/* ** c_console.cpp ** Implements the console itself ** **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** Copyright 1998-2006 Randy Heit ** All rights reserved. ** ** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ** are met: ** ** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ** 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products ** derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ** ** THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR ** IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES ** OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. ** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, ** INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT ** NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, ** DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY ** THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ** (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF ** THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. **--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** */ #include <string> #include "templates.h" #include "version.h" #include "c_bind.h" #include "c_console.h" #include "c_cvars.h" #include "c_dispatch.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "v_text.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "d_gui.h" #include "cmdlib.h" #include "d_event.h" #include "c_consolebuffer.h" #include "utf8.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "v_font.h" #include "printf.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "texturemanager.h" #include "v_draw.h" #include "i_interface.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "menu.h" #include "menustate.h" #include "v_2ddrawer.h" #include "c_notifybufferbase.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "c_commandbuffer.h" #include "vm.h" #define LEFTMARGIN 8 #define RIGHTMARGIN 8 #define BOTTOMARGIN 12 CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_buffersize, -1, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { // ensure a minimum size if (self >= 0 && self < 128) self = 128; } double NotifyFontScale = 1; DEFINE_GLOBAL(NotifyFontScale) void C_SetNotifyFontScale(double scale) { NotifyFontScale = scale; } FConsoleBuffer *conbuffer; static FTextureID conback; static FTextureID conflat; static uint32_t conshade; static bool conline; extern int chatmodeon; extern FBaseCVar *CVars; extern FConsoleCommand *Commands[FConsoleCommand::HASH_SIZE]; int ConWidth; bool vidactive = false; bool cursoron = false; int ConBottom, ConScroll, RowAdjust; uint64_t CursorTicker; constate_e ConsoleState = c_up; static int TopLine, InsertLine; static void ClearConsole (); struct GameAtExit { GameAtExit(FString str) : Command(str) {} GameAtExit *Next; FString Command; }; static GameAtExit *ExitCmdList; #define SCROLLUP 1 #define SCROLLDN 2 #define SCROLLNO 0 // Buffer for AddToConsole() static char *work = NULL; static int worklen = 0; CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, con_scale, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { if (self < 0) self = 0; } CUSTOM_CVAR(Float, con_alpha, 0.75f, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { if (self < 0.f) self = 0.f; if (self > 1.f) self = 1.f; } // Show developer messages if true. CUSTOM_CVAR(Int, developer, 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) { FScriptPosition::Developer = self; } // Command to run when Ctrl-D is pressed at start of line CVAR(String, con_ctrl_d, "", CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_GLOBALCONFIG) struct History { struct History *Older; struct History *Newer; FString String; }; #define MAXHISTSIZE 50 static struct History *HistHead = NULL, *HistTail = NULL, *HistPos = NULL; static int HistSize; static FNotifyBufferBase *NotifyStrings; void C_SetNotifyBuffer(FNotifyBufferBase* nbb) { NotifyStrings = nbb; } int PrintColors[PRINTLEVELS+2] = { CR_UNTRANSLATED, CR_GOLD, CR_GRAY, CR_GREEN, CR_GREEN, CR_UNTRANSLATED }; static void setmsgcolor (int index, int color); FILE *Logfile = NULL; FIntCVar msglevel ("msg", 