\n"); s->indicescount++; s->floorindices = realloc(s->floorindices, s->indicescount * sizeof(GLushort)); s->ceilindices = realloc(s->ceilindices, s->indicescount * sizeof(GLushort)); } s->ceilindices[s->curindice] = (int)vertex; s->curindice++; } int polymer_buildfloor(short sectnum) { // This function tesselates the floor/ceiling of a sector and stores the triangles in a display list. _prsector* s; sectortype *sec; int i; if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Tesselating floor of sector %i...\n", sectnum); s = prsectors[sectnum]; sec = §or[sectnum]; if (s == NULL) return (-1); if (s->floorindices == NULL) { s->indicescount = (sec->wallnum - 2) * 3; s->floorindices = calloc(s->indicescount, sizeof(GLushort)); s->ceilindices = calloc(s->indicescount, sizeof(GLushort)); } s->curindice = 0; bgluTessCallback(prtess, GLU_TESS_VERTEX_DATA, polymer_tessvertex); bgluTessCallback(prtess, GLU_TESS_EDGE_FLAG, polymer_tessedgeflag); //bgluTessCallback(prtess, GLU_TESS_COMBINE, polymer_tesscombine); bgluTessCallback(prtess, GLU_TESS_ERROR, polymer_tesserror); bgluTessProperty(prtess, GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE, GLU_TESS_WINDING_POSITIVE); bgluTessBeginPolygon(prtess, s); bgluTessBeginContour(prtess); i = 0; while (i < sec->wallnum) { bgluTessVertex(prtess, s->verts + (3 * i), (void *)i); if ((i != (sec->wallnum - 1)) && ((sec->wallptr + i) > wall[sec->wallptr + i].point2)) { bgluTessEndContour(prtess); bgluTessBeginContour(prtess); } i++; } bgluTessEndContour(prtess); bgluTessEndPolygon(prtess); i = 0; while (i < s->indicescount) { s->floorindices[s->indicescount - i - 1] = s->ceilindices[i]; i++; } if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Tesselated floor of sector %i.\n", sectnum); return (1); } void polymer_drawsector(short sectnum) { sectortype *sec; walltype *wal; _prsector* s; if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Drawing sector %i...\n", sectnum); sec = §or[sectnum]; wal = &wall[sec->wallptr]; s = prsectors[sectnum]; if (prsectors[sectnum] == NULL) { polymer_initsector(sectnum); polymer_updatesector(sectnum); } // floor if (!(sec->floorstat & 1)) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->floorglpic); bglColor4f(s->floorcolor[0], s->floorcolor[1], s->floorcolor[2], s->floorcolor[3]); bglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), s->floorbuffer); bglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), &s->floorbuffer[3]); bglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, s->indicescount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, s->floorindices); if (s->floorfbglpic) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->floorfbglpic); bglColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); bglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, s->indicescount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, s->floorindices); } } // ceiling if (!(sec->ceilingstat & 1)) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->ceilglpic); bglColor4f(s->ceilcolor[0], s->ceilcolor[1], s->ceilcolor[2], s->ceilcolor[3]); bglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), s->ceilbuffer); bglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), &s->ceilbuffer[3]); bglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, s->indicescount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, s->ceilindices); if (s->ceilfbglpic) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, s->ceilfbglpic); bglColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); bglDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, s->indicescount, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, s->floorindices); } } if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Finished drawing sector %i...\n", sectnum); } // WALLS int polymer_initwall(short wallnum) { _prwall *w; if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Initalizing wall %i...\n", wallnum); w = malloc(sizeof(_prwall)); if (w == NULL) { if (pr_verbosity >= 1) OSD_Printf("PR : Cannot initialize wall %i : malloc failed.\n", wallnum); return (0); } w->invalidate = w->underover = 0; w->wallbuffer = w->overbuffer = w->portal = NULL; prwalls[wallnum] = w; if (pr_verbosity >= 2) OSD_Printf("PR : Initalized wall %i.