//------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Copyright (C) 1997, 2005 - 3D Realms Entertainment This file is part of Shadow Warrior version 1.2 Shadow Warrior is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Original Source: 1997 - Frank Maddin and Jim Norwood Prepared for public release: 03/28/2005 - Charlie Wiederhold, 3D Realms */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "ns.h" // CTW NOTE /* Known remaining issues: - Audio stuttering. - CD Audio not looping properly (currently hard coded to restart about every 200 seconds. - Hitting F5 to change resolution causes a crash (currently disabled). - Multiplayer untested. Things required to make savegames work: - Load makesym.wpj and build it. - In a DOS prompt, run "makesym sw.map swdata.map swcode.map" - Copy swcode.map to swcode.sym and swdata.map to swdata.sym */ // CTW NOTE END #define MAIN #define QUIET #include "build.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "osd.h" #include "baselayer.h" #include "keys.h" #include "names2.h" #include "panel.h" #include "game.h" #include "tags.h" #include "sector.h" #include "sprite.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "player.h" #include "lists.h" #include "network.h" #include "pal.h" #include "mytypes.h" //#include "config.h" #include "menus.h" #include "gamecontrol.h" #include "gamedefs.h" #include "config.h" #include "demo.h" #include "cache.h" //#include "exports.h" #include "anim.h" #include "colormap.h" #include "break.h" #include "ninja.h" #include "light.h" #include "track.h" #include "jsector.h" #include "text.h" #include "common.h" #include "common_game.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "printf.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "debugbreak.h" #include "menu/menu.h" #include "z_music.h" #include "statistics.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "mapinfo.h" #include "rendering/v_video.h" #include "sound/s_soundinternal.h" #include "osdcmds.h" //#include "crc32.h" BEGIN_SW_NS void pClearSpriteList(PLAYERp pp); signed char MNU_InputSmallString(char*, short); signed char MNU_InputString(char*, short); SWBOOL IsCommand(const char* str); SWBOOL MNU_StartNetGame(void); extern SWBOOL MultiPlayQuitFlag; #if DEBUG #define BETA 0 #endif #define STAT_SCREEN_PIC 5114 #define TITLE_PIC 2324 #define THREED_REALMS_PIC 2325 #define TITLE_ROT_FLAGS (ROTATE_SPRITE_CORNER|ROTATE_SPRITE_SCREEN_CLIP|ROTATE_SPRITE_NON_MASK) #define PAL_SIZE (256*3) char DemoName[15][16]; // Stupid WallMart version! //#define PLOCK_VERSION TRUE #if PLOCK_VERSION SWBOOL Global_PLock = TRUE; #else SWBOOL Global_PLock = FALSE; #endif // 12 was original source release. For future releases increment by two. int GameVersion = 15; char DemoText[3][64]; int DemoTextYstart = 0; SWBOOL DoubleInitAWE32 = FALSE; int Follow_posx=0,Follow_posy=0; SWBOOL NoMeters = FALSE; short IntroAnimCount = 0; short PlayingLevel = -1; SWBOOL GraphicsMode = FALSE; char CacheLastLevel[32] = ""; char PlayerNameArg[32] = ""; SWBOOL CleanExit = FALSE; SWBOOL DemoModeMenuInit = FALSE; SWBOOL FinishAnim = 0; SWBOOL ShortGameMode = FALSE; SWBOOL ReloadPrompt = FALSE; SWBOOL ReloadPromptMode = FALSE; SWBOOL NewGame = TRUE; SWBOOL InMenuLevel = FALSE; SWBOOL LoadGameOutsideMoveLoop = FALSE; SWBOOL LoadGameFromDemo = FALSE; SWBOOL ArgCheat = FALSE; extern SWBOOL NetBroadcastMode, NetModeOverride; SWBOOL MultiPlayQuitFlag = FALSE; //Miscellaneous variables char MessageInputString[256]; char MessageOutputString[256]; SWBOOL MessageInputMode = FALSE; SWBOOL ConInputMode = FALSE; SWBOOL ConPanel = FALSE; SWBOOL FinishedLevel = FALSE; SWBOOL HelpInputMode = FALSE; SWBOOL PanelUpdateMode = TRUE; short HelpPage = 0; short HelpPagePic[] = { 5115, 5116, 5117 }; SWBOOL InputMode = FALSE; SWBOOL MessageInput = FALSE; extern SWBOOL GamePaused; short screenpeek = 0; SWBOOL NoDemoStartup = FALSE; SWBOOL FirstTimeIntoGame; SWBOOL BorderAdjust = FALSE; SWBOOL LocationInfo = 0; void drawoverheadmap(int cposx, int cposy, int czoom, short cang); int DispFrameRate = FALSE; int DispMono = TRUE; int Fog = FALSE; int FogColor; SWBOOL PreCaching = TRUE; int GodMode = FALSE; SWBOOL BotMode = FALSE; short Skill = 2; short BetaVersion = 900; short TotalKillable; AUTO_NET Auto; SWBOOL AutoNet = FALSE; SWBOOL HasAutoColor = FALSE; uint8_t AutoColor; const GAME_SET gs_defaults = { 2, // border 0, // border tile // Network game settings 0, // GameType 0, // Level 0, // Monsters FALSE, // HurtTeammate TRUE, // SpawnMarkers Markers FALSE, // TeamPlay 0, // Kill Limit 0, // Time Limit 0, // Color TRUE, // nuke }; GAME_SET gs; SWBOOL PlayerTrackingMode = FALSE; SWBOOL PauseMode = FALSE; SWBOOL PauseKeySet = FALSE; SWBOOL SlowMode = FALSE; SWBOOL FrameAdvanceTics = 3; SWBOOL ScrollMode2D = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugSO = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugPanel = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugSector = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugActor = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugAnim = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugOperate = FALSE; SWBOOL DebugActorFreeze = FALSE; void LoadingLevelScreen(char *level_name); uint8_t FakeMultiNumPlayers; int totalsynctics; int turn_scale = 256; int move_scale = 256; short Level = 0; SWBOOL ExitLevel = FALSE; int16_t OrigCommPlayers=0; extern uint8_t CommPlayers; extern SWBOOL CommEnabled; extern int bufferjitter; SWBOOL CameraTestMode = FALSE; char ds[645]; // debug string extern short NormalVisibility; extern int quotebot, quotebotgoal; // Multiplayer typing buffer char recbuf[80]; // Used as a temp buffer to hold typing text extern unsigned char palette_data[256][3]; // Global palette array #define ACT_STATUE 0 int score; SWBOOL QuitFlag = FALSE; SWBOOL InGame = FALSE; SWBOOL CommandSetup = FALSE; char UserMapName[80]="", buffer[80], ch; char LevelName[20]; uint8_t DebugPrintColor = 255; int krandcount; /// L O C A L P R O T O T Y P E S ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void BOT_DeleteAllBots(void); void BotPlayerInsert(PLAYERp pp); void SybexScreen(void); void PlayTheme(void); void MenuLevel(void); void StatScreen(PLAYERp mpp); void InitRunLevel(void); void RunLevel(void); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static FILE *debug_fout = NULL; void DebugWriteString(char *string) { #if BETA || !DEBUG return; #endif if (!debug_fout) { if ((debug_fout = fopen("dbg.foo", "ab+")) == NULL) return; } fprintf(debug_fout, "%s\n", string); //fclose(debug_fout); //debug_fout = NULL; fflush(debug_fout); } void DebugWriteLoc(char *fname, int line) { #if BETA || !DEBUG return; #endif if (!debug_fout) { if ((debug_fout = fopen("dbg.foo", "ab+")) == NULL) return; } fprintf(debug_fout, "%s, %d\n", fname, line); //fclose(debug_fout); //debug_fout = NULL; fflush(debug_fout); } void Mono_Print(char *str) { MONO_PRINT(str); } extern SWBOOL DrawScreen; #if RANDOM_DEBUG FILE *fout_err; SWBOOL RandomPrint; int krand1(char *file, unsigned line) { ASSERT(!DrawScreen); if (RandomPrint && !Prediction) { extern uint32_t MoveThingsCount; sprintf(ds,"mtc %d, %s, line %d, %d",MoveThingsCount,file,line,randomseed); DebugWriteString(ds); } randomseed = ((randomseed * 21 + 1) & 65535); return randomseed; } int krand2() { ASSERT(!DrawScreen); randomseed = ((randomseed * 21 + 1) & 65535); return randomseed; } #else int krand1(void) { ASSERT(!DrawScreen); krandcount++; randomseed = ((randomseed * 21 + 1) & 65535); return randomseed; } #endif #if DEBUG SWBOOL ValidPtr(void *ptr) { MEM_HDRp mhp; uint8_t* check; ASSERT(ptr != NULL); mhp = (MEM_HDRp)(((uint8_t*) ptr) - sizeof(MEM_HDR)); if (mhp->size == 0 || mhp->checksum == 0) { printf("ValidPtr(): Size or Checksum == 0!\n"); return FALSE; } check = (uint8_t*) & mhp->size; if (mhp->checksum == check[0] + check[1] + check[2] + check[3]) return TRUE; printf("ValidPtr(): Checksum bad!\n"); return FALSE; } void PtrCheckSum(void *ptr, unsigned int *stored, unsigned int *actual) { MEM_HDRp mhp; uint8_t* check; ASSERT(ptr != NULL); mhp = (MEM_HDRp)(((uint8_t*) ptr) - sizeof(MEM_HDR)); check = (uint8_t*) & mhp->size; *stored = mhp->checksum; *actual = check[0] + check[1] + check[2] + check[3]; } void * AllocMem(int size) { uint8_t* bp; MEM_HDRp mhp; uint8_t* check; ASSERT(size != 0); bp = (uint8_t*) malloc(size + sizeof(MEM_HDR)); // Used for debugging, we can remove this at ship time if (bp == NULL) { I_FatalError("Memory could NOT be allocated in AllocMem: size = %d\n",size); } ASSERT(bp != NULL); mhp = (MEM_HDRp) bp; mhp->size = size; check = (uint8_t*) & mhp->size; mhp->checksum = check[0] + check[1] + check[2] + check[3]; bp += sizeof(MEM_HDR); return bp; } void * ReAllocMem(void *ptr, int size) { if (ptr == nullptr) return AllocMem(size); if (size == 0) { FreeMem(ptr); return nullptr; } uint8_t* bp; MEM_HDRp mhp; uint8_t* check; ASSERT(ValidPtr(ptr)); mhp = (MEM_HDRp)(((uint8_t*) ptr) - sizeof(MEM_HDR)); bp = (uint8_t*) realloc(mhp, size + sizeof(MEM_HDR)); ASSERT(bp != NULL); mhp = (MEM_HDRp) bp; mhp->size = size; check = (uint8_t*) & mhp->size; mhp->checksum = check[0] + check[1] + check[2] + check[3]; bp += sizeof(MEM_HDR); ASSERT(ValidPtr(bp)); return bp; } void * CallocMem(int size, int num) { uint8_t* bp; MEM_HDRp mhp; uint8_t* check; int num_bytes; ASSERT(size != 0 && num != 0); num_bytes = (size * num) + sizeof(MEM_HDR); bp = (uint8_t*) calloc(num_bytes, 1); // Used for debugging, we can remove this at ship time if (bp == NULL) { I_FatalError("Memory could NOT be allocated in CallocMem: size = %d, num = %d\n",size,num); } ASSERT(bp != NULL); mhp = (MEM_HDRp) bp; mhp->size = size; check = (uint8_t*) & mhp->size; mhp->checksum = check[0] + check[1] + check[2] + check[3]; bp += sizeof(MEM_HDR); return bp; } void FreeMem(void *ptr) { if (ptr == nullptr) return; MEM_HDRp mhp; uint8_t* check; ASSERT(ValidPtr(ptr)); mhp = (MEM_HDRp)(((uint8_t*) ptr) - sizeof(MEM_HDR)); check = (uint8_t*)&mhp->size; memset(mhp, 0xCC, mhp->size + sizeof(MEM_HDR)); free(mhp); } #endif int PointOnLine(int x, int y, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { // the closer to 0 the closer to the line the point is return ((x2 - x1) * (y - y1)) - ((y2 - y1) * (x - x1)); } int Distance(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { int min; if ((x2 = x2 - x1) < 0) x2 = -x2; if ((y2 = y2 - y1) < 0) y2 = -y2; if (x2 > y2) min = y2; else min = x2; return x2 + y2 - DIV2(min); } void MapSetAll2D(uint8_t fill) { #if 0 int i; for (i = 0; i < (MAXWALLS >> 3); i++) show2dwall[i] = fill; for (i = 0; i < (MAXSPRITES >> 3); i++) show2dsprite[i] = fill; //for (i = 0; i < (MAXSECTORS >> 3); i++) for (i = 0; i < MAXSECTORS; i++) { if (sector[i].ceilingpicnum != 342 && sector[i].floorpicnum != 342) show2dsector[i>>3] |= (1<<(i&7)); //show2dsector[i] = fill; } #endif } void MapSetup(void) { MapSetAll2D(0xFF); } void setup2dscreen(void) { // qsetmode640350(); } void TerminateGame(void) { int i,j; int oldtotalclock; DemoTerm(); ErrorCorrectionQuit(); // uninitmultiplayers(); if (CleanExit) { SybexScreen(); //TenScreen(); } throw ExitEvent(3); } bool LoadLevel(const char *filename) { if (engineLoadBoard(filename, SW_SHAREWARE ? 1 : 0, (vec3_t *)&Player[0], &Player[0].pang, &Player[0].cursectnum) == -1) { Printf("Level not found: %s", filename); return false; } currentLevel = &mapList[Level]; STAT_NewLevel(currentLevel->labelName); return true; } void LoadDemoRun(void) { short i; FILE *fin; fin = fopen("demos.run","r"); if (fin) { memset(DemoName,'\0',sizeof(DemoName)); for (i = 0; TRUE; i++) { if (fscanf(fin, "%s", DemoName[i]) == EOF) break; } fclose(fin); } memset(DemoText,'\0',sizeof(DemoText)); fin = fopen("demotxt.run","r"); if (fin) { fgets(ds, 6, fin); sscanf(ds,"%d",&DemoTextYstart); for (i = 0; TRUE; i++) { if (fgets(DemoText[i], SIZ(DemoText[0])-1, fin) == NULL) break; } fclose(fin); } } void DisplayDemoText(void) { short w,h; short i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { MNU_MeasureString(DemoText[i], &w, &h); PutStringTimer(Player, TEXT_TEST_COL(w), DemoTextYstart+(i*12), DemoText[i], 999); } } void MultiSharewareCheck(void) { if (!SW_SHAREWARE) return; if (numplayers > 4) { I_FatalError("To play a Network game with more than 4 players you must purchase " "the full version. Read the Ordering Info screens for details."); } } // Some mem crap for Jim // I reserve 1 meg of heap space for our use out side the cache int TotalMemory = 0; int ActualHeap = 0; void InitAutoNet(void) { if (!AutoNet) return; gs.NetGameType = Auto.Rules; gs.NetLevel = Auto.Level; gs.NetMonsters = Auto.Enemy; gs.NetSpawnMarkers = Auto.Markers; gs.NetTeamPlay = Auto.Team; gs.NetHurtTeammate = Auto.HurtTeam; gs.NetKillLimit = Auto.Kill; gs.NetTimeLimit = Auto.Time; gs.NetColor = Auto.Color; gs.NetNuke = Auto.Nuke; } void AnimateCacheCursor(void) { #if 0 struct rccoord old_pos; static short cursor_num = 0; static char cache_cursor[] = {'|','/','-','\\'}; if (GraphicsMode) return; cursor_num++; if (cursor_num > 3) cursor_num = 0; //old_pos = _gettextposition(); //_settextposition( old_pos.row, old_pos.col ); //_settextposition( 24, 25); _settextposition(25, 0); sprintf(ds,"Loading sound and graphics %c", cache_cursor[cursor_num]); _outtext(ds); //_settextposition( old_pos.row, old_pos.col ); #endif } void COVERsetbrightness(int bright, unsigned char *pal) { paletteSetColorTable(BASEPAL, pal); videoSetPalette(bright, BASEPAL, 0); } static int firstnet = 0; // JBF static void SW_FatalEngineError(void) { I_Error("There was a problem initialising the Build engine: %s", engineerrstr); } bool InitGame() { extern int MovesPerPacket; //void *ReserveMem=NULL; int i; DSPRINTF(ds,"InitGame..