0, CVAR_ARCHIVE); CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msg0color, CR_UNTRANSLATED, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (0, self); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msg1color, CR_GOLD, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (1, self); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msg2color, CR_GRAY, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (2, self); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msg3color, CR_GREEN, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (3, self); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msg4color, CR_GREEN, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (4, self); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msgmidcolor, CR_UNTRANSLATED, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (PRINTLEVELS, self); } CUSTOM_CVAR (Int, msgmidcolor2, CR_BROWN, CVAR_ARCHIVE) { setmsgcolor (PRINTLEVELS+1, self); } void C_InitConback(FTextureID fallback, bool tile, double brightness) { conback = TexMan.CheckForTexture ("CONBACK", ETextureType::MiscPatch); conflat = fallback; if (!conback.isValid()) { conback.SetInvalid(); conshade = MAKEARGB(uint8_t(255 - 255*brightness),0,0,0); conline = true; if (!tile) conback = fallback; } else { conshade = 0; conline = false; } } void C_InitConsole (int width, int height, bool ingame) { int cwidth, cheight; vidactive = ingame; if (CurrentConsoleFont != NULL) { cwidth = CurrentConsoleFont->GetCharWidth ('M'); cheight = CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight(); } else { cwidth = cheight = 8; } ConWidth = (width - LEFTMARGIN - RIGHTMARGIN); CmdLine.ConCols = ConWidth / cwidth; if (conbuffer == NULL) conbuffer = new FConsoleBuffer; } //========================================================================== // // CCMD atexit // //========================================================================== UNSAFE_CCMD (atexit) { if (argv.argc() == 1) { Printf ("Registered atexit commands:\n"); GameAtExit *record = ExitCmdList; while (record != NULL) { Printf ("%s\n", record->Command.GetChars()); record = record->Next; } return; } for (int i = 1; i < argv.argc(); ++i) { GameAtExit *record = new GameAtExit(argv[i]); record->Next = ExitCmdList; ExitCmdList = record; } } //========================================================================== // // C_DeinitConsole // // Executes the contents of the atexit cvar, if any, at quit time. // Then releases all of the console's memory. // //========================================================================== void C_DeinitConsole () { GameAtExit *cmd = ExitCmdList; while (cmd != NULL) { GameAtExit *next = cmd->Next; AddCommandString (cmd->Command); delete cmd; cmd = next; } // Free command history History *hist = HistTail; while (hist != NULL) { History *next = hist->Newer; delete hist; hist = next; } HistTail = HistHead = HistPos = NULL; // Free cvars allocated at runtime FBaseCVar *var, *next, **nextp; for (var = CVars, nextp = &CVars; var != NULL; var = next) { next = var->m_Next; if (var->GetFlags() & CVAR_UNSETTABLE) { delete var; *nextp = next; } else { nextp = &var->m_Next; } } // Free alias commands. (i.e. The "commands" that can be allocated // at runtime.) for (size_t i = 0; i < countof(Commands); ++i) { FConsoleCommand *cmd = Commands[i]; while (cmd != NULL) { FConsoleCommand *next = cmd->m_Next; if (cmd->IsAlias()) { delete cmd; } cmd = next; } } // Make sure all tab commands are cleared before the memory for // their names is deallocated. C_ClearTabCommands (); C_ClearDynCCmds(); // Free AddToConsole()'s work buffer if (work != NULL) { free (work); work = NULL; worklen = 0; } if (conbuffer != NULL) { delete conbuffer; conbuffer = NULL; } } static void ClearConsole () { if (conbuffer != NULL) { conbuffer->Clear(); } TopLine = InsertLine = 0; } static void setmsgcolor (int index, int color) { if ((unsigned)color >= (unsigned)NUM_TEXT_COLORS) color = 0; PrintColors[index] = color; } void AddToConsole (int printlevel, const char *text) { conbuffer->AddText(printlevel, MakeUTF8(text)); } //========================================================================== // // // //========================================================================== void