\n", wallnum); return (1); } void polymer_updatewall(short wallnum) { short nwallnum, nnwallnum, curpicnum; char curxpanning, curypanning; walltype *wal; sectortype *sec, *nsec; _prwall *w; _prsector *s, *ns; pthtyp* pth; int xref, yref; float ypancoef, dist; int i; wal = &wall[wallnum]; sec = §or[sectorofwall(wallnum)]; w = prwalls[wallnum]; s = prsectors[sectorofwall(wallnum)]; if (w->wallbuffer == NULL) w->wallbuffer = calloc(4, sizeof(GLfloat) * 5); w->underover = 0; w->wallcolor[0] = w->wallcolor[1] = w->wallcolor[2] = ((float)(numpalookups-min(max(wal->shade,0),numpalookups)))/((float)numpalookups); w->wallcolor[3] = 1.0f; if (wal->cstat & 8) xref = 1; else xref = 0; if (wal->nextsector == -1) { memcpy(w->wallbuffer, &s->floorbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[5], &s->floorbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[10], &s->ceilbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[15], &s->ceilbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); curpicnum = wal->picnum; if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,wallnum+16384); if (!waloff[curpicnum]) loadtile(curpicnum); pth = gltexcache(curpicnum, wal->pal, 0); w->wallglpic = pth ? pth->glpic : 0; if (pth && (pth->flags & 16)) w->wallfbglpic = pth->ofb->glpic; else w->wallfbglpic = 0; if (pth && (pth->flags & 2) && (pth->palnum != wal->pal)) { w->wallcolor[0] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].r / 255.0; w->wallcolor[1] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].g / 255.0; w->wallcolor[2] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].b / 255.0; } if (wal->cstat & 4) yref = sec->floorz; else yref = sec->ceilingz; if (wal->ypanning) { ypancoef = (float)(pow2long[picsiz[curpicnum] >> 4]); if (ypancoef < tilesizy[curpicnum]) ypancoef *= 2; ypancoef *= (float)(wal->ypanning) / (256.0f * (float)(tilesizy[curpicnum])); } else ypancoef = 0; i = 0; while (i < 4) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 3)) dist = xref; else dist = (xref == 0); w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[curpicnum]); w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[curpicnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ypancoef; if (wal->cstat & 256) w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = -w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4]; i++; } w->underover |= 1; } else { nwallnum = wal->nextwall; nnwallnum = wall[nwallnum].point2; nsec = §or[wal->nextsector]; ns = prsectors[wal->nextsector]; if (((s->floorbuffer[((wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5) + 1] != ns->floorbuffer[((nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5) + 1]) || (s->floorbuffer[((wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5) + 1] != ns->floorbuffer[((nwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5) + 1])) && (s->floorbuffer[((wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5) + 1] <= ns->floorbuffer[((nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5) + 1])) { memcpy(w->wallbuffer, &s->floorbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[5], &s->floorbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[10], &ns->floorbuffer[(nwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->wallbuffer[15], &ns->floorbuffer[(nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); if (wal->cstat & 2) { curpicnum = wall[nwallnum].picnum; curxpanning = wall[nwallnum].xpanning; curypanning = wall[nwallnum].ypanning; } else { curpicnum = wal->picnum; curxpanning = wal->xpanning; curypanning = wal->ypanning; } if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,wallnum+16384); if (!waloff[curpicnum]) loadtile(curpicnum); pth = gltexcache(curpicnum, wal->pal, 0); w->wallglpic = pth ? pth->glpic : 0; if (pth && (pth->flags & 16)) w->wallfbglpic = pth->ofb->glpic; else w->wallfbglpic = 0; if (pth && (pth->flags & 2) && (pth->palnum != wal->pal)) { w->wallcolor[0] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].r / 255.0; w->wallcolor[1] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].g / 255.0; w->wallcolor[2] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].b / 255.0; } if ((!