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); if (engineInit()) SW_FatalEngineError(); InitAutoNet(); timerInit(120); memcpy(palette_data,palette,768); InitPalette(); // sets numplayers, connecthead, connectpoint2, myconnectindex #if 0 if (!firstnet) initmultiplayers(0, NULL, 0, 0, 0); else if (initmultiplayersparms(argc - firstnet, &argv[firstnet])) { buildputs("Waiting for players...\n"); while (initmultiplayerscycle()) { handleevents(); } } #else numplayers = 1; myconnectindex = 0; connecthead = 0; connectpoint2[0] = -1; #endif initsynccrc(); // code to duplicate packets if (numplayers > 4 && MovesPerPacket == 1) { MovesPerPacket = 2; } MultiSharewareCheck(); if (numplayers > 1) { CommPlayers = numplayers; OrigCommPlayers = CommPlayers; CommEnabled = TRUE; if (!BotMode) gNet.MultiGameType = MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT; else gNet.MultiGameType = MULTI_GAME_AI_BOTS; #if 0 //def NET_MODE_MASTER_SLAVE if (!NetModeOverride) { if (numplayers <= 4) NetBroadcastMode = TRUE; else NetBroadcastMode = FALSE; } #endif } LoadDemoRun(); // Save off total heap for later calculations //TotalMemory = Z_AvailHeap(); //DSPRINTF(ds,"Available Heap before LoadImages = %d", TotalMemory); //MONO_PRINT(ds); // Reserve 1.5 megs for normal program use // Generally, SW is consuming about a total of 11 megs including // all the cached in graphics, etc. per level, so even on a 16 meg // system, reserving 1.5 megs is fine. // Note that on a 16 meg machine, Ken was leaving us about // 24k for use outside the cache! This was causing out of mem problems // when songs, etc., greater than the remaining heap were being loaded. // Even if you pre-cache songs, etc. to help, reserving some heap is // a very smart idea since the game uses malloc throughout execution. //ReserveMem = AllocMem(1L<<20); //if(ReserveMem == 0) MONO_PRINT("Could not allocate 1.5 meg reserve!"); // LoadImages will now proceed to steal all the remaining heap space //_outtext("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"); //buildputs("Loading sound and graphics...\n"); //AnimateCacheCursor(); TileFiles.LoadArtSet("tiles%03d.art"); // Now free it up for later use /* if(ReserveMem) { // Recalc TotalMemory for later reference ActualHeap = Z_AvailHeap() + 1536000L; FreeMem(ReserveMem); } */ Connect(); SortBreakInfo(); parallaxtype = 1; SW_InitMultiPsky(); memset(Track, 0, sizeof(Track)); memset(Player, 0, sizeof(Player)); for (i = 0; i < MAX_SW_PLAYERS; i++) INITLIST(&Player[i].PanelSpriteList); LoadKVXFromScript("swvoxfil.txt"); // Load voxels from script file LoadPLockFromScript("swplock.txt"); // Get Parental Lock setup info LoadCustomInfoFromScript("engine/swcustom.txt"); // load the internal definitions. These also apply to the shareware version. if (!SW_SHAREWARE) { LoadCustomInfoFromScript("swcustom.txt"); // Load user customisation information } if (!loaddefinitionsfile(G_DefFile())) buildputs("Definitions file loaded.\n"); userConfig.AddDefs.reset(); if (enginePostInit()) SW_FatalEngineError(); palettePostLoadLookups(); DemoModeMenuInit = TRUE; // precache as much stuff as you can if (UserMapName[0] == '\0') { AnimateCacheCursor(); if (!LoadLevel("$dozer.map")) return false; AnimateCacheCursor(); SetupPreCache(); DoTheCache(); } else { AnimateCacheCursor(); if (!LoadLevel(UserMapName)) return false; AnimateCacheCursor(); SetupPreCache(); DoTheCache(); } V_Init2(); GraphicsMode = TRUE; SetupAspectRatio(); COVERsetbrightness(0, &palette_data[0][0]); InitFX(); // JBF: do it down here so we get a hold of the window handle return true; } /* Directory of C:\DEV\SW\MIDI EXECUT11 MID HROSHMA6 MID HOSHIA02 MID INTRO131 MID KOTEC2 MID KOTOKI12 MID NIPPON34 MID NOKI41 MID SANAI MID SIANRA23 MID TKYO2007 MID TYTAIK16 MID YOKOHA03 MID */ short SongLevelNum; FString ThemeSongs[6]; int ThemeTrack[6]; void InitNewGame(void) { int i, ready_bak; int ver_bak; //waitforeverybody(); // since ready flag resets after this point, need to carefully sync for (i = 0; i < MAX_SW_PLAYERS; i++) { // don't jack with the playerreadyflag ready_bak = Player[i].playerreadyflag; ver_bak = Player[i].PlayerVersion; memset(&Player[i], 0, sizeof(Player[i])); Player[i].playerreadyflag = ready_bak; Player[i].PlayerVersion = ver_bak; INITLIST(&Player[i].PanelSpriteList); } memset(puser, 0, sizeof(puser)); } void FindLevelInfo(char *map_name, short *level) { char *ptr; char buff[16]; short i,j; for (j = 1; j <= MAX_LEVELS; j++) { if (Bstrcasecmp(map_name, mapList[j].fileName.GetChars()) == 0) { *level = j; return; } } *level = 0; return; } int ChopTics; void InitLevelGlobals(void) { extern char PlayerGravity; extern short wait_active_check_offset; //extern short Zombies; extern int PlaxCeilGlobZadjust, PlaxFloorGlobZadjust; extern SWBOOL left_foot; extern SWBOOL serpwasseen; extern SWBOOL sumowasseen; extern SWBOOL zillawasseen; extern short BossSpriteNum[3]; // A few IMPORTANT GLOBAL RESETS // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 MapSetup(); //Zombies = 0; ChopTics = 0; dimensionmode = 3; zoom = 768; PlayerGravity = 24; wait_active_check_offset = 0; PlaxCeilGlobZadjust = PlaxFloorGlobZadjust = Z(500); FinishedLevel = FALSE; AnimCnt = 0; left_foot = FALSE; screenpeek = myconnectindex; gNet.TimeLimitClock = gNet.TimeLimit; serpwasseen = FALSE; sumowasseen = FALSE; zillawasseen = FALSE; memset(BossSpriteNum,-1,sizeof(BossSpriteNum)); } void InitLevelGlobals2(void) { extern short Bunny_Count; // GLOBAL RESETS NOT DONE for LOAD GAME // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! InitTimingVars(); TotalKillable = 0; Bunny_Count = 0; } void InitLevel(void) { static int DemoNumber = 