WriteLineToLog(FILE *LogFile, const char *outline) { // Strip out any color escape sequences before writing to the log file TArray<char> copy(strlen(outline) + 1); const char * srcp = outline; char * dstp = copy.Data(); while (*srcp != 0) { if (*srcp != TEXTCOLOR_ESCAPE) { *dstp++ = *srcp++; } else if (srcp[1] == '[') { srcp += 2; while (*srcp != ']' && *srcp != 0) srcp++; if (*srcp == ']') srcp++; } else { if (srcp[1] != 0) srcp += 2; else break; } } *dstp = 0; fputs(copy.Data(), LogFile); fflush(LogFile); } extern bool gameisdead; int PrintString (int iprintlevel, const char *outline) { if (gameisdead) return 0; if (!conbuffer) return 0; // when called too early int printlevel = iprintlevel & PRINT_TYPES; if (printlevel < msglevel || *outline == '\0') { return 0; } if (printlevel != PRINT_LOG || Logfile != nullptr) { // Convert everything coming through here to UTF-8 so that all console text is in a consistent format int count; outline = MakeUTF8(outline, &count); if (printlevel != PRINT_LOG) { I_PrintStr(outline); conbuffer->AddText(printlevel, outline); if (vidactive && screen && !(iprintlevel & PRINT_NONOTIFY) && NotifyStrings) { NotifyStrings->AddString(iprintlevel, outline); } } if (Logfile != nullptr && !(iprintlevel & PRINT_NOLOG)) { WriteLineToLog(Logfile, outline); } return count; } return 0; // Don't waste time on calculating this if nothing at all was printed... } int VPrintf (int printlevel, const char *format, va_list parms) { FString outline; outline.VFormat (format, parms); return PrintString (printlevel, outline.GetChars()); } int Printf (int printlevel, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; int count; va_start (argptr, format); count = VPrintf (printlevel, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); return count; } int Printf (const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; int count; va_start (argptr, format); count = VPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); return count; } int DPrintf (int level, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; int count; if (developer >= level) { va_start (argptr, format); count = VPrintf (PRINT_HIGH, format, argptr); va_end (argptr); return count; } else { return 0; } } void C_FlushDisplay () { if (NotifyStrings) NotifyStrings->Clear(); } void C_AdjustBottom () { if (gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE || gamestate == GS_STARTUP) ConBottom = twod->GetHeight(); else if (ConBottom > twod->GetHeight() / 2 || ConsoleState == c_down) ConBottom = twod->GetHeight() / 2; } void C_NewModeAdjust () { C_InitConsole (screen->GetWidth(), screen->GetHeight(), true); C_FlushDisplay (); C_AdjustBottom (); } int consoletic = 0; void C_Ticker() { static int lasttic = 0; consoletic++; if (lasttic == 0) lasttic = consoletic - 1; if (con_buffersize > 0) { conbuffer->ResizeBuffer(con_buffersize); } if (ConsoleState != c_up) { if (ConsoleState == c_falling) { ConBottom += (consoletic - lasttic) * (twod->GetHeight() * 2 / 25); if (ConBottom >= twod->GetHeight() / 2) { ConBottom = twod->GetHeight() / 2; ConsoleState = c_down; } } else if (ConsoleState == c_rising) { ConBottom -= (consoletic - lasttic) * (twod->GetHeight() * 2 / 25); if (ConBottom <= 0) { ConsoleState = c_up; ConBottom = 0; } } } lasttic = consoletic; if (NotifyStrings) NotifyStrings->Tick(); } void C_DrawConsole () { static int oldbottom = 0; int lines, left, offset; int textScale = active_con_scale(twod); left = LEFTMARGIN; lines = (ConBottom/textScale-CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()*2)/CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight(); if (-CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight() + lines*CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight() > ConBottom/textScale - CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()*7/2) { offset = -CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()/2; lines--; } else { offset = -CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight(); } oldbottom = ConBottom; if (ConsoleState == c_up && gamestate != GS_INTRO && gamestate != GS_INTERMISSION && gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE && gamestate != GS_MENUSCREEN) { if (NotifyStrings) NotifyStrings->Draw(); return; } else if (ConBottom) { int visheight; visheight = ConBottom; if (conback.isValid() && gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE) { DrawTexture (twod, TexMan.GetGameTexture(conback), 0, visheight - screen->GetHeight(), DTA_DestWidth, twod->GetWidth(), DTA_DestHeight, twod->GetHeight(), DTA_ColorOverlay, conshade, DTA_Alpha, (gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE) ? (double)con_alpha : 1., DTA_Masked, false, TAG_DONE); } else { if (conflat.isValid() && gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE) { int conbright = 255 - APART(conshade); PalEntry pe((uint8_t(255 * con_alpha)), conbright, conbright, conbright); twod->AddFlatFill(0, visheight - screen->GetHeight(), screen->GetWidth(), visheight, TexMan.GetGameTexture(conflat), 1, CleanXfac, pe, STYLE_Shaded); } else { PalEntry pe((uint8_t)(con_alpha * 255), 0, 0, 0); twod->AddColorOnlyQuad(0, 0, screen->GetWidth(), visheight, pe); } } if (conline && visheight < screen->GetHeight()) { twod->AddColorOnlyQuad(0, visheight, screen->GetWidth(), 1, 0xff000000); } if (ConBottom >= 12) { if (textScale == 1) DrawText(twod, CurrentConsoleFont, CR_ORANGE, twod->GetWidth() - 8 - CurrentConsoleFont->StringWidth (GetVersionString()), ConBottom / textScale - CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight() - 4, GetVersionString(), TAG_DONE); else DrawText(twod, CurrentConsoleFont, CR_ORANGE, twod->GetWidth() / textScale - 8 - CurrentConsoleFont->StringWidth(GetVersionString()), ConBottom / textScale - CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight() - 4, GetVersionString(), DTA_VirtualWidth, twod->GetWidth() / textScale, DTA_VirtualHeight, twod->GetHeight() / textScale, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE); } } if (menuactive != MENU_Off) { return; } if (lines > 0) { // No more enqueuing because adding new text to the console won't touch the actual print data. conbuffer->FormatText(CurrentConsoleFont, ConWidth / textScale); unsigned int consolelines = conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount(); FBrokenLines *blines = conbuffer->GetLines(); FBrokenLines *printline = blines + consolelines - 1 - RowAdjust; int bottomline = ConBottom / textScale - CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()*2 - 4; for(FBrokenLines *p = printline; p >= blines && lines > 0; p--, lines--) { if (textScale == 1) { DrawText(twod, CurrentConsoleFont, CR_TAN, LEFTMARGIN, offset + lines * CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight(), p->Text, TAG_DONE); } else { DrawText(twod, CurrentConsoleFont, CR_TAN, LEFTMARGIN, offset + lines * CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight(), p->Text, DTA_VirtualWidth, twod->GetWidth() / textScale, DTA_VirtualHeight, twod->GetHeight() / textScale, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE); } } if (ConBottom >= 20) { if (gamestate != GS_STARTUP) { auto now = I_msTime(); if (now > CursorTicker) { CursorTicker = now + 500; cursoron = !cursoron; } CmdLine.Draw(left, bottomline, textScale, cursoron); } if (RowAdjust && ConBottom >= CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()*7/2) { // Indicate that the view has been scrolled up (10) // and if we can scroll no further (12) if (textScale == 1) DrawChar(twod, CurrentConsoleFont, CR_GREEN, 0, bottomline, RowAdjust == conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount() ? 12 : 10, TAG_DONE); else DrawChar(twod, CurrentConsoleFont, CR_GREEN, 0, bottomline, RowAdjust == conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount() ? 