(wal->cstat & 2) && (wal->cstat & 4)) || ((wal->cstat & 2) && (wall[nwallnum].cstat & 4))) yref = sec->ceilingz; else yref = nsec->floorz; if (curypanning) { ypancoef = (float)(pow2long[picsiz[curpicnum] >> 4]); if (ypancoef < tilesizy[curpicnum]) ypancoef *= 2; ypancoef *= (float)(curypanning) / (256.0f * (float)(tilesizy[curpicnum])); } else ypancoef = 0; i = 0; while (i < 4) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 3)) dist = xref; else dist = (xref == 0); w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + curxpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[curpicnum]); w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[curpicnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ypancoef; if (wal->cstat & 256) w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = -w->wallbuffer[(i * 5) + 4]; i++; } if (!((sec->floorstat & 1) && (nsec->floorstat & 1))) w->underover |= 1; } if (((s->ceilbuffer[((wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5) + 1] != ns->ceilbuffer[((nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5) + 1]) || (s->ceilbuffer[((wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5) + 1] != ns->ceilbuffer[((nwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5) + 1])) && (s->ceilbuffer[((wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5) + 1] >= ns->ceilbuffer[((nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5) + 1])) { if (w->overbuffer == NULL) w->overbuffer = calloc(4, sizeof(GLfloat) * 5); memcpy(w->overbuffer, &ns->ceilbuffer[(nnwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->overbuffer[5], &ns->ceilbuffer[(nwallnum - nsec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->overbuffer[10], &s->ceilbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->overbuffer[15], &s->ceilbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); if ((wal->cstat & 16) || (wal->overpicnum == 0)) curpicnum = wal->picnum; else curpicnum = wal->picnum; if (picanm[curpicnum]&192) curpicnum += animateoffs(curpicnum,wallnum+16384); if (!waloff[curpicnum]) loadtile(curpicnum); pth = gltexcache(curpicnum, wal->pal, 0); w->overglpic = pth ? pth->glpic : 0; if (pth && (pth->flags & 16)) w->overfbglpic = pth->ofb->glpic; else w->overfbglpic = 0; memcpy(w->overcolor, w->wallcolor, sizeof(GLfloat) * 4); if (pth && (pth->flags & 2) && (pth->palnum != wal->pal)) { w->overcolor[0] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].r / 255.0; w->overcolor[1] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].g / 255.0; w->overcolor[2] *= (float)hictinting[wal->pal].b / 255.0; } if (wal->cstat & 4) yref = sec->ceilingz; else yref = nsec->ceilingz; if (wal->ypanning) { ypancoef = (float)(pow2long[picsiz[curpicnum] >> 4]); if (ypancoef < tilesizy[curpicnum]) ypancoef *= 2; ypancoef *= (float)(wal->ypanning) / (256.0f * (float)(tilesizy[curpicnum])); } else ypancoef = 0; i = 0; while (i < 4) { if ((i == 0) || (i == 3)) dist = xref; else dist = (xref == 0); w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 3] = ((dist * 8.0f * wal->xrepeat) + wal->xpanning) / (float)(tilesizx[curpicnum]); w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = (-(float)(yref + w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 1]) / ((tilesizy[curpicnum] * 2048.0f) / (float)(wal->yrepeat))) + ypancoef; if (wal->cstat & 256) w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4] = -w->overbuffer[(i * 5) + 4]; i++; } if (!((sec->ceilingstat & 1) && (nsec->ceilingstat & 1))) w->underover |= 2; } } if (w->portal == NULL) w->portal = calloc(4, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(w->portal, &s->floorbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->portal[3], &s->floorbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->portal[6], &s->ceilbuffer[(wal->point2 - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&w->portal[9], &s->ceilbuffer[(wallnum - sec->wallptr) * 5], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Updated wall %i.\n", wallnum); } void polymer_drawwall(short wallnum) { _prwall *w; if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Drawing wall %i...