0; Terminate3DSounds(); // A few IMPORTANT GLOBAL RESETS InitLevelGlobals(); if (!DemoMode) Mus_Stop(); if (LoadGameOutsideMoveLoop) { return; } InitLevelGlobals2(); if (DemoMode) { Level = 0; NewGame = TRUE; DemoInitOnce = FALSE; strcpy(DemoFileName, DemoName[DemoNumber]); DemoNumber++; if (!DemoName[DemoNumber][0]) DemoNumber = 0; // read header and such DemoPlaySetup(); strcpy(LevelName, DemoLevelName); FindLevelInfo(LevelName, &Level); if (Level > 0) { strcpy(LevelName, mapList[Level].fileName); UserMapName[0] = '\0'; } else { strcpy(UserMapName, DemoLevelName); Level = 0; } } else { if (Level < 0) Level = 0; if (Level > MAX_LEVELS) Level = 1; // extra code in case something is resetting these values if (NewGame) { //Level = 1; //DemoPlaying = FALSE; DemoMode = FALSE; //DemoRecording = FALSE; //DemoEdit = FALSE; } if (UserMapName[0]) { strcpy(LevelName, UserMapName); Level = 0; FindLevelInfo(UserMapName, &Level); if (Level > 0) { // user map is part of game - treat it as such strcpy(LevelName, mapList[Level].fileName); UserMapName[0] = '\0'; } } else { strcpy(LevelName, mapList[Level].fileName); } } PlayingLevel = Level; if (NewGame) InitNewGame(); LoadingLevelScreen(LevelName); MONO_PRINT("LoadintLevelScreen"); if (!DemoMode && !DemoInitOnce) DemoPlaySetup(); if (!LoadLevel(LevelName)) { NewGame = false; return; } STAT_NewLevel(LevelName); if (Bstrcasecmp(CacheLastLevel, LevelName) != 0) // clears gotpic and does some bit setting SetupPreCache(); else memset(gotpic,0,sizeof(gotpic)); if (sector[0].extra != -1) { NormalVisibility = g_visibility = sector[0].extra; sector[0].extra = 0; } else NormalVisibility = g_visibility; // // Do Player stuff first // InitAllPlayers(); #if DEBUG // fake Multi-player game setup if (FakeMultiNumPlayers && !BotMode) { uint8_t i; // insert all needed players except the first one - its already tere for (i = 0; i < FakeMultiNumPlayers - 1; i++) { ManualPlayerInsert(Player); // reset control back to 1st player myconnectindex = 0; screenpeek = 0; } } #endif // Put in the BOTS if called for if (FakeMultiNumPlayers && BotMode) { uint8_t i; // insert all needed players except the first one - its already tere for (i = 0; i < FakeMultiNumPlayers; i++) { BotPlayerInsert(Player); // reset control back to 1st player myconnectindex = 0; screenpeek = 0; } } QueueReset(); PreMapCombineFloors(); InitMultiPlayerInfo(); InitAllPlayerSprites(); // // Do setup for sprite, track, panel, sector, etc // // Set levels up InitTimingVars(); SpriteSetup(); SpriteSetupPost(); // post processing - already gone once through the loop InitLighting(); TrackSetup(); PlayerPanelSetup(); MapSetup(); SectorSetup(); JS_InitMirrors(); JS_InitLockouts(); // Setup the lockout linked lists JS_ToggleLockouts(); // Init lockouts on/off PlaceSectorObjectsOnTracks(); PlaceActorsOnTracks(); PostSetupSectorObject(); SetupMirrorTiles(); initlava(); SongLevelNum = Level; if (DemoMode) { DisplayDemoText(); } if (ArgCheat) { int bak = hud_messages; hud_messages = 0; EveryCheatToggle(&Player[0],NULL); hud_messages = bak; GodMode = TRUE; } // reset NewGame NewGame = FALSE; DSPRINTF(ds,"End of InitLevel..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); #if 0 #if DEBUG if (!cansee(43594, -92986, 0x3fffffff, 290, 43180, -91707, 0x3fffffff, 290)) { DSPRINTF(ds,"cansee failed"); MONO_PRINT(ds); } #endif #endif } void TerminateLevel(void) { int i, nexti, stat, pnum, ndx; SECT_USERp *sectu; //HEAP_CHECK(); DemoTerm(); // Free any track points for (ndx = 0; ndx < MAX_TRACKS; ndx++) { if (Track[ndx].TrackPoint) { FreeMem(Track[ndx].TrackPoint); // !JIM! I added null assigner Track[ndx].TrackPoint = NULL; } } // Clear the tracks memset(Track, 0, sizeof(Track)); StopSound(); // Clear all anims and any memory associated with them // Clear before killing sprites - save a little time //AnimClear(); for (stat = STAT_PLAYER0; stat < STAT_PLAYER0 + numplayers; stat++) { pnum = stat - STAT_PLAYER0; TRAVERSE_SPRITE_STAT(headspritestat[stat], i, nexti) { if (User[i]) memcpy(&puser[pnum], User[i], sizeof(USER)); } } // Kill User memory and delete sprites // for (stat = 0; stat < STAT_ALL; stat++) for (stat = 0; stat < MAXSTATUS; stat++) { TRAVERSE_SPRITE_STAT(headspritestat[stat], i, nexti) { KillSprite(i); } } // Free SectUser memory for (sectu = &SectUser[0]; sectu < &SectUser[MAXSECTORS]; sectu++) { if (*sectu) { ////DSPRINTF(ds,"Sect User Free %d",sectu-SectUser); //MONO_PRINT(ds); FreeMem(*sectu); *sectu = NULL; } } //memset(&User[0], 0, sizeof(User)); memset(&SectUser[0], 0, sizeof(SectUser)); TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { PLAYERp pp = Player + pnum; // Free panel sprites for players pClearSpriteList(pp); pp->DoPlayerAction = NULL; pp->SpriteP = NULL; pp->PlayerSprite = -1; pp->UnderSpriteP = NULL; pp->PlayerUnderSprite = -1; memset(pp->HasKey, 0, sizeof(pp->HasKey)); //pp->WpnFlags = 0; pp->CurWpn = NULL; memset(pp->Wpn, 0, sizeof(pp->Wpn)); memset(pp->InventorySprite, 0, sizeof(pp->InventorySprite)); memset(pp->InventoryTics, 0, sizeof(pp->InventoryTics)); pp->Killer = -1; INITLIST(&pp->PanelSpriteList); } JS_UnInitLockouts(); //HEAP_CHECK(); } void NewLevel(void) { if (DemoPlaying) { InitLevel(); InitRunLevel(); DemoInitOnce = FALSE; if (DemoMode) { if (DemoModeMenuInit) { DemoModeMenuInit = FALSE; inputState.ClearKeyStatus(sc_Escape); } } DemoPlayBack(); if (DemoRecording && DemoEdit) { RunLevel(); } } else { InitLevel(); RunLevel(); STAT_Update(false); if (!QuitFlag) { // for good measure do this ready2send = 0; waitforeverybody(); } StatScreen(&Player[myconnectindex]); } if (LoadGameFromDemo) LoadGameFromDemo = FALSE; else TerminateLevel(); InGame = FALSE; if (SW_SHAREWARE) { if (FinishAnim) { PlayTheme(); MenuLevel(); STAT_Update(true); } } else { if (FinishAnim == ANIM_ZILLA || FinishAnim == ANIM_SERP) { PlayTheme(); MenuLevel(); STAT_Update(true); } } FinishAnim = 0; } uint8_t* KeyPressedRange(uint8_t* kb, uint8_t* ke) { uint8_t* k; for (k = kb; k <= ke; k++) { if (*k) return k; } return NULL; } void ResetKeyRange(uint8_t* kb, uint8_t* ke) { uint8_t* k; for (k = kb; k <= ke; k++) { *k = 0; } } void PlayTheme() { // start music at logo PlaySong(nullptr, ThemeSongs[0], ThemeTrack[0]); DSPRINTF(ds,"After music stuff..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); } void LogoLevel(void) { char called; int fin; DSPRINTF(ds,"LogoLevel..