#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include "d_gui.h"
#include "zstring.h"

// Input event types.
enum EGenericEvent
	EV_KeyDown,		// data1: scan code, data2: Qwerty ASCII code
	EV_KeyUp,		// same
	EV_Mouse,		// x, y: mouse movement deltas
	EV_GUI_Event,	// subtype specifies actual event
	EV_DeviceChange,// a device has been connected or removed

// Event structure.
struct event_t
	uint8_t		type;
	uint8_t		subtype;
	int16_t 	data1;		// keys / mouse/joystick buttons
	int16_t		data2;
	int16_t		data3;
	float 		x;			// mouse/joystick x move
	float 		y;			// mouse/joystick y move

// Called by IO functions when input is detected.
void D_PostEvent (event_t* ev);
void D_RemoveNextCharEvent();
void D_ProcessEvents(void);
void PostMouseMove(int x, int y);


extern	event_t 		events[MAXEVENTS];
extern int eventhead;
extern int eventtail;

struct FUiEvent
	// this essentially translates event_t UI events to ZScript.
	EGUIEvent Type;
	// for keys/chars/whatever
	FString KeyString;
	int KeyChar;
	// for mouse
	int MouseX;
	int MouseY;
	// global (?)
	bool IsShift;
	bool IsCtrl;
	bool IsAlt;

	FUiEvent(const event_t *ev);

struct FInputEvent
	// this translates regular event_t events to ZScript (not UI, UI events are sent via DUiEvent and only if requested!)
	EGenericEvent Type = EV_None;
	// for keys
	int KeyScan;
	FString KeyString;
	int KeyChar;
	// for mouse
	int MouseX;
	int MouseY;

	FInputEvent(const event_t *ev);