\n", wallnum); w = prwalls[wallnum]; if (w->underover & 1) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, w->wallglpic); bglColor4f(w->wallcolor[0], w->wallcolor[1], w->wallcolor[2], w->wallcolor[3]); bglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), w->wallbuffer); bglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), &w->wallbuffer[3]); bglDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4); if (w->wallfbglpic) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, w->wallfbglpic); bglColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); bglDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4); } } if (w->underover & 2) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, w->overglpic); bglColor4f(w->overcolor[0], w->overcolor[1], w->overcolor[2], w->overcolor[3]); bglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), w->overbuffer); bglTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 5 * sizeof(GLfloat), &w->overbuffer[3]); bglDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4); if (w->overfbglpic) { bglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, w->overfbglpic); bglColor4f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); bglDrawArrays(GL_QUADS, 0, 4); } } if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Finished drawing wall %i...\n", wallnum); } // HSR void polymer_portaltofrustum(GLfloat* portal, int portalpointcount, GLfloat* pos, GLfloat* frustum) { int i; memcpy(&triangle[3], pos, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); i = 0; while (i < portalpointcount) { memcpy(&triangle[0], &portal[i * 3], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); if (i != (portalpointcount - 1)) memcpy(&triangle[6], &portal[(i+1) * 3], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); else memcpy(&triangle[6], &portal[0], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); polymer_triangletoplane(triangle, &frustum[i*4]); i++; } //near //memcpy(&triangle[3], &portal[(i-2) * 3], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); //polymer_triangletoplane(triangle, &frustum[i*4]); } void polymer_triangletoplane(GLfloat* triangle, GLfloat* plane) { GLfloat vec1[3], vec2[3]; vec1[0] = triangle[3] - triangle[0]; vec1[1] = triangle[4] - triangle[1]; vec1[2] = triangle[5] - triangle[2]; vec2[0] = triangle[6] - triangle[0]; vec2[1] = triangle[7] - triangle[1]; vec2[2] = triangle[8] - triangle[2]; polymer_crossproduct(vec1, vec2, plane); plane[3] = -(plane[0] * triangle[0] + plane[1] * triangle[1] + plane[2] * triangle[2]); } void polymer_crossproduct(GLfloat* in_a, GLfloat* in_b, GLfloat* out) { out[0] = in_a[1] * in_b[2] - in_a[2] * in_b[1]; out[1] = in_a[2] * in_b[0] - in_a[0] * in_b[2]; out[2] = in_a[0] * in_b[1] - in_a[1] * in_b[0]; } void polymer_extractfrustum(GLdouble* modelview, GLdouble* projection) { GLdouble matrix[16]; int i; bglMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE); bglLoadMatrixd(projection); bglMultMatrixd(modelview); bglGetDoublev(GL_TEXTURE_MATRIX, matrix); bglLoadIdentity(); i = 0; while (i < 4) { frustumstack[i] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] + matrix[4 * i]; // left frustumstack[i + 4] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] - matrix[4 * i]; // right frustumstack[i + 8] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] - matrix[(4 * i) + 1]; // top frustumstack[i + 12] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] + matrix[(4 * i) + 1]; // bottom frustumstack[i + 16] = matrix[(4 * i) + 3] + matrix[(4 * i) + 2]; // near i++; } i = 0; /*while (i < 5) { // frustum plane norms frustumnorms[i] = sqrt((frustum[(i * 4) + 0] * frustum[(i * 4) + 0]) + (frustum[(i * 4) + 1] * frustum[(i * 4) + 1]) + (frustum[(i * 4) + 2] * frustum[(i * 4) + 2])); i++; }*/ if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Frustum extracted.\n"); } void polymer_drawroom(short sectnum) { int i, j, secwallcount, curwallcount, walclips; sectortype *sec; walltype *wal; if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Drawing room %d.\n", sectnum); sec = §or[sectnum]; wal = &wall[sec->wallptr]; secwallcount = sec->wallnum; // first draw the sector polymer_drawsector(sectnum); prsectors[sectnum]->drawingstate = 1; i = 0; while (i < secwallcount) { walclips = 0; curwallcount = 1; if ((prwalls[sec->wallptr + i]->drawn == 0) && (wallvisible(sec->wallptr + i)) && (walclips |= polymer_portalinfrustum(sec->wallptr + i))) { if ((wal->nextsector != -1) && (prsectors[wal->nextsector]->drawingstate == 0)) { // check for contigous walls with the same nextsector if ((i == 0) && (wal->nextsector == wall[sec->wallptr + secwallcount - 1].nextsector) && (prwalls[sec->wallptr + secwallcount - 1]->drawn == 0) && (wallvisible(sec->wallptr + secwallcount - 1)) && (walclips |= polymer_portalinfrustum(sec->wallptr + secwallcount - 1))) { j = secwallcount - 2; while ((j > 1) && (wall[sec->wallptr + j].nextsector == wal->nextsector) && (prwalls[sec->wallptr + j]->drawn == 0) && (wallvisible(sec->wallptr + j)) && (walclips |= polymer_portalinfrustum(sec->wallptr + j))) j--; secwallcount = i = j + 1; curwallcount += sec->wallnum - secwallcount; } j = i + 1; while ((wall[sec->wallptr + j].nextsector == wal->nextsector) && (prwalls[sec->wallptr + j]->drawn == 0) && (wallvisible(sec->wallptr + j)) && (walclips |= polymer_portalinfrustum(sec->wallptr + j))) j++; curwallcount += j - i - 1; } j = 0; while (j < curwallcount) { prwalls[sec->wallptr + ((i + j) % sec->wallnum)]->drawn = 1; j++; } if ((wal->nextsector != -1) && (prsectors[wal->nextsector]->drawingstate == 0)) { clippedportalpointcount = 4 + ((curwallcount - 1) * 2); // generate the portal from all the walls if (curwallcount == 1) memcpy(clippedportalpoints, prwalls[sec->wallptr + i]->portal, sizeof(float) * 4 * 3); else { if (clippedportalpointcount > maxclippedportalpointcount) { clippedportalpoints = realloc(clippedportalpoints, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * clippedportalpointcount); distances = realloc(distances, sizeof(float) * clippedportalpointcount); maxclippedportalpointcount = clippedportalpointcount; } j = 0; while (j < curwallcount) { memcpy(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &prwalls[sec->wallptr + ((i + j) % sec->wallnum)]->portal[0], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&clippedportalpoints[(clippedportalpointcount - j - 1) * 3], &prwalls[sec->wallptr + ((i + j) % sec->wallnum)]->portal[9], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); j++; } memcpy(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &prwalls[sec->wallptr + ((i + j - 1) % sec->wallnum)]->portal[3], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memcpy(&clippedportalpoints[(clippedportalpointcount - j - 1) * 3], &prwalls[sec->wallptr + ((i + j - 1) % sec->wallnum)]->portal[6], sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); } if (walclips > 1) // the wall intersected at least one plane and needs to be clipped clippedportalpointcount = polymer_cliptofrustum(sec->wallptr + i); if (pr_showportals) { bglDisable(GL_FOG); bglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); bglColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); bglBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); j = 0; while (j < clippedportalpointcount) { bglVertex3fv(&clippedportalpoints[j*3]); j++; } bglEnd(); bglEnable(GL_FOG); bglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } if (frustumstacksize <= (frustumstackposition + (frustumsizes[frustumdepth] + clippedportalpointcount + 1) * 4)) { frustumstacksize += clippedportalpointcount * 4; frustumstack = realloc(frustumstack, sizeof(GLfloat) * frustumstacksize); } if (maxfrustumcount == (frustumdepth + 1)) { maxfrustumcount++; frustumsizes = realloc(frustumsizes, sizeof(char) * maxfrustumcount); projectedportals = realloc(projectedportals, maxfrustumcount * 4 * sizeof(GLint)); } // push a new frustum on the stack frustumstackposition += frustumsizes[frustumdepth] * 4; frustumdepth++; frustumsizes[frustumdepth] = clippedportalpointcount; // calculate the new frustum data polymer_portaltofrustum(clippedportalpoints, clippedportalpointcount, pos, &frustumstack[frustumstackposition]); if (pr_scissorstest) { // project the scissor curportal = &projectedportals[frustumdepth * 4]; polymer_getportal(clippedportalpoints, clippedportalpointcount, curportal); bglScissor(curportal[0] - 1, viewport[3] - curportal[3] - 1, curportal[2] - curportal[0] + 2, curportal[3] - curportal[1] + 2); // draw the new scissor if (pr_showportals) polymer_drawportal(curportal); } // recurse polymer_drawroom(wal->nextsector); if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Popping...