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); auto pal = fileSystem.LoadFile("3drealms.pal", 0); if (pal.Size() >= 768) { for (auto & c : pal) c <<= 2; paletteSetColorTable(DREALMSPAL, pal.Data()); videoSetPalette(0, DREALMSPAL, 2); } DSPRINTF(ds,"Just read in 3drealms.pal..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); //FadeOut(0, 0); ready2send = 0; totalclock = 0; ototalclock = 0; DSPRINTF(ds,"About to display 3drealms pic..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); twod->ClearScreen(); rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, THREED_REALMS_PIC, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); videoNextPage(); //FadeIn(0, 3); inputState.ClearAllInput(); while (TRUE) { handleevents(); // taken from top of faketimerhandler // limits checks to max of 40 times a second if (totalclock >= ototalclock + synctics) { ototalclock += synctics; } if (totalclock > 5*120 || inputState.CheckAllInput()) { inputState.ClearAllInput(); break; } } twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); videoSetPalette(0, BASEPAL, 2); // put up a blank screen while loading DSPRINTF(ds,"End of LogoLevel..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); } void CreditsLevel(void) { char called; int fin; int i; int curpic; int handle; uint32_t timer = 0; int zero=0; short save; #define CREDITS1_PIC 5111 #define CREDITS2_PIC 5118 // put up a blank screen while loading // get rid of all PERM sprites! renderFlushPerms(); save = gs.BorderNum; ClearStartMost(); gs.BorderNum = save; twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); // Lo Wang feel like singing! PlaySound(DIGI_JG95012, v3df_none, CHAN_VOICE); while (soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_None, nullptr, CHAN_VOICE)) { DoUpdateSounds(); handleevents(); } // try 14 then 2 then quit if (!PlaySong(nullptr, ThemeSongs[5], ThemeTrack[5], true)) { if (!PlaySong(nullptr, nullptr, 2, true)) { PlaySound(DIGI_NOLIKEMUSIC, v3df_none, CHAN_VOICE); while (soundEngine->IsSourcePlayingSomething(SOURCE_None, nullptr, CHAN_VOICE)) { DoUpdateSounds(); handleevents(); } return; } } ready2send = 0; totalclock = 0; ototalclock = 0; inputState.ClearAllInput(); curpic = CREDITS1_PIC; while (TRUE) { // taken from top of faketimerhandler // limits checks to max of 40 times a second if (totalclock >= ototalclock + synctics) { ototalclock += synctics; timer += synctics; } rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, curpic, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); videoNextPage(); if (timer > 8*120) { curpic = CREDITS2_PIC; } if (timer > 16*120) { timer = 0; curpic = CREDITS1_PIC; } if (inputState.GetKeyStatus(KEYSC_ESC)) break; } // put up a blank screen while loading twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); inputState.ClearAllInput(); Mus_Stop(); } void SybexScreen(void) { if (!SW_SHAREWARE) return; if (CommEnabled) return; rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, 5261, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); videoNextPage(); inputState.ClearAllInput(); while (!inputState.CheckAllInput()) handleevents(); } // CTW REMOVED END void TitleLevel(void) { char called; int fin; unsigned char backup_pal[256*3]; unsigned char pal[PAL_SIZE]; char tempbuf[256]; char *palook_bak = palookup[0]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) tempbuf[i] = i; palookup[0] = tempbuf; twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); ready2send = 0; totalclock = 0; ototalclock = 0; rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, TITLE_PIC, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); videoNextPage(); //FadeIn(0, 3); inputState.ClearAllInput(); while (TRUE) { handleevents(); OSD_DispatchQueued(); // taken from top of faketimerhandler // limits checks to max of 40 times a second if (totalclock >= ototalclock + synctics) { //void MNU_CheckForMenusAnyKey( void ); ototalclock += synctics; //MNU_CheckForMenusAnyKey(); } //if (M_Active()) // MNU_DrawMenu(); //drawscreen as fast as you can rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, TITLE_PIC, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); videoNextPage(); if (totalclock > 5*120 || inputState.CheckAllInput()) { DemoMode = TRUE; DemoPlaying = TRUE; break; } } palookup[0] = palook_bak; // clearview(0); // nextpage(); //SetPaletteToVESA(backup_pal); // put up a blank screen while loading // clearview(0); // nextpage(); } void DrawMenuLevelScreen(void) { twod->ClearScreen(); rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, TITLE_PIC, 20, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); } void DrawStatScreen(void) { twod->ClearScreen(); rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, STAT_SCREEN_PIC, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); } void DrawLoadLevelScreen(void) { twod->ClearScreen(); rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, TITLE_PIC, 20, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); } short PlayerQuitMenuLevel = -1; void IntroAnimLevel(void) { DSPRINTF(ds,"IntroAnimLevel"); MONO_PRINT(ds); playanm(0); } void MenuLevel(void) { char called; int fin; short w,h; M_StartControlPanel(false); M_SetMenu(NAME_MainMenu); // do demos only if not playing multi play if (!CommEnabled && numplayers <= 1 && !FinishAnim && !NoDemoStartup) { // demos exist - do demo instead if (DemoName[0][0] != '\0') { DemoMode = TRUE; DemoPlaying = TRUE; return; } } DemoMode = FALSE; DemoPlaying = FALSE; twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); //FadeOut(0, 0); ready2send = 0; totalclock = 0; ototalclock = 0; ExitLevel = FALSE; InMenuLevel = TRUE; DrawMenuLevelScreen(); if (CommEnabled) { sprintf(ds,"Lo Wang is waiting for other players..."); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 170, ds, 1, 16); sprintf(ds,"They are afraid!"); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 180, ds, 1, 16); } videoNextPage(); //FadeIn(0, 3); waitforeverybody(); // don't allow BorderAdjusting in these menus BorderAdjust = FALSE; inputState.ClearAllInput(); if (SW_SHAREWARE) { // go to ordering menu only if shareware if (FinishAnim) { inputState.ClearKeyStatus(sc_Escape); M_StartControlPanel(false); M_SetMenu(NAME_CreditsMenu); FinishAnim = 0; } } else { FinishAnim = 0; } while (TRUE) { handleevents(); OSD_DispatchQueued(); // taken from top of faketimerhandler // limits checks to max of 40 times a second if (totalclock >= ototalclock + synctics) { ototalclock += synctics; if (CommEnabled) getpackets(); } if (CommEnabled) { if (MultiPlayQuitFlag) { short pnum; uint8_t pbuf[1]; QuitFlag = TRUE; pbuf[0] = PACKET_TYPE_MENU_LEVEL_QUIT; netbroadcastpacket(pbuf, 1); // TENSW break; } if (PlayerQuitMenuLevel >= 0) { MenuCommPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitMenuLevel); PlayerQuitMenuLevel = -1; } } if (ExitLevel) { // Quiting Level ExitLevel = FALSE; break; } if (QuitFlag) { // Quiting Game break; } // must lock the clock for drawing so animations will happen totalclocklock = totalclock; //drawscreen as fast as you can DrawMenuLevelScreen(); DoUpdateSounds(); videoNextPage(); } BorderAdjust = TRUE; //LoadGameOutsideMoveLoop = FALSE; inputState.ClearAllInput(); M_ClearMenus(); InMenuLevel = FALSE; twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); } void SceneLevel(void) { SWBOOL dp_bak; SWBOOL dm_bak; FILE *fin; #define CINEMATIC_DEMO_FILE "$scene.dmo" // make sure it exists if ((fin = fopen(CINEMATIC_DEMO_FILE,"rb")) == NULL) return; else fclose(fin); strcpy(DemoFileName,CINEMATIC_DEMO_FILE); dp_bak = DemoPlaying; dm_bak = DemoMode; DemoMode = TRUE; DemoPlaying = TRUE; DemoOverride = TRUE; InitLevel(); DemoOverride = FALSE; ScenePlayBack(); TerminateLevel(); DemoMode = dm_bak; DemoPlaying = dp_bak; } void LoadingLevelScreen(char *level_name) { short w,h; extern SWBOOL DemoMode; extern char *MNU_LevelName[28]; DrawLoadLevelScreen(); if (DemoMode) sprintf(ds,"DEMO"); else sprintf(ds,"ENTERING"); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 170, ds,1,16); auto ds = currentLevel->DisplayName(); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 180, ds,1,16); videoNextPage(); } void gNextState(STATEp *State) { // Transition to the next state *State = (*State)->NextState; if (TEST((*State)->Tics, SF_QUICK_CALL)) { (*(*State)->Animator)(0); *State = (*State)->NextState; } } // Generic state control void gStateControl(STATEp *State, int *tics) { *tics += synctics; // Skip states if too much time has passed while (*tics >= (*State)->Tics) { // Set Tics *tics -= (*State)->Tics; gNextState(State); } // Call the correct animator if ((*State)->Animator) (*(*State)->Animator)(0); } int BonusPunchSound(short SpriteNum) { PLAYERp pp = Player + myconnectindex; PlaySound(DIGI_PLAYERYELL3, pp, v3df_none); return 0; } int BonusKickSound(short SpriteNum) { PLAYERp pp = Player + myconnectindex; PlaySound(DIGI_PLAYERYELL2, pp, v3df_none); return 0; } int BonusGrabSound(short SpriteNum) { PLAYERp pp = Player + myconnectindex; PlaySound(DIGI_BONUS_GRAB, pp, v3df_none); return 0; } extern SWBOOL FinishedLevel; extern int PlayClock; extern short LevelSecrets; extern short TotalKillable; void BonusScreen(PLAYERp pp) { int minutes,seconds,second_tics; short w,h; short pic,limit; int zero=0; int handle = 0; short LI_Num; #define BONUS_SCREEN_PIC 5120 #define BONUS_ANIM 5121 #define BONUS_ANIM_FRAMES (5159-5121) #define BREAK_LIGHT_RATE 18 #define BONUS_PUNCH 5121 #define BONUS_KICK 5136 #define BONUS_GRAB 5151 #define BONUS_REST 5121 #define BONUS_TICS 8 #define BONUS_GRAB_TICS 20 #define BONUS_REST_TICS 50 static STATE s_BonusPunch[] = { {BONUS_PUNCH + 0, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[1]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 1, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[2]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 2, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[3]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 2, 0|SF_QUICK_CALL, BonusPunchSound, &s_BonusPunch[4]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 3, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[5]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 4, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[6]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 5, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[7]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 6, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[8]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 7, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[9]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 8, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[10]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 9, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[11]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 10, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[12]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 11, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[13]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 12, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[14]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 14, 90, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[15]}, {BONUS_PUNCH + 14, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusPunch[15]}, }; static STATE s_BonusKick[] = { {BONUS_KICK + 0, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[1]}, {BONUS_KICK + 1, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[2]}, {BONUS_KICK + 2, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[3]}, {BONUS_KICK + 2, 0|SF_QUICK_CALL, BonusKickSound, &s_BonusKick[4]}, {BONUS_KICK + 3, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[5]}, {BONUS_KICK + 4, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[6]}, {BONUS_KICK + 5, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[7]}, {BONUS_KICK + 6, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[8]}, {BONUS_KICK + 7, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[9]}, {BONUS_KICK + 8, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[10]}, {BONUS_KICK + 9, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[11]}, {BONUS_KICK + 10, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[12]}, {BONUS_KICK + 11, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[13]}, {BONUS_KICK + 12, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[14]}, {BONUS_KICK + 14, 90, NULL, &s_BonusKick[15]}, {BONUS_KICK + 14, BONUS_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusKick[15]}, }; static STATE s_BonusGrab[] = { {BONUS_GRAB + 0, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[1]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 1, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[2]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 2, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[3]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 2, 