12 : 10, DTA_VirtualWidth, twod->GetWidth() / textScale, DTA_VirtualHeight, twod->GetHeight() / textScale, DTA_KeepRatio, true, TAG_DONE); } } } } void C_FullConsole () { ConsoleState = c_down; HistPos = NULL; TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; gamestate = GS_FULLCONSOLE; C_AdjustBottom (); } void C_ToggleConsole () { int togglestate; if (gamestate == GS_INTRO) // blocked { return; } if (gamestate == GS_MENUSCREEN) { gameaction = ga_fullconsole; togglestate = c_down; } else if (!chatmodeon && (ConsoleState == c_up || ConsoleState == c_rising) && menuactive == MENU_Off) { ConsoleState = c_falling; HistPos = NULL; TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; togglestate = c_falling; } else if (gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE && gamestate != GS_STARTUP) { ConsoleState = c_rising; C_FlushDisplay(); togglestate = c_rising; } else return; // This must be done as an event callback because the client code does not control the console toggling. if (sysCallbacks.ConsoleToggled) sysCallbacks.ConsoleToggled(togglestate); } void C_HideConsole () { if (gamestate != GS_FULLCONSOLE) { ConsoleState = c_up; ConBottom = 0; HistPos = NULL; } } static bool C_HandleKey (event_t *ev, FCommandBuffer &buffer) { int data1 = ev->data1; bool keepappending = false; switch (ev->subtype) { default: return false; case EV_GUI_Char: if (ev->data2) { // Bash-style shortcuts if (data1 == 'b') { buffer.CursorWordLeft(); break; } else if (data1 == 'f') { buffer.CursorWordRight(); break; } } // Add keypress to command line buffer.AddChar(data1); HistPos = NULL; TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; break; case EV_GUI_WheelUp: case EV_GUI_WheelDown: if (!(ev->data3 & GKM_SHIFT)) { data1 = GK_PGDN + EV_GUI_WheelDown - ev->subtype; } else { data1 = GK_DOWN + EV_GUI_WheelDown - ev->subtype; } // Intentional fallthrough case EV_GUI_KeyDown: case EV_GUI_KeyRepeat: switch (data1) { case '\t': // Try to do tab-completion C_TabComplete ((ev->data3 & GKM_SHIFT) ? false : true); break; case GK_PGUP: if (ev->data3 & (GKM_SHIFT|GKM_CTRL)) { // Scroll console buffer up one page RowAdjust += (twod->GetHeight()-4)/active_con_scale(twod) / ((gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE || gamestate == GS_STARTUP) ? CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight() : CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()*2) - 3; } else if (RowAdjust < conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount()) { // Scroll console buffer up if (ev->subtype == EV_GUI_WheelUp) { RowAdjust += 3; } else { RowAdjust++; } if (RowAdjust > conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount()) { RowAdjust = conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount(); } } break; case GK_PGDN: if (ev->data3 & (GKM_SHIFT|GKM_CTRL)) { // Scroll console buffer down one page const int scrollamt = (twod->GetHeight()-4)/active_con_scale(twod) / ((gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE || gamestate == GS_STARTUP) ? CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight() : CurrentConsoleFont->GetHeight()*2) - 3; if (RowAdjust < scrollamt) { RowAdjust = 0; } else { RowAdjust -= scrollamt; } } else if (RowAdjust > 0) { // Scroll console buffer down if (ev->subtype == EV_GUI_WheelDown) { RowAdjust = std::max (0, RowAdjust - 3); } else { RowAdjust--; } } break; case GK_HOME: if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { // Move to top of console buffer RowAdjust = conbuffer->GetFormattedLineCount(); } else { // Move cursor to start of line buffer.CursorStart(); } break; case GK_END: if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { // Move to bottom of console buffer RowAdjust = 0; } else { // Move cursor to end of line buffer.CursorEnd(); } break; case GK_LEFT: // Move cursor left one character buffer.CursorLeft(); break; case GK_RIGHT: // Move cursor right one character buffer.CursorRight(); break; case '\b': // Erase character to left of cursor buffer.DeleteLeft(); TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; break; case GK_DEL: // Erase character under cursor buffer.DeleteRight(); TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; break; case GK_UP: // Move to previous entry in the command history if (HistPos == NULL) { HistPos = HistHead; } else if (HistPos->Older) { HistPos = HistPos->Older; } if (HistPos) { buffer.SetString(HistPos->String); } TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; break; case GK_DOWN: // Move to next entry in the command history if (HistPos && HistPos->Newer) { HistPos = HistPos->Newer; buffer.SetString(HistPos->String); } else { HistPos = NULL; buffer.SetString(""); } TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; break; case 