\n"); frustumdepth--; frustumstackposition -= frustumsizes[frustumdepth] * 4; if (pr_scissorstest) { // pop the scissor curportal = &projectedportals[frustumdepth * 4]; bglScissor(curportal[0] - 1, viewport[3] - curportal[3] - 1, curportal[2] - curportal[0] + 2, curportal[3] - curportal[1] + 2); } } j = 0; while (j < curwallcount) { polymer_drawwall(sec->wallptr + ((i + j) % sec->wallnum)); prwalls[sec->wallptr + ((i + j) % sec->wallnum)]->drawn = 0; j++; } } i += curwallcount; if (i > sec->wallnum) i = i % sec->wallnum; wal = &wall[sec->wallptr + i]; } prsectors[sectnum]->drawingstate = 0; } int polymer_portalinfrustum(short wallnum) { int i, j, k, result; float sqdist, *frustum; _prwall *w; frustum = &frustumstack[frustumstackposition]; w = prwalls[wallnum]; i = result = 0; while (i < frustumsizes[frustumdepth]) { j = k = 0; while (j < 4) { sqdist = frustum[(i * 4) + 0] * w->portal[(j * 3) + 0] + frustum[(i * 4) + 1] * w->portal[(j * 3) + 1] + frustum[(i * 4) + 2] * w->portal[(j * 3) + 2] + frustum[(i * 4) + 3]; if (sqdist < 0) k++; j++; } if (k == 4) return (0); // OUT ! if (k != 0) result |= 2<= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Clipping wall %d...\n", wallnum); //memcpy(clippedportalpoints, prwalls[wallnum]->portal, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * 4); i = 0; while (i < frustumsizes[frustumdepth]) { if ((frustumdepth == 0) && (i == frustumsizes[frustumdepth] - 1)) { // don't near-clip with the viewing frustum i++; continue; } // frustum planes j = k = 0; m = -1; while (j < result) { distances[j] = polymer_pointdistancetoplane(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &frustum[i * 4]); if (distances[j] < 0) k = 1; // at least one is outside if ((distances[j] > 0) && (m < 0)) m = j; // first point inside j++; } if ((k) && (m != -1)) { // divide and conquer while we may j = m; while ((j != m) || (k)) { if (k) { k = 0; if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Clipping against frustum plane %d starting with point %d...\n", i, m); } l = j + 1; // L is next point if (l == result) l = 0; if ((distances[j] >= 0) && (distances[l] < 0)) { // case 1 : line exits the plane -> compute intersection polymer_lineplaneintersection(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &clippedportalpoints[l * 3], distances[j], distances[l], intersect); exitpoint = l; if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: EXIT\n", j); } else if ((distances[j] < 0) && (distances[l] < 0)) { // case 2 : line is totally outside the plane if (j != exitpoint) { // if we didn't just exit we need to delete this point forever result--; if (j != result) { memmove(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &clippedportalpoints[l * 3], (result - j) * sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memmove(&distances[j], &distances[l], (result - j) * sizeof(float)); if (m >= l) { m--; } l--; } if (l == result) l = 0; } else memcpy(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], intersect, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); // replace point by intersection from previous entry if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: IN\n", j); } else if ((distances[j] < 0) && (distances[l] >= 0)) { // case 3 : we're going back into the plane -> replace current point with intersection if (j == exitpoint) { // if we just exited a point is created if (result == maxclippedportalpointcount) { clippedportalpoints = realloc(clippedportalpoints, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3 * (maxclippedportalpointcount + 1)); distances = realloc(distances, sizeof(float) * (maxclippedportalpointcount + 1)); maxclippedportalpointcount++; } if ((result - 1) != j) { memmove(&clippedportalpoints[(l + 1) * 3], &clippedportalpoints[l * 3], (result - l) * sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); memmove(&distances[l + 1], &distances[l], (result - l) * sizeof(float)); if (m >= l) m++; } result++; polymer_lineplaneintersection(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &clippedportalpoints[l * 3], distances[j], distances[l], &clippedportalpoints[(j + 1) * 3]); memcpy(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], intersect, sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); // replace point by intersection from previous entry if ((l) && (l != m)) l++; // if not at the end of the list, skip the point we just created } else polymer_lineplaneintersection(&clippedportalpoints[j * 3], &clippedportalpoints[l * 3], distances[j], distances[l], &clippedportalpoints[j * 3]); if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: ENTER\n", j); } else if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : %d: OUT\n", j); j = l; // L } } if (pr_verbosity >= 3) OSD_Printf("PR : Plane %d finished, result : %d.