0|SF_QUICK_CALL, BonusGrabSound, &s_BonusGrab[4]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 3, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[5]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 4, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[6]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 5, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[7]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 6, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[8]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 7, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[9]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 8, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[10]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 9, 90, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[11]}, {BONUS_GRAB + 9, BONUS_GRAB_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusGrab[11]}, }; #if 1 // Turned off the standing animate because he looks like a FAG! static STATE s_BonusRest[] = { {BONUS_REST + 0, BONUS_REST_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusRest[1]}, {BONUS_REST + 1, BONUS_REST_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusRest[2]}, {BONUS_REST + 2, BONUS_REST_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusRest[3]}, {BONUS_REST + 1, BONUS_REST_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusRest[0]}, }; #else static STATE s_BonusRest[] = { {BONUS_REST + 0, BONUS_REST_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusRest[1]}, {BONUS_REST + 0, BONUS_REST_TICS, NULL, &s_BonusRest[0]}, }; #endif static STATEp s_BonusAnim[] = { s_BonusPunch, s_BonusKick, s_BonusGrab }; STATEp State = s_BonusRest; int Tics = 0; int line = 0; SWBOOL BonusDone; if (Level < 0) Level = 0; twod->ClearScreen(); videoNextPage(); inputState.ClearAllInput(); totalclock = ototalclock = 0; limit = synctics; PlaySong(nullptr, ThemeSongs[1], ThemeTrack[1]); // special case code because I don't care any more! if (FinishAnim) { renderFlushPerms(); rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, 5120, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); rotatesprite(158<<16, 86<<16, RS_SCALE, 0, State->Pic, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); videoNextPage(); //FadeIn(0,0); } BonusDone = FALSE; while (!BonusDone) { handleevents(); // taken from top of faketimerhandler if (totalclock < ototalclock + limit) { continue; } ototalclock += limit; if (inputState.CheckAllInput()) { if (State >= s_BonusRest && State < &s_BonusRest[SIZ(s_BonusRest)]) { State = s_BonusAnim[STD_RANDOM_RANGE(SIZ(s_BonusAnim))]; Tics = 0; } } gStateControl(&State, &Tics); twod->ClearScreen(); rotatesprite(0, 0, RS_SCALE, 0, 5120, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); if (UserMapName[0]) { sprintf(ds,"%s",UserMapName); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 20, ds,1,19); } else { if (PlayingLevel <= 1) PlayingLevel = 1; auto ds = currentLevel->DisplayName(); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 20, ds,1,19); } sprintf(ds,"Completed"); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 30, ds,1,19); rotatesprite(158<<16, 86<<16, RS_SCALE, 0, State->Pic, 0, 0, TITLE_ROT_FLAGS, 0, 0, xdim - 1, ydim - 1); #define BONUS_LINE(i) (50 + ((i)*20)) line = 0; second_tics = (PlayClock/120); minutes = (second_tics/60); seconds = (second_tics%60); sprintf(ds,"Your Time: %2d : %02d", minutes, seconds); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(60, BONUS_LINE(line), ds,1,16); if (!UserMapName[0]) { line++; sprintf(ds,"3D Realms Best Time: %d:%02d", currentLevel->designerTime/60, currentLevel->designerTime%60); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(40, BONUS_LINE(line), ds,1,16); line++; sprintf(ds,"Par Time: %d:%02d", currentLevel->parTime/ 60, currentLevel->parTime%60); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(40, BONUS_LINE(line), ds,1,16); } // always read secrets and kills from the first player line++; sprintf(ds,"Secrets: %d / %d", Player->SecretsFound, LevelSecrets); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(60, BONUS_LINE(line), ds,1,16); line++; sprintf(ds,"Kills: %d / %d", Player->Kills, TotalKillable); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(60, BONUS_LINE(line), ds,1,16); sprintf(ds,"Press SPACE to continue"); MNU_MeasureString(ds, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 185, ds,1,19); videoNextPage(); if (State == State->NextState) BonusDone = TRUE; } StopSound(); } void EndGameSequence(void) { SWBOOL anim_ok = TRUE; //FadeOut(0, 5); if ((adult_lockout || Global_PLock) && FinishAnim == ANIM_SUMO) anim_ok = FALSE; if (anim_ok) playanm(FinishAnim); BonusScreen(Player + myconnectindex); ExitLevel = FALSE; QuitFlag = FALSE; AutoNet = FALSE; if (FinishAnim == ANIM_ZILLA) CreditsLevel(); ExitLevel = FALSE; QuitFlag = FALSE; AutoNet = FALSE; if (SW_SHAREWARE) { Level = 0; } else { if (Level == 4 || Level == 20) { Level=0; } else Level++; } } void StatScreen(PLAYERp mpp) { int minutes,seconds,second_tics; extern SWBOOL FinishedLevel; extern int PlayClock; extern short LevelSecrets; extern short TotalKillable; short w,h; int zero=0; int handle=0; short rows,cols,i,j; PLAYERp pp = NULL; int x,y; short death_total[MAX_SW_PLAYERS_REG]; short kills[MAX_SW_PLAYERS_REG]; short pal; #define STAT_START_X 20 #define STAT_START_Y 85 #define STAT_OFF_Y 9 #define STAT_HEADER_Y 14 #define SM_SIZ(num) ((num)*4) #define STAT_TABLE_X (STAT_START_X + SM_SIZ(15)) #define STAT_TABLE_XOFF SM_SIZ(6) // No stats in bot games //if (BotMode) return; //ResetPalette(mpp); COVER_SetReverb(0); // Reset reverb StopSound(); if (FinishAnim) { EndGameSequence(); return; } if (gNet.MultiGameType != MULTI_GAME_COMMBAT) { if (!FinishedLevel) return; BonusScreen(mpp); return; } renderFlushPerms(); DrawStatScreen(); memset(death_total,0,sizeof(death_total)); memset(kills,0,sizeof(kills)); auto c = GStrings("MULTIPLAYER TOTALS"); MNU_MeasureString(c, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 68, c, 0, 0); c = GStrings("TXTS_PRESSSPACE"); MNU_MeasureString(c, &w, &h); MNU_DrawString(TEXT_TEST_COL(w), 189, c, 0, 0); x = STAT_START_X; y = STAT_START_Y; // Hm.... how to translate this without messing up the formatting? sprintf(ds," NAME 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 KILLS"); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, 0, ds); rows = OrigCommPlayers; cols = OrigCommPlayers; mpp = Player + myconnectindex; y += STAT_HEADER_Y; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { x = STAT_START_X; pp = Player + i; sprintf(ds,"%d", i+1); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, 0, ds); sprintf(ds," %-13s", pp->PlayerName); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, User[pp->PlayerSprite]->spal, ds); x = STAT_TABLE_X; for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { pal = 0; death_total[j] += pp->KilledPlayer[j]; if (i == j) { // don't add kill for self or team player pal = PALETTE_PLAYER0 + 4; kills[i] -= pp->KilledPlayer[j]; // subtract self kills } else if (gNet.TeamPlay) { if (User[pp->PlayerSprite]->spal == User[Player[j].PlayerSprite]->spal) { // don't add kill for self or team player pal = PALETTE_PLAYER0 + 4; kills[i] -= pp->KilledPlayer[j]; // subtract self kills } else kills[i] += pp->KilledPlayer[j]; // kills added here } else { kills[i] += pp->KilledPlayer[j]; // kills added here } sprintf(ds,"%d", pp->KilledPlayer[j]); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, pal, ds); x += STAT_TABLE_XOFF; } y += STAT_OFF_Y; } // Deaths x = STAT_START_X; y += STAT_OFF_Y; sprintf(ds," %s", GStrings("DEATHS")); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, 0, ds); x = STAT_TABLE_X; for (j = 0; j < cols; j++) { sprintf(ds,"%d",death_total[j]); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, 0, ds); x += STAT_TABLE_XOFF; } x = STAT_START_X; y += STAT_OFF_Y; // Kills x = STAT_TABLE_X + SM_SIZ(50); y = STAT_START_Y + STAT_HEADER_Y; for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) { pp = Player + i; sprintf(ds,"%d", kills[i]); //pp->Kills); DisplayMiniBarSmString(mpp, x, y, 0, ds); y += STAT_OFF_Y; } videoNextPage(); inputState.ClearAllInput(); PlaySong(nullptr, ThemeSongs[1], ThemeTrack[1]); while (!inputState.GetKeyStatus(KEYSC_SPACE) && !inputState.GetKeyStatus(KEYSC_ENTER)) { handleevents(); } StopSound(); } void GameIntro(void) { DSPRINTF(ds,"GameIntro..."); MONO_PRINT(ds); if (DemoPlaying) return; // this could probably be taken out and you could select skill level // from menu to start the game if (!CommEnabled && UserMapName[0]) return; Level = 1; PlayTheme(); if (!AutoNet) { LogoLevel(); //CreditsLevel(); //SceneLevel(); //TitleLevel(); IntroAnimLevel(); IntroAnimCount = 0; } MenuLevel(); } void Control() { InitGame(); MONO_PRINT("InitGame done"); //MNU_InitMenus(); InGame = TRUE; GameIntro(); while (!QuitFlag) { handleevents(); OSD_DispatchQueued(); NewLevel(); } CleanExit = TRUE; throw ExitEvent(0); } void _Assert(const char *expr, const char *strFile, unsigned uLine) { I_FatalError("Assertion failed: %s %s, line %u", expr, strFile, uLine); } void dsprintf(char *str, const char *format, ...) { va_list arglist; va_start(arglist, format); vsprintf(str, format, arglist); va_end(arglist); } void dsprintf_null(char *str, const char *format, ...) { va_list arglist; } void MoveLoop(void) { int pnum; getpackets(); if (PredictionOn && CommEnabled) { while (predictmovefifoplc < Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend) { DoPrediction(ppp); } } //While you have new input packets to process... if (!CommEnabled) bufferjitter = 0; while (Player[myconnectindex].movefifoend - movefifoplc > bufferjitter) { //Make sure you have at least 1 packet from everyone else for (pnum=connecthead; pnum>=0; pnum=connectpoint2[pnum]) { if (movefifoplc == Player[pnum].movefifoend) { break; } } //Pnum is >= 0 only if last loop was broken, meaning a player wasn't caught up if (pnum >= 0) break; domovethings(); #if DEBUG //if (DemoSyncRecord) // demosync_record(); #endif } } void InitPlayerGameSettings(void) { int pnum; // don't jack with auto aim settings if DemoMode is going // what the hell did I do this for????????? //if (DemoMode) // return; if (CommEnabled) { // everyone gets the same Auto Aim TRAVERSE_CONNECT(pnum) { if (gNet.AutoAim) SET(Player[pnum].Flags, PF_AUTO_AIM); else RESET(Player[pnum].Flags, PF_AUTO_AIM); } } else { if (cl_autoaim) SET(Player[myconnectindex].Flags, PF_AUTO_AIM); else RESET(Player[myconnectindex].Flags, PF_AUTO_AIM); } } void InitRunLevel(void) { int i; if (DemoEdit) return; if (LoadGameOutsideMoveLoop) { int SavePlayClock; extern int PlayClock; LoadGameOutsideMoveLoop = FALSE; // contains what is needed from calls below if (snd_ambience) StartAmbientSound(); SetCrosshair(); SetRedrawScreen(Player + myconnectindex); // crappy little hack to prevent play clock from being overwritten // for load games SavePlayClock = PlayClock; InitTimingVars(); PlayClock = SavePlayClock; MONO_PRINT("Done with InitRunLevel"); return; } #if 0 // ensure we are through the initialization code before sending the game // version. Otherwise, it is possible to send this too early and have it // blown away on the other side. waitforeverybody(); #endif SendVersion(GameVersion); waitforeverybody(); Mus_Stop(); if (Bstrcasecmp(CacheLastLevel, LevelName) != 0) DoTheCache(); // auto aim / auto run / etc InitPlayerGameSettings(); // send packets with player info InitNetPlayerOptions(); // Initialize Game part of network code (When ready2send != 0) InitNetVars(); { if (Level == 0) { PlaySong(nullptr, currentLevel->music, 1 + RANDOM_RANGE(10)); } else { PlaySong(currentLevel->labelName, currentLevel->music, currentLevel->cdSongId); } } InitPrediction(&Player[myconnectindex]); if (!DemoInitOnce) DemoRecordSetup(); // everything has been inited at least once for RECORD DemoInitOnce = TRUE; //DebugWriteLoc(__FILE__, __LINE__); waitforeverybody(); CheckVersion(GameVersion); // IMPORTANT - MUST be right before game loop AFTER waitforeverybody InitTimingVars(); SetRedrawScreen(Player + myconnectindex); if (snd_ambience) StartAmbientSound(); } void faketimerhandler(); void RunLevel(void) { int i; InitRunLevel(); #if 0 waitforeverybody(); #endif ready2send = 1; while (TRUE) { handleevents(); OSD_DispatchQueued(); D_ProcessEvents(); faketimerhandler(); if (M_Active()) { ototalclock = (int)totalclock; } else { MoveLoop(); } drawscreen(Player + screenpeek); if (QuitFlag) break; if (ExitLevel) { ExitLevel = FALSE; break; } } ready2send = 0; } typedef struct { char notshareware; const char *arg_switch; short arg_match_len; const char *arg_fmt; const char *arg_descr; } CLI_ARG; CLI_ARG cli_arg[] = { {0, "/?", 2, "-?", "This help message" }, //#ifndef SW_SHAREWARE //{"/l", 2, "-l#", "Level (1-11)" }, //{"/v", 2, "-v#", "Volume (1-3)" }, {1, "/map", 4, "-map [mapname]", "Load a map" }, {1, "/nocdaudio", 5, "-nocd