'X': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.SetString(""); TabbedLast = TabbedList = false; } break; case 'D': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL && buffer.TextLength() == 0) { // Control-D pressed on an empty line if (strlen(con_ctrl_d) == 0) { break; // Replacement is empty, so do nothing } buffer.SetString(*con_ctrl_d); } else { break; } // Intentional fall-through for command(s) added with Ctrl-D case '\r': { // Execute command line (ENTER) FString bufferText = buffer.GetText(); bufferText.StripLeftRight(); Printf(127, TEXTCOLOR_WHITE "]%s\n", bufferText.GetChars()); if (bufferText.Len() == 0) { // Command line is empty, so do nothing to the history } else if (HistHead && HistHead->String.CompareNoCase(bufferText) == 0) { // Command line was the same as the previous one, // so leave the history list alone } else { // Command line is different from last command line, // or there is nothing in the history list, // so add it to the history list. History *temp = new History; temp->String = bufferText; temp->Older = HistHead; if (HistHead) { HistHead->Newer = temp; } temp->Newer = NULL; HistHead = temp; if (!HistTail) { HistTail = temp; } if (HistSize == MAXHISTSIZE) { HistTail = HistTail->Newer; delete HistTail->Older; HistTail->Older = NULL; } else { HistSize++; } } HistPos = NULL; buffer.SetString(""); AddCommandString(bufferText); TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; break; } case '`': // Check to see if we have ` bound to the console before accepting // it as a way to close the console. if (Bindings.GetBinding(KEY_GRAVE).CompareNoCase("toggleconsole")) { break; } case GK_ESCAPE: // Close console and clear command line. But if we're in the // fullscreen console mode, there's nothing to fall back on // if it's closed, so open the main menu instead. if (gamestate == GS_STARTUP) { return false; } else if (gamestate == GS_FULLCONSOLE) { C_DoCommand ("menu_main"); } else { buffer.SetString(""); HistPos = NULL; C_ToggleConsole (); } break; case 'C': case 'V': TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; #ifdef __APPLE__ if (ev->data3 & GKM_META) #else // !__APPLE__ if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) #endif // __APPLE__ { if (data1 == 'C') { // copy to clipboard if (buffer.TextLength() > 0) { I_PutInClipboard(buffer.GetText()); } } else { // paste from clipboard buffer.AddString(I_GetFromClipboard(false)); HistPos = NULL; } break; } break; // Bash-style shortcuts case 'A': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.CursorStart(); } break; case 'E': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.CursorEnd(); } break; case 'W': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.DeleteWordLeft(); keepappending = true; TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; } break; case 'U': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.DeleteLineLeft(); keepappending = true; TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; } break; case 'K': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.DeleteLineRight(); keepappending = true; TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; } break; case 'Y': if (ev->data3 & GKM_CTRL) { buffer.AddYankBuffer(); TabbedLast = false; TabbedList = false; HistPos = NULL; } break; } break; #ifdef __unix__ case EV_GUI_MButtonDown: buffer.AddString(I_GetFromClipboard(true)); HistPos = NULL; break; #endif } buffer.AppendToYankBuffer = keepappending; // Ensure that the cursor is always visible while typing CursorTicker = I_msTime() + 500; cursoron = 1; return true; } bool C_Responder (event_t *ev) { if (ev->type != EV_GUI_Event || ConsoleState == c_up || ConsoleState == c_rising || menuactive != MENU_Off) { return false; } return C_HandleKey(ev, CmdLine); } CCMD (history) { struct History *hist = HistTail; while (hist) { Printf (" %s\n", hist->String.GetChars()); hist = hist->Newer; } } CCMD (clear) { C_FlushDisplay (); ClearConsole (); } CCMD (echo) { int last = argv.argc()-1; for (int i = 1; i <= last; ++i) { FString formatted = strbin1 (argv[i]); Printf ("%s%s", formatted.GetChars(), i!=last ? " " : "\n"); } } CCMD(toggleconsole) { C_ToggleConsole(); }