\n", i, result); i++; } // pruning duplicates i = 0; while (i < result) { if (i == (result - 1)) intersect[0] = polymer_pointdistancetopoint(&clippedportalpoints[i*3], &clippedportalpoints[0]); else intersect[0] = polymer_pointdistancetopoint(&clippedportalpoints[i*3], &clippedportalpoints[(i+1)*3]); if (intersect[0] < 1) { if (i == (result - 1)) result--; else { result--; memmove(&clippedportalpoints[i*3], &clippedportalpoints[(i+1)*3], (result - i) * sizeof(GLfloat) * 3); continue; } } i++; } return (result); } void polymer_getportal(GLfloat* portalpoints, int portalpointcount, GLint* output) { GLdouble result[3]; int i; bgluProject(portalpoints[0], portalpoints[1], portalpoints[2], modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix, viewport, &(result[0]), &(result[1]), &(result[2])); result[1] = viewport[3] - result[1]; output[0] = (GLint)result[0]; output[1] = (GLint)result[1]; output[2] = (GLint)result[0]; output[3] = (GLint)result[1]; i = 1; while (i < portalpointcount) { bgluProject(portalpoints[(i * 3)], portalpoints[(i * 3) + 1], portalpoints[(i * 3) + 2], modelviewmatrix, projectionmatrix, viewport, &(result[0]), &(result[1]), &(result[2])); result[1] = viewport[3] - result[1]; if (((GLint)result[0]) < output[0]) output[0] = (GLint)result[0]; if (((GLint)result[0]) > output[2]) output[2] = (GLint)result[0]; if (((GLint)result[1]) < output[1]) output[1] = (GLint)result[1]; if (((GLint)result[1]) > output[3]) output[3] = (GLint)result[1]; i++; } } void polymer_drawportal(int *portal) { bglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); bglPushMatrix(); bglLoadIdentity(); bglOrtho(0, xdim, ydim, 0, 0, 1); bglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); bglPushMatrix(); bglLoadIdentity(); bglColor4f(1.0f, (1.0f - 0.1 * (frustumdepth-1)), (1.0f - 0.1 * (frustumdepth-1)), 1.0f); bglDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); bglBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); bglVertex3f(portal[0], portal[1], 0.0f); bglVertex3f(portal[0], portal[3], 0.0f); bglVertex3f(portal[2], portal[3], 0.0f); bglVertex3f(portal[2], portal[1], 0.0f); bglEnd(); bglEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); bglPopMatrix(); bglMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); bglPopMatrix(); bglMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); } // SKIES void polymer_initskybox(void) { GLfloat halfsqrt2 = 0.70710678f; skybox[0] = -1.0f; skybox[1] = 0.0f; // 0 skybox[2] = -halfsqrt2; skybox[3] = halfsqrt2; // 1 skybox[4] = 0.0f; skybox[5] = 1.0f; // 2 skybox[6] = halfsqrt2; skybox[7] = halfsqrt2; // 3 skybox[8] = 1.0f; skybox[9] = 0.0f; // 4 skybox[10] = halfsqrt2; skybox[11] = -halfsqrt2; // 5 skybox[12] = 0.0f; skybox[13] = -1.0f; // 6 skybox[14] = -halfsqrt2; skybox[15] = -halfsqrt2; // 7 /*skybox[0] = -1.0f; skybox[1] = 0.0f; // 0 skybox[2] = -1.0f; skybox[3] = 1.0; // 1 skybox[4] = 0.0f; skybox[5] = 1.0f; // 2 skybox[6] = 1.0f; skybox[7] = 1.0f; // 3 skybox[8] = 1.0f; skybox[9] = 0.0f; // 4 skybox[10] = 1.0; skybox[11] = -1.0; // 5 skybox[12] = 0.0f; skybox[13] = -1.0f; // 6 skybox[14] = -1.0; skybox[15] = -1.0; // 7*/ } void polymer_getsky(void) { int i; i = 0; while (i < numsectors) { if (sector[i].ceilingstat & 1) { cursky = sector[i].ceilingpicnum; return; } i++; } } void polymer_drawskyquad(int p1, int p2, GLfloat height) { bglBegin(GL_QUADS); bglTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); //OSD_Printf("PR: drawing %f %f %f\n", skybox[(p1 * 2) + 1], height, skybox[p1 * 2]); bglVertex3f(skybox[(p1 * 2) + 1], height, skybox[p1 * 2]); bglTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); //OSD_Printf("PR: drawing %f %f %f\n", skybox[(p1 * 2) + 1], -height, skybox[p1 * 2]); bglVertex3f(skybox[(p1 * 2) + 1], -height, skybox[p1 * 2]); bglTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); //OSD_Printf("PR: drawing %f %f %f\n", skybox[(p2 * 2) + 1], -height, skybox[p2 * 2]); bglVertex3f(skybox[(p2 * 2) + 1], -height, skybox[p2 * 2]); bglTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); //OSD_Printf("PR: drawing %f %f %f\n", skybox[(p2 * 2) + 1], height, skybox[p2 * 2]); bglVertex3f(skybox[(p2 * 2) + 1], height, skybox[p2 * 2]); bglEnd(); } void polymer_drawartsky(short tilenum) { pthtyp* pth; GLuint glpics[5]; int i, j; GLfloat height = 2.45f / 2.0f; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (!waloff[tilenum + i]) loadtile(tilenum + i); pth = gltexcache(tilenum + i, 0, 0); glpics[i] = pth ? pth->glpic : 0; i++; } i = 0; j = (1<