#pragma once

#include "textures.h"
#include "image.h"
#include "i_time.h"
#include "intvec.h"

// picanm[].sf:
// |bit(1<<7)
// |animtype|animtype|texhitscan|nofullbright|speed|speed|speed|speed|
enum AnimFlags

	PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK = (3 << 6),  // must be 192
	PICANM_MISC_MASK = (3 << 4),
	PICANM_ANIMSPEED_MASK = 15,  // must be 15

	MAXTILES = 30720,
	MAXUSERTILES = (MAXTILES-16)  // reserve 16 tiles at the end


enum ETexType

enum class ReplacementType : int

// NOTE: If the layout of this struct is changed, loadpics() must be modified
// accordingly.
struct picanm_t 
	uint8_t num;  // animate number
	uint8_t sf;  // anim. speed and flags
	uint8_t extra;

	void Clear()
		extra = sf = num = 0;
picanm_t    tileConvertAnimFormat(int32_t const picanmdisk, int* lo, int* to);

struct rottile_t
	int16_t newtile;
	int16_t owner;

struct HightileReplacement
	FGameTexture* faces[6]; // only one gets used by a texture, the other 5 are for skyboxes only
	FVector2 scale;
	float alphacut, specpower, specfactor;
	uint16_t palnum, flags;

class FTileTexture : public FImageSource
		bUseGamePalette = true;
		bTranslucent = false;
	virtual uint8_t* GetRawData() = 0;
	virtual TArray<uint8_t> CreatePalettedPixels(int conversion);
	virtual int CopyPixels(FBitmap* bmp, int conversion);			// This will always ignore 'luminance'.

// A tile coming from an ART file.

class FArtTile : public FTileTexture
	const TArray<uint8_t>& RawPixels;
	const uint32_t Offset;
	FArtTile(const TArray<uint8_t>& backingstore, uint32_t offset, int width, int height)
		: RawPixels(backingstore), Offset(offset)
		Width = width;
		Height = height;
	uint8_t* GetRawData() override final
		return &RawPixels[Offset];

// A tile with its own pixel buffer

class FLooseTile : public FTileTexture
	TArray<uint8_t> RawPixels;
	FLooseTile(TArray<uint8_t>& store, int width, int height)
		RawPixels = std::move(store);
		Width = width;
		Height = height;

	uint8_t* GetRawData() override
		return RawPixels.Data();


// A non-existent tile

class FDummyTile : public FTileTexture
	FDummyTile(int width, int height)
		Width = width;
		Height = height;

	uint8_t* GetRawData() override
		return nullptr;

// A tile with a writable surface

class FWritableTile : public FTileTexture
	TArray<uint8_t> buffer;

		//useType = Writable;

	uint8_t* GetRawData() override
		return buffer.Data();

	bool ResizeImage(int w, int h)
		if (w <= 0 || h <= 0)
			return false;
			Width = w;
			Height = h;
			buffer.Resize(w * h);
			return true;


// A tile with a writable surface

class FRestorableTile : public FWritableTile
	FImageSource* Base;

	FRestorableTile(FImageSource* base)
		Base = base;
		ResizeImage(Width, Height);

	void Reload()
		buffer = std::move(Base->GetPalettedPixels(0));

// One ART file.

struct BuildArtFile
	FString filename;
	TArray<uint8_t> RawData;

	BuildArtFile() = default;
	BuildArtFile(const BuildArtFile&) = delete;
	BuildArtFile& operator=(const BuildArtFile&) = delete;
	BuildArtFile(const BuildArtFile&& other)
		filename = std::move(other.filename);
		RawData = std::move(other.RawData);

	BuildArtFile& operator=(const BuildArtFile&& other)
		filename = std::move(other.filename);
		RawData = std::move(other.RawData);
		return *this;

// THe tile container

struct RawCacheNode
	TArray<uint8_t> data;	
	uint64_t lastUseTime;

struct TileDesc
	FGameTexture* texture;	// the currently active tile
	FGameTexture* backup;	// original backup for map tiles
	RawCacheNode rawCache;	// this is needed for hitscan testing to avoid reloading the texture each time.
	picanm_t picanm;		// animation descriptor
	picanm_t picanmbackup;	// animation descriptor backup when using map tiles
	rottile_t RotTile;// = { -1,-1 };
	TArray<HightileReplacement> Hightiles;
	ReplacementType replacement;
	float alphaThreshold;

struct TexturePick
	FGameTexture* texture;		// which texture to use
	int translation;		// which translation table to use
	int tintFlags;			// which shader tinting options to use
	PalEntry tintColor;		// Tint color
	PalEntry basepalTint;	// can the base palette be done with a global tint effect?

struct BuildTiles
	FGameTexture* Placeholder;
	TDeletingArray<BuildArtFile*> ArtFiles;
	TileDesc tiledata[MAXTILES];
	TArray<FString> addedArt;
	TMap<FGameTexture*, int> TextureToTile;
	TArray<FString> maptilesadded;

	void Init(); // This cannot be a constructor because it needs the texture manager running.

