/* ** optionmenu.cpp ** Handler class for the option menus and associated items ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 2010 Christoph Oelckers ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include "v_font.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "gstrings.h" #include "d_gui.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "gameconfigfile.h" #include "menu/menu.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" //============================================================================= // // Draws a string in the console font, scaled to the 8x8 cells // used by the default console font. // //============================================================================= FFont *OptionFont() { return NewSmallFont; } int OptionHeight() { return OptionFont()->GetHeight(); } int OptionWidth(const char * s) { return OptionFont()->StringWidth(s); } void DrawOptionText(int x, int y, int color, const char *text, bool grayed) { PalEntry overlay = grayed? PalEntry(96,48,0,0) : PalEntry(0,0,0); DrawText (twod, OptionFont(), color, x, y, text, DTA_CleanNoMove_1, true, DTA_ColorOverlay, overlay, TAG_END); } int DOptionMenu::GetPosition() { return mDesc->mPosition * screen->GetHeight() * 2 / CleanYfac_1 / 1080; // y position uses a 1920x1080 screen as reference but has to adjust to scaled 320x200 content. } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= DOptionMenu::DOptionMenu(DMenu *parent, FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc) : DMenu(parent) { CanScrollUp = false; CanScrollDown = false; VisBottom = 0; mFocusControl = NULL; Init(parent, desc); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void DOptionMenu::Init(DMenu *parent, FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc) { mParentMenu = parent; mDesc = desc; if (mDesc != NULL && mDesc->mSelectedItem == -1) mDesc->mSelectedItem = FirstSelectable(); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= int DOptionMenu::FirstSelectable() { if (mDesc != NULL) { // Go down to the first selectable item int i = -1; do { i++; } while (i < (int)mDesc->mItems.Size() && !mDesc->mItems[i]->Selectable()); if (i>=0 && i < (int)mDesc->mItems.Size()) return i; } return -1; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= FOptionMenuItem *DOptionMenu::GetItem(FName name) { for(unsigned i=0;i<mDesc->mItems.Size(); i++) { FName nm = mDesc->mItems[i]->GetAction(NULL); if (nm == name) return mDesc->mItems[i]; } return NULL; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool DOptionMenu::Responder (event_t *ev) { if (ev->type == EV_GUI_Event) { if (ev->subtype == EV_GUI_WheelUp) { int scrollamt = std::min(2, mDesc->mScrollPos); mDesc->mScrollPos -= scrollamt; return true; } else if (ev->subtype == EV_GUI_WheelDown) { if (CanScrollDown) { if (VisBottom < (int)(mDesc->mItems.Size()-2)) { mDesc->mScrollPos += 2; VisBottom += 2; } else { mDesc->mScrollPos++; VisBottom++; } } return true; } } return Super::Responder(ev); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool DOptionMenu::MenuEvent (int mkey, bool fromcontroller) { int startedAt = mDesc->mSelectedItem; switch (mkey) { case MKEY_Up: if (mDesc->mSelectedItem == -1) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = FirstSelectable(); break; } do { --mDesc->mSelectedItem; if (mDesc->mScrollPos > 0 && mDesc->mSelectedItem <= mDesc->mScrollTop + mDesc->mScrollPos) { mDesc->mScrollPos = std::max(mDesc->mSelectedItem - mDesc->mScrollTop - 1, 0); } if (mDesc->mSelectedItem < 0) { // Figure out how many lines of text fit on the menu int y = GetPosition(); y *= CleanYfac_1; int rowheight = OptionSettings.mLinespacing * CleanYfac_1; int maxitems = (screen->GetHeight() - rowheight - y) / rowheight + 1; mDesc->mScrollPos = std::max(0, (int)mDesc->mItems.Size() - maxitems + mDesc->mScrollTop); mDesc->mSelectedItem = mDesc->mItems.Size()-1; } } while (!mDesc->mItems[mDesc->mSelectedItem]->Selectable() && mDesc->mSelectedItem != startedAt); break; case MKEY_Down: if (mDesc->mSelectedItem == -1) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = FirstSelectable(); break; } do { ++mDesc->mSelectedItem; if (CanScrollDown && mDesc->mSelectedItem == VisBottom) { mDesc->mScrollPos++; VisBottom++; } if (mDesc->mSelectedItem >= (int)mDesc->mItems.Size()) { if (startedAt == -1) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = -1; mDesc->mScrollPos = -1; break; } else { mDesc->mSelectedItem = 0; mDesc->mScrollPos = 0; } } } while (!mDesc->mItems[mDesc->mSelectedItem]->Selectable() && mDesc->mSelectedItem != startedAt); break; case MKEY_PageUp: if (mDesc->mScrollPos > 0) { mDesc->mScrollPos -= VisBottom - mDesc->mScrollPos - mDesc->mScrollTop; if (mDesc->mScrollPos < 0) { mDesc->mScrollPos = 0; } if (mDesc->mSelectedItem != -1) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = mDesc->mScrollTop + mDesc->mScrollPos + 1; while (!mDesc->mItems[mDesc->mSelectedItem]->Selectable()) { if (++mDesc->mSelectedItem >= (int)mDesc->mItems.Size()) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = 0; } } if (mDesc->mScrollPos > mDesc->mSelectedItem) { mDesc->mScrollPos = mDesc->mSelectedItem; } } } break; case MKEY_PageDown: if (CanScrollDown) { int pagesize = VisBottom - mDesc->mScrollPos - mDesc->mScrollTop; mDesc->mScrollPos += pagesize; if (mDesc->mScrollPos + mDesc->mScrollTop + pagesize > (int)mDesc->mItems.Size()) { mDesc->mScrollPos = mDesc->mItems.Size() - mDesc->mScrollTop - pagesize; } if (mDesc->mSelectedItem != -1) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = mDesc->mScrollTop + mDesc->mScrollPos; while (!mDesc->mItems[mDesc->mSelectedItem]->Selectable()) { if (++mDesc->mSelectedItem >= (int)mDesc->mItems.Size()) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = 0; } } if (mDesc->mScrollPos > mDesc->mSelectedItem) { mDesc->mScrollPos = mDesc->mSelectedItem; } } } break; case MKEY_Enter: if (mDesc->mSelectedItem >= 0 && mDesc->mItems[mDesc->mSelectedItem]->Activate(mDesc->mMenuName)) { return true; } // fall through to default default: if (mDesc->mSelectedItem >= 0 && mDesc->mItems[mDesc->mSelectedItem]->MenuEvent(mkey, fromcontroller)) return true; return Super::MenuEvent(mkey, fromcontroller); } if (mDesc->mSelectedItem != startedAt) { M_MenuSound(CursorSound); } return true; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= bool DOptionMenu::MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) { y = (y / CleanYfac_1) - mDesc->mDrawTop; if (mFocusControl) { mFocusControl->MouseEvent(type, x, y); return true; } else { int yline = (y / OptionSettings.mLinespacing); if (yline >= mDesc->mScrollTop) { yline += mDesc->mScrollPos; } if ((unsigned)yline < mDesc->mItems.Size() && mDesc->mItems[yline]->Selectable()) { if (yline != mDesc->mSelectedItem) { mDesc->mSelectedItem = yline; //M_MenuSound(CursorSound); too noisy } mDesc->mItems[yline]->MouseEvent(type, x, y); return true; } } mDesc->mSelectedItem = -1; return Super::MouseEvent(type, x, y); } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= void DOptionMenu::Ticker () { Super::Ticker(); for(unsigned i=0;i<mDesc->mItems.Size(); i++) { mDesc->mItems[i]->Ticker(); } } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= int DOptionMenu::GetIndent() { int indent = std::max(0, (mDesc->mIndent + 40) - CleanWidth_1 / 2); return screen->GetWidth() / 2 + indent * CleanXfac_1; } void DOptionMenu::Drawer () { int y = GetPosition(); if (mDesc->mTitle.IsNotEmpty()) { gi->DrawMenuCaption(origin, GStrings.localize(mDesc->mTitle)); } mDesc->mDrawTop = y; int fontheight = OptionSettings.mLinespacing * CleanYfac_1; y *= CleanYfac_1; int indent = GetIndent(); int ytop = y + mDesc->mScrollTop * 8 * CleanYfac_1; int lastrow = screen->GetHeight() - OptionFont()->GetHeight() * CleanYfac_1; unsigned i; for (i = 0; i < mDesc->mItems.Size() && y <= lastrow; i++, y += fontheight) { // Don't scroll the uppermost items if ((int)i == mDesc->mScrollTop) { i += mDesc->mScrollPos; if (i >= mDesc->mItems.Size()) break; // skipped beyond end of menu } bool isSelected = mDesc->mSelectedItem == (int)i; int cur_indent = mDesc->mItems[i]->Draw(mDesc, y, indent, isSelected); if (cur_indent >= 0 && isSelected && mDesc->mItems[i]->Selectable()) { if ((((DMenu::MenuTime>>2)%8) < 6) || DMenu::CurrentMenu != this) { DrawOptionText(cur_indent + 3 * CleanXfac_1, y, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection, "◄"); //M_DrawConText(OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection, cur_indent + 3 * CleanXfac_1, y+fontheight-9*CleanYfac_1, "\xd"); } } } CanScrollUp = (mDesc->mScrollPos > 0); CanScrollDown = (i < mDesc->mItems.Size()); VisBottom = i - 1; if (CanScrollUp) { DrawOptionText(screen->GetWidth() - 11 * CleanXfac_1, ytop, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection, "▲"); //M_DrawConText(CR_ORANGE, 3 * CleanXfac_1, ytop, "\x1a"); } if (CanScrollDown) { DrawOptionText(screen->GetWidth() - 11 * CleanXfac_1 , y - 8*CleanYfac_1, OptionSettings.mFontColorSelection, "▼"); //M_DrawConText(CR_ORANGE, 3 * CleanXfac_1, y - 8*CleanYfac_1, "\x1b"); } Super::Drawer(); } //============================================================================= // // base class for menu items // //============================================================================= FOptionMenuItem::~FOptionMenuItem() { } int FOptionMenuItem::Draw(FOptionMenuDescriptor *desc, int y, int indent, bool selected) { return indent; } bool FOptionMenuItem::Selectable() { return true; } bool FOptionMenuItem::MouseEvent(int type, int x, int y) { if (Selectable() && type == DMenu::MOUSE_Release) { return DMenu::CurrentMenu->MenuEvent(MKEY_Enter, true); } return false; } int FOptionMenuItem::GetIndent() { if (mCentered) return 0; if (screen->GetWidth() < 640) return screen->GetWidth() / 2; return OptionWidth(GStrings.localize(mLabel)); } void FOptionMenuItem::drawText(int x, int y, int color, const char * text, bool grayed) { DrawOptionText(x, y, color, text, grayed); } int FOptionMenuItem::drawLabel(int indent, int y, EColorRange color, bool grayed) { const char *label = GStrings.localize(mLabel); int x; int w = OptionWidth(label) * CleanXfac_1; if (!mCentered) x = indent - w; else x = (screen->GetWidth() - w) / 2; DrawOptionText(x, y, color, label, grayed); return x; } void FOptionMenuItem::drawValue(int indent, int y, int color, const char *text, bool grayed) { DrawOptionText(indent + CursorSpace(), y, color, text, grayed); } int FOptionMenuItem::CursorSpace() { return (14 * CleanXfac_1); } void FOptionMenuDescriptor::CalcIndent() { // calculate the menu indent int widest = 0, thiswidth; for (unsigned i = 0; i < mItems.Size(); i++) { thiswidth = mItems[i]->GetIndent(); if (thiswidth > widest) widest = thiswidth; } mIndent = widest + 4; } //============================================================================= // // // //============================================================================= FOptionMenuItem *FOptionMenuDescriptor::GetItem(FName name) { for(unsigned i=0;i<mItems.Size(); i++) { FName nm = mItems[i]->GetAction(NULL); if (nm == name) return mItems[i]; } return NULL; } class PlayerMenu : public DOptionMenu { using Super = DOptionMenu; public: void Drawer() { // Hack: The team item is #3. This part doesn't work properly yet. gi->DrawPlayerSprite(origin, (mDesc->mSelectedItem == 3)); Super::Drawer(); } }; static TMenuClassDescriptor<PlayerMenu> _ppm("NewPlayerMenu"); void RegisterOptionMenus() { menuClasses.Push(&_ppm); }