	void CloseAll();

	void AddTile(int tilenum, FGameTexture* tex, bool permap = false);

	void AddTiles(int firsttile, TArray<uint8_t>& store, const char* mapname);

	void AddFile(BuildArtFile* bfd, bool permap)
	int FindFile(const FString& filename)
		return ArtFiles.FindEx([filename](const BuildArtFile* element) { return filename.CompareNoCase(element->filename) == 0; });
	int LoadArtFile(const char* file, const char* mapname = nullptr, int firsttile = -1);
	void LoadArtSet(const char* filename);
	void AddArt(TArray<FString>& art)
		addedArt = std::move(art);
	int GetTileIndex(FGameTexture* tex)
		auto p = TextureToTile.CheckKey(tex);
		return p ? *p : -1;

	void SetupReverseTileMap()
		for (int i = 0; i < MAXTILES; i++)
			if (tiledata[i].texture != nullptr && tiledata[i].texture != Placeholder) TextureToTile.Insert(tiledata[i].texture, i);

	FGameTexture* ValidateCustomTile(int tilenum, ReplacementType type);
	int32_t artLoadFiles(const char* filename);
	uint8_t* tileMakeWritable(int num);
	uint8_t* tileCreate(int tilenum, int width, int height);
	int findUnusedTile(void);
	int tileCreateRotated(int owner);
	void InvalidateTile(int num);
	void MakeCanvas(int tilenum, int width, int height);
	HightileReplacement* FindReplacement(int picnum, int palnum, bool skybox = false);
	void AddReplacement(int picnum, const HightileReplacement&);
	void DeleteReplacement(int picnum, int palnum);
	void DeleteReplacements(int picnum)
		assert(picnum < MAXTILES);

	void PostLoadSetup();


int tileGetCRC32(int tileNum);
int tileImportFromTexture(const char* fn, int tilenum, int alphacut, int istexture);
void tileCopy(int tile, int tempsource, int temppal, int xoffset, int yoffset, int flags);
void tileSetDummy(int tile, int width, int height);
void tileDelete(int tile);
void tileRemoveReplacement(int tile);
bool tileLoad(int tileNum);
void    artClearMapArt(void);
void    artSetupMapArt(const char* filename);
void tileSetAnim(int tile, const picanm_t& anm);
int tileSetHightileReplacement(int picnum, int palnum, const char *filen, float alphacut, float xscale, float yscale, float specpower, float specfactor, uint8_t flags);
int tileSetSkybox(int picnum, int palnum, const char **facenames, int flags );
int tileDeleteReplacement(int picnum, int palnum);
void tileCopySection(int tilenum1, int sx1, int sy1, int xsiz, int ysiz, int tilenum2, int sx2, int sy2);

extern BuildTiles TileFiles;
inline bool tileCheck(int num)
	auto tex = TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture;
	return tex && tex->GetTexelWidth() > 0 && tex->GetTexelHeight() > 0;

inline const uint8_t* tilePtr(int num)
	if (TileFiles.tiledata[num].rawCache.data.Size() == 0)
		auto tex = TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture;
		if (!tex || tex->GetTexelWidth() <= 0 || tex->GetTexelHeight() <= 0) return nullptr;
		TileFiles.tiledata[num].rawCache.data = std::move(tex->GetTexture()->Get8BitPixels(false));
	TileFiles.tiledata[num].rawCache.lastUseTime = I_nsTime();
	return TileFiles.tiledata[num].rawCache.data.Data();

inline bool tileLoad(int tileNum)
	return !!tilePtr(tileNum);

inline uint8_t* tileData(int num)
	auto tex = dynamic_cast<FImageTexture*>(TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture->GetTexture());
	if (!tex) return nullptr;
	auto p = dynamic_cast<FWritableTile*>(tex->GetImage());
	return p ? p->GetRawData() : nullptr;

// Some hacks to allow accessing the no longer existing arrays as if they still were arrays to avoid changing hundreds of lines of code.
struct TileSiz
	const vec2_16_t operator[](size_t index)
		assert(index < MAXTILES);
		vec2_16_t v = { (int16_t)TileFiles.tiledata[index].texture->GetDisplayWidth(), (int16_t)TileFiles.tiledata[index].texture->GetDisplayHeight() };
		return v;
extern TileSiz tilesiz;

struct PicAnm
	picanm_t& operator[](size_t index)
		assert(index < MAXTILES);
		return TileFiles.tiledata[index].picanm;
extern PicAnm picanm;

// Helpers to read the refactored tilesiz array.
inline int tileWidth(int num)
	assert(num < MAXTILES);
	return TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture->GetDisplayWidth();

inline int tileHeight(int num)
	assert(num < MAXTILES);
	return TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture->GetDisplayHeight();

inline int tileLeftOffset(int num)
	assert(num < MAXTILES);
	return TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture->GetDisplayLeftOffset();

inline int tileTopOffset(int num)
	assert(num < MAXTILES);
	return TileFiles.tiledata[num].texture->GetDisplayTopOffset();

inline int widthBits(int num)
	int w = tileWidth(num);
	int j = 15;

	while ((j > 1) && ((1 << j) > w))
	return j;

inline int heightBits(int num)
	int w = tileHeight(num);
	int j = 15;

	while ((j > 1) && ((1 << j) > w))
	return j;

inline rottile_t& RotTile(int tile)
	assert(tile < MAXTILES);
	return TileFiles.tiledata[tile].RotTile;

inline void tileInvalidate(int tilenume, int32_t, int32_t)

int32_t animateoffs(int const tilenum, int fakevar);

inline FGameTexture* tileGetTexture(int tile, bool animate = false)
	assert(tile < MAXTILES);
	if (animate)
		if (picanm[tile].sf & PICANM_ANIMTYPE_MASK)
			tile += animateoffs(tile, 0);

	return TileFiles.tiledata[tile].texture;

bool PickTexture(int picnum, FGameTexture* tex, int